From the CBS video below it sounds more like we’ll get to see the start of The Brigade plus some extra scenes they hadn’t shown before on TV. I’m guessing that those of us with the live feeds have already seen all these moments, but at least it’s something to watch while we wait for Wednesday’s BB12 live finale show.
Big Brother 12 Clip-Show Episode Tonight
Big Brother 12 episode is upon us with the delivery of tonight’s annual clip-show. Past seasons have asked the remaining two HGs to walk us down memory lane while others have purely been a series of segments that didn’t make it off the cutting room floor the first time around.
Our second to last
número UNO!
good for you
LOL, How proud you must be to be number 1. Now did you go number 2? LOL
They should show Enzo breaking the rules as a have-not.
oh i so totally agree with you!!!
cant wait. hopefully we get a montage of monet and britney making fun of everybody. they were good at it and it was funny.
At first I didn’t think it was funny but now I think oh well yeah kinda funny. Hope they show Brit’s goodbye message to Monet and her saying those things, was funny.
I love Brit cause she’s HOT!!!! More of her funny jokes please!
Being mean and rude isn’t hot!
Ya she’s hot, but that’s all she has.
She’s not even funny..she looks like a mini dolly parton.
Every man for himself then why before Lane won his comp did he say ” I was gonna throw the comp for Enzo to win. Lane lied to Britt about his alliance, two days ago he told Hayden that if he won, he would take him to the finals. Now he is telling Enzo that he is taking him to the finals.Right now I want to see more of the Jury House it more action there. Will they find out about the Bragade[they say Enzo is taking credit for all the evictions] will Rachel and Britt meet again? Will Ragan forgive Matt?Will they still like Ragan after finding out he was the Saboteur?
Turn in to BB to find out the answer to those questions and more……
As the stomach turns—
Memory lane tonight… should be interesting….
It has to be better than BBAD lately. Watching paint dry is more interesting than those 3 are.
or watching all 3 sleep all day on the live feeds.
It wouldn’t be politically correct, but they could fill the hour by simply showing Regan embarassing himself with his whining and self-pity-parties.
Is Lane still planning to take Hayden to the final 2 if he wins HOH? I thought Hayden and Lane had an agreement to take each other, has that changed?
Found that someone was posting under my username last night… Is there any way to prevent this? I’ve heard that imitation is the highest form of flattery… But this is not quite the same thing… My only recourse is to stop posting…
Brit got on our nerves at first with her whining! But she played a good game with her wins! Enzo is a “floater” but he played in an alliance that has kept him in the house.
Lane and Haydon have played a good game together! They derserve the final 2! Don’t think they would be my final 2 but BB12 is unpredictable!
I agree with you except for lane. He only won the one HOH, and the other night be only played against Enzo. All season Lane has floated as much as Enzo.
I actually thought those 3 guys were good together, fun to hang with. Hayden played the best of these 3. Sooo…. with that said, may the HOTTEST :-) guy win – HAYDEN ! lol
What characterist do people look for to earn respect to be the winner! People complain they don’t need money , they are mean and make fun, then are floaters. Mostly curious
‘Gonna be a boring show tonigh… which CBS would just cave and give us footage from the JH, where the action is.
interesting info…URBAN DICTIONARY has added Lane and Enzo to their list of subjects. They are selling meow-meow items..shirts hats bumper stickers mugs cups etc etc..Lane has shirt stating his love of puppies..They also have an “it is what it is” page that has items for sale..I am gonna check and see if the BRIGADE has been added..interesting site if u wanna go..
who cares…Enzo doesn’t deserve that much publicity!
Andrew seemed interested….
Urban dictionary? Impressive. Look out Bieber and Gaga.
I never would’ve thought that The Beast, The Animal and Meow-Meow would be the last 3 standing!! Lol
i wonder if we’ll see any of the showtime stuff Brit & Ragan performed? the LF viewers saw it and were saying it was pretty funny… though apparently they really trashed Brenchel and that eventually turned a lot of ppl into Brit/Ragan haters.
my only unaswered question is, Matt – is he gay or not? No straight guy over the age of 6 would wear those pjs he had on in the jury house
He’s married to a chick, judy…
He’s mensa; he may not care overly much about the clothing you think he’s supposed to wear. I like people who disregard what average people are thinking.
I have two very good friends that are partners and are raising 2 children from one’s marriage to a woman. Try again.
@judy: until I see Matt ACTUALLY KISSING Ragan, I’ll say he’s straight!
I thought his PJ’S were hilarious :-)
Personally, I think he would go both ways….
as far as being in mensa and therefore no taste in clothing, bs, I know many very smart people who are very concerned about their appearances. Plus if you remember, they (Ragan and Matt) referred to themselves as cuddle buddies. I rest my case.
Actually, I don’t mean mensa’s have no taste in clothing; I just mean some may have good enough self esteem and be smart enough not to care about idle gossip. I don’t really care if Matt is bi, gay or straight. I just thought your comment was a cheap shot and a slur on gays.
I think Matt is heterosexual and feels comfortable with and accepting of other persuasions. He
Sorry I didn’t get to finish that thought. Matt is intelligent and he could have discussions with Ragan that were on a different level than with the Brigade, who frankly are more immature. Also, they were closer in age. However, Ragan had a very immature side when he engaged in such derogatory putdowns of certain HGs, trying to make himself appear superior. I wasn’t fond of Matt, but he wasn’t really nasty like Brit or Ragan.
Hopefully we get to see Brit enter the jury house… seeing the jh members reactions to who walks in each week are my favorite parts of the season.
Final post from the ORIGINAL Sister J…
OK, sángano, since you like it so much the name is yours. Unlike those of small imagination, character, (and whatever else) I’ll use another one till you skulk away to where small things reside…
Someone did that to me last week! They must wanna be US! LOL :)
Hey, Clare Ann… They MUST wanna be US, and it must really S**K to be THEM! Let’s see if I’ve gotten rid of that sángano copycat…
Well ?!?!?!
Sángano, you better be careful… If I were you I’d read up on cyber stalking and cyber bullying laws. In many states it’s a second degree felony. Electronic bread crumbs are not that hard to track…
Sister J. is crazzyy!! LOL! She’s replying to herself!! ;0
Once a sángano, always a sángano…
Sorry, it’s funny when mean thing’s happen to mean people!
So what do you think the next competition will be?
Idk but if it’s some memorization thing lane’s screwed!!!
I hope they don’t show more of the mean spirited conversations Brit had with Reagan and Monet. Making fun of other people is immature and classless.
u think so??
i think haydens going to win , because he has lots of friends in the jury house andd people seen how good of a game he played , enzo was a floater and l ane was on brittneys side therefore he made some enemys , so regardless if hayden makes in to final 2 hes taking er all cause everyone loves him in the jh .
How has haydon played good, is it because he has won some comps. The comps he wins at is against 2 useless dummies and brit,oh and regan.
Come on people haydon is almost as useless as enzo and lane.
Honestly, I can’t wait to see the edit on this show!!
Lane, about the food spread: “I want to punch it, it looks so good!”
… What the hell?
Again, his funny dry sense of humor :-)
Are they going to show Brendan hitting on Annie?
the cripting of this reality show is getting worse and worse, the bra-gade meal comments by the final 3 are so scripted its laughable
God… I forgot how annoying Rachel and Kristen were… hate those sorry skanks.
Ditto ! I forgot about Hayden’s comment to Rachel when her and Kristen were fighting. It was great !!!! He said – Can you make 2 complete sentences witout using the word like ? :-)
yeah, i missed that 1st time around… that was pretty good.
Well I rather have HG that ” Stir the POT ” in BB house than watching the Boring Bra-gaide & Listening to Poty mouth Enzo! One F here, one F there but the whole sentence was every other word had an F included! Sounds like Old McDonald had a Farm! LOL :)
Helloooo Clare Ann! Sister!! Madman and all!!
How goes it??
Only my opinion, but I go here to read comments about the show. Who cares what “so and so is making for dinner, when they are going to bed. taking their kids to school, BLAH BLAH BLAH…Is this a personal web-site or just twitter shit?
Yipes, sorry I may have responded to the wrong question.
Sorry,on second thought, no retraction..”.Hi every one, what time did you get up today, what did you dream about last night, what are you going to have for breakfast, then what? How about lunch?” Is this a personal site?????? OK, what-ever
I to would like to see Bitchney enter the house. No desire to see any footage of the forgotten Money or Kristen.
well feeds are done for this season. its been a great season.
im taking hayden to win it all.