The wait is over. Here are your Big Brother 12 cast details! I’ll post more pictures and videos as they become available this morning, but for now here are the details, pics, & vid for this seasons HGs. Watch them 24/7 live & uncensored!
Big Brother 12 Houseguests:
- Rachel Reilly, 26 – VIP Cocktail Waitress – Las Vegas, NV
- Kristen Bitting, 24 – Boutique Manager – Philadelphia, PA
- Britney Haynes, 22 – Hotel Sales Manager – Huntington, AR
- Monet Stunson, 24 – Model – Glen Carbon, IL
- Brendon Villegas, 30 – High School Swim Coach – Riverside, CA
- Andrew Gordon, 39 – Podiatrist – Miami, FL
- Enzo Palumbo, 32 – Insurance Adjuster – Bayonne, NJ
- Kathy Hillis, 40 – Deputy Sheriff – Texarkana, AR
- Annie Whittington, 27 – Bartender – Tampa, FL
- Matt Hoffman, 32 – Web Designer – Elgin, IL
- Lane Elenburg, 24 – Oil Rig Salesman – Decatur, TX
- Ragan Fox, 34 – College Professor – Los Angeles, CA
- Hayden Moss, 24 – College Student, Athlete – Tempe, AZ
Paolo Aviles, 30 – Real Estate Agent – unk
Update: Allegedly the 14th HG, Paolo Aviles, backed out during sequester and we’re down to 13 for the season.
One of these 13 Houseguests will be the season’s Saboteur:
I’ll continue to update this post throughout the day as the HG pics and bio info is released! What do you think of the new cast so far?? As a former swim coach myself, I’m rooting for Brendon. Who is your early pick? Join us on Facebook!
Don’t forget your Big Brother Feeds! Be sure to sign-up for the uncensored feeds with free trial before the price goes back when Big Brother premieres on July 8th! The preseason 33%-off discount expires on July 7th!!
I’ve uploaded a copy of CBS’ The Early Show Big Brother segment this morning. I’ll replace it with something better once it’s available.
You can watch even more of the Houseguests over at with another nice little video featuring all the new season’s hamsters!
CBS has also released a walk through video of the BB12 house!
Where are the pics? Lol.
Ragan seems to be the token gay guy. Hayden reminds me a little of Nick from BB8. Maybe just his hair. Funny, there’s another chick in that vid that reminded me a little of Jessica from the same season as well. Kathy I think.
I’m putting my money on Annie. She looks focused.
Why is there no diversity in Big Brother! Its pretty much the same old same old. I am definitely not going to judge any of these houseguests though because I am sure each of them are unique in their own way and they all probably deserve to be on the show. It just seems as if some people are at a disadvantage and don’t have a fair chance to get on the show for a few different reasons. With that being said; I still am going to watch this season because I am a major fan. I just hope things are different in the future. BB fan for life!
What’s your point?
I was just thinking the same thing! There’s no diversity :( but just like you I’m a big fan so yes I will still watch.
There are enough black people on there.
Didn’t she lol
Lane has the Southern charm JT had on Survivor. Maybe go on there and get himself a girlfriend. But I think Matt goes far.
ANNNIIEEE!!!! we got your back!!! I knew it!! you sneaaaakkkyy! :)
OK so my previous post got lost so I will try again. My early fav is Haden cuz he is easy on the eyes just hope is not dumb though. I also like the bow tie guy.
I think Kathy is gonna win.
I love the BB12 house!! SOOOOO much better than last season!
I can’t wait for big brother. 12 it’s not summer without big brothers. Remember showtime after dark!! Live feed love love love big brothers
First impressions – Annie does look like a serious player and so does Andrew. Kristin could be mouthy and Lane could be the good ole’ boy in the house. Enzo could be this years ED. Can’t wait to see them all in action!
Hi, BG! See you picked the hunk (Haden)!
All I know is one of the men can out eat any person I ever met..I hope big brother has alot of food on hand….
Even though I know someone,I wish everyone gl But not too much.Go team ………….
I guess it’s too much to ask for them to cast one black person. I am a big fan of the show and will definitely watch this season, but hugely disappointed in the lack of diversity.
I agree, maybe they will TWIST Oe in.
I see it is the same looks the perfect 10 body I guess Big Brother does not the definition of reality ( in the real world people are different sizes and not al models.) I guess always looking for show romance because they have a queen size bed is new. The house looks good. I am glad they will have more twist in the house just have wait and see what happens . Most of them have the looks from the past. Big Brother dont have guts to pick differnt looking people
Just cause your fat doesn’t mean you need to cry.
Because Korey, it’s Big Brother NOT Big Brothaaa…
Has Diane (BB5) from CBS2/KCAL done her pre-house interviews with the BB12 houseguests?
Monet is part black.
I’m very disappointed. Everyone looks like an aspiring model that probably had a casting agent. It’s nice when there is some diversity to the group…everyone here looks like a cleancut actor to me. Not into it at all. Get someone that is average looking please.
Maybe the saboteur is black guess you will all have 2 wait n c
@Don and Korey: Come on guys! Lets not get childish and start making outlandish comments towards one another. Lets act like adults and respect each another. I also feel like BB could have chosen a more diverse cast. Not only African Americans but Asian Americans, Mexican Americans, young, old, pretty, average, etc. There’s nothing we can do about it so lets not be bitter or disrespect each other. Geez!
So true! No need for disrespect each other
Lots of eye candy!!! Hope that we get to see a bit more hot action on showtime after dark…
Can’t you at least have 1 token older person for us people that love Big Brother and are over 60?All you have are prety ,young people.
Call me shallow,but I don’t want to see a bunch of ugly people on BB. Sorry.
Considering the population of these United States is getting older AND bigger, with people from every other nation, WHY aren’t more TV shows recognizing this and casting more older AND fatter people who are ‘of color’ WE can relate to AND be intererested in watching?
I’d tired of seeing the same types all the time on these shows – boob bimbos; token fat and/or gay and/or black; country bumpkin; pretty boys; or just plain dumb*ss! Where are the people of color? How is the growing older generation represented? How about someone with some life experience, a family, a homemaker, a smalle business owner/professional, who is missing home but playing for the money? It’s hard to care about anyone with nothing to lose, who is just hanging out ‘at home’ for summer anyway! It can’t be hard to cast with these same types, but they certainly aren’t being challenged! Give us someone who has a life and bigger issues than their muscles or their looks or their body! Anyone bigger than a bag of bones with t*ts and bleached blond hair would be nice!
After all these years of so-called reality TV, I’m STILL waiting to see REAL People getting to compete, Especially Big Brother! I’ll watch this season, BUT it’s surely going to be the same old stories and boring . . . Too bad. So sad!
aw now boo don’t b trippin,you gotcha BET {BLACK entertainment tv} and i got CBS {CAUCASIAN broadcast systems}Wuddup wit dat??
Why no city and state with Hayden? Could he be The Saboteur???
I am happy with this season’s BB12. I love that the HG are alittle older than the two previous seasons. I was tired of the 18 year olds acting like well 18 year olds. LOL I just love the men on here. More than one smart one on there. I want Brendon, the highschool coach to win. He is adorable!!!
Has anyone seen the House? Matt post up the video, cause it’s if effing tight!
Wow! Get a life people quit complaining, you wait a year for the show to come on, then you complain about the choice of house guests already. I do think they have to pick pretty close to athletic body’s or how would they compete in challenges to make it fair? As for race I don’t think it was there intentions of not putting a black girl/guy in, I think they go by what kind of personality they are looking for, although I would of kind of liked a black girl in there always funny :) Daniel was hilarious from BB3….. I don’t think we will be disappointed at all, how can we be? We Love Big Brother :)
Let’s all remember that the reason BB keeps coming back is ratings folks. The cast may not be diverse with respect to race, age, looks, etc., but this non-diverse cast is sure to keep the ratings high. If you want diversity, you may want to skip the show and go outside the house and look at the ultimate reality show. Face it, the reality in this reality show will always be skewed to keep the ratings high and therefore keep ad revenues high. So please, no more complaining on this issue.
Monet isn’t white so there is diversity :)
Guys, Come on gimme them a break. Let them have a night in the house with the cameras and lights and Julie Chen and see how it goes and then you can go ahead and talk s###.
Yes, it’s really all about the money and lots of it for the sponsors of Big Brother. If they don’t make money, BB goes away. And, attractive people sell products. So much for diversity. So, let’s pull up a chair, tune in and see who we’ll all love to hate this season!
Hayden is from Tempe, Az. Some people did not know where he was from
My early fav is Rachael ‘cuz she looks like the typical next door girl who’s really smart but anyone doesn’t think so. Btw, how many days will it last??
Brendon is Hispanic. At least, I can assume from his last name. Villegas.
Wow…if BB is only looking for young good looking people then they should state that in their eligibility requirements. That would save people a lot of time.
you all are nuts saying how you like and dislike the people cause there not what you want when year after year you whatch it, and I don’t no about you but I don’t want to see a fat man running around in his underwear or a old woman in a taking a bath,the show isn’t on yet so I don’t see the point of saying how you don’t like the houseguests and you havn’t even seen how they play the game cause that what the show is about not how good someone looks or how they need the money, (it’s not a I need money show please give me money) it’s the game who can lie the most and get away with it who can fight the hardest for the money who dose care what the other think who is there to win not to give a sad story about how they need the money it’s not about needing the money it’s about wanting how bab do they want the money what would someone do for the money.
Nice that we have a oil rig salesman! Can u say IRONY?
It also seems Pee-Wee Herman decided to show up.
@Cody – an oil rig salesman from Texas – is this BB’s new RussHell Hantz??
you get bedroom time lol More show romance look what they looking for well at least tehy have room with ice , cold shower so I hope ther eis people wwho will last.
This group will need extra alchohol and it might get interesting.
We all need booze for this season. Can’t wait.
i think annie will win. rachel reminds me of laura from bb11. i think ragan will get annoying. matt seems cool and he reminds me of jeff. enzo seems kinda funny like casey last year
My money’s on Matt. Never underestimate the intellectual.
Can’t put my money on anyone yet. But, I hope this group is more diverse, than what they appear to be. Can’t judge a book by its cover.
Looking forward to this season of Big Brother! Should be a fun year.
My money is on Brittany for a girl and Mike for the guy! They are my favorite for each gender. Other than Mike, I do not like the other guys, besides, maybe, Hayden. As for the girls, Annie and Kristin are right behind Brittany.
@Hunter F.
There is no Mike. You mean Matt?
This season already looks great. Even though it’s hard to judge any year by the cast breakdown, this one looks promising. Last year was a good year for BB, I hope that CBS can keep that trend alive this year. Ahhh the guiltiness is getting me so excited for the next 80 days. Can’t wait!
I agree with Cayden,kait, Linda that there is no diversity and if you notice the houseguest look the same as the past. The game is not all about money but using different people in the competition would be more interesting. Some of the houseguest will not last long on physical competition might break a nail. It is funny how big brother announces they want different people and still pick the same look. โGet someone that is average looking please.โ This not childish it is Big Brother fans opinion several people had said the same thing in the past. Real people have all kinds of personality. The commercial is what bring in the money. Is this show romance or Big Brother show ? yes they go on for the money .
WOW, Matt is from my hometown!!
AHHHHH I work/worked with Annie!!! YOU GO GIRL! We’ll be cheering you on at Iavarones!
I think all the women are gorgeous this year as are a lot of the men. This year all the houseguests seem to have responsible jobs and are intelligent. The “same old variety” is what has has been keeping Big Brother on the air for so many years so they must be doing something right. This could be the best year ever.
If you want to see tired, grumpy, “diverse” hags, watch Survivor.
Haha, yes, my mistake, I meant Matt. I also spelled Britney wrong, so I totally messed up that post.
Anna, yes, Showtime will have BBAD
im rooting for britney
Ahhh thank GOD that the wait is over. The Sabotuer, is very obvious. It is going to be one of the more muscular, better looking men or one of the hotter women (Brendon/Lane or Britney/Annie) Rooting for Matt to win it all. Think early exits are going to be Andrew ( because of some of the jewish rules), Monet and Enzo. Enzo doesn’t seem that funny to me he seems rather annoying from what I’ve read about him, but I could be wrong. Want to see Kathy and Hayden go far as well.
Judging on looks my favourites are Hayden and Monet :)
I don’t think telling fans not to express their views on the lack of diversity isn’t fair. Fans are diverse and after years and years of watching this show, it is rather disappointing to not see broader representation on this show. Not just racially, but does everyone have to look like they stepped out of a model magazine? I’ll watch because I am a fan, but as a fan, I dont appreciate being told not to have an opinion about the casting. Even thou I know CBS can care less.
Very well said Gerald.
CBS wants people who’ll attract people. They knew damn well that Jeff and Jordan brought in ratings for being both attractive and likable. They want to push that with an all-attractive cast this year. (let’s face it, last year’s cast had some pretty unattractive people for such a young group)
I guess CBS figures sex sells. And they never cast the right people who are of a different race on Big Brother. We’ve hardly ever had any likable black people or hispanic people or Asian people. We’ve had a few, but not really any good ones.
We’ve had people like Chima and Natalie and Jessie and Lydia and Russell and Kevin and Michelle from BB10 and Ollie and Jun and Ivette. The ethnic groups are represented poorly on Big Brother.
Survivor, however, is a different story.
I agree with you Gerald, Barbara we are fans that help Big Brother make profits and we have a right to express our views. That some of the houseguest end up on other shows The exposure social influence that has beneficial effect.
“everyone have to look like they stepped out of a model magazine” some are models
Looks like an interesting season but like other comments posted on here….where is the diversity and why do they all look like “model’s?” Couldn’t BB have more “reality” type people!! Something to think about for next season! Also, up the age limit.
Lots of thoughtful comments here. Maybe CBS should sit up and take notes. However, in my opinion, BB has always been a beauty contest for the most part. Diversity can be found on Survivor and Amazing Race.
I agree with all the comments on having more diversity. Come BB13 it will be time to step it up and make this show more of a depiction of a melting pot. In reality there are different races, ethnicities, religions,sizes/shapes, ages, backgrounds and etc. Stir up the pot a little bit and that would make for a great show not only for the diverse cast on it for for the everyone that watches and can relate in some way. (Just a little advice.)
I had BB Live last year, tried to sign up this year but won’t let me says I’m already member.
Now What ?
Well, the last time BB cast a whole bunch of pretty people it was in season 9 to fit to the “Til Death Do Us Part” theme, and it didn’t turn out so well. If I am not mistaken ratings were really poor that season (to me it was the worst season ever). I am going to give these new houseguests a chance; I just hope they love the game and respect the game and that they aren’t just using the show as a platform to break into the acting or modeling field. I think season 10 was so successful because there were so many different types of people. Ex. Ronnie the geek who wanted to be liked by everyone, Lydia the rebel, Jordan the dense southern belle(love her though), Michelle the braniac, Jessie the guy who loves himself more than anything else, and Casey the crazy offbeat. Lol. Anywho….I hope these houseguests will entertain the heck out of us. Hope it doesn’t turn out to be like BB9.
@Trisha: Try signing in to SuperPass ( then and see what happens. If you never ended your subscription last season and have still been paying then you should be able to login. If that doesn’t work then perhaps sign up for the live feeds with a different email address since that’s what you use to identify/login with your account.
Anybody else notice that a lot of these people live fairly close to at least one other house guest? Lane-Kathy-Britney, Kristen-Enzo, Annie-Andrew, Monet-Matt, Rachel-Brendon-Ragan-Hayden. Could be pure coincidence or another plot twist.
Yes Girth I have noticed that too. Perhaps they are secret partners.
Go Rachel!
Kristen is a complete idiot .. Sat next to her for two hours at the Philly casting call .. She barely said a word no wonder you’re ” misunderstood” really can’t wait until she’s voted off.. And she isn’t as pretty as they airbrushed her :)
during casting call they said they look for a certain look then they will coach them and give any help they need.
Looking forward to my summer fix. They are all cute but hopefully it won’t take long for the nails and teeth to show. The idea of a houseguest out to cause havoc could be entertaining. I wonder if this one will also do an America’s Choice sort of thing, or will be entirely based on his/her whim. I do agree with the concept of a more diversified cast, older (think of Evil Dick) not so model perfect and an ethnic mix would be interesting but probably wouldn’t sell the 24 hour feed. Economics Rule as is the American Way. Anyhow heres to watching the group lose their inhibitions, brains and morals.
Seriously this cast reminds me if season 10 which I didn’t watch cause it sucked .. But I guess I’ll try watching this one in it’s entirety
REALLY looking forward to the opening show..
Looks like Lane is my pick–wahoo
Sheesh. Bitchy much? But yeah, I can tell she’s got nothing going from her based on her interviews.
Not bitchy just irritated that someone like her who said she never watched big brother gets on to further her career
@84 Jeanette – That almost sounds like casting roles for a performance in a theatre production!
I definitely think Lane is the saboteur. Dang I am tired of saying that word. Lol. He is a little too laid back and he seems a little sneaky.
I love Big Brother, I wish you had two seasons every year instead of one.
Happy 4th of July House-guests!!!! Let the fire works begin!!!!! LOL!!
@Will (way up at the top of the page)
My money is on Britney being the mole…
Brendon… All the way! ;)
All I know is I can’t wait to see who I am gonna hate! The meaner the better, bring back” Evil Dick.
Or what about Dr. Will? Him and Boogie were perfect.
OKAY This is a question for everyone. Who do you think is the Saboteour?
I think it has to be someone everyone likes. My vote is Brendon.
Whats yours?
I think maybe Monet.
I think that the saboteur is Ragan the gay Guy of the house this year!! 2 more days and big brother will be here!!! Can’t wait to get to a feel for all house guest..
To see who I like and who I hate…
I’m with Cayden. I’m really leery of this bunch. The oldest I think is 40, and you’re right the last time they had all younger is was a sexfest. I like it alot better when there are a wide mixture of ages and personalities. Such as chicken George, Kile, can’t remember the real old guys name, evil dick. Was it the very lst season when they had a real mixture? I’m thinking it was that was my favorite! But I’m hopeful they will prove us wrong and be a serious fight for the game bunch! We’ll see soon!
What the show needs are ” The Real Housewives of Jersey.” Can you imagine that bunch against Evil Dick, Dr. Will or the black girl who got kicked off last year? Maybe she is the one coming back!
I’ve got to agree with past comments – this show has got to wake up and get some diversity! Only one woman over 26?? Give me a break. There’s the token 40 year old, the token black (barely), and the token gay guy. I wish they would stop the formulaic casting and find some real and unique people instead of casting a bunch of model wannabes. I’ll give it a try, but I don’t have high hopes for this season. I didn’t make it to the end of last season either. This show has so much potential but it is in a deep rut. I know they have more applicants than just 20-something white women and 30-something white men. Wake up Big Brother! Show a little originality.
@Anne: Your comment “the token black (barely)” is incredibly disrespectful, offensive, and racist. Do you judge all people by the shade of their skin? Is a pale Caucasian girl more “white” than a tanned male to you? What skin tone exactly is dark enough for you to consider an African American to be black?
Don’t be so ridiculous and dependent upon someone’s skin-deep qualities to deem them worthy.
@Matt @ Anne, I don’t think Anne was meaning it to be disrespectful. I read her comment several times and I do understand what she is saying. Big brother does have the token gay’s, blacks, old person, models ect. It has nothing to do with skin color so please dont make it an issue Matt. Thats nit picking. She was making a comment, which I for one agree with. Please dont ruin this board by taking one word out of context and make it an issue.
I wish they would have a big brother with all fat and old people on it, LOL!
I see white people! Ugh! This looks like the most boring big brother ever – think I’ll sit this year out.
claws out—-> big brother wont miss you one bit.
Im glad when people like you step aside. At least the rest of us true fans who dont judge people by their color will continue to enjoy the show.
You haven’t even looked at the houseguests, I can tell by your racist statement. Why does everything have to be about color?
You’re the one who is missing out because of your own predjudice.
Bye, have a nice life. hahahaha
Just checking in to say I’m incredibly disappointed in the casting (at first glance). I already set it to record on my DVR, but I’m getting sick of the lack of diversity in certain reality shows. People say it’s because CBS wants ratings–hello? They get the highest ratings when people are different–that brings the most conflict and controversy (remember last season???).
Big Brother is like MTV real world used to be but better. I would go on it but I couldn’t be away from my daughter that long for any amount of money. I wish they had a reality show online that we could participate in for money so we could still be around our family. I guess that would take the fun out of it though. It entertains me and I love to see how people think and what moves they make to get ahead in the game. I can’t wait for this season to start!
i cant wait to see big brother tomarow. guys dont judge the ppl on here because of the way they look. i do agree that its allways ppl who look like models but does that matter to u? does it change the game? seriously
Every year when Big Brother start, me & the guys from work throw in $20 and draw names of the house guest’s and whoever has the name of the winner of Big Brother, they take home the pot. It adds a diiferent elliment to the game. This year, I drew Matt and after watching the clips of the house guest’s, I have determined that my guy (Matt)sabetour. (Not sure if I spelled that correctly???) I am looking forward to this years BB and I am hoping that it’s just as dirty & backstabbing as ever!!
@don CBS=Canadian broad casting system…DUH
@Sandie Watch it with your family.
Who is the Jordan from BB11=Britney or Kathy?
Who is the Will from BB2=?
Who is the EvilDick from BB10 was it?
It goes on…
The Sabetour is the one you least expect…But i gather they got this idea from survivor when Russel did sabetouring in his own tribe. I picture simular things, like hiding other peoples stuff, or throwing competitions.
If you wanna see fat people on tv go watch biggest loser.
For you African american people if you wanna watch more Africans go watch BET channel, seeing no other race has their own channel. STOP complaining!!!
WHAT are you people taking about only caucasians on this season?????
Monet looks like a light skin African american, and Annie looks Asian to me. Plus we don’t know the other backgrounds…Irish, scotish and so on! So chill out people.
Have fun and cheers!
i will win muhahaha
Why no black men on Big Brother this season? makes me not want to watch it if there is no one I can relate to. You have a homosexual wheres the diversity in the casting period……………
@darealpitt: You can’t relate to any of these people as a man or as an American or even just as a person in a similar age group?
I would like to see someone like myself meaning: African American it’s not fair period no way around that
I’ve watched the 1st hour and it looks interesting. I would have liked to have seen a vet included and a man or woman who has not been able to find a job because of all the layoffs, or someone who has lost their home, or someone affected by the oil spill. Maybe they’re in there and we just haven’t gotten to know them yet. Looking forward to getting to know this years cast.
I will DEFINITELY go for Matt and Kathy. More on Matt though…
Sounds like I have an Illinois person again for this season. Last season it was Jeff :)
Matt MUST be $500,000 richer !!!
and Kathy should win $50,000 richer !!!
I’m an avid watcher of BB, but I too was disappointed in the lack of diversity, especially the lack of men of color who are NOT gay. I can’t recall (except for season ONE) an African American straight man. The few they cast are stereotypical (non threatening i guess) gay men. I also can’t recall a gay man on BB who wasn’t flaming. No offense to that particular group, but gay men come in all flavors (MTV’s Real World has done a great job at that, casting non-effiminate gay men)…this shows the world that there IS diversity, EVEN within minority groups. As for the ratings, it’s illogical to say that the only reason the audience watches is because we want to see young pretty white folks. If that were the case, then Will Smith wouldn’t be a star, and no one would see Beyonce in concert, etc. The producers need to enter the new millenium and have more guts than to pander to the lowest common denominator (I mean, the “Jersey Guy” is a producer saying “hey, the folks who love Jersey Shore will LOVE him!”). I don’t mind pretty people, but there are pretty Latinos, pretty Asians, etc. Comon producers, give America a LITTLE credit…no more cookie cutter casting please. Is it too much to ask for 2 or 3 diverse cast members? Frustrated but hopeful.
ya, you’re dumb!!! Remember Ollie??? Go watch BET!!!! :D
Idiot.ย You mention one person out of how many seasons of BB??? Yeah, that’s enough, right?ย …………..DUMMY.
The first few seasonโs real people applied. You remember back in the day when reality TV was new. Now every actor/actress wanna be see this as a casting call to move their career forward. Since BB has to pick the cast from those willing to apply. There are not a lot of real Americans willing to put their live on hold to play a game. Really how many successful people can afford to loss their income to play? People watching 24/7 is not usually good for your future business life or personal life. Most old or overweight people donโt want to embarrass themselves with challenges or eating slop. The BB house can be a lot like Jr. High School. Junior High School memories arenโt always worth reliving. Some people canโt stand the idea that their personal items are limited, like cigarettes. Things houseguest do and say can haunt them forever on youtube. So if BB doesnโt find the kinds of choices you want to see maybe you could apply or find old or fat people to apply. My self I am not bringing my over 50yr old, 30 pound overweight, arthritic and out of shape body into a format that can be watched 24/7. So check out a casting call and you may find the choice is limited to a certain demographic. After background checks and psychiatric evaluations some are eliminated. Unfortunately checks donโt always find all the psychos so treating with knifes happen, throwing microphone breakdowns do happen and pathological liars like Natalie make it through. What ever came of Nat anyway? I heard she was married, hope she isnโt breeding.
After watching Big Brother last night, I think people should keep a close eye on Lane. There is something about that guy. Have you noticed that he doesn’t seem to want to talk with anyone? Someone noticed that he was unusually quiet and stated it so. He did not reply to this guy. He really makes me feel uneasy. He could be a sabateur or emotionally unstable.
Went to high school (Cy-Fair HS in Cypress, TX..aka Houston) with Ragan! There are a bunch of us here hoping he wins!!!!! Sweet!
Cannot understand why the prissey Brittney has to be “The Ugly Clone Of Last Years BB 11 of Natalie”.She has talked about everyone in the house and Little model “Monet” is not far behind her>Brittney is surely no Jordan. Jordan is sweet and good and never bad mouthed anyone.She went in as a good girl and came out as one.I see Cathy as a good lady,deserving to win but will get evicted as soon as the “Ronnie Rats” get it done/Brittney needs to see how she looks with that ugly,mouthy way she talks and maybe the guy she is engaged to will see what he is getting and dump her before it is to late. I like Cathy,Andrew,Ragan, and Brendon.The Texas guy is nice…see where it all goes.A week into the house and lies and deceit are there.Do not like to see it and uncertain if I will. Thelma
I think that the Saboteur is either Lane or Britney. They are my biggest suspicions out of all the house guests.
The Saboteur is so obvious it’s Andrew.
I just wanted to say WELL SAID Jean. I agree with you 100%
I think, or at least hope that Kathy is one of the final two. She is not only the most beautiful, but is mature and seems sensible. I also like Matt.
THEY ARE BOTH FROM AR AND THEY LOOK ALIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blah, blah, blah, Please get off the race card. Its so boring.
Its Big Brother, if your really all that upset, dont watch it. Plenty of other people will…so goodbye!
Now I think sheri is on to something with the mother and daughter thing. (post 131)
Im thinking Hayden is in on it somehow, I mean its like he’s hiding his forehead. Who wears there hair like that nowdays. Lane kinda looks like him but without the hair and with a hairy face.
Just a thought
The pair that know one another is Matt Hoffman & Monet Stunson. They are a couple!
KAthy and Britney are maother and daughter. Theyre both from Arkansas and Kathy has a daughter who is 22. Britney hap to be 22.
Didn’t Kathy say she had a 22yr old SON who would be watching all the young girls. she said he could see her anytime. Maybe her son is there. Maybe there are more then one pair that knew each other but think they are the only pair. Enzo and Monet. rachel and regan. Andrew and Annie. Think long enough and you could match someone to someone else. Relax and enjoy learning who to hate and who to love. And hopefully we’ll find someone in the house is slightly nuts….
I had a hard time thinking Kathy was the saboteur when she laid in caramel causing herself to be a have not. I could be a saboteur and miss up peoples game but I couldnโt mess mine up to the point I was eating slop and sleeping in old beach chairs in a smelly bug filled room.
Didn’t Kathy say she had a 22yr old SON. When asked if he was watching her, she replied he would be watching all the young girls. She said he could see her anytime. Maybe her son is there. Maybe Brit is her sister. Maybe there are more then one pair that knew each other. They may not know they arenโt the only pair. Enzo and Monet. rachel and regan. Andrew and Annie. Brenden and Kristen, or just for fun Haydon and regan. Think long enough and you could match almost any houseguest to another houseguest. Relax and enjoy learning who to hate and who to love. And hopefully we’ll find someone in the house is slightly nuts…. Right now I donโt care who wins. I have to watch more live feeds to get an idea who is evil and who is the closest to deserving
So now the sabatour is out….what next? I think big brother should wait until another houseguest is evicted then let America vote to bring her back in. That would be a twist.
What kinda twists do you guys think would be intresting?
Jean I think your right. I think there are more than one couple in there. (post 136) Did you see the bruises on Kathy’s arms OMG! they looked awful.
Do you guys see any family similarities between Hayden and Lane? I swear if you cut Haydens hair he could be Lanes twin.
Speaking of twins do you think theres a twin twist in this one?
Hey I think Hayden and Kristen was together before they came to the show bc the first moment they teamed up. Then tonight on BB Andrew told about there little shomance but i say Rachel and Kristen will fight tonight on BBAD and Hayden will brake up with Kristen What do u guys say??
i would like to know the name of Brit’s pro golfers boyfriend because i think thats a lie i don’t think she has a boyfriend the only pro golfer by the name of Nick is Nick Watney and his girlfriend looks nothing like Brit … ??????????
Sooo much talk about “diversity”…unbelievable amount of racism. I don’t care about who belongs to or is not part of what race! If all that’s required is to be an AMERICAN…it’s ok with me.
(BTW…I’m pink with spots…does that count???)