Monday in Big Brother 11 presented the resolution to the very tense Power of Veto events with the Ceremony being held in the early afternoon. Leading up to the meeting Natalie was the focus of many discussions as Jeff, Jordan, and Michele all tried to secure her support for keeping Jeff this week.
The outcome of the Pandora’s Box twist was revealed to the HGs with a rather anti-climatic result. Find out what happened in the “twist” and if Jeff has any chance of survival from yesterday’s highlights.
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Big Brother 11 Live Feed Highlights – August 31, 2009:
9:30 AM BBT – Natalie talking game with Michele. She tells Michele she doesn’t have a F2 deal with Kevin and that he told her Michele was coming after her as a replacement nominee. Michele says she never trusted Kevin. Michele tries to convince Natalie that she could use Jeff’s help to go after Kevin.
9:50 AM BBT – Jeff tells Natalie that if he kept her he’d put up Michele and Kevin on the block. He is working on her to keep him this week. Natalie gives him the line about how he wouldn’t have gone up if she had won HoH, but Kevin went back on his word.
10:00 AM BBT – Michele is working Natalie to save Jeff this week. Michele says she wants Kevin gone. Natalie says she will not take Kevin to F2 because he would win.
10:15 AM BBT – Jeff telling Michele he’d be very grateful if she took him off the block instead of saving herself.
11:00 AM BBT – Natalie relays to Kevin her conversations with Jeff and Michele. Natalie has no intention of helping J/M.
12:45 PM BBT – The Power of Veto Ceremony is over. Michele used the power to save herself leaving Kevin to nominate Jordan in her place.
3:00 PM BBT – Jordan and Natalie discussing her possible eviction this week. Natalie tells Jordan she needs to carefully reconsider her idea to be evicted so Jeff could stay. Jordan says she thinks Jeff deserves to stay more than she does. Natalie questions this.
5:30 PM BBT – Jeff going over with Michele what he’s told Natalie. He’s warned her that if he goes then Michele will come after her, but if he stays Kevin will be the target. Both are frustrated that they can’t get alone time with Natalie because Kevin is hovering the whole time.
7:00 PM BBT – Jeff tells Jordan that he’s definitely going home this week. Kevin will break the tie and send him to the Jury House. He tells Jordan she better win to make up for him getting evicted. Jordan is scared that Michele is coming after her, but Jeff says that makes no sense.
7:30 PM BBT – The details on the Pandora’s Box are revealed to the HGs. Each finds out how much money they won. Jeff won about $3100, Jordan gets $1700, Michele has $2500, Natalie got about $1900, and Kevin won around $600. Jeff says something about no big bonus for finding the key and rescuing Kevin. Well that was a dud!
9:30 PM BBT – Jeff tells Natalie he’d throw the HoH competition to her if she kept him this week. Natalie says Michele has to be in on the deal. Kevin shows up and their talk stops.
9:45 PM BBT – Michele tells Natalie she wanted F4 to be Jeff/Jordan/Natalie/Michele because she doesn’t trust Kevin. Natalie doesn’t seem swayed.
While Michele and Jeff might believe they’re making traction with Natalie we are consistently reminded that she’s dedicated to Jeff’s eviction when she runs back to Kevin and updates him on the latest plot to save him.
Now that the Pandora’s Box twist has been cleared up things look mighty grim for the guy who was sitting on top of the half-million dollars just a week ago.
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I don’t see this Pandoras Box as a twist. It’s more a luxury comp, but the prizes weren’t that great. Somethings up. I think we will find out Thursday. Someone said that on the East Coast where I am that football will be on and it will air at the wee hours of the morning. Can’t keep my eyes open that long, so I guess I’ll miss it. Does anyone know if it’s true? I hope not.
Somebody tell us what is happening on live feeds, please.
I am so disgusted with what is going on on this show. Natalie is horrible, she is annoying and dirty and she has Kevin and Jordan and Jeff wrapped around her finger. Kevin cannot even think for himself, she does it all for him.
god i hope jordan stayes this week. before the nominations even began this week natalie was saying she would not want jordan to go home when jordan said she had a funny feeling she was going hoem thsi week. she beteer not turn her back on the one ally that can suade the house to easily keep people. she will vote to evict jeff and as for michele idk she better evict jeff because this clos ein teh game its time for the “ILL THROW COMP. FOR YOU” deals to end. its about to be the final 4 people! if michele evicts jeff then that’s two votes and jeff will be out shortly followed by natalie!
Wow, is Pandora’s Box really over? How is that a twist? I am so dissappointed :(
Hopefully BB has more in store with Pandora’s Box!
I agree with Kathy, I too, am sick of watching Natarat on this show! She is annoying in every sense of the word. She is lacking in hygiene and needs some etiquette lessons. The lies and backstabbing are to be expected so I can at least give her my respect for having some game-play in her, since she can’t win any competitions. I hope she is gone soon!!!
The live feeds now have every sleeping except for Michele. She is sitting on the couch in the bathroom. I really feel for Michele because she is a special person who has had a hard time in the house. It think she is sensitive and caring. What some of the people in house have said about her is out right cruel. I hope their families are real proud of them.
if jeff goes this week (i hope) and natalie goes next week (she better) then i would be really happy if the final 3 were michele/jordan/kevin! jordan deserves to win it the most though.
I’m not satisfied with the reveal of Pandora’s box. Why would they call it “Pandora’s” box if nothing major was going to happen. They should have just called it the money box. Something’s up. I don’t think they’re done with it.
On a side note…It would really be great if CBS would ramp up and have the next BB begin soon. I would love to have more than one per year. It’s hard waiting!!! It would even make sense to lessen the prize money to afford a couple per year.
So pandora’s box is over and it meant nothing more than money for the hgs. This means Jeff will be leaving Thursday and I am really happy about that. He made such a terrible move sending Russ home last week. I believe the person who is playing the best game will win and the jury members will vote accordingly.
Natalie – She will get the credit for the LML but in the end she might get a couple of votes but lets face it, if she doesn’t win hoh or pov, she needs to be gone next week.
Kevin – Has stepped up his game. I would not be surprised to see him in the final two.
Michelle – The girl has got it going on and even though the jury does not like her I believe they will see her as a great player because she has been on her own the entire game and has overcome.
Jordan – Lets be honest. She has no game and she doesn’t deserve to win. She floated through with Jeff and only had an hoh because jeff gave it to her. She won a pov but she does not deserve to be in final 2 with K/M.
Please share your reasoning as to why Jordan “deserves” to win…You are not the only one to post this opinion and when I posed this same question, no one responded.
Hope Jeff goes this week and as I’ve said before, anyone but Natalie to win, guess I don’t really want Jordan to win either. Being in the house must distort your normal thinking. I don’t know how they trust anything Natalie says, to me, she looks like she’s lying everytime she talks. Maybe I’m just gifted (she says with humor).
MIchelle deserves to win, she was smart to take her self off.I would’nt true jeff nor dumbo jordan,she have’nt done anything but ride jeff tailcoat
Yeha i agree not a very good “twist”, lets hope more becomes of it!
I liked BB update from Charmed Barbi…………..
And I quote:
“I was thinking of another scenario about that key. What if when Jeff is evicted, Julie tells him the key gets him back into the house? He turns around goes back and unlocks the door and re enters! What do you all think?”
I say let’s roll with that thought! :)
I’ve seen alot of speculation on different sites as to Pandora’s Box. How would this be for a twist? Since Pandora’s Box signifies the unleashing of evil, what if somehow it brings back Chima? Could be interesting. In order to stay on schedule, they could always have a double eviction week. Something to think about.
Natalie and Kevin will turn on each other very soon and that will be refreshing to see.
Jordan does not deserve to win since she been coupled with Jeff and let him control the game – plus she persuaded Jeff to trust N/K – incredible to believe!!! That shows poor judgement on both their parts, which is why they are in this position. I would be annoyed if the Pandora twist saved Jeff. For his lack of loyalty to his original F4 and for trusting the rats, he deserves the jury house.
Michele is the only one that has played both a great mental and physical game. I may not agree with all her strategies; however, she hasn’t needed anyone to lean on throughout the game. Even with Russ’ eviction, she won the POV and remains strong in the game.
I am not convinced the Pandora twist is all out in the open – seems to simple. But I hope it’s not to keep Jeff because of the key!!!
Listen, as much as I despised “NBK” (especially Chia Pet), You have to give Kevin and natalie credit with an emphasis on Kevin. they really played team JJ and took the game back after the devastating CDT. For pulling that off, I would vote for them. I’m a JJ fan but Jeff is an idiot and Jordan seems to do no more than help push him off the cliff.
Have Fun in the Jury House Jeff!!!
I’m not satisfied the “twist” is over… Remember that season the evicted houseguest would try to leave, and the door would not open? Either that, or a buzzer/alarm sounded, and that person got to re-enter? I can’t remember which season or which HG, but I would L-O-V-E to see the looks on the smug faces of K/N turn to horror. Now that would be unleashing some evil on them! LOL! Please let it be true!
don’t know why anyone would want to keep natalie. She hasn’t told the truth once in this game but keeps going around telling everyone she is truthful bull. She was even cheating kevin last night in pool game dropping balls in the pockets when kevin wasn’t looking. Then she even tried cheating him in chess, she moved a piece then after letting go of it she moves it back. When kevin said something she said she never let go. She probably cheats win she playing solitare
ive got a feeling jordan will win the next HOH if jeff leaves. you will see thta she can step up her game and get natalie out of the house
Jeff had to backdoor Russell, because he was coming after him and he might not of gotten another chance. Sure Russell told Julie he would have been loyal to the F4, but that’s not what his diary room sessions revealed. He was smart to evict him now. He is in a predicament right now, but if a player is good he will win this. I feel there’s more to this pandoras box. And if it saves Jeff, he was smart to look for the key. And he deserves to play on. If there isn’t anything more, I will be very disappointed because they made such a big deal out of it and it wasn’t a big deal. Why would they call it pandoras box? Why not just call it a luxury comp and a box when opened will rain money? Sounds like a big to-do about nothing.
Yeah, so far there hasn’t been any “twist” with Pandora’s box, has there? There has to be more coming…
How dumb are these people? The other night, Gnat told Jordo that she had tried out for Season 9 (which, according to her lie, would have made her 16), one night she mentioned watching 90210 as a teenager. She has talked about being in poker tournaments in Vegas a couple of years ago (which, according to her lie, would have made her 16 yrs. old), and she has talked about being drunk in the past. Do none of these people put it together that she has lied about her age? I know at one point Michelle questioned it in her mind, but didn’t verbalize it to anyone. I just don’t get it. I See Dumb People!!!!!
On another website where I watch live BB feeds typed up, it says that there will be a live eviction and HOH competition on a Sunday night. Aren’t they always on Thursdays?
That is weird and could play into the theory of allowing someone to stay now.
…this Sunday, the 6th, as a matter of fact.
@Judy: yes, Nat lies all the time, but that’s part of the game. However, we are able to easily determine she is lying. Inside the house no one but Kevin knows about the LML, they think she’s been telling the truth. plus she’s probably been lying to Kevin. There has been so much paranoia in that house, I love it. I think her true personality has come out the last couple of weeks, and I don’t like it. It’s hard to “put on your game face” and keep it for 60+ days. She has played a great game getting as far as she has.
@Analaigh: “Jordan deserves to win” is just one of the most laughable statements I’ve heard on the message boards all season. The only way you could say that is she has been SOOOOO inept at everything, no one sees her as a threat, and therefore, the HGs want to get threats out first before her. I don’t think her “charm” will get her jury votes tho, so she could theoretically skate to the final 2 since people will think they could win against her. but deserving to win? that’s a joke.
End of Pandora’s Box? It’s going to at least get people to watch if for no other reason. But if it’s just money, Im sure it will turn a lot of people off to BB.
Qlee – I think they’re all more focused on the fact that Nat is weak at comps and therefore not a threat that obvious clues of her “game” integrity is unfortunately overlooked by all. The only one that has called her out on her age at least twice is Kevin. He know “what”…LOL! he has partnered with, and he’s already said that he knows that she will turn on him at some point.
I don’t know why everyone is giving N/K soooo much credit for the LML.
Didn’t Russell do exactly what N/K lied about him doing the very next day and didn’t Michele tell J/J about it?
Therefore, it’s not a lie, and Jeff knew all along that Russell was going to try something to get Jeff out first b/c Russell told him that straight to his face.
Sorry, but I have a hard time giving N/K credit for anything but winning an HOH when he needed to and for sticking to their guns and not considering turning on each other now.
don’t forget the hint – there is a secret door involved, maybe they can bring Jeff back if he is evicted…. or an unknown HG will return – as long as it is NOT Ronnie…..
@Eileen: the secret door is what Kevin got locked behind and Jeff let him out of.
Having a Sunday eviction would be perfect for a double eviction. Yesssss BB production don’t let us down. Bring us more twists!
Brian G – I totally agree with your Jordan assessment!!!
Analaigh – I asked you to pls share your reasons for Jordan being so deserving…Your lack of response says it all. Her dumb a@@ wouldn’t know “game” or when she’d “being played” if it fell in her coodie dough!! LMAO!!!
sorry i totally missed what ‘pandoras box” is, and what happened. could someone please explain it to me?
@Dani: Pandora’s Box background info:
I think Matt said there will be a live eviction on Thursday as usual. I’m going to watch and see if they speed up this eviction. If they do, then there’s more to this Pandora’s Box. If not I don’t think I will watch anymore. There was no twist in the game and it was all a big hype to get people to watch. If Jeff’s gone, so am I. Jeff found the key and stopped the money from dropping(all the evils and diseases, etc.) and from that kept the last trial from happening which was releasing hopelessness. So inside that box is hope. If not, BB is a big disappointment and isn’t worth my time anymore.
About Natalie. Yes, I don’t know why these people aren’t catching on. She’s not that good of a liar. She keeps messing up and nobody is catching this. And why hasn’t anyone questioned why she was put on the Athletic clique? She won that one although it went to Jeff for HOH. I think they need to be very concerned about this rat and get her out asap. She is not someone I would want to win this.
@Gabrielle: I’ve heard nothing to lead me to believe the normal Big Brother schedule is being changed this week. Nothing is noted at and still reflects the standard Thursday = Live Eviction and Sunday = Nominations.
However, anything is possible as they may need to accelerate events to be ready for the Sept 15th finale. They’ve got 5 HGs left and need to be down to just 2 by the 9/13 episode, possibly even the 9/10 episode if they want to make that last Sunday show a clip show like they’ve done in the past. I imagine we’ll know more by the end of tonight’s broadcast.
@ fedup…that was funny!!
Plus Jordan’s so quick to give up, so Jeff can stay. That’s not a true game player. That’s stupid!! I would not vote for anyone like that!!
On TV:
September 1 2009, Tuesday 9:00PM CBS
September 3 2009, Thursday 8:00PM CBS
September 6 2009, Sunday 8:00PM CBS (With a live eviction & HoH contest)
September 8 2009, Tuesday 9:00PM CBS
September 10 2009, Thursday 8:00PM CBS
September 13 2009, Sunday 8:00PM CBS
September 15 2009, Tuesday 8:00PM CBS Big Two Hour Finale!
Does anyone want to try to do the math with the # of HG’s currently in the house?
If Jeff does go (seems likely), I bet ratings plummet, I know I won’t watch.
…unless the other web site I am looking at is mistaken.
@Monica: Jordan wanting to leave so Jeff can stay is actually a great idea. She knows she stinks at the competitions and that Jeff is the best physical competitior left, and so much better than she is. She probably thinks her best chance to get some money is for Jeff to win it all and hope he donates to her like 100k of the 500k at the end for doing this. Man if I was Jeff Id take all the help I could and say thank you when it’s all over. They will all get their stipend at the end and whatever else comes along with being a reality tv “Star” but I wouldn’t share ANY of my winnings.
Jordan is DUMB to give up on the hope of getting 500k
It also said that they’ve already gotten the HG’s outta bed at 7:30 a.m. this morning. They think something is about to go down.
@Gabrielle: They could be mistaken, but could be right. Again, we’ll know more tonight. I’d just be surprised that CBS would run a live eviction show on a Sunday night over Labor Day weekend. Seems more beneficial to ratings to save it for the Tuesday episode that week.
@ed: I doubt ratings will plummet because of Jeff’s eviction. End of season ratings typically spike upward. Sorry to hear you invested 8 weeks of watching to bail on the last 2 weeks. Sure you won’t want to enjoy the most exciting part of the season?
Gabrielle IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT THAT WOULD BE RIGHT JAFF-NAT-JORDAN AND that leaves mich and kev for final 2
sry for caps forgot they were on
@Gabrielle: The HGs are sleeping right now. Might want to reconsider this source of yours!
Monica – I know right? She claims that she won’t do any boogerin’ (Jordan’s word for sex) with Jeff. She is basically saying, “I won’t give up any “punnani”, but I’ll gladly give up 500K to Jeff!” Give me a break…I’d be willing to bet that J/J will not continue a close relationship outside the house…He gets impatient w/ her now…Imagine how stupid she is in the real world!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009: Can You Believe It’s September Already?
7:30AM BBT: Michele and Jordan are up and getting ready for the day, I don’t think they just woke up, it looks like BB is starting the day early for some reason. FotH
7:40AM BBT: All four cameras are on the patio, but it’s just Jordan outside with her blanket. Then there was an FotH and then all four feeds on Michele in the bathroom.
IDK if that was it for the twist. Julie said it WILL CHANGE THE GAME and that didn’t really do anything.
Maybe they went back to bed?
@Matt: I haven’t said so yet, and I’ve just jumped on here last couple of weeks, but I really appreciate the updates you put on here. I know it really helps a lot of people get their fix of BB! Do you get paid by CBS or do you do it all on your own? Will they give you inside access once the show is over? You going to the huge party in Vegas?
Thanks again, Matt!!
With Jeff gone methinks show will be booorrring, So I can clear my CBS and Showtime schedules. I can check on-line 2 see what happened and will DVR the finale to catch participants remarks, like I said Jeff goes and poof me too.
If that key gets Jeff back in the house…..I’ll be annoyed. First they let Jessie back in and now maybe Jeff???What’s wrong with this show. Losers win!?!?!?
I feel like Jordan. Ok, Thursday has to be and eviction now we are down to 4, Sunday another eviction,we are now down to 3, next Thursday another eviction, now we are down to the F2. Have I done the math right? Sounds like there’s no veto Sunday? Why? Unless Thursday is a double eviction. That would leave the F3 and Sunday the last goes. Leaving F2. Oh, I don’t know. I’m having a Jordan moment. Please tell me.
Yeah, I appreciate it, too, Matt! I’m like a junkie, up at all hours of the night, logging in to see if something big has happened… ;)
Kaye- natalie is still there isn’t she? Apparently so
@Brian: You’re very welcome. I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the site.
CBS does not pay me to run the site. Advertising on the site covers the expenses and my time. I’d love if it they (CBS, etc.) had us more involved, but other than an occasional interaction w/ Ross Mathews & Inside Dish it’s just us looking in!
I was very interested in heading to the Vegas Bash party, but the cost of flying out there from the east coast was just too high to justify for a 1 night event. I’ll be jealous of those who go though!
@Gabrielle: Your source says “I don’t think they got up on their own.” Sounds like speculation and it was just a guess on their part. You’re very welcome as well.
Face it folks, Jeff is gone. Deal with that fact now. The show ends it run on Sept. 12 and unless they have decided on a double eviction next week, there is no other way for that key to help him to get back in the house. The reference to the Pandora’s Box must have been that you could hope that the key might keep you in the game, but as we all can see right now, it won’t. And since all the evils in the world and hope were released with the opening of the real Pandora’s box, I would hazard a guess that the money that was dropped when Kevin entered the room represented evil (“money is the root of all evil”) in this particular case. As I posted earlier, it did indeed turn out that whether Jeff was staying or going would depend on who won the HOH and/or the POV this week. Next week should be cataclysmic with regard to Kevin and Natalie though. Remember how everyone says Jeff shouldn’t have booted Russell and how he will pay for it this week? The same can be said for the Natalie/Kevin alliance this coming week. Kevin can’t play in the HOH comp and Natalie has not been able to win anything period up to this point. So unless Natalie has truly been trying to lose all comps and is much better than everyone thinks, Jordan or Michelle will likely win the HOH this week. If Jordan wins, N/K are definitely on the block. Only POV can save one of them. If Michele wins HOH, Jordan may possibly go up with either Natalie or Kevin. With Michele, who goes up will be based solely upon who she thinks the jury will vote for. And remember, there is only one HG vote available this week. So who goes out will ultimately depend on whether the two HGs up at the time of the vote are one alliance or split, with one of their allies doing the voting. If Natalie and Kevin end up still being on the block after POV, the lies that will coming out of Natalie’s mouth will probably make enery other lie she has told so far look like anthills from 50,000 feet in the air.
I’m still holding out “hope” until the closing credits Thursday night…
You have some good points there. Do you think natalie has been losing on purpose or does she just really suck?
Did you see Natalie trying to play badminton? I don’t think she’s throwing anything.
@Daferret: I’ve accepted Jeff’s leaving once he sent Russ home last week. and I have been gladly waiting for Thursday to verify he goes home!
but how can you think Jordan has a better chance of winning HOH over Nat? Id put Order of best chance to win as Michelle, Nat, Jordan.
If Nat wins: Id say put up Mich/Kev (I think Nat could only win Jury against Jordan)
If Mich wins: Put up Kev/Nat (I think she could only win Jury against Jordan and Nat)
If Jor wins: she’ll put up Mich/Kev I bet. she’s bffs with Nat now! or she will once Jeff is gone. Frankly she needs to win everything from here on out to get the jury votes
those are my stupid/incoherent thoughts :)
I didn’t think so either Gabrielle. Gosh the way she talks, the way she looks…. Natalie reminds me of my lil sister… I HATE MY LIL SISTER!!!!
Brian G- Jordan has won a POV…natalie has won NOTHING!
Do you think Jordan could hear which direction Michelle was going on those POV steps and just followed whatever she did. I’ll admit, I was shocked at how well she did in that competition, and then my husband pointed out that you could totally hear which way the other person was going. Then, she could’ve just gotten lucky on the tiebreaker.
@ Sabrina: She reminds me of my older brother, and I feel the same way about him that you do about your little sister! :P
Naw… there would be no point in putting the walls up in that case. Besides… do you really think jordan pays that much attention to detail?
My source guarantees that the house will once again be thrown for a loop on THursday nights LIVE eviction. We will just have to wait and see what it is. Let your speculations continue.
@Sabrina – Given the fact that Natalie mentioned once that her father turned off the internet at their house, I think that her economic situation may possibly not be that good. Often, internet access that is taken for granted by some is actually a luxury for others. Having said that, with the luxury prizes that were available throughout the season, I think she was probably really trying her best to win most of the time. I think Natalie just does not do well at the comps period. Please keep in mind that this is supposition on my part and I truly may be grossly wrong here. This is just my own opinion based upon very few observations and HG statements. After all, her father turning off the internet could have been another one of her strategic lies.
ey we should have a party “siblings must be ran over” party… lol.
I don’t think Natalie has been trying to lose anything – she is just not capable. She reminds me of a bully – they are not able to honestly win anything, so they get others to do their dirty work. They operate in a cult-like manner. That’s what Natalie had done. She has a loud bark but nothing to back that up!!!
I heard on the feeds that natalie got 1900 not 1000. If it wasnt for jordan jeff wouldnt be in this mess she believed nasty nat…I love jordo but I would rather see her leave she wont be able to win. I hope theres a twist because they said pandoras box wasnt a luxury comp thats what production told the houseguests.
True that…. hell i’m poor too. I still maintain the comcast triple play… my cell phone is off but who cares when you got live feeds? lol
Here is my opinion on Thursday nights LIVE eviction and the next week……….Jordan will be leaving, Jeff wins HOH and will eventually nominate PP and Kevin…………..Kevin wins POV and then votes Michelle out next week.
Jordan did say she could feel which way Michelle was going, either up or down, so I think she just got lucky with the tie breaker.
According to what I read on Pandora’s Box, she shut the box before hopelessness escaped. So that means there is still hope in that box. Maybe Jeff needs to get bold, since his chances don’t look good, to go for it and take the key and reopen the box and see what happens. There was something about reopening the box from what I read.
@Lazeek: I hope your source is correct. I am getting soooo bored watching these people play pool & chess all night. I never would’ve thought it, but I kind of miss all of the fireworks (not the Chima/Russell over-the-top, make-you-uncomfortable-to-watch kind), but seeing people squirm and scramble and get caught in lies…
Really? So the box can be re–opened?
Yeah, Jordan got in Jeff’s ear, talking about how much she believed Natalie and Kevin, back when they were still in an alliance with Michele and Russell.
Let’s face it, though, folks. Every single person in the house (besides Jordan and maybe Michele) is/was coming after Jeff. He had to choose between Russell and K/N to go against J/M the week he couldn’t play HOH.
I think it was a strategic move on his part, even though everyone likes to comment on how dumb he is. It was a good move. Everyone assumes Russell was going to keep his word. If he had kept Russell, and Russell did strike first, like he said he was going to, everyone would be talking about what an idiot Jeff was for not getting Russell out when he had the chance.
The truly amazing thing I find about Natalie is the fact that even though she is quite sly and tricky with every word that comes out of her mouth, the other HGs validate her by listening to her and believing everything she says – even her own alliance partners do this. That kind of power is truly awesome no matter who you are or how you use it.
@DeFerret: You’re right! For some reason, no one really questions her, and when she gets caught in a lie, she EXPERTLY weaves her way back out of it. Some people are masters at that, and she definitely is.
Something about reopening the box will reveal secrets of conspiracy and hope to the person who reopens it. Can’t believe everything you read on the internet, but that’s what I read.
I noticed on jokers update yesterday that Kevin walked by the box and was disappointed that noone had opened it. Maybe Jeff shouldn’t open it. I don’t know. But I still feel like there has to be something more to this or it would be alot to-do about nothing.
has jeff been on before?
I can’t bear the thought of Jeff being saved. Mostly because he will come back as the Eternal King that he thought he was before, and we will have to watch His Highness reign over the house again. Worse, he will take all the credit for whatever BB twist allowed him back.
As far as Jordan inning the HoH, I would be extremely surprised. Who is left to hand it over to her?
this is Jeff’s 1st time
Boy i tell ya what, Michelle has to be a dumb azz if she thinks that Natalie or even Jeff will trust her. To think that Natalie will belive Michelle would throw the competition.
I mean does have stupid written on her forehead? Does Jeff? I think not.
She thinks she can just twist everybody, and nobody will get in her face about it. She tries to play this innocent victim, which is B.S. She cries for being a lone, and then as soon as she talks to ppl, spends them in lies, and then they find out, and dont wanna talk to her. All in good time.
If Natalie does disband with Kevin, depending on how it goes down, he will give her his vote. If Michelle wins, puts him up, and Naalie wins veto, or something were Natalie doesnt in HOH, she will still have a vote from Kevin from the Jury house.
But Natalie still tells everything she is told to Kevin which means there still a team.
But Natalie of ALL ppl should knoe, if u make ANY type of deal with Michelle, she will do the EXACT opposite.
She should coninute her gameplay, sticking behind the scenes and getting the dirty work done. But HOH would sure help those causes.
But if Michelle wins another veto, how are we gonna get her out? lol
BBAD last night was a complete bore. All we watched was the love show that is J/J. So pathetic those 2. Thats what got Jeff in the situation in the first place, Being consumed by her, not having a care in the world for the game, and he got picked off.
He desevers to goh ome. And so does Jordan.
Kevin i think is just waiting to pull the trigger late to diband with Natalie, but he also has to knoe, she will is a force to be reckon with, vote wise.
Russ wont for him, Michelle wont, Jessie, Jeff wont.
Thats 4. And thats all u need to loose.
Im very interested to see this veto comp, because Jeff getting 3000 seems a lil suspicious to me. Im not saying anything yet, and he prolly really did get all that dough, but it wouldnt suprise me if he had a lil help, ya dig?
Im done for now.
You can’t blame BB for everyone going nutso about this twist. A twist is just something not expected, no one promised King Jeff would be able to stay. Jeff lovers are so desperate for something to save him, they made a big deal about something that Allison quite clearly said wasn’t a big deal.
I truly believe that Jeff will be leaving on Thursday! Alot of BB fans doesnt think that Jeff deserves to win. I believe he has played a pretty good game. Although America gave him the “power” He made some ok choices in getting out some major players… Its now time for Jordan to either step up and play hard or go home. I hope this being “dumb” is just an act because if it isnt she better hope that the cards are for her to win because if not she’ll be without her precious Jeff for a whole week.
Natalie, Kevin and Jordan should have been called “team float” they have pretty much floated to the top. Kevin made a big mistake with teaming up with Natalie. If by chance they end up the final two he doesnt stand a chance against Natalie. If they vote with whom they like more. They sure cant make the vote based on game play.
WHO remeber this?;
Michelle said she always, and again i said ALWAYS Jeff out of the house.
Now she is trying to keep him?
She told Kevin and Natalie that
Then she told Kevin and Natalie that she wants him to stay.
Which is fact? Which is crap?
@DeFerret #70
Natalie satated yesterday that she makes about $600 a week at her regular job. When you live at home with your dad, that’s a decent pay. I thought she said she had him turn it off because she was the one who used it and not there for 10 weeks. I’m more curious as to how a waitress who’s family home went into foreclosure was able to afford $9,000 boobs.
#72 Monica
Natalie clearly stated to Kevin that she threw the smores competition, she wanted Kevin to do the dirty work of putting up Jeff. Kevin was not pleased, of course.
Everyone is bashing Jordan and saying she doesn’t deserve to win and rode Jeff’s coattails… I disagree. Natalie has been the one on a free ride all along. She rode Jessie till he was gone, then jumped on the Lydia/Kevin ride. Now she is acting like she has been Kevin’s BFF since day one. Jordan hasn’t lied or been vindictive in this game, the rest of the house guests that are left… Liars, backstabbers and vindictive, and that includes Michelle.
Mstelw – Jordan is not faking. that ‘s why Jeff gets so mad/frustrated @ her.
Natalie only threw the s’mores competition after she saw she had no hope of winning it on pure skill. I have seen nothing of her Tae Kwon Do abilities am not sure she can win anything except for maybe dangling from another toilet seat like the dingleberry she is.
Jordan doesn’t have a dumb act. If she did, she would have dropped it in the hundreds of hours she spent alone with Jeff. Her ignorance came through even more, though, and some of the most ridiculous conversations ever were just the two of them. Jeff is almost as annoyed as we are, and what they aren’t showing on tv AT ALL is the many times he snaps at her, insults her, and blames her for what goes wrong.
Nat never tried. Did you watch the live feeds when Nat told Kevin she purposely lost so he’d have to oust Jeff? He said she could have at least beat Jordan so it didn’t look so obvious.
#69 – I think Lazerh is just playing with our emotions. #66 – I think your husband is right and J was just lucky on her guess. TO: MATT – Can just anyone attend the party in Vegas or have to be invited or buy a ticket? Thanks.
Jordan did get a little ugly for the first time the other night. She went along on the most hideous idea ever of Kevin & Natalie’s to have Jeff try and use the feelings Michele may have for him to get her to save Jeff with the POV instead of save herself. Jeff said he wouldn’t do that to someone for $10 million dollars (taking a beautiful gesture as using the POV to save him and then turning right around and backstabbing her), and everyone else was sick enough to try and talk him into it, including Jordan, saying Michele obviously has a crush on him. I lost all respect for Jordan after that. “Tell her she looks like a model with all of the weight she’s lost, Jeff.”
The only people who haven’t totally disgusted me, so far, are Jeff and Michele.
@ Rene: She’d be totally dumb to not try until she saw Kevin was out to enough of a lead to throw it. I think she was far enough behind at that point because she’s terrible at everything (except getting a giant wedgie).
Toni – What!!!!!!!!!!! Jordan has not only lied, she totally misinterpreted info to Jeff re the trustworthiness of N/K and on several occasions lied about Michele’s attitude…i.e. saying she was being snippy or somethin’ like that when she wasn’t, thus f’ing up Jeff’s judgement. She has also been one of the most nasty to others, especially when she believed she and Jeff had the game in the bag. She said herself that she thought that J/J had F2 in the bag once Russell was evicted. Then, after the VETO she said “We should have kept Russell and evicted Kevin.” She is one of the most shallow persons in the house…truth be told she attached herself to Natalie, bc she “thinks she is cute” and N/K is more fun to be around. Her choices had nothin’ to so w/ gameplay. She has shown that she is more interested in making friends then winning 500K.
Kevin should have taken Jeff up on his Final 2 offer. If Jordan leaves, Jeff is wide open to make a Final 2 deal with someone else in the house. It’s probably the best thing that could happen to Jeff, actually, is to have Jordan leave.
Kevin could then pair up with the strongest competitor in the house instead of the one tied with the weakest (Natalie vs. Jordan), and they could get the Final 2 and take their chances at the jury. Why would Kevin take Natalie who has so many friends on the jury?
The only thing getting Natalie to the Final 2 is her scheming and lying (’cause it certainly isn’t her competition skills), but it’s her scheming and lying that may be epic and win her the whole game. She’ll probably use the fact that she didn’t win a single competition or prize but made it to the end on sheer game play as her finale speech.
Just saw this on Facebook:
What’s Behind the Door?
Another mysterious twist lies behind this closed door. Will it affect the game?
What do you think the twist in tonight’s episode will be?
@ Rene #95 – You are so right about how Jeff treats Jordan. This shows Jordan does not have very good perception or know her self worth. She should realize her worth (outside of the game) and not allow anyone to down her that way. I’ve been amazed at how loyal she’s being to him and HE doesn’t deserve it!! Jeff’s not that great of the guy to claim to really like someone yet berate them as he does her. You can tell Jordan is the type that needs positive reenforcement to succeed – that’s why she is not cut out for this game.
I thought Jeff’s comment during the last live eviction that the reason he and Jordo argued so much lately was because he was “trying to make her a better person” was belittling and arogant on his part. However, I’m not condoning Jeff’s behavior, but who wouldn’t get frustrated and/or even annoyed with someone like Jordo if they had to be locked in a house w/ her for a couple of months? They spend 99% of their time together, and if he acts the least bit strange, she says, “I feel like you’re mad at me”, or “I feel like you’re annoyed with me and you need your space.” Hell yeah, I’m annoyed, you’re twenty somethin’ and “can’t tell time!!”
The fact that she is aware that she weighs on Jeff’s nerves and realizes that he needs space says that she has been told this over and over on the regular…She has been told that she is frustating.
Why would Jeff trying to help Jordan succeed, dragging her along with him in this game to his own detriment because she was the only person who would talk to him in week 1, and tell her to try to study for the HOH comps. seem “belittling and arrogant?”
She has a once-in-a-lifetime shot at $500,000, and she’d rather spend her time eating cookie dough than getting serious about playing this game?
I think he phrased it in the best way possible to not make her look like a total loser.
@ fedup – #104 & 105…
I do agree with you. She is definitely lacking on many levels. I wish Jeff would have seen her for who she was and played the game on his own and not for the two of them. He would be much further in the game!!!
However, since Jeff has chosen to align himself with her, it speaks pooly for him to down her and shows his true colors to me.
That’s why…It is best to keep your mind in the game and not get distracted with personal relationships that probably won’t last any way.
Gabrielle – My comment was strictly re the phrase”to make her a better person” and YES that is “belittling” and he sounded arrogant. In fact, his statement says, ” She is loser, I’m trying to make her a winner.” HELLO!!! Who is he to decide he can better anyone. He lacks good judgement and is easily swayed by a person w/ little to no judgement.
@Rene F 90 – Excellent point re: Jordan’s extracurricular reconstruction costs. Please remember that I did say I could be completely wrong regarding my comments about Natalie’s economic situation. Likewise, there may be something we are missing regarding Jordan’s economic situation. Maybe she had a strategic lie set up with her mom to be put in the letter from home before she went in the House. Maybe the family really has enough money to pay for plastic surgery and to move into a new house. We just don’t really know ALL of the facts for any HG, do we? Like I said, it’s all just supposition based on only a few facts and I could be wrong about everything.
Monica – Amen
DaFarret – I read either here or on another site that Jorfan has a payment plan for her breast implants…According to her, her family’s home went into foreclosure and a friend of her sister’s brother (or something like that) allowed she and her Mom (don’t know about her brother) to move in his TH.
I apologize for misspelling your name:)
That idiot, Natalie, doesn’t deserve her place in the BB household! She could dround with Chima’s microphone, and I wouldnt blink an eye! She has done nothing and will continue to do nothing! Come on Michelle and Jordan! You’re our only hope left!!! Get rid of Kevin and Natalie!! The fate of these two f—tards is in your hands!
<p style=”font-family:verdana,arial,sans-serif;font-size:10px;”
Come on stop bashing Jeff for his trying to make Jordan a better player. I don’t think he was belittleing her, he was just trying to make his and her chances improve by trying to make her a better competitor. He made a big mistake and didn’t realize Kevin and Natalie only got to where they are is because they are good floaters. Not competitive at all and just got lucky enough to get into the head of a nice guy. Neither deserves to win, but one of them probably will.
As far as I am concerned. BB11 is over for me on Thursday. Once Jeff leaves, the only thing that would keep me interested is if Jordan started winning competitions and getting rid of Kevin and Natalie. Otherwise I will just not tune in again until the finale.
Go Joe! Thank you! I agree 100% with Jeff trying to make her a better competitor.
I still don’t believe he’s out the door yet. We’ll have to see what the twist is before we count him out yet.
Joe – don’t be so sensitive…Jeff will be just fine in the JH, where he will have plenty of time to reflect on how well he has taught Jordo to compete in the game…He’s made her a better person alright…She’s staying in the house, he’s getting evicted…LOL!
@Fedup: He stuck with the only person in the house who talked to him week 1 (kudos), he has dragged her along with him during his climb out of the ostracized (kudos), and when he needs her to get serious and win for the one week he can’t play, and she’s too lazy to study; so he gets annoyed and says he’s “trying to make her a better person.” That is not belittling & arrogant. I call that a well-deserved and kindly worded statement.
There IS something more to the Pandora’s Box thing cause it wouldnt be called Pandora’s Box they’d call it something else. Its Not over…wait and see
I wish they’d wake up already. These HGs are the laziest Ever!
Probably up too late scheming…
It must be cold it there to sleep those heavy blankets!
I think Jeff should stay in the game he is the one that has been playing the hardest and has been the nicest person in the house. I hope the Key allows him to stay in the game. I hope the key has some type of meaning behind it.
Gabrielle – Did I say that HE (Jeff) was belittling and arrogant? NO!! AGAIN!!! I was only referring to ONE STATEMENT…NOT HIS GAME PLAY DAMMIT!!! I was ONLY referring to his response nothing to do with his person or game play per se.
Perhaps you are unfamiliar w/ my previous posts. I love Jeff…and yes to his DETRIMENT, he has carried Jordan, which is indicative of his bad judgement in a game where 500K is at stake. The fact that she (Jordon) doesn’t understand the importance of studying is indicative of her having more of a lack in judgement, which is what I just posted. Why aren’t I sad that he will most likely be evicted? Like I said in a previous post, Jeff suffered from a “Power” outage, and now he has to deal with the consequences of what? BAD JUDGEMENT!!
I’m over it next subject…
******* Spoiler Alert *******
It looks & sounds like Jeff might be staying amd Michelle will be going home!!!
Good morning, guys & gals! :D Today is Tuesday and you know what the means…FINALLY we’ll get to see the whole Mystery Door thing on tonight’s episode! w00t w00t! I’m anxious to see what the key (that Jeff found & has) means. According to (which is a celeb gossip site, kinda like TMZ), the key is *rumored* to give Jeff the Diamond Veto:
Kevin entered the mystery room and was trapped, handcuffed to the Pandora’s box. It’s unclear if the production ordered him to do it or not but when Jeff found the key to release Kevin he was given the choice to take the money and turn his back or “save” his house mate. Jeff chose to release Kevin opening the Pandora’s box, which is rumored to have a “Diamond Veto“, which will overrule Michelle’s PoV. Jeff is safe again!!
I hope there is a good twist. It’s getting boring. BBAD was lame last night. Fast forward through most of it. I am glad I record it.
The show is really a big disappointment to me this year. You now have Nata lie, Kev gone, Jor dumb, Jeff cad, and Mich tell, I really am not rooting for any of them. I was hoping to keep it somewhat interesting, that Russ and Jeff would of made it to the final two. Jor dumb I really feel sorry for her she is mentally challenged, and Jeff cad is being a complete moron making her beg that if she leaves for him can she have a pair of earrings and go to Vegas. Come on have some self-respect!! He then replies like the cad that he is that he will if she lays down with him. Boy what a class act he is, not!! The only one at this point that I want to see win is Mich tell, only because I feel so sorry for her.
It will be truly annoying and not fair at this point for Michele to leave. Although I was not a fan before Russ left – I am now since she is the only one that’s thinking with her own brain!!! Oh, well, we’ll have to see what happens.
No that didnt happen on the lives feed the only thing that happened was they were called into DR and each given a envelope it was how much money they won.
JO – Jordan didn’t sell herself too short…In addition to earrings, she wants Jeff to pay for all her drinks in Vegas, and to join him in Hawaii. That’s a fair trade for 500K don’t you think…LOL! just kidding
Guys…was watching late into the night.
Natalie WAS NOT telling everything to Kevin. She is telling some, not all…and it is interesting what she left out. I do think Kevin suspects this, as he keeps asking her if she is still on board, seriously.
If Kevin completely believed her, he wouldn’t keep asking, and she wouldn’t keep repeating, over and over…she was starting to screw up in what she was telling him last night.
I guarantee you if she get’s a really BETTER offer, she’ll dump Kevin, and it will be next round, when the only chance he has, is for getting the power of veto.
And, dear sweet Marcus…while you are bashing Michele, please remember how you beat up on all the Jeff fans, over their supposed gender insanity (“wetties over Jeff”) and the unfairness of the CDT and how horrible it was that J/J were talking trash on Michele. Come on now.
Michele, is well, Michele. If you are picking players to win on personality, then your little Natalie ain’t a winner in a lot of eyes.
I can only hope that Kevin figures out he’s now getting played by Natalie. It will be too funny.
And, this concept that people won’t watch if Jeff goes, actually has some validity to it. It isn’t about Jeff going per se, it is about how un-interesting it is to watch two of the most boring, dull, nasty, and self-absorbed players K/N remaining in the game. BORING.
We FF’d everytime the camera cut to K/N, although, to be fair we tried to stay on them, but they were absolutely BORING, absolutely.
@fedup: Well, you certainly are “fed up,” aren’t you? No need to start cussing. I was referring to the one comment as well. I guess we can agree to disagree ’cause I truly feel like he meant that he WAS trying to help her. Peace out! I’m not commenting on the subject again either since it’s apparently causing you great distress.
Gabrielle – the subject doesn’t cause me distress…you not knowing the difference between a sentence/statement and actions is ANNOYING…kinda like Jordo
Is it just me or is time dragging today? Can’t wait till tonight and Thursday. C’mon get here already!!
you want tot talk about floaters, natarat has been floating the whole time she hasn’t won JS
she shouldn’t win she doesn’t deserve it. I used to like Jeff but now I think he is stupid for delaing with K & N; dumb move Jeff. not for getting rid of russell but for making deals with backstabbers. hope the game bites both of them in the butt.
All these speculations are making me dizzy! I just wanna know!
Can anyone confirm the validity of the Diamond Veto in conjunction with Pandora’s Box (and the key)? Does this exist?
@Jo: What are you watching? Jeff, is toying with Jordan…he may really wanna “lay down” with her, but, if you actually watch the entire exchange between them, he does a great deal of caring (in his own special way). He is also, what he is.
It amazes me how some are utterly turned off, and see him as a “cad”…and have no problem with the likes of Jessie who actually USED, figuratively and literally a number of women in that house.
If you watch it all…you will also see that Jeff uses a great deal of self-deprecating humor, and really doesn’t take himself seriously.
A lot of what comes out of his mouth, is actually…stereotype story-telling, and he gets a lot of laughs from it, which reinforces him in telling more of those “stereotypical” jock guy stories.
If you actually watch everything that is discussed…Jordan feels guilty for talking Jeff into going with K/N. It is not about being stupid, and wanting to give 500k to Jeff. She has stated over and over how stupid she feels for believing K/N…and that it hurt Jeff, her BFF. It is about guilt, silly.
Everytime the discussion between J/J leaves small talk, and goofy talk about what’s gonna happen after the show ends…including toying with the idea of getting earrings, blah, blah, blah, and they get back on the serious topic of Jordan feeling really terrible about what she thought was a good idea at the time, they both turn off, and agree not to talk about it.
Both toy with each other…and both back off when they sense the other one isn’t enjoying the “toying”. That is ACTUALLY as sign of a normal, caring and empathatic individual (if you are into psychology).
I am astounded that everyone who posts here is also beating up on a girl, who admits she ain’t no brain. She’s simple. She can’t tell time. So what. In today’s society where life is beyond complicated and a macrocosm of BB, it is refreshing to see a person who is just living, and not worrying about the BIG things…all the time.
It is also interesting that the woman, who does have a brain, is also a turn-off to so many who post here. That is another age old tool of society to keep women in some middle ground, not too stupid, not too smart. BB also leverages off of these societal components when casting…so get off your high horse about Jordan. If it had not been “Jordan” it would have been someone else of her “type” in the game.
Her conversation about her mom, was adorable, and yet, I saw an entirely different spin on it by someone else posting here. You can say she ain’t got a brain…but to see how much she loves her momma…gosh, I am down with that!
i hate natalie.
she has done nothing but play side kick, lap dog to people in the house and does NOT deserve to stay another week.
they haven’t done a 2week in one deal yet have they? I don’t think so becasue each season they have always done a fast forward not sur ewhen these are done but I thought it was towards the end by a few weeks. It might be thursday who knows? I wish that nat could get caught with all of the scheming she’s doing.
All of the non Jordo fans you have to remember that she is young compared to Jeff, he’s almost 9 years older and that can make a big difference in maturity.
unfor K needs to grow some and come up with his own ideas instead of the natrat.
OMG if Jeff goes this week, can you see 3 guys in the JH with Lydia, it would be hilarious. Show us osme live feed fromt eh jury house. do you think Lydia and Jesse hooked up?
I really really want Jeff to stay :)
I was pulling for J/J until the real Jeff came out. I understand the lies. EVERYONE in the game has done it. I don’t even mind the verbal threats to ‘whip somebodies ass”. But threatening to “cut somebodies throat”, or “stab them in the neck” is crossing over the line. In my view, Jeff is a worse jerk than Jessie ever was. I would love to see him evicted. However, if I were in the game, I would want him to stay, simply because if he makes it to the f2, there is no way he could win. While the jury can only see what the producers want them to see, they will be comparing notes. Don’t be surprised if they bring Jeff back next season, because he has been a big boost to ratings.
@ycat: Again, I wonder what you are watching.
Everytime Jeff says something like that, he finishes it with a laugh…as if he is trying to do that soprano, bad guy thing, but knows he can’t pull it off.
I am absolutely astounded how you guys don’t get him. It is hilarious.
What, ya’ll don’t have any douche-bag (as Jeff kindly refers to himself) ex-jock friends?
Self-deprecation is Jeff’s thing. He is not taking himself seriously. Come on now.
I think you all can’t get past the emotional stage, and see these “characters” for who they are. Again, I am not defending Jeff…I am just shocked at how someone can’t understand his personality since it is SOOOOO common in our society. You been locked in a dark room all your life?
@ycat: So, I suppose you also wouldn’t like Kevin if he said something about having Jeff bend over to take a big d*ck in the a**?
Come on now. Be consistent. Everyone is throwing crap into the air to see where it lands. How long you been watching BB? Seriously.
If Jeff goes this week, I will pay to see what is going on in the JH…seriously.
Oh, I might want to watch Michele take the game out of K (really being stupid now), and N (blank, have nothing, ugh) hands. That would be entertaining. Otherwise, I am down with watching the fun in the jury house.
Guess im not watching BB tonight or EVER again! Maybe i will when they vote for the winner! See ya guys! Look 4 me on BB12
Jeff has ruled for the past few weeks with threats and intimidation. He is no better than Chima was. He laughs because he doesn’t have the guts to back up those threats.
Yes, Jordan is young. She’s what 22 ? That I think makes her the youngest one in the house. Natalie is 24. Believe it or not Jordan seems much more mature than Natalie. I think Jordan is just naive. I hope Jeff stays. We will see what goes on tonight and if they still leave things up in the air we can come back here and speculate some more, if not us Jeff fans will be crying tonight.
well at least Jeff is not as dumb as Chima, she blew her chance at the cash! as far as Jordo goes at least she respects herself as far as the sex thing goes.
@ Tara; oh well your loss!
@ycat: Again, whatever. If you actually watch the feeds, and BBAD, you will see that he KNOWS that he doesn’t have any power, even when he was in the HOH…but you are apparently completely set on hating him.
He would be considered ABNORMAL if he actually acted on threats, and, while you are whining about gameplay, please reassure me that you also had “issues” which each player that relied on those same tactics. Jessie, Ronnie, Russell, Chima.
And please, don’t compare Jeff to Chima. That just shows you are not really watching that show objectively.
Remember, Jeff HAD to play the game hard, in order to stay…especially after using the CDT…
Wow, okay, I get it now…it’s okay for others to fight for their ability to stay in the house, make mistakes, including saying stupid things, making threats and intimidating others, but it ISN’T okay for Jeff.
Whatever…gotta get back to work, break is over.
@fedup: I supported Jeff’s “statement” whole-heartedly and tried to tell you why it wasn’t offensive by listing his “actions.” Sooooo, who doesn’t know the difference?
No need to get personal, but I guess it’s just in some people’s nature…kinda like Natalie.
Gabrielle – Like Jordo you just can’t help yourself…play a game you can actually win…Listen little girl this is obviously not your playground…
Gabby – this is a blog about BB NOT you
Jessie was an ass
Ronnie was a weasel
Chima was a bitch
I believe Russell was just desperate. As I said, I did support Jeff and I loved it when he won CDT. But he let it go to his head. I don’t care for Kevin or Natalie. Along with Lydia, I thought they were idiots. Kevin did step up last week in the HOH, but what competition did he have? Not much.
Right fedup, so quit making it personal (about me) and move on. You are so wrong, and you know it. Take your medicine and move on, like you said you were going to 5 posts ago.
@147 – Tara. Who are you kiding. Your life is too sorry not to watch. Don’t forget the popcorn, soda, candy bars, and lard.
@ ycat
I agree…the CDT definitely changed the game. Think about it. Jeff controlled the game for 3 wks in a row. The 1st was when he used the CDT…the following wk he was basically HOH w/ Jordon…and then he reigned as HOH and this is when the “power” went to his head. If only he had to do over again. It really hit him when he realized he had been played and put on the block only to lose the VETO comp. Poor Jeff.
#147 -Tara. And don’t forget the crying towel.
WTF!! You still bitchin’? I’m sure everyone is amused…You’re obviously too sensitive…Now go play or if you’d rather go feast on some cookie dough!!
if jordan stays in the house she will be evicted by kevin and natalie.i hate say this but kevin and natalie are going to the final 2. maybe kevin and michele.jordan must go she ruined jeffs game. natalie doesn’t want jordan in the house anymore she wants jeff.jordan is stupid.she got played by k and the rat. jeff and jordan should trust michele more she shown shes a winner and would stick with j/j. but ratalie filled jordan air head with crap and it stayed in her head to the end.
You can’t call Jeff dumb for his move. If Kevin would have held up his part of the deal Jeff wouldn’t be called dumb but smart.
He gambled on his odds which looked better getting rid of Russel at the time.
We have all gambled and lost and we are not “dumb” for doing it-it’s just the way the cookie crumbles.
natalie must go
@fedup: Sounds good actually!
jeff had a good plan. but he changed evict kevin, lydia,russell in that order but no. ratalie got to jordan and now its over for both.
Someone just posted on FB that a site (like TMZ) reported it’s a Diamond Veto which negates Michele’s, and Michele is going home. Don’t know how they would know that as the eviction is supposed to be live.
I guess we’ll see tonight. Can’t wait.
Gabby – See…you and Jordo are kindred spirits…LMAO!!!
@ tj
Yea, Jordo really affected his game in the worse way…He realizes it, but not much he can do now.
@fedup: Is this still about me or not? ‘Cause we can keep it up, if you’d like.
Gabby – you’re so cute…reminds me of when Jordo booby bumped Russel…still LMAO!!!
It wouldn’t make sense for Michele to be the one on the block if Jeff is granted the Diamond Veto. Michele saved herself this week with POV. It would be unfair to sending her packing. The only one left to risk being on the block with Jordan is Natalie. That would be a great scenario.
Further, the producer said Pandora’s Box was not a power but more an HOH responsibility. Just doesn’t seem they will allow a Diamond Veto in that case.
I hope this is all cleared up tonight!!!!
Are you comparing yourself to Russell? Actually, I think we may have found the one thing we can agree upon today.
God, I am soooo bored waiting to find out if Jeff is safe or not, that I am actually entertained by your little quips…
Monica – When is the Diamond Veto supposed to come into play?
oops… suppose to
@fedup-lighten up please
let’s have fun with the discussions
Gabby – No, I am saying that you are just as simple as Jordo…but you apparently lack her sense of humor…
I’ve REALLY GOTTEN TO YOU , huh!!! You just won’t leave it alone…LOL!
They were reporting the Diamond Veto would be granted to Jeff for finding the key; therefore, he would have the option of saving himself this week. It is just a rumor but it has definitely taken off – has many of us annoyed at the possibility.
Monica – Well as it stands, Mich was smart enough to use the VETO on herself and Jeff and Jordon are now on the block. It seems to me that if the DV exist, it won’t be revealed until the live eviction. Jeff doesn’t seem to be aware bc J/J/M are still trying to get Nat to save Jeff. If he knew, he wouldn’t need her vote.
@ fedup – #180…
Very true!!!
You bring up something I’ve wondered about for awhile. Why do they all walk around with blankets and hoodies and covered up everywhere? Hasn’t this been LA in August? Is it that the lights are so bright they have to overcool the house?
To everyone saying how boring Kevin and Nat are, this can’t possibly be true, because hundreds of you are on the posts talking about them. I can’t stand Nat and not overly fond of Kevin, but please, someone, tell me what Jeff is doing that the others aren’t? Jeff is the one who sat on the floor of the HOH room each night and played solitaire while Jordan whined for him to come to bed. Jeff sits off my himself and chainsmokes. Jeff picks his ose almost as much as Nat, and he takes just as many naps. Oh, yes, Jeff cooks more than the others, is that what you’re enjoying? Seriously, why isn’t he boring?
#144 Jane
OMG, you cna’t be serious. YOu say “every time Jeff says something like that he ends it with a laugh?” Obviously you did not see the fight where he threatened Russell, where he actually told Production to get someone in there to stop him from cutting his throat. There was No laugh whatsoevcer. If you actually saw this and are making excuses for him, that is sad. If you didn’t see it, then you shouldn’t argue with those of us who did.
@Rene F
All good points…Don’t forget about him passing gas all the time. That makes him less sexy…doesn’t it? Last night he said that he “farts” alot before bed because he gets all relaxed…funny, but not attractive at all.
I could imagine the house has to be be pretty cool since it is a prop with lots of quipment throughout. Additionally, they have a full equipment room located behind the walls. That’s my guess.
Rene F – previously, I was re to #183…but I agree w/ you on #184 also
@ fedup
ah, yes, the farting, maybe that’s what they find interesting
IF candyass Jeff is allowed to stay, then we will all know the fix was in. Otherwise the viewers would have been told in advance what the Pandora’s Box would have been about. If he is allowed to save himself then we will know the producers were waiting to see who found it to decide what the reward would be.
I just read the following:
Kevin entered the mystery room and was trapped, handcuffed to the Pandora’s box. It’s unclear if the production ordered him to do it or not but when Jeff found the key to release Kevin he was given the choice to take the money and turn his back or “save” his house mate. Jeff chose to release Kevin opening the Pandora’s box, which is rumored to have a “Diamond Veto“, which will overrule Michelle’s PoV. Jeff is safe again!!
Not sure if it’s true or not…
I don’t believe it is over on the Pandy box.On the live feed, Jeff said it was like oh no big bonus for finding the key. Naaaa, I think there is something more. we will see tonight on the show and then we can fig it out. It has to be something more to be a twist. We will see.
UPDATE on a TMZ-type web site: Kevin entered the mystery room and was trapped, handcuffed to the Pandora’s box. It’s unclear if the production ordered him to do it or not but when Jeff found the key to release Kevin he was given the choice to take the money and turn his back or “save” his house mate. Jeff chose to release Kevin opening the Pandora’s box, which is rumored to have a “Diamond Veto“, which will overrule Michelle’s PoV. Jeff is safe again!! says the key that jeff found is also a damond veto that can overthrow michelle pov. can’t eait to find out if this is true
@ycat – I agree with you on comment 189. If the pandoras box was going to be something big like the cdt, then why didn’t the producers announce it and say what it was like they did with the wizard. It seems like they were waiting to see who would find it before they made their decision. It will definately NOT be fair for Michelle to get voted out because she played hard and won the pov.
Big Brother needs to throw in another power shot for Jeff and Jordan; so they get to stay.
This sucks; in Big Brother history no one good and who really needs the money ever wins. Its always the bad guys and jerks. Every year I say
I’m going to stop watching and then I watch and hope someone good gets it. Really sucks.
no it is how BB always works out. they are not going to tyell everyone what Pandy box is at the beginning anyway. It is just how it is played ouot.
no it is how BB always works out. they are not going to tell everyone what Pandy box is at the beginning anyway. It is just how it is played out.
Big Brother should let the Key that Jeff found be a Wizard Power that he can use to take hisself off the block and put Natalie up; then Jeff and Michelle can both vote Natalie out. Yeah Baby! Wishes, Wishes !
Yeah i like that.
Jeff is not going to vote Nat out. He likes her and believes everything she says. It is his fault she is still in the BB house. The only way Nat is leaving is MICHELLE. She is the only one who has not fallen for Nat’s stupid lies!!
I don’t care anymore if Jeff stays; I want both Nat and Jordan gone.
To #184 and #183 – There isn’t a man alive who
doesn’t fart, burp and spit; and obviously there are even women (Natalie) who does it. As for a nose picking; there is a difference to putting your finger up your nose and then just rubbing the outer part of the nose. If a booger comes out; yes that is unattractive; but all other nose rubbing is normally due to nerves. Anyway Jeff couldn’t be unattractive if he tried. Good Day to All.
I agree with you, I don’t think he will eather, which will be his downfall. (Well trusting N/K, in the first place was the start of the downfall for J/J.) If Jeff stays this week it will be a miracle. If he does, I want Jeff and Michelle in the final 2. If he doesn’t I want Michelle and Kevin. And your right I believe the only person with enough guts to get Natalie out is Michelle.
@Rene F #184: Oh, yes…I forgot that one…but when one talks about using fear and intimidation, one thinks that person is the aggressor…Jeff clearly didn’t provoke that one as Russell CLEARLY had reached deep to provoke Jeff.
It is the “sum” of all of any HG’s actions, talk, and threats that actually adds up for me. Jeff would have been the last person on earth that I thought would throw a punch, let alone cut someone’s throat. Come on, now. Don’t you remember what led up to that?
It was his right to back door anyone. And it was as much his right to run his mouth, as much as Russell had done.
Gameplay. Comon’ now. It’s okay when your favs do nasty stuff, but when those you don’t like do things…well, now, call the police!
I am not downplaying the comment. But I was just as “offended” when Kevin talked about Jeff “getting a bick fat dick up his ass”!
I would rather get my throat cut, thank you!
I have to disagree Jane # 203. That was the first big blow up and Jeff DID provoke it. Russ tried several times to quit talking about it but Jeff just kept on and on…
As always, it is interesting that passing gas, picking noses, etc. is rude only when those you don’t like do it.
When Natalie also farts, picks her nose, and comments on how much she smells…it’s all good.
Idiots. I watch the feeds, and BBAD…and I don’t turn away from those I don’t like, despite how hard it is to watch them.
You guys report back just what helps make your case…whatever.
Go on, believe that a douche-bag jock, being verbally attacked by someone on a total rage, and responding in kind, is the bad guy, let alone capable of slashing another human being’s throat, while applauding statments about “getting a big fat dick rammed up his ass”, by Kevin, as A-OKAY. Big thumbs up to you!
I am sure you can find a way to make that deserving considering Jeff took Kevin off the block and kept him in the game. Come on now!
Jane – I dont know if comment 205 was directed at me for #204 but if it is I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m just telling you the facts about one argument.
@Ashley #204: You are talking about when they went out to the yard after the veto and back door, right?
By “asking for it”, you are suggesting that Jeff asking Russell to “get it out” that (ie, share what he thought about the situation) made Jeff the aggressor? Seriously?
Scratching head and back to work.
Jane….the more you say the more ignorant you sound. To say that you would rather be murdered…… You have some serious issues.
@Jane – Russ kept trying to tell Jeff over and over to shut up and let it go that he got got. All Jeff did was keep sitting there provoking the argument. Seriously? Did you watch the feeds or did you just watch the tv version? Seriously? Go on and scratch your head and turn on flachbacks and rewatch it.
I don’t even know why this is brought up. It has NOTHING to do with what is going on now and for the record, I never said anything about farting and nose picking or Kevin’s statement so don’t jump down my throat for something I DID NOT SAY!!
@Ashley: I try to put numbers as I think they are helpful, for the reason you ask for clarification.
I am “remembering” the exchange in the yard after Russell was vetoed, and it was seriously awkward. I don’t know if I would have said anything to him…and I am not sticking up for Jeff, but if that is what you are referencing, I just didn’t take that, or any of that insanity, from either of them, seriously.
And I know I keep referring to the big dick comment from Kevin…but, I really am offended when I hear that, coming from the person who directly benefited from Jeff’s actions…it is the proverbial, knife in the back, especially since he doens’t have the nuts to say it directly to his face.
Everyone is dirty in that house.
I meant, backdoored.
Ashley: I meant Rene F. Forgive. I shouldn’t be multi-tasking.
@Jane – You got that right, EVERYONE is diry in that house!! No one is as dirty as Nat and I have NEVER been for her. I DID NOT condone Kev’s comment either and I have not said one time that I did. I apologize if I sounded rude but I got pissed when you called me an idiot.
No one is literally going to cut anyone’s throat… It’s like you have to fight fire with fire (a p|ssing m@tch, if you will), and Russell is one who will get in your face and try to intimidate you.
TC – That goes for women too. Only theirs smell worse.
Gabrielle, I agree. I think Jordan could hear which step Michelle was taking.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one to think so.
I had convinced myself that the powers that be would not let that happpen. Oh well, anxious for tonights happenings/
@ Jane – I happen to like Jeff. I also think that he is very attractive. However, anyone who just goes around farting (not counting the ones that may sneak up on you) all time is rude and unattractive. He lays in the bed w/ Jordan and just lets it rip. She certainly likes him and finally on last night told him to “go wash his a@@”. He should go to the bathroom or at least go off to himself.
@Jane and @Ashley – You both have valid positions…I think Ashley has a point when she says Jeff started the argument, because Jeff’s timing was all wrong. Why would he expect Russell to be anything other than confrontational right after the ceremony. Jeff should understand, especially since he said that he didn’t want to talk to anybody, including Jordan, after he lost the POV comp. On the other hand, Jeff’s timing doesn’t justify Rus going off.
@Gabrielle- You don’t know that. A few years ago one HG held a knife to a woman’s throat. The producers didn’t take any chances and they booted him. You never know what a person might do; especially when they are exhibiting rage. And then add $500,000 to the mix and there are alot of people who could go off the deep end. Some people will cut your throat for $1.
I think it’s interesting that Jeff tends to say some pretty sick things that he “doesn’t mean, like “I’ll kill your family” and “I’ll cut your throat” Mmmm…does he has some issues?
well if dv overrules michele veto. thats not fair to michele that means shes voted out not jordan?
@ycat: I agree with your assessment. I just read about that knife incident the other day, too, and totally forgot about it. Unfortunately, it looks like most of these HG’s weren’t screened very well before the show (Chima, Lydia, etc.).
I took it as two men trying to prove they weren’t afraid of each other, but you have a solid point.
At this point, I want Jeff to go to the JH, but if the DV exist, I think a better twist would be that Jeff could take himself off the block, Michele’s POV would still be in effect, and Nat would have to go on the block. Now that would hurt more than the CDT bc another one of Jesse’s Team would be evicted due to a twist.
@ fedup that would be the best move ever.
no more ratalie.bye
maybe BB will pick up on the idea;)
we will know on thursday if that happens?
people knock michele i see nothing wrong with her. shes just stressed.i like her.
Kevin and Natalie have been using “their” power to mess with everyone else in the house, saying they will hear them out (about possibly saving it) but knowing all the while, they’re not going to save anyone on the J/J/M side. Then, they laugh about all of the “awkward situations” they’re creating afterward.
Oh, how I would love to see this “twist” wipe the smiles off of their smug little faces.
i hope so.
If Jeff has the Diamond veto, and that’s a big IF, I don’t see where he could use it to put Michelle back up. When Jeff won CDT the HOH, Chima, AND Kevin, POV winner were inelegible to be put up. IF that is the case here, then Jeff would have to put Natalie up and decide between her and Jordan.
kevin must make his move he knows hes out no matter what happens this week.if he saves jeff or not.if michele wins hoh hes out.whats better making a lying cheat friend you never see again or 500k.she gets back with meathead she’ll have no time for kevin in the jh
what made kevin think that bb wanted to keep jeff in the house?
@tj: I like Michele, too. I seriously questioned what she would do when she won HOH, and when she said she was siding with J/J/R, she won me over for the final time. She has never waivered from her original alliance, even though she has given people on the NBK side reason to think she might.
Once she put Chima up, she was all right in my book. Then, she forgave Jeff again this week and tried to save him again from himself and Jordan. She made some pretty convincing arguments to Kevin on Jeff’s behalf. I’m surprised Kevin didn’t give it more consideration before he dismissed it.
As far as I’m concerned, the smelliness, weird faces, crying, etc. don’t bother me. The only thing that does is the chewing (mouth open) near her mic. I wish she knew how it sounded.
is that how the dv worked before in other bb shows?
@ycat: I read somewhere that the Diamond Veto trumps the regular veto which would then force Michele back on the block. I don’t think it’s fair since she earned it.
Also, would MUCH rather see Jordan and Natalie on the block than Jeff & Michele.
@ gab i agree 100%
@ tj – #: 233 – There was some comment made on BBAD that the producers tried to convince Kevin to keep Jeff in one of his Diary Room sessions, but he wouldn’t go for it.
@ gab i hope don’t happen. a new twist is needed like they said.
is their a veto next week?
Thanks all for a day of speculation to help wait out the actual events of tonight.
I watch this one web site where they type all of the live feeds, and they usually have the show all typed out about an hour before it’s televised.
This should be about 6 p.m. PST. If anyone is interested, I can spoil it for you.
The only time I can find where there was a diamond veto was on BB4. I don’t know how it was utilized other than Allison took herself off the block, put up another HG, and then she picked one to evict.
It’s called mortystv, if you want to ruin it for yourself.
@Ashley #214: I really try not to call anyone an idiot. That was bad form. And I am in perfect agreement as to Natalie.
Keeping Jeff, is, for me, twisting the house, and isn’t this supposed to be about entertainment.
When I am deciding who is more deserving it is on gameplay, not need.
If I want to be “charitable”, I donate time, services, money to those in need (I really do), but this big brother is supposed to be about gaming…
I would so love to see a twist. Anyways, as to Jeff’s ex-athlete, uncouth behavior, I am certain that he is gonna get an ear-full from his momma. No wonder he is still single, although, that could also be a consequence of, ironically, being a bachelor.:)
@tj- There should be a veto until they get down to F3.
Oh, and the charity thing wasn’t aimed at you, I have this “thinking aloud” problem on top of multi-tasking poorly thingy.
Another possibility I haven’t seen mentioned. If Jeff leaves and comes back, or someone else returns, CBS could extend the show past 9/15 by a week, just to milk the ratings they are getting. Probably won’t happen, but I thought I would just throw that out there.
@ jane i think this is a wake call to jeff if he stays i think he knows he screwed up should not have listen to jordan.
This other web site I mentioned states there is going to be another eviction and HOH on Sunday, the 6th. Not sure if they have their facts right, but it would support the theory that someone is staying or coming in the house this week.
i see michele winning both hoh and veto next week .if jeff leaves
@ gab they evict untill thursdays?
they evict on thursday?
It seems like, and I may be wrong, that they have done an eviction on Sunday at least once. I know they have done a double eviction, both coming on Thursday, but it does seem like they have done Thursday/Sunday before.
@ tj: Yeah, that’s what’s confusing & suspicious about this week’s events. Usually, they have an eviction every Thursday, but if this twist somehow keeps a houseguest; they may need another one on Sunday.
Or, just like everything else today, it could just be a mistake on the web site; and I’m reading too much into it, hoping for the best for Jeff.
I think they were supposed to have a double eviction (Sunday/Thursday)the week that Chima got expelled but didn’t need to after all.
sunday hoh , pov and eviction all on sunday they did that already with chima blowup
double eviction mey be done.
Oh yeah, against Jordo and Natalie, Michele should have it sewn up which is why I was so confused that Kevin wouldn’t even entertain her offers.
However, Kevin and Natalie both said HOH doesn’t matter next week. The only thing that matters is POV, which Kevin will be able to play for, so they don’t care if Michele will win HOH apparently.
i hope michele and jordan start hanging out again.
POV is the big one next week, as it’s a save of someone and the single vote to oust someone. However, the HOH is still protected from eviction.
I’m thinking there may be a Sunday eviction if the time table the Gabrielle provided earlier is correct. One this week, one next week, would still leave one too many on finale night…
@TJ #248: After listening to him since not winning the veto, I guarantee he got his wake-up call…
Jordan will be the first one to tell Jeff he shouldn’t listen to her, if he has a future in that house.
Jeff, if he does get a chance to stay, will have a whole ‘nuther game face on, I would bet.
@ gab michele put up kevin and ratalie up. who will kevin take off ? himself. ratalie won’t come close to winning pov
All HOH really wins in the next round is safety. POV winner picks who goes to the jury. Unless, of course, the same person wins both. Then whoever the HOH decides not to put up gets to vote one of the 2 others out.
@ laura oh i see your right
@ ycat i see
I’m not supporting their dumb theories, only relaying them. LOL! ;)
Also, on Facebook, Big Brother puts this post:
Another mysterious twist lies behind this closed door. Will it affect the game?
What do you think the twist in tonight’s episode will be?
Why would they do this unless it’s something good? It’s hard to believe they’re going to promote something boring like so-and-so won x number of dollars without some twist.
come on michele win both please one time one time. important she wins both.
Almost time. It will be so frustrating if they don’t reveal the twist of Pandora’s Box tonight and we have to wait until Thursday night. Usually Tuesdays are taped and Julie isn’t even there.
Speaking of Julie, I heard that she is due sometime in October. (Don’t know when) Wouldn’t the ultimate surprise be if she went into labor during the live finale?
@ gab yea right why make a big deal about pandora box so what 3,100 dollar.
I mean if she goes a little early. I’m not wanting her to have a premature birth.
Interesting to note: Alison G. producer said in an interview that Julie’s baby would be the 14th houseguest, if he/she arrives early.
However, unless someone else comes into the house, there were only 12 HG’s this season + Julie’s baby = 13, not 14.
Hey Jane, I love entertainment value also. I think I get so wrapped up in who I want to win that I sometimes forget it is a tv show. I’ve always loved the twists in BB.
americas going to vote for jeff to stay this week.
Oh, I’m sweating… I will hold out “hope” for Jeff until the credits roll on Thursday’s show.
Once I see him enter the JH, all of my eggs will move to Michele’s basket.
they just said will it be the hg or you who saves the next from eviction.
Can you guys imagine Natalie or Jordan with $500,000? I’m not saying they couldn’t be responsible in “real life,” but my brain starts warping about how they might waste it.
Natalie would probably buy lots of candy & mani/pedis.
Jordan may help her family out, but I could see a lot of people flocking to her to convince her to do something stupid with it.
Sorry, in advance, if this is a mean train of thought.
Please explain, if you can…
jordan said we are team mates to michele jordan should stick together she should listen to herself speak the airhead
if you can hear the intro listen real carefully maybe i hearing wrong.
@Gabrielle- I am only about 40 miles from Matthews, NC, which is where they said Jordan is from. If she wins, I may have to go looking for her. LOL
She has already shown she likes older men. (Maybe not as old as I am) And my wife might have something to say about it. Still, $500,000………
@ycat: I was about to say that the odds of her winning are so small, that your wife should just authorize it; but now I’m second-guessing that b/c I think K/N want to take her to the F2 as the weakest competitor, and she may just end up with the sympathy vote.
I’m thinking that if the person who unleashes Pandora’s BOX, Is in the sense bad, or bad fortune unleashes on them.. IDK. We will see.
Well, it can’t get any worse for Jeff. Hopefully, it’s unleashed on Kevin. I really liked him before this week, too. Actually, I start disliking most of the HG’s during their HOH week.
Oh and did anyone else notice, that russles square wasn’t blacked out at the beginning of todays show.. I noticed it and didn’t think about until now… So let’s see.. This Pandora’s box thing cannot be over.
So Gabrielle, You think it will backlash on kevin for being greedy, I figured that it meant that he opened it up, so when it locked him in, I think the producers where hopping that he stayed locked until all the money was picked up by everyone.. that would have been evil.
Maybe they will bring Russell back just to save Jeff from getting his ass whipped.
Seriously, I think Russell will just fall on the floor laughing when he sees Jeff walk into the JH.
Idk, Kevin literally hasn’t made any enemies in the house.. he is cool calm and collective. But I personally think that this is how it could work.. Evict Jeff of course, but allow him to come into the house and become HOH. Idk, I pray that this Thing isnt a done set deal..
Interesting – Never thought of the Russell angle. I think if they brought Russell back in (“evil unleashed”) the house, and he saw Jeff on the block, he would fall down on the floor laughing and not be able to collect himself to start playing the game again.
jay kevin is putting f3 in natalie hands do you think he can trust natalie ? he should listen michele shes making him think real hard.what he tells natalie and his dairy room are complete different.
Looks like if there is anything else to PB, we won’t know what it is until Thursday.
Natalie is the worst player ever. Why is she still even here? she has not won a thing! If Kevin was smart he would of put her up and made a deal with michhelle, jeff, and jordan. Kevin is in the hands of Natalie. She has to win HOH or Kevin is pretty much done. (KEVIN IS PUTTING HIS GAME IN THE HANDS OF A PERSON THAT HAS NEVER ONE A SINGLE THING) . reallll smart kevin.
UGGGHHHHH!!! Two more days of this… I don’t know how much more I can take.
Where was Julie??
Hey everyone! The pandora’s box thing is over and it was only about money. The only thing that can save Jeff is Kevin.
@lexxxx- Might not be a bad move. If they get rid of Jeff this round, he only has to worry about Michelle winning POV. And then only if she doesn’t win HOH. If Natalie or Jordan win HOH (highly unlikely), then Michelle can win POV and put him out. If Michelle wins HOH, then he can win POV and save himself, OR he can con the one HG who gets to vote. Nat would spare him,if it’s her, or he can draw on Jordan’s sympathy by saying how it wasn’t him who even wanted to put Jeff up.
Brenda- Julie is only on the live shows.
Jordon said there is always hope….well it is said in PD box written at the bottom is the word Hope…could this mean something for Jeff?
More news in on Pandora’s Box. It seems that BB has raised the stakes on Pandora’s Box. The cash prizes that the HGs won on in the Pandora’s Box event were only a teaser leading up to the real and amazing prizes and twists that are in the near future. Pandora’s Box is not over. Even though the HGs will be lead to believe it is. Thursday night’s episode of BB will be full of ups, downs and twists. Enough to make every viewer wanting more.
Jeff will win something for his kindness of unlocking Kevin and freeing him from Pandora’s box. He is going to be given an unprecedented gift. Jeff is guaranteed a spot in the final two. He is also winning an additional $6,000. This is good news for all of you Jeff fans, but wait there is more. There also has to be a replacement HG to be nominated for eviction. BB has thought of that and the key also gives Jeff to offer any HG $100,000 to leave the show and go to the Jury House. This is a very profitable twist to the game for one very lucky HG. It is also rumored that the key may go to a Hybrid that Jeff can drive home with when the show is over.
There is even a twist to Jeff’s winnings though. Unknown to Jeff, Kevin will win a Diamond Veto that you may have heard a rumor of. The Diamond Veto will give Kevin the power to trump Jeff’s offer and either keep the $100,000 for himself and go to the Jury House, or choose who he wants to go, excluding Jeff, in place of Jeff’s decision. This in fact gives Kevin the power to choose who he wants gone. Kevin is also winning an additional $4,000 for his confinement in Pandora’s Box. Things are getting interesting, bit more is still on it’s way.
BB is not done with this. For all of you BB fans that do not like Natalie, you will enjoy this. For being the greedy one and not trying to free Kevin, Natalie is going to be awarded a Penalty. Natalie is going to receive a cat costume (whiskers, ears, tail and all) to wear for the entirety of her stay in the BB house. To me that is just funny. Who says BB doesn’t have a sense of humor.
Other house guests left are also winning prizes of their own. I guess all of the griping, crying, and moaning in the house has paid off. HGs have been saying the more they complain the more they receive.
Michele is going to win a phone call to her hubby and an additional $2,000. Not to shabby if you ask me. Some would say she needs to hear from a friendly voice by now.
Jordan gets maybe the most unusual prize of them all. With all of the publicity if Jordan and her cookie dough obsession Jordan will win a lifetime supply of Pillsbury cookie dough. She is also going to win a contract for an undisclosed amount of money to be a spokes model, doing adds and commercials. It is unknown how long the contract is for, but Jordan will have cookie dough whenever she wants for now on as I see it.
All of these prizes, penalties, and powers are rumored to be awarded Thursday before the live eviction. Big brother is keeping all of the HGs in the dark until then to really mix things up and make them think on their feet. They will all be told of their awards separately before the show. Natalie will not have to start her penalty until the HOH competition if she remains in the house.
BB fans this is a major change to the outcome of the game. HOH will be important next week and everything is going to be more insane in the house than it usually is. Who will win and how will everyone react to the news. I guess you will just have to tune in on Thursday to find out live with everyone else.
Just found the link to that information on someone’s Facebook post. Not sure if it’s true or not…
can any one tell me why kevin called jeff name frist to get the key to unlock him? he put him on the block, why is he asking jeff for his help? then kevin called nat to get the key, didn;t he see the true nat for what she is?
Sounds a bit far fetched to me…..
@ ycat – me too
I don’t think that is going to happen but it would be entertaining.
Also, @angel – the money thing happened before the nominations, i think. If i’m wrong someone please let me know.
Can I retract that – #:300? I feel stupid for falling for it. The cookie dough spokesperson makes me feel really stoooooopid, although I would L-O-V-E if any/all of those things happened.
Who would spend all of that time just to trick people?
@Gabrielle- Are you part Jordan?
Just kidding
@ ycat #307 LMAO!!!!
Maybe Miss Julie is having twins 12 + 2 =14
this is such a great site. i love seeing all of the updates, because i could never wait till they show it on tv. THANKS to whoever made this site(: its amazingggg! (:
jeff holds the key to stay . If BB gives this D-bag a chance to stay in the house we know the fix is in.Nice editing to make southern miss Piggy look so sweet.this game is so scripted
oh man do i hope that keeey brings back Jeff.Ii wanted him to win since day 1! he is such a goood player, and he deserves it because he’s the only one daring enough to make HUGE moves in the game.
@lexxxx- What ‘daring’ moves has he made?
UHM, puttting Natalie and Jesse on the block TOGETHER (BREAKING THEM UP). Getting russell out and blindsighting him. must i say more?
Backdooring Russell was just plain Dumb. Had he kept his word, he and Russell could have made F2, and that would have been his only chance of winning the game. And there was nothing ‘daring’ about putting Jessie and Natalie up. He was given a power and he used it. It was an intelligent use of the power, but hardly daring.
Besides, putting Natalie up was only because somebody had to go up. Jessie was the target all along.
@ycat. WOW, first of all your wrong about the f2 deal. Russell and Michelle had that deal already made. Russell was very sneaky, and who knows what he would of done.AND that power that he got was one of the best things someone could have ever done. He could of played it safe, and thought “if i dont use this, then i wont have any enemies” but he was “DARING” and used it. so if your gonna tell me for a ssecond that it wasnt daringgg your totally wrong.
he put up natalie, because he knew she would of kept him here to stay and gave him a vote
woah there Leo. you must have alot of time on yours hands to write all that crap. LOL
everybody thinks the key will save jeff,but actually it will open a door and behind that door will be standing RUSSEL waiting to bloody him up but lardo jordo comes to save the day and sits on RUSSEL and sufficates him .Nat confesses shes realy a 25 year old man
Really? Remix and a country version too…You are hilarious LOL!!
@ronnie. are you a RONNIE FAN? you just must be jealous. (:
@lexxxx- YOU are wrong. He used the power to get rid of Jessie and that is all. Nat was only one vote. Even with Russell voting to keep Jessie, it would still have been 3-2.
Daring means taking a chance. Keeping Russell would have been daring. And smart. Russell had his targets, but he was true to his word within his alliance.
because ronnie got out even be4 he got a stop in the JH. LOL
@lexxxx- But there was NO WAY Natalie was going at that time. Since Chima couldn’t vote, Jessie had to be the one. Just like when Kevin put Jordan up tonight. He COULD have put Natalie up, but that was never going to happen.
@ Fedup Thanks….
@ Fedup / Lexxx…. Do any of you watch Survivor? If so, do you ant to join me and other great BB fans on my Survivor Samoa Blog Site? If so you can email me at ok?
@Leo. i watched the last one.. but doesnt samoa come on in like later september sometime?
lexxx go find CHIMA shes in the diary room oh no shes not she had a 2 year old tantrum and lost 1/2 a MILL cause she was pissed a STEROID freak went to the juryhouse HA HA HA !!! OH YEA isnt that where the TATOO chick is.
once again, stupid move on his part. if natalie doesnt win HOH, he is pretty much screwed (unless he wins POW). because michelle said he would be his target, and if Jeff or Jordan wins (whoever stays in the house) they are ovbiiously gonna target him to. REMEMBER natalie hasnt won anything yet, and putting his fate in her hands is not a very good decision on his part.
@ronnie- go find the four eyed video game freakk in the jury house. OHWAIT. he didnt make it that far. HAHAHAHAH
@Leo – Thanks for the invite. I love Survivor…I look forward to it.
michelle is the smartest person in the house & as I SAID WHEN I WAS IN THERE the CRASIEST long live the FORCE !!!!
@ronnie- michelle is smart, but not the smartest. =]
@ Fedup… No problem… send me an email and I will give you all the info ok? Have a good night everyone!!!
@ Ronnie…. If it is the BB11 Ronnie… Wuz up Bro… If not… Wuz up bro? *** L~O~L *** Join my Survivor Blog Ronnie ad Lexxx ok?
AM I TALKING TO THE RONNIE THAT WAS IN THE bb11 HOUSE? wow, if so im verrrry excited
@Leo – Done…Good Night
LEXXX &LEO is that you guys or is it JORTARDO you know JEFFS RETARDED BFF
@ronnie- stop hattttttttin on jeff and jordan
@ycat: I expect an apology if any of that comes true on Thursday. ;) Also, you just only said yourseld that it was “a bit far-fetched” – #: 303.
@fedup: At least I’ll admit when I’m wrong – unlike you just a-cussing and a-moaning when you’re called out on some ridiculous statement you came up with yourself.
Later – Peace Out – School you some more on the flip side.
Gabrielle – You’ve got ISSUES…admit it you are Jordan’s clone LOL!!!
Gabby – 1/2 day later and you’re still bitchin’…Get a life
@ Gabrielle / Ronnie…. Are you guys Survivor fans? If so, join my Survivor Blog site… My info is in an earlier post ok? Same goes to anyone who loves Survivor as much as BB… Have a good night all!!!
@ Fedup…. I sentyou an email back with my regular email…. I wll have the Survivor info to you in 7-10 days ok? Have a good night & sweet dreams!!!
******* Roonnie / Jessie / Chima / Natalie and team NBK was all that!!! Go Kevin / Natalie!!! Final 2 baby!!!
@ronnie- are you the real ronnie? from the bb11 house?
@lexxxx – I was thinkin’ the same thing ;)
@ronnie-to bad your sitting home, watching someone else win the half millll (:
and im supppper glad that its not you winning it. you were a liar, and its so funny how you didnt even make it that far. LOLOL. (even if this is ronnie)
have fun watching from the sidelines.
@ronnie get off the boards now before hgs get in trouble
anybody up
guess not
Breaking up J/J now is the best strategy.
Had he got rid of Natalie he would have lessened his chances. She isn’t much, but she is another chance at survival.
Let’s say he had put Nat up and she gets evicted. Here are the possibilities next week:
Jeff or Jordan wins HOH. Michelle and Kevin go up. Kevin has to win POV to ensure his safety. If J/J wins, nominations stay the same and most likely they vote Kevin out. If Michelle wins, Kevin is gone.
Michelle wins HOH. She puts up Kevin and either Jeff or Jordan. If Michelle wins POV, nominations stay the same and whoever isn’t put up, Jeff or Jordan, votes Kevin out. If Jeff or Jordan wins, same result. Kevin is out. The only way he stays is if he wins POV.
If, however, Jeff goes out, then he has a couple of chances. Natalie could win HOH over Jordan and Michelle. If Michelle wins, and he doesn’t win POV, either Natalie votes Jordan out, or he can play on Jordans sympathy saying he never wanted Jeff to be evicted. She would feel so alone without Jeff she would buy it. In fact the only way he wouldn’t have a chance is if Michelle DOESN”T win HOH, but does win POV.
Okay, I’m ignorant…..what is LML
Hope Jeff gets power to stay…Jord can go or Nat…
LML= last minute lie
The lie K/N/L came up with about Russell wanting to take Jeff out before F4.
Yo morons #271 & 309. There were 13 house guests. There were 4 clicks, 3 ppl per click + Meathead Jesse makes 13. Count them. 1. Braden 2. Laura 3. Jordan 4. Lydia 5. Casey 6. Kevin 7. Chima 8. Michelle 9. Ronnie 10. Jeff 11. Russell 12. Natalie and oh yeah #13 MEATHEAD JESSE!!! So yeah Julies baby would indeed make 14. Go back to kindergarten and learn to count.
The houseguests did indeed say that they could feel which way the people on the other side of them were stepping during the POV that Jordan won. Jeff said it and so did Michelle. Jordan told Michelle she could feel which way she stepped but that it did not influence her decision. BS! If you go back and watch it. There were at least 3 times that Jordan stepped one way and then changed her mind and stepped the other way.
#345 let it go. ur 2 uptight. b more secure with urself. u subjected urself to the jordo comments.
Nat and Kevin boring and discusting. I am through watching if Jeff goes home.
I wish people would stop calling it a twist, because there was no twist.
Nat and Kev wre smart they sat back and waited for us to make moves. Now they are still there and we are all out.Please no more J&J…
look on live feeds LARDO I mean JORDO is eating more cookie dough RUSSEL was right!
now 30 something D-BAG is farting again
Ronnie quit trying to act like you are Ronnie from BB. Nobody’s buying it. Someone tried to do the same thing and act like they were Jesse after he was evicted. Apparently that person doesn’t watch BB or they would have known that Jesse was in the jury house and there was no possible way that he could have been on here. The real Ronnie would blog annonamously and use a screen name. He wouldn’t use the name Ronnie.