Tonight on Big Brother 12 the results of the season’s second live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the third HoH competition which looks like it could be an endurance battle that last hours and can only be seen in full using the live feeds which you can try right now with the free trial. While we wait for the results be sure to Fan us on Facebook and join in the fun we’re having there!
I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results. Meanwhile, join us in the chat room as we tear apart tonight’s live episode!
Big Brother 12 Week 2 Live Eviction voting:
- Andrew: Votes to evict Monet
- Enzo: Votes to evict Monet
- Britney: Votes to evict Matt
- Kathy: Votes to evict Matt
- Hayden: Votes to evict Monet
- Kristen: Votes to evict Monet
- Ragan: Votes to evict Monet
- That’s enough votes to decide. Monet is evicted.
- Brendon: Votes to evict Monet
- Lane: Votes to evict Monet
By a vote of 7 – 2, Monet has been evicted from Big Brother 12!
Oh yeah! It’s going to be an endurance HoH competition! That means you have to turn on your live feeds to watch it all as it happens tonight. If you don’t have your feeds yet then no worries, sign up now to get the free trial and watch it with us. I’ll be here all night with the results.
Big Brother 12 Week 2 HoH Competition – ‘Hang 10’:
- Matt is this week’s HoH! Read the play-by-play results of the competition.
Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll either have a new HoH or the fabled Endurance Competition will just be getting started. Either way you won’t want to miss it and the only way to watch it happen uncut and unedited is with the Big Brother 24/7 uncensored feeds.
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Monet and Britney need to STOP CRYING! They are so annoying.
I won’t be sorry to see that couple split up tonight.
what is rachel thinking ddddduuuuuu
What is with Rachel’s laugh and bad hair piece?
Also, am I watching the love connection, or big brother? I feel like I am watching the love connection. I am so sick of watching Rachel and Brendon turn this game into a joke with their make out sessions. GAG! It is like watching my parents make out: Its gross and annoying.
Monet and Brittiny are annoying with thier crying festivals.
Soooo HAPPY TO SEE MONET WALK OUT with no phoney hugs and crap…those left will get theirs soon enough..
This sucks being on the west coast!! Thought the vote was going to be closer. Brendon lying ass fake for Rachel – Andrew too.
That was stupid they are coming after Rachel and Brendon. I pray that Britney wins HOH. And I hope that one of the house guest gets to come back soon. They have to do something with this show it is so boring I have watched for 12 seasons and this is the worst that I have seen.
I told u Brendan was a phoney…just keep watching…n’ if Andrew only knew what we do he would have not been sooo snotty to Monet in his bye message..
I think its dumb how Rachel keeps saying that she put Monet and Britney up because they were coming after her and Brendon. I mean come on….everyone is/was coming after them. Lol.
It is an endurance competition, yayy!! However, I think it will be one of the quick endurance competitions because I dont see most of the houseguests staying on very long… especially with all that water and the boards moving. We will see!!
You guys were right about Andrew/Brendon having some connection. I knew Monet leaving was a foregone conclusion. If this house is just gonna follow him now – screw this season. Think for yourselves people!! I’m trying not drive to burbank right now. (My guess since they are near the airport). I’ll hop that fence man…
Brendan may win this he has probably surfed in California…But Hayden is athletic as well…we will see..
I hope the brigade or brittany wins. That way Rachel and Brendan can get up out the house. Their annoying and cheesy.
go brit
anybody got feeds yet!!!!!! need to see what’s happening!!!!!!
Feeds just came on
Looks like Lane, Hayden and Britney are out so far
Only Brendon, Enzo, Andrew, Ragan and Matt are competing at this point. All others are out.
All of the above, with exception of winner, will be have-nots. Seems Brendan may be playing this one better than others. He is staying at end of board and therefore keeping legs still instead of walking board in and out.
I’m outta here now. Gotta go. Hope these posts helped.
well well a nother season with a power couple like jeff and jordan from last season “they” the other house guest have to Fuc#k Braden or micheal up some kind of way or they fuc#k every body else up in the house and they come out on top and when it all that what happens when u have power couples, Monet keep ya head up thats all i got to say
Glad monet went home boooohooooo
This is the season to bring back a house guest it happens about every 3 seasons. And they are putting the evited house guest in sequester.
I don’t really like anyone in the house. This season is SO BORING! I hope Brenden and Rachel leave they get on my nerves so bad! they are nothing like Jeff and Jordan! she is skanky as hell and if she thinks obsessing about how drunk she gets makes her look good she is WAY WRONG!
Rachel is awsome! brittney is a snobby brat,and monet is a loud-mout drama queen!
Matt shouldnt win HoH
I am SOOO Happy Monet is leaving… then Britney please. Could the two of them CRY anymore?! PLEASE?! I am so SICK of the WHINEY girls. Why can’t girls represent the females of the world with a little more class? And the house meeting? What is that about? OF COURSE THEY ARE PLAYING BOTH SIDES. oh my gosh… have they not ever watched this game before? This is the dumbest group EVER.
@ NIC….Do it!!!!….Jump the fence!!!!….Doooo iiiit!!!!….:)
Get rid of Brendon and Rachel they think there running the game.
WELL….at the beginning of the HOH challenge I said “Matt will win this one!” Sure enough…gee…not too obvious that it was set up for a strong, small person to win….what a rip-off…I don’t like Matt…lying about an illness…some people will do anything for money…I hope he goes home soon!
I wonder if some new alliances will form now? It would be weird if we found out that Matt and brenden were life long friends. If that were true, then they are acting it out well. Just a thought.