Big Brother 12: Week 1 Tuesday Live Feed Highlights

It was a laid back kind of day for the hgs in the season of Big Brother 12 with plenty of laying out and playing pool.ย  Britney shows her wild side with some sex talk and the nominated hgsย are still running around trying to scramble up some votes.ย  The saboteur strikes again as well so continue reading if you want the spoilers.

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – July 12, 2010:

9:30 AM BBT – The hgs are up and Britney’s already discussing the game.ย  She thinks the Sab will strike today.ย  Enzo says the votes are in to vote out Annie.ย  Brendan is making coffee for Rachel and tea for Kathy.ย 

11:00 AM BBT – Brendan and Lane discuss Andrew.ย  Lane tells him he thought Andrew was going to spread it around that he (Lane) was causing drama with the girls which is why he started in on him the night before.ย  They all discuss how crazy Annie’s acting and how they both have tried to calm her down.

11:24 AM BBT –ย Lane is making the rounds this morning.ย  He’s now with Hayden in the hoh room discussing the game.

1:20 PM BBTย – Not much drama so far in the bb house.ย  Kristen, Ragan and Rachel are outside sunning; the rest of the hgs having normal conversations while some are napping.

1:58 PM BBTย – Britney andย Laneย talking game after she wakes him up from a nap.ย  Lane tells her she’s playing a great game because everyone thinks she’s retarded, that she’sย a stupid ditzy blonde.ย  LOLOLOLOLOL She didn’t like that at all!ย 

2:15 PM BBTย – a strange beeping noice thatย sounds like a cricket is going off about every 5 minutes in theย house.ย  (Theย Sab has struck again)ย  Annie has now joined Brit, Lane and Monet in the bedroom and the talk turns to sex.ย  Brit asked Annie if she was guaranteed a spot in the final 4, would she sex Lane on camera/national tv?ย  Annie says NO!ย  Brit keepsย asking “would you” questions, very graphic.ย 

2:29 PM BBTย – Matt and Ragan are now in on the “would you” and “what if” game and Matt’s saying yes to everything lol.ย  Lane says he’d get with Lydia three times in one night with no condom and no sheets.

3:33 PM BBTย –ย Annie tells Kathy about her gf, Jen.ย  ย 

5:20 PM BBTย – Enzo coming up with a plan to evict all the girls so there wouldn’t be any drama, cat fights or lines for the bathroom.

6:38 PM BBTย – Enzo cooked chicken parmesan for the house and everyone is thrilled and eating together.

8:39 PM BBTย –ย  And the hgs get alcohol.ย  Two bottle of wine and lots of beer.ย ย Uh oh lol.ย 

1:20 AM BBTย – Annie, Matt, Monet, Lane, Kathy and Hayden all in the cabana room.ย  Annie is trying really hard to sell herself to them and this goes on for about an hour.ย 

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Not a lot of drama today in the bb house.ย  Annie is still trying to find a way to stay in the game while Rachel knows she has nothing to worry about.ย  The saboteur put a strange beeping sound somewhere in the house that goes off every few minutes continually throughout the day and night.ย  Come on Sab, give us something good.

You can catch all of these events using the DVR-like feature on the Live Feeds called “Flashback” which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! So stop wondering what’s happening in the house and sign-up now to watch it all!



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  1. So this Rat is not there to disrupt the game play but only to do stupid pranks. Give me a break BB you did that already.

  2. @blackgirl – Hopefully whatever is causing the noise will cause a disruption when it is discovered, otherwise you are completely correct.

  3. They’re only doing what we want them to do now. It had to be a suggestion from one of the viewers. I’m quite sure we can come up with better ways to disrupt the game…lol.

    • That much alcohol & last night was still boring! What’s the sab doing? Bb u can do much better. Take some hints from your fans please.

  4. Agreed the Sab should mess with the temp of the house going from realy hot and winter cold. seeing them shiver then sweat in tiny bikinis would be interesting.

  5. I wish they would so something like not reveal the actual vote – just say who is evicted. That would drive them crazy and also allow the HOH to compete and win again. In other words, everyone is eligible to be HOH each week.

  6. Chick, no it happened yesterday afternoon and it would go off for a while and then stop and start back again in like five minutes. It went on all day and night.

  7. That’s crazy, LOL. I watched after dark and knew nothing about the noise. thanx for the info.

    • Hey chick! In other words they did something that was to believable. I agree with echodoll. They need to go BIG

  8. I think the Sab should hide people’s clothes – like all of someone’s pants or all of someone’s tops, etc. Pull a prank that actually inconveniences someone not a minor irritation that is easily forgotten. That will motivate people more to figure it out and don’t make it a prank that the producers do for him either. LAME. OH and bring Jeff back!

  9. #1 blackgirl – I agree with you 100%! Pranks can be so lame. Let’s just hope the Sabo/Mole steps up the action!

  10. Yeah, I thought he was there to stir sh**t up. Agree with you girls- he definately needs to do something big! Hope the show is interesting tonight and not a recap of annie’s rants. Oh, and hey kristi, lol

  11. A good start for him would be to steal those ugly shoes of annie’s. LOl I don’t know if they are half boots or sandals, but they sure are ugly

  12. They are all really boring….Watched after dark, last night, fell asleep about 15 minutes into it!! @echodoll..Please bring Jeff back! LOL!

  13. I agree. The pranks need to be more bothersome. I think it would get people mad and make for an interesting show.

  14. wow annie and britney are gettinng really annoying!! i love matt, he is so funny! i hope he is not the saboteur! has after dark always been this boring?!

  15. Look at the picture of Lane and look at the picture of Steven from season 10 same eyes they are related. i bet everyone is related to someone from another season

  16. Hoping someone can explain: I have been reading the highlights from July12 and according to the summary at 2:15BBT a beeping sound starts to go off (the Sab). I have used the flashback feature selecting the date/time and what is showing on the feed is not matching the summary/timeline given….selecting 2:15BBT Kristen/Nat in HoH room and most of others outside. Would appreciate any feedback to explain what I am doing incorrectly.

  17. Syrol, I noticed that today too. The feeds must be off or something because when I went back to check something that was going on outside. All the hgs were in the house. Very weird.

  18. why are they telling who the sab is tomorrow????? I thought they were trying to go at least half way.

  19. I don’t think we need to bring back Jeff, because I think we have another “Jeff” with Brendon! He didn’t understand Hayden when Hayden told him point blank, “I say what I have to to appeaze people.” He was referring to Annie, but I’m sure the same applies with his so-called alliance with Brendon and the girls. I think Hayden will stick with his “boys” alliance.

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