Big Brother 12: Week 3 Live Eviction Episode Tonight

Tonight on Big Brother 12 we’ll have our third live eviction in the BB12 season as either Andrew or Kathy will be evicted and sent off to sequester.

The live eviction will be followed by a new HoH competition and after last week’s endurance comp it’s a safe bet that this week we’ll have a quick and dirty race to crown a new executioner. I’ll be here posting all the results live during the East coast broadcast show so keep checking back for the latest BB12 updates.

Share your thoughts and tell us why you want to see either Andrew or Kathy go home. Be sure to vote in our Eviction poll too. Don’t forget to join us tonight in the Big Brother Chat Room during the live eviction show at 8PM EST!

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  1. Geez, I am so sick of the two “lovebirds”. What is wrong with CBS? All they show anymore are the two of them making out or something else sexual or could lead to sex!!! I am sick of this!!! CBS turn the cameras aways from the these two people!

  2. I agree Susan, I would like to see more game play then kissing for sure. I can’t stand that the HG’s are thinking of throwing the HOH tonight. That just gives Brachel and better chance to win it. I’m going for Enzo to win tonight!

    LOOK FOR THE LONG SLEEVE NAVY SHIRT ON RAGAN. Per live feeds if he wears that he is throwing it!

  3. Matt is a stupid player cause he voted Kathie and Andrew and he went against his team mates so ya i am glade he as a target on his back from his team.

  4. I agree Susan, I would like to see more game play then kissing for sure. I can’t stand that the HG’s are thinking of throwing the HOH tonight. That just gives Brachel and better chance to win it. I’m going for Enzo to win tonight!

    LOOK FOR THE LONG SLEEVE NAVY SHIRT ON RAGAN. Per live f-eeds if he wears that he is throwing it!

  5. Matt doesnt have a target on his back. Yeah the brigade wanted him to put up Brenchel but I think they were happy with the backdoor plan. They arent mad @ him. Actually Matt is sitting pretty with nobody coming after him that I can tell. I think he did what he needed to do for himself this week…. and job well done!!

  6. they are stupid anyway. they should have voted rachel out week 1 when they had the chance to. now they are paying for that mistake. they keep trying now and having no luck.

  7. Something is happening TONIGHT!!!
    From and I quote:
    Allison Grodner The saboteur may not be dead after all! You’ll find out more tonight (July 29).

  8. AND:
    “EW talked exclusively to Executive Producers Allison Grodner and Rich Meehan about the short-lived twist and what they hope to spring on the houseguests in the coming weeks, including a visit from a former player.”

  9. @LEB: should we tell them who the former houseguest is our let them squirm a little with guessing.

  10. That would be awesome if they let America decide which of the 3 evicted house guests go to come back. It would be great if after the eviction tonight we get to vote and then tomorrow when the house guests wake up, there is Annie or one of the other evicted house guests just chill-en on the hammock outside.
    Now that would be a twist.

  11. I am so ready to see that retard Matt go home – what a dumba**! I really hope to see Kathy go home (nothing against her but she is a waste of time to me)- Andrew is at least starting to play the game!

  12. Matt’s “plan” was a blunder early on. But, now it looks brilliant. Even Ragan is against Brenden now. To get Andrew out opened a lot of eyes in the house that are close to Brenchel. I can’t stand those 2, luckily I DVR everything so I can fast forward through it all. After this week Matt is on cruise control. Who is after him? Kathy? Come on now. IMO, if Matt, Ragan & Brit were to become allies, watch out. Even just Ragan and Brit. Those 2 know the game better than anyone in the house. If Brenchel didn’t have Ragan on their side. Those two would be so LOST in that house. I loved hearing Rachel say, ‘there’s not even a 4 or 6 person alliance in the house. That’s not how this season is playing out.’ LMAO……..BRIGADE OF BALLS.

  13. I bet the surprise hoes guest is Jeff! Hey will come back for a visit!!!

  14. former does that mean from years prior too? Hee hee let Natalie come back and show them nasty.

  15. It is Jeff and Allison something about him spending the night in the house, and she mentioned the sabatour might be back sometime soon.

  16. @ Torch The word “former” has me wondering if it is someone from other seasons or maybe a mix of curent and past since Annie/Monet are locked up somewhere.
    I believe this will be a phased twist over a few weeks.
    Any thoughts?

  17. If they bring Jeff back, I WILL VOMIT I had enough of that loser last year. If the showmance lasts much longer, I will surely go into permanent “throw-up mode” Matt is an idiot. Wonder what other stupid moves he has up his sleeves. I like Andrew and hope that he survives tonight.

  18. Allison did say Jeff would be stopping in for a night,and she is leaving the rest up in the wind, but I believe there will be another sabatuor in some capacity.

  19. if u have live fees are u gonna know who wins HOH or will we all see it live tonight??????

  20. it will be funnie if jeff and jordan came bac and now there will be 3 couples dat r in love

  21. Idea that I am just threwing out here….. Since BB12 lost the 14th player, production has an extra week with no player to evict sooooo maybe the twist tonight will be a grace for Kathy/Andrew and down the road the double eviction.
    Wouldn’t that play head games with the HOUSE!!!!! :)

  22. thanks for the updates guys. i hate the weather man. says it’s goin to rain and then is sunny so i have spent the days at the river, but nothing is getting me out of the house today. so is the plan still to get out adrew or has it changed, again?

  23. @april: it should be a short HOH comp. tonight because they ussually don’t do two lengthy endurance comps. in a row.


  25. Hey Kristi glad to have ya back, and yes the plan is to still evict Andrew. man has he got people up at arms against him. He verbably attacked Kristen yesterday and he has been really self destructing himself the past couple of days. and he sits in the havenots room a lot crying.

  26. ii honestly think rachel and brendon came into the house to play the game not to fall in love with someone, but they fell hard and quick so even if they loose the game, they still win because they found each other (given the relationship makes it thru the season and after)Yea i agree it gets annoying but in this world if you can find someone who makes you happy it worth more than any amount of money. also, if you have the live feeds, they are playing the game and obviously doing a good job at it or they wouldn’t still be in the house.

  27. same here I want one of them two gone so bad, you know if Brenden goes before Rachel she will probably self destruct in a big way.

  28. I would like one of three possibly four, Ragan, Brit, Kristen, or Kathy if she is still with us.

  29. YEAH I WOULD LIKE TO SEE BRIT.KRISTEN,EZNO,OR HAYDEN…i would like to see brit win the most tho

  30. BB, I agree we are tired of seeing the brenchel makeout sessions, but I am also sick to death of the camera on Matt. That guy always has his hand down his pants. Please, give me a break…

  31. Looks like the hg’s are all asleep in the hoh room. Lockdown in hoh? One person is in the bathroom by her/him self…Kathy? –just on the floor by the tub sitting there like, I dunno, a lump? Sure wish she would go home, at least Andrew is randomly weird and fun to watch.

  32. Lets go Brigade!! Get that HOH!! Silly B/R talking crap about Ragan and Brit. I’ll give Rachel a few points for calling Brendan stupid.

  33. @april – no the live feeds don’t reveal the evictee nor the new HOH in advance of the show! POV & nominations however are! Unless they have an endurance HOH comp like they did last week, then yes that gets revealed in the feeds, but I hear tonight’s show is jampacked! A twist of saboteur will be revealed but they still gotta do the live eviction & the HOH comp, apparently Jeff is stopping by in a mid-Aug (as part of his around the world for free show),. not sure why he MUST stop at the BB House! (but whatev’s). Is he going to give Brenchel ‘fatherly’ advice to “take it slow, get to know?’ – hardly!. I do hope Annie comes back however, that would be nice, at least she’d PLAY and not FLOAT. Let’s hope Ragan wins HOH 2nite!

  34. @chick from louisiana Andrew came to Kristin in the bathroom and started yellin and stuff

  35. Oh, it is Kathy in the hoh bathroom. I guess she’s gluing spiders to her eyelashes again.

  36. oh, I missed that too, what happened with Andrew and Kristen. He went off on her?? About what?

  37. WHY R THEY LOCKDOWN???????????

    Don’t yell. This happens every Thursday as production prepares the house (probably some cleaning) and the backyard for the HoH comp.

  38. Andrew accused Kristen of playing him like a fiddle because she was hanging out with Kathy having girl talk and just plain out hanging out, then he gets in her face with more bad mouthing and Kristen let him have it, it was like lighting a stick of dynamite, and just became really annoying. From what I hear all but Breachel plan to evict him tonight.

  39. Kristen is in the bathroom getting ready and Andrew comes in and tells her not to play him like a fiddle cause he knows she is doing that and she needs to stop. Kristen defends herself and says she’s been backing him. He walks off saying you have nothing to worry about then.

  40. Andrew probably would’ve stayed this week if he wouldn’t be acting like such an ass

  41. I don’t know yet probably to bring stuff through the house to set up for the HOH comp tonight.

  42. Thanks for the info guys. I think Brendon and Andrew actually look a lot alike. I think they are the two in the house that are related from before, what do you guys think?


  44. to tell u the truth i dont think none of them are related but then again i could be wrong its just i thought if someone was related to someone wouldn’t BB SAY MORE ABOUT IT??? BUT I REALLY DONT KNOW

  45. I know that everyone did not like Monet but, I would love to see her come back. I bet she would put Brendon and Rachel in a heart beat. Matt is suppose to be so smart why did he not do it? He is just a big baby with his hands down his pants all of the time. The Brigade has done nothing to shake that place up. I would love to see the look on Rachel’s face if Monet walked back in the door and to even be better is that whoever goes back in the house you could not put them up for eviction for 2 wks. That way you could get Brendon or Rachel one week and the other the next week.

  46. B/R should not let Andrew make his great revelation. Andrew will just put more attention on them. Ragan already is jumping ship, he does not trust them at all. B/R has nothing – even if one wins HOH.

  47. Rachel is a liar she said that she does not use the B word but she called Kristen one to Brendon. Wow I hope Brendon does not take up with her after the show. He will be laughed at she is making him look like a fool. I just wonder what his poor parents are thinking. I would skin my son alive he brought something like that home to meet me and my family we would eat her alive.

  48. Brendon just wants to play on the HO TRAIN is all I bet he is just playing her along, she is so easy. like the old saying in her case “it’s easy being sleezy”

  49. hey torch, chick. long time no see!! andrew did this to himself. kathy was out the door but he started plotting like matt did and it back fired on both of them. if he would of kept quiet i think he would have stayed in the house. but we still have a few hours left he could pull something out out of his med bag of tricks.

  50. not realy much to watch. are they keeping them in the hoh room? i have seen them kept outside or inside before but not just in one room.

  51. ya their all up in the HOH, I believe it’s a lockdown they did it last week about the same time of day also.

  52. wow i dont remember them ever bein locked down to one room before but i do miss alot. lol so much fun watching them sleep. have you atleast had a good week?

  53. I’m tired of hearing Brendon whining all the time. I now am in favor of Enzo winning hoh tonight. I don’t care much about the brigade, but i like Enzo and i would like to see how either bren or rach play the game without the other there.

  54. Not at all I had to change internet servers, I was running a wireless stick then I found out how much having l i v e f e e d s will eat up your time like a Piranna in a feeding frenzy, in a week and a half it gave me an additional amount to pay of over four hundred dollars. so I’m going land line now So word of warning don’t do l i v e f e e d s if your wireless.

  55. so what r they doin now since lockdown is over????? dang i wish i had live fees i do at my house but im at my moms for da week :(

  56. Enzo is the funniest. I’d like to see him win HOH just so the guy can EAT. He is also good at playing the ‘i don’t know nothin’ game.

  57. that crazy torch. i hive high speed internet cable but i also put a wifi adapter in my house so i can use my laptop and other gadgets that use the net.

  58. brendon and kathy are having a heart to heart sounds like he’s voting andrew out.

  59. @Kristi: I was totally wireless my stick was like a cell phone with it’s own phone # and every thing. but my new highspeed is a lot better, and the wireless service is going to cut the bill 50% on the wireless mistake which is a relief.

  60. fyi guys, shark week starts this sunday. I’m glad i have a dvr so i don’t have to choose between shark week and bb.

  61. lucky girl I personally don’t like sharks but have fun watching your shark week.

  62. torch if you didn’t get a wifi modem get the adapter so you can use anything else you have that needs the net. they are quite cheap and you can get them just about anyplace

  63. i love sharks. i hope to one day have the chance to swim with them. not great whites unless i’m in a cage. lol but that has been a dream since i was a lil kid.

  64. my husbaand said he will watch me from the sure and he rather poke a grizzly bear with a stick.

  65. Yeah I thought Rachel didnt use the B word to discribe women yet she called Kristen and Kathy one. What a biznatch.

  66. you are a little crazy I see Kristi, but I’ve had a couple of crazy moments also, like riding my motorcycle at about 120 in Detroit traffic, so I guess we are all allowed are crazy moments so enjoy you sharks Kristi.

  67. yea i have my crazy momments but thats what makes life interesting and worth living. let’s face it the hg have to be a lil crazy knowing they are goin in to the bb house just to get mind f’d with. that is the game

  68. I don’t post on here often, but I read it a lot… But I just wanted to say, now every time I see a male speeding down the highway on a motorcycle in Metro Detroit I will think “Torch!” hahaha.

  69. Ya mind games can be a lot tougher than actual physical games at times, but each type has it’s pro’s and con’s. It reminds me of Army boot camp.

  70. But I will say this I haven’t rode a bike like that in about five year’s after the wind pushed me and the bike sideways about a foot in a curve at about 75mph. that was freaky.

  71. actually this show makes me feel like i’m in high school again. all the different groups, everyone talking behind each ohters back.

  72. This game to me seems like it is 75% mental 25% physical, what do you think Kristi.

  73. torch, sounds like you have had some close calls. that’s why i’ll stick to my four wheeler. but i would be lieing if i said i havent had a few close call on it also. we have some great hills and mud holes in wallace wv. you tube 5points in west virginia and agnus. i wont touch agnus with a 10 foot poll.

  74. we have some awesome off road trails in northern Mich. but down here in Jackson all we got is a homemade mud bog for 4wheel drives.

  75. i hope we can realy work it out that you guys can come here. you will have a blast. if your a nature person you’ll love it. we have some great trails and holes if you don’t navigate correctly someone is pulling you out with a wench.

  76. I’m about eight hours away driving it would be fun if I can come up with the green for the trip.

  77. i cant wait to see what happens tonight. see how the power is goin to switch in the house and what julie has to say. sounds like they are planning something big

  78. Hey Torch and Kristi, I still live in Branson, MO and we have great places around Mark Twain Natl Forrest, Gerstner, stc.. Besides all the trails around the lakes.

  79. cool 8 hours isn’t that bad, so even if it doest work out for the finally, my husband and i would love for you to come up sometime. i realy think you dany and chick will enjoy wv. my personal email is ckg420427@aol. make sure you tell me your real name on the email that way i know it’s you because im sure i’ll get alot of junk email for posting it like this.

  80. It is. I live right below the dam at tablerock lake (where it splits into taneycomo lake) and there are tons of cool place the tourists dont know about. thats whu they are still so cool, lol

  81. mindy i have never been there but my husband tells be it is beautiful. as far as andrew goes, i dont think he is even getting brendons vote now. he told kathy he was voting for her and thinks its a risk to keep andrew in the house now.

  82. Kristi– youre a brave soul posting you email here. I did for a link last year during bb11, got lots of other bb sites hounding me to switch. But I am loya l to matt!!

  83. I really thought Kathy was gone for sure… Like they say, you make your bed, you sleep in it. To have a PHD, he is not very smart.

  84. i love the delete button on the mail. if i dont know you, i just delete. lol yea i kinda was buying into them being the life long friends but now im not so sure

  85. while writing my last comment I had my headphones on and Breachel started sucking face and I had to rip off my headphones, sometimes it’s not good to have high quality ones the sound is intensified I just had to pull them again when Enzo started eating he sounds like a cow chewing it’s cud, how nasty.

  86. Yea Torch, the face sucking is almost as nasty as when Bren strokes Rach’s hair. When I DVR BBAD, I ff thru that, it makes Bren look like a mother Monkey picking bugs off their young, lol… At least that is what it makes me think of,,,

  87. All this hatred for Brachel. If they were gone this season would be so boring……..and we would not have beautiful Brendan to look at.

  88. It’s not that I dislike Brendon and Rachel I just hate all the face sucking and groping everytime they see each other.

  89. Kathy is with out a doubt going home, Andrew has the Brigade, and Brennan, who I am guessing are long time friends. Andrew staying in the house!

  90. Steph, I hate to disagree with you, but after andrews little blowup with kristen, i dint think he has a chance in a million of staying. He is outahere.

  91. @Stephanie: where do get that haven’t you been following the l i v e f e e d s and watching Andy shout himself in the foot. as of about an hour ago he will be lucky to get one person to keep him. He got real abusive towards other HG’s yesterday.

  92. Torch I don’t know what I will do……I guess watch BB but have nothing to look at…..but I think he will be there longer than Rachel. I wish they had voted her off first thing and saved Annie….

    Ok the l i v e F e e d s are off, will they be off till after the live eviction? Are they playing the HOH now?

  93. Dallas we have been watching the l i v e f e e d s and if they are right Andrew is going home. And if Brendan or Rachel don’t win HOH they both will be on the block….the house really dislikes Brendan’s game play after the Andrew thing, the thing is they have no idea that he is Brendan’s life long friend and who wouldn’t save a friend?

  94. Isn’t even show time yet Trish, about an hour and twenty minutes yet, a couple of hours ago I heard Brendon say he was going to vote evict Andrew also.

  95. Ok the feeds are back up. They had the trivia thing going on so I thought something was going on. Boy the house really, I mean really are gunning after Brendan. They won’t even talk to him. How immature are they? Torch I know alot don’t like Brachel but how can The Brigade get mad at them for supposely lying when that is all The Brigade and the others have been doing since the beginning? I just don’t get it. I can’t wait till The Brigade start turning on each other. Someone is coming back in and I hope it is Andrew. If we get a vote that is who I am voting for. The HOUSE better watch out…………;)

  96. #21 hey summer what up girl!!!!! how is Barnie doing is he eating the turky or santa clause LOL!

  97. I know there a limited about of posters but so much hate for Brendon and Rachel. Do folks really like the Brigaide? Ok Enzo is funny! But Matt is a huge liar. Hayden is immature and never closes is mouth. Lane is a redneck. Then there is Kristine aka spider woman. Nothing bad to say about Brit and Regan. I still wondering why Kathy is even on the show. Oh well I’m a Brendon and Rachel fave so I figured I can piss out hate too. Nite!

  98. Well if andrew leves he well be missed NOT LOL! I like Rachel and if Brandon leve thats ok i don’t care to much i like MEOW MEOW.

  99. Andrew ain’t a bad choice but I think Annie would be a better choice. If Rachel could get over her jelousy of other women, her and Annie could have been a force in the house.

  100. YEP Blackgirl it’s me girl and chelle is right here telling to say what up donna she say hury up i want to chatt on myspace.

  101. Lane is a readneck cause i have cuzens up that and they do the same thing he dose carry guns every where.

  102. Hello! I’m new at posting but I read your posts everyday! Wanna say thank you to those that post updates! I’m a brenden fan but don’t like Rachel! I think his game would be different if he would use the right head!

  103. Thanks Torch! I love BB but I wish it would come on more then once a yr! I work around my work schedule so I don’t miss it! LOL. Tonight should be interesting! At this point if the people are voting Andrew out Brendons best bet would to vote him out as well to try and lessen the target alittle.

  104. @Indygirl: Brendon was saying a couple hours ago he was going to vote out Andrew, but who knows things can change.

  105. i’m a true redneck because i’m from west virginia. a lil trivia here, when the coal miners in northern west virginia went on strike they wore red hankerchiefs around there neck and a journalist named those coalminers rednecks. the coalminers did succeed and the name redneck has stuck with us proudly since then.

  106. Andrew did it to himself,and Kristi there’s a new thread everyone else is on if you want to go over.

  107. OMFG – – – BIG UGLY RED BIRD did it again!!! I can’t even begin to believe she did it again! Now we are stuck with her reign of terror for another week, not to mention her blabbering mouth all about Brendon!! Would someone please for the love of frickin’ god put a sock in her mouth!! Although I am sure she has sucked so many things in that thing that a sock would be tame!!! UGH!! I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!

  108. Does anyone know exactly what Andrew said in his speech…caught most of it…but missed some…anybody????

  109. Yes get rid of the fake love story of rachel and brendon. They are the worst couple in BB history..

  110. Really hoping Andrew gets to go back into the house somehow so he has to face the repercussions of his speech… which I loved, by the way.

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