Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Week 8 Nominations Revealed

Last night on Big Brother 12 there was an incredible set of events with nonstop action that took us through 2 evictions and 2 comps. Now that we’re down to our Final 5 for the season we’ve still got to hit the usual routine of Noms and Vetos.

If you still haven’t tried the live feeds then this is your lucky chance. Real Networks is running a very short time sale with $5 off so for you can watch the rest of the season plus everything you missed using Flashback for only $9.99.

Read on to find out just who are the new HoH’s targets for next Thursday night.

Big Brother 12 Week 8 Nominations:

Lane, the new HoH as of last night’s late comp, has nominated:

  • Enzo
  • Ragan

I was expecting Lane to show his cards early with a nomination for Britney, but he’s putting up a good front of keeping her safe for now. There’s several ways this could play out though with the Veto. If Hayden wins it he can save Enzo and force a renom of Britney, leaving the Brigade to decide the evictee. Now if we’re really lucky, we could see some excitement should Britney win the Veto, save Ragan, force a renom of Hayden and then she could split the vote with Ragan and force Lane to pick between his friends. Oh the potential Big Brother drama!

Jump on the live feeds right now to watch their reactions to being nominated. You know Enzo is pissed after how he handled it last week (poorly) and is facing it again so soon. The Power of Veto competition will be held on Saturday, so stay close and keep checking in for those spoilers too. This is going to be another great Big Brother week as watch the seasons’ strongest alliance tear itself apart!

What do you think of Lane’s nominations? Did he make the right choice by trying to protect potential jury votes? You’ve gotta be so careful at this stage.

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  1. do u guys think that enzo will attempt to win veto? If he did, isn’t he going against the brigade?

      • Gotta say I agree. Enzo has not proven his abilities at winning things, just bitching about not winning them.

        Wait, if it’s a comp about complaining about not winning then Enzo’s gonna win!

      • I think the scenario I want to see is Ragan winning the veto and Lane puts up Brittany…Then Ragan and Hayden split the votes and Lane has to evict Brittany to her face! Hilarious!

      • Matt you are right all Enzo does after he loses is talk about how he almost won. He must have been hard to put up with in the house as were several I’m sure. Matt how smug do you feel now? I just couldn”t get over the lie about your wife although it really never came into play.

    • he understands that this week he is safe, I think, and therefore probably won’t try very hard. even if he could win, and we may see Enzo save himself yet. I’m laughing while I type this, but am attempting to remain impartial.

      • Abby I’m laughing while I am reading it..think he won’t be trying to win..He’s useless. He has been trying to win.

    • Big Pussy/ManKathy has attempted to win everything and is still oh fer.

      He’s already gone against the brigade being the rat who turned on Matt. So BP/MK has it coming.

    • If the noms stay the same, then Ragan is going home (it’ll be 1-1, and then Lane would vote Ragan out)

    • and if any of the noms are replaced and Lane chooses not to put up Britney, Britney would still vote out Hayden as the stronger of the two. And if Britney went up, Hayden would save Enzo.

  2. I think this was Lane’s best move. The target for everyone in the house is Ragan so while Enzo might be upset for being nominated I’m sure Lane will be able to work around it. At this point I think Hayden, Lane, and Brittany are in the best posistion to be final 3. I personally would like to see a final 2 of Hayden vs. Lane or Hayden vs. Brittany. I can’t stand Enzo thinking he is god’s gift to the world when he can’t win anything in this house. I don’t know of another BB hg to ever be this aweful in challenges.

    • If the final 2 is between Lane + hayden, this would probably be one of the closest voting in awhile. Both Lane + hayden seemed to be liked by most in the jury. With Lane having money may throw it Hayden’s way.

      • Yes if it’s between those two I think Hayden would win as well. Hayden had a good relationship with Kathy and I think Brendan and Rachel would vote for him because he’s more of a “competitor” (won more challenges), and I think Enzo would vote for him as well so thats 4.

      • does the house know how much he makes? I’m positive he wasn’t one of the liars, now I’m sorta floored. Can’t believe a guy who sells oil wouldn’t lie and say he did ANYTHING else!

  3. I’m not suprised with Lane’s picks. I hope the “Big Goomba” goes home next week.

  4. Now that Brendan is gone, the show is over. The only drama left will be Ragina crying and WHO CARES!

      • agreed! show suxs now… Lane would be the guy I’d want to win but than again the guy has money,pffff! that Hayden guy calling eveybody clowns, I hate him! I hate Brittany for being a crule,spoiled brat. I hate Enzo for being a egotistical crybaby. I hate Ragina for crying like a little girl.

      • Cookie — I could no agree with you more! You expressed everything I think so succinctly.

    • Whaaa? No way! I’ve been waiting all season to watch The Brigade start to eat itself apart. This is going to be great. Enzo was falling to pieces last week and he’s on the spot again already. He’s gonna flip and I’m gonna love watching it.

      • Yes-I agree there’s plenty of drama left with the big bully gone … for me the show is more watchable than ever..

      • Enzo handled it with class last week and he will do the same this week. He puts on a front of being pissed when non-brigade members are present, but the intelligent viewer knows what this is about.

      • Sunday Night= Steelers v Broncos, Primetime Emmys or Boooooring Big Brother. I know which is eliminated and no chance for BB to win my POV. See ya next season!

  5. enzo may very well win the pov take himself off the block and put up hayden then promt brit to vote for hayden that would leave brit,lane, enzo then regan can win hoh put up lane and enzo vote out enzo then there were three brit,lane regan regan wouldn’t win against lane or brit.not if rachel have anything to do with it

    • Enzo win pov? excuse me while I go roll on the floor laughing. He hasn’t won any pov’s or hh and for the most part he hasn’t even come close. The way I see it there are 3 possible outcomes this week.

      1. Veto doesn’t get played and Ragan goes home.

      2. Ragan wins veto and Britney goes home in his place.

      3. Britney wins pov, saves Ragan, Hayden goes up on the block and Enzo goes home.

      I think one of those 3 scenarios goes down.

      • OMG good one ENZO winning would give me a heart attack go britt save regan break the big bad retarded boys up oops i am sorry lane your not in that group of boys

      • I’m sorry..but I think you guys may be missing something..Britney totally expects the final 3 to be her Lane and Hayden

      • I think your missing something.. Ragan can Try to save him self since he knows about the Birgade he can tell brit the boys are together.. Thats what he should do

      • If Brit wins POV and saves Ragan (which I doubt, considering as far as she’s concerned, Lane is her closest ally – unless something major goes down), Ragan would probably vote out Hayden because he’s a stronger competitor.

  6. He was SMART for once! He caught wind in the past 2 weeks that Hayden and Enzo are closer than thought. He knows that it is a matter of time before H and E, backdoored Lane. Let’s hope the noms stay the same, or Ragen comes off and hayden comes up. He is too much in love with Brit to put her up, or backdoor her. That might be what he is telling the broke-gade, that the plan is to backdoor Brit, but that is not the chatter on the live feeds between Lane and Brit, with a side of Ragen. :)

    • Lane does not trust Enzo in the least..Hayden is iffy.. but he does trust far he has been good to his word with her as far as her staying in the game..He has told her a few non truths but that will come out soon enough..

      • I think Lane and Hayden want Enzo out if Ragan wins the POV. They were talking last night how Enzo would have they jury votes if he went to the final 2.

    • on bbad last night, did you see the way lane was looking at britney when she was saying that a female has NEVER won bb in a final 2 male/female scenario? she said “the guy has ALWAYS won”.

      i think lane will choose britney over enzo AND hayden – especially with her being his fiance’ and all… (lane is nick ya know) :)

      • i think the same thing about that..She had said b4 that Nik would’nt mind that she and lane are the way they r…if my b/f or g/f was in the house doing the chit they do …I WOULD MIND IF I LOVE THEM…just saying

    • Jennifer thanks for reinforcing the point I have been making the past two days. Lane is totally in love with Britney and fully believes he can win her away from nick. She has feelings for him as well. If he gets her out then his dreams of being with her are gone.

  7. Lane’s noms were pretty predictable. The obvious thing to do was put up ragan & put up hayden or Enzo as a pawn. I’m just hoping that Britney will win the pov, otherwise she will possibly go next.

    Also, I have a question. Is Enzo’s punishment for breaking the rules, wearing the pequin suit another week?

    • Branders, I think it might be. On showtime last night he said something about walking home to N.J. But could not hear all of it,they kept going to the fish bowl when they couldn’t shut them up. Something went down because Britney said he was really mad about something

  8. If Britt or ragan win POV, then the Brigade will finally end!!! Hayden will be put up by them.

    • they can’t choose the replacement, and honestly if Brit wins, I can’t see her using the veto to save Ragan. But there’s a whole weekend of plans to be hatched, so we’ll see…

      • If Brit wins, she’s smart enough to see the Brigade, especially with Ragan spelling it out for her. She takes him off, Hayden goes up against Big Pussy and Big Pussy finally joins Kathy in Loserville.

  9. Here’s hoping Brit wins the veto and takes Ragan off the block!

    Then Hayden goes up and Brit and Ragan decide who goes home…!

    • It’s a bold move if she did, but it’d be the most exciting thing we could see at this stage. Only question is: what’s her motivation to do that? She’s gotta discover The Brigade for that to happen. Hint, hint, Production…

      • Hayden and Lane were discussing ENZO’S EVICTION EARLIER TODAY…not sure what they deciced but it was discussed..

      • Hayden will flip flop back and forth.. he is humping the leg of whomever is HOH.. it’s hilarious to watch! So much for Enzo thinking he has Hayden in his back pocket!

  10. why wasn’t enzo punished for breaking the rules? enzo should have been booted like Chima was last year!

  11. @branders Enzo has to wear the suit for the rest of the game; that’s part of the POV game.

    • I agree with you. Lane has said even as recent as yesterday’s live show in the diary room that his true allegiance is to the brigade. So while he would probably like to get Ragan this week to carry Britney to the final 4 he will most likely get rid of her after that. I’m sure in his mind he would like to see Hayden win veto, save Enzo and force him to nominate Britney and make Hayden and Enzo the badguys for voting her out. That would be his perfect scenario to ensure a jury vote.

  12. WOW!!!! Lane put up a brigade member over Britney. That`s almost as shocking as Lane winning something. Brit is the POV queen this year. Another win for her would send a 2nd brigade member home. Then if her or Ragan win HOH (I KNOW, A LOT OF IF`S), then a third brigade goes home, leaving Brit/Ragan/Lane as likely final 3.

    • While Britney has done well in challenges I think Hayden is gonna take over the game down the stretch. I feel like he’s been taking it easy so he doesn’t put a target on his back most of the season. Also he hardly was ever picked to play pov this year. I think he will win pov this week, win final 4 hoh on thursday, and win final hoh as well. I could be wrong but thats just my since of it. If Britney makes it to the final 3 I think she could do well in the final 3 challenge as well. Lane and Enzo are hopeless and I doubt Ragan will make it that far.

      • Lane may also see this as an opportunity to out Hayden..cause he is the only other one that could beat Lane in an endurance challenge..Not to say Regan and Brittney would not try to win..Get out Hayden first..Enzo not a problem..he goes next..Lane keeps either Britney or Regan for final 2..Reason..Nobody on jury gonna vote for either of them..LANE may be lazy but that don’t mean his brain ain’t working..

      • Well if Lane is being smart about it then I agree with you that Hayden is his biggest threat at this point. The only way it could work for him though is if Britney wins pov and saves Ragan. If Lane outright turns against the brigade he’d lose all 3 of those jury votes making it near impossible to win.

      • nope he would not lose the votes…NOBODY and I repeat NOBODY on the jury likes BRITNEY OR REGAN..

  13. I wish Briney could win the POV and be smart enough to save her only shot of half a million dollars, Ragan.

    • Scott…Sorry to disagree..but believe that to be a very very long shot..Sure would be wonderful though..

  14. Ragan has a great shot at this POV, especially if its the MORPH comp. He’s been studying more than anyone and knows its do or die time. Matt leaving is probably a blessing in disguise for Ragan. He’s finally playing the game for himself and knows everyone wants him gone next. If he pulls off this next POV, Lane is gonna have rough week, haha.

    • for sure if Ragan saves himself and wins next HOH, Lane and Hayden would go up. Unless the two of them convince him to target Enzo, which is more than possible considering the way they’ve owned every nomination but the ones placed by Brendon/Rachel and Matt’s use of the DPOV. But because Matt evicted Kathy, it’s fair to say they owned that one, too.

  15. This was the ONLY way Lane could make sure it’s Enzo or Ragan going home. He and Brit need to make Ragan comfortable in knowing the target is Enzo, so that if Ragan comes off the block, he votes Enzo. Same with Enzo… make him think Ragan is the target so that if he comes off, vote out Ragan.

    Either way, Hayden is safe.

    Didn’t someone say that Lane, Hayden and Brit were talking about the 3 of them being the final 3?

  16. wow thats suprising what happen to sticking to the bergade I dont think the bergade will be happpy the bergade might get rid of him go brittney!

  17. I’m looking for the p o v comp now. That’s going to be exciting. Enzo might actually try to win this one (not holding my breath). Also if Brit wins & takes ragan down. She better hope she or ragan win hoh because there will be a huge target on her.

      • It’s sad that she’s not realizing that a pact (with Lane and Hayden) to make it to final 3 means somebritney is going to be #3.

      • have a feeling that Lane WOULD take her to the final 2 if he had the chance. certain he’s at least moderately aware that Hayden would get a number of votes (Bren and Rachel, for starters, considering he always made them feel they could trust him on some level, and Rachel didn’t blame Hayden for her eviction when she left – though stewing in the JH may have changed that. Even Brendon wasn’t all that mad when he was finally evicted.

  18. Even if Enzo-a big 0-makes F2, wouldn’t the jury vote for the other F2??? Juries tend to put aside emotions and go with the best game player not someone that never won comp. Case in point, BB11’s Natalie. Coat tails can get you to F2, but win? I think not.

    • I think Natalie insisting over and over again that she never lied (while all the JH knew she lied about her age) was her downfall more than no comp wins.

      • In the case of natalies age,Had none of these HG’s been to a casino..You have to be 21 and they check your age even if you look 50..I though that was kink of funny

  19. I would have rather Britney gone up although Lane would not have been able to handle the rath of Britney..Something is going on there although I am sure she will not last. He is waiting on someone else to put her up.. I guess he did not go with the advise of Enzo and Hayden..Go Ragan..

  20. these guys are the worst BB players of them all,….making decisions based on “friendship” instead of how to better yourself in he game,….Matt wasting a DPOV to get Kathy out,… he’s gone,….now the 3 stooges are going to let Britney off the hook and she is going to knock them off one by one.

  21. How does everyone know Brit will take Ragan off block if she wins pov..Does she leave nons alone and not use pov

    • She would be smart if she did cuz she needs Ragan to go any further. But she hasn’t really been showing signs of smarts lately.

    • There is no way Britney would do that…I promise you she sees herself in final 3 with Lane and Hayden..

      • Don’t you think she’s mistaking “final 3” as “final 2 with Lane”? I’ll betcha if Lane or Hayden have the say so, she will be out at #3

      • dcoop….The reason Britney’s plan is fatally flawed is she has absolutely no chance of beating Lane or Hayden in a jury vote but she for whatever reason is failing to see that..

      • aoyam – britney will absolutely do what lane wants her to do. he is her best shot at final 2 and she knows it. she expresses NO expectations of WINNING against any of them – F2 seems to be her goal.

        but here’s the thing… the guys are in control, and ALL of them are now pondering:
        “hmmmm….who can I beat in final 2”??

        i think they ALL believe they can beat britney, so she’s the ‘obvi’ choice to be up against.

      • I agree that Brittany seems to have given not a thought to the jury votes. In fact, I don’t see many of them playing the game with the jury votes in mind. Hayden has been flying under the radar so he probably would have the most jury votes. Lane may also have a good chance with next to the most jury votes. Brittany, Ragan, and Enzo haven’t a chance with jury votes.

    • she won’t. Lane is her closest ally, as far as she knows. She’ll leave his noms alone and target Ragan. At least, for today, that’s what she would do.

  22. Not surprizing either Ragan or Brit goes home this week. If Brit does win, Lane would tell her not to use, and we all know she’s going to listen.

  23. I would like to know why Enzo did not get in trouble for eating when he was a have not, they even showed him on the live show eating pickles, in seasons past they had extra slop days or a ghost vote but Enzo has just walked thru like it was nothing

  24. I think Brit will make it to the final 2 because everyone knows she won’t get any jury votes. It’s a sure win for who ever is with her at the end.

    • I think it also depends on if Matt comes clean in the JH and tells everyone about the brigade and how it all went down. He could sway the votes against any brigade winner in the final 2 … which is much more believable and potent than outing them back in the BB house.

      That’s why I think he didn’t do anything before leaving. I’m going to give him credit here (even though I really didn’t like him)

    • Well if Hayden wins another HOH or gets a POV. He pretty much set the bar for best play in Season 12. JH will prob vote him. If he wins HOH and Veto no doubt people will vote for him if he makes final 2.

  25. Wow the feed is so quiet. Without RAchel or Brendon or Matt to cause drama (not that they did) there is noone talking. The ratings will go down no doubt.

    • The big party is in the Jury House. Rachel is drunk and naked,leading bald Brendon around on a leash. Matt is in a room by himself talking to an imaginary camera and Kathy, she fell down and can’t get up.

    • hey JM – this is just a friendly ‘heads-up’ :)

      u might want to take it easy on the ALL CAPS posts.. MattBBN (site administrator) considers it as YELLING and he doesn’t want us to do it.

      • Lol, yea BBAD is boring now. Ragan doing his thing, Enzo being cocky again ;), and Hayden doing more cardio. IDk bout Brit or Lane ATM. Not wasting my time to check.

  26. Lane’s definitely going to stab Britney in the back anytime now like Drew did in BB5 and write it off as being strategic.

    • i completely agree! get that nasty girl out of the freakin house! they say they cant b/c they made a deal w/ her, who cares!, they made a deal w/ brendon & matt too & neither one of them are still in the house. wise up lane…shes skated through b/c of u…kick her out, puhleeeeease!…then we can get crybaby ragan out. they are both gross! w/out brendon, the show stinks…it’s so flippin boring now. i hope u do better next year big brother!…not so many skankbots next year please…or any SELF-PROCLAIMED geniuses!

  27. I said for almost two weeks, that Lane should be EVERY HG’s TARGET. They are the dumbest bunch of players. I really think Matt just gave up on them and was relieved to go. I also thought he looked bad in the house, like he was not feeling well, or just sick of the place. The game is now BORING. Matt are Bren were good players. Bren was too much “Rachel Revenge” I do not want any of the bozo’s from the Brigade, or cry baby Ragan or Brit to win. Ragan doesn’t deserve to win. Those who think he is a “player” I differ with. He’s a whinner and he doesn’t deserve to win. Brit is a immature, can’t make a decision, non player. Hayden is a kid who wants prizes over the winning BB. Lane is just a big “Beast” who sat back and really didn’t even play the game. (Some like him have won BB before)

      • Sunday’s aren’t a big deal anyway. The only thing you won’t know about are the DR sessions. No biggie.

        I think now that Ragan knows he is all alone, he’s gonna pick it up and win the POV. He’s the underdog now, so I’ll pull for him.

  28. the show is sooooooooo boring now. Come on Lane wise up! Brit is teasing the crap out of u. Pit her on the block with Ragan and get them out. Then get Hayden out since he took all the good prizes and then let the best man win, Enzo or Lane

  29. frankly, with Brendon out of the house, I no longer have a horse in this race. I don’t like any of the HGs that are left. They’re all liars! Hayden has been leading Brendon along for weeks. Brit has been a spoiled, badly raised, bitch. Enzo hasn’t accomplished anything all season…why is he there…talk about a floater…I think Ragan is an embarrassment by the way he and Brit has put all their energies from day one on an immature personal hatred for Brendon and Rachel…accusing them of acting just the way they themselves are acting. When they look back at this season, they’ll see how over-the-top they’ve been. They’re all every sad. I understand it is a game, but they made it personal. Then Hayden and Lane are able to win comps because Brendon is no longer there to beat them, and I believe that last comp when Hayden won HOH was rigged. How about you guys?

    • yep…britnasty & crybaby ragan say all brendon & rachel do was talk about people…what the heck are they doing?! everytime they saw one of them it was “oh, he/she is so disgusting!…blah blah blah” have u 2 looked in a mirror! THEY made the game personal w/ their immature hatred for them. grow up & play the game right. britnasty talks about everybody but she is the skankiest of them all…beauty queen my butt!…spoiled brat! if i HAD to chose a winner left of this bunch(since brendon cant win) i GUESS it would be lane. he only got the phone call & hayden got 5k & hawaii…plus lied lied lied to brendon…& other people….preferably they bring brendon back & let him win…lol.
      P.S.- matt the rat, glad u got evicted before brendon!…better luck next time, u big dummy! haha…he got the last laugh u loser!

  30. ragan should go home because he needs to be the next one to go home.
    brittany u go girl stay in the game

  31. Why is Enzo or anyone else surprised? Lane and Hayden have promised their alliance to almost everyone who talked to them. Enzo is getting what he deserved. If Ragan and Brit had been smart, they’d have paired with Brendon, forgotten their personal feelings, and played the game to win. Brendon would have been loyal, and they would have out-numbered the BG. For two people who who claimed to be such fans of BB, they don’t seem to understand the past seasons HGs. These people have been the worst…most worried about the past HGs from other seasons…and how famous they will be when it is over…not about playing a game that could get them to the end…Hmmmm

  32. Enzo had a dream about dolly parton, A nightmare you could say
    Dolly was his mother, and feeding time was on it’s way
    He couldn’t wait for dolly, to satisfy his needs
    In his dream he was happy, It would soon be time to feed

    A nightmare about dolly ,but that is what he said
    It all started when it was time to be fed
    Yes it was feeding time, being hungry he couldn’t stand
    But when she walked into the room, she had a bottle in her hand

  33. and britnasty’s nomination speech…”brendon, i nominated u b/c u came after me last week”…stupid! he didnt even nominate u & he COULD HAVE twice but he didnt b/c u 2 made a deal & he was 2 trusting. britnasty says she stood up 2 him…she doesnt even have the nerve or guts 2 say…i nominated u b/c i hate u brendon, for no reason…other than me jumping on the bandwagon of hating u. atleast brendon is classy! he was still nice 2 everyone

    • Cody, your little britches is a puppet!! I am afraid she will puppet her ars to the last two, if the other boys do not smarten up!!

  34. Hey everyone, OMG could BBAD be any more boring, It would be more fun to watch a dead snail race.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is BORING

    • Chris, from what I understand, you are trying to say, the game is a snail boring!! tee-hee! I’m tired, that is the best I have, so far!!

    • I have recently found it to be as much entertainment as watching the humidity arrive or paint dry.

    • well they are just all sitting in a house isolated, how fun do you want them to be after all these weeks

  35. Am I the only one that is relieved that it has become predictable and boring and I no longer have to watch BBAD and I can now just tune in here and there. I have my life back!

      • Off the subject, but worthwhile – Want to do some good, wihout spending a penny? Click on – 6 good charities, which donate with just your clicking. No obligation, etc. Try it.

      • Ha! I feel the exact same way! I don’t have a dvr and comitting to watch the show live three days a week was a hassle. Now that I don’t care about any of the remaining hg’s, I’ll still watch, but won’t care if I miss the beginning of the episode …

  36. Enzo controls the house like a puppet-master! He is a huge force to be reckoned with. He is playing the best game of anyone this season. Completely under the radar, just biding his time before totally distroying everyone in the late-season competitions. No one can stop him. His social standing in the house is second to none, and all of America loves him. His secretive alliances are undetectable. In the unlikely event that he purposely throws another competition (as he has done so far this season), the winner will do whatever he says. His knowledge of how to play this game is simply amazing and awesome to behold. He is brilliant, physically dominant, socially superior, and a master of deception and control. He will win this game, there is no question about it. The others are playing for second place.

    • Don’t worry, folks… I’m not off my meds (or on any, either!)….

      Complete sarcasm…. that’s all.

      • Rico you had us all worried, I thought that made you lost it, because of all the drama and excitement going on in the house, Glad you are OK

    • think rico is one of enzos possee in NJ. Enzo will not get any jury votes unless it is hayden there.

    • Although I respect your opinion, I completely disagree. Brittney and Ragan are fighters… has anyone else noticed how they seem to win competitions at crucial moments in the game?? The only thing that has been keeping Enzo afloat is the fact that he is a brigade member. If he hadn’t made that alliance, Enzo would have been out that door within the first few nominations. Everyone left in the house are fighters… with the exception of Enzo. I think he will be going this week.

      • Rico was just being sarcastic….but we all know that Enzo thinks he is all that (Rico said) and a bag of chips. Enzo really believes that he has this game wrapped up….OMG get the poor twit an antidelusional drug quick

    • The absolute DUMBEST thing Enzo keeps doing is talking about how he has SO MUCH social game! Hey dummy, you won’t be in the final 2 talkin’ like that. Who’d want to be next to you? Idiot!

    • we cant be watching the same BB…..b/c the BB i been watching is showing enzo as a freeloading coat tail rider!

    • well i completly agree with u. enzo is playing the best game its just really hard to prove urself on such an anti-enzo website. so u can just sit back and relax watch enzo win and hear others complain about it!!!

      • Please get real…if he wins it will be because everyone else is sick, dying, dead or gone….he does not come off THAT smart to be playing the game and unltimately become the winner. My opinion only of course…he is not even a good social player..whinny, fingerpointing, yesman,foulmouthed, hands down his pants, egotistical, nonplaying, delusional…guy! Just my opinion though.

  37. @ Hoosier daddy, I agree,(a little late in the post,sorry) enzo is a slug, kathy is a sloth!!

  38. Rico say’s Enzo is a mastermine, you must be off your med’s
    Or maybe rico you fell down and hit your little head
    He never won a competitions, cause he was just having fun
    Enzo couldn’t win a competition, If he was the only one

  39. Gag. Canceling live feeds tomorrow. They’re sitting around talking about how they’ll be remembered because they’re in the final five but nobody else will, and Enzo’s expecting calls for acting jobs after the show. This is zero entertaining now.. not a fan of the casting this season at all.

    • Kristin, I was goung to get the feed a few weeks ago, but I kept reading all of the posts!! A few exciting moments here and there, but not worth blowin’ my budget!! Enzoannoysme!! That pencil-dick could not act his way out a paper bag made out of toilet tissue!!

  40. Hi Chris!! Hey Rico!! Have ya all heard from any of the kidz?? I am surprised that I haven’t seen any posts from them! I may have missed them?

  41. Bon nuit BB Post-ers, Poets & Nifty 9 Crew! :)

    Ragan & Enzo up eh? Go figure, ofcourse Lusty Lane will protect his precious britt the twit! We’ll see how long THAT lasts, am so sure she’ll be up there ‘buttering’ him up all week in the HOH room! He’s made so many advances on her, it’s hilarious! Wonder how Nick is viewing all these close moments b/w them too! Enzo betta watch out, b/c if he doesn’t win the veto he is GONE!

    There are so many alliances on top of each other, Lane is in the mix of most so he’s got it made in the bb shade! :)

      • hollaz tishe! what-up! who’s winning dat pov? i hope it’s da morph and that britt or ragan win it, that way a brigade’er goes home! namely hay that wuss, he shoulda gone up, i mean i can’t believe lane put enzo up again…he was just on da block. ..hayden’s coasting still..

    • Ms. Haynes has not exactly rebuffed all these advances and has,at times, spontaneously started tackling and wrestling with him. Nick will be a national laughingstock if he stays with her after his being daily humiliated on national television.

  42. When Brendon left, Julie said something about remember to expect the unexpected. Anyone think it it is possible that Lane’s Pandora box will unleash Brendon on the house? That’s the only reason I can keep watching. Wish I could get my money back on the feeds.

    • We all wish that for you too!! Correct me if I am wrong. I read that the pandoras box was opened, the HGs have to live w/o silver, plates etc.??

      • It doesn’t matter if they don’t have plates or silverware. Most of them eat like pigs anyway!

      • Q!!!! You just missed Rico and his poetry for the night!! I think the poor boy is is giving up on BB! Chris threw in a few very awesome ones, Rico had a great one for his good night to us!!

    • I think the unexpected is that Lane and Brittany are related. and have had an alliance from the beginning. remember one of the sabatuer comments at the beginning was that 2 people in the house knew each other outside? when ann got voted out, it was not brought up again.

    • interesting idea….tho’ if one of the hg’s come back, everyone will be soo p*od…and that tagline (expect the unexpected) is what cbs will use to cover their arses when they pull a stunt no one’s expecting in order to secure good ratings! dun noe it’s true dat!

  43. @ tishe and Clare Ann Just for you

    Here’s to tishe and clare Ann, They met along the way
    There from the old school, So listen to what they say
    The two girls have been talking, And they have a plan
    So lets all get behind them, And give the girls a hand

    Thier plan is a simple one, So it wont be a flop
    Tishe is an old hippie, and clare ann is a retied philly cop
    They have agreed to go int house, Chew them and spit them out
    For them to be able to do this, In my mine there is no doubt

    They plan is my way ofthinking, A very simple plan
    I wish i could be there, to watch the HG’s last stand
    To see them running around, To hear thier cry’s and shouts
    So send them in, And lock the door, Don’t let them out

    • Chris-that-was-great!! Thank you!! Have you heard from Clare ann?? I agree, a couple of us older ladies would turn things up-side down!! We would need a few younger men tho!! I prefer the the older gents my self!! To make the show really work, tho, a few young ones, throw in a couple of “Rakes” and then,game on!! Oh, better throw in a few stud muffins to throw the bimbos off track!!

      • HI Fishe, Iam glad to hear there are a few of us older ladies. I am 61 and I do think BB could be exciting with us ladies and the young gents…Let’see how clever the youngings really are.

      • Hi Layneel, my name is tishe, not Fishe!! I had that nick name in high school!! I was playing football!! You, my friend are in!! The young ones are clever!! They have a small problem! ” Think with your brains” oops,not!!
        YEA!!! I would love to have you on our team!! There are some very tough, old cookies!! I am not worried, we will kick hippie ass!!

      • Hi Tishe, Sorry, what can I say, bad eyes. As soon as I sent it, I looked again and saw the T instead of the F.
        I think it would be great to try it…Totally different game. We can see the BIG Picture of this game…I will not give up hope.

    • Hi this is Clare Anns sistr just got off the phone with her she had her wrist operated on not feeling well but loves the poem and was honored to be mentioned. Have no fear she be back on here as fiesty as ever. She would be a great canidate for bb

  44. BBAD has bored me to tears
    An early bedtime is what’s in store
    This season has confirmed my fears
    Don’t know if I can take any more

    My fear is that a loser would win
    And Enzo is still in the game
    There would be no positive spin
    If he wins, it’d sure be a shame

    So, goodnight to all my friends
    Enjoy the live feeds if you can
    Tishe and Jadelle – I sure love your posts
    Chris The Great – you are “The Man”!

    • awwhh thanks rico! you’re da bomb! i know eh? the feeds have died down alot of ppls are cancelling sept! lol…..must be why the price went down to $9.99 now! as if i would get it now, why on earth when i have bbdish? you gotta do one more limerick for da finale yo when it comes!

  45. @tishe #9:
    “a couple of us older ladies would turn things up-side down!! We would need a few younger men tho!! I prefer the the older gents my self!!”

    I’d join you in the BBHouse. I’m over 50 myself. We could have a showmance secret allaince! LOL!

    • Okay, we are there!! No throwing HOH comps! No letting any of the young ones running the show!! First and foremost, the alliance would be a the “true thing” even in games, one needs an alliance! Well, unless you’re playing solitaire!! Let BB know!!

    • Q, you need to make us smile and give us “poetry rap” CTG and Rico have made us laugh, we are missing you!! How older than 50 are you?? tee-hee! I do not care!! You are awesome!! @ Jadelle, is Q awesome?? This is kinda sad, I love talking about the game show, but my only hope is my Lane(he will not make it much further) my boy is whipped! boo-hoo sniff-sniff

    • I always say ” Teach them things their Mamas never told them” or “This will make you forget your Mama’s name” Go Cougars

    • i am not an older lady but i am an older man and i agree with you i would like to go on to show these young punks what us mature people know without all the back stabbing

  46. I hope Ragen get taken down and Hayden goes up and goes home then the worst allance ever… sorry “bragade” will be broke up and will not go any furter i mean come on hayden and matt were the only ones to ever win but yes i want Regan to win .. and he will

    • i agree dan, hay needs to go home! i sure hope britt wins pov only to send hay home, course that’s only if britt da twit pulls off ragan!
      lane will try to convince her otherwise, geez she will slap herself silly when she finds out about lane’s alliance!

  47. Just dropped in to see what y’all were posting, but it seems everyone’s dropping out. Would try to say something funny, but this final 5 is so pathetic, I just don’t have it… What do y’all think, are they more delusional than pathetic, more pathetic thatn delusional, or equal parts of both?

    • sista sista j! how ya do? there be some poetry from rico & ctg, check it out! who do ya think’s winning pov?

    • Aw, Sister J, the other half!!! A few die-hards left!! @ Daniel, he has played a tough game!! Now that Matty is gone, we won’t have to see him cry!! He may make it!!

      • If it’s a quiz, the only one who’s studying is Ragan, but he may be overdoing it… He would definitely put up another BARF-ADE boy. Saw on an earlier post that if Brit wins it, she’ll ask Lane what to do, and do as directed (What was that song from the Wizard of Oz… “If I Only Had a Brain” seem to have been written for those two: Figure they might have a whole brain between them: BR/ANE! Too bad only Brit thinks they’re working together…) I’m not that invested at this point… Just want to see the BARF-ADE cannibalize itself…

    • This time of the game always gets boring. Now everyone has to FACE each other, and it is not a pleasant view. WHo is going to betray me next. All friendships and jokes are off.

  48. Its a important time that Britney and Regan should form an alliance. Regan knows all about the brigade and if he goes to Britney about it she will believe him. Matt should have told everyone about the Brigade! It would’ve been a bomb drop! At least Andrew was cool enough to drop a bomb!

    • i was just pondering that possibility cody!
      if ONLY she learns that lane is in an alliance that will NOT take her to the final ANYthing! then she can win pov and take ragan off (hayden will have to go up) and then one of them go HOME! (likely enzo if i’m reading lane right) if ragan wins pov (britt will have to go up) ragan votes to keep her, hayden does not, lane will break tie! hmmmmmmm…….lol….:)

      • If this is what happens, Brti and Ragan should get the tougher competitor out and that would be Hayden.. Lane will not have a say.. Lane would be smart to join a final 3 alliance with Brit and Ragan while he has the HOH power this week.

      • Jadelle, Britt da twit is a scary player!! She doesn’t think for herself! Then, low and behold, she looks like she may be thinking!! Then she goes and plays “high school dumb-ass girl stuff!! I’m confused. I could never keep up with girls who are too cute and no brains!!

  49. Excellent choices…now if we can get Britney to win POV and save Ragan.
    Why? because Ragan has them all figured out without any help.

    • Agreed!! I would like our little britches to have a really clean crystal ball! It must be placed right in front of her, that way she could see it! Then she may save her ars!! Oh, we would have to lock her up in the bath tub(that way she would keep her pretty mouth quiet!!)

  50. It sure was fun posting, but BB is a bore
    I was sitting here posting, but got woke by my snores
    Tishe, jadelle and clare ann, the three of you are great
    But I need my beauty sleep, and it’s getting late

    I’ll see you all tomorrow, I hope you understand
    There would be more drama in the house, If enzo used his hand
    So goodnight, see ya, bye bye, And all that stuff
    So scottie, hear my wish, and beam the HG’s up

    • good one CTG!

      “There would be more drama in the house, If enzo used his hand…”

      That might be the only way he could win a POV or HOH, as that’s all he seems to do.

  51. Tishe, if you’re still there, I wouldn’t count your boy Lane out yet… He’s got an alliance with everybody that’s still talking to him… Brit is still thinking she has her “army” at her back… (More like the army is pondering the best time to put a knife in her back…) It’s all down to who wins comps when from now on…

    • Yea Sister, still here, I will not give up on my boy!! I hope he will kick him self in the ass and start playing!! Everyone is walking around with a knife!!

      • Too true, even “Production” couldn’t get them all away with that earlier punishment! Guess it’s time for us to give it up… Catch ya tomorrow, or maybe Sunday… okay?

  52. Hellloo!! Everyone is cancelling their live feeds! We had better not poop out on the free stuff!! Smiles! Tee-hee! Good night posters, as always, after a day of work, you folks make me smile , &&& , laugh!! Question, how do ya all get the “smiley face on your posts)

  53. Aw you are awake!! What word did I type, that is being moderated, or is it the whole message?? Shall we try again?

    • Good Night BBN! I still will not take the discount on the live feeds. They are not live 24/7! (oops, wrong advertising) moderate that.

  54. Thank all of yall for the wonderful postings that keep me up to date; however, I’m done with BB for the season. I’m sorry, this season of BB totally sucked.. I know it’s no Season 11 or 8 but, they are just no Jeff not Janelle here. The showmance were so lame and pathetic, I truly think something is mentally wrong with the Brendon and Rachel. This season will be remembered as the season that losers prevailed!! I’m just can’t wait until survivor!!

    • Another scripted reality show. Have you noticed since they started filming in HD no body has dirty nails even though they have been camping all night. Oh and do you really think Jimmie Johnson has what it takes to play survivor. Contestants like that decrease the reality of the show.

  55. Ragan sitting in the hammock going over faces— priceless, hilarious descriptions of people! “Kathy- boxy face. Andrew- beady eyes, close together. u can see alittle fucked up bottom teeth. Kristen- smiles with her eyes, chipmunk cheeks, small teeth, barbie hair. Enzo- mole on left cheek, distinctive dark Enzo eyes, thinning hair! Brendon- tepee hair, dbl frown lines big brown eyes. Brit- big teeth, not large but bigger!”

    Lol– he is so descriptive & has every detail memorized to the T it’s almost creepy but funny whn he’s going over it obsessively!!


  56. Brit: I’m telling you and i’m not being a conspiracy theorist but this year these competitions are being designed to fuel drama in the house,… I have never seen a POV be a straight quiz” She says they wanted BRendon to win the HOH that hayden won and they wanted Ragan to win the POV. Hayden thinks they do that every year, Brit disagrees she thinks this year they wanted certain people to win to make more drama in the house. Brit says that it’s nice a quiet in the house now, Hayden thinks that its hurting CBS’s ratings.

    Damn it brendon you had that comp, hayden just got lucky

    Why the hell would you root for the other losers????

    • I’m telling everyone…rewind the tapes..both of the names Hayden found were in the SAME box..

      • It looked like that to me too. I remember him not having any names, then he opened 1 box, and I swear it looked like he pulled 2 name cards from it. He even had sort of a surprised look. Then he placed one at the corner of his bin and ran with the first one.

  57. The only thing that would maybe make the rest of the season worth watching, would definately be the stated senario with Brit winning POV and removing Regan, then have a split vote and make Lane pick between Enzo and Hayden. That would be worth watching. Otherwise I agree that BBAD is no longer needed at this point. These remaining people are obnoxious and boring.

  58. Is anyone awake on here….When is POV..btw, if Brit wins POV, $500.00 says no way she will use it..

    • If Brittney finds out Hayden has a trip and 5’s she will use it in a minute to yank Regan off..

  59. I said earlier in BB world that I needed an intervention. I was watching every second of the shows, every second of BBAD and visiting chat rooms and websites. Well the intervention has occurred; that being the eviction of Brendon. I was so disgusted by Ragan’s constant bashing of Brendon and Rachel during BBAD 2 nites ago that I fast forwarded through most of it. Last nights BBAD was just plain boring and oh yes, again Ragan was Brendon bashing along with Britney’s help. The final 5 have the misfortune of thinking they are wonderfull and have pulled something special off. I am now soooo over BB. So thanks to the remaining 5 I will now get a full nights sleep and continue on with my life as known before BB. Whew!

    • I’m right there with you Anna ,to the T. I had a decent reality check weds. night on BBAD at about 10:35 P.M.(incase you have it recorded you should check it out!) This is when Hayden told Enzo that the DR told Brendon to vote for Enzo for television purposes. Enzo was clearly pissed all night and I think it is clear ( at least to myself) why Brendon was evicted, He didn’t conform to the D.R. Whatever the reason, I tried to watch some BBAD and they are still bashing Red and Brendon (they must have been a force to be reckoned with). I cannot continue to watch Britney and Ragina impregnate the t.v. airwaves with their eternal hatred of Team Brenchel. God forbid either of these two win the money , but if they do I hope someday they realize they couldn’t have done it without Team Brenchal, Here’ to all the senior poster’s and their wisdom (you know who you are)!!! and here’s to the kids who have much to learn about communication (you know who you are too)!!!! Keep the peace , love one another and 2nd to none , KEEP an OPEN MIND , for when you close it you start to die a little bit!!! Peace Out Broham

    • I also had to ff thru the BBAD, it was horrible.. you would think the producers would make the hg’s do something other then lay around and look stupid..Thanks for not giving them cards..

  60. So this is final 5, WOW!! Thumbs DOWN!! I cannot stand any of these fools. They do not represent the game well at all. I don’t even care any more. Whatever happened to the thought of throwing ED in there? Come on, seriously, bring Chima back for goodness sake, these HG suck!!!

  61. I think that ENZO should go he doesnt even try!!!
    The bregade just used matt to get far in the game!!

  62. HI Tishe, had surgery was in alot of pain, but doing alot better! Chris the great wrote one heck of a poem about us YOUNG SENIORS going in the BB house:) LMAO Thank YOU Chris the great!! My sister, joanne called me and read it to me. It gave me a happy moment & thought that I really do wish to be in that BB house right now! THose HG don’t realize how lucky they are to be chosen. All they talk about is how famous they are. Duh, I don’t want their autograph, their hands were down their pants all the time, STINKY lol :) I’ll be on here later tonight ok, need to get some rest but I’ll be back with some THUNDER! OH,BB PLEASE have Brendon pop-up at the HG every time they look into the MIRROR! Shake those IDOITS up! THEY might think he is coming back in the house again:) WISHFUL THINKING :)

  63. Bregade survivor would have been to put up Ragan & Brit ……no way possible for two Bregade members to face off….Lane seems to going with Brit over the boys.

    Brit wins POV and CBS tells her about the Bregade like they told Ragan….she uses it to save Ragan and finally we have some real drama

  64. Just putting this out there: I didn’t realize Ragan was the author of 3 books and his own website. There is some pretty funny stuff in there. I wasn’t originally a Ragan fan, but I am cheering for him from this point on for intellect alone. It would be a real kick in the a** to lose to a bunch of guys I am not sure can even read.

  65. somebody responded to me last night that the folks in the JH are not allowed to discuss the game.

    Is that true? Or do we really buy that?

    If so, how did everyone find out about Natalie’s real age (from Jesse in the JH)

    Wasn’t there somewhat of a “panel discussion” of the ousted HGs where they were all talking about the final two and the pros and cons of their game?

    Is that a rule like in the BB house where they are not allowed to talk about their diary room, but do anyway?

    • DCOOP, That is hard to believe they cannot discuss the game. They have to…they are the ones that are going to VOTE. That has got to be a major mistake. What else are they going to talk about. THEMSELVES!!!

  66. well this confirms it bbad was just as boring as it has been since brendon and matt left. why bother, I am so sick of these 5 thinking they are gonna be famous and in movies. keep dreaming cause half the world had enough of your hands in your pants, picking your nose and farting all day and night the things not gonna grow any more so give it up guys. and hayden certainly isnt hollywood, thats an insult to the real famous, throw up and grow up thats what they need to do cause they are all gross. also little miss bitchy and little girly ragan WE SO HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR EVERY ALL DAY AND NIGHT BASHING OF RACHAEL AND BRENDON, I would not want you as a teacher and I certainly would not want bitchy as a friend. They need to play this game with some kind of morals by any chance did either one of them listen when their parents were trying to teach them, if u dont have anything nice to say shut your mouth and dont say anything? And as for lane u have enough money go donate it in matts behalf for cancer victims all over the world since he carried u to where your at in the game. Enzo what a cry baby so u gave your clothes to charity about time u did something good in the game your useless, and dumb, did I hear u went to college ? must have cheated all the way through cause u cant remember a thing that went on around u since u went into the bbh, u should apply for a job advertising the penquin suit for halloween. my mommy taught me when u had enough of bull crap coming at u open your mouth wide and let them no u cant bull shit the bull shitter, bye bye enzo stupid

    • oh yea u cant match a pimple on brendon, matts or rachaels ass in this game at least they fought hard to stay in it they should be the ones at the f3 not a bunch of has beens that are causing CBS, NOTHING BUT A HEADACHE Hope they dont ruin it for bb13 to air I certainly would miss it, and just think it would be all because of u 5 wackos, thats the only thing u would be famous for

      • They are still going to have a BB13. If it’s a winter season though, could be make or break for the producers. If it’s anything like Season 9 the producers will have to change some rules, restrictions, etc.

        They’d have to do something to spice it up. Most of these houseguests aren’t likable, they break the rules and don’t get punished, and most make good money. The people that don’t make alot of money are in no specific order:

        Kathy, evicted
        Hayden, evicted
        Annie, evicted
        Matt, evicted

        For crying out loud look at the other players jobs!:

        High School Swim Coach (still has PhD)
        Hotel Sales Manager
        Insurance Adjuster, can make up to 100k
        Boutique Manager/Model
        Oil Rig Salesman
        Chemistry Graduate/VIP Cocktail Waitress
        College Professor


      • I dont think some of them will have a job after this who would want to be embarrassed by them.

    • Joanne, They already have offers to go to seattle to try out for more reality shows. I am like you, we have seen enough of Ball scratching,farting etc. They said they would all go for tryouts. This is their big chance Ha..

  67. I think his noms were good. It gives Brit a chance to change things around to further herself in the game. I hope she takes Rags off (can’t believe I’m saying this) and ha has no choice but to renom hayden and enzo goes home unless Brit and Rags thinks getting rid of Hayden would be better for their game. They could easily beat Enzo for next HOH and get rid of him next week.

  68. I have a hunch this is Enzo’s week. He’s the worst competitor left and the least intelligent person left as well, it’s inevitable he’s outmaneuvered.

  69. Ragen or Britney need to go….. BBAD is soooo boring now I fast forward through most if it.

  70. I don’t often comment, but after reading here and other places, I was just wondering why no one has suggested that maybe Lane should have put up Enzo and Hayden? He could align with the stronger players-Brit and Regan-and evict one of the Brigade. I think he would have a better chance of winning if he made that alliance and then, be left with 2 sure votes on his side who would evict the other Brigade member next time. At that point, he has shown Brit and Reg that he is their friend and once the jury finds out about the Brigade, he could garner up a bunch of votes there too. Just my thoughts.

  71. at this point they all need to play for themselves. the bragaid is history it was over when they BDed Matt. So much for bros. Now for hoes. Brit is playing with Lane’s Head if you know what I mean. Wake up guys or Ragan will walk away with the 20 grand and the 500k and that sucks. So long as Brit or Ragan don’t win I don’t care which of the 3 left doesz Well maybe I do. I go for Enzo, Lane, Hayden in that order. Please guys don’t backdoor Enzo

    • Totally agree with you. Lane won HOH exactly when he needed to win. Yeah, Reg adn Britt need to go. If Britt and Lane are not engaged, Britt cannot be that stupid, or maybe she is, to think that Lane would risk loosing $500K for her, especially if she is engaged to Nick/Lane. But she is so young, she probably does think that she can play Lane!

  72. No I think he should have put Brittney and Ragan up for eviction. I would love to see both of them go home!!!!

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  2. Big Brother 12 Spoilers: Week 8 PoV Competition Results | Big Brother 12
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