Big Brother 11: Which Final 3 HG Gets Your America’s Vote

Life in the Big Brother 11 house has slowed down. Way down. So instead of rehashing yesterday’s live feeds highlights of chicken parmesan recipes I thought I’d pose a new poll where we can discuss the choice for our chance as the 7th Juror in America’s Vote (thanks Chima!).

Regardless of who they face off against in the Final 2, which will be decided Tuesday during the 2-hour Big Brother 11 Finale, who gets your vote to win? Vote in the poll below and then share your thoughts on why he or she deserves it.

I think this season could end up being a very close race come reveal time!

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  1. I really dont think Jordan will win it against Kevin…but I agree it will be close! Well as long as Nat is not in F2=) but I am not even considering that a possibility…LOL

  2. You kmow, if Michelle were still in the house I would be rooting for her, not Jordan. But Jordan has earned it. She’s won critical competitions, and maintains a generally pleasant attitude towards people, and sense of honor. She’s not perfect, but I wouldn’t want to reward the I’ll do ANYTHING I have to to win, and that’s okay, attitude. There are other ways to win, and I think Jordan has the best clue to what those things are.

  3. Way to go Jordon..THe last show was the BEST!! You can again win the third competition…It wont matter who you take I feel you will win.You have proved that being honest,caring and genuine wins in the end.I hope we get to see how things go for you and Jeff when you get home and settled..Loved Big Brother..It will be along time til next summer..we need a winter big brother

  4. This was posted on another site, and I thought it was worthwhile posting here. There will be many people who agree with this analogy and those who don’t, but personally, I think there are very valid points made:


    We were all mad because Jeff and Jordan fell for Natalies lies.

    Now, those lies are what can help Jordan win 500k.

    As Jeff said things happen for a reason.

    Jordan was luckily working and a BB casting director noticed her.

    She and her family are going through hard times both financially and personally.

    Ger winning would be a wish come true. shes not looking to buy a luxury car or spend money carelessly. She is looking to secure a home for her family who just lost their home.

    She is 24 and would rather help her mom and siblings than move out and spend all the money on herself. Maybe her being discovered by that CD, meeting jeff and befriending natalie with all her lies was gods work.

    She clearly deserves the money. she is a caring person, she is kind and has a good heart.

    In meeting Jeff, he helped get her as far as he could. Then, in believing Natalie’s lies, and Natalie’s lies making the jury against her have all come together for her to win the 500k

  5. @Matt

    Why the moderation for post #5

    Moderator’s Note: Don’t take it personally, the software can decide for whatever reason to mod-queue a comment that it suspects is spammy.

  6. I agree Kate. I have always been a J/J fan and still am but as far as the comps go Kevin is definately the better player out of the 3.
    As far as Natalie goes she deserves absolutely nothing! So what if shes a good liar this game is not based on liars only, she has no game play other than that. It should take more than that to win this game.

    As far as Jordan goes.. yes she is one of the “Good Guys” in the game, she may not have won a lot of comps but at least she tries which is more than i can say about Natalie.

    BB was smart in a sense to end this year the way they are. How else could they keep viewers watching just in case Jordan doesnt make it to the final 2. She and Jeff have alot of fans and they know it and they know what it will cost them on final 2 night if Jordan were evicted before then.

  7. I’m thinking Kevin would have more votes if he would of never made an alliance with NAT..I think he really hurt his chances by doing that, (with Americas vote especially)! Im rooting for Jordan because I think she has played a quiet game by riding under Jeff’s wings and sticking to the sidelines until it was time to bring it!

  8. Natalie doesn’t deserve to be in the final two, can’t see rewarding her with any money.
    Jordan could use the money out of all three HG left and her play in the last game was great. I think Kevin will get most of the votes from the Jury House, hopefully Jordan will get the votes from America !

  9. I think Jordan has a good chance. It’s ironic that all three of the final were all carried by other people and look they are the ones to still stand. Hate Natalie. If it is up to Jordan and Kevin. Jordan will win it. She has Jeff , Natalie (who will be mad Kevin didn’t take her to final two) Jessie because he won’t vote for Kevin, he’s a homophob), she will clearly have Americas vote. That leaves Lydia (pathetic) and Michelle who will probably vote Jordan (Kevin took her out and and she’s a woman). Kevin is not very smart in this game- lucky for Jordan.

  10. I have mix feelings. I tihnk kevin is a better game palyer- wining more. Jordon has won more than Nat and did win the important game but i do ont like people who ride underneath others.

  11. Oh and there is Russell. He is a loose cannon. Hot but loose. He’ll probably go to Jordan as well but he is the iffy one but it won’t matter at that point

  12. I also wouldn’t be too awfully upset if Kevin won it…he did play a hard game when it came to the comps…I truly think Nat gets on his last nerve…just by seeing some of his facial expressions and comments when Nat opens her mouth!

  13. i agree that America fell in love with J/J this year…and Kevin would have had a better following if he had not caved into Nat all the time…Reading the feeds of last night, maybe he is getting a backbone after all, but i fear it might be too late…Nat, poor girl, all she knows is how to lie and muscle him around…Wonder if she is going to do that to her husband…i sure hope not…well Jojo gets my vote…just because…she’s so sweet.

  14. Matt,

    So you really think this is going to be a close ending?
    Look at your own poll.
    Jordan by a mile. Too few ever got to see the nasty and hateful
    Jordan or the rude and hateful Jeff.

    I hope Kevin wins but then again, I, also, hope to win
    a Big Lottery.

    BB has stacked the deck in Jeff and Jordan’s favor so
    the two winners will be, SURPRISE, J/J.
    America’s Vote – Jordan
    Fan Favorite – Jeff

    No suspense and a chance to pick from
    “The Best of the Worst” in the F3.


    Moderator’s Note: I specifically worded my “close” comment because I figured someone would think I meant America’s Choice could be close. That’s not what I said at all. I said the Jury Vote could be close. America’s Choice is obviously going to be a blowout.

  15. Kevin definately deserves to win this one. Not only has he dominated the last several challenges (and actually “tried” to win in the hot chocolate race), he pulled off the big lie that was Jeff’s (and Russell’s) downfall. Kudos to Kevin and I hope he takes the 500K!

  16. There is a sweetness about Jordan that is endearing. I love her with Jeff and really hope that Jeff gets the $25,000 and Jordan wins BB. Jordan can help her family and she and Jeff can try and make a go of their relationship. Natalie is horrible with the way she has flipfloped and played this game. I give her kudos but not much else. Kevin has played a better game but still has been a skunk….let him have the $50,000. This is exactly where the $ needs to go. No sympathy for Michelle- come on people, give me a break. She was a floater through the entire game.

  17. I think Jordo took Jeff’s advice and studied everything possible. So I hope instead of suntanning shes thinking about all the different things bb might have in the F3 competition. GO JORDAN!!!!!!!!

  18. @midwest fan …theres still that chance of Kevin winning that last part and taking Nat…I do however agree with you on Fan favorite…Jeff will win it…if not then Michele but in reality she probably has no chance against Jeff!

  19. I voted Kevin. I think he has really impacted the game, and is funny, unlike Nat. But if Jordan wins, I’m fine with that. Especially if Jordan wins the final HOH.

  20. @Robin…I really dont think Jeff has a true “love” interest in Jordan (well maybe if she wins the 500k) he has too many hot female fans now…come on you really think they will end up together…I dont! I do think Jordan has interest in taking it further with “him” tho!

  21. Oh, the Showmance Romantics just can’t stop ……………. ugh!

    Jeff said in an interview that he and Jordan will remain friends after BB11 but they are NOT boyfriend and girlfriend. JUST FRIENDS.
    He wants her to win but that is not a surprise.
    She also played a BIG ROLL in ruining his chances because he
    listened to her stupid personal hatreds for others.

    Jordan doesn’t stand a chance with Jeff once he’s home
    and so many nice, intelligent and beautiful women enter
    his life. His favorite restaurant in Park Ridge is packed and
    not only for their fantastic cuisine but to get the scoop on Jeff.
    He loves this place and the people and dines there several
    times a week.

    Heck if Jeff told Jordan to meet him for dinner at half past seven,
    she wouldn’t know what time to be there.

    Showmances are fun to watch but nothing more.

  22. @Salli

    I don’t see how Nat could beat Jordan in the final 2. Jordan would start off guaranteed votes from Jeff, Mich and America meaning she would need just 1 vote from the remaining 4 to win. And the only way that pairing would be possible is if Jordan won the final HOH and chose to take Nat which would mean Jordan’s resume would be much more impressive than Nat’s.

  23. I don’t think Nat has a chance from what we are seeing fron the JH. It is not only her age lie but you seen the reaction when Jeff showed the DVD of Kevin winning the HOH. Nat did not even try and everyone picked up on that.

    I thought about each person when I was casting my vote on f2 and what each has brought to the game.

    Natalie – has not brought much but conflict and lies. She rode on Jesse’s coat tails until he was going and then she flipped to Kevin. I will give her props for thinking up the LML that was Jeff and Russell’s downfall. But her one HOH win I think it was set for her to win becaue she was the remaining hg that had not won.

    Kevin – I have to give it to him. I don’t think he rode any one person’s coat tails. I think he just laid low and floated thru. Nat may have come up with the LML but it was Kevin who carried it out and made Jeff a believer. At this point he is either lying to Nat or Jordan and is making them both believe him for the f2 and they are not even considering the fact he is lying.

    Jordan – While many feel that she has rode Jeff’s coat tails through out this game and her personal feelings for Russell cost Jeff. I think she has played the best by far. She is not near as dumb as she has made everyone think she is, she aligned herself to a very strong player, let him do all the dirty work, won when it was to her benefit. She has lied when needed and talked smack about other’s when it was not needed (her one flaw IMO).

    So here is how my vote went:
    1. Jordan and Kevin
    2. Kevin and Natalie
    3. Jordan and Natalie

  24. #24 Dan

    Now, I’m truly worried. Ha!

    If Jordan wins the $500K, Natalie had better hang onto to
    her fiance at the party or she may find him pursing Natalie.

  25. Natalie and Kevin both played a “good” game, in their fashion. Note the people talking about her manipulating Kevin? That’s game playing. Jordan did very little. But then, as far as I could see on the segments that BB let us see, she played the game honestly and pleasantly. It would be a BB milestone if she won — and I’d like to see it.

  26. @Midwest Fan…I got it…I’m still pulling for Laura to make a comeback…still haven’t seen her face…

  27. I would be so happy as long as that gnat wins nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think Kevein played a better game than Jordan honestly, but Jordan and Kevin both deserve to be the final 2 at this point. Of course my pick was Michele, but she is gone. Although, I voted for her to win the $25K, and I hope the rest of America did too.

  28. #30 Steve

    BB did not show you the Big Brother After Dark, Jordan.
    Much of the time, she wasn’t pleasant nor honest.
    She was no where near being angelic.

    Your point is correct. BB showed the general audience
    only the good side of Jordan and so she will benefit from
    their editing. Not fair but when asked about it.
    All we hear is ……………… Crickets.

  29. It is hard to believe that guy came on TV and prosposed to the gnat. Do you think it was all a lie they set up a while ago? I just can not imagine anyone wanting to be close to her. She stinks!

  30. Why do u keep posting this?

    We alrede knoe America has now moved from the all-american white guy, to the all-american southern country bumpkin white girl, as they do with anything and everything.

    think about it, say Natalie or Chima has a relationship like J/J on the show. FOR EXAMPLE, Natalie and Russell.

    And say they acted like J/J. america as a whole would be negative towards them. it sure as heck wouldnt be looked at as “tv gold” or the cutest thing.

    More like annoying, and they shouldnt be, and anything else america asa whole could scrap off.

    Its the truth. Ollie and April never got that of what J/J and they really liked each other.

    Does it make america racists? NO. i just think is misconsceived judgments. i highy dout i spelled that right.

    We all Jordan has like 98 percent of the votes.

    We all knoe America will vote for her.

    There is no question, so its not rele interesting to see ppl’s votes.

    Jordan is guranteed a spot in FINAL 2.

    i just hope its with Natalie.

    Kevin got alot of points in my book last night, when he was trying to explain to a hard-head religous person(arent they all?) why he doesnt belive. im right with u on that kevin.

    but Nat is still my favorite.

    But if Kevin wins, we live in the same area so im sure it will be a victory for me. “hey the san diego guy won!!!” that we be cool i guess.

  31. @Midwest Fan – #34

    please elaborate on jordan’s unpleasant, dishonest behavior…

    i watch bbad every night, and i have NO IDEA what you’re referring to!


  32. Karla

    We think alike.
    Michele is my favorite HG too.
    And, yes, I voted her Fan Favorite but doubt she
    can beat Jeff.
    Again, BB editing made Jeff, the odds on favorite.

  33. oh and let me just say this now caz i knoe ppl are gonna say;

    “marcus, he lives in chula vista dumbazz”

    chula vista is in san diego.

  34. Midwest I hope you are wrong, Jeff only made one strong move really. I so want Michele to win that $25K! Do you think that the gnat was really proposed to or was that a lie also?

  35. @Midwest Fan #22

    I agree the shomances are great to watch but once the bags are packed, the romance is over.
    Jeff will be overwhelmed with offers while Jordan will be saying, “You mean the games over?” Lord love a duck, shes a sweetie but needs help to tie her shoes.

  36. Kenvin and Jordan are the players. Kenvin played and won comps. Natlie gave all the comps. only won.Natalie hang on to all the HOH winners that is not a good player

    The lies are done in the house everybody does and Natalie lied to much I not think she knows how to tell the truth.Miswest fan Jordan behavior was fine in the house.

    Jordan won POV HOH and tried on all the games that is what differance.

  37. question..

    what is YOUR definition of ‘dishonesty’ in the bb house?

    for me, it’s when hgs make up blatant lies (like nat & kevin did about russell and michelle) – or tell things to the other hgs as though they are “quoting” something that was said; when in fact, what they are telling was NEVER REALLY SAID in the first place > again, TOTAL LIES.

    i have YET to see jordan do either one of these things… if someone else HAS, please explain.

  38. re: JJ after bb romance?

    no – jordan is too young for jeff. but i DO think they have a genuine liking for each other and will remain bffs. they will probably keep in touch on at least a weekly basis (phone, text, email)to share ‘whatzup’ in their lives; visit each other occasionally; go to bears/panthers football games – funstuff!

    if jordan wins, she WILL keep her promise and get jeff season tickets to the bears – and he WILL take her to hawaii.

    HOWEVER, i DON’T think jordan will have sex with him! he will have to find himself that ‘hula-whore’ he spoke of on bbad :)

  39. I would like to see Jordan win. She has not lied like Natalie and Kevin, and I think she is a strong competitor, just not as smart as her housemates. I think whoever goes up against Natalie will win though. Seems the jury is stacked against her now.

  40. I feel once Russell finds out kevin and natalie started the lie about him Jordan will win his vote. I think everyone is under estimating Jordan and I hope she wins it all

  41. Voting for Jordan – only as lesser of 3 evils. Can’t stand Natalie and Kevin just sort of a dweeb!!

  42. Jordan is an idiot with fake boobs. Maybe she should’ve taken the boob money and given it to her mom so her house wasn’t foreclosed on… she is the moron who helped convince Jeff that Russell had to go right then and there.

    BB edits have proven that Jordan and Jeff were painted to seem like “America’s Couple” when they could be just as foul-mouthed and hateful as anyone else.

    Although I didn’t really notice Kevin for the first half of the show (thanks to his bond with that horrid Lydia), Kevin has shown personality, wit, and patience. He deserves to win.

  43. I think that the best two players as far as strategy is concerned are Natalie and Kevin. I don’t think that it is a question of who needs the money more, because all three of them need the money or they would never have agreed to be under a microscope 24 hours a day. Need is not the reason for the game – strategy is. All three of them are sure being “coy” and lying to everyone, and it is hard to say who is going to take who to the final 2.

  44. Winner between Kevin & Jordan would be smart to take Natalie to final 2 because NOBODY would vote for Natalie, however, I’d HATE seeing Natalie get even a nickle.

  45. Go Jordan!! Don’t take Nat to the F2!! She doesn’t deserve anything! She thinks she is so clever….so what…lying is easy! Kevin at least has a soul…somewhat.

  46. Yes maybe Jordan can win, and get herself another “boob” job that she bragged about on the show! Why didn’t she take that money and help her family? I wouldn’t be upset if she won BUT don’t say how much she needs the money! Should have thought about that before the surgery she had!

  47. Jordon has my vote! really hope to see her win, I like her she and Jeff were alway my favs but her winning would really help her.

  48. susan in ct
    I never said “behavior.” Her words were unpleasant and not honest.
    Jordan was just as mean and hateful when speaking about
    other HGs as they were. She wasn’t an angel.
    Two examples: She couldn’t contain her hatred
    of Russell. She gets a part of the blame for the end of their F4 due
    to her hatred of him.
    She said as many mean/hateful things about Michele as the others until she needed Michele.
    Jordan usually only spoke her hateful words about the others to Jeff.
    She would act nice to Michele and then stab her in the back.
    And for no reason. Jeff was the same way.
    I have no idea how you missed it. She showed a great
    deal of meanness towards others between her hugs, kisses and giggles with Jeff.
    BB never showed the general television audience that side of Jordan.

    At first, I didn’t believe Natalie’s fiance was real but
    apparently he is. Imagine, they have a tape of his
    marriage proposal to Natalie. Someday, they can show their children
    and grandchildren.
    It was especially sweet when she answered his proposal with her,
    Natalie told Kevin she is clinging and calls her bf 10 times a day.
    So will he still want the clinging nasty Natalie after she loses

  49. # 45… Jordan did not win the HOH! It was given to her by Jeff, remember when he threw the comp. in the golf? But yes she did win the POV and did a great job on that, think it surprised us all!

  50. #47 susan in ct

    In Jeff’s television interview he said he didn’t think he
    would be taking Jordan to Hawaii and he hadn’t really
    thought about it. Remember he has
    a number of close, longtime friends back home and he
    knows he will have a great time with them.
    At the end of the interview, he laughed and said he
    would C O N S I D E R taking Jordan IF she won the $500K.

  51. Midwest Fan: YOu are so funny. Loved your comment about Jordan not knowing what 1/4 to means in time. YOu are also so right about people who are Jordan fans not paying attention to BBAD. In that forum, she is nasty, and if you guys need examples of what she has said, go back and listen to BBAD during the past couple of weeks. She lies, seems “spacy” most of the time, and is extremely common in things she says about her body and her sexual life. Nobody is interested in listening to that kind of crap. I would like either Kevin or Natalie to win because they have “Played the Game” the best.

  52. I’ve been a BIG fan of J&J from the beginning. I’m really pulling for Jordan to win this, she’s been true, real and faithful. The other two left however…have played everyone…even each other. GO JORDAN!!! The Jacova house is pulling for you!!! As for the Fan Favorite to win the 25K….JEFF JEFF JEFF!!!..and take Jordan out and enjoy each other privately. PERFECT ending!

  53. Jordan # 51. Couln’t agree with you more. I didn’t like Kevin in the beginning, but now I think that he is extremely funny, and a very shrewd player.

  54. Sorry, JoAnne, I misspoke calling you Jordan in my last comment. Please don’t hold it against me. I wouldn’t compare Jordan to anyone intentionally. Hee, hee!

  55. I want Kevin to win the 500k. Unless it is between Nasty and Jordon. Then, I hope Jordon wins. I can not stand Nasty Gnat.


  57. I think that Jeff throwing the HOH golf comp to Jordan was a great move…because he knew he would be safe and he still got to play in the next HOH comp…(which he won) not that it matters now..but saw someone say he only had one good move…and thought I would point that out! Also I noticed that Kevin became almost an entirely different person after Lydia left…she brought out the worst in him…LOL!

  58. Anyone but Natalie. I didnt realize how much the HG’s despise her. I wonder why? She was loyal to Jessie and he doesn’t like her either. She just has an annoying personality I guess. Kevin and Jordan all the way.
    Please someone tell me, Jordan has to win the final comp for our vote to mean anything, correct? .

  59. I picked Jordan because she is the lessor of two evils. She is sweet and I never saw her lie. However, Gnat is the worst person I ever saw on the show, except for Maggie. Go Jordan!

  60. I am pulling for Jordan…she has played a smart game and she has played with integrity. Way to go Jordan!!!

  61. This show is about lying and deciet…HELLO!Niether Jordan or Natalie are worthy of winning. This game should be based on skill and not popularity or riding on other people’s coattails. As for Kevin;from the start of the show being under the radar, staying out of conflicts, and beating all of the “projected winners” CLEARLY makes him the one to take home the prize. If the jury does not base it on that, they are nothing but a bunch of Bigots and Racist

  62. black white yellow brown red purple….it doesn’t matter what “color” someone is … like or dislike whomever you wish!!! just b/c you like someone that it white doesn’t mean you are a bigot or racist..HELLO

  63. #51 JoAnn, totally agree with you regarding Jordan. Kevin is the only one deserving of the win. I want Natalie to walk out of the Big Brother house with nothing but her twisty tie.

  64. this game isn’t ABOUT lying and deceit….thats a part of it….TRUE……but if we like someone that we feel has lied the least of the group……and she just happens to be a pretty white girl….SO WHAT!!!!!!!

  65. I have watched bbad since the beginning, I don’t remember Jordo ever really doing anything bad. She is a sweet southern girl. I also believe she is not as dumb as she is acting.
    I have been a fan of J/J the entire game. I was really it would have been them two in the f2. I voted for Jeff as fan favorite.
    I am hoping it is Jordo and Gnat at the F2. Jordo will definately win if Gnat goes.

  66. the game is about getting to the end and winning 500g……..who’s to say jordan didn’t intend to “ride” coattails to the end….Jessie was in control for several weeks then Jeff was for several weeks….they both won things too……and WHERE ARE THEY NOW!!!! not in a position to win the 5ooGrand, hunh!!

  67. @everyone…so, based on the last couple days posts, a Christian should be the winner, and there are only bigots and racists if certain HG’s don’t win. Interesting concepts…

  68. @Kelli…at this point, I don’t think the F3 is all that it should be, but since it is the F3, I hope anybody but Natalie wins…

  69. Jordan should win the big money this year. Mainly because of the fact that everyone underestimated her and kept bringing her along thinking she was no threat. She proved her worthiness when she knocked out Natalie in the last competition. Poor Natalie never saw it coming.

  70. Julie – yeah, and did you hear Gnat making up excuses of why she didn’t win….and Julie Chen just kinda cut her off in mid sentance!!

  71. This has been the worst season ever of BB, after the eviction of Jeff, I removed my BB toolbar and refuse to watch the show, I will read about it but not watch it. The producers have let Nstalie and Kevin get away with too many violations that it makes a mockery of the show. I am glad they renewed BB for another season, hopefully they do a better screening of the house guests. Natalie trotting around with the twist tie engagement ring makes her boyfriend look like a tool. I pray she is eliminated next so they can try out for Tool Academy 3. Kevin is the worst-dressed gay man I have ever seen, and how boring is he. Poor Jordan, she played her own game and just wants to be around other people, she should win just because she had to endure Natalie and Kevin by herself. My faith in BB would be restored if Jordan won.

  72. Dan – i totally agree… is who it is ….for who’s left….and i wouldn’t mind at all if Kevin won…but i want jordo to win!
    again anyone but the gnat

  73. Kevin never won a thing until Jeff wasn’t able to play. Funny, Jordan has won as much as Kevin and she doesn’t deserve to win? She has played a clean game and now she is playing Nat and Kevin just like they tried to play her. Yes, she does deserve to win.


  75. I really hope Jordan wins the final competition and does take Natalie. She would beat Natalie in the vote hands down. Yes, Natalie would get money that way but not the top prize.

  76. Where there ever any true Christians in the BBH, ever?

    ALWAYS charitable, selfless, thoughtful, truthful,
    decent, honest……….etc. etc. etc..

    Heck, NO!

    A truly religious person or an atheist with moral integrity
    would never sign up for the show.

    I have seen bigotry and racism up close and do not see
    any of it here.
    The matter is much too serious to make accusations where
    none exists.

    Race, religion and politics have no place in BB.
    It is a game of lying, deceit, etc..
    Fans rate the levels they will tolerate.

    BB Production should ban material expressions of
    religion or politics.
    No bibles, crucifixes, witch potions, political t-shirts, whatever.
    I think political talk and items are banned from the show,
    so why not religion?

  77. although I am not a nat fan, for those of you thinking that Kevin deserves to win, Nat was the one who gave Kevin the idea to lie to Jeff about Jessie. Would Kevin had come up with it on his own?

  78. Midwest Fan – #57

    oh… is that all?? no wonder i didn’t notice, lol. of course jordan and jeff talked constantly among themselves – that’s what allies DO on bb!

    i don’t recall anyone ever claiming that jordan was an “angel” in this game – that would be impossible. but you made it sound as though jordan was going off on EVERYONE and spreading lies throughout the house, which she DID NOT do.

    for the record… bb DID air the back yard argument between jordan & russell when she went after him, SCREAMING that she wasn’t afraid of him and ramming her boobs into his chest. so America knows she has a temper!

    re: jordan/russell/jeff – jeff bought k/n’s russell/michelle lie – hook, line & sinker. nothing jordan said – good or bad – about russell would have changed jeff’s mind that russell had to go. period.

    re: jordan/michelle – i make no excuses for jordan, jeff or anyone else in the house for the things they all said about michelle.

    all personal attacks against michelle that were not game-play related were uncalled for, unwarranted and just plain wrong.

    same thing goes for chima’s “terrorist” comments towards russell – russell’s comments about jordan’s weight – etc. etc. BUT, it always happens on this show. it’s the one single thing i hate most about watching bb.

  79. BB used to show a lot of the Diary Room sessions, and we could see what was going on. They don’t do it anymore, because they manipulate the contestants. Too bad that they just don’t let them play the game. Dan #78. Christians, Bigots and racists? Nope, I would just like a person who played the game the best to win. J/J – “America’s Sweethearts.”?? Hardly, they are Dumb and Dumber. Even Jeff became extremely upset with Jordan because she was so DUMB. Feeling sorry for somebody doesn’t mean that they should be the winner. Jordan probably layed in bed at night saying “Boob jobs, or keeping the house, boobs or house?. Let’s see, I think that I will choose Boobs.”
    Let’s see the game for what it is – we have three weirdos in the finals. And finally, Kelli, I completely agree with you. Let’s talk about something else. Like–does anybody know if the contestant are allowed to split the money between themselves. That might be an interesting concept to get to the final 2. Didn’t know if that was in the rule book or not.

  80. i want jordan to win because she does have a good heart and i believe she will do good with the money AND share with Jeff since he did all the work.

  81. Jordan deserves it.. She shows that you can play a game without all of the bad lying cheating ect… That is how I feel about it… I’m really glad she won the 2nd competition between her and Natalie… It will be good to see someone good win it.. Kevin is ok but he has been with Natalie alot in the pranks bad lying ect…. I love this website Thanks for your reporting day after day… Go Jordan

  82. angie – i could totally see jordan giving some money to jeff……totally!! now, do you think for one minute kevin or gnat would do that – not a chance!!!

  83. Angie – you must be joking. If Jordan wins, she will NOT share the money with Jeff. She will say “Jeff Who?”

  84. @Midwest Fan – #59

    yea.. i saw jeff’s interview. him taking her to hawaii was just my opinion.

    i think when she wins and gives him the bears tickets, he will take her on the trip :)

  85. Kelli……the game is based on skill and part of this skill is lying and deception. I don’t care how nice or sweet people think Jordon is, she did not play the game. If the jurors and you bloggers can’t see that, then what other reasons would you not want Kevin to win. Kevin played the game! Its a known fact that no minority has ever won BB.(no offense, but white women not included)

  86. redhead – i would think they can do whatever they want with the money…..i am quite sure ED gave some money to his daughter when they finished #1 an #2

  87. #87 Julie Good

    Congratulations! You have written one of the BEST comments
    for being a Jordan fan.
    You left out the gushy over the top adjectives often used to describe
    her and clearly can’t be proven by her role in the BBH.

    Much to my chagrin, I think you will be a very happy
    fan on Finale night.


  88. Kelli – I agree. If I were on BB (which it would be a cold day in hell for me to be there), I would tell them that I would split the money 50/50 if they took me to the final 2. Interesting concept?

  89. @Redhead – #102

    NO – bb hgs CANNOT share their winnings with each other.

    this was a HUGE issue when evil dick and daughter, danielle, were on the show together. he could buy her things, but he couldn’t just give her the money.

    same thing with year’s 1st pandora box… hgs were not allowed to give their winnings to another hg in exchange for a vote…

  90. LC – i disagree. i think the goal of the game is to get the 500G…….doesn’t matter how you get there……now does it? some people choose to lie, be deceitful and rude…..but as you can tell most of America usually goes for the most honest people! thus the reason we ALL LOVE JORDAN……

  91. redhead…….hell yeah…….now there’s when a hell yeah should be used….not when you get engaged!!!teehee

  92. @Martie #109

    Thank you Martie, I like to think so!

    However, since we a cyber twins, that makes you a person with a kind heart also! ;)

  93. Pat @ 90. I think that Kevin dresses kind of “spiffy” and I enjoy his banter back and forth with Natalie. And– Kevin is not boring by any means, but I can’t say that about the blond finalist. Last night on BBAD she kept staring into space, and smiling that “blank” smile. When she does try to speak, it takes her an hour to try and get where she is trying to go, and unfortunately, she never arrives at her destination. Kevin supporters – Unite!!
    But–I still like Natalie.

  94. susan in ct #114

    I think you are right about not allowing the winner to split the money. I recall that ED took his daughter overseas and I think he may have also bought her a car.

    The HG’s probably have that written in their contract, otherwise there would really be no competition, because most F2 HG would just make a deal and throw the comps.

  95. i find it very hard to believe that BB is going to moniter ED’s bank account for ??years after the show to make sure he doesn’t give his daughter any money………..really?????

  96. @Diane – #119

    absolutely!! everyone has “a price” – lol – so bb doesn’t allow them share their cash winnings.

  97. Throw the comps? Oh Gee, that could never happen. REALLY. I bet it happens all the time, and I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that money changes hands after the shows are over.

  98. Okay, time for me to head out and I had better move my
    computer out of the kitchen and back to my desk, asap.

    Two questions and I’ll check back later for some answers.

    #1 Should Kevin take the risk of telling Jordan about his
    planned and successful lie with Natalie?
    (I think he should. Better to be the first one to tell Jordan
    and it could sway her to take him to the F2 even though the lie
    hurt Jeff.)

    #2 In the past, has BB allowed fans to vote multiple times
    for HGs under any situation?
    ( I can’t recall. It seems like they’re stretching to make BB
    seem fair and impartial.)

  99. Hoping to see that someone wins other then nat,i think if she did,nt tag on to jessie she been gone along time ago,she don,t deserve to win crap

  100. @Kelli #120

    You might find that there is a time period (i.e. 1-5 years, I don’t know, just guessing), and they may have signed a contract allowing their auditors to check both ED’s and Danielle’s bank accounts, again this is just a guess!

    I do know that any deposit made to any bank account over $5k, is reported to the government, so there is a possibility that they do monitor where that money goes. In other words, if ED was to buy something over the $5k it is reported, if it is deposited into another account it is reported, but if it is taken out in cash and handed directly to her, then I can’t see how that could be reported, unless Danielle actually deposited into her account.

  101. my opinion: i’ve seen people saying that nat cheated on the logs with a hairband and CBS, BB and AG not doing anything about it. they’ve known al along who and how they wanted this season to go. i also feel they are enjoying everyone being upset about all the lying and cheating that has went on. i feel we (america) has got, got by them. i think they ought to redo this season (like now) and bring back all the HG and let them play fairly without BB,CBS and AG making things happen their way and playing america. that’s just my opinion. i haven’t watched BB in a while. i have been upset with all thats happend and had family emergencies this week

  102. Midwest Fan. I know on the internet, you can vote a “jillion” times. I think that we should only get one vote to make it more fair, because some people sit at their computers all day long, and just punch the buttons. And, I don’t think that Kevin should tell Jordan anything. It would just confuse her. Hee, hee

  103. Diana C. Yes, this is the year that America really got got. Imagine, a reality show being what it claims to be. Sorry to hear about your family emergencies. Hope that everything is ok now.

  104. @Redhead #133

    I agree in that this year has been particularly questionable and we the viewers have been jaded by feeling duped with the outcome of some of these so called competitions.

    The bottom line is however, no matter who you have been cheering on, the balance of scales has been evened out with the so called cheating.

    Jordan and Michele fans were outraged when they thought that Kevin and Natalied cheated, and vice versa, Natalie and Kevin fans were outraged when they thought that Michele and Jordan cheated.

    I think that CBS BB just let it ride because the infractions were just not serious enough to take action.

    Again, I am trying to be objective and see it from both angles even though my fav. has been evicted!

  105. I watch live deeds and after dark and you people who keep saying Jordan is bad in them need to refresh my memory. She has only done what she has had to do to survive. Never seen a mean or nasty side to her. Jordan is the deserving person to win big brother.

  106. LC – who do you think america goes for? The Jessie’s and Chima’s and Ronnie’s of the world?

    i’m talking majority – majority of people like Jordan…..did you not see the vote above???

  107. ……..and America loves Jordan b/c she is simple, and she is the “girl next door” and she has not backstabbed anyone-that i recall!

  108. CBS, AG & BB are just letting us (america) believe we are voting but the truth be known, they’re going to pick & do what they want. i know this doesn’t sound like an emergency but my baby (min pin dog) got real sick. i woke up mon am to find him laying lethargic and had liquid poop everywhere. i was such a ball baby that day. took him to the animal hospital and they told me he was dying and was in organ failure. BUT, they saved him and so far (fingers crossed) he’s home and doing ok. back to BB. sometimes i think the chima episode was staged for viewers and that they were in on the LML. i was a j/j fan from the beginning and yes j/j were just as verbally mean to others as well i for one am/was very upset for the way EVERYONE treated michele and how nat & kev were able to cheat with the calendar, play doh, etc and nothing was done or said about it. in the past i thought this was a big NO NO for BB in the rules?? hmmm,

  109. @Julie good #135

    There were times when Jordan wasn’t so nice. When her and Jeff had the power for 2 weeks, they were just as mean as some of the other HG’s.

    Funny how power changes a person, we’ve all seen this throughout the competition with each HOH not knowing how to utilize their power without upsetting the other HG’s (for the exception of Kevin, who didn’t become obnoxious when he had that power).

    Having said that, every single HG has been confined in that house without any contact with the real world.

    They have had to control their emotions, by missing their families and loved ones and sometimes just one comment can make you tip over the edge as has been shown on live feeds.

    I am not trying to justify their bad behavior, just trying to put another perspective on why they behaved poorly, when it is out of character for them.

    People all deal with stress in various ways, some cry (Michele), some scream (J/J/R/L/N) and some show no emotion whatsoever (Kevin).

  110. 1st of all – Marcus # 38 – get a life, and while you’re at it you might take some of that raciest and bigot crap with you back to school and take some english classes. Everything doesn’t pertain to race and religion. Can’t they just be “people”? Does everyone have to be a “color” or certain “ethnic background”. You are pathetic. Kelli # 73 and Dan # 78 perfect come back. Love the way you 2 think. back to BB Nat needs to go. No money for the only form of game play she has contributed. Lies, more lies and excuses. That is all she has done from day one. No one should be rewarded, anything, for that kind of behavior. She showed her a$$ when she started spouting “this is for you Chima”. They are “birds of a feather”. Sentimentaly, I want Jordan to win but Kevin would be ok too. As long as they are the F2. Can you hear the knat trying to explain how she could have had it all because she was “in charge” the whole time but “let” Kevin win HoH. On & on & on, until Julie cuts her off……..

  111. @julie good, i was a j/j fan big time and i also have live feeds. i watched j/j on many occasions make fun of michelle and scheme amonst themselves, i was very upset at the way they treated michele.

  112. deebird – did you hear the excuses start from gnat when julie chen was talking to her Thurs night? yep you are right she is probably going to say she carried kev thru the whole game blah blah blah……..

  113. @Diana C #134

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I am an animal lover too, so at least the news is good for now – right? Hope you get many more years of love from your baby!

    Refer to #134 about the cheating.

  114. Here is an example of why Jordan should win in my book : When Nat told her that now Michelle can finally be alone with Jeff, like she wanted, Jordan laughed and didnt even pay it any attention. This whole game she has nade up her own opinions of people, trusted people that she felt were the right pople to trust, dint have to lie, or cheat, or belittle people in order to move herself ahead of the game, and nobody else can say that, not even Jeff. Now, I love Jeff, and he got my fan vote for the 25k, but jordan deserves this win. Yeah she didnt win alot of games, but you know, her heart was in it, she tried her hardest, and she won the games that really counted. She was on the block quite a few times, yet still managed to make it this far, so yeah, she deserves it. Natalie doesnt deserve anything at all, because she never even tried at any games she won. She mostly just gave a lackluster half hearted effort, waiting to see where her ‘buddies’ in the house were at in the game, and thats not strategy nat fans, thats laziness. This game is about getting into peoples heads, from what I have seen, and if Jordon doesnt win, then Kevin should because he played the best head games. Natalie lying about her age was not a strategic move, it was just a stupid pointless lie that just pissed people off. I hope Jordan wins, she deserves it, and she would really do some good for herself and her family with it.

  115. Diana C – i heard that too…..about the way j/j talked about michele and hated to read that ……..but then i thought……there are some people i just don’t care for either – that i have worked with or whatever….and yes, i have said mean things behind their back….so, i am just as guilty i guess……but in my defense the person i talked about was ugly inside and what i said about them were facts……some people just don’t like other people…….as long as its not b/c of what color, or religion then its ok to not like someone!!

  116. First of all for it to be dishonesty Jordan and Jeff would have had to lie about what they were saying about Michelle. They did not! They said that Michelle was a liar and that she would slither up to whoever had the power for the week. Both were true statements. Would I have liked her to be beside Jordan in the final 2? No! I never liked her from day one and think Jordan did the right thing by getting Kevin to vote her out.

  117. I hope Jordan wins bbb, she played an honest game, was loyal to Jeff, was willing to sacrafice her place in the game to keep Jeff there, she told everyone he did it all, I will be really dissapointed if Nat a lie gets in the final 2, that girl has some major problems, hopefully she gets some help when she gets out. Hopefully she will come out and learn to love her self and others.

  118. @julie good, i understand you, but to make fun of someone because of their disabiltites to me is wrong. again, i was a j/j fan as well. i know it’s just a game but when a person attacks another person being it verbally or physically it upsets me. i used to want to crawl thru my computer screen and shake some of them and say WAKE UP. lol

  119. @Kelli 148 facts or not, we all have done it. Just because what we say about people behind their backs is true doesnt make it right, you know? and trust me I am probably ten times more guilty of this than you are. Where we talk about someone because they just irritated the pi$$ out of us, or because they make us feel insecure. You guys are right, j/j did do some of that, but they were never as mean or hateful as some of the other hgs were.

  120. Megan – IMO the lie Natalie told in the beginning was the first sign that she was going to be someone I didn’t like…..what was the point? Why lie about being 18 – 24? I mean really what was the entire point of that lie – never have understood that. But now i see that she lies JUST TO LIE… of those people! Just like lying about the PDB……why ? what was the point of that? You can just tell that she is one of those habitual liars…..and that is why I HAVE NO RESPECT FOR HER!!!!!!! or anyone who is like her……in fact i can’t tolerate people like her…….

  121. @jerry #153

    Don’t hold your breath for Nat. because she doesn’t believe that she needs any help and that she is a righteous person who has played this game with intergrity.

    She has some dilusional problems that only through time and reflection will she be able to realize why she hss the need to self adulate. Her real issues are deep rooted and she has low self esteem, so she fabricates to make herself feel important.

  122. @kelli, i’m with you!! she’s so good at lying, she believes them herself. and will argue if you doubt her

  123. Does Michelle have a disability? Or was it an excuse to lie. Who would know? She just came across as a big liar to me.

  124. Megan – i agree – J/J were not nearly as bad as the Nat’s and even Lydia for that matter….and Ronnie……etc…..I am still for Jordan…..and i voted for Jeff to get the 25K

  125. @julie god, u may have a point. but in watching the live feeds, she had told some HG of the disabilities for instance she has short term memory loss due to a head injury, i can relate because i too had a head injury and have memory loss, she stated she had night trmors due to being abused as a child and loss of hearing due to falling with a qtio in her ear. i feel she was being truthful at those statements

  126. Absolutely. Natalie is the type of person who has probably lied at random her entire life. Nobody ever stopped her, so she kept doing it. Its a very very uglt characteristic to have, and next week when she gets home she is going to find out just how much respect she lost as a person. Everyone who watched big brother hated her. I have a feeling that going home is going to suck for her. And i was reading about some race issues…you know what, I am so sick of hearing abour race issues. I am a white female who live sin a predominatly mexican city, which is phoenix, az. I am constantly discriminated against because of the color of my skin, so dont go there with the racal bs. Nat doesnt deserve to win because she is a flipping idiot, she is lazy, and selfish, and cruel. Kevin doesnt deserve to win because he is probably just one ladder rung under nat in that department, but if jordon doesnt win, then kevin should. and it has NOTHING to do with the color of their skin.

  127. @Julie good #160

    Yes, Michele does have disabilities, she had a head trauma (I believe some type of accident) and I think she also fell with a q-tip stuck in her ear (could be the same injury, not sure). Her husband said she cannot hear properly out of one ear (that was shown in one of the POV comps. where you can clearly see her tilting her head to hear the question), and he also stated that she has memory problems (why ???)

    Also Michele lost her brother in March and she has had a lot of emotional stress outside the BB house to contend with, so the HG’s were particularly brutal to her which was really disgusting IMO.

  128. Midwest fan
    I was talking to my husband about that and he says he believes that BB for one knows you by your IP #(computer id) so more you vote just tells them who you really want to win kinda like a poll. Also by voting BB knows how America feels I don’t believe they use the quanity of votes Because of the IP # Because if they said if texing you can do up to 10 so they may be doing that to computer votes also.

    So if anyone wants to make extra votes Use diferent computers. But seriously the Voting is more of a poll type.

    I want Jordan to get the $500K and Kevin $50K. Jordan Worked way more then Kevin & Nat-a-lie. They took advantage of Jordan . Come on Did you hear her so many times saying I believe in Nat-a-lie she is honest Wow when I heard her say that several times I was screaming OMG OMG what is wrong with her, But she see the good in other not the bad.

    I just hope Nat-a-lie doesn’t convince Jordan to take her that would be the big’s mistake the others could just say if nat-a-lie could get to the end by lieing she deserves it.

  129. There once was a chick named Nat,

    Who closely resembled a Rat.

    She’d lie and she’d cheat,

    Despite smelly feet,

    Someone get her out of the house STAT.

  130. @megan AMEN i for one am also tired of hearing about the racial comments. kevin even brought up to BB (on the live feeds) that its always whote people that win BB that made me cringe. it’s not fair for those of us who have brought their children up non racial and to respect others

  131. I am not saying that they are crppy people because they are mexiccan. I am saying they are crappy people because they are crappy people. We will never have racial equality in this world if people dont stop wanting to be better than evryone else. Nobody wants o be equal, everyone wants to be one step ahead of everyone else. GET OVER IT. Stop seeing the color of peoples skin and start seeing who they actually are. This is AMERICA, and in this great nation you can be whoever you want to be, and if you want to argue that point with me, then let me remind you who are president is. I am not trying to offend anyone, I just get so tired of the race card always being used.

  132. My point is, just like chicken little and his claim that the sky is falling, Michelle sank her own ship. Once she told so many lies it was hard to distinguish fact from fiction. I have a hard time believing that she has any disability because she lies about everything else. Its a shame I feel this way but her actions made it so.

  133. Oh and natalie lying about her age, i think was so she could get HG sympathy, like to be everyones little sister.

  134. Kevin and Natalie act like scumbags. Natalie is one of the most corrupt players I’ve ever seen on “Big Brother” and I can’t stand the way she smacks her lips when she whispers to people, not to mention all of her other disgusting habits (not bathing, wearing the same clothes for days, etc.) Kevin is annnoying…so sick of hearing him say “bizznatch” all the time…and how he behaves when something doesn’t go his way (when Jordan won round two of HoH, he was obviously perturbed and didn’t approve). I hope Jordan wins! Natalie and Kevin are just plain nasty and they make me cringe whenever I see them.

  135. gotta go everyone, spending time with my daughter and son in law from fla…i’ll be back tonight hope to swee you in here then…it’s awesome being back in touch with you all!!!!

  136. Megan – again you rock #170!! read my #73- i said basically the same thing!! too funny!

    but we are right – and i agree that i too am sick of the race card……some people just suck no matter what color they are!!!

  137. @Julie good

    There was really only one major lie that Michele told and that was the one with Chima and Russell.

    Michele did switch constantly with alliances and she often agreed with other HG’s leading them to believe that she was with them.

    The other lies were strategic and not really huge ones and that is part of the game. Every single HG include J/J (who I favored in the beginning) also lied.

    Everyone who follows BB understands that this game is about lying and backstabbing and unfortunately if you take a dislike to someone as you have with Michele, then you tend to focus on them being a bad person for lying, just as we all have on Nat.

    Nat. is different however because she is mean spirited and has never taken resposibilities for her actions and is quick to blame others when she is defeated or fails!

  138. Julie good: did you feel sorry for russ when he confronted michele about what she said about chima……and michele sat right there and said …..i didn’t tell you that!! i felt bad for russ….and i probably woulda lost it too b/c she did tell him that about chima …..

  139. Its irritating that we as white people cant like a white person without it being because we are racist, but for a mexican person to root for a mexican person its just pride. But whatever. I have dealt with it my entire life, so I am used to it.

  140. OMG Kelli I remember when Michelle lied to russ and that whole big thing went down,omg. I was like whoa, she just sat their and told a bold faced lie, and she even admitted it in her after eviction interview with that guy that interviews them from inside dish…soomething mathews….or whatever its called. The point is, Michelle lied about saying that, but what she told russell wasnt a lie, so its not as bad as it seemed. Granted it started a huge fight between russell and chima, but nobody told chima to call russell a terrorist, so michelle isnt to blame for the whole thing. I didnt feel horrible for russel then though, cuz wow that sucked.

  141. diana – again……i disagree……about the game being ABOUT lying and deceit……its not about that…….it ends up being that b/c people show their true colors….do you have to eventually lie to someone and be deceitful to someone and manipulate someone….yeah, you probably eventually will…….but the game is about getting to the end…….and how YOU are as person……and the decisions you make morally and ethically……its about how YOU interact with the other personalities in the house…….its about how people interact – plain and simple… ALWAYS ends up about lying and deceit but i just really don’t think that THAT IS WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT …….WHO CAN BE THE BEST LIAR MANIPULATOR AND BACKSTABBER………..its about getting yourself to the final 2 – so all the other HG can judge YOUR character!!!!!!!!

  142. @Kelli @Megan

    Yes she lied, but her lie was not malicious, nor was it mean spirited, she just denied her conversation with Russell because she was trying to duck for cover. She didn’t expect Russell to call her out on it and it backfired.

    She also never personally verbally attacked another HG, unlike other HG’s.

    I admired Michele for her strength of character and her ability to go so far in this game without any realy allies. She did it alone, almost in isolation and she always smiled and never took their insults to heart at face value. She always displayed her hurt and emotions for the most part in private.

  143. Its about putting on a face and being who you need to be to get to the end. Its not about lying a deciet, if anything its about the opposite, its about how far you can push yourself to be someone your not to get what you want. You do that by pretending to like people, by never really letting anyone see who you really are and what your about, by playing nice and not makng enemies, because they all seem to forget that if they do make it to the end, their fate lies in the hands of their former hgs. Natalie screwed herself, not manipulating the game, but by being a hateful little snot. SHE WILL NOT WIN. THERE IS NOT WA. SHE DOESNT HAVE THE VOTES.

  144. megan – i did feel bad for him too…..but i kinda thought too – well, thats what he gets for running and telling chima what michele said..kinda dumb on his part to go run and tell chima that!!!

  145. Megan
    Talking about race both Keven & Nat-a-lie are half Black and our President became President because of the race don’t you remember how everyone in the wood work came out to vote.

    Look it was going to be a Woman or a Black Man it was time for change and people were hopeing that because of the Black people that are always judged as not equal America needed to try for change and hoping for this, Look I as a Women don’t see a Women as President we are to emotional. I personaly did not vote for Obama but not because of race I just didn’t believe his promises. But Look Ever since we got a Black President I have seen more and more Black people being reconized so I really though also that BB was pushing for a Black person to win.

    But Keven being Gay OMG I could not believe my ears yesterday on live feeds he said he is afraid of Americas vote because he is gay and that America will not vote for him because he is Gay. He was pointing out it was because how America doesn’t want to give Gay people rights well that is BS. America has given them alot of change just not the marrige part.

    Also another point I am not gay but I feel like i am the minority there are alot of Gays out there then Straight people. So he will be getting a lot of vote from them because they want to see the first Gay Man to win.

    I personaly don’t judge by race or sexual preferance.

  146. Jordon needs to win the 500k because she’s a down to earth girl, also being without a home she will put the money to good use. True she did not win alot but, she did not make alot of people mad or hurt feeling in the game.She stepped up the plate when it counted….. Plus all southren girls must stick together

  147. Megan – couldn’t agree more……don’t you think that its just about interacting with people in general……i mean look at what the commercials say… you like to watch…..and I think thats what it means – do you like to watch all these different personalities intermingle with one another and see what happens in the mean time! yep i love to watch!!!

  148. @Kelli #182

    Yes, in the real world, it is how you interact with others and your integrity should be the most important characteristic of your being.

    However, greed does do strange things to people, and I do not remember one season in BB where a HG hasn’t lied, deceived, manipulated or backstabbed to further themselves in the game. They are playing for $500k and the whole idea of the game is to outwit and play mind games, that is why they do things that are normally out of character for them.

    I like to think that I am an honest person, but in all seriousness, I don’t know whether my integrity would hold true if I was playing the the jackpot.

    For me, there is no question, that I wouldn’t even want to go on a show like BB where my morals and ethics would be questioned, not only by myself but by the majority of America. I think the temptation and greed is just not worth it to me.

    These people have a goal and that goal is to take home the big prize and although I agree with your concept in real life, I can understand why it is that these people compromise their normal behavior.

  149. Diana – I know I wouldn’t want to go on this show either – for 1 I couldn’t afford to take off work for 3 months! and for 2- i would go insane….with all the lying and manipulating that goes on!! i try to avoid conflict at all cost…….BB house is not the place for me!!

  150. @188. I agree, i dont see a woman as president, not because we as women arent capable, but because we as women, have a harder ime seperating our emotions. And there is nothing wrong with that. As far as the gay thing, you know, its 2009, nobody cares anymore. Its just a part of our society, and people are alot more accepting than most give them credit for. all I know is that if it were me in that house, I know how I would play it, but then again, growing up the way I did, I learned how to be two different people when the need arises. The first thing i usually tell people when they meet me is that a comon misconception about me is that I am a nice person. Natalie tried to play the mind games, but she is really not good at it at all. Kevin, on the other hand, i do have to give it to him onthat note, he did it well.

  151. Oh and can I just say that Jeff looked DAMN SEXY when he would sit outback and smoke a cigarette? Ugh, some guys just make it look so freaking HOT! yes i am a smoker, so maybe that has something to do with it. Thats what I miss about jeff being in the house.mmmm…..ugh! omg!

  152. I dont like the drama, but I can hold my own when it comes my way, and seriously, I think if i were on BB, i would be like a kd in a candy store, it would be a great way to excersize my mental reflexes….it looks like soooo much fun.

  153. @Cynthia H, @Megan

    Just wanted to point out that they have done studies on women who have senior management roles and these studies prove that women are in fact better managers than men for 2 reasons.

    One, they can multi-task unlike majority of men who can only focus on one task at a time and;

    Two, because women are child bearers they have the ability to show compassion and are nurturing, which enables them to have the ability to difuse hostile situations.

    Just wanted to add that comment, suffice to say it may be a different ball game in the White House!

  154. Megan……ok, i’m just gonna say it……
    I LOVE YOU MAN!@!!! about jeff smoking….LMFAO!!!!that was tooo tooo good…..and SOOOO flippin true!!!
    (i’ma smoker too… i totally get it)

  155. Megan
    Oh yea Jeff looked good at everything he did.. I really like seeing him tending to the garden and cleaning the pool. OMG it made my mouth drop one sexy man but he needs to get butt in plants.

  156. Oh, I also should have noted that countries like England, Phillipines, Pakistan and India have all had women leaders, albeit presidents or prime ministers!

    Food for thought women of America!

  157. MIDWEST FAN!!! why do you HATE JORDYN so. She played the BEST BB game EVER as far as NOT LYING just to be lying. She basicly told fibs. She NEVER just HURT someone to be MEAN like many if not all of the others. AND when she wasn’t winning things she was doing what Jeff needed to keep him calm.(his words—like talking him down when angry ect…)

  158. you just reminded me of the scene with jeff watering the plants, and kevin is sitting there with his mouth hanging open…omg omg omg, that guy is like sex on a stick! I sooooooooooooooooooooo want one of those for christmas!

  159. Wow, a bunch of self-hating women on here. For the record, i was a huge Hillary supported and would have loved for her to be President. Palin, not so much.

    Go Kevin and/or Jordan!

  160. Re Julie Good #135. I don’t know why you can’t tell from BBAD that Jordan is just as rotten as everyone else. I will again repeat what I have said before. In either the first or second BB, she kept talking about her sexual escapades.Especially her a— sex and B— hole. That really turned me off. There is a time and place for that sort of thing. About three weeks ago on BBAD, she started talking about the B hole, and the P hole, and all of the other holes in her body. It was disgusting!!!!! and I switched to another channel. And she was spouting off lies right and left and was able to keep up with everyone, including Natalie.
    I don’t know if she is just “simple minded”, a slut, or just doesn’t know any better. But– all of this talk about her being little miss goodie shoes makes me sick. She is just as bad as the other two. The only difference is that she has not played the game as well. Even Jeff became disgusted with her, telling her, every chance that he got, that she needed to try harder. I just hate for somebody to win because the public thinks she needs the money more. She doesn’t need it anymore than the other two do. Yeah, it’s clear that you favor Jordan, but I favor Kevin and Natalie. I ain’t too crazy about things which they have done, but they have played the game a whole lot better than she has. Now, if you think that I am being prejudiced, then just go back and look at the previous episodes, and take your blinders off while you’re watching it. Don’t get mad at me, I just call them the way I see them, and I do appreciate a good debate.

  161. Cynthia / Megan…….did you just love Jeff’s accent too? loved the Chicago accent…..hey i only live 3 hours from Chicago…..i should go look him up…….ooops nope my husband looks like brad pitt….i will keep him!!!

  162. I would not like NataLIE or Kevin to win because they made it personal and tried to destroy property. That’s hitting below the belt. I don’t like NataLIE because she would steal and take things that didn’t belong to her. She is ethically challenged.

  163. @redhead

    First off, being alil bit kinky doesnt make you a slut, it just makes you not a prude, and if jordan was a slut she would have had sex with jeff. Second, we all understand that jordan has done her fair share of the whole ‘mean girls’ routine, we just think that she has done t less than nat and jordan. Jordan was the smartest about it, obviously, because the only jordan most people know is the sweet ne, which makes her the smartest player in my book. Jeff was frusterated with her, but not disguisted, he even said that she was a huge comfort to him, that it helps to have someone who was always on his side no matter what.and at least jordan MADE AN EFFORT. which ismore than anyopne can ever say for NATALIE. oh, and if Natal;ie deserved to win, she would not have thrown the first hoh game, and underestimated jordan by not even really trying in the last one.

  164. Even if they could share their winnings..seriously if someone told me in the BBH that they would share I would NOT believe them…I would not give up on ANYTHING in hopes to have them take me to the end….Natalie was stupid!!!

  165. is ed from a different season? cuz i just started watching this year, i ,know i know, i came late, but i think i will spend the nest year watching the old seasons on youtube.

  166. Re: Michelle. Thanks for telling me about Michelle’s difficulties. It kind of makes me sorry that I bashed her so much. I knew something was “kind of off” about her, but never knew what it was. I guess that we should be careful of what we say unless we know the whole story, but that will never happen in our society.

  167. Megan, you are welcome to your opinion, and I am welcome to mine. You don’t like Kevin or Natalie, and I DON’T LIKE JORDAN, so let’s move on. Good debating with you. Where are you from in the Midwest – what state? I’m originally from Michigan.

  168. Megan ~ start watching season 8 – ED stands for evel dick – thats what HE called himself!! and he reminded me of Nikki Sixx and i love Nikki Sixx!!

  169. I just love a man with a nice round Butt that is why I said about his butt. I like a man in Levis with a round butt like most cowboys have.

    I remember the most funnys thing I did. I was at the drive up window at Mc Donlds and a couple of cowboys with nice butts walked by and I was talking to my friend not knowing the person that wanted to take the order was listing. I was say Omg those two guys have such wounderful Butts look at them.

    The the person started laughing and said can I take your order and said but to bad we can’t offer the cowboys. Lmao

  170. Hey, Kelli. I just hated ED and his awful mouth, but he was a player, and I couldn’t help watching that season. He did win because he was the BEST.

  171. hey i have a random off topic question: i am just wondering if the weather is getting cooler for anyone right now, cuz i am in phoenix and its still like 105 every day

  172. cyntha h – isn’t there a bumper sticker that says “cowboy butts drive me nuts”?? thats you hunh?! funny story!!

  173. megan – i’m jealous…i love hot weather! Indiana is like mid 70’s during the day and 50’s at night!!!!

  174. it would be ok with me if jordan or kevin won,natile does not desevre to win,she cheated and she know she did

  175. Hey Megan. I think that it is turning into fall over the country. Here in Virginia it is getting cooler at night and the leaves are turning. I love this time of year, especially with the HOT, HOT summer we had, but I’ll bet Phoenix gets even worse than we do. 105 is a little more than I could stand.

  176. Jordan play better then NataLIE in all the games Just because she had a boyfriend does not make a person bad. That is part of life. Jeff had girls I surprise that people still have double standards when comes women are sluts if they sleep with men. When men sleep with women that all right. People this 2009 people sleep with each other and it does not matter . Jordan is a way better player she did stand around and waited for other people in the play for her like Natalie I wait for Kevin to win. Oh Chima won for me, so on Little Miss Coat Tail

  177. redhead….i just thought ED was on it with everyone he “picked” on like Jen…..omg we all hated JEN…..and Eric……he was a little weasel and ED put him in his place a few times…..he was just blunt and to the point and then on the same hand he wasn’t afraid to cry and tell his daughter how much he loved her and wanted a relationship with her! loved ED!!!

  178. @Kelli @Redhead

    America embraced ED, not because of his foul language and his ranting and raving. They embraced him because he initially went on the show to reconcile with his estranged daughter.

    He abused other HG’s to protect Danielle and take her out of the firing line (he said that on many occasions). What ultimately end up happening is, that he grew on America for those qualities and not the way that he played the game and the consquences was he won the $500k and Danielle won $50k.

    Remember when he was during the endurance comp. No way in hell or high water was he going to just give up. It took every ounce of his strength (both mental and physical) before he dropped because he didn’t want to let his daughter down and I think that moved a lot of people!

  179. Jeannette: I think you were addressing your comments toward what I said, and I didn’t say that Jordan having a boyfriend or sleeping around made her bad. I said that her mouth was “nasty.” Go back and rewatch BBAD and you will see what I mean. I think that your face will turn “red” about the way she talked.

  180. @Kelli #232

    I loved ED too, and I was so excited to see him win. I think he calls a spade a spade and doesn’t sugar coat anything, and for me, I appreciate his honesty.

    I would rather be told the truth even if I didn’t like it than a sweet lie because it stroked by ego!

    Give me the truth any day, so I know where I stand in relation to you!

  181. Diana # 230. YOu and I don’t agree most of the time, but I do agree with you about ED and his daughter. The other thing I really liked about him was the way he stood up in the final HOH. He really did good. And, although I didn’t like his mouth (and lots of the BB people should have their mouths washed out with soap), I was really glad that he won. He showed that he was a great father, although I thought that his daughter was a little brat and treated him horribly. I hope that has changed.

  182. diana – my thoughts exactly – loved the boldness and bluntness and he always addressed the same people that i would have….and like you said didn’t sugar coat anything – i respected that too!

  183. 15 is nothing you guys, just last week the normal weather is 111-112 every day, and in july we didnt have a single day under 102. I dont know why they didnt just build this city on the surface of the sun, cuz its sooo hot. like hotter than satans a$$ hot. ugh. I am soooo jealous. fifty degrees at night, you like need a jacket for that knda weather huh?

  184. @Redhead #234

    You know that I personally think that Danielle still has a lot of growing up to do and it may take time for her to understand her father.

    I too think that although we may not agree with his lifestyle, he is a good father and there is no question in my mind that he loves his daughter dearly.

    I too hope that she has come around and sees him in a different light than before she was forced to live with him in the BB house!

  185. so bb season 8 was different thanthis one cuz everyone already hated someone in the house before they got there? omg that is so cool! k imma go watch be back later guys

  186. @Diana – Thank you for a voice of reasoning, objectivity, maturity, and common sense!!

    Granted BB and the F3 have been uneventful and boring, especially since the Thurs., I can’t believe the direction and number of the comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the game. I’ve tried to be respectful, and I usually just skip over politically and religious driven comments, but enough is enough!!

    @Cynthia H #188 – You actually wrote “Our President became President because of the race don’t you remember how everyone in the wood work came out to vote.”
    Are you sure that you don’t judge based on race? Are you kidding me? EVERYONE who turned out to vote exercised their RIGHT to vote for the candidate that they felt was the best choice for a wealth of reasons. All American citizens are motivated for countless reasons, and you need to recognize that “those who came out of the wood work” are apart of the fabric that makes this country what is and will be in the future. Last I checked, campaigning is about getting ALL citizens involved.

    As far as Kevin’s concerns re America’s view of him being gay, I won’t pretend to know his personal pain and experiences. Are you sure you don’t judge by sexual preferences? Unless you’ve walked in his shoes, I’d be willing to bet you haven’t a clue either…Kevin was not only ousted by his church, his own family doesn’t ewant to have anything to do with him. He also has strong convictions about gay rights, and feels that he is not treated equal, i.e. marriage, and insurance, which are still being debated in sate and federal arenas. He may be wrong and underestimating the BB audience, but his “fears” are legitimate.

    I won’t touch upon the women aren’t ready to be pres comment…It has been covered.

  187. redhead – thats what got me with ED too – from the very beginning i liked him b/c of what he was trying to do with his daughter…mend fences that he had broken! then the other side to him was just right on in my book….when he poored the tea on Jen – that is probably my all time fav on BB!!

  188. Diana – gosh darn it, I agree with you again. What is this world coming to? I think one of the reasons that ED lives the type of life that he does is because of the daughter constantly rejecting him. He seems to have a great relationship with his son.

  189. Kelli – I am with you. Tea on Jen was priceless. Wasn’t she ” Miss I Am Beautiful and Perfect?” So glad when she left.

  190. Fedup. I agree with you 100%. YOu don’t have to like everything about a person, to like them, and I do like Kevin. He has played a great game, and he is REALLY FUNNY. He has a great sense of humor. Don’t you love the way that he and Natalie act like old married people? Maybe you don’t Natalie, but I think that the two of them are really cute with their comments.

  191. @fedup

    dont attack cynthia, because she has a valid pont. I know of many many people that voted simply because of obamas race. I personally didnt vote for anyone, because i didnt feel either canidate was worth it, but thats just me. But more american africans (sorry, i believe that it sould be said that way, because we are all americans first and foremost) voted in this election than ever before, because they truely believed in obama. Had obama been white, i just dont think we would have had the same result. dont throw stones, and she didnt mean it as a racial slur, she simply was stating fact.

  192. @Redhead #244

    There is hope for us yet!

    Our different point of views have never offended me because that is what debating is all about.

    I have tried to remain objective, but granted have derailed when it comes to Nat. and I know that she is a fav. of yours, but I do understand that her behavior is caused by deep rooted issues that at some point in her life she will need to address.

    Do I hate her – NO! Do I pity her – YES, purely because she cannot take responsibility for actions and believes in her own integrity when she was called out on National TV and she still believes her own b.s.

    Anyway, good to see that we can come to a consensus on some issues!

  193. Leslie # 247. HOw long does it take your medication to take effect? Stop being so bitter and move on.

  194. redhead….yes, jen was IN LOVE W/HERSELF and you could tell she cared about no one but HERSELF! She cried when she saw her picture posted on the BB wall……remember that!!!!! i was like you have got to be kidding me…is this girl for real……..and no she wasn’t for real…..she was as fake as they come!!

  195. Diana # 250. If we were to be honest, we would admit that ALL of us need help in one area or another. God only knows that I sure do. Oops, I brought the religion factor into our conversation. Anyway, I just chose to look beyond her shortcomings, and watch her play the game, and I think that she did a great job.

  196. @Kelli #253

    That was as funny as hell! I personally thought that photo was a true self portrait of her. She didn’t look ugly, in fact I thought it was a nice photo, but her antics were just hysterical!

  197. @everyone……..WHY does everyone insist that we have a ‘black’ president? he is half white too – does anyone realize that? I voted for him b/c I think this country needs a change and I think that he is a man who understands the average american’s needs and issues!! he is the first president that i can listen to and understand what in the hell he is saying!!

  198. Maybe jor can win the money, so that she doesnt have too share a bed with her mother, mothers lover, sister and the universe knows who else. She deserves it, u say and I have to ask why? Because she is common like the rest of u? F+++jor and the trashy family she comes from. How nasty, a mother that will share her daughter with men for a cot. Is that the best u americans have? If jor wins that is a reflection of the whites, not the american values that I understand. Someone had too say it!

  199. Megan, I don’t remember Leslie. (My mind is going as I get older.) Remind me about her a little. Thanx.

  200. You know what leslie, just shut up. Who the hell are you to talk about anyone lke that? Because jordon lives at home to help her mother and siblings try to survive, that makes he white trash? Im sorry, but anyone like YOU that talks about someone like that is the trash. So keep your opinions to yourself because nobody cares about what you have to say.

    Sorry to anyone else who is offened by what i just said, but i dont care. People like leslie are obviously uneducated idiots. Maybe her and natalie can be friends.

  201. Kelli # 256. I agree with you. (What is wrong with me today, I am agreeing with everybody. Even Diana and I are getting along. Hee, hee) I don’t care what color Obama is as long as he does his job, and don’t get me started as to how much better he is than the idiot he replaced.

  202. @Redhead #254

    Well that didn’t last very long :)

    My disappointment in Nat. was her meaness, her bragging and her self adulation when in fact she has been an inferior player throughout this game and it has been her bullying that has progressed her further because let’s face it (I love Kevin, but he has no backbone), she has bullied Kevin, Michele and dare I put this out ther, but even Jessie.

    Remember when she gave him an ultimatum and he came back in the HOH room like a little puppy because she wasn’t talking to him (heee, big tough guy that he is).

    Anyway, my point being that she is a bully and no one really likes a bully and I hate seeing these type of people take advantage of the weaker more timid types like Kevin and Michele.

    So you and I have hashed this out a few times now, so we should agree to disagree and let sleeping dogs lie.

    You like Nat. I don’t!

  203. bitter number 257, i dont remember the other one, the one who was talkng about how if kevin wins then jesus shone hislight down, or some bumbling garbage like that. I highly doubt the The powers that be are waving their hands over the outcome of this game.

  204. Redhead: everyone has been bashing obama lately saying he isn’t doing anything….well ya know what – it took Bush 8 years to screw everything up…..yeah, it might take obama a little more than 8 months to fix things!!

  205. @Megan #260

    You know Megan we always get a few people like Leslie who get on these blogs just to get a rise out of us.

    They want to rile us up and get a hostile reaction out of us.

    Just ignore HIM/HER or IT!!!

  206. Megan # 264. Oooh, you mean the one on this blog. She just needs medication. hee, hee. And Diana, I understand how you feel about Natalie, I just don’t agree with you. As far as Michelle is concerned, I am truly sorry for bashing her as much as I have because I didn’t know about the problems which she had in her personal life. Anyway, maybe you and I could agree that Kevin should win the game, since you don’t like Natalie and I don’t like Jordan? Wishful thinking, I suppose

  207. leslie why don’t you go to a site and type about the things that you DO LIKE IN LIFE – it will make all of our lives much calmer!!!

  208. Oh because your just so righteous right leslie? why dont you take your ghetto little mindset and shove it where the sun dont shine, because you have no right to be talking about anyone like that, because you dont know. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE. and i for one highly doubt you are god. so just SHUT UP.

  209. leslie – it may make YOU feel better to type about things you LIKE AS opposed to things you hate!!!

  210. @Readhead…I think Kev is hilarious. I never thought of he and Nat as an old married couple, but now that you mention it…lol

    @Megan…Is your name Cynthia H?…You can only speak for yourself. READ IT AGIAN…I wrote, “EVERYONE who turned out to vote exercised their RIGHT to vote for the candidate that they felt was the best choice for a wealth of reasons. All American citizens are motivated for countless reasons…”

    The operative words being “for a wealth of reasons”…FYI…There were Afro Americans who came out to vote who didn’t vote for the president.

    You choosing NOT to vote is your RIGHT…I’m sure that may have been the reason some of “those from the wood work” made that same decision at one time or another…

  211. Sorry I have not been able to read all the posts due to lack of time, so I hope I don’t repeat others thoughts. I rewatched Thursday’s episode and thought it was so funny that the ball that messed Natalie up was Michelle’s so she can blame that on Michelle too. When she got to the end of the line, the HOH she didn’t have room for was her own. How funny is that!
    She slipped again last night on her age lie when she said she tried out for BB last year. (She would have only been 17 and would have had to bring her dad w/ her). K-J didn’t catch it though.

  212. Sorry guys, but i didnt tell you guysearlier, people always think i am nice, and then they piss me off, ll. That and i am allergic to stupid people.

  213. Leslie, Leslie, Leslie. What is wrong with you? Can’t you be civil and enjoy this blog instead of being so hateful. I am not going to even reply to you anymore, because you ain’t worth the time or trouble. Kelli at 265. Hey, I didn’t vote for Obama, but I like him and I think that he is doing a good job. As far as Bush is concerned, it may take us a lifetime to try and straighten out the mess he put us in.

  214. @Redhead #269

    You know that in fact I do want Kevin to win. He is funny, witty and I think sincerely a nice person, regardless of his short comings on this show (which I have stated before about the worst coming out of all HG).

    Anyway, my preference is Kevin and Jordan to the F2 and I don’t have a preference who wins, as long as these 2 get something because their gameplay was stronger than Nats.

    So there is still hope for us yet!!

  215. Megan – i like that idea for one of those little pins you find at Spencers…..”i’m allergic to stupid people”!!!!!!!!!!!

  216. @Leslie …… for you to say that decent people don’t go on this show is actually putting yourself down. Why would you want to watch low class people on tv, unless you are one? Come on. They put all classes of people on this show and all classes of people apply. Some for fame, some for money. Why are you here?

  217. @Megan – You truly need to watch BB8. ED(Evil Dick)is hands down top 3 BB players EVER! You may not like him, but he was awesome. I’ve never seen someone just be so BRUTALLY honest to people, to their faces. And stay in the house week after week. He never lied about anything and just came straight at you. He absolutely made no qualms about what he thought.

    You might also want to watch BB2 for DR. Will, the greatest BB player ever. They didn’t have a veto comp in Season 2. He is hands down the greatest manipulator ever in this game. The folks that are in this season are the scum that lies beneath his shoes, compared to him.

    It’s worth watching seasons 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10. 9 wasn’t that great. It was alright. But definately 2 and 8. 7 is BB All-Stars, a collective of past HG’s(including Dr. Will).

  218. Mikey: Dr. Will was great, funny, smart, and evil. I think that I enjoyed that season more than any other. Hey, Diana, I need to get off this site, because now we both agree on Kevin. This is just becoming TOO WEIRD, so I will go get some work done.

  219. Megan: also the great thing about season 8 was that there was a twist…..they had people who knew other people on together…ED was there with his daughter to try to mend their strained relationship and they had a half brother/sister on that year……and i forget the other one….. an ex bf/gf thing?

  220. @Budman #274 – I was thinking the same thing LOL! Karma is a b*@#* and MIchele came back and bit Nasty on the a@@..LOL! Beautiful…

  221. @Diana – as always

    @Kelli/Megan – season4 had the Ex factor. Ex girlfriends/boyfriends would beliving in the house beknownst to each other. season5 was Project DNA. They had a set of identical twins playing as one person in the house, and a half brother, half sister as well. The brother and sister did not know each other. season8 had your own worst enemy. Estranged father(ED)ex-boyfriend(Dustin)ex bff(Jessica).

  222. #204 Kathy

    I don’t hate Jordan and have never said so.
    As a matter of fact, if she and Natalie are in the F2 then
    I hope Jordan wins.
    I see three weak players going to the Finale.
    You may not agree and that’s fine.
    You think Jordan is the Best BB Player Ever.
    Crickets ………………After taking a breathe, I will continue.

    I do take exception to promoting Jordan into some
    kind of BB Sainthood. Why it’s laughable.
    She, like the others, lied and was mean spirited.
    She used the same bad language as the others.
    And, yes, like you said, she was there to “calm” Jeff
    down. (Rolling eyes …………….)

  223. Mikey – thanks for clarifying…i get all the seasons, HG’s confused….i have watched every season since the first one when the guy with one leg won…….Eddie????

  224. I think nat is going to lose everything including her fiance if he knew what she had been doing with jessie. Go Jordan.

  225. I want Kevin to win. I think that the whole America’s vote, as well as the Coup de Tat are bias opinions and have absolutely nothing to do with who really should win and just are about popularites only, which is completely unfair. Why should Jordan win when she has said herself that she has done nothing? This was her comment to Jeff when they are both up for eviction. She said that she should go because she hadn’t done anything. She has no strategy whatsoever and basically made ALL of her decisions based upon what Jeff told her to do. So again, why does she deserve to win for any strategy or game play? Yes she won Round 2, but there was a 50/50 chance, so why was this more significant than the wins of Kevin, who had more insurmountable odds against him? When Jordan talks, she always, what Jeff told her to say! What did she do that made any impact on the game? NOTHING! Also, when Mike Boogie, Evil Dick, Janelle and Danielle were won, each of them, who were real winners and strong competitors of BB stated that based upon their opinion and WHAT THE GAME IS ABOUT, they said that Kevin should win, exp for Danielle (she said Nat). Jordan was nonexistent. IMO, it would appear that BB is rigged if Jordan wins, because of the popular vote and NOT based upon who deserves to win by their game play and the rules of BB.

  226. I think Natalie & Kevin cheated in the final big brother contest part one, both held the rope not the key & Kevin was standing sideways. Jordan played fair she should have won first part because they should have been disqualified.

  227. What the hell is going on here today? Let me just say the “Redhead” is way off base with the comments about Jordan being as bad as others in the house and 2nd, Barack Obama is also white, was raised by white mom and grandparents. His father just donated the sperm and ran back to Kenya. Sound familiar?

  228. budman: i think “leslie” was on here the other day under the name ‘adda’…….same mean spirited comments…..oh, well the ‘evil’ has left the building for now!!

  229. I think Kevin should win because throughtout the game Kevin has always tried to win. Even though he went against his word with Jeff, hey its a game and you are trying to be the final two. I think he fought his way through this more so then Jordan and Natalie put together. Natalie was so concerned about lying the whole time she didnt even try to win the challenges. Jordan just couldnt win withour the help of Jeff until the end when she beat Natalie. Kevin should win because he has shown that he wants this the most.

  230. yesterday…i thought kevin should win…but i think jordan might win…she really kicked natalie’s butt in the second hoh competition…i am rooting for her instead…

  231. Kevin has made the moves that make a winner in BB. He honestly deserves the win but with Jordan there, she just might pull it off. By the way does anyone know if Natalie ever told the house that she won a bronze in Ty Kwan Do? I never see her working out or talking about why she was on the Athletes clique. Anyone know if it was ever talked about?

  232. I would vote for Jordan. Because she is not
    a rat like Natalie or a(late-in-the-game)
    sneak like Kevin. With Jordan we get what we
    see, polite person. I hope that she wins.

  233. I am confused over the finale…….can someone explain it to me? so, jordan and kevin play in round 3 ON FINALE night, right?
    then whichever wins between jordo and kev-o gets to pick who they take to the final two, right? then the evicted person just >?walks over to the other jury members on the stage?
    what is even the point of doing it that way? i dont’ get this at all?

  234. I realy want Jordon to win.Everyone thinks she do not have the Brains , but she showed up Natalie.Those other two SUCK,and do not deserve to win.

  235. Ok, will everyone stop saying the “LML” that K & N made up. The only ones who think they lied are themselves. In that very same episode, where they “made up the lie about Russell coming after Jeff”, they showed that Russell and Michelle were in another room and Russell was saying he would take Jeff out the next week if he wins HOH. So technically, they told Jeff the truth, which caused Jeff to do the only thing he could and that was to take out Russell. So when Russell talked to the others in the JH, I’m sure his vote won’t be for Nat or Kev because by now he knows they caused his eviction.

  236. Riley – i don’t recall gnat ever talking about the ty kwan do thing……but i don’t have the live feeds so i don’t know for sure….

  237. @Kelli #306 – Kevin and Jordan are competing for Head of Household in the final competition. So whoever wins, gets to choose who to evict and who to stay.

  238. @kelli – You’ve got it…I think there is both an advantage and a disadvantage, because the HG evicted will not have time to influence the JH, which is the leverage Nasty Nat had been using until she lost to Jordo.
    Whoever is evicted will have to be very creative with their questions in order to have some bearing on the others.

  239. midwest fan………but i don’t get the point – do you? just so the last person can’t persuade the other hg? whats the point in that when they have already seen all the cd’s and they all know what has gone on most of the game at this point……what makes the difference what happened in one week??????

  240. @Sheshe

    I have written the same thing you have at least a dozen times. Russell said in the same episode in the diary room that he would take Jeff out of the game but he stated he never told anyone in the house about it. Jeff made the right move but unfortunately Kevin won POV and took Jeff out the next week.

  241. sheshe – i get that……..i’m just confused as to why they are doing it this way……in 10 seasons CBS has never done this….and i don’t get the entire point of it!!! seriously what is one week going to matter….. all the hg’s know that nat is a scumbag now…..and i seriously doubt if one week of not getting info is going to do anything……..

  242. Since Nat has a tendency to blurt out things, I’m sure she will waste no time in telling everyone that they got ‘got’ by a 24 year old and nothing is her fault, in the same breath.

  243. cynthia h – probably on
    then go to shows…..then BB….you can probably find previous seasons there….if Megan gets back on – she can tell you!!!

  244. They’re doing the finale this way to keep their ratings up. If by some chance they did it like previous seasons and Jordan goes to JH and PigPen and Kev are F2, they would have no viewers except those 2 Nat fans out there. No one would watch that finale. If they keep Jordan till the finale and then she gets evicted, people would still feel obligated to watch the rest of the show.

  245. Oh, I see what you mean. Especially since with Chima gone, they kind of got shorted a week, so now it’s going to be over sooner than normal.

  246. sheshe – thats not what i meant about the week of information……i meant that the JH would only be missing one week of info from the person evicted……

  247. Well, I would have thought Kevin would have come in second on AMerica’s vote. Ratatoille winning over Kevin. I would want Kevin to win before Nat. Only thing is according to the live feed info,Jordan tells Nat she will pick her for final 2 if she wins HOH. i dont know. Does JOrdo have a better chance of beating Nattylie or Kevin.

  248. Man Leslie, you suck almost as much as natalie. With all that trash talk kinda makes me wonder what sort of upbringing and family life you had!

  249. “Bring, Bring. Hey Boogie, it’s Will. How did you do in the veto comp?” “I don’t know man. All did was win a Plasma TV and a Trip to Aruba. You?” “Man, I only one 5 grand.” Then comes the hysterical laughter of once again Jacking someone over in BB.

  250. These last few days are sooo boring to watch! Really no point in watching BBAD. I am looking forward to finale night. I really hope Kev & Jordo take each other to F2. I hope they are being truthful about that to each other. As long as they are both in F2, I don’t care who wins. I say, they take each other and let the votes fall where they may! Best of luck to both of them! But Gnat’s got to go! That’s all I care about. She should have been gone a few weeks ago!

  251. Steve, I’m kinda thinking she has a better chance against natalie. Natalie made some enimies, they both won, well not much. But Jordon was alot nicer and more bearable i would think. grrr I hate natalie…

  252. lila – i think it has something to do with people who have the word LIE in their name…..things that make ya go hmmmmmm

  253. That would be the consensus,Kelli, but ya never know about the jury. One week everyone thinks Ratty has the edge in votes from them and now they showed the jury house and all or most it seemed said they wanted kevin to win. I just hope Jordo wins .

  254. She may have a better chance with Nat in final 2, but she has no idea that the JH has turned on her. Neither Kev nor Jordo now that. That’s why it’ll be Kevin and Jordo f2. They both have agreed that Nat has too many friends in the JH.

  255. I hope Jordan wins, I cant stand Natalie, the sound of her voice is irritating. I dont want kevin to win because of what he did to Jeff.

  256. steve – i want jordo to win too….but i am thinking kevin has been kicking a$$……and i think he will beat both the girls.

  257. @Redhead – #207

    FYI – i’ve heard the hgs talk NUMEROUS times about what production needs and expects from them – ESPECIALLY during BBAD. geez… just knowing that it’s on Showtime and UNCENSORED should tell you ahead of time that conversations are going to get intimate/raunchy… it’s exactly what bb/showtime want to hear.

    so tell me.. what did you think about lydia and jessie?… i think the final count (by lydia’s calculation) was 5 hand/blowjobs.. with one of them resulting in a mess on nat’s ASU sweatshirt! lmao – too funny.

    btw, if jordan’s discussions offended you, it’s a good thing her and jeff didn’t actually have sex – cuz you would have SEEN that! lol

    lighten up – they are ALL adults – and it’s BB on SHOWTIME!

  258. I wondered what happened to double eviction week! Must have snoozed. Mikey’s explanation makes a lot of sense.

    I wish they’d bring back some of the other things they’ve done in the past or a least be a little more creative next season. Like when they did the sitting in a nest in the opener. Making the troll dolls gave them a creative outlet, then they got to try to break the others dolls in one competition. Scary faces in the mirrors, or things showing up in the house that they have to figure out what to do with it.

    Maybe some kind of treasure map painted on one of the the walls which ends up being a map of the backyard, and whoever figures it out could dig up a special POV medal, that can be used in any upcoming veto competition?

  259. I read on here that the producers are probley only showing little bits of the jury. On one hand, what they show us they may be saying they are pissed at natalie for the age thing……..Saying but……she played a good game and has us all fooled. And the producers aren’t showing those parts. To keep us watching!!! :)

  260. Mikey
    You are right because I did see that BB made all of them Pack. Then I believe they do not want Nar-a-lie to get to the jury house. Because Julie said that on Tueday the Evicted house guest will then be able to question. So it should show all the Jury siting there for them to see who is evicted. Its hard watching Feeds because Nat is still working both for them to take her. And I am so tired of hearing about this wedding, She said she has been with him for 3 yrs again LMAO they didn’t count 15 yea right. Kevin has been questioning here about her age said the numbers don’t add and per the contract you have to be 21 to be on BB, she just keeps say I am not lieing I am 18 and Kevin says ok we will take after the game

  261. @Kelli – I miss those days. I hope BB makes it to 14 so that season could be another All-Stars. ED would be back, James from 9. the possibilities would be awesome. And no Jessie!

  262. Well i had taped the last show and was watching the first part over again and they showed when Michelle went out the door.Just after she left , oh Ratt the Nataliar said oh the devil is gone. Omg girl you were the devil. they showed Nat in the DR saying everytime i hear M’s voice it irritates me, and that she hate hatred for her. Sure is funny that she feels this way about M,when it is the exact opposite in that most of AMERICA feels the same about her.LMNAO POT calling the KETTLE black HUH?

  263. Mikey – oh GOD no…….No more Jessie EVER!
    i already said my all star cast
    kasar, james, howie, janelle,ED, jeff jase erica jack boogie and will of course!!

  264. To me it makes sense why they changed up the finale schedule. And the finale is 2 hours. A lot can happen in 2 hours.

  265. No, not on production crew, but if anyone is watching who is and wants to send me money…..I got more. Remember the Mouse Trap game. Set the backyard up like that. It could be a “Game Season” Whoever’s got game, wins!

  266. @kelli – you can’t use HG’s who’ve been all stars already. that just wouldn’t be fair. But everyone else would be fair game. Jack from 4 for sure. He’s my in my top 3 of favorite Hg’s ever. But to give previous All Stars a third go round would just be unfair.

  267. I agree with Mikey. I like a new cast and having to spend the season getting to “know them” and changing picks for winners throughout the game.

  268. if they do another all stars……they should give america the list of 30 previous people and let us pick who we want to see! oh yeah, i would pick keesha and rennie too!!

  269. You’ll see Michelle entering JH first, then the live part 3, then the eviction(bye PigPen), the questioning, then the other previous HG’s(non jury). Then the live vote. Jordo wins 4-3, 4th vote for her being America’s vote. Which i got to believe she will win in any america’s final 2 vote.

  270. I hope that Jordan takes it. Thanks to all of Natalies lies and excuses she has Personally Back Doored Herself!!! I hope that Big Brother takes some of the Ideas that have been Posted throught this BB 11 Season. I think that everyone has been so much more creative than the BB Crew this year. I have enjoyed the Conspiracy Theories that have been posted as well. At times that was way more exciting than the actual game. So here is to the idea of BB pulling some people from here and giving them a job. Next year would be way more exciting than this year.

  271. My final vote JORDAn – she is the dark horse in the race and they always win!Plus she needs the money!!! Kevin gets the $50,000 and thats the end of BB11. Boring Season but its addicting?

  272. Kelli! I love the idea of having America cast the votes for an All Star Cast. Giving that it is no one who has won previously. That could be interesting to say the least.

  273. I bet on Tuesday they will do the final comp early so they can edit it and tell kevin & jordan don’t say a think until Julie says to. Can you imagin Nat. Then when the show starts I bet Kevin & Jordan will look like please get her out. Because in 2 hrs they need the House guest time to question the final 2 show us michele going into the house unless they show that tomorrow.

    But on the other hand Nat should suffer and let her feel the nervious ness you get before walking out the door. That would also take some pressure off of kevin & Jordan.

  274. nails on the chalkboard voices…..QUEEN …was that chick that had a thing for Jase……..she was theee most annoying person evvvverrrrr…..and that April chick a few years ago……and that chick that liked eric……..they were all annoying too!

  275. Holly was annoying(the chick that loved Jase) April and her fat ass dog Pepperoni. Ivette and CAPPIE! I HATED IVETTE!

  276. I’m sorry to say it out loud but I really think that Kevin is just playing good guy to the Diary Room and to Jordan and he is relly planning to take Natalie to the final 2. He keeps telling Natalie to watch what they say from now on about Jeff and Michelle because production doesnt like them bashing Jeff. So, he is just biding his time and if he wins final HOH then, bye bye Jordan. Sorry, I dont want that to happen but it will.

  277. AWESONME!

    Hey look at that, Natalie has 20 percent.

    Do the real BB fans get on in mid day? lol.

    I knoe it will be short lived because once the OTHERS get on, Jordan will be back to 95 ish% and Natalie will be back down to 6% along with all the hatorade being consumed.

    GO JORDAN!!!


    so nice, had to say it twice

  278. Did anyone think Keesha and Danille were like carbon copies of each other?

    they looked exactly the same, especially in the face

    same hair, voice, both very attractive, and both did the same things.

  279. Holly – yes holly – i watched her in shock and awe….like wow is this girl real? and again same answer as when i asked myself that about jen…….nope she’s fake as hell!!
    people think Jordan is dumb…..Holly was theee most stupid person in the history of bb!!

  280. marcus – yeah they looked very much alike….again….i think thats the network for ya…..trying to get viewers…..b/c i think america liked danielle… they type cast another one the next season!!

  281. If Kevin or Natalie talk negative about anyone in that jury, BB will make sure it airs in its full

    They will play it up, and make both of them look as bad as possible, and then show the jury house exactly what they said, but ofcourse how its edited 10 times worse.

    Jordan said a bunch of stuff about Lydia and Russell, gurantee it wont air.

  282. Riley @ 208. I stand by what I said about JOrdan being as bad as the other two. Don’t believe it, go back and watch BBAD and you will see that she and Jeff were as bad as everyone else, and she will say things which will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. And I am surprised that her nose hasn’t grown at least two inches during this series, cause SHE LIES> She just looks prettier than Natalie when she does it. Miss Golden, All American Girl, she ain’t. I don’t have to defend my comments, go back and watch the episodes, and then you will be unable to defend Miss Goodie Two Shoes. She makes me sick with this innocent, “who me?” attitude when her actions and her words completely contradic the image she is projecting.

  283. Jen from 8 by far the most VAIN ever in BB history. Who the F cries over their own picture, mind you one that’s not supposed to be a glamour shot. Jeez!

  284. mikey – ok, maybe “america” didn’t like her (Danielle) but I did! Thought she was a brat to her dad – but i liked her……

    KEVIN IN THE 2nd slot
    show we had enough of the cheating.

  286. marcus – i remember the way she would just sit and stare at matt and i woulda been scared if i was him…….she was complety creepy!!

  287. Yea amaerica didnt like Danielle.

    I did, her and dick were aamazing to watch. wether fighting, making up.

    Season 8 was the best ever.

    I mean each person was perfectly casted.

    I think i always just have a liking for the villians.



  288. @Marcus….. are youwatching now? I’m watching but no one is doing anything. I think they are talking about Jessie, nat is going to take a shower.

  289. when they were on the log, Jordan should of yelled what was that, I think it was a bat or bugs, Natalie would have fell off. it would of been hilarious.

  290. @ oh good lord Randie

    how do u live with ureself.

    yea same thing with Lydia, going and starring at Jessie while he slept.

    makes me shiver just thinking about it.

    imagine waking up to see a Lydia in ur face, and worse in ur bed! haha

  291. I just really hated how Danielle was to Dick. She was very selfish. Especially when he was trying to legitamately mend his relationship with her. She was extremely difficult and pig headed. No wonder his relationship was strained with her, because she would consider anything he said as an affront to her.

  292. Susan – It’s hard to admit, but Lydia and Jessie were gross, even worse than Jordan, But,
    I don’t like Jordan’s crap either. Lydia was disgusting, and I don’t know why they cast her. I know that BBAD is uncensored, but there are limits even then as to what people know they shouldn’t discuss. The bad thing is that they edit BBAD for the BB sessions, so that people only see the good side of Jordan and even Jeff.
    I would THINK that people would be afraid of what their parents think of their behavior on national TV, but obviously it doesn’t bother some of them. And from what I saw on BBAD, it sure looked like Jeff and JOrdan were having some type of sexual encounter under the covers, but that ain’t any of my business. You are what you are in life, and nobody knows that better than you. (I am speaking in general, not you personally.)

  293. @Pam – hell yeah it would’ve been funny! She woulda dropped like a fat man in a marathon. She would’ve been scared out of her mind.

  294. great point Mikey.

    too bad we got to wait a full yea before the next BB.

    i hope it doesnt go off the air before i get a chance to apply for it.

    i gotta wait like 4 years before im eligble.

  295. @Randie

    ur comment.

    about Nat cheating. (she didnt)

    and “good has to win”

    Jordan sint “good” and if good didnt play the better game (good dint) then no good shouldnt win.

    if ur wacthing BB to see perfect morals, and perfectly upstanding ppl, then ur watching the wrong sho.

  296. im confused

    are u saying being a jordan fan is the dark side? or natalie.

    caz i only want miss innocent to win round 3, so she can take natalie. lol

  297. All i can say is that this season was cast for explosive behavoir in the house. They did it on purpose. They knew exactly what kind of individuals were going in there, and what the rammifacations were. They knew someone like Chima or Russell would blow up eventually. And they knew if Jessie got into the house that some of those girls(because they’ve yet proven to be women to me, with exception of michelle)would drink the Kool-Aid of THE CULT OF JESSIE. AG had a hand in the casting, and seeing all the other previous seasons she could easily figure out what works and what doesn’t.

  298. big brother awards:

    Class clown – Casey
    Most popular – Jordan
    Rat – Ronnie
    Queen Nasty – The gNat
    King Narcissist – Jessie
    Mr. Ego – Russ
    Skank – Lydia
    Cutest – Jeff
    most likely to succeed – Kevin

  299. @Redhead
    I saw BBAD that you were talking about and I too was disgusted the way she talked. I was a big Jeff fan until he let Natalie and Kevin play him so hard. I hated the way Jordan acted towards Russell, I don’t think she deserves to win anything but because no one else is left I hope Kevin wins and Jordan comes in second, only because I can’t stand Natalie. I hope Michelle or Russell wins the $25K.

  300. A torrent is a media file basically. You can get a torrent downloading program for free, and then go on to a torrent site like and search for specific files for download. I personally have watched all the Big Brothers that way, just by downloading the entire season, 1 at a time of course.

  301. I think that the one that deserves it the most is Jordan because she has been true to herself. I think Kevin has also been good at the game because he has been there entirely to win the money not that the other two finalists haven’t but he has been focused more. Natalie has been in the house to win the money but also to lie. She is so good at it that she has to do it in real life regardless of what she says. I hope Jordan wins because she has been a really likeable character in the Big Brother house. So let’s see for finale night. I hope she wins HOH and takes Kevin with her to the finale

  302. I think it will coming down to Kevin and Jordan.It will be close but Kevin did nasty at the end and Jordan just was Jordan. I hope it is Jordan that wins. She does have friends in the house.

  303. Sorry, I just got home since 9th. What i’m reading from the blogs is that nasty ‘cheated’ again in the ‘log roll’. nasty is a mean,hurtful[bleach in contacts, red mms in food] and now this latest crap. if i can see it on you tube ,WHERE is bb???????Why aren’t they dragging her out of there???I like a ‘game’ but not a hurtful and cheating one. THANKS to bbmother, joey lee, leo and all for your help during thai bb11, as it was my 1st yr. I STILL THINK ””HOPE’ IS IN THE HOUSE11…i HOPE.

  304. Marcus 404. The “dark side” is Natalie. Everybody on this site hates her, and thinks that she is “dark and evil” BUT I LIKE HER. Sounds like you do too. Good to have company.
    Jaycee # 400. Glad to know that somebody else saw Jordan’s “Filthy Side.” That’s when I really began to DISLIKE her. It’s just too bad that more people don’t watch BBAD to see what really goes on. I hate the way that BB portrays people “their way.” That’s why all of this self-righteous crap about Jordan really rubs me the wrong way. All American Girl Next Door – yeah, right. I wouldn’t like her living next door to me. I would be afraid that her dumbness would rub off on me or my dog.

  305. IMO-If Kevin wins part 3 he will be taking Jordan and if Jordan wins she will be taking Natalie. So regardless Jordan will be in the F2. Go Jordan!!!!

  306. so BB11 is my first season, and right now i am n youtube watching season 8.what I want to knw is why did they get rid of the whole ‘America’s Player’ thing? That seems like such a great idea!

  307. Linda #419. Hey, haven’t you noticed that LOTS of people on this site have trouble with their spelling? LOL

  308. do you think when Gnat-a-lie leaves the house & goes home and read the blogs, she will perhaps jump off a cliff?? or allowing someone else tae kwon do her??

  309. Hey, Jaycee at 410. I would also like to see Russell win the $25,000. He was a good player and didn’t deserve to get the shaft. Michele and Chima really did a number on him, and he didn’t deserve it. Perfect final four would have been Russell, Jessie, Ronnie and Jeff. That would have been interesting TV for sure.

  310. awww ronnie! i miss ronnie! he was my favorite before he got evicted/ he just played too dirty too soon.

  311. I don’t know why people are always pointing out spelling mistakes on this — this is NOT a school essay!

  312. Natalie is a liar! Kevin is a weisel and a liar! Jordan is the only truley kind and dersrving one on the whole show. She is surley favored by all the sane viewers in america

  313. Hey Mark at 427. Kevin IS a liar and a weasel, Natalie IS a liar, and Jordan is an imbecile.
    What a terrific final 3!!!

  314. Redhead

    I would have enjoyed seeing
    Russell, Jeff, Michel and Ronnie in the F4.

    Final 3
    Michele, Russell and Jeff

    Final 2
    Russell and Michele

    BB Winner

  315. @Megan #420

    They didn’t really get rid of America’s Player as it wasn’t a part of the game before then. That was just one of the twists for season 8 much like the cliques and CDT this season. They did also bring it back somewhat in season 10 as Dan was chosen to perform like 3 tasks from America to earn cash.

  316. Midwest Fan – I would have liked Russell and Ronnie in the final 2. I just didn’t care for Michelle and I don’t think that Jeff played a very good game. But, that would have been a great final 4. Instead we are left with ?????

  317. Midwest Fan. See My comment on 428, but you go ahead and take him on too. His comment about all of the sane people being for Jordan just cracked me up!!!

  318. yeah, i liked ronnie, his strat was good until he was dumb enough to win the 2nd HoH, being forced to reveal his true colors as a mastermind and getting the entire house to hate on him… and for people who read Jokers Updates… that website is SOOO biased… quit hating on Natalie just because your pal Joker does it to get more visitors to his website!

  319. I still wish that Jeff and Jordan were the final 2! But let’s at least pray for Jordon and Kevin to be final 2! And Jordan to be #1. She played a good game, if only to keep Jeff happy and on his toes…and of course she has rallied for the “Heads will Roll” contest!! Yippppeeee….and I will love to see Jeff’s face when he realizes she made it to the final 2!! She’s a great young woman and needs the money more than the others I think. Natalie, I hope, will get the RATH of the public when she gets out. What a little lying, cheating, coniving, little right wing weirdo!! She’s a piece of trash in my opinion.

  320. Jordan is a lovely young lady who any Mother would be proud to call her own. She has only once shown her temper when she argued with Russell. Her language is not peppered with foul words. Her only slightly off-kilter remark is “Shut up”, and who can complain about that. To make a long story short, she is one sweet, sweet young lady and I hope she ends up with Jeff, they make a GREAT couple.

  321. btw, did you guys hear on the live feeds how the producers try to sway the votes of the houseguests; for example, they kept begging kevin to think of all the pro’s and con’s of KEEPing jeff so they could please the fans… also kev mentioned how they try to keep them saying positive things about jeff whenever they went to the DR :\ … Also, jordan is portrayed as an absolute idiot on the show, and if you watch the feeds, she is much more ‘down to earth’ and definately has intellegent comments to add to the conversation… so food for thought, dont believe everthing on the show that they edited from 48 hours into 45 minutes as truth! the truth is out there, you just have to find it!

  322. @midwestfan….. I agree with exept for ronnie. I didn’t like the guy. Did anyone see his audition tape. OMG. he had white hair.
    Ireally think this show would have been great if Jess and Jeff were in the endurance comp. They would be great at the final two

  323. Would love to see Jordan win and Kevin in second. I really want Natalie to wind up with nothing and not have any time to influence any Jury members. However, I do think if Kevin wins the part 3 of HOH he will evict Jordan and take Natalie to the end. That would bother me since Natalie deserves no money and once again Kevin will screw someone over that believed him. I think BB realizes that if they evicted Jordan last Thursday, they would have a much smaller audience on finale night. Therefore taking all three to the end keeps the audience there. Would love to see Jordan produce a win in the final HOH competition and get rid of Natalie, but she may get rid of kevin to avenge Jeff’s eviction. It will be itneresting to see how it plays out.

  324. I honestly don’t like any of them; Michele was my favorite and I hope she wins the $25.000 at least. Just hoping. Anyway, leaving the three stooges in place then, I would feel less bad if Jordan wins; she is dumb, does not deserve to win, but at least, I can stomach her better than Kevin, and that train wreck who is delusional, Natalie. Can’t stand that woman. Even her little stint with that so called boyfriend was so fake, it was pathetic; she didn’t even give him a kiss when he supposedly asked him to marry him. She is under the mistaken assumption that she has convinced everyone of her lies; little does she know…. Cannot wait for her to get her comeuppance.

  325. Go Jordan $500 thousand for her & $50 for Kevin
    & Jeff get the $25
    & Nattie get Nothing!(which is what she should get)

  326. I think Russell made his big mistake when he made an alliance with Michelle then when she came to him with information that Chima had said he went to Chima and told her, Michelle then had to lie but the only reason she told Russell was becuase he told her they had an alliance. That is where Russell made a big mistake. Jeff/Jordan made their big mistake when they believed Nat and Kevin. I would have loved to of seen Jeff/Jordan and Russell/Michelle go to the final four but Jeff/Jordan played the game so stupid that Natalie and Kevin immerged as the stronger players. I couldn’t stand Natalie, Kevin, Ronnie or Chima. Jessie and Lydia didn’t really bother me, I felt sorry for Lydia. I was sick when Russell got back doored because I knew what was next. I don’t blame Kevin and Natalie as much as I blame Jeff/Jordan because they were suppose to have been on the same side. Because of that I can’t be for Jordan, I can’t stand Natalie so my vote goes for Kevin, by default!

  327. i don’t know about the rest of you, but i’m still dumbfounded that bb brought an outsider (nat’s boyfriend) INTO THE HOUSE mid-show.

    the premise of this show has ALWAYS been sequestered, with ABSOLUTELY NO CONTACT with the “real” world until the end of their time in the house via early eviction, jury or finale. the only two exceptions, of course, are HOH letters or POV comp phone call prizes – BOTH of which are closely scrutinized by production.

    the idea of nat’s boyfriend – or ANY OUTSIDER – being allowed in the house is not to my liking… it contradicts the single most important aspect of this show.

    i hope they NEVER do that again.

  328. I just want Jordan to win so badly. I’ve watched every year and I’ve never liked any of the hg’s like her. She’s so sweet and deserving.

  329. Seems a lot of people have an issue with Jordan having had a boon job. Either that or they are jealous of her having bigger noons than they do. Whatever the case may be Jordan should win BB. She has played a clean game.

  330. I want Kevin to win & I hope he takes Jordan as F2. I would really rather Jordan would win, but I know she will pick Natalie. She has told our sweet little Jordan so many lies & Jordan believes her. I wish Jordon would have told Kevin last night,to go ahead & tell The Gnat, he is not taking her to F2. Like he wanted to.

  331. on bbad last night, jordan was saying that she’s scared to find out what bb fans think of her – she’s hoping we think she’s “gucci” – lol – but she was nervously biting her nails during this conversation w/ nat & kevin because she’s afraid people don’t like her because she made it to the final 3 without winning very many comps. little does she know…

    it’ll be soooo much fun to see how happy she is when she finds out that most of America LOVES HER!

    i can already hear her shouting “SHUT UP”! :)

    but i also think she will be truly upset and hurt by the negative things she will read about herself on blogs like this one when she gets home. she seems like a very sensitive person to me… hopefully the good will eventually outweigh the bad in her mind, and she will be okay with all of it.

    i’m praying that Jordan wins something. she would be GENUINELY thrilled with $50,000 2nd place.

  332. @ 448 Cat
    yeah, if they had a show about me, the theme would be “expect the expected” My show would be about as exciting as Pandora’s box on BB. :D

  333. Mikey,
    Sorry dude, but I don’t like bonding the way females do, you know… in the bathroom! So lets keep our bonding in the public area lol

  334. Hello everyone! I have been out of town the last couple of days so I have been out of touch with the live feeds but it sounds like nothing much is happening anyway.

    What is going on with everyone on the site?? I in no way think Jordan deserves to win this thing. It will go down as the worst ever! I guess all you people didn’t see her talking behind everyone’s back and manipulating Jeff into backdooring Russell. And you definately wouldn’t think she is Miss Innocent if you had heard her late night talks about sex.

    I hope Kevin and Nat go to final 2. I believe Kev will have a much better chance to beat Nat and will win overwhelmingly. Go Kevin!!

  335. @456 Cat
    well if u count the time they arrest me for indecent exposure when I wore my speedo at the beach… yeah , I guess i am.

  336. right… I think Jordan is super hot. Even if she weighs 140 lbs. or whatever she ways now. Who cares. It’s not the weight that makes you beautiful, it’s the way you carry it. I’ve known women to weigh 175 or better and they were hot. Why? The confidence and the way they’ve carried themselves.

  337. I would really love to see Jordan win because she has managed to somehow get this far in the game without lying and playing dirty.

  338. I hope BB comes up with a better way to handle th Final 3 in BB12 because it is aappauling to havr to wait ntil Tuesday to find out the Final while we watch BBb11 deleted / popular scenes Sunday!!!

  339. @ Cat,
    For the record, I shared my french fries with a lady who was over 300lbs. Well kind of, actually her hips knocked them off my table and I thought she was helping me pick them up, but instead of putting them back on my plate, she just ate them… But I didn’t complain :P ;)

  340. @ Ashley… How is your trip going?

    I am sickened by the lame runup to finale night for BB11…. Have a good night all…. Email me or visit and post your opinions ok? Once again… Have a good night everyone!!!

  341. Hey Cat! I am going to send you an email momentarily about when to post.

    Leo – It went good! I got home a little while ago. Hope you are having a great weekend. We had to get home to watch the Alabama game on pay per view.

  342. It’s true though. Your only as beautiful on the outside as who you are as a person on the inside. It’s cheesey but true. I can’t stand to see such a beautiful person turn out to be such a terrible individual. Such a waste.

  343. @leslie – #458

    don’t lie. jordan said she has kissed a girl one time during a spring break blowout.

    that’s no big deal – lots of teenagers do crazy stuff when they go away on spring break. that’s THE REASON most of them go!

    you saying she admitted to having “done girls” is stretching the truth – don’t cha think??

    geez. no wonder you like nat..

  344. @474 Leslie
    1. Jealousy not attractive.
    2. Making good points would help your cause.
    3. There is nothing that can be said that will change any rational thinking person when it comes to the nat. She is gutter trash, while Jordan is what america wants there daughter to be.

    4. You should not smoke that funny weed while watching BB, it messes up your thinking.

    With Much Love,


  345. @Mikey
    So true.
    At the risk of sounding sappy…if we all took each others feelings into account, the world would be a better place.

  346. I also wanted Mechille 2 make it 2 the F3, but since that didn’t happen. I hope Jordan WINS the final comp & takes scrappy 2 the F2. That way she will win it hands down!! I’ve liked jordo since the start, & she has played a decent game. The only fight I think she had was with Russ. But Russ did say that he respected her 4 standing her ground. I hope miss Jordo wins & takes Nat!! I think that’s the best way she will win it handz down!! Hope she kicks a~~ in the final comp!! Country girls rock!!! Oh & I think Jeff & Russ should b in the all stars!! That would b very interesting

  347. @483 Leo
    Yeah yeah yeah, when you know u r defeated, you jump ship. Admit, you can’t stand to see K/N get their butts whipped by Jordan. You know the truth, and it has set you free…. see u at ur blog.

  348. Leo, stop with pity party. You have been pulling for N/K all season and now Kevin is really close to winning and you are being a downer!! Cheer up! I don’t think tomorrow’s episode is going to be as bad as you think!

    I am looking forward to the start of survivor. I am ready for some more action and drama to start.

  349. Guys, I’ve missed being on the site the last couple of days, but I’m beat! I’ll chat with yall tomorrow!

  350. Jaison will not lie or baack staab during his stay at Survivor Samoa but don’t hold him to this…. *** L-O-L *** Go Jaison in Survivor Samoa!!!

  351. @ Cat / Ashley / X-Rev…. BB should have a live vent tommorow with Part 3 of the last HOH which would bring more viewers bcause people could see Michlle enter the JH / know the final 2 and see the JH members (especiallyJeff’s) reaction hen they find out Nat won HOH and Kevin backstabbed Michelle too…. They could show the last JH membber get evicted tommorow and their entrance into the JH on Tuesday’s finaale and then the JH all question the Final 2 Tusday before the vote…. The way BB is doing it sucks and I hope they learn from this and never do it again!!!

  352. @ Leo
    I am confused, can you make yourself more clear? Do you like how they are doing the final 3 hoh or not??? hehe

    They might be doing it for ratings for the final show. If Jordan somehow not in the final 2, I think ratings will drop dramatically. Just look at the poll. Even though you like k/n its pretty clear the america doesn’t.

    Just a thought

  353. ………………… – ………………… – ………………… – …………………. – ………………… ok? Good night!!!

  354. @Leo

    I agree and i tried to tell them but for some reason they didnt listen. The only thing we can do is get over it and enjoy Tuesdays 2 hr fanale!! Wont you be happy to see Jordan win? :)

  355. I would give Kevin my vote. He’s the most adorable thing ever! Plus, he’s a great competitor and so is Nat but I just don’t like her cockiness. I think Kevin would win over Jordan. The only person who would surely vote for Jordan is Jeff. Russell and Jesse would vote for someone who played the game the most. As for Lydia, let’s hope she votes for Kevin even though Kevin did not use the veto on her when she was up for nominations.

  356. @ leslie
    you seem to be a sweet person, too bad it doesn’t show when your fingers move.

    As a Jew, I am somewhat offended by your statement, and hope that in the future you limit your comments to thing you know about, and not what your mind dreams up in hopes of embarrassing someone. Little ppl with little minds make a bad impression.

  357. Anne #436. Are you JOrdan’s mother? What a bunch of boo-ha-ha crap-a-doodle.

    Leslie 458 – Jordan admits that she does girls?
    Why am I not surprised.

  358. @ Diana C…. Hello….. How are you doing? Check out SurvivorFanDom ok?

    @ X-Rev…. That is no excuse…. If Jordan fans get lame and stop watching too bad.. That is why Survivor will always be better because they tape the show and have the ba*** & confidence to know people will watch because Survivor is just that good… No need to change the dates / times like BB!!!

  359. @Leo,
    Not trying to say its a good reason, but hey, business is business, and we all know they have made a couple of bad business decisions when it comes to this season. Have to make it so they at least look good when it comes to ratings. Survivor is done before we even start seeing it, so they have little choice.

  360. @ Cat…. You should say that to the lame Jeff / Michelle / – now Jordan fans who have been crying and therefor BB has caved in so when Jordan is evicted on Finale nnight they won’t have a ratings decline…

  361. I see America’s vote has tightened up a little between Kevin and RAT Nat.Still surprised she is ahead of Kevin though. Jordan is up to 75% now from ^0% from earlier this Afternoon. Go jordan.

  362. @ X-Rev… That allows the players to decide the outcome…. Not lame fans mad their favorite was booted, but the players…. Guess what? Survivor’s worst season didd bbetter than BB All Stars!!! (Fact)

  363. @ Leslie…
    Are you like a teen age boy, pretending to be a girl??? Do you have self esteem problems? We are all aware of your spelling problems. But lets just assume that you are a real person… seriously girl, you need to check yourself into an Insane Assylum, because your freaking scary and probably a threat to anyone you come into contact with.

    Your bigoted comments about my religon show who the real one is. Your trash and hope they ban u from this site from now on.

  364. You know Leslie, the people who point fingers, are really the ones that deserve to be pointed at. Especially seeing as you hold Natalie in such regard. The fact that you uphold the values of lying, cheating, and mean spiritedness makes you just as ugly of an individual as her. You don’t get to just go around pointing out peoples flaws without your own shining right through. If you don’t like the opinions of the people on this blog site, I strongly suggest you go somewhere else, where you can find like minded, nasty personalties and talk with them. Cause from now on your arguments and accusations will fall on deaf ears.

  365. i must say, leslie’s words were unnapropriate and i do not condone, however, i feel i should get the point across that leslie was attempting to make and failed. A lot of people in both camps are being biased in arguments that are Pro their HG… people are ignoring the positive aspects of certain players and refuse to see the negative aspects of others. so please, if ur going to just repeat the same thing that you and your friends have been saying for the past few weeks just stop wasting your time, we all know your probably being biased and your not changing anyone’s minds.

  366. @531 Leo,
    I admit to being more of a survivor fan then BB, but i could never compete in survivor (Something about snakes, and me screaming like a girl and peeing my shorts..) But I do think I could at least compete in BB, so I watch and learn.

  367. Mikey and everyone. Let’s just ignore Leslie who obviously has some problems. When no one responds to him, her, it, or whatever, perhaps Leslie will go away.

  368. @538 Redhead
    I agree, and “it” is now being ignored (just wish moderators would do it for us.) Anyhow, I would rather argue with you anyway, because after all , you do seem to have been influenced by that bad bad bad boy Leo :D

  369. ***** Spoiler – Alert *****

    #8 Ohio State is about to beat #3 USC…. There is 4:34 left in the game!!! Hooray!!!