Big Brother 12: Week 3 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 12 the results of the season’s third live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the fourth HoH competition. While we wait for the results be sure to Fan us on Facebook and join in the fun we’re having there!

I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results. Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we tear apart tonight’s live episode!

Wow, just as promised Andrew dropped a cluster-bomb on the house with his “save me” speech by accusing Hayden and Kristen of secretly attacking all the HGs. Their in a frenzy trying to re-evaluate their votes. You’ll definitely want your live feeds ready to see how the house reacts after the live show.

Big Brother 12 Week 3 Live Eviction voting:

  • Kristen: Andrew
  • Rachel: Andrew
  • Britney: Andrew
  • Enzo: Andrew
  • Brendon: Andrew
  • That’s enough votes to evict Andrew.
  • Lane: Andrew
  • Hayden: Andrew
  • Ragan: Andrew

By a vote of 8 to 0, Andrew has been evicted from the Big Brother 12 house!

Big Brother 12 Week 3 HoH Competition – ‘Big Brother Knockout’:

  • Round 1: Hayden is correct, Britney is eliminated
  • Round 2: Rachel is correct, Brendon is eliminated
  • Round 3: Kristen is correct, Hayden is eliminated
  • Round 4: Kathy is incorrect, Kathy is eliminated
  • Round 5: Kristen is correct, Enzo is eliminated
  • Round 6: Rachel is correct, Ragan is eliminated
  • Round 7: Lane is correct, Kristen is eliminated
  • Round 8: Rachel is correct, Lane is eliminated

Rachel is the new HoH for the second time this season. Wow. Well… that kinda sucks, or does it? At least there’s good news with the reveal of a new (old) twist. Pandora’s Box will return next week and give one HG the chance to become the new (old) Saboteur for two weeks and win $20K for pulling more Sabo-pranks.

Oh hell yeah! The HGs are already fighting! Rachel is fighting with Kristen and Hayden in the backyard over what Andrew revealed! Rachel agreed that she’ll put up the secret showmance. Big Brother drama on the live feeds (free trial)!

Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house. You won’t want to miss it and the only way to watch it uncut and unedited is with the Big Brother 24/7 uncensored feeds.

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  1. I gotta say your site has completely been below-average this season… You used to post multiple updates per day and show lots of pictures — especially the perv-cam…

    I’m sure you will pull this posting, however back in S10, your site was the one to convince me to get the feeds and last season I went through you to get them so you can get whatever bonus SP pays…

    However this season, your site is my least-viewed site as there’s nothing anything news-worthy… You have the best URL, but really need to pick it up a bit!

    Scotty, Sorry you’re dissatisfied with the site this season. We’ve actually been putting out nearly twice the daily updates we did last season (heck, we put up 5 posts today) and definitely way more than in BB10. Not only are we posting even more updates (and more pics everyday) but traffic here at the site has tripled with over a million pageviews a week. Perhaps you’ve confused this site with another. We’re obviously having a great time this season and I think the rest of the readers are too. – Matt

  2. Wow.. this proves my point! 9 mins before the show premieres and I’m #1? oyyyy

    Um. This post went up minutes before the show started…

  3. So who got voted off hey scotty k how ya doing i finaly move into my new home in Oroville ca. and love it people come over and camp right in our back yard LOL!

  4. Blandon is so boring. After you get past the looks there is nothing there. Its like watching paint dry.

  5. Kathy needs the money to secure an education for her son and needs to be sure he is taken care of…DUH!!! The dude is 20 something and to the best of my knowledge he is in good health…DUH…Has he never heard of self support…

  6. But she was “shocked” that he lied about her health. That she wrote the letter after she found out

  7. Matt should have just told everyone that his wife needed super expensive dental work.

  8. I missed the first 10 minutes, did anything important happen?

    And, I also appreciate this site, thanks Matt!

  9. OMG!!!! Dude Andrew is such an idiot…hahaha you gotta love him though. He’s out for sure!

  10. What was Andrew thinking! He basically just tried to out everybody! Unbelievable. He just pissed off half of the voters. It will be interesting to see the effects of this outburst though. Too bad he won’t be around to see them.

    Unless he’s the houseguest that gets brought back…

  11. andrew is the man! he was going home anyway, now he needs to expose matt for faking his wifes disease.

  12. #32 – Andrew admitted after Matt read his letter that he thinks Matt is telling the truth. Do you not watch the show?

  13. Can’t wait for west coast feed. Looks like Brendon chickened out. Lets go Brigade for HOH!!

  14. PLLLLLLLEEEEEZZZZE – Another sob story – this time from Kathy. Enough already. Andrew – you are after Brendon and Rachel – and then you ask Brendon to use the veto on you? That stupid comment and your rage at the nomination guarantes you are leaving. This is not the BB house, this is the Bates Motel – loaded with Psychos.

  15. This season pisses me off. It seems everyone is too spineless to not vote with the rest of the house. WTF? I almost had respect for Kathy except that she seems to have purposely not voted with the house last week for the sake of claiming she’s capable of acting independently of everyone else.

  16. Why did julie tell andrew about matts lie if there is a possibility he might return to the house?

  17. I think you just answered your own question…he wont be returning in the house, they will all be part of the jury

  18. I’m happy she did, that way he could go back and tell him.

    I also hate rachel now. Only person I like is Brendon.

  19. cmon brenden win HOH, otherwise this house will get obvious and boring if no one believes the H and K story

  20. Rachel need and her fake boob self need to go. Every time they show her goodbye message, I just want to slap her and even punch her. At the start of the season i actually liked her because she looked like she was actually smart and might go far. Now I just want her out. Brandon really could do better, Rachel may be the reason he gets evicted.

  21. happy she got hoh though. lol. the person i want to see go is kristen. she is a sneaky tramp. she is way more scandalous than rachel. damn cheater!

  22. Okay Rachel may be annoying and need to be slapped or punch or kick but I will admit that when it comes to competition, she may not suck that much.

  23. YES!!!! Not a Rachel fan but that secures Brendon!! Now maybe she will put up Matt and not waste the HOH like all the others!

  24. oh frigging oh!!!! I cannot believe another week of that skank and her mouth….and Julie Chen needs to get off the “power couple ” kick..She along with CBS needs to read a few of our opinions in here..

  25. Ugh!!!! I hate her! I hate her! I HATE her!!!!!

    I’ve never commented on anything before and that’s why I am now…that’s how much I hate Rachel!!!!

    Seriously?!?!? Brendon would actually be a good player if he didn’t have that hag chained to his lips!

  26. wow!!!!! rachel is the H.O.H againn!!! i think theres goin be an issue with her n kristin,,did yhu see how thea keep choosin each other??



    you guys will understand VERY SOON why this is HUGE….

    it was going to be a BORING season with brenden next to go…NOW, they will go in the next 2-3 weeks instead, and get to SHAKE IT ON UP!!!

    YEs YEs YEs YEs

    and I hate rachel, I just want the other hg’s to sweat!

  28. GO RACHEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE’S KICKING ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. @Connie: I agree, they need to realize we hate them together and rig the game, in any way, to make the game miserable for the couple, and evict Rachel.

  30. hunter, do you not realize they can equally mess up the entire house keeping B and R 1 more week…its AWESOME!

  31. lol new she would i hope she puts up hayden and krystebnn and brachel get reagen and brit on there side start a 4 on 4 thing

  32. oh the brigade is going to have the BEST week of feeds ever…yesssss thank you andrew,rachel

  33. The girls are already fighting! Yes! Thank you, Andrew, for giving us some needed drama! Who are we thinking to be the new saboteur?!

  34. ok she just called kristen a floater…adn she (racheal) hasn’t made ONE decision on her own…racheal isn’t a floater she is riding on coat tails…I wish kristen would have said that.

  35. I thought Hayden was going to bring Kristin down, but it’s def. going to be the other way around. Hayden better get a leash on his girl before she breaks up the Brigade.

  36. The skanky one has started her reign of terror on Kristen. Don’t care if Kristen is evicted as long as the bograde is safe.

  37. Hayden and Kristen get nommed. Unless Kristen wins veto, she goes home. I get the feeling that the other 3 Brigade members would rather send Kristen home, even over Kathy, and especially over Ragan.

    However, if Kristen wins veto and Rachel puts up Matt, then the house will get REALLY interesting.

  38. im telling you this is the only way to get the house to start providing us with quality drama :)

  39. HAHA as I predicted Andrew would go out with a bang and expose all of the secrets he had kept. If only he was able to expose Matt. I think Rachel sucks go Kristen if you make it through this week take her out. Brenden run while you can. I got some advice for you restraining order and mental institution she is such a drama queen.

  40. she should put up kristen and hayden then if one of them go home, backdoor matt. come on rachel!


    Rachel!!! :) This is the first time I’m actually siding with one of the least popular people in the house. :D

  42. Woohoo Rachel!!! I’m so happy but didn’t think her and Brenden would get so lucky! I think Rachel is very amusing and adds a fair quality of drama to the house so things don’t stay boring for long. And this also means I get to salivate over delicious Brendon for at least the next two weeks!

  43. Who does Rachel think she is..From the conversation last nite (her own words told the tale)she is a very well paid escort..In other words she is an “UP TOWN HO”!!!! “HER MAN” is more of an idiot than I thought… CBS I thought nothing could Nasty Natty from last year but man oh man U just may have scraped the bottom of the barrel when u found Rachel..

  44. see…this gets REALLY good also because B/R are 2 votes…they WONT make it to the end, we know this…but 2 of the 4 needed votes…means no more B and R bashing to no end…its time to actually play the othe rpeople in the house for once

  45. Wow! It’s starting to get interesting now. I love that Rachel and Kristen are into it!

  46. Ugh. I’m just sitting there, blinking in disbelief as Rachel picks off the house guests one by one in the HOH.

    She’s like some kind of idiot savant: Rainwoman!!


    Well Ragan has to be the new Sab, he’s the only one in the house with the brains to pull it off and not get himself sent home.

  47. WOW…..What a show…..I love airing out dirty laundry…..Rachael has power trips…..Funny Stuff.

  48. there is no doubt rachel is nuts, but they are in the jury now…I am STOKED that the brigade didnt get a free ride

  49. With the Kristen and Rachel Drama leaves Lane and Enzo safe just sit back and enjoy the ride. Watch the girl fights and go soil some more shirts….lol.

  50. Well, if Andrew was going to go out he might as well let out each and every secret he was hiding.

    At least he made things interesting! Though this last move might not have saved him he successfully exposed the hidden showmance, which Hayden seems to have kept from the Brigade while hinting that they’ve dumped on other Brigade members.

    I CANNOT wait to see how the Brigade reacts to Andrews announcement AND Rachel being HOH again.

    On that note, please don’t begrudge Rachel this HOH win. The woman went up literally every other round and still managed to come away winning. Every. Single. Fracking. Time.

  51. gotta hand it to them though, these werent easy comps…even the card game POV was tough…luck is on their side but regardless….pretty impressive..especially considering they sit there all day arguing or kissing

  52. @ #20, poops mcgee..So true!Greatly
    I love Andrew! I am so glad he pulled a tell all!

  53. After that HOH win MATT is in some deep crap n’ I mean deep as to the brigade..

  54. @Abby Yeah you’re right. It is FINALLY starting to get interesting!!

    TY so much Andrew….too bad it cost you the game but you did shake things up.

  55. Give R credit. But she and B have no more allies! I think Kristen would rather thow-down and get kicked out than voted out. Red extentions will go flying. Straight Philly girl… proceed with caution Rachel.

  56. Scottie “K”, you need to lighten up. If you don’t like this site, then don’t let the door hit you on your way out. Rachel, the new HOH.? Well Matt, do you still think that you are a genius. Last year we had a blond bimbo win, and it kinda looks like we will have a red-headed bimbo get the cash this year. I’m getting tired of the Bates motel and the cast of psychos.

  57. I’m probably one of the few that doesn’t hate rachel or brendon. I think they’re gonna go alot further than certain selfproclamed “geniuses”

  58. the thing more annoying than seeing brendon and rachel make out is people’s obsession with talking trash about them. we get it! you think she is a whore, who cares! so is kristen for cheatin on her boyfriend on tv.

  59. thats the point though, B and R were DEAD in the house as it was…what this does is it makes the other people play the game…finally, and that will make the rest of the season very very good

  60. I’m so glad Rachel won HOH. This proves 2 things…1. the show is not rigged to benefit rachel and brendon, and 2. rachel is in fact a good competitor.

    No matter how annoying, ugly, fake boobish, etc she is…she has proven herself worthy to be in this house. Everyone hates her, and that just shows how much of an actual threat she is.

    And as a bonus, it’s good to see the female of a couple taking control. Brendons gotta get off her coat tails quick ;-)

  61. what do you mean porn? its not even close to that

    lately its been harder to watch because anytiem brenden speaks, rachel shuts him down..then she goes on and on telling ragen/brit ANYTHING

  62. OMGG WAY TO GO MATT!!! UR BRILLIANT PLAN LAST WEEK SURE HELPED THIS WEEK…BRENDON ND RACHAL R GOIN HOME NOW…STPUID IDIOT..I AT LEAST HOPE U GO UP and then homeee…i cant STAND racheal..ugh w/e this show is just plane annoying now!!!!!!!

  63. You know what CBS? Why don’t you just give the scripts of HOH comp’s to Rachael and Brendon!!!! This is so SET UP…. DISGUSTING!!!Now we have to see the HO-BAG for another 2 weeks….COME ON!!!!

  64. I turned my tv off when Rachel won HOH. I may not watch BB anymore until she is GONE. Her voice, her laugh. Her morals. I don’t associate with the likes of her. No more.

  65. Yeah I bet Britney is smiling inside because Rachel is now bunting heads with another female in the house besides herself. I don’t like the Brachel showmance but you have to give them credit. They are a force to be reckoned with and they could go down as one of the best alliances in BB history!

  66. I don’t get why Rachel is so upset and targeting Kristen and Hayden? Just cause now her and brendon aren’t the only showmance in the house?

  67. how was this hoh competition rigged? please…enlighten me.

    rachel was called out EVERY question and she won it fair and square.

  68. who cares if rachel is annoying? it sure beats watching paint dry, which is the equiv of watching the brigade and the rest of the house sit there talking about B and R

  69. It isnt the couple that bothers me it is how pathetic he acts around her and how stupid she acts just the sound of her voice and her constant nagging rakes my nerves…uhg it is nice they are safe because more drama and it takes the heat off of others.

  70. The brigade is not as smart as they think they are because if they were they would have put the couple on the block but now they will at least be apart of the Jury of 7

  71. rachel is mad because kristen pretended to rachel that they were close when rachel had HOH the first time…that is why she hates kristen.

    end of story

  72. First, what is the “bograde”? Secondly, how is Rachel riding anybodies coattails? She is the only two time H.O.H. . She seems to be doing fine by herself.

  73. Hey Summer 65. Please put an initial after your name so that people can tell us apart. I will be Summer S.

  74. I’m soooo annoyed that Rachel won. I rly wanted them on the block this week!!!!!!!!!!
    She doesn’t want ppl targeting her romance yet she is the first to want to target the other

  75. @Abby…I agree 100%. To me this is good, because I think britney is funny so she should stay a little bit longer.

    @Emily..That’s exactly why she’s targeting Kristen and Hayden. She needs to be the only showmance there. How many farewell messages said “NOBODY gets inbetween ME and MY MAN!” hahaha.

    She also probably has some anger built up because everyone’s been targeting them because they were a couple. Now she wants Kristen and Hayden to get the same treatment.

  76. She is going to see strong the rest of the house is if she puts both Hayden and Kris up. Britney will support her on Kris. I have a feeling Brendon will convince her to put Kathy back up. Brendon does not want to make himself anymore of a target for the rest of the guys.

  77. rach mad cuz kristen called her up everytime and she thought they were close i think that theres a possiblity she could stay safe if her hayden go up and she can smoth shit over with rach or win pov that would be awsome shed get rach brendan kathy and raagen hed get teh bogade lol so i think it cold go smothly get read of these clowns i like enzo and lane needs get away from them before theey are exposed but we shall see im very happy

  78. I am so glad Andrew exposed Kristen and Hayden. They are both a little too cocky for me and they need to feel the heat a little bit. They both have acted like they have it made!!

  79. no brendon like kathy he knows its time to split the house he weill make sure hayden or kristen go home or they strike a deal and he puts up like lane and enzo which will suck cuz i liek them as well as brachel

  80. HAHA!! SUCK IT all you Rachel haters!!

    Now we see the real Kristen come out…
    B***H go home!!

  81. I can’t watch anymore..she makes me sick.
    thanks for lots of great post!see you next time.

  82. Lane n’ Enzo gonna get down on MATT bigtime..They ain’t gonna like this week on e bit n’ it’s all Matt’s fault..

  83. Rachel you’re awesome! Show that house whos the bitch in charge!!!!! Win bb12!!!!!!!!

  84. Wow, that speech was amazing. I missed what Andrew was saying about Britney, Ragan, and Enzo. Did anyone else catch it?

  85. All of Rachel’s studying paid off this week. But, I believe she showed her true colors in the fight with Kristin after HOH. She feels threatened by Kristin, that is the only reason she wants her out. The HG’s screwed up the first week when they did not get Rachel out. Big mistake, this girl knows the BB game inside and out. I am afraid Hayden and Kristen are going on the block, if one doesn’t win veto, Kristen is going home. I hate when people get any kind of power and all of the sudden get very cocky with it as Rachel did tonight. Not impressed.

  86. well…gonna be interesting to see if Hayden and Kristen can get everyone to believe Andrew was lying, seems to be where they are heading…but the seed of doubt has been planted! and as far as CBS is concerned doesnt matter if folks like Rachel and Brenden or hate them…people are tuning in to see them win or lose. *and they seem to be the biggest topic of conversation on this site, just saying :)

  87. @Lynn…I think it was Kristen who showed her true colors, not Rachel.

    How would you react after a competition if you were forced up EVERYTIME. If that was me I would have rubbed it in all their faces. Of course they were all frustrated but Rachel should love every minute of it.

  88. She has every right to be cocky. The WHOLE house keeps coming after her. Let somebody keep backing you into a corner and lets see if you don’t lash out eventually.

  89. How does everyone feel about “the saboteur” coming back? I’m kind of disappointed. I thought the idea was terrible and was so excited to see CBS big twist backfire. And as soon as the season gets interesting, they want to try their plan again…

    What do you think?

  90. Thanks 4 all the updates greatly appreciated, now i cannot stand to watch that redhead win or even advance any farther with that showmance of a boyfriend, I am so tired and fed up with them winning everything, whether its HoH or winning Pov and taking themselves off the block, i want them out or at least broken up!!!!!:(

  91. Let me start by saying how adamant I am about my hatred for Rachel. Okay, that said, I have to say that the most interesting move that could possibly happen in the house is that skank winning HOH. Because if the house hates her half as much as I do then heads will finally be rolling!! Downside – listening to that whore go on and on and on for another couple of weeks. I’m sure it’ll be worth it though!!

  92. im not a fan of brenchel but i give it to them, they keep on winning competitions unlike jeff and jordan before. people should start paying attention on how they play the game not bec. of how the person laughs or acts. i hate matt, he reminds me so much of ronnie from last year. i hope matt and kristen will be nominated this week, kristen is just a wallflower there anyway, shes worst than kathy. i will be voting for RAGAN TO BE SAB, i think he is the only one who can pull it off better.

  93. First off I love that Andrew told everything and how Rachel won HoH. It’s finally going to be exciting cause it’s been pretty boring.

    However, like most people I can’t stand Rachel because of the way she acts and presents herself, but she does pretty well in competitions. Also, I think Brendon could be an amazing competitor if he wasn’t with her, but it is what it is. I’m just really surprised that every week they somehow manage to save themselves. That’s pretty admirable considering they don’t really have any help from any other house guests.

    And to the comments that say CBS rigs the game I personally don’t think that makes sense. I’m guessing that CBS people read what people think about this season and I think they want there to be more viewers so I don’t think they are going to rig it to displease the viewers. However, if they it’s very unfortunate.

  94. @grandmom silver. Boy do I agree with you!
    I can’t watch this week I’m gonna throw up

  95. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i can’t believe it i know it’s just pure luck but maybe it’s a good thing in disguise but then again maybe it’s wishful thinking and i think it will be but with the “discussion” that the house had as the show was going off the air i hope it doesn’t happen but i think it will that hayden and kristen will go up and hayden will be saved via votes or hayden or one of the brigade wins pov

  96. How can you be mad? They aren’t cheating,lying to get sympathy, telling everybody a sob story to get votes, or sneaking around in the dark like hayden and master splinter. They are just playing the hell outta the game. I respect that. They are not floating. They have been fighting the most out of anybody to stay in the game. Only two people against the whole house, they are doing a hell of job. Stop hating..

  97. WOW!! That was GOOD TV!!!

    I wish Regan would have won, but atleast it looks to be an INTERESTING week…to say the least!!!

  98. Matt, im wonderin’ why you dont have no interviews from evicted houseguests this season yet?

  99. I think Kristen made herself look guilty by getting all rowled up! She should have just remained kool and pretended like Andrew was lying. Of course they were going to be suspicious because of the way she reacted!

  100. sorry i haven’t read the previous posts, so this is what i think. i actually for tv/drama week am actually happy rachel won. she plays personal and is a gamer (let’s face it guys, luck or not). it’s only 34 minutes after the show and everyone is freaking out so i think this week will be interesting and the game is realy going to begin.

  101. Haha Rose, Master Splinter! She does actually resemble that rat. For awhile I was hoping Britney would get voted off shortly because I couldn’t stand her drama and the sight of her made me want to throw up. But now she’s starting to grow on me a little. I would much rather see Kristen get voted out… she is so fake and mean! And Hayden is a dumb dumb boy for falling for her.

  102. to Rose…I totally agree! You have to respect that they are ACTUALLY playing the game. There is nothing worse than tuning in on finale night to see two floaters in those chairs!!!

    ps-My fav is Regan.

  103. oh and about the SAB…we vote and CBS makes an offer to the winner…well, if the cocky Matt wins, he will turn it down because he assumes he is going to win the Big money…someone like Kathy would be more likely to accept it, because she really doesnt have a chance to go all the way, but could possibly make it 2 weeks. Ragan would be stupid to accept, because i really think he has a good chance of winning it all…actually out of everyone that is left, Kathy is probably the only one that would accept it…don’t cha think?

  104. Whoa!!!! Hayden making like everybody after R&B except him n’ Kristen.. HA HA HA HA oh man wait till the other “B” Boys find out.. gonna chew him up…oh maan…get eeem Lane n’ Enzo..

  105. jackay, I think your right.
    Matt has an ego bigger than Kathy’s southern accent! There is no way he would accept it.

    Kathy is going for the sympathy vote, so if she really NEEDS the money…she will accept it. However; I don’t think America will waste that vote on her, she does NOTHING and has NO game!

  106. See I love how all the haters can go stfu because Rachel won!

    Who’s the stupid one now?

    I love that Rachel doesn’t have to be pretentious with her intelligence. But when she needs it she uses it better than anyone else!

    Rachel & Brendan need to run that fake floaters aka Kristen and her boo Hayden to the ground!

  107. What makes this exciting now is how expecting the unexpected will go down during the week. It will only get crazier. I think the Brigade and the rest should pull a card that will result in Rachel or Brendan going crazy, getting physical and getting kicked out.

  108. @dany1 i dont know who would vote for Kathy …just saying she is probably the only one humble enough to accept it…the rest would turn it down, in my opinion because they all have such a high opinion of themselves, and think they will win more money by staying..who do you think would ACCEPT the offer? not who will get the votes?

  109. Well now a second showmance to good to be true Andrew was as dumb as everyone thought!!! He opened a can of worms.Even though he is gone he certainly buried some bodies and has placed a target on a few more. His mouth was his worst enemy as we all know however his departure certainly will be remembered.Good for him for exposing Kristan and Haden.My question is what is with Matt Shaving under his arms??? Boy that was a shocker Go Kathy and all of you Rachel and Brandon have an IQ that you should be so lucky to have.You should be so intelligent and they make a fine couple go Brachel everyone should Think before they judge as there are a lot of people who can’t see the forest for the trees. lucky.

  110. @ Ang..yes, Master splinter needs to go home.Lol… i thought Britney was the worse but that rat rubs me the wrong way.

    I’m Team Brendon or Ragan. I wouldn’t mind Rachel only cause she would have actually earned it. Get the floaters now.Starting with Kristen.

  111. I voted 4 ragan to be the sab… i think he would be a funny, and a wise one to be the sab!!!!and like u said Kathy could not be the saboteur it would be most obvious.

  112. 1st off I need Marcellus to step and Andrew to be crowned “THE DUMBEST BIG BROTHER HOUSEGUEST EVER”.

    Now let’s get Kirsten out. I was hoping for next elimination. You know the one right before Jury House but this week will work fine!!!

  113. Sooooo excited that Rachel won HOH. Go Brenchel! I only wish that andrew’s speech didnt back fire. Kathy is a waste of space and not playing the game so makes no sense to keep her there. Andrew would have made it interesting. He stirred up the drama before he left so should be a good week.

  114. I think she will see that she will not have any support and feel the house is even more against her and B now. I think the house will drive her crazy. Someone pivotal will get POV and Brendon will go up. Meltdown. Physical altercation. Somebody gets booted by production.

  115. What did Andrew say when leaving?

    Does anyone know why they don’t do what they did way back in the first BB when the public got to help kick out a house guest.

    None of these house guests are very entertaining.

  116. I think I’m going to be sick. Just thinking about Roachel and Brendumb shucking face all the time and cooing all over each other makes me want to puke!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they are meant for the other…they both have very, very, very, very low standards.

    Who else is skipping this week???? I can’t bare to watch…EWWW

  117. Yeah skanky get kristen out so you can be the last woman standing. She will be doing the brigade a favour by getting rid of Kristen. Go Brogade, you are doing great cuz crazy azz andrew didn’t have a clue otherwise he would have outed them too.

  118. How do you know the rest of the house will still be gunning for her? Hayden still has to explain his little secret alliance and Matt already has shown he has doubts about getting rid of B and R. Rachel and Brit are getting closer too.

  119. Kristen has sealed her fate, although Andrew had ousted the showmance and sent him self to the grave he dragged kristen with him. I believe Kristen had said things about the house guest it’s just too believeable, Yet that is NOT the reason why shes going to go shes beginning to act as if those HGs owe her something. She fought wit the HOH i mean have common sense Andrew was right Kristen is going to take Hayden down right with her with her stupid b*tchy act. Buh-bye Kristen you idiot

  120. Brit is using Roachel to keep the target off her back and nothing more…I hope! She felt its sting and made moves to avoid the pain. That sounds more like what Brit would do. She doesn’t seem like a person who’d hangout with Roachel outside the house.

  121. Am I the only person that thinks Kristen is a slut? She is cheating on her boyfriend on tv. She’s the nasty one. How is Rachel a skank? Cause she is a single woman who hooked up with a single man. Get over it. This isn’t about her personal decisions, they have a right to get together if they want. This is about how she is playing the game. I thought that was what BB was about, not how she looks or sounds. If thats the case, Kristen offends me with her face so she should go home.

  122. So much changes. Since the changes are in B/R favor so early; its going to turn back around on them. Britney is not really with her. She told Ragan that last night she just needs to be safe untill Kris is out. Ragan is fleeing, will still play along though, and Matt really does not care either way.

  123. @Torch

    But that’s what makes them so special…or have you not heard them elude to that over a dozen time when they’re cleaning each other’s throats.

  124. @ Torch, what else is there to do? Everybody else sits around looking at the walls. Lol! They are a man and woman, its not like they can go out to dinner and a movie, they are stuck in the BB house.

  125. what we find offensive about Rachel is the cloths she wears like her dresses get real a street walker wears longer dresses than rach the scank. and those stupid hair exstensions.

  126. Oh I am gonna watch this week..Just to see the Brigade 3 beat Matt’s ass…But may be the Brigade 2 (Enzo n’ Lane).. cause they gonna probably oust Hayden..I don’t care what Rachel does..

  127. I hate that Rachel won the hoh.If she is smart she will use this chance to build an alliance with some of the others. The law of averages says that her and Brendan can’t get to the end by winning every time. She can’t play for HOH next week. Whoever wins next week will have to nominate them or they will be gone the next week.Racheal needs to think of her safety rather than her stupid cat fight mentality of voting out the weakest girls. Her and Brendan want to get rid of floaters instead of the game players-BAD MOVE!

  128. So…let me get this right. She is a skank because she wears hair extensions and short dresses? Lmao! Wow… But if you cheat on your boyfriend in front of the world and have natural hair and wear just a tad but less revealing clothes, you are a what, mother Theresa? Hell half the world must be skanks. What about her game play? How do you feel about that or do we just judge who should win based off someone’s appearance? Everyone feels its ok to lie about your wife having a serious disease but we want to burn Rachel at the stake cause she wears extensions?

  129. @jamie- i TOTALLY agree with you!! what a 2 face whore……i also wish that rachael wld like wash her hair or somthing. seriously girl it GROSS!!!!

  130. most are outside enjoying the fresh air,but true to form Rachel tried to get Brendon of by themselves so that they could go at it again but Brendon turned her down, good boy.

  131. @Rose

    Thank you!

    Even I have to admit that Rachel has begun to wear on me a bit, but of the comments about her…I don’t get it.

    Yes, Rachel flung herself at Brendon. Who was more than happy to fling himself back. Both were single, both were consenting and Rachel’s choice of dress is her own.

    What I have a problem with, what strikes me as completely wrong, is someone who cheats on their significant other.

    How anyone can call Rachel a “skank” without condemning Kristen is beyond the depths of my understanding.

  132. I for one love watching them suck face. And I loooooove Rachel!!!! SO glad she won HOH again. Kick their ass sea bass!!!!

  133. @ Lilly. I like being called rare. you can keep the bud part, name is ROSE. I don’t go along with the majority just because. It has to make sense. And what a lot of people is saying makes NO sense. you want her gone cause of her hair extensions…smh

  134. NO ROSE..She is a skank cause she admitted on BBAD that she associates and entertains men ( paid escort) all the while accepting expensive gifts and trips from them..Again she is an UPTOWN HO by her own admission..

  135. I didn’t won’t to get into the character bad mouthing but Racheal has admitted that she is a paid escort. They fly her to different cities to be with them. She claims she doesn’t have sex with them so that makes her a whore and a liar.

  136. i hate rachel all the way and brendon somewhat, but a TRUE bb fan will admit. they are playing a INCREDIBLE GAME.

    they suck interacting with the houseguest but it doesnt matter when u just keep winning.

    damn u matt, if u just would have put up BOTH of them the first time around. now u got BOTH of them in the damn jury!

    ime suspending ur mensa card!! lol

  137. So she said this from the beginning? Because these comments have been the same since she first got in the house. People just like to bash someone, so I guess its got to be Rachel, even though she is kicking ass and taking names. With her man…lol.

    Can we focus on game play for a moment? What has Kathy bought to the game or Kristen? Nothing!

  138. Brenchel won’t be together outside the house. Its a summer fling. I thought they would be before until he told her that he loved and she backed away from the kiss and said he was playing with fire. I love watching them tho.

    Get that pre-nup Brendan, she’s a gold digger. Still love Rachel tho.

  139. Budman things are looking real bad for your girl kris. But this is BB expect the unexpected.

  140. Why is everyone always hating on Rachel. Her personality is annoying but she is one of the best players in the house and I don’t see how they could say she rides on Brendon’s coattails when she won 2 hoh comps by herself. She is an awesome player maybe even better than my all time fave Janelle, if only she had Janelle’s personality….Get over it and like rachel says “stop being a hater!”

  141. hey rose what’s up I see you feel spreading for your man like rachel is doing doesn’t make her a skank well if she was at home in private I would agree but on a televised reality show that has l i v e f e e d s that makes her a skank in my book.

  142. blackgirl-When has the expected actually happened? Kristen is not going anywhere. Just a prediction!

  143. @ROSE

    Her hair extensions? Did I type that…no.

    My opinion is this…YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOOK LIKE A STREETWALKER OR HAVE A MAN TO BE APPRECIATED…she embarrasses intelligent woman.

    Don’t get so wound up…”bud” wasn’t calling you small, just your opinion compared to others on this site. Comprehension helps translation. Sounds like you want to create a fight. We can share opinions with out trying to change minds or argue.

  144. I read these all the time & have never posted until now b/c I’m so disapointed with this season. I don’t like anyone this year although B/Hayden/Lane are sexy to look at! B/R wonders why everyones targeting them but there the only ones who have a clear/obvious alliance! Its big brother your suppose to be sneaky like the Brigade or H/K. I would like B if R wasn’t around, true she is playing the game but she is on the show for the wrong reasons! She would give up the money for love…this is not a dating show, if I wanted to see that I would watch the Bachlorette!

  145. @ homer. She is not the first in BB history to do it. Get over it. If everybody in the house wasn’t so damn boring you wouldn’t have to watch that.

  146. Ideally Kathy should go this week. She has no game play. Leave the jury to the gamers. go home to her son and help him find a job.

  147. No, she embarrasses herself. So what, its her life, not yours.

    i’m not arguing. just voicing my opinion. Everyone keeps going on and on about her being a skank/whore. I’m tired of hearing about it. Get over it. She is playing a good game. and actually there are a lot of people on this site who believe the same as I do.

  148. The house has a common target which is B/R if they go home then the house is forced to turn on each other that’s when the fun will start! But it looks like that won’t be happening anytime soon! I don’t know how much more of the Brendon/Rachel show I can handle!

  149. a few more things than off to bed. so sick of people saying this is rigged. Yes it is big brother and yes they do things like the sab, bring people back and numerous other twists, but they will NOT do something that could bring a law suit against them. give that one a rest. sounds like jeff is coming back only for a short time due to his around the world journey. yes the sab is coming back love the idea or not and if they can make it 2 weeks they win 20g’s. My personal vote was for reagon because i think he could pull it off. kristen may have just been the downfall for hayden if heyden cant save her, but given the fact rachel just tried to apologize to her and kristen didn’t accept, don’t think it is goin to happen. this is big brother so anything can happen. like it or not i think we all got what we wanted tho. the big brother we love. lot’s of drama, cat fights, stratagy and all the rest that is big brother. now the debates can realy begin and we as viewers can start having fun. can’t wait and enjoy reading all of your thoughts even if i don’t agree with them, but this would be pretty boring if we all did. Have a great night all:)

  150. only one more eviction than the jury house will start to fill. so the question now who will be the first in the jury house. whoever it is will have a week all by themselves to contemplate how they got evicted.

  151. who said it wont get interesting till B and R leavE? you serious? this was the EXACT scenario that had to play out to force people to make new moves…thank goodness!

    AND, no more dissing B and R…why? because they are now 2 of 4 needed votes to win the game

  152. But the HOH does name the replacement if the pov is used. and Rachel would not put up Brenden

  153. Does anyone have live feeds? Did the fight get worse after the live broadcast?????? FILL US IN!

  154. jackay..I totally agree..Kathy may be the only one that would accept the 20K …to try..she probably knows there is no way in hell to win it all or even second place…hell her days are numbered and this week proved it…so why not try for 20K…sounds about right to me…even if she doesn’t get the votes they may end up asking everyone if they would accept the challenge…they need to do something to keep things going

  155. Rachel is a hater. She is so jealous of Kristen. Why do some people only notice the girls as floaters. Enzo and Lane are zero s. The brigade sucks! An alliance of four and they can t get this bimbo and her boyfriend out of the game. The best gamer is Ragan. Who is a floater and he made sure he did not win hoh tonight. Good strategy

  156. Gotcha! Got it now. Ragan’s gonna make them (B/R)fight then. Can’t vote them out – instigate a separation!! Give ME som pop rocks!!

  157. lol haha!!! Very happy with this turn out!!! I hope the BRIGADE re-evaluates its’ members….

  158. Okay, all you Rachel haters….I agree with all the big boob, bad mouth, college educated but acts like an airhead nonsense, HOWEVER, you have to give it to her. The girl can compete and for getting into a “showmance” basically in the first week and surviving with her ‘beau’ so far (28 days)…they are a power couple as opposed to the Brigade, which is like putting dumb (Hayden), dumb (Matt), dumber (Enzo), and a redneck together. BB has had many more powerful alliances that have graced the BB house…this might be the year of the power couple…ya never know!

  159. by the way Rose… i completely agree with you. I was just saying how 95% of the commentary on here is dissing Rachel… its ridiculous. Let the girl dress how she wants- and they can’t deny she’s a damn good player… she’s won HOH 2x already…and its only week 4

  160. @Barbie: I completely agree with you. Four strong guys in an alliance and they can’t get B/R out of the house. Matt took the easy way out with his nominations this week, even as matt admitted he wanted Brenden or Rachel out. Matt had said he wanted to backdoor Brendon, but POV is very risky. I don’t dislike anyone this season, but my personal feeling is these houseguests are afraid to make bold and risky nominations so far this season. We’ll see what happens now that Rachel is in charge this week..

  161. I an SO GLAD Rachel won HOH!!! I also love your web site. I thank you for all you do, because last week I was going crazy. I couldn’t wait until BBAD. I don’t have live feed and you saved me by keeping me updated.
    Thanks so much!!

  162. Anyone wanna give us some heads up about what happened after HOH for those of us that don’t have live feed????

  163. @ Lilly…I totally agree with you!

    @ ajk…this is the first post I have ever made so its the first time I have had a chance to express my opinions about B/R or dissing them as you called it. I think the house has been split and if B/R left it would stir things up b/c the entire house would need a new target. Whoever R puts up this week won’t be an easy decision for the other house guests where as if B/R were up I think it would be a easy vote. I know there’s a lot of B/R fans on the site but that makes it fun like Kristi said it would be boring if we all agreed! Not sure what my game play would be like, wish they would do BB in Canada!!!

  164. Just wanted to ask how many of you were OMG when Brenden said “i love you” to Rachel??? They make a cute couple, sort of ….

  165. On BBAD last night Enzo kept yelling I hate Jews after he lost to Andrew in pool I would think that CBS would say something to him about it but I’ve not heard anything about it. Rachel should go after like Matt and lane and try to splinter the brigade…….. I still think Brittany and Kathy are related some how jmop

  166. Think hard about this Rachael is college educated, very smart, and a strong player (HOH x2)maybe the airhead thing is just for show? Give her some credit she is playing a better game than most!

    Someone said Racheal was riding on brendon’s coat tails but I think it is the other way around.

    GO RACHAEL!!!!

  167. Mindy:: Don’t forget that Brenden has won 2 POVS, so I think they help balance each others power.

  168. most interesting thing that could possibly happen:

    the brigade kicks hayden out for going behind their backs and having a shomace/trash talking them. Desperate, Hayden and Kristen form an alliance with Rachel and Brendon.

    now that would be good to watch!

  169. By the way, since this is game we get to choose who to root for and who should dislike. Like watching football, you want the opposing teams qb to fall on their ass!! Ragan, Lane, Brit, Enzo; win this game. How great did Britney look tonight? Right?

  170. I know we should have BB Canada they did it for SYTYCD!

    A lot of players get caught up in the friendships/showmances and forget about the money! Your in it to win it not make friends or lovers! That’s why I was suprised to hear Rachel say she would pick B over the money. She’s a good competitor but not in it for the right reasons!

  171. the thing you hate the most about people is usually what you hate the most about yourself… all of you haters who hate Rachel… maybe you’re the same??? How can you hate characters of a TV show anyway? Get a life losers

  172. maine rachel is just doin her thang,,she is the strongest competer in the bb,,brenden is actuallyy just sittin pretty while she do the work,,matt is smart for not puttin them up cusz now he is safe from elimination..kristen is just mad cusz she got exposed with her business n hayden pretty much dnt care at the moment,,the rest of the birgade needs to reallii step up their so called “game” cusz they are a floater as much as kathy n britney,,ragan is defenitly safe from everybodyyy,,

  173. Can anybody clarify exactly what Andrew said in his speech… I caught some of it…but would like to know exactly …anybody?????

  174. @ Kimberly – I agree with you. We have nothing invested but the time we choose to watch this show.

    How great was it hearing what Andrew had to say?? I truly believe that he did what hundreds of other players wanted to do on their way out but were afraid to do. Big ups to Andrew. Andrew’s fate was decided earlier at the POV meeting, however what he did at the was classic and the best send off I have ever seen in BB history!!

  175. Andrew outed Hayden and Kristen by saying he saw and heard them making out when he was in the room with them and not a have not. He told Enzo people were saying he was stupid. He said Kristen or Kirsten, whatev her name is wasn’t really Ragan’s friend like he thought. He also said something to Lane about Hayden keeping him around for awhile, but not the whole way over Enzo I think…feel free to correct me anyone…I thought it was shocking he did all that, but certainly spiced things up and I think overall will take a little heat off of Brenden for awhile…might even expose the Brigade…

  176. OK guys – this is what I got from other BB sites about what happen after the HoH:
    – Rachel put Kristen ON BLAST and apparently the two of them drop more f-bombs than in the movie “Slap Shot”! Somehow (and unsurprisingly), Brendan and Hayden got into the mix, so the once BFF couples are now bitter enemies. Kristen hated being called out by Rachel and vow revenge (‘don’t exactly know how she’ll manage to do that since she seems completely unable to win any comps!) Afterward, Hayden tried his hardest to butter up Rachel to save her showmance’s, but especially, his own ass, but Rachel now seems an immune to his Kool-Aid. Brenchel tried to apologize to Kristen afterward, but she didn’t want to hear none of that (proving once and for all HOW STUPID she really is…)
    And that seems to be the highlights on this evening.
    BTW – Rachel’s A BEAST! She’s trying hard to become Janelle 2.0 – every reasoning that you have scream at you how dumb she SHOULD be, but, at every comp, there she is, doing better than most people and surviving with her boy-toy even though those two have a huge target in their backs since day 1. So we have to give her props – kudos, girl. Now, if she could only stop some of the dumbest parting words at the evicted HG, I’ll finally take her more seriously!

  177. Don’t hate when you write a paragraph and hit a wrong button and erase it?? It was cool too.

  178. I do not understand all the Rahel haters. This is a game adn she is a true player. No one else in the house is stepping up so why support them. Let the game begin and stop all the negative personal stuff.

  179. @stacy 226..didnt andrew also said sumthng about britney havin a weird accent or sumthng bout hw she twaks?

  180. rachel – good competitor for HOH – went up every time!

    andrew – glad he aired some secrets.

    hrigade – finally found out about the showmance with one of their own….about time!

    Nominated (my wish) Kristen and Hayden…but could always backdoor Matt.

    Regan should be the one to sabatage the house!

  181. To anyone who supporting Ragen, Kathy, or Britany: you guys REALLY should drop some dollars over the live feeds. Let’s just say that, if you weren’t a fan of the Nerd Herd back in the day, YOU SHOULDN’T BE A FAN OF THOSE THREE.

  182. LMAO at the just the first two comments on this blog!!! HA ! HA! LOL Team Brechel over here! She may say some dumb sh!t, but her and brenden are the consistent ones when it comes to winning!

  183. Watch how stuff goes down this week. I bet you! Brigade big time game! Rachel and brendan break-up meltdown because America will trend KRAYDEN is a better couple. What? Check it out yo!!

  184. but Andrews speach was too little, too late, though i loved it! Put kryden on blast for their secret relationship, well, told hayden he needs to dump her, she’s a mean person. Something about britney, i couldnt really understand it.

  185. There is something very diabolical about Brendon, I can’t quite figure it out yet. He gets this look in his eyes. I cannot take another week of those two in bed sticking their tongues down each others throat. Why they did not vote her out the first week if beyond me….she is trying so hard to be a Janelle wanna-be, it ain’t gonna happen, my dear. Get to the damn jury house with Brendon and then you can both screw yourselves to death.

  186. lol Nic, nice, but it ain’t gonna happen! She should put up krysten and hayden, and possibly backdoor matt!

  187. Brenchel beats out Krayden ANYDAY! At least they had the guts to come out with their showmance instead of trying to hide out. No guts, no glory.

    Andrew did say something about Brittany…don’t remember what tho???

  188. Yea, considering Krysten is not better than kathy, she just has herself a man in there now. Maybe Kathy can still shack up with Enzo?? LOL

  189. @84: i should probably smack you in the face for saying that! How the F is rachel a floater and a coat rider when she has won almost half of the hoh comp? come on let’s get real here! I know everyone hates brenchel but i feel like ppl are taking this thing way too far! We all know deep down who the floaters are in the house. Rachel was right about kristin floating herself to the end. Lane is the next floater and coattail rider ppl need to talk about. I feel like he’s not pulling his weight and he’s clearly putting the targets on his fellow brigade members.

  190. thanks sara.

    even though i am not a fan of brachel, she is a good compitor on the thinking games of HOH – or else the other ones are just too chicken.

  191. Who gets sent home this week does not matter much. What comes around goes around. Matt can go, kristen can go, hayden can go. They will not win this competetion. But I’m saying if the week starts good for one, it goes bad towards the end. I bet you all B/R will break up in the next 7 days. They are not Americas couple. Production has to twist this. No one will take sabatour job.

  192. @Lynn: Oy. If Brendon’s evil, the rest of the guys left in the house are definitely a SATAN’S SPAWN.
    Look at it this way: the worse thing Brendon done so far, and you even point it out, is make up none-stop with Rachel… Matt, on the other hand, actually made up a deadly illness for his wife to get some sympathy.

    I guess what I’m saying, Lynn, is that we got a SLIGHT disagreement on what evil means.

  193. where is all this brenchel breaking up stuff coming from??? I mean please…let’s just let reality set in that this is a showmance, but they are too powerful together btw HOH and POV that they won’t jeopardize taking each other to the end in this thing by breaking up.

  194. I just wonder if the people who think Rachel is a floater has even WATCHED an episode yet??? Would a floater win HOH twice already??? I DONNNNNT think so….. The day Kathy, Lane, Enzo, or Krysten win HOH twice is when they’ll stop being floaters

  195. Rachel put on longer extentions right? What is she gonna do about her roots? And somebody better calm kris down. She’s gonna go ape!!

  196. Well there is REALLY a target on their backs now (Brendan and Rachel, I mean). If Brendan manages to win HOH next week, I’ll give up — THAT can’t happen unless BB manipulates it.

    Question: Who or what is Master Splinter???

  197. I didn’t like rachel at all before, but now you have to give her props she basically just beat the entire house in that HOH comp.

  198. @Marigold: Master Splinter is the master of the Ninja Turtles – God, you’re such a girl!

    BTW, what’s your issue with Brenchel? If there’s one thing entertaining this season (and it’s probably the ONLY thing of interest right now!), it’s seeing a whole house gunning for two HGs and being COMPLETELY unable to get them out!

  199. I don’t understand how Kathy could have gotten her answer wrong. She was one of the people tied to the graffiti wall in the competition. You would think someone who was in the competition would remember it.

  200. @Kelsey294

    Great point! 2 reasons:

    1. She couldn’t think under pressure/ she’s dumb.

    2. She doesn’t want the HOH, b/c she doesn’t want the blood on her hands.

    ps-I think its the latter, of course!

  201. So glad Andrew revealed the secret showmance. It’s about time someone got some of the bridage members out. It is getting too boring with the consistent target on Rachel and Brendon’s back.

  202. LIKE are you LIKE fking LIKE kidding me!! LIKE WTH!!! If Rachel does NOT LIKE keep saying LIKE I’m going to LIKE go freaking postal!!

  203. @ dj

    Thanks for your 2 points! I definitely think she should have went for it though after telling everyone her reasons for winning the money.

  204. Matt’s wife is so disfigured it’s awful to watch her on TV. I once knew a PhD guy who has a policy of only dating stupid girls so he could “always looks smart.” Not that I think Matt is intelligent (in fact, I find him to be of mediocre intelligence), but I’m pretty sure he uses the same tactic in life.

    Well done, Matt. Not that I thought you could do better…

  205. What is there to seriously watch if there is no brechel??? The idiot brigade vs. the floaters?!?!?! BOOOOOriiiiing!

  206. @MightyMad: I know that Matt made up the illness about it wife, he should be ashamed of himself. I feel that Rachel and Brendon are in this only to think that they can move on to bigger and better things, like Jeff and Jordan did, the only difference is, Jeff and Jordan were liked. You can tell when rachel is trying to get one of her “digs” in, just watch her eyes, she knows exactly what she is doing, maybe I was wrong, I think she is the diabolical one, she is playing the “sweet card.”

  207. Brendan is gonna move on to better women when he gets out the house. When he gets out the house. Did I say ‘when HE’ get out?? I the relationship is so fake they’ll get an honorary Emmy. Brendon gets 10s on any night no strings attached. Why settle for a 6.5 with make-up and Juvaderm?? Back to Flamingo Rd. Rach!!

  208. Rachel winning is the best case scenario for Britney (my fave, obviously) and here’s why:
    Kristen & Hayden- showmance revealed
    Matt- major FAIL last week & wife karma
    Lane & Enzo- the brigade can’t beat Brachel
    Kathy & Ragan- zero strategy…floaters
    Brendon- too sensitive
    Rachel- now close with Brit, will be power trippin’ mad style
    Andrew’s gone & no longer associated with Monet, Britney has this game on lock.

  209. Yeah Britney is my gave girl. She can cruise and watch the whole house fight, look cute, and work on her eye strength.

  210. OH CRAP, I TAPED THE SHOW AND JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT!! r u kiddin’ me? Everyone has gone HIGH SCHOOL or POSTAL or whatever the newest sayin’ is. Miss intuition won HOH, and she is is gonna take Kristen down? Those two she devils should make an alliance! I am actually rootin’ for for, oh hell, I do not not know yet. I still say say Rachael is a A no brainer, please tell me this is not the best of the worst?

  211. @ Nic Brit is a little cutie! Barbie like almost! What happened after the T.V. show ended?

  212. I am sooooo disappointed. BRACHEL NEEDS TO GOOOOOO!!! I want them out of the house. They are killing Big Brother for me. lol

  213. Too bad Britney is too short to get caught in the shower on camera you know what I mean? She’s like a full C on the little body ;)

  214. thank goodness for andrew and rachel winning…it lead to great drama, FINALLY.

    and I must say, its hilarious to see a group of people get together and say lets get these people out, and fail week after week. Kudos B and R for winning those tough challenges…impressed.

  215. ROSE! you’re my favorite blogger on here ! :) post 200 was the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  216. OK let’s not get heated now!
    1st – Rachel is NOT a floater, I think #84 made a mistake, she meant Kathy, Britt or Kristen perhaps. Anyone true BB fan who watched the show the past 3 weeks KNOWS she’s the best competitor right now – period. Hate it or Love it but that IS the truth, NO the comp was not rigged, c’mon, she went up how many times to win her knock out round and she showed up ALL of dem! I did find it interesting that Kristen & her were going back & forth like that, it would be SOOO delish if THOSE TWO had an alliance going! It would be so freakin’ brilliant! No one would see that comin’ period! Oh well (sigh) not likely to happen! As for Andrew well gotta go out with a *bang* let’s see Mr. Campus Crew dig his way out of this one, pretty words won’t cut it with ‘meow mix man’. :P. As for Ragan I so hope he would be the SAB – he’d be gr8! Why on earth would CBS get rid of the two ppls who generate SOOO much haters comments on all the websites and chat blogs? U guys are not thinkin’, CBS ain’t EVER gettin’ rid of them 2, unless they get backdoor’ed that is! Ratings for this show should be hella good! Oh and FYI : this site is really good! Can we PLEASE start typing relevant comments about the game and cut the haters crap it’s so high school. This is not a TWEEN site.

  217. Still a little blowed away by all that happened! I think Brandon has an already girlfriend outside of the of this little money making make me famous for a day show! I will not believe he would do this for miss Intuition. OH< and someone needs to pop the SMALL zit on her chin. @ Nikkl, I agree with you, 199%.

  218. thanks sara & rose! had to reach #200, best comment of the night! all this talk of skank and hair extensions, it’s like degrassi junior high with some of u! kristen’s boyfriend’s gotta to be hella pissed of her making out, 1/2 a mil or not. I agree Jules as well, some of these comments make NO sense. Think first, THEN type! :P

  219. Gotta love all the women on this site being petty and hating on people they’ve never met for personal reasons. Anyway. gonna make my prediction for the week. Kristen and Hayden nominated. They have Kathy’s vote plus 3 brigade votes and only need 4 votes to be safe so…Brigade wins POV and saves Hayden. rachel puts up regan as a pawn. Regan goes home. Brigade is outed but controls the house. America will chose Brittney as saboteur.

  220. I’m psyched that Rachel won HOH! It’s about time there’s some drama worth talking about!
    My guess is that she nominates Kristen and Matt, and attempts to be rid of Kristen.
    I think the Brigade is soon to be a forgotten alliance! There’s been seeds of doubt planted everywhere, and sceptism is definately on the rise!

  221. poops mcgee, thats funny and so true!
    wow andrew went crazy, it sucks cuz i was going for him!! dont have live feeds, cant wait to see what happened on sunday!! i dont like rachel, but i thought it was good that she won

  222. oh this is going to be a great week. kristin and rachel wiill go at it ALLLLLLLL week.

    kristin will get off in that arse because she is meaner, and rachel just talks back and make sup stuff.

    rachel needs to be put in her place. she walks around here with no respect for any of the female houseguest, and then starts drama between them. kristin is the girl (monet was too but where is she at? lol) but kristin will tear that betch up as she should.

    rachel is a great gamer as far as comps go, but she will learn soon enough u cant step on EVERYONE’s else’s toes unless ur evil dick haha.

    plus she always steps on brendon’s balls all the time. and i hate HIM for that.

    rachel will get her’s. its coming.

  223. See what is happening? What did I say? Not even a day is gone. Rachel getting possesive and stuff…

  224. OMG………funny how all of a sudden everyone is Brachel’s friends…..except Kristen. Kristen shouldn’t get mad, everything Andrew said was true………wonder what Kathy had up her sleeve had Andrew stayed…..:)

  225. Okay, Hilton, FIRST of all, not all of of the women are pretty.,.!! Do you have a pretty little glass ball in front of you?? THE last time I looked this was a game, why does it it always have to be THE LOOKS?? The guys play on it and the pretty little girks.! YA, I spelled it wrong. I so give up on this show and the game. It is not a even a game any more.!!!!! TORCH, Nic HELP? Lilly, HAS it turned to this?

  226. I kinda glad Rachel is going so postal, that gets everyone off Brendan’s back…..YEAH……:)

  227. Rachel played well tonight. Kristen was also playing well, except when she lost to Lane. What I thought was weird was that Lane basically played one time before going up against Rachel at the end. Seems that if Lane wanted the Brigade to be in power from the shadows this week, he should have let Kristen win and take on Rachel in the final, as Kristen was on a hot streak. Wondering if Lane purposely went into and then threw the final so that he could continue to lay low, playing personally instead of thinking of the Brigade.

    I am getting a little tired of the same goodbye message from Rachel each week that contains the words “get between me and my man.” Rachel is a strong player, but seems to wear all of her emotions on her sleeves. She also seems to let jealousy, whether real or imagined, be the basis of many of her decisions. This should be an interesting week.

  228. Well its gonna be a fight! Rachel isn’t gonna hold it together. Brendan won’t handle Rachel taking the low road. See how its going down?

  229. everything andrew said was true about kristen…im sorry, but if you watch her, she sits there, has this laugh, and makes fun of people…then says “im just not like that.” every time…and she is, shes worse…shes the mean girl…we all knew a girl like her in high school…she was mean to the core…thats kristen…rachel is the party girl, silly more than malicious…kristen starting a fight over rachel “making a face” at her…is really childish…shows her true colors

    but brenden is a good guy, he wont want rachel to keep saying things about kristen now…(still though, never quite on the same malicious level as kristen, or monet)

  230. how can ANYONE believe kristen now? shes basically kathy, as she lied about any kissing with hayden…we all saw it…or at least I have on the feeds many times.

  231. I don’t even know what to think about this show anymore. I really wanted Kristen or Ragan to win. The sound of Rachel’s voice stabs the depths of my soul. Gawd she is annoying! And a little strange looking.

    I would love to see the two couples team up and get Matt and Enzo outta the house, but I have a strong feeling that Kristen is gone this week. Best win that veto gurrrrrrl!!!

  232. Interesting how Kathy does not care NOW. Next two – three weeks will be predicable – although I don’t know how the jury house works. Do they wait for more people to be in jury or what?

  233. does anybody really know what a “floater” is? it is a piece of “fec . . matter” that no matter how many times gets flushed, keeps coming back up the bowl. persistent. b&r are definitely persistent with their HOH and POV wins. r should nominate enzo and hayden with a plan to backdoor matt.

  234. Firsy great site Matt!
    The brigade has to be bb’s worse alliance team. These airheads can’t BUY a hg or veto win. The one time they do (matt),he basically wastes a week by not putting up their comp.

  235. Skanky(yeah I said don’t like bite it) is on her powertrip so early in her HoH reign. Bet she puts up two girls cuz they are sooooooo threatening to her.

  236. Rachel should be on a power trip! Put that rat looking heifer out now so she is not in the jury house. However, I wouldn’t call it power trippin when the entire house keeps coming after you, its called pissed. They make a BIG deal about her alliance and right in the other room, Master Splinter and Man Bangs are kissing face too. And that trifling hoe has a boyfriend. What you call Rachel doesn’t matter because those two by themselves are rocking the house.

    Splinter just mad cause she got called out! Lmao… Too bad. Run for the hills Hayden, cause that no winning rat will not take you far.

  237. And why do you people care so much about if they will be together after the show? Lol! What exactly does that have to do with game play? A lot these people sound like that group that was after Janelle cause she kept winning and they were pissed so they cried and whined about everything she did. Lol! People are so funny, turning BB into “As the world turns”…smh…this is not the stories. Keep it relevant!

  238. If those morons don’t step up and get that fake boobed redheaded whore out of the house, she’s going to win in the same way Evel Dick did. How many freaking times did they have a chance to get rid of ED and fail to do it??

  239. After reading all 335 of these posts I am just amazed at how many of you can’t admit that R & B are the only two playing the game. All the others do NOTHING but talk about R & B. I am so glad Andrew told everything. I only wish he’d done it earlier. Now the maybe the house will come alive. I totally agree with #314 Jules and #200 Rose. The Brigade consist of the dumbest group I have ever seen on the show and R & B are the only two with any game play. Yeah, I too am a little tired of the constant kissing but at least they play the game. I hope Rachael puts up Kristen and Matt. I’d love to see both go.

  240. I on the other hand LOVE the brigade. Noone even knows that this is an ACTUAL alliance!!!!!!!1
    Even tho they are keeping cool they are not targets per se yet.

    I can say the only reason BR are such `gameplayers`is because they are so terrified of being seperated! How can you say Rachel even wants to play the game when she told Julie herself that she would take `love`(Brendon) OVER THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!
    Ya ‘some’ gameplayer

  241. @mightymad- You shouldnt be the one telling us who we should root for or like
    And whats with the `youre such a girl`comment? No stereotyping please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  242. hey rose why do you care so much about one red headed bimbo from las vegas is she your daughter or something. and to set the record strait Kristen and her boyfriend where talking about breaking up anyway, and lastly still at least she doesn’t dress like a common street walker like rachel I know your going to whine back but before you use a word like skanky maybe you should know what it means, and you complain about other’s calling rachel other name’s but with you it’s like calling the pot calling the kettle black, if ya don’t like it don’t do yourself,and I’m taking my own advise and from now on I will only call the HG’s by their given name or HG.

  243. @303 Sara
    You mean floaters vs floaters?
    Who will there be to win HOH or POV? Noone else can or wants to win.

    Matt, can you make a room for character bashing? I like the site but am sick or reading all about people going on about the looks of the characters. This is a game, lets talk about the game.

  244. the probem for me this year, is that there is no one to really like. How can they all be so bad? I’m sick of R&B. CBS doesn’t want to lose that nasty couple. Notice all the videos so far are of Rachel and her nasty self. I won’t be watching the show next week. Had enough.

  245. @ Torch . No hun, she’s not my daughter. Like I said before and will say as long as I want, you people talk about irrelevant shit. So its ok to be a cheating winch just as long as you don’t dress provocative. She don’t dress no worse than the rest of the girls young girls walking around. Where do you live, in the backwoods? You people who complain about B and R are the only ones whining all the time about how much you hate them…. we get it! can we talk about the game now. Geez…

    @ jker0404 I completely agree. They need to set up a blog for people to go on and on about how skanky rachel dresses. Cause that’s all they care about. This isn’t high school, grow up

    And who gives a rats ass if she would take love over money, she still playing harder than the people supposedly there for the money.

    Don’t get mad at me because I don’t agree with people, I’m saying what most people been wanting to say to the real whiners. This isn’t a soap opera, its BB. People hook up, deal with it. Like I said before how do you feel about how they are playing the game. Forget her looks, what she does outside of the house, her voice, blah, blah, blah

  246. omg….i cannot believe rachel won HOH again! you have to admit she is a good competitor (or the show is rigged)…but what i honesly gagged at was her goodbye video to andrew “come between me and my man”….at first i thought it was her, but now i realize it is totally scripted. I mean she cannot be that stupid!…..

    she will most def put up kristen because as people mentioned before she wants to be the top female and is easily threatened by another’pretty” girl. especially someone fesity like kristen.
    but i dont think she’ll put up hayden. i could seee her putting up a floater such as ragen and it totally back firing becasue kristen has the brigade to back her up

  247. I used to like Kristin her true colors came out last night. Why arn’t her and Rachel friends anymore? I guess I missed something. I bet she is wishing they were still friends.

  248. Good competitor my hiney. Both HoH’s Boobchel won were by luck. No skill was involved.

    Brandon did a good job with his 2 POV’s. But then, he’s got a few brain cells. Boobchel’s are still drowning in Patrรณn and wine.

    Matt’s playing a good game. Ragan’s playing a good game. Andrew was screwing up left and right.

    Just because someone is ‘floating’ doesn’t mean they’re not playing. Doing nothing is still doing something, especially if you’re not doing it strategically.

  249. #119 Alex & #122 Abby—-Totally Agree! Major forces to be reckoned with. They are the only 2 winning things in the house—against all odds. As much as I dont like seeing the showmance thing either-people lets be real and call it what it is-they are kicking butt up in that house. And why as soon as someone starts winning-why does it always have to be that the show is rigged? Come on people-get off that one seriously!

  250. I cannot stand Rachel, she’s only going to bring Brandon down. I think he would go further without her. It really annoys me when she says don’t mess with my man. Just sounds stupid. Rachel is soooooo annoying

  251. I couldn’t believe it when Bren said “I love you” to Boobchel. That’s going to come back to bite him in the ass, and I don’t mean in a good way.

    I honestly cannot understand how he can stand listening to that fake high-pitched whiny voice all day long. She doesn’t talk like that when he’s not around.

    What a fake bitch. Is there ANYTHING real about her?

  252. Isnt this game about who plays it the best???? And btw Rachel and Brendon have sure shown that they are in it to win it. Everytime Brendon has needed that pov he wins it. Rachel winning her second Hoh. I hate the showmance also but damn they sure do know how to compete.

  253. I do not like Rachel because she does not really play a smart game she only won HOH by hitting the button and guesing at the answer. She is so fake and I guess Kristen just got tired of her. She lies to everyone she is the one that started the fight with Monet by telling Kristen that they said that Monet had her vote. She also said that she did not use the B word and she call Kathy and Kristen that the other day. She has a major drinking problem every time I see her she is looking for something to drink. Even Brendon told her last night that if she did not stop trying to antaganize Kristen that he would not let her drink anymore in the house. She is just a loud mouth. And she always want to be petted and kissed give me a break.

    She just makes me sick. I have never hated a player this much. She will get what is coming to her and I hope that it is Britney that sticks it to her and Brendon. That would be too funny. Britney has not really gotten over her putting Monet out of the house when she could have put someone else up.

    And the Brigade they are just a bunch of BOZO’s they can’t get anything right. They had the opportunity and messed that up. They should be looking at Matt real close. But I guess it is easy to sit back and watch the game and not be in the game. That is just my two cents

  254. Rachel is nothing but a controlling demanding child. Any woman that after two days sleeps with a man has a name that i will not mention here…she has absolutely no self respect whatsoever…her mother must be so proud of her..she needs to go..sick to death of her smooching and trashy ways..makes all women look bad

  255. Rachel is nothing but a Vegas Pig. She is fat and her phoney boobs are a joke. She is not pretty and her laugh….lets not go there. She acts like a hooker . That hair dye color has to go.She has no personality, she is rude, stupid and is nothing but trailer trash.

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