It was a quiet Sunday in the Big Brother 11 house as Jeff continued to march in his pity parade. Meanwhile Natalie and Kevin have nearly rubbed their hands raw from patting themselves on the back so much. Michele has promised her vote and support to one of the HGs this week, but will it matter? Read on to find out what’s going on in the game.
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Big Brother 11 Live Feed Highlights – August 30, 2009:
12:15 PM BBT – Natalie and Kevin discussing the idea of evicting Jordan over Jeff. Natalie says it won’t work. Pandora’s Box comes up again as they are still waiting to find out how much money they won and the consequences of the event.
3:00 PM BBT – Jordan and Natalie talking alone in the backyard. Both think (or at least say they do) that Kevin has a F2 deal with Michele. Jordan says she wishes Jeff could stay to help get rid of Michele. Natalie agrees. Jordan reveals details from her discussions with Michele about how Jordan trusts Natalie but Michele wants her gone. Natalie says she’d vote Kevin out over Jordan because he’d win in a F2.
3:30 PM BBT – Natalie says she wants Michele to go this week and wants Jeff to get her to not use the Veto so they can evict her. Good luck with that…
5:45 PM BBT – Jeff tells Jordan he’ll clean house (not literally) if he stays and she goes this week. They start to talk about it and then Jeff says he doesn’t want to discuss it now. He says he knows he’s going.
6:00 PM BBT – Kevin discovers his calendar of events has been tampered with and he suspects Michele has sabotaged his efforts. He tells Natalie and they’re pissed, but plan to rebuild it at night, then lock the HoH door.
6:15 PM BBT – Natalie admits she was throwing the last HoH competition. Kevin is upset with her for doing so poorly because even Jordan was beating her out.
7:15 PM BBT – Natalie claims she’s won an HoH competition and Michele’s win was just luck. Natalie was part of the group that won in Week 1, but she didn’t ‘win an HoH competition.’ Natalie and Kevin swear they’re not going to evict Jordan if they get HoH next week. N/K start quizzing Jordan on what she’d do next week if she got the Veto. Eventually turns into a Michele bashing session.
8:30 PM BBT – Michele and Jeff talking about how Natalie and Kevin keep lying and making stuff up to stir the pot. Michele is upset that Natalie is still in the game since she hasn’t won anything. Michele confirms to Jeff that she’s voting to keep him.
9:00 PM BBT – Kevin and Natalie mock Jeff for thinking they’d even consider keeping him and sending Jordan home this week. Natalie says she’ll nominate Kevin if she wins to throw them off their track. They decide to start downplaying the importance of the PoV next week to distract the other HGs.
Michele might want to try and save Jeff to have a stronger ally left in the house, but Kevin and Natalie have repeatedly agreed that Jeff will go no matter what this Thursday. Unless something crazy happens with the Pandora’s Box twist I don’t think we’ll see Jeff on Friday.
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I somewhat blame Jeff if he leaves. he shouldn’t never had trusted Natalie and Kevin.They haven’t been on his side all game. Then he was listening to Jordan. He should went with his own feelings.Hope somethings happen and he gets to stay and Natalie leaves this week.
What’s could be in this “Pandora’s Box” and what significance does this “key” hold that Jeff now has?
Looking forward to a group discussion about why Michele
should not use the Veto on herself. HA!
Turn it around: Michele uses the Veto on herself and Kevin
then puts up Natalie as a “token.” After all, Natalie has
Jordan wrapped around her little finger. Right? Jordan would
NEVER vote to keep Jeff. HA!
It would be so much fun to watch Natalie’s face ………………
Good luck to Kevin & Natalie attempting to convince the other HGs that
this week’s POV isn’t very important. Still laughing ……………
Once this “can of worms” is opened, Natalie is DONE.
I’m really hoping on a mircale to save Jeff this week, I cant believe he actually trusted N/K what was he thinking? “Getting rid of Russ ‘cus he’s a bigger threat” Yeah! But now he may be going home.. Boy if he stays this week i know and kevin knows that KEVIN will be the target. Jordan is fly’n under the radar, but she is taken up vauleable space if you ask me.. Jeff you can do it <3
I am starting to think that Kevin is playing the game for HIMSELF at this point. He has put it in Natarat’s head that everything he says to Michelle is ficticious, but after seeing his diary room sessions, i’m not so sure. I think he has realized that going up against Nat in the F2 he may not win, but against the other two his chances are increased. If he can convince her to go up as a pawn, then she is GONE!! It would be a good game play on his part, and could win him votes in the final for just that. Jeff has kind of let it be known that Jordan drags down his game, so I believe that he would put her up against Michelle if he would stay and win HOH. Sounds like it could be a very interesting week!! COME ON KEVIN, keep pushin Natarat slowly but surely out the door!!!!
I’m soooo sick and friggin tired of Natalie and all of her BS… All she is — is talk talk talk… Where are your actions Natalie.. If you win this game or even end up in the final two, I’ll be sick and might not even watch it!!
Erin, I hope you are correct.
I am wishing for a miracle too this week anything that will send nat to the JH this week her and kev are SCUM-BAGS i understand you have to lie in the game but come on bb fans don’t you think they have went on beyond the limits where are your morals oh yeah two SCUM BAGS like them can’t have any morals it should show you that they’re like this in real life so PLEEEEEASE BB they have to go they don’t deserve to win anything i think it was so bad for jeff and jordan to have trusted either of them and now it has cost jeff the game but how stupid can you be jeff you were my man but now i have to hope mich wins.
If Jeff leaves this week I’m turning the channel. I can honestly say I could care less about watching the rest of these lame people interact with each other. He’s the only one that brings any excitement, laughs, etc. to this house. I sure hope for the sake of the show’s ratings that key has something to do with him staying
I hope Michelle wins it all. This game is so cut throat. Jordan has been sliding through since day 1. Someone please take her fake boobs A** out. She claims she’s so poor but she can afford to get boobs please.Jeff needs to go home for trusting kevin & natalie
The hg’s have been given many clues about Natalie’s age. You have to be 21 to be in BB, you can’t drink, you can’t gamble in Vegas, Natalie even told Jordan that she tried to get into BB8 and even last year. Why hasn’t anyone questioned why she was put on the athletic side when she apparantly can’t win anything. They all know this, but yet aren’t putting 2 and 2 together. She even told Jordan that there are things about her Kevin doesn’t know. Why in the world doesn’t Jordan go to Kevin and tell him what she told her. The first day they walked in the door and she said she was 18 Kevin doubted that. He knows she’s a chronic liar. Maybe they should put doubts in Kevin’s mind like they did Jeff. If she’s throwing HOH’s so she doesn’t get her hands dirty, who knows what she’s capable of when she really tries at winning? They should lose her now.
Monique, I was actually thinking the same thing about the boob job but was shy about posting it … thanks.
As for Pandora’s box, the story goes like bla bla bla …and then all evil went out the box except one thing that was stuck at the bottom: HOPE. So I beleive Jeff has a hope key. Hope that he stays in the house ?
If CBS/BB saves Jeff after his bonehead decision to believe Kevin/Nat over Russell and disolve their F4 alliance, I will NEVER watch BB again.
I wonder what the big twist Julie keeps talking about is. Could it be anything that can help Jeff this week? I love Jeff and Jordan..I’m a sucker for the whole “showmance” it will be so boring with one of them gone!
It wasn’t a bone head decision. It was the truth. He was in the have-not room and was telling Michelle that the first chance he gets he will backdoor Jeff.
I agree with ya’ Jame T. If Jeff goes, it really will not be very interesting, it’s only fun to watch when you have people playing the game. Watching Nat. is very boring, why did she sign-up for the show, if she wasn’t going to play. It has brought her to the finals, but it is still boring to watch.
@mary it was very boneheaded because right now he would be cruising to F4 and not pissed about being on the block. Russell’s comments to Michele was about after they reached F4.
I don’t get live feeds. I’m sorry. I was wrong. I thought Russ was taking him out earlier. Maybe I got that from reading other peoples comments.
I’ve been on the J/J team since the beginning but Jeff was stupid last week and if he leaves he can only blame himself. I just keep hoping that Natalie is gone next. I’m so tired of watching her…she hasn’t done anything but cheat, lie and stir up drama. I DO NOT want to see her reach final 2.
Jeff had his doubts about Russell because he didn’t vote Jessie out, so when Kevin put that in his head he beleived it. Also Russell didn’t do a good job defending himself at all, he should’ve called Kevin out on it right in front of Jeff. I can’t beleive Kevin and Nat. got away with that!
What does everyone think that Twist is going to be?
@michele…i hope it’s be something that will help Jeff stay and get Nat out.
@Vanessa…me too!
I think the key is going to let Jeff back in the house after he’s evicted. They haven’t been told yet how much money they got, so it’s definetely not over yet. Jeff found the key and released Kevin and allowed all the hg’s to keep whatever money they took. It has to mean something. Why make a big deal over this if it’s just a luxury comp? Doesn’t make any sense.
I wonder why Kevin keeps looking at the box and is discouraged that nobody has opened it? What does that mean? I thought the box had already been opened?
Maybe since Jeff was the one that released Kevin and that allowed everyone to keep the money, maybe the hg’s will be given a choice. Forget the money and evict Jeff or keep the money and give Jeff immunity?
I can honesty say I’m done watching BB. I don’t like kevin
Don’t like nat and definitly don’t like michm. I’ve
Already deleted BB & BB afterdark off my tivo
Jordan / jeff were so cool…and I think everything
Jeff did was goodgame play. Maybe they ratings will
Be fine w/o J/J in te house but i’m done with the show.
Such a pity I was liking this season.
Jeff buried himself when he got rid of Russell …I truly believe that Russell would have stuck to his word and kept the final 4 plan. Besides keeping Natalie and Kevin(especially Kevin) was ridiculous. The jury is made up of Kevin’s team mates – DUMB MOVE JEFF!!
I am a Jeff fan. He was the show. Without him it’s not worth watching. It just gets me mad, because of all the time I spent watching it that I won’t be watching to the end. I can’t stand anyone else. I’m still holding hope for Jeff. That key means something. If he’s gone, so am I.
I hope Michele wins it all.
I’m really getting tired of Jordan’s “poor me” story about how they have no money, they lost their house because it went into foreclosure, she shares a room with her mom, etc. Yet where did she get the $5000 for a boob job? And if she needs the money so badly why is she willing to save Jeff by practically begging to go home this week? She hasn’t won anything at this point, Jeff through the HOH comp to her and she only won the Veto comp because she listened and copied every step that Michelle made and the tie breaker was a guess. Maybe a bad guess on Michelle’s part but maybe it was also Michelle’s strategy at that point. Who knows.
Now onto nasty Nat, I’m with Mary’s #8 post on how dumb the hgs are at not catching on to any of Natalie’s bs. I know it’s much easier for us to see because we’re on the outside looking in but COME ON PEOPLE! She even keeps talking about the only thing she can drink if they’re all drinking is Mike’s Hard Lemonade. Wake up houseguests, Mike’s Hard Lemonade is alcohol!!! The I see Jeff talking with Jordan in the backyard about how Natalie told Michelle that she told Russell that she (Natalie) was going to send Russell a birthday present to the juryhouse (meaning Jeff) and he wants to confront Natalie about it but Michelle is afraid of him doing that, probably because she knows that Nat will deny it and get away with it and then they will be more crap that Michelle will be accused of another lie and she’ll have to deal with that especially if Jeff goes.
I’m done with both Jordan and Natalie but of the two Natalie needs to go first. And I hope that if there is some “hope” that Jeff stays this week he teams up with Michelle and takes Kevin out because at this point he’s just as bad as Natalie. Go Michelle!
Evict Jeff
I agree with some of you. I think that pandora’s box has something to do with Jeff getting to stay. I hope so anyway because the show will not be the same without Jeff on it. I cant stand Kevin and natalie. Hopefully we’ll get our wish.
Most of you so called bb fans just make me want to puke. You have no clue as to what their real lives are all about. Your quick to judge like you know or that your god. You should really stop watching now and do the rest of us a favor. O – BOO HOO to you. Grow up and get a life.
at askins.
we’re talking about a game! not real sure a person or two mentioned something about real lives but mostly about the game.
Is anyone else out there wishing that BB would let the HG turn off their microphones when they eat? I have never used the mute button so much! Last night on BBAD Natalie was chewing like a freakin cow on her usual Candy (really, im surprised that the little boy has teeth left in his mouth) Michelle was chewing like a camel & munching away on chips & dip, heck she even managed to eat vegetables loud! JEEZ! Then Jordan, who doesnt chew too loud was chomping away on tortilla chips! I was losing it! Im not even going to mention the nose picking!!!!!! GET SOME TISSUE PEOPLE!!!
No way are Natalie and Jordan smart enough to make F2. It couldn’t happen . . . could it?
I’m a Jeff fan as well but we are to expect the unexpected and i have faith there are some exciting turns in store. If not, It’s a game. But how in the sam hill Nat is still in there and gaining the trust of ANYONE is beyond me…
Any idea when BB 12 will start?
I love these 2. There like always changing the view from the outsiders that have to look in.
They NEVER let u knoe what angle there coming from.
And yet still, STILL arent looked at as the true liars of the game. just threasts in comps.
If Michelle did tamper with there stuff, she should be disliked among this crowd right? because u strongly got at Lydia and Natalie for messing and moving things in the house.
Will see.
But if she did, who does she think she will roll with Jordan? HA! Jordan will team with N/K.
We should have footage of her going in and doing so, if she did. However, when would she have time to do it?
Dont be suprised if we have a competition with bugs.
GO N/K on the ex-nay
BB12 wil probably start in januray
Maybe the twist is RUSSELL gets to return!!!!!
@ Marcus, a competition with bugs would be so great! since Nat is deathly afraid of them. Ok maybe that would not be cool but interesting
Someone please tell me why natalie is still in the house.I’m not happy with the way they are treating michelle, and why is jordan still there didn’t she shoved russell? CBS is playing favorites. If russell would’ve shoved her he wouldve been told to leave im just saying.
I agree with you Monique #42. Jeff got got and needs to be evicted like everyone else.
The dumbest move Jeff has made was not evicting Russell, it was evicting Lydia. I mean Lydia?? seriously?? The most useless player in the whole house, the only player that never actually played the game, and the only player who could not even win a competition by accident. And of course the reason she was evicted was because Jordan didn’t like her. Who cares!! That move changed the whole game for J/J and was the begining of their demise.
I call it like i see it nat and kev haven’t any morals i wonder if they know the meaning of the word they are DEVILS DISCIPLES!!!!! no one has to be so deceiving and coneiving to win they have gone way beyond their limits. so you tell me how else can you see them out in the real world? they have to goooooo
I agree with 42,43 get jeff butt out of there.And then we will see what jordan can do on her own, Not a dam thing.HAHA
You can tell who has live feeds just by their opinion of Jeff and Jordan. am I wrong, does anyone who’s been watching live feeds still think Jeff is a stand up guy?
I agree but I’m guessing it’s the definition of assault. You don’t “assault” someone if you don’t raise your arms and hands, therefore a chest bump is not considered violence or a crime.
KEEP JEFF or BB will be SOOOOOOOO boring!!!!
Didn’t Kevin do that to someone in house? He chest bumped someone and nothing was done about it.
@memy #35, I thought the same thing last night.
Was I the only one that was laughing hysterically when the dragonfly was flying around Natalie in the backyard? I thought I was going to go pee in my pants!
I hope BB never does the click thing again. Bad Idea.
The show is more interesting and fair when the HGs
have to learn more about each other on their own.
The idea of HGs being safe because a member of their click was
HOH was too limiting.
What if the surprise is: Cash, $10,000 OR Learn which HG has told
the MOST lies?
I know it isn’t possible and is only a nice thought………………
Bye, Natalie.
@mary #50, Ronnie accussed Kevin of chest bumping him during the big fight in the bathroom. When he was sobbing in the redroom to Chima saying that he was going to make production rewind the tapes and watch and call Kevin out on it and then he was going to make some statement on the finale show blah, blah, blah.
You’re right. It was Ronnie. Thanks, that was driving me crazy trying to remember who it was.
When is the veto ceremony supposed to be? Is it today?
Sometimes I’d like to slap the hg’s and tell them to wise up to Natalie. She is a menace and not very pleasant to watch. At least I don’t have to smell her all day.
Rene F
I agree with you. I don’t have the live feeds but read enough
blogs to have more information than what is given to the
television audience.
It doesn’t seem to be at all fair, especially with America’s Vote
coming up.
About Pandoras box
Nats (being soo scared of bugs) is probably a lie too!If i was that afraid of bugs esp (dragonflys) I would have went inside until I knew it was gone!
OMG, Michelle just made the dumbest move ever…she told Nat she was going to use the veto on Jeff!
although i would love for michelle to use the veto on jeff it would be a extremely idiotic move on her part.
Regarding the next comp. –
Natalie is “gonna give 110%.”
(See she has only been missing by 10%. HA!)
And the best of the best of Natalie,
“I wanna win or lose with loyalty, integrity and honesty.”
No matter how much I like Mich, it is fair that people that were the most smart in the game win. If M saves Jeff, it should be between Nat and Kevin. Of all people now in the house, those 2 did not play like idiots, and they have done nothing to hurt themsevlves.
Yep, Nat did not win anything, but she stayed over Jess, Chima, Lydia and Russ. And played J/J
Lily –
I can’t believe Michele would EVER use the veto on Jeff.
She is alone and knows it.
I believe and hope she is ‘playing with their minds” just like
the Lab Rats, they are.
Midwest fan
I hope so. I am just afraid that she won’t be rational.
I mean, why would N/K kepp both her and Jeff, they are not idiots.
I think everyone is forgetting that America still has the last vote! With Chima out, there will only be 6 votes. If Jeff got to F2, he could still win over Kev or Nat if it comes down to that. As far as Russ talking about getting Jeff out, I watched the live feeds and BBAD, and it sure sounded to me like Russ was going to do it even before the “LIE” was concocted, he even said it in the DR!
Does anyone think that Kevin could be playing nasty nat? Perhaps he’s smarter that we think and might back door the nat?
Call me shallow, but I could watch J&J all day.
I have been on team J/J from the start, but am starting to respect Michelle for having played the game alone and making it this far. I am completely frustrated though about seeing everyone talk about how Jeff screwed up by sending Russell out. I feel team J/J started sprialing out of control with the decision to send Lydia out instead of Natalie. Why doesn’t anyone ever talk abut how dumb that was. Look at the position Natalie is in now! Lydia would’ve never been a viable competitor. The whole thing with Russell was dumb decision #2.
I hate to see Jeff go but if he has to go it would be sweet if he got to take the money everyone else picked up too!I really was rooten for Jeff to win this game and he is definately “eye candy” for the show lol, but it is a game, and its just a shame that people like Natalie and Jordan just ride on the coat tails of others to make it this far, when others actually try! Just wondering what the key Jeff has for the “box” is all about????
Jeff and Jordan have made the BB11 show fabulous. They should have their own reality show. They are hilarious to watch and listen to. I hope one of them wins. They have been good honest players.
I feel really bad for Mih. She is in the house all alone and noeone is really there for her. People are nasty to her, not just game play but personally too. When she was crying lastnight I felt so bad for her. Noone deservest o be treated like that.
Wow, I agree with so many of you regarding Natarat’s chewing, lies and inability to win anything. She needs to go! I am also a huge fan of Jeff and hope the key he has saves him from eviction. Although him and Jordan are one of the reasons I enjoy watching BB11 so much, I too, think that Jordan needs to go. She is floating along in this game and dragging down Jeff in my opinion. I also give Michelle a lot of credit for her efforts, she has proven to be a strong player irregardless of what the other houseguests call her and think of her. My hopes right now are for Ratalie to be evicted, leaving Jeff, Jordan, Michelle and Kevin for the F4. Ultimately, I would like to see Jeff and Michelle for the F2. My fingers are crossed for Jeff’s safety this week :) GO JEFF!!
I can hardly listen to Natalie’s voice anymore- it hurts my ears.
She never shuts up-NEVER.
She smacks her mouth when she eats so bad that I wish they would shut off her microphone.
She walks around with that scraggle hair in Jesse’s old clothes sliding those slippers (again, Jesse’s slippers) on the floor so loudly.
Can you tell she bugs me????
At least with Jeff gone, It will be an all Female F4
to phone god…
thats what i said haha
I agree with #68, J/J should get their on reality show, I’d watch. so many people keep bashing Jordan, at least she is trying, at least she playing, what is the point of the show, if the HG, do not bother to play the game. It is a game, after all.
i would also watch j/j reality show
If Jeff gave Kevin some reach around he might decide to keep him.
I think the whole Pandora’s Box should be the person who had the key and opened the door gets to throw someone out of the house immediately – and that someone should be Natalie! She is so nasty.
Jeff seriously underestimated Kevin’s possibility to win HOH over the girls. He should have kept Russel one more week or at the very least if he was going to backdoor Russel that way, he should have made an attempt to make Kevin and Natalie dis-trusts each other. Cut off the snake’s head before you assume it’s safe Jeff, I respect everything you did in the game up until Last week.
i totally agree wiyh tou ellen
oops sorry hit a couple wrong keys in too big of a hurry
I wonder if Natatie’s BF reads any of these online site comments? If he does, he must be totally embarrassed about her and her habits.
POV was used for Michele she took her self off. Jeff and Jordan on the block!
Kevin is a complete idiot!!!!
Jordan just said i should of kept Lydia and got Kevin out. (well yeah)
Jordan is the real reason Jeff is going home!!!
@ Jeff fansโฆ.
******* I think it would be awesome for Jeff to get the Diamond Veto *******
Why? So i can see the look on she-rats face aka Michelle when they tell her that her Veto is nullified and Jeff can use the Diamond Veto to save himselfโฆ. Kevin would have to replace Jeffโฆ he would put up Jordanโฆ. Michelle would be evicted 2-0โฆ. I would love to see hr go homeโฆ.
******* What else would be entertaining? *******
Jeff goig to the final 2 with Natalie and winning 5-2 over Natalie
Jeff would be Americaโs Favorite HG
Natalie would beAmericaโs least favorite HG
That would be an amazing Finale
******* It wonโt happen, but I sill like to have hope as well *******
******* Either Jeff / Michelle are going home this week *******
I hope Jeff gets the Diamond Veto, so I can see Michelleโs face when she is evicted!!!
If Jeff doesnโt get the Diamond Veto (which I doub he will) Jeff will be going home!!!
******* Kevin / Natalie in the final 4 *******
******* Sing a long everybody!!! *******
******* Realistically speaking ~ Jeff is going home, Jeff is going home, yay yay yay, Jeff is going home!!!! that is my new favorite songโฆ Sing with me Ashley / Blackgirl / jacob / Marcus and anyone ele who wants to join in ok?
Jeff is going home, Jeff is going Home,,, yay yay yay, Jeff is going Home!!!!
***** HOOOOOORAAAYYYYY Jeff is going Home *****
@ Jeff Fans…. You are all wonderfullโฆ I am just taking out my furstration because you all have to admit that Jeff fans tore into us NBK fans for a whileโฆ. I have not had anything to smile aout for a whileโฆ Not all Jeff fans (You three an a few others,but I am just finally happy that Team NBK is doing good again due to the LML!!!
******* Sing-a-long everybody!!! *******
Jeff is going home, Jeff is going home, yay yay yay, Jeff is going home!!!! that is my new favorite songโฆ Sing with me Ashley / Blackgirl / jacob / Marcus and anyone ele who wants to join in ok?
Jeff is going home, Jeff is going Home,,, yay yay yay, Jeff is going Home!!!!
***** HOOOOOORAAAYYYYY Jeff is going Home *****
@ Marcus / Jacob & everyone elseโฆ..
*** Remix ***
I donโt know what youโve been tol, but Jeff is going homeโฆโฆ. I said I donโt know what youโve been told, but Jeff is going homeโฆ.. so can I get woop woop and hoot hoot because Jeff is going homeโฆ..
Sing the chorus everyoneโฆ.
Jeff is going home, Jeff is going homeโฆ.. yay yay yayโฆ.. Jeff is going home!!!
*** Yeah baby – That is the jam!!! ***
Here is a country version for you country lovers…. *** L~O~L ***
Letโs sing the Jeff Fans a songs ok?
Cry me a river – cause Jeff is going home
Cry me a river – cause you wonโt watch BB no more
Cry me a river – cause Jeff is going home
Just cry me a river because you feel so sad
*** Cry ***
*** Cry ***
*** Cry me a river ***
*** Cry ***
*** Cry ***
*** Cry me river ***
Yes she trusted Natalie and stll does.
Kevin Michele final 2 I hope
i miss lydia and her crazy outfits sooo much!
she was the weakest player ever in big brother history and j/j STILL evicted her.
then on top of that they were actually dumb enough to believe natalie and kevin. HA!
it should have been russel instead of lydia.
and natalie/michele instead of russell last week.
jeff, you’re cute and all, but you’re dumb as heck.
it’s his fault he’s walking out the door thursday night.
and if this Pandoras Box stuff interferes with that, i’ll… i’ll keep on watching lol.
Lol what if the key is buy a vote for all that cash.
@ Jeff fans….
here is a new song for you ok?
******* whaa, whaa whaa whaa whaa….. jeff is going home…. whaa, whaa whaa whaa whaa….. jeff is going home….
Dang that makes me feel so good, i said dang that makes me feel so good!!! *******
Sing with me now….
******* whaa, whaa whaa whaa whaa….. jeff is going home…. whaa, whaa whaa whaa whaa….. jeff is going home….
Dang that makes me feel so good, i said dang that makes me feel so good!!! *******
sing with me now…..
@Leo. Not as good as the Jury house is going to feel. They’ll be laughing at Jeff for at least 2 weeks
And didn’t Jordan Say how much she trusted Kevin over Russell!?!?
LOL Well no surprize they made the dumbest moves. Lockdown Going on now.
fast one its over
I hope that key means something and saves Jeff. It will be so so boring without him and Jordan in the house. I’m def not going to watch After dark to see what nat, Kev, and Michele are up to…I usually Fast Forward thru them
Sorry to say, but Nat may win. She has messed with everyone with the lies and all of them believe her over the rest. If Jeff goes home then I hope Jordon wins he HOH. Why? I want to see everyone kiss her bottom. Is she realy dumb or is she very smart? I want Michele to win. By the way, if she works 7 days per week, why is she playing BB?
@ jeff fans, are acting like bitter / hypocrites…. you are both lameโฆ. You all were just as obnoxiuous when people were supporting Ronnie during the CDT voting and even more so when Ronnie / Jessie / Chima were evicted from the showโฆ if you can dish it, you better be ready to take itโฆ.
jeff is a moronโฆ
If i asked any woman to have sex with me if they want to go on a trip, I would be seen as a jerkโฆ jeff is basically trying to do that with taking jordan to hawaiiโฆ Donโt make an excuse and say he is jokingโฆ.
I hope you are just as happy when jeff leaves as you were when you talked crap about Ronnie / Jessie / Chima leavingโฆ
To quote your boyโฆ. โIt is a game and he was got, so you need to get over itโโฆ. that is great advice!!! use it jeff and jeff fans alike!!!
There has been a lot of talk about Jeff’s bone-headed move with putting out Russell, and trusting Kevin. The story is this; Jeff did not put Russell out because of his actions. He put Russell out because he was afraid of going into a final 4 pact with Michelle and Russell because they are two strong players, and Jeff feels Jordan would not be able to hold up her end in head to head battles with Russell and Michele. This is what worried Jeff, he felt it would have been he against Russ and Michele, that is why he dumped Russell earlier then expected. Jeff wanted to take his chances against Kevin and Michele than Russ and Michele. The biggest mistake in the game as far as Jeff is they should have dumped Kevin, and kept Lydia, she was no real threat.
@ jeff fansโฆ. Natalie was the genius that came up with LML which left Russell / jeff being evicted before the final 4โฆ. That would have never happened without the LML!!!
@ jeff fans, are acting like bitter / hypocrites…. you are both lameโฆ. You all were just as obnoxiuous when people were supporting Ronnie during the CDT voting and even more so when Ronnie / Jessie / Chima were evicted from the showโฆ if you can dish it, you better be ready to take itโฆ.
jeff is a moronโฆ
If i asked any woman to have sex with me if they want to go on a trip, I would be seen as a jerkโฆ jeff is basically trying to do that with taking jordan to hawaiiโฆ Donโt make an excuse and say he is jokingโฆ.
I hope you are just as happy when jeff leaves as you were when you talked crap about Ronnie / Jessie / Chima leavingโฆ
To quote your boyโฆ. โIt is a game and he was got, so you need to get over itโโฆ. that is great advice!!! use it jeff and jeff fans alike!!!
angry much Leo???
@ Leo Sounds to me like you need to get over it. Do you know how to say anything else or did you just learn your words
at Leo.
Leo nat was not the one who came up with getting jeff to turn on russ. it was kevin
OMG Leo is hilarious! I am literally lol, and I am a Jeff fan. You gotta admit that was funny.
@Moss it was Natalie that came up w/ the lie…Kevin approached her with a not so well thought out plan, and she elaborated and that was where the LML came into play. It was all her, she just got him to carry it out.
Natalie isn’t on the block. It so annoying when I see she did this and that, but she is not on the block for EVICTION! Let’s deal with what is not fantasies or should be’s, well I should have everything in life without any annoyances. Guess what I don’t get to have life that way, so I have to do what is..As a woman I lie about my age often and so do many others, if that what they feel like doing. So, nat lying about her age is no big deal. Jordan says that she is 22, however she is 24. According to her bio. GO KEVIN!
I think Natalie and Kevin getting to full of themselves. Sorry to say about Kevin. I hope Natslie burns with her lies. Jeff is waking up to late about the lies, and Jordan no clue yet.(not that i thought would) Go Michelle
Sad as it may be – Jeff deserves to go because of his bonehead move to trust Kevin and Natalie. He should have known better. I am certain Russell would have taken him to the Final four. Jeff can discuss this at the jury house with Russell when he gets booted this week. Sorry, Jeff, you were simply outplayed and out hustled.
if BB saves jeff we will know the show is rigged long live MICHELLE she has had to scratch and claw her way thru the whole game.she deserves to win. jeff is a 30 something year old punk.BRING BACK RUSSEL AND SHAKE THE GAME UP!Chima come to the diary room ,oh I forgot shes long gone HA HA HA HA
I think LYDIA and JESSE make a great couple .Steroids & Tatoos go great together!
Last time I checked, Jeff was still in the house. Sticks and stones :)
jeff has the key his soory a#%* is getting bailed out by BB again. this is so annoying just give the money to the 30 something punk