If you can’t wait for Julie Chen to deliver the news then you can go ahead and take a peek at the HoH nomination spoilers. It gets better though because the Power of Veto competition has already taken place leaving things even more up in the air. We’ve got the PoV spoilers for you too if you really want to get ahead.
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has anyone else seen this about brit on hairboutique.com? kathy could be a stepmom, stepsister ect..i have not seen anyone mention her parents are divorced and remarried i have only seen comments saying kathy is not her mom, even after finding this i am leaning the most towards brit and kathys son are getting married, also i feel more then 1 pair of hg’s previously know eachother, but anyways here is what i found just makes me think…
Super Complicated Family
Britney said she has a super complicated family. Her family is a โtangled webโ because her mother and father are divorced and have remarried and there are step children in the equation. However, when it comes to her participation in Big Brother 13, her family is โsuper excited.โ Her whole family is rooting her own.
Britney and her mom have been watching it since the first season. Consequently her mom is super excited to see her daughter now on the show.
maybe guys do pick and date girls that look like their mothers and kat and bitchney look so similar
I too have gain some respect for Rachel’s game. I think she is the brains in the Brachel alliance cuz Brendon is indeed a big baby.
i said this since the start,people were/are bashing rachel because of her looks…she is way smarter then people give her credit for…
Guilty!! I still think she looks like she emerged from the sewers of vegas strip because of the gross makeup and prostitution whore LOL clothes she wears but now fresh faced hair pulled back big red looks soo pretty and not swamp thing
Yea dany you have been, I guess you saw more than just gummie bears. Lol
The fact that she nominated Britney and Monet doesn’t prove that she is smart at all. She keeps saying her whole purpose is to get Monet out. There are better targets. If nominates Matt it is a lose for her side and if she nominates Andrew and he gets voted out it is still a losing situation for her side. If her goal is to win the game this weeks round of nominees was a waste on her part.
if andy goes home it’s a lose for her. If andy goes up but monet goes home it’s good for her. If matt is nom it’s good for her. I don’t get ur point?
looks like pov ceremony is 2morow,guess bb is not happy with rachel’s choice as replacement (andrew)
Yes!!! Money might have a chance!!!
i’m still thinking brendan and rach are the lifelong friends that they are faking a showmance to take the heat off them
BB is trying very hard to sell the Rachel/Brenda (no its not a typo, he is acting like a girly man)
I think that saying two people knew each other was a lie.. wasn’t that what “Annie” said? I hope Rachel is making a good decision, but I think she will make all the wrong moves. We’ll see.
I really wish that both Rachel and Brendon get voted out soon so they can start planning their wedding already. It seems to me like they could care less about the game. I am so tired of them. Her nominations this week were strictly personal and not strategic at all. As for Brendon; there is nothing wrong with a sensitive man but he is a little TOO sensitive.
we are not sure yet if annie was lying about that yet she said that about something else…so we will still have to see if that was a lie too or not.
oh she lied when she said the sabator was safe from eviction, that dosnt mean she lied about the other thing but she could have, and unless she was part of the 2 pair or unless there is more then 1 pair of hg’s who know eachother then production must have been giving her info.
If she really wanted to have a better chance of winning she would have made a smarter decision about who she nominated in the first place. If she uses Andrew as a pawn and he gets voted out that is one less person on her side. Monet going home could work out for her, but there a bigger threats than Monet and Britney. I just don’t think it was a smart move to nominate weaker players over stronger ones.
found a link from bb forum today shows a pic of brit and her fiance..http://www.cbs.com/forum/posts/list/116816.page
looks a little like lane……
Well looks like I missed alot last night on bbad & today on the LF’s but it sounds like Rachel is using her brain. I don’t think it’s smart to put up Andrew because Monet will stay then. & hi everyone & thanks again for last night:)
@flgirl – I tried the link and it didn’t work. Was this on the CBS website?
I agree with the comment that Rachel and Brendan are the secret lifelong friends. They fell in love way too early and too fast on this show, knowing what happens to showmance couples. Why in the heck is she going after Monet and Britney? Hayden put her up last week, and has the biggest alliance in the house. Don`t tell me that houseguests weren`t keeping track of how much time Enzo spent in the HOH room last week. Knowing your fellow houseguests every movement are critical to staying alive and ultimately winning.
Hello everyone!
Hey chick. Missed you last night.!
good afternoon everyone have they the pov ceromony yet
it’s 2morrow not today :(
I have said all this time I think Rachel & Brandon are the ” life long frieds ” I also think they are married.
Then again there could be ” Twins ” in the bb house, I have thought that too. Hayden & Kristen could just be throwing ya off by making you ” THINK ” they are spooning .
Hey torch. I don’t think yet but I just started watching the LF
#11 blackgirl – LOL – After watching Rachel on BBAD with both Princess Monet and Bitchney, I’m very impressed. She’s a real person with compassion for other people and smarter than I’ve given her credit for. She needs to dump the cry baby!
Wow didn’t know it was this late. Sunday family dinner, talk to you guys later.
@ Judy – I think the twin theory is over. They were making out last night in bed. (kissing and hugging)
Tell me how this beady eyed chick is spooning kissing hugging up sleeping in surfer dudes bed at night….and now tellin big red about her b/f the financial adviser!??????? Seriously I hope she meant ex
Got ya ther Bab. Someone said you could not see what they were doing so I went with that. Thank’s , guess I’ll go back to B & R, being married. I thought that for over a week. But I,ll eat that crow sandwich i,m sure. Maybe I can have ” Hellman’s ” on it. Was up all night with bad heart-burn so hope I can stay awake by the time 8 p/m gets here. That’s want happens when ya get to be old.
@Manic Bloom:I don’t believe her at all, and she left out on her bio that she is also a swimsuit model with pango pango swimsuits.
yea I saw that she’s a swim suit model. That white/black bikini she wears is the same in pics.
@ manic- If you are talking about Kristen, she was telling Rachel the other night that her boyfriend looked just like Brendon. so i think she does have a b/f. Or should I say “had”
@ Judy – Rachel and Brendon do seem a little too close to have just met. Who knows!
@ Torch – I agree with you. Her bio states that she is single. I was under the impression on the BB app, that it was a guy she met prior to coming on the show. As for Hayden, I DO think he was just saying/lying when he said he was in the “same boat” – just an opinion!
Thanks for all of your comments and insights! Great job keeping those of us who are slackers and can’t watch all the time due to jobs, or life! :) I think ur on to something with Brachel~my first thought was, they’re married! But, he’s waaayyy to girlie for me!!!
Kristen is obviously lying about SOMETHING… You can’t have it both ways sister!! But whatever, lying or not, she’s playing the game.
Also, I am disappointed that Ragan puts so much trust in Matt. Matt plays a good game and Ragan needs to be careful about that.
And another thing, I’m not a fan of showmances… At least ones so sucky face pooka bear blah blah blah. I don’t mind ones that aren’t so out there, ie Kristin/Hayden (if that’s real.. Which I believe it may very well be).
Enzo needs to go home.
OMG! The mean girls (Monet and Britney) are so freakin mean! Lol.
Brittney is the meanest girl. I don’t understand why she can’t say anything nice!!
Brandon and Rachel felt in love too quick, they love on each other like u would someone u been dating in a while. They are definately the ppl who know each other and perhaps even married. Now how Hayden and Kristen are is more like the showmance we are used to.
and her little stooge monet is right behind her
Hayden gets on my nerves.
This episode portrays Rachel as an idiot. She is going after two light weights when the real enemies are under her freaking nose. I am glad bitchney won POV cuz her D/R confessions are very entertaining.
I don’t like britney or monet, but I really think this was a stupid move for Rachel. Unless she plans to backdoor someone of value.
Brit Monet & matt are making fun of everybody on the LF right now. No class what so ever.
I wish i had the feeds,this episode was everything I seen on after dark the other nite.(minus the annie sab video) BORING
I hope she puts Matt up and calls him out.
I used to like Matt, but he has been really weird lately.
I agree torch. Chick, I understand this is a game but they are making personal attacks & I’m close to just turning my computer off.
All right guys. I need to get some things done. Hope you all have a good night. Torch/chick talk to you later :)
I don’t get how Rachel kept saying she was putting Monet and Britney up because they would go after them if they won HOH. Thats dumb to me. She puts them up them but doesn’t go after the people who blatantly put her and Brendon up the first week. Monet and Britney won’t win physical comps. Brachel is screwed next week if the HOH comp is endurance.
@blackgirl – #46 – May want to keep spoilers out of your comments. you just spoiled the POV episode for me.
Bravo to Rachel who has literally figured out the whole complete strategy as to how to play the game, last night on Showtime 2. If she can have her allience working along with her…one by one the will slowly eliminate the oppositions allience. Then where the crying starts is when they have to slowly disband their allience by slowly picking off each member one by one.
@ #55
This is a spoiler site darling! The POV results have already been posted on here. Lol.
^^ you know they’re not right out in the open, right? some of us don’t click on the links to the spoilers.
Sure. Lol.
yall there is nobody that are lifelong friends in the house. the sabatouer was just saying that to make the houseguest freak. everything that the sabatouer says is a lie. just like when she said yall havent got rid of me yet.
why is everyone picking on Britney and Monet they speak their mind they are not followers. Christen did not say a word to anyone until she found out that Rachel was HOH. I hope that Monet stays and reek havoc on them. Rachel made her decision on emotion and not by what Hayden had done to her and Brendon. I don’t understand why these women go in the house and go straight after the men and don’t get together and try and let a woman win. They are all catty all of them have said something about one another.
1. let the winner of pov have the option to trade places on the block with the head of household.
2. have a mini recording device hidden for one of the big brother contestants to find and use at their discretion.
3. have a 24 or 48 hour period where everyone has to stay in the kitchen/living area with no privacy except for 1 at a time use the restroom.
Well nospoilers, sorry to ruin it for you but this is a spoiler site and I am one who chose to click on the spoilers cuz I like them. So unless Matt the moderator of this said otherwise I will not cease to talk about it. Sorry
Britney and Kathy have to be related….mother and daughter or sisters but they sure look alike
I miss having AfterDARK. Yes this is a spoiler sight. Opinions and spoilers are what this and ANY internet chatroom are all about.
Remember last year when everybody hated Ronnie Talbot and tagged him Ronnie the Rat. Well, less than a week after his eviction, it turned out there were much bigger rats in the house. It`s a vicious “mind” game being locked up for 2&1/2 months with no outside contact or technology to win a half million. Of course people are going to get on each others nerves and lie. That`s what CBS is counting on. If not, then there is no BigBrother!!!
@Randy P.: You are so right you can’t put 13 strangers i a house for two and half months and expect a few implosions and if your lucky you won’t get your feelings hurt. I got my favorites as I’m sure everyone else has but It’s a game and let the lucky one win. and we all will enjoy seeing them implode.
And as for last year Jordan wasn’t the strongest or the smartest but she was the lucky one too have won (but she was the prettiest one).
Britney and monet have both SAID that they would put up brachel
They (B&M) see it as more personal than as game play.
The others in the house see it as game play to go after brachel.
Therefore I think the noms were a good choice.
To get monet out they should put up Matt as that would get 5 votes against monet.
That would be 4 votes Rachel can not vote.
But would need to find only one more vote to get her out.
@ Lee Mn
Yes but what are the odds of Brit or Monet winning an endurance HOH competition. I am sure one is coming up; I just feel like Brachel should have went after one of the brigade members to increase their chances of winning because only Brendon will be able to compete next week. Its still not too late for her to make a move though.
@Lee Min: If you think about it she would have the five if she put up Matt because she would have the other three brigade plus Brenden and Kristen.
Sigh. Again with Rachel’s so smart. Please. She thinks she is in an alliance with the guy who put her and her boyfriend up on the first round. So neglects to put him up the first chance she gets and is instead putting up a potential ally (Andrew). In what universe is this intelligent?
I totally agree that Britt and Monet are horrible individuals but they are not the most strategic ppl to put up (and Andrew is definitely not.) Especially since the brigade is planning to systematically eliminate all the females in the house.
Genius Rachel is doing their work for them.
I don’t know, maybe you guys are seeing something I’m not.
As far as I can tell (and I’m talking game here, not personality or book smarts), the smartest person in the house is Hayden. He’s in two alliances and making time with the best looking girl in the house. And no one’s caught on to either fact.
I couldn’t have said it better Texex! Totally agree.
Does brachel even know about the brigade.
Seems plain as day to us, but is it to them.
tatally right texex! im not liking hayden so much now that he likes kristen. i don’t get that but he is def the smartest player.
I guess I am going to have to check out Kristen’s body shots or something because I am just not getting this hotness factor everyone keeps talking about….(Honestly, nothing against the girl, I just don’t find her all that attractive….Maybe it’s just me, lol….)
ok, lets be smart brachel doesnt know about the brigade so why would she have a valid reason of putting them up they dont stratigize and they do not win anything. but i do think that brechal are bad game players but i like them its just they dont think that they are as big targets when they are the only target in the house. they just act clueless sometimes.
This season sucks sweaty balls! As a woman of color I am disappointed in the lack of diversity in this season. I have been a BB fan since BB1, and this group is boring, lacks personality, and is scared of causing controversy. I enjoyed BB11. It not only had differing races, but strong, dominant personalities. This seasons lacks both. I would prefer if BB would either put in a couple of races versus the token minority. It has been hard to find a player to like this season because they are all lackluster in the personality department except Enzo. Once Monet is gone, so am I.
i love monet and britney, but team money… will be short a member after thursday.
from the BS that happened tonight with that like 4 hour long meeting, there is no way in hell monet will get 5 votes.
i really despise kathy. she better not make it to jury, but i know she will. she will not win a single thing but will get evicted before final 3.
brendon just assured andrew he isnt going up.
EVEN IF andrew did go up he would get 4 votes to stay vs monet’s 5 to leave.
but i said it before, i respect britney so much. fighting for monet, and helping her do whatever she can to try to get these votes.
for ALL the times rachel says she is honest and that “i cant be fake”, she just lied. she is going to put matt, but just lied to him.
i will be so glad when the whole house flips on them. they WONT make it to week 5. well one of them wont. I HOPE NOT
@lisamarie, why make it about race? it does not matter about the color of the skin, it’s the personalities, and this season lacks personalities.
i kinda like brachel a little bit, but barely. their losing points constantly in my book.
she doesnt know how to be HOH, and she is flip-floppin. then she puts on these poker faces. she doesnt see the POV of anyone else in the house.
and good for brendon standing up to her, and calling her out. he is scalding her right now for lying to EVERYONE, and how matt would be pissed because he is doing brachel a favor but their lying to him and pushing him away.
they argue like a married couple. and she needs to keep quiet, she is running her mouth like “well brendon then go down stairs and go to bed”
she better realize w/o brendon she’d be out in a second. hmmmmmm keep it up rachel
i will back lisamarie on her point though. when u have different races, its make for a different game. we can all try to ignore that, but its true.
im not saying u put all black guys on the show, but what she said, she has a point.
i mean getting the same over religious character, and having a atheist isnt mixing up the cast. getting a very light skinned black girl on the show is being diverse, but its doing in a way that in a way tricks the viewer. getting a stereotypical Italian on the show right after the blowup of jersey shore, isnt mixing up the cast.
@ marcus, I am sorry, I am so tired of the race card, it is being played to much in this day and age, I watch a lot of reality tv, and race doesn’t matter. It all boils down to personalities. if this is a factor lets do a big brother with all non white people, will that make everyone happy? sorry it will still be the same way the ones who win are the ones who win.
it’s not the race card she just wants to see someone on reality tv show she likes that looks like her…not the half/white/black girl…nothing wrong with that = \
hey lisamarie just because you use a famous woman of color’s name doesn’t let you play the race card so hard at least give us something youall took over bball,football, and baseball but I guess your type will whine about anything
i dont really know if it is all about the race card but i can see that cuz rachel dont dislike britt but she hates monet n they are like the same just one white n one blk but i just think she wants all the girls out one by one she just goin by who she really like first it monet then brit next katy cuz she a women floater n last tight eyes
Race: does anyone watch faces of America – we are all from the same ancestry. Yesterday they had a black poet/professor on (sorry don’t remember her name because I didn’t start watching at the beginning) and when they did her DNA test she was very surprised to learn that she is only 27% Black, 66% European and 7%
Oriental so don’t use skin color to determine who you are – this from a very white Irish/Slovak person. Wish I could have my DNA done but I’m guessing that I will be like Steven Colbert who is 100%.
I too wish the girls would not be so catty and join forces to get some of the guys out.
The only time a girl wins is when she gets into a relationship with a guy who “protects” her from the other guys. So why can’t ladies do both. I thought that maybe that was Rachel was going to do but then she nominates two ladies.