Big Brother 12: Week 1 Sunday Live Feed Highlights

With the POV ceremonies now over, yesterday we saw the outcome cause a melt down and a scramble for votes while Rachel and Brendon continued their showmance with lots of kissing and sweet talk.  The Have-Nots counted down the minutes until they could eat and Andrew got drunk on one beer and had to lay down.  Come on now, one beer?  Yeah right.

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Big Brother 12 Live Feed Highlights – July 11, 2010:

10:30 AM BBT – Annie and Hayden are in the HOH room.  Annie wants to know if she is the replacement nominee and Hayden says she is definitely an option.  Annie goes off on Britney to Hayden and calls her a liar. 

1:30 PM BBT – POV ceremony is over and apparently Annie and Britney exchanged words.  Annie is packing her stuff.  Brendan is upset because he thought Annie was a friend and now she’s throwing him under the bus saying they were in an alliance when there wasn’t one. 

3:20 PM BBT – The hg’s make a slip n slide out of trash bags and attempt to try it out.  Monet doesn’t fare too well and Rachel tells her to “get more boob into it”.  Rachel certainly does with a little “oops” slip of her own on the slide.

3:40 PM BBT – Brendan and Rachel in the pink room playing kissy face with each other while Brendan tells her he wants to date her.   

4:35 PM BBT – A long conversation where Annie is crying to Brendan.  She said she should have kept her mouth shut and played weak.  Brendan is consoling her.

12:00 AM BBT – The have nots can eat and the wine is flowing.

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What do you think?  Can Annie get the votes to stay in the house and send Rachel home or will the showmance continue in full force as we’ve seen the last couple of days?  Who would you rather see sent home first Annie or Rachel?

You can catch all of these events using the DVR-like feature on the Live Feeds called “Flashback” which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! So stop wondering what’s happening in the house and sign-up now to watch it all!



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  1. Send Annie home! But please let there be a twist where there is a third nom and Monet gets put up and sent home!

  2. Just one point about the saboteur for everyone to think about- Unless the saboteur is being spoon fed information by production, how would the saboteur know that two people in the house have a pre-existing relationship? Wouldn’t the saboteur have to be one of the two people?

  3. I’d rather see Rachel go, I think Annie’s quite funny in her DR entries. I also like Monet too. Theres no one I really dislike, well maybe Andrew :/

  4. i really hope annie can get the votes shes my favorite so far i dont see why people dislike her. the hgs would be stupid to take out annie who has no alliance over rachel who is clearly in an alliance. i would love to see britneys face when rachel goes home instead of annie

  5. Annie looks like a tomboy but acts like a drama queen… I don’t get her. I’d rather see Rachel go, though. I’m really liking Matt for this season. He tickles me.

  6. Speaking of saboteur, is it possible it could be Matthew? I went back to Thursday episode and paused and rewound it many times. When the lights went out there were 10 hg’s sitting on the sofas and chairs. The 3 missing ones were Kathy, Monet, and Matthew. Matthew showed up when the lights came back on with Kathy and Monet.

    It struck me as strange because Enzo, Matthew, Lane, and Hayden were in the HOH room talking and Enzo said they were all sitting there together when the lights went out but Matthew wasn’t there.

  7. DaFerret- yes the sabo is being fed info from the producers…it’s what makes the show more interesting. I’m sure the producers are helping the sabo way more then we know…like locking to food room.

  8. The sab is only set to be there for half the game. They are not there to win the game. If they make it to half the game, they get a huge chunk of change.

  9. Annie will make it an interesting summer. And I really like Enzo and Monet. I hope Annie dont go home. we need her for a few more weeks.

  10. Annie reminds me of RonRat. She is telling whoever she is talking to at the moment what she thinks they want to hear. I couldn’t stand to watch her much longer. I think at this point I like Rachel and dont understand the hate. Her & Brendon have been together in the house for a while & their feelings MAY be for real.

  11. Check out Britneys website it says her parent is in law enforcement when she made her speech at the 2004 ms teen Arkansas pageant that means kathy and brit are related

  12. Actually since Matt is a regular on reality tv cbs hired him to be the saboteur. He never told the group he was on Average Joe back in the day and was a nerd.

  13. Annie and Matt kinda look alike also. They could be siblings. I think Kathy and Brit would be too obvious.

  14. Interesting group this season. Little too early in the game to determine who is annoying or notIMO — but I cannot understand what is so objectionable about Andrew. He seems so isolated and alone. What is supposed to be the problem with Andrew?

  15. Money was on the Young & the Restless, so she is no stranger to CBS. She could be the Rat.

  16. BTW, I like the Brigade alliance but what a dumb name. Come on Enzo i expected better from you.

  17. I believe Kathy and Britney are mother and daughter because Kathy did mention her oldest child was 22. Britney is 22. They are acting like they don’t get along for a reason (to deter people from thinking they know each other).

  18. The Saboteur IF ITS A GUY ITS ANDREW OR Brendan


  20. Is this a little far fetched… But I think that Kathy is the saboteur and Britney is her daughter

  21. Kathy said she has a 22 year old son, not a daughter – but people have lied before on BB!

  22. I want to see Annie gone out of the 2- I think Rachel can get far in this game if given the opportunity. I am starting to think that Kathy is the rat- did you see how she laid there for the POV comp???? AND SHE’S A FERAKIN COP WHO’S GONE THROUGH TRAINING??? LOL she’s doing too much!!

  23. Ok, so when did BigBrother say there were people related or had previous relations? Must have been online or afterdark?

  24. dang if u are on the live feeds right now, that tub is getting a workout. i think kathy should get out, and be replaced with krisitn. she might scar up the tub! hahaha (i know it tasteless joke. but a joke nonetheless)

  25. Is it a possibility that the lock was put on the door at another time rather than when the lights were out? Everyone is focusing on the lights going out as a distraction to throw people off, but maybe the lock was on the prior. When I re-watched the lights going out it already appeared that the lock was on. Just a thought, any takers?

  26. grammar error … on there prior.. sorry! The saboteur is trying to throw people off and cause drama that would be the best way!!

  27. @bbfansea12: You’re very welcome. If you’re not sure if they’ll work for you you can always try the Free Trial. I love the live feeds so I might be a little biased!

  28. Britney said she had just gotten engaged. Maybe she is engaged to Kathy’s 22 year old son. Just a thought.

  29. I agree with Kathy and britney being related, although it does seem a bit too obvious. They are both from Arkansas and all. I noticed that they both have been wearing University of Arkansas. Maybe one is the saboteur and the other is there to help, since they both have sucked it up on the competitions.

  30. They do seem very obvious, but it looks more and more like it is them. I was hoping that it would be someone who we wouldn’t be expecting.

  31. annie is dumb. she is about to start a fight right not. hopefully it makes her go home faster. she talks to much, and isnt logical.

    this should be good. ohhh snap!!!!… it goes..

  32. Hi I am sorry to butt in, I cant find the people I blog with,
    I just got on I was unable to got on the internet till now.
    Did Rachhel do wat Annie said she did?

  33. Does anyone know what Matt is covering up with the tatt bandaid?

    Any chance Hayden and Kristen are related?

  34. There is something with Hayden & Kristen, something about a vacation, hotel and every now & then say something like we have problem, been found out….

  35. I cannot get over the fact that NO ONE has caught on yet that Hayden and Kristen are brother and sister. WTH? Come on folks wake up. If I’m wrong I’ll eat my Blackberry. Well maybe just lick it a little.

  36. ummm whoever is writing this site you are getting annie mixed up with kristen. EVERYONE ANNIE IS NOT ON THE BLOCK ITS KRISTEN THAT IS THE REPLACEMENT NOMINEE.

  37. I agree, Hayden & Kristen may be brother and sister. They are both 24, could be twins. I really studied them last night on After Dark and if you look at their facial features they look the same. Plus when they were talking alone they did not even touch, if they were into each other that would be the time. I think they just want people to believe they are into each other so they have time to be alone and discuss how to move forward in the game as an brother/sister alliance.

  38. If anyone watched SHO2 and listened to hayden & Kristens conversation you would have heard them say to each other “I can’t believe know one figured us out yet”. So its a fact that those 2 are together. However, maybe there are more couples in there like Monet and Annie being a couple. AH HA?!?! See no one thought of that one now did ya? I’m so glad to be back with my BB family.

  39. @linnzie sry for the spoiler. Brenden won the POV and took himself down and Hayden put up Annie in his place. Hayden and Kristen are twins. If u look at where they are from they only say where Hayden goes to school NOT his hometown. Their lips and facial structure are the same. Yes he’s more masculine but its defiantly there. Sorry folks.

  40. @Karen i watch the feeds and everything matt says annie is doing it is really kristen. annie is the bisexual she is not on the block. Hayden put up kristen in brendon’s place not Annie.

  41. Am I wrong folks? Isn’t annie on the block and Kristen is the girl that who was talking to Hayden in the spa room last night about 2:00am-ish EST? When Andrew kept walking in to talk to them.

  42. You are correct Karen, @linnzie…sorry, you are terribly confused. Annie is bi, on the block as Brendon’s replacement and is losing her mind as we speak. Kristen is very quiet and low key, check out the pics at CBS.

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