Craziness in the Big Brother 12 house really hits the fan each week in the days following the live eviction and HoH competition. This week, with Rachel’s return to power, is no exception as the fights have already been rolling since last night.
Since there’s no way CBS can show everything that happens on the uncensored house cams I thought I’d give you a rundown on what to expect over the next few days and what you can watch on the live feeds from within the BB house.
Fridays feature the build-up to the nomination ceremony. The targeted (or paranoid) HGs will be arguing and deal-making to save their butts which is always fun to watch. You’ll learn who the HoH is after and why. Friday night we’ll get to watch the fallout from the noms which is always a loaded situation.
Saturdays bring us the Power of Veto competition as more deals are made and tensions run high amongst those put on to the chopping block the night before. Last week was incredibly exciting as we awaited news of Brenchel’s success at avoiding the backdoor and we’re likely to see the same level of stress again.
The Veto Ceremony is held on Monday which means you’ll get two days of HGs’ battling it out for their safety and majorly stressing out all along the way.
If you’re new to the Big Brother Live Feeds then this is the perfect time of the season to jump in and start enjoying what the rest of the fans are already watching. There’s even a free trial period if you’re not sure it’s right for you. The BB Feeds provide an unedited view of the real Big Brother game as it happens so you’ll know the real story and not just what CBS wants you to see. Enjoy!
Update: The HGs are playing a Luxury Competition right now so get your live feeds ready to watch and find out who won what as soon as they return!
Update 2: Live Feeds have returned and it looks like the HGs were playing Cops & Robbers. Very cool. Turn on your feeds to hear who won what. Sounds like Enzo and Brenchel get to watch “The Other Guys” movie tonight.
so is it rachel and kristin in an argument???
There will be alot of upset in the Big Brother house this week with Rachel and Kristen. There will be major problem if Kristen gets put on the block.
@Caisy: Oh yes, Kristen and Rachel have really been getting in to it since last night. It’s fun to watch!
@Prettyinpink: I totally agree and at this point I don’t know how Kristen can avoid the block.
Maybe if Enzo said..Meow..Meow, the cat fight will stop.
Matt and Ragan are the life-long friends, possibly even brothers. They have the same star tattoo. Think about it?????
If Rachel doesn’t nominate kristen I think there will be a lot of people VERY surprised. As to the other nominee, I would really like to see Hayden up against Kristen to see if the Brigade will fight for him or not.
Anyone else think that Brit is Kathy’s daughter? she’s 40, brit’s 22, she keeps talking about being knocked up at 18 in highschool. similar accents, and they even kinda look alike… am I alone?
Matt, thanks for the RSS Feed. It works great on Blackberry to keep up with your updates throughout the day. :)
About the lifelong friends, I think Brendon & Andrew basically outted themselves as the pair to those watching the live feeds during the past week.
Did you notice Matt is wearing the same pj’s a few nights in a row? I hope she puts up Kristen and Lane and Kristen goes. I really can’t stand her after the way she talked to Andrew
Go to to vote for the new sabateur. I voted for Ragan, he is very funny.
I agree. And they’re both from Arkansas. And they both voted with each other in week 2.
Rachel says that she plays strategically, but when she was HOH last time she outed Monet because she had won 10k. I don’t think it was anything other than that. She was jealous because she won the money. I’m so tired of Rachel and I don’t get live feeds. She said after the HOH comp that she pushed the button before Julie finished the question and hoped she was right and was surprised that she was. I really don’t like anyone this year. No favorites. It’s rather boring. I should have had a favorite by now. Everything is geared toward Brendon and Rachel and they aren’t given any other houseguests air time so it’s hard to know any of them. I don’t want the sabo to come back. That failed the first week. I wish it was something more interesting like Pandora’s Box last year. It kept us all guessing and it was fun.
I know a lot of people do not like Rachel, but you gotta admit, she’s proving herself to be one of the strongest players this season. I found a new respect for her when she won HOH again. I just hope she or another houseguest finds out about the brigade before its too late.
I agree I think Kath and Brit are related, I never thought about Matt and Ragan…but that is starting to make sense in a big way.
It is going to be a great Cat fight this week. I swear each evicted has been their own worst enemy. It looks like Kristen is doing it to herself this week. Who fights with the HOH while they are the HOH? That is too risky and doesn’t make any sense.
I have a feeling that if they keep going at it like they have been, Kristen is going to get kicked out for violence way before she gets evicted. She has the traditional ‘Philadelphia’ attitude and it is going to get her into trouble.
i voted for reagon as the sab also. I must say i am realy liking reagan. when i started watching the feed a few minutes ago and rachel was a mess and brendon was not able to comfort her. then reagon walks in lets rachel have her meltdown and picks her backup. he was also able to explain ro rachel why her and bren didn’t see eye to eye. now she’s calm able to think game.
Hey Kristi got the email how ya doing this afternoon.
Go Rachel! !!! I hope Rachel & Brendan make it to fine 2 in the game!!!!
brit and lane final 2
I want Ragan to stay and the new only playing for 2wks then leaves,I think.I voted for Brittany she can do it,and then woldnt miss her,she and Lane have some connection is my guess.
@ brad chinner wait ragen and matt have what tattoo in common???????
but i think it is kris and hayden because maybe their a couple outside the house and i mean she said she had a boy friend back at home and now what is cheatingon him with hayden. what a nice girlfriend right?
@Lori Ras
yup brit and kathy live three hours apart from each other
but is this just a small world
ragen and bren live hours away 2
Hmmm that’s very true… haydan and Kristen. Are long lost love!!! Why lie about there showmance
I voted for enzo, I think he would be great a sabatour. He would be the last one anyoneone would think of i think..
No one will agree to be the sabatour. Ragan is already playing well, and will not go till after Brendan or Rachel goes. I knew this Kristen stuff would cause a rift with the B/R! lol Brendan better distinguish himself from this girl. Play on your own.
I wish i had live feed to watch the cat fight going on between rachel and krysten! Bye Krysten! It was a blast watching you do… nothing.. except for hayden!! :)
sorry we had a lil eclectical fire i had to deal with but everything is good now.
you know the bad thing about kristen, is the fact that rachel tried to apologise more than once. brendon also tried to say he was sorry but not sure what he needed to do that for. rachel and kristen need to have a heart to heart. i know this makes for great tv for the rest of us to watch but at the samee time these are real people with real feelings
I think Rachel really justs wants Kristen to come up to the HOH to rub it in. Don’t go up there Kris! Rachel has the concept that everybody has to come up to her. Gosh. Rachel doesn’t even want other people to hang out with Kristen. Nothnig really behind Rachels words.
Kathy & Brit have to be related. Just alike. I am sick of Rachel & Bren, push her lip in, what a tramp looking girl. Matt is crazy as a loon. Who to vote for, right now we don’t know these players yet, CBS is locking in on R&B. Ugh! Sick of them, why am I watching, oh yeah, not jack on TV.
Why does Rachel keep acting so freaking wacky every week when it is her turn to speak to the kicked out guest? She always screams the same thing about how they aren’t going to come between her and “her man”..freaking weirdo. Brendan got into it with this nut job big time,good luck with that.
@brad chinner – amazing eye, I never caught that! I would say that pretty much seals the deal, since Ragan and Matt have been working side by side at every vote, but doing it quietly and as under the radar as possible. Even in week 2 they were both together and in on it when Matt told Rachel to use him as the replacement nominee/pawn. I thought it was probably them, if there was a secret relationship inside the house, but the BB producers have really been throwing curveballs with the seemingly inexplicable Brendon/Andrew alliance!
If anyone has a screen cap of these tattoos, much appreciated, as I have yet to notice them!
I know she has accused every evicted HG so far of coming between her and her man. Brendon obviously isn’t so smart after all.
I don’t think there is a secret pair. Annie lied.
@ Mary & Abby,
Ragan has the star tattoo on his left shoulder and Matt has at least one, and I think it’s just undder the left elbow.
Every year I think the house guests just get dumber and dumber. Rachel is a power player and why the plan isn’t separating her and Brendan I have no idea why. They need to be separated, I am just going to wait and see who will actually be smart enough to do it.
ok let’s get back to the live feed. i am so tired of reading the trivia.
I think Annie lied about the life long friends and sa far as Ragan and Matts matching tattoo, that star tattoo is VVVEEERRRRRRYYYY common, I see people with them all the time.
Although, the lovey dovey stuff is pretty nauseating, Rachel and Brendan are still the best people in the house. It’s time for them to start wiping out the four stooges.
I don’t know if anyone noticed but on BB after dark Lane also has a star tattoo on his rt shoulder. Rach gets on my nerves. I can’t stand her voice and how she repeats herself like half a million times. I am soooo over it!!!
i agree the star is to common a tat to tie people together with. if it was something orginal and something no one else has then maybe.
feeds back up
I agree I think Annie lied and I also want to say as a Vegas native she really gives Vegas a bad name.
Rachel…ss left that part out
ARae, any spoilers on PANDORA’S BOX.
@BG: No Pandora’s Box spoilers yet, but we should find something out in the next few days. We’ll keep you posted!
Thanks Matt, I hope Pandora’s box is not a disapointment as last season.
The problem with B & R is they trust and forgive too much. Use your freaking brains! Put up Hayden and Kristen. Stop making alliances with The Brigade. I am sorry but I kinda like Matt. He is playing his own game. First nooone got mad at him for NOT putting up B & R, that was Ragan’s doing. Second get rid of the strong players, F the floaters. Kristen is a strong player. Third there is Kathy once again going with whoever is in power. Why are they going one at a time to the queen bee? I love Brendan but noway would I do that. Rachel you are a smart player but YOU are not any better than anyone else in the house. I wouldn’t go up there. NOWAY!
Thats so dum how their making one of the hoh guests be the new sabatour like this season is finally starting to get good and they do this.. who ever gets picked will get pretty upset. Like their was a reason why fate had the sabatour out the first week, such a lame idea.
Rachel should put up strong players this time like enzo or lane
heydens gotta speak up in defense of his chick.He shoulda straitened rachel out when she made 3 references to kris going home when they all were in her new HOH room……f rachel!!!!
hey #49, enzo and lane strong players?????
Pandora’s Box again? Come on CBS, can’t you come up with something more creative? GAG!
I vote to put Kristen and SurferBoy Hayden on the block.
Then I vote to evict Kristen. I’d love to watch the Brigade fight it out in the final 4.
DD #48 The chosen player will be given the opportunity to be a sab. They do not have to take it. That is my understanding anyway.
rachel and brendon are seeing everyone one at a time. kathy first and she played the weak card. lane is leaving now and told them he’s not after them he has other people to go after next week if he wins hoh next week. brit just walked in. if you guys don’t have the live feeds, this is the time to get them. people going under the bus, lies lies and more lies and a lot of kissing of @ss. i’ll keep you guys up to date as much as i can when i can for you all who don’t have the live feeds.
It is ironic that Brendon and Rachel have made it no secret about there showmance yet Hayden and Kristen have, yet they are suddenly the couple to get rid of?
@ Kristi– Thanks so much for the live feed info. I have BBAD, so I get a little info from SHowtime, but I appreciate the updates you give. Keeps me with the info :-)
@ Trish– Yea, I kinda like Matt also if he could keep his frickin hand outta his pants.
Can anybody tell me what is the deal with Kathy. I dont know how I missed it, but did she say something about having lukimia and only 6 mos to live??
your welcome mindy. it looks like rachel and brit are becoming bff’s. how weird. lol i guess kristen is coming up next to talk to rachel. this should be interesting and even brendon is leaving so they can talk in private. can’t wait to hear this.
kristin is saying she’s taking ownership of her actions that she has never been after rachel and brendon, but at the same time she is blaiming everything is andrews fault.
bothe of them are holding strong i get the feeling they may work things out because kristen is talking good game and i think rachel might believe it.
man….all sounds so interesting… i like both rachel and kristin so i hope they get together and get rid of britney or lane
I hope that Kristen goes this week. I have never cared for her. Hayden needs to distance himself from her, or he will be leaving shortly. Can’t stand Rachel. I kinda thought that she was an escort. Unlike most of you guys on this site, I CAN’T stand Reagan. Matt is getting way too sure of himself. I think that he is an idiot, not the genius that he thinks he is. Britney is mean spirited, and never has been one of my favorites. The showmance between Rachel and Brendon makes me want to vomit. So tired of it,
no kathy said she could get it because of the chemo she had to take when she did have cancer. she does not have it now but it is definately the pos in the future for her to get it.
can anyone tell me what time on the flashback feeds to look for the big blow up between rachel and kristen… i wanna see what exactly went down.
(the feeds) Kristen is wasting her breath..Rachel is not buying nothing Kristen is saying..This is the first time that Rachel has no problem with putting a HG up..First time she was HOH she had second thoughts as to her choices..From the look on her face Rachel will have no change of heart as to putting Kristen on the block…
@Kristi Thank you for the live feed. Last Summer it consumed my life. Can’t do it again. But Showtime after dark, I do watch…
Rachel is a VIP Waitress…How do you define a hooker whore…
She is smart, but what was withe her bird nest weave sticking out of the back of her hair. Monet and Brit were right about her weave.
im not sure about strong players, but im pretty sure lane and enzo are gonna sqeak by atleast ntil teh final 5. Their the perfect floaters, not awful in chalenges but they dont usually win to bring a traget on their back and aslong as tehy can keep the brigade secret no one thinks their in an aliance.
Steph..Try last nite between 8 & 9 pm..
@Mindy I am so glad you brought up Matt and his handy pants issue. The part that puzzles me, the brigade never brings it up or I have missed it.
The after dark feeds are great on Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday nites…
thanks connie!!
People keep suggesting that Kathy and Brittney are mom/daughter. Kathy has said many times that she has a son. Anybody think Brittney might be engaged to Kathy’s son? Just throwing that out there…
Rachel is jealous of Kristin. Women will be women. Andrew really did turn the house upside down. Brendon had to keep rachel from going back in the room and antagonizing kristin. She wanted to go and through water and wine and just act stupid. This side a rachel is not sitting to well with brendon. Rahel is too needy. Brendon is going to get tired of this soon.
Unless I heard wrong Shane is Kathy’s son..Nick is Brittney’s boyfriend
i guess we will find out later. this is getting interesting. thank you andrew for atleast doing something in the house. i think we will have a back door plan for this week again. target, not sure yet. yes kristen is obvious but in bb you never know.
Who knows Rachel might decide to put up strong players like Lane and Matt .
(the feeds) SHUT UP KRISTEN!!! U are repeating urself..again n’ again..just cut the conversation n’ leave the room.. Would be in ur best interest..
This is why I was sickened when Rachel won again – now she gets to sit on her thrown and watch evry1 kiss it. Meanwhile she gets to “have another week with MY MAN”. gross, over it by now.
I almost was going to like her when she had the 1 on 1 with Brit wkb4 last but then she went and threw Matt under the bus with the house meeting.
I still am liking Matt even though he didn’t put them up bc he secured his safety and is playing a good game.
I will be voting for Ragen for the Sab also. I think he’s a good pick!
Please get the Worst , most undesirable couple in Big Brother History OFF!! Now any body, I can’t watch anymore
Any word on who the nominees are? By the way, Kathy is not Brittany’s mother. Brit’s mom’s name is Teresa.
What does kathy keep saying her son’s name is?
I don’t see Lane as a weak player at all. Maybe a fairly quiet one compared to most of he others. Certainly not a flamboyant personality. However, in the hot dog comp he sailed across without a problem and turned the crank to get his other team members over. IN the caramel comp, he sailed through it in lightening fashion. He hung in for quite a while, especially for as big a guy as he is. Finally, he was in the final round last night, and Rachel did buzz in before the question was complete with a correct guess. Everyone makes it sound like he is sitting around doing nothing. I don’t see that at all. He is just not a yeller and screamer; maybe his game plan is more subtle.
Is Kristen in there kissn it too??? I don’t have the feeds….She needs to tell Rach to f-off and go up with some pride left.
hey torch, that was a great email. did you get my nickname? you would be amazed how many people don’t know what it means. lol i was going to use it on here but it makes it to obvious who i am because it is so unique. so in this situation my real name was better. lol
@84, I meant he hung in a long time on the surf board…
@83 – Kathy’s son’s name is Shane
no nominations yet. she is still talking to people so later today is my guess
oh – and no, they haven’t done noms yet
@Lisa: no noms. yet Rachel is still talking to the HG’s. I want Kathy gone I’m tired of her playing the sick card all the time.
#84 – well put – I think he’s my fav to look at for sure even if not the best player YET. I was really pulling for him to win HOH last night!
Matt, is weak, the Brigade is weak, the contest r geared to help the Dugly couple win
I see a lot of messages that people should “get the brigade”. I am not a fan, but they have done a great job of keeping the alliance a secret. I don’t think any of the other hg’s know about them.
I think Rachel’s big complaint about Hayden & Kristen’s showmance is that they kept it a secret and didn’t have the courage to be open about it. Rachel and Brendan are paying a huge price for the relationship while Hayden & Kristen are enjoying the benefits of one without any penalty. (But maybe that is coming to an end???)
Love them or hate them, it would be a very boring season without Rachel & Brendan’s showmance.
Hey Torch – we are in agreement. Kathy needs to go! This poor me stunt is as hard to watch as brachel making-out. Not that u would agree with that part. lol
Ya Kristi I got it and I looked you up cute dogs by the way ( my, myspace ) is listed under my full name and look for a white & gray dog as main pic.
Does no one see that Rachel was a he?????? Her man neck, her Adam’s apple, her man face…. How can no one see that? I bet someone that when she won HOH, there would be no Youth/teenage pics of him, Bingo! the one childhood pic was a no brainer, no signs of her actually being a female. HERACHEL or was it Herchal???? Brendon is an iddiot and let’s also remember, Herchal was not his first pick, she was what was leftover.
Get these others involved Big Brother, They r afraid to play the game, will somone tell them that only one person can win!! Shut down the Dugly couple, Please!!!
NC BOB – you have a point there. I think they (brigade) will be loyal to eachother until the end. I look forward to watching them. Like it or not guys are pretty good at keeping it quiet and staying loyal. unfort girls turn on eachother faster. guess we will see.
Dam..Now Enzo is digging in his drawers…What is it with these men??? GROSS
thank you torch. love my dogs. if you don’t mind. send me an invite because i’m on my phone and i can accept you without having to get on my computer if your on yours.
who ever cast this year, should never do that again
Brendon’s Bio said that he planned to get all the women to turn on each other..SO far so good Brendon..
no it would not be boring with out them (Brenden and Rachel) it would loosen up the others and finally stop being boring!!
@104 – I don’t think it would be boring either, then maybe others would get air time!
Is it me or does Rachel and Brendon look like they need a shower?
actually the brigade is falling apart. all 4 members at one time or another has said they may have to pick one or the other off and this started 2 weeks ago. hayden being the most recent about matt and if not mistaken enzo said the same thing.
@97. Not even close, she looks nothing like a man
About gay house guests being on the more obvious side of things, remember BB10 Steven Daigle. He wasn’t around long so you might not remember him, but he was very much like Lane, they could be brothers in appearance. I don’t think he got around to revealing that he was gay, think he got voted out second, but he sure didn’t fit the gay stereotype.
we are all people just people. race, religion, sexual preference and politics does not matter. let’s just treat each other as equals. get off our high horses and be nice. is it realy that hard? no i think not!
Lydia, I was kind of looking at Rachel like that too. I don’t know – probably not since she had pictures of her when she was young as a cheerleader. I see the Brigade falling because each still is playing his own game. Lane is too neutral, Enzo wants to make sure he eats, Matt is Matt, and Hayden should have not ever been in the same room with Kristen.
Since guys know how to get along, and these girls are going to vote each other out.
So since Rachel is making herself look crazy she’ll now go before Brendan.
so totally true Kristi, God created us equal
matt’s up there now. rachel asked who told him to put brechel up. he said he doesn’t feel comfortable, well because, it was his plan. lol he said only 2 people didn’t want them on the block. only naming reagon as one who didn’t. matt has them snowblind.
boy can matt twist words
lol- thanks for the update Kristi. I luv to see Matt work them! Hopefully they will show it!
he’s good. he answeres a question without answereing the question. funny he thinks he is so safe. maybe they should backdoor him just for thinking hes so safe.
hey Kristi how many has Rachel talked to so far.
that would be to sweet. but I think she is still leaning toward Kristen, Hayden,& Kathy.
Hey Torch. I wish I knew who Kristi really is. LOL You said you name would make it obvious who you are…..dang are you an ex BB player? You have such great insight and you make alot of sense. This enquirer mind wants to know….lol ;)
P.S. I am hating all this kiss brown nosing. GOD! Kristen really thinks she has Rachel snowed? Pleaseeeeeeeeeee girl! Rachel hates you with som much distain that YOU will go home if it is the last thing she does. Trust me girl! I want Brendan to show more balls on there. When he gets mad at Rachel and stands up for himself he is quite more attractive to me. Yes I am obessed with Brendan, well more his looks, his personality kinda sucks……:)
reagon,kathy,brit,lane,kristen, and now matt. so unless i missed something. just hayden and enzo. but i don’t know if bb is going to giver her enough time to talk to them. it’s already 721 and we still havent had the nominations yet.
@Trish: no I have never been in the game, but I have watched every episode of every season of BB USA. and with Kristi we have just become friends through BB.
no trish. i don’t work for cbs or have i ever. i am just a house wife now. i won’t lie but i have worked in the tv bus several years ago behind the seens locally. as far as my nickname goes, it’s something my husband calls me and i rather people not know. i like being just kristi
Let clearify, I like just being kristi on here. Lol but if bb would offer me a job, I might think about not just being a house wife & go back into tv. Lol
Sorry Kristi I was being so nosey. I just love BB and love listening to you. Or reading what you write. I apologize for sticking my nose in your conversation with Torch. Torch are you from England?
no reason to say sorry trish. it’s all good. we love the conversation on here. chime in all you like
Nope I’m just a plain old Michigan boy born and raised, spent 4 years in the Army.
ya Trish we like people who come on here talk respectfully to others and are respectful of others opinions so we have no problems with you.
Enzo said earlier that he spent maybe 10 minutes up there..
well hopefully the nominations are happening. trivia is back up. i’m taking it was a luxury comp earlier. any ideas who won? i stayed on the hoh room cams.
no I was away for awile had to take my mom to town.
oh well, figure it out later. im going to make dinner for my husband. talk to you all later.. bye torch
why is kristen n rachel even arguin?
@Caisy – I think they just don’t like each other prob due to jealousy. IDK how it started but they really have been going at it. Any opinions?
@ kristi, it says at the top of the page here that enzo and brenchel get to watch a movie so i guess they won the luxury comp.
i think it all started with hayden puttin brenden and rachel up in the h.o.h compition,,then rachel put hayden n kristen,,then so on n so on
I don’t know either why they are arguing. Is it because hayden put up brendon and rachel after taking out britney in hoh. then kristen kept doing the same?
@DD thats what im sayin all started there
seems that way to me – but there is prob an underlined reason. maybe bc of the showmance and Rach is jealous that they are getting away with it and Kristen is jealous that she can’t show it. stupid girl stuff.
i dont even kno why there makin a big deal bout showmance,,they wasnt there to make love 24/7 but to win the money thea showin it to evrybody else in the house how they really dont care about winning,,so that makes everyone have the right to vote them all out
Agreed Caisy! I remember when I was checking out their pre-show interviews Rach said she was open to a showmance but I think she’s an idiot to lose focus and make it all about it! This is supposed to be a game about money and out witting and out playing the others. She was probably rejected as a bachelorette!
Not sure what will happen. But it just might be better for Hayden to leave, and Kristen to stick around. We’ll see who goes up. Team Kristen though! Hay-ay!!
hahahaha!!! bachelorette,,but yupp she shudnt hav said da foreal,,and brenden is in love with her alreadiii,,are yhu serious,will he even choose rachel over the money???
Please go read Brendon’s Bio
@connie where?
so.its in
YES caisy….com /big brother
I read it connie. He said it. Going to plan for him, except for Andrew…
hey Kristi if asked would you go into the house.
So I realize that Rachel is right about one thing this week, there are a lot of haters. Does Rachel cackle like a hyena? Yes. Does it make me want to stab myself in the eyes when her and Brendon make out for 12 hours. Undoubtedly, yes. Do I feel like suggesting my pregnant girlfriend get an abortion, simply because it’s cruel to bring a child into a Brenchel world. At times, yes. BUT when I look at the impotent brogade,crazy eyes stalker Brendon, liar with “integrity?” Kathy, swimsuit model turned tight pants *itch Kristen, and catty, backstabbing Brit and Ragan, I can’t help but want the hyena to win the half million.
I wanna do the Amazing to
hayden kristen up for eviction
i saw brendens bio,,,so yupp i think he will play rachel..but lets give her credit to even she doesnt know she stil stronger then brenden,,
that’s what we thought would happen
He more or less told her the other nite that his education comes first..
no i don’t think i would. i liked working behind the scenes. the business part of the job. that’s where you can be creative and were i shine. lol
Hayden will let Kristen be evicted if it comes to down to the wire..
i think rachel messed up. all this stuff about not coming between her and her man. well she is her worse enemy. just saying
rachel stil havent told brenden she loves him back huh??
I agree Kristi, Brenden is letting Rachel have it right now it sounds like she just pissed off the house royally.
wow he just told her loves her and he is in love with her. i know what his bio said, but i think he realy does mean it and if rachel doesn’t change her attitude, it’s not going to work. he’s realy trying to be honest to the point it’s hurts.
brendon is 2 minutes away from getting slapped !!
I think he really does love her, who knows anything can happen.
whatever she did or said he knows she messed up…n’ it must be gonna reflect on him..
@kristi true he might love her ,,and i thnk brenden likes her more then she do..
hey dany!! missed you. i agree. the way she is looking at him. i’m seeing the exorcist in my mind & i’m one of the few who thinks she’s cute.
man she is pissed at him.
hey kristi !!! man she did not say one single word for 10 minutes !!!
wow, that’s all i can say at the momment.
I don’t think Brenden will be sleeping in the HOH room tonight what do all think.
Rachel does not like it when Brendon does not agree with her…
that might have been a record for her dany. she should have wated to tell them sorry until she could atleast act the part.
now hayden and kristen have to kiss @ss so they can try and stay in the house. what kind of deal will they offer.
Glad to see the power shift! although I’m suprised that he is actually sticking up to her.
honestly kristen will create more drama then hayden if she stays….im sorry but im over hayden!! hope to god kristen stays !!
Well it’s a wait and see game know for a couple of days until pov. It will be interesting.
whats goin on with brenden and rachel???
Does anybody gotta clue as to what she said??
i don’t see how kristen can makes the tent remarks about brechel when she is cheating on her boyfriend on national tv unless they are a couple in real life.
Rachel evidently said something at the nominations (H&K up) and it must have included all the HG’S. Brendon is upset cause she put a bigger target on their backs
from what i gather she invited the rest of the houseguests to come and get them. we wanted the game, now we got the game.
that’s for sure Kristi I think we might have more fireworks this week.
heyden is already up there talking to her. she’s saying that this was her choice. not to take it out on brendon. damage control!! he’s saying sorry for kristen also. damage control. lol.
hayden looks like a lost puppy
i called it
hayden is so freakin boring!! my god i feel like slapping the taste out of his mouth to wake him up !!!
I knew Rach would crack just like when Brendon got all mad when she sd she was going to put up Andrew on her last reign as Queen ‘B’ and she changed her tune quick then too.
Can’t wait to see what was said at the Nom Cerm. I’m sure it had something to do with them coming between her and her man. haha
i feel like i’m watching a soap opera at the momment. hope you guy’s have a great night. cant wait to catch up on what i missed. have a good one all.
bye kristi
see y later
I cannot for the life of me see how anybody can dog on Kristen. { No } I don’t want her to win, but I sure would like to see that Fat Ass Fake Rachel go way before any woman in that house. Yes, Kristen did say she had a boyfriend on the outside, but the difference is, she’s not his yet. They are not married to each other yet , so there is no owner manel to her or her boyfriend. Now Rachel, there’s nothing I can see about her that makes her even look pure or clean. She is dirty & she looks as though she sucks on lemon’s all day. All she want’s is to be a movie Porn Star. But she play;s her body like it’s gold. The girl need’s mental help. She hangs on men, & hates women. Who in the hell would want ” Her Man” all used up by her.Her Va-JJ is the size of the Grand Cannon. She is plain o’l ugly. She has more miles on her the the space shuttle.!
I think we all knew who would be put on the block.
I don’t particularly care for Rachel, but I have to give her credit for choosing her own noms rather than letting Brendon do it for her. She showed me she can think for herself. Ought to be an interesting week.
@92 Thanks. I really like the old country boy for some reason, and I do think he IS playing. He even mentioned in one convo that your have to know when to hold ’em referring to the Texas Hold’em card game. He does have a cute, yet sneaky little smile at times. I hope he steps up his game this week, but doesn’t put a target on his back.
loving lane too! he’s a hottie!
Are Rachel and Brendan still mad at each other? And putting up Hayden and Kristen was smart. Give Big Red credit!
I voted for raegan also. I think he could get by with a lot of things because he’s just another houseguest and stays out of the “lime light” so to speak.
*crossing fingers and hoping that Boobzilla gets evicted next week*
Unfortunately, that means she’ll be in the Jury House. That will definitely be one vote that will NOT be determined by game play, but by pure emotion.
Does nobody think the Hg’s should start thinking about being a little less openly anti-Brendan/Rachel? That’s two votes in the jury house that will go as a set.
Keep pi$$ing them off and kiss two votes goodbye. It’s time to start thinking about who is in the jury.
Keep pissing them off ! There not God. !
do we know who won veto yet?
Rachel has a lot of growing up to do. Brandon can see right threw her & I’ll bet he’ll have nothing to do with that you know what after bb is over. I,m really not sure if I want to watch anymore of bb after this is over. They sure lost a lot of repect from me. I’m sure CBS has heard from a lot of disapointed people this year, & yes I,m one of them. Kanky-Panky is fun, a lot of fun, but Rachel took it to a new low. Woman in Prison probaly don’t act like that ! { No I have never been in prison } Father-in-law was Deputy Wardon though} I would not let Rachel baby-sit my male dog if I had one !! Got a cute long-legged Yorki though ! My Nutmeg, Monkey butt that she is.
Judy, Thank you so much for recognizing exactly what Brendon is doing with Rachel. He will have alot of F U N with her in the jury house and it is definitely over after that. He is getting all the air time he may want.
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel. MUST you speak so loud and obnoxiously? I cringe everytime julie goes to speak with you.. Brendan is way to smart & way to cute to be with a girl like you. And a scientist? Come on now Vegas. No scientist i’ve ever seen looks like a bimbo with bright red hair. I wonder if Brendan’s family is watching in horror and wondering what is going on here. Frankly, i would hate to see Brendan leave over you. But it would be nice to watch you crumble without him. Come on house guest, pull through & get that couple out of there!
Hi Cam. So true…If she is a scientist. Why is her profession listed as a VIP Waitress…Ask Tiger Woods, wasn’t Rachel U., #1 “girlfriend” a VIP Waitress also. I wonder what that really means.
Hi all, just want to make a few comments. I hav watched BB since season 1. hav seen alot of great players and stupid players. I cant decide which person that I really like to win this yr. every season you hav the “different ones” Matt drives me crazy w his hands in his pants, Enzo w his nasty mouth, Britney w her stuck up attitude,Kathy “acts” really dumb,Kristen w a pissy attitude,Lanes, just too quite,Hayden keeps to himself,Regan is just Regan, then you hav Brandan and Rachel, what to say? there hav been alot of showmances on all seasons. a very unlikey couple but how boring would this season be without them?? I voted for Kathy to be the sabatour. I do think Matt and Reagan are good friends in real life. I also think Re
If ya’ll need to learn or know about sex, watch ” Big Brother” tonight. It’s all about filth.
sorry hit enter. I think Regan can win this…
to answer #205 If u watched the season w Janelle in it. she was a V.I.P. Waitress in Miami.. she got po when they called her a slut and a blonde bimbo. she said she did partys for celebrities and other important people. that she made alot of money and people were just jealous of her.
@208 kkwest Good memory. The truth will set you free. Brendon is playing a good game and Rachel is drinking the koolaid… Who does not know what a VIP Waitress. What did she say. She could make $5000 on one date…What service would the average man/woman expect for $5000…her jokes or !
One more question…Does Matt think he has a body that America wants to see. WHY does he always unzip his huddy…Poor thing has issues…Aim I the only person that feels that way.