Big Brother 11: Week 7 HoH Competition Endurance Results

Tonight’s Big Brother 11 Head of Household competition truly turned out to be an endurance battle as the HGs are racing to see who can “recycle” the most soda cans by dropping them into narrow tubes from their elevated platform. The first houseguest to reach 24 cans wins, but if no one reaches that threshold after an hour whoever has the most will be crowned the winner.

You can watch the HoH competition play out right now on the the Live Feeds. Don’t have the Big Brother Feeds yet? No problem, you can sign-up here now with the Free Trial to join the rest of us and watch it all live and uncensored!

Update @ 6:30PM BBT: The live feeds are back and the HGs are already inside having dinner! Well nuts. Let’s see who is revealed as the winner.

Kevin said, “F you, Jeff” kiddingly though, so maybe Jeff got it. Jeff is talking quickly and excitedly with how he was playing so I’m thinking…

Confirmed: Jeff is the new HoH. Michele just asked what snacks he requested, so I’m taking that as confirmation. Kevin lost by 1 can!

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  1. I don’t think that Chima should have quit. It really turn the house around, and I don’t know if that’s for the worst or the better. In a way, I’m kinda glad that Nat. Didn’t go home. I cannot stand Lydia…I really think that she is CRAZY. Seriously…did u see how she was talking to Julie? I hope Kevin wins HOHM I don’t even like his aliance, but his game play is pretty good. He deserves pics of the fam too. Overall, I’m with Jeff, and Jorden all the way!

  2. @shanita:

    Chima did not quit, she was fired for ruining her mic, and if Kevin wins HOH he will put up Jordan & Jeff without a doubt.


  4. do u knw who won hoh? or do u knw where i can watch it? it wont let me on here to try it for free

  5. jeez all you jeff and jordan fans are nuts. there is no way if jeff wants to win that he will take jordan to the finals. little miss innocent would win in a landslide. Jeff would be smart to get rid of russell this week and take michelle to the final if he wants to win. What are they gonna do about the jury house. with chima gone there will be only six jurors and there cannot be a tie in the final.

  6. I have a question for all the J/J fans…. Do you think Jeff will honor his deal with Natalie and jeep her safe this week? Jeff told Natalie that if he wins, Natalie is safe this week…. He told Jordan earlier that he was going to keep his word… Is this possible? He has to nominate 2 people for eviction… Kevin and who else if he is going to keep his word? I only ask because everyone seems to think Jeff has so much integrity…. Well?

  7. good i was worried the last person evicted before jessie would go to the jury house and that was ronnie had way too much of him to want him back

  8. I can’t get my live feed working. Is anyone else having a problem with real player? It keeps telling me i have a “proxy error.” IDK what that means. I’m so glad Jeff is HOH!!! I can’t believe they kept Nat in the house she’s such a little sneak.

  9. Did Jeff promise not to nominate Natalie? If so, Kevin needs to come clean on the lie and backstab her ASAP.

  10. Hopefuly with another week J/J WILL PUT 2 AND 2 together and deside Nat is a lier.
    but I am afraid not she will only worm in deeper and tell a bigger and better one with poor Kevin as the scape goat.

  11. believe jeff will keep his word and put up michelle and russell but he may use kevin as a pawn and try to backdoor russell

  12. Leo, first of all I am a Jeff fan, BUT do I think he’s lied? Of course. If he hasn’t lied and won’t lie, then why did he go in this house?!?! Personally, I think he’ll put Kevin and Nat up with the thought of sending Kev home. IF anyone changes POV, Russ goes up and goes home.

    Of course things change by the minute in this house so its hard to say what will happen

  13. @ Eamon…. Yes Jeff promised Natalie that if he won the HOH he would not nominate her this week… Kevin will throw himself under the bus if he admits to spreading a lie even if Natalie old him too because he was the one who threw gas on the fire….

  14. hate to say this but noone this season is nearly as good as dan at manipulating the game although the drama is way better this year

  15. Nice, unfortunately, I would’ve rathered Michelle win, I love the Jeff, Jordan, Russle and Michelle alliance and I think Jeff will break that up and then the house will be three sided, Gnat and Kevin, Jeff and Jordan, Michelle and Russle. And frankly, Jordan isn’t great with the competitions, so I don’t think that Jeff and Jordan will remain in charge next week long enough to take out the remaining member of whatever team is now out to get them.

  16. How come other people are getting live feeds when I am jsut getting trivia. It took me forever to get on and I dont have anything but trivia. So unfair

  17. If you watched tonight, Russell said that as far as he was concerned that Jeff and he were even… So I think if he had won he would have possibly put Jeff up. He doesn’t feel like he owes him anything else.

  18. Jeff is finally playing the game since his mystery power! He played that one right! My prediction would be Jeff & Russell for the final two. Jordan has not played the game, Kevin is a floater, time to go for Natalie, Michelle, Jeff & Russell for the final three would make this season interesting. I must say though, this season really has not been as good as previous seasons.

  19. Will, I was thinking the same thing, why would Jeff take Jordan to the final 2 knowing she would win. I guess if he does, it means he really loves her and its not about the money. On the other hand, knowing that Jordan is not the strongest or smartest, I wonder if he is hoping that the 3rd person left would take her out. It would really be interesting to see if J/J are in the final 3 and Jeff had a chance to throw the HOH to Jordan like he did last week if he would. I really don’t like the way he has been playing lately, but I am still hoping that one of the “good” guys will win.

  20. does anyone really believe that jeff and jordan will last after the show ends come on people when the cameras stop they go back to their own lives

  21. @ Jackie…. Jeff said specifically that I won’t put you up Natalie if I win and you are safe… In return Natalie said I ill not put you or Jodan up…. I believe Jeff will honor his word and put Michelle / Kevin up with the hopes of Backdooring Russell…. Or Russell / Kevin up and evict Kevin… This is the problem with keeping Natalie… If Russell is evicted and there is an endurance comp next week for the final 5 HOH (which usually happens every year for the final 5… Natalie would be the favorite… Why do I say this when Natalie hasn’t won… The first challenge was an endurance and herand Russell lasted the longest… Jeff can’t compete next week…. Don’t underestimate Natalie J / / R / M Fans!!!

  22. As romantic as you all think Jeff is, it was in his best interest to throw last weeks HOH, since he knew Jordan would win, and she would do whatever he told her to, It was better that she won, so he would have a chance to win tonight (which he did) I agree, Jeff needs to ditch Jordan before the final two, as he wont win. But he needs to keep here until then, she is a puppet that will do his bidding.

    Jeff will NOT put up Russel if he knows what is good for him, if he really wants Russel out he will back door him using the POV.

    Get rid of Michelle! thats what I think!

  23. @Connie, the live feeds came back for awhile, and then they switched to trivia when Natalie started talking about Chima working for a big celebrity. Then came back for a little bit, then Jeff started singing…

  24. joanne i think jeff will try to take michelle to the final 3 with him and jordan then throw the hoh to michelle so she will be the one to evict jordan because she has to know that she can’t beat jordan either

  25. @ seenthemall…. Natalie isn’t going this week… Why do I say this? Jeff / Jordan / Natalie have an agreement that if Natalie won, she wouldn’t nomiate Jeff / Jordan this week… If Jeffwon, he would not nominate Natalie this week… I do believe they will get rid of Natalie in the next week or two, but I tink Jeff will honor his word and either evict Kevin or backdoor Russell this week!!!

  26. I highly highly doubt they will get rid of Michelle this week. Unless the lies get unbearable, but as of now, she and Jordan are the only ones that should feel safe.

  27. Leo, I think I agree with you on that, BUT things happen so fast in that house, it is so hard to predict.

  28. Can’t say how or when but Jeff and Michele do have an agreement with each other to go to final 2 together. Jeff would take out Russell if need be and Michele would take out Jordan. Don’t under estimate Michele or Jeff either.

  29. Why is it taking so long to connect to the live feeds? I too am getting a proxy error. I would also like to know why i was not able to see the whole Chima issue. I even went to the Flashback to see it. Me, D & K were all pissed because we could not see it. All we saw was friggin trivia. Oh and alot of fish tales, WTF? I thought we paid for all of these episodes that they could not put on tv? I call BS

  30. besides, how does russell think that he and jeff are even he hasn’t done anything to help jeff and jeff gave him the hoh one week and saved him from certain eviction last week as far as i’m concerned he still owes jeff at least one more

  31. natalie needs to goo ok;jeff deserved to win HOH if nat the rat stays much longer i will not be watching big brother!

  32. really kevin and russell should go next russ has won 20K and kevin has won 10 or fifteen so they don’t need to win anymore money

  33. GO JEFF OR RUSSEL!!!! That would be a good final two…but if either of them want to win, they need michelle sitting next to them in the final 2. Lidya, Nat, Kevin and Jessi all hate her

  34. Hello, Everyone this is my first comment of the season. I am very happy with the turn of events in the BB house the last few weeks. Jessie leaving due to the CDT was the beginning and Chima gets whatever she deserves she was a mouthy unsophiscated woman being a child in the house and who used the BB house as a possible pedistle to make a career for her self in other reality well she went too far and will never be seen again. I hope Nat goes soon for she is the one who is behind alot of controversy and laying low. Jessie said in his out interview he surrounded hisself with winners what a crock. Now Jeff winning is awesome and I hope he goes to the F2 with Jordan. Just to show loyalty and respect can prevail in this game..

  35. I love that Jeff won! I was really worried about the decision to keep Natalie over Lydia. I was afraid it would come back, but…He won so at least 2 more weeks of Jeff and Jordan!

  36. @ spongebob…… I guess you won’t be watching anymore bro… Jeff will honor his word with Natalie and keep he safe to a) evict Kevin this week or b) backdoor Russell…

    Jeff told Natalie that if he wins, Natalie is safe this week…. He told Jordan earlier that he was going to keep his word… Is this possible? He has to nominate 2 people for eviction… Kevin and who else if he is going to keep his word? I only ask because everyone seems to think Jeff has so much integrity….

    I think Jeff will nominate Michelle (as a pawn) and Kevin and back door Russll…. IfRussell wins the HOH, he will ha Kevin eviced….

    The only problem with this is that is both Russell / Nataie are here next Tursday, they get to competefor thefinal 5 HOH…. If it is a endurance challenge which usually occurs for the finl 5 comp then Russel / Natalie are the favorites if Russell isn’t backdoored and Jeff keeps his promise with Natalie… I think Russell will jump ship and join forces with Natalie because he knows Jordan / Michelle are tight and Jeff and Jordan would rather take Michelle to the final 3 because she will be easier to beat than Russell… Jeff can’t compete next week for the HOH, so he would have to depend on Jordan / Michelle in a physical comp aginst Natalie and a paranoid Russell (if Russell is’t back doored)….. Don’t underestimate Natalie BB fans… Natalie and Russell were the last two hanging in the first HOH endurance comp….

  37. Something on the show is going to happen tho…since chima was sent home now they are one person short right now so its like they are a show ahead. So either no one is goin home one week or they are going to bring someone back, or new. But something is going to go down this week.

  38. I agree with George. I too am having trouble connecting to the live feeds and am getting the same proxy error. I also agree with him reguarding the whole chima issue. We paid to see live feeds 24/7 so why did we get FISH all friggin weekend! I feel ripped off and this was my first time getting the live feeds and i may not subscribe again. K & G and i were very upset that we were unable to see the feeds when chima, natalie and lydia were throwing their temper tantrums, thats what the live feeds are for. If i wanted to see fish I’d look at my fish tank!

  39. Yes I would of really enjoyed watchinh Nat Leave but she cant win nothing in this game and I think she may go this week.. If not this week for sure next:)

  40. @CP
    I think they’re on schedule now since tonight was supposed to be double eviction anyway.
    Lydia/Chima are now gone, so…

  41. Leo you are underestimating Michelle. Don’t forget in the HOH that Russ won, the girl that was on the longest was Michelle — not Natalie!

  42. Yes BB is on schedule and America will be voting in place of the missing jury party this season.

  43. Ok… i did not now that….so I would like to see jeff win but he needs to be careful who he evicts this week or he might be in trouble next week. I think kevin or russel needs to go depending on who they all have aggreements with. I would really like natalie to go though because she is just annoying.

  44. Natalie is the biggest floater in BB history she cannot win nothing but Michelle has won the most this season do not underestimate that lady. Shes got it going on:)

  45. @ Matt….I think that is why i dont like natalie at all…she floats too much and is a huge liar…she was lying from day one when she lied about her age.

  46. I agree with you CP but I guess the best strategic move for Jeff is to get rid of Russell I Think and yes NAT is annoying but not a threat

  47. What do you think kevin whispered to j/j after POV? Jor mouth wide open. i thought maybe he told them Nat said she would nominate them if she won hoh? He had to assure he wasn’t a replacement if jor used pov

  48. I think Russell needs to go cuz he will turn his back on Jeff in a heartbeat. he already said that they were even and they are sooo not even. he SAVED him from going home that week.

  49. @ Matt M…. Read my previous post…. Jeff will not nominate Natalie becausethey made a deal to keep eachother safe if they won the HOH…

    @ Jackie…. Did you read my post…. Natalie wasn’t even sore after the frst HOH comp…. She wasn’t effective in the 2nd endurance copm because of the water… Remember Sheila from season 8 Jackie? She kicked but when she won the HOH endurance comp but sucked in the water endurance comp… That is simular to Natalie… If it is a hanging endurance / physical comp where you have to hold your body up for a long period of time, Natalie will be the favored to win if Russell is back doored this week… That will leave Ntalie / Kevin against Michelle / Jordan… If Kevin is evicted, it will leave Natalie against Jordan / Michelle and well will have to see what Russel does because he sees that ordan / Michelle are close and knows Jeff woul rather take the 2 ladies to the final 3 over him, so Russell may flip to natalies side for self preservation and the $500,000 and have Natalie do the dirty work of sending Jeff / Jordan / Michelle home!!!

  50. i agree with cp and matt, nat hasnt won anything, shes should just float by since she’s not a threat and then get rid of her after teh final four

  51. @mandy I like your enthusiasm We all should give a shout out for the man known as Jeff Hip Hip Hooray GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO JeFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. Leo, endurance is endurance. Water or no water. Jordan AND Michelle both kicked her butt in the last endurance…I have no reason to believe that Natalie will drop from the dead and kick their ass now!

  53. @ Leo I read what you said but things can change alot in a week. Nat and Jeff could get in a fight and he might put her up You Do not know for sure her lies could come to the surface and Nat is on the chopping block. If this does not happen the I think Jeff may put up Russel and Kevin or Russ and Michelle

  54. Jeff and Jordan should have sent Natalie packing this week. Now there is a walking wild card in the house, and nobody will know where she stands.

    By evicting Natalie, Jeff and Jordan accomplish one thing….they create 3 couples. Kevin/Lydia, Jeff/Jordan, and they create a couple in Russell/Michelle (be default). By having 3 couples in the house, Jeff and Jordan better their chances as one couple to survive, because everything is on the table.

    Bad strategic move on their part. Now they are alienated as a couple, Natalie is a wild card, Russell/Michele MAY or MAY not be couple, and there are a lot of unknowns.

  55. Does anyone remember why Michelle wants Russell out? The real reason? It is because Russell is a great competitor… Does anyone believe Michelle will be satisfied with 3rd place? She knows Jeff won’t choose her over Jodan and Jordan wn’t choos her over Jeff…. Russell / Michelle will make a move… I think Russell will because he will not want to end up 4th… That is why he turned on Jessie / Natalie / Chima / Ronnie because he was at the bottom of the totem pole… Am I wrong?

  56. Thats hard question because I really love Jeff Jordan and Michelle but the one I think who needs it the most is Jordan

  57. I see Kevin and Jordan in the finals. Kevin will win the final HOH, and take who he thinks he will have the best shot against between Jeff and Jordan. Jordan won’t get any votes, because everyone will feel that Jeff carried her.

  58. Michelle wants russel out, i think, for both reasons. since he told chima what she said, he cant be trusted, and he’s a good competitor. michele’s game has not been that bad either.

  59. @ Leo but michelle can beat Jordan in the final three scenario and choose Jeff to goto final 2 and she would prolly win

  60. What do you think kevin whispered to j/j after POV? Jor mouth wide open. i thought maybe he told them Nat said she would nominate them if she won hoh? He had to assure he wasn’t a replacement if jor used pov

  61. Russell and Michelle already penciled a half-ass deal a while back, because both were considered loners. They agreed that they would make good partners. That was BEFORE the blow-up though…but Michelle knows she lied to Russell’s face, so she can’t hold it against him.

  62. @ CP…. If you are a true BB fan…. you know there is no way of predicted who will win…. I think Jordan will beat anyone if she gets to the final 2…. I don’t think anyone (including Jeff) will want to take her because she has not made enemies… I think Jeff will use Michelle / Russell / Natalie / Kevin to take Jordan out and then act pissed, but inside he will be happy…. I would like to see a Jeff / Russell or Jeff / Kevin final…. I think Michelle / Russell might make a deal with the devil (Natalie) to have her do the dirty ork of evicting Jeff / Jordan and then backstab Natalie… If Russell is evicted, I think she would make a secret deal with Kevin / Natalie t have the do the dirty work and breakup Jeff / Jorda… (Prefferably sending Jordan home bcause Michelle knows she can’t beat Jordan in the Final 2 and Jeff can win challenges and help her make the final 2….

  63. any of the HG left would be crazy to take Jordan, everyone loves her! but at the same time she has not done anything in the house. its a game and the winner should be the person who played it the best, not who was carried the best.

  64. I would like to see jeff or jordan win it. Kevin and russel have already won some money or trips, and Nat is just plain annoying and a liar, and michelle doesnt need money…lol

  65. @ Leo the jury house will not give Jeff it I think between Jeff and Michelle cuz they believe Jeff did the most damage with the CDT

  66. @matt
    dont you think that by now everyone knows that was teh BEST move for everyone? even Jesse said so himself.

  67. @ TheDude… Unless Kevin wins HOH or Jeff decides t backdoor Russell, Kevin will be going home this week bro…

    @ Matt M… I agree, Jeff will let Michelle do te dirty work and evict Jordan, so he could have a better chance of winning the $500,000…. If Russell, Natalie , Jessie vote for Michelle and Jordan, Kevin, Lydia vote for Jeff then America will choose Jeff to win… If Lydia votes for Michelle to win to get back at Jeff for screwing Jessie, Michelle will win… Remember Lydia is made at Jessie now, but she will have plenty of time alone with him and will be influenced by him again!!!

  68. I find it amusing when people determine who needs money and who doesn’t. They are all working people and could all use it.

  69. @ leo….this is a game and we all like to try to predict who is goin to win it, to make the show more interesting, we all do this to every show we watch. And i also asked who u would like to win…whether it happens or not.

  70. @ RRH…. Remember that Lydia, Natalie are not logical plaers and are influenced by Jessie…. Russell will not vote for Jeff if he doesn’t make the final 4 because he will blame Jeff for him being backdoored… Kein will be atoss up…. Michelle / Jordan will vote for Jeff depending on who is in the final 2 with him…..

  71. i have to say whne did jeff and jordan become “america’s sweethearts”? why is it that everyone roots for the cute surburan couple. i am personally tired of them both and they drive me crazy with all that lovey dovey stuff. there have been so many people on big brother who have been fan favorite but let me ask something, ” what makes these two so special?”

  72. @Leo
    that does make sense. Jeff may be doomed. but at least if he gets 2nd, he still gets money.

  73. @RRH yes i agree that was a great strategic move but shouldnt be seen as Chimas ticket out the door that did damage to their little team of lies Chima did what she did on her own accord not because of Jeff Chima did the most damage Jeff did a great strategic move

  74. I dont like them because they are a couple…I like jeff because he plays the game right..and Jordan is just cute and niave…she doesnt know what is going on…and she is still in the game!

  75. @bernard
    Jeff is playing the game, jordan is just cute and nice. you telling me that people should like someone that goes crazy for no reason, like Chima? or Lydia?

  76. @bernard now come on this is not always the case on BB Dick and Danielle became Americas favs and they were not a suburban Dad and Daughter dont be so stereotypical

  77. @ Leo, When did Gnat win hoh? I seem to recall that Jessie was hoh that week. Jeff should put up Gnat this week. You know as well as everyone else here, she would. And if she didn’t put Jeff up first, then she would backdoor him. Besides all of that, there are not many people left, (6)total- (1)hoh- (2) nominee which would leave (3) left. So how can you make such dumb promise, you know you can not keep?

  78. @ RRH…. You are living in dreamlan if you believe Jeff will be happy to get 2nd place as long as he is in the finals with Jordan…Jeff wants the $500,000…. He said that is why he took Jessie out so he could compete and win the $500,000….. He will let Michelle / Russell / Natalie or whoever he has to do he dirty wrk and take Jordan out so the blood isn;t on his hands… He has enough blood on his hands ie Jessie, Chima nd he doen’t needJordan to vote against him for spite to… Be realistic bro… He will not take Jordanto the final 2 and be happy to win $50,000!!! Get real!!!

  79. Yes Jordan has won pov and HH thats two more things then lydia nat and one more thing than kevin

  80. If Jeff uses logic (which he was void of this last week)He should realize that most of Kevin and nat friends are in the JH. And if you backdoor your aliance they won’t vote 4 u

  81. You are right…they need to get rid of nat and kevin…because the people that are on the jury are their friends….so which means that if jeff and jordan are together or jeff and and michelle are together they have to decide who won the most and who they like the best.

  82. well i know he would rather win teh $500K but im just saying at least some money is there. duh, who would not want the $500K over 50?

  83. So what about it? Im sooo sooo glad lydia is gone, i just couldnt even stand her. Im totaly win jordan and jeff on this one but i really kinda wish kevin won the HOH… But go Jeff!! I honestly think russel should be worried at this point. I think if it wasnt for jeff letting jordan making her own decisions as hoh, he would have gone home tonight. but we will see….
    thats all for now

  84. The way I see it Will, Russel owes Jeff 2 favors. Jeff helped him twice and Russel has never done anything for him.

  85. Don’t you love how good prevails???? w00t!
    I wouldn’t be able to continue watching the show otherwise. hehehehe

  86. no,i am not saying to root for chima. i am glad she is gone but let’s be honest here why can we not root for someone of color or someone who is gay or basically playing the game with respect to the game and to be honest how many people really like jeff and jordan if you met them walking on the street. would you feel the same about them?

  87. ya I would feel the same about them…At least they dont act like an idiot on national television…I would want nothing to do with chima.

  88. Jeff is playing the game and hes doing a great job. he does not let his emotions, or at least too much of his emotions, envolved. now they have all played on a personal level at some point but i think he has the least and played for the game. and this is about the game, not about if we would hang out with them. but i probably would hang would hang out with J/J

  89. Id like to see Kevin be the swing vote this wk and take out Nat! She has used him enough. I think hes finally getting a clue.

  90. Well i say i would rather talk to jeff or jordan any day over chima!! And no chima did not respect the game…. not at all really. there wasnt just the one night she acted out with “big brother” they showed her doing it allll season! Its not even about race or what ever at all its about the person… and i dont think she was that at all.

  91. did anyone see the look on jordan’s face when kevin was talking to her and jeff? it was total shock do you think he told them about the lie?

  92. idk know but when that was going on all i could think about is > i wondering what everyone is thinking about them three talking right b 4 nominations<

  93. i am glad you guys werehonest but i will be real here. why was jeff given the power because america liked him. when ronnie was in power he was called every name in the book. now, i am not saying that he did not deserve it but how can we prejudge people based on what we see on tv, or the after dark show or even the live feeds. we see them and bam okay this person is bad and this person is good. we make this contestants the good guys and bad guys. so truly i think we only know a tenth of who they really are.

  94. Thats apart of the game…and that is what makes the show…Other wise no one would watch if they acted just like them selves all the time. Plus the show tries to find people that are different and that will cause some excitement!

  95. The show likes to make u think some people are bad and some are good when really we dont see it all and dont really know.

  96. I dont watch the live feeds and what ever esle there is i only watch it from t.v. which is on 3 times a week… sooo. i think if you see some one that much i think you kinda figue out who they are… i mean enough to who is playing the game or not, who is winning comps or not, who is RESPECTING THE GAME or NOT, and a lot about each and every person
    And JEFF won the comp tonight for HIMSELF, no america vote. And last week he had the chance to win aswell.. so omg dont even bring out ronnie…. hes long gone.

  97. do you think jeff or jordan deserve to win th money based on how well they played the game or based on the fact that the game was changed when he won the coup d etat?

  98. I heard that since Shema went home disgracefully that they were going to bring back Jessie but his head had swollen so much he couldn’t get back through the door! lol keep up the good work Jeff

  99. I think they deserve to win the game as much as any one else does. Jeff winning the power was not his choice, but if u had the power to do so then u would use it too. That changed the game but anyone could have won that power…its just that america likes him the best!

  100. I don’t understand why some people are hating on Jeff because of the CDT. It was not his decision to get it. It’s not as tho if anyone else in the house had received it they would have decided not to use it. And yes, he is acting all high and mighty after it because he IS high and mighty. His alliance did benefit from the CDT but that was not his fault, it was simply his strategy to use it, and (in my opinion) correctly.

  101. that is what i do not get why does america like jeff? what has jeff done in the game for america to like him? i am trying to really understand that. i am basically even with contestants but on this blog all i read is jeff is great and jeff is awesome. okay why is he great and why is he awesome? try to make me understand why i should root for him to win.

  102. @bernard: He’s just a pleasant guy. If you had to pick someone to share a beer with from this group of HGs who would it be? Chima who would probably throw it in your face? Lydia who would pour it down the drain? Natalie who would try to tell you she’s too young to even be at the bar. Michele who couldn’t remember what you just talked about? Jessie who couldn’t stop looking in the mirror behind the bar? Ronnie who’d rather being back at home playing games?

    The list goes on and on. Jeff’s a nice guy and he’s easy to like. I don’t think it’s too much more complex than his surface personality. Oh, but the ladies might say it’s because he’s hot and I know how he probably feels about that. It’s tough to always be judged as cool just for being so handsome!

  103. i think he won us over because he is the only one in the house that is not in love with himself even that ugly nerd thought he was better than everyone else

  104. Because he plays the game right. He gave up an hoh to a guy for his family letter, not knowing if he was really goin to be safe. He also got rid of the worst and most threatning person in the house! He wants to win and does it by not hurting peoples feelings

  105. some have already been said:

    1. One of the ONLY ones in the house to not abandon an alliance.

    2. Never rude to people for no cause

    3. Has NEVER instigated a fight

    4. Does well in most competitions

    5. He strategically threw the last HOH knowing Jordan would do what he said, so he could compete this week.

    6. He was the one who convinced the j/j/r/m alliance to get their shit together and get back on track

    7. He took the risk of going against his click at the beginning to avoid the drama (and Jordan prob had a bit to do with his choice)

    8. he’s entertaining

    9. He got his biggest threat out of the house (with the help of America)

  106. well lets see here.. almost EVERYONE in the house EXCEPT for jeff mad a ritual to just go off on ppl and talking behind ppls back. Hes a respectful honest down to earth person who i belive is playing the game the best And he wins compitions aswell yes he may have won somthing from america but he has done his fair share in winning things or his own

  107. @ osoazauz……… Natalie / Russe were the last 2 hanging so that is why Jessie was bought back to BB….

    @ jackie….. can you read? There is a huge difference ie… I even used a example. Sheia from season 8 won the endurance comp and then when thee was a water reated endurance comp for the final 3 she sucked….. Natalie ws blt to hold her bod weight up in the first HOH comp….. Michelle / Jordan did well sitting on a stool while being swun around in water for that endurance comp… One you hold up you body weight with strength and athleticism and the other you sit down and hve to have a good stomach from being swung around…. There is a huge difference…. Get the point now?

  108. @matt:
    okay i understand that but my issue is that for some reason he is being put on this higher level then anyone else. i mean you are right about a lot of the people but my problem is for once let the not so handsome guy win. becuase let’s be honest here the last hoh comp he threw it for jordan and i think he was doing that to look good.

  109. he cant help it he was born good looking . And maybe he gave that one away because he realy likes jordan .

  110. @bernard
    its not called looking good its called being a gentalmen… he know he was safe why not he is a good guy and you should see that if not let it go what every not every one has to pick the same winner

  111. @bernard..If the “not so handsome” guy put himself out there like Jeff does with his gentlemanly gestures and kind, respectful ways then we would be having a convo about him. But so far we have had a lying rat, a raving lunatic and a gay guy. What else is there to say…..and hes HOT!

  112. no it really isn’t. how can someone say that he is down to earth when you do not know him only through the show. i am sorry but i can not say i am a big fan of his. and oh about that letter that does not make him a saint to paly this game it is all about advancing and to be frank i will return to that hoh of last week when he asked jordan do you want hoh and she like yeah and what does he do instead of playing the game he gives it a shank. i ‘m sorry but that was disrespecting the game. and btw jordan could have taken the phone call home from natalie to get in contact with her family instead of a letter. and russell saying oh that was a nice thing to do was a load of junk.

  113. @cat:
    okay, i am a gay man and to be honest jeff is good looking i am not denied that but to say he is he best of the lot is a joke. oh, who is left in the game but in your words :”gay guy”. that gay guy has played pretty damn well in this game.

  114. production needs to stop getting involved. let the game be as is enough.. RUSS Michelle LEAVE

  115. ru kidding me? Show me one person who agrees with you to say jeff was disrespecting the game for throwing the hoh… please i think it may just be you have ran out of reasoning… so admit it…. GO JEFF…

  116. all we know is the game we are not playing this is there life every one enters the house on the same level we choose who we like by there actions in the house. every one in the house is vewed equaly we are not picking favorites on any thing but what we see in the house only .

  117. so by your reasoning the gay guy should be the best pick so far he realy did nothing in the house except let his best friend in the house down

  118. well, i will say “GO KEVIN”. i am not going to say “go jeff”. and to say that he did a gentlemanly thing is false because you know what when he is in the final two and he is up against jordan he will realize that he made a 500,000 dollar mistake by taking her along with him.

  119. i do kinda do like kevin though… if somethin ever happend to jeff and jordan which lets really hope not… but go kevin he is a nice guy. He may not have won a lot of comps but he has been really close on almost all of them… look at tonight he lost by 1 can

  120. i love big brother i will b very sad to see it when its gone… that is unless the decide to do it for ever… but i dont think so

  121. As much as I dislike Natalie, she is playing a smart game. She did a great job with the lies, convinced J/J that she has their back and now comes up with her and Kevin making a deal with J/J to go to the final 4 together because M/R can’t be trusted.

  122. @bernard…Jeff’s move worked out quite well since he won HOH tonight…he wouldn’t have been eligible if he had won last week…he knew with just Jordan and himself left, that he was covered…I don’t understand where the disrespect in that is…

  123. i think at first… but jeff is smart i think if they really believed they would have back doored him…

  124. btw…another pathetic comp for Natalie…why is she there? She only talks about winning every competition…and she’s rarely even close…

  125. They should have left the game as it was. With the “Crap de Whatever” power, it is not a fair game anymore. Instead, it is a popularity contest, like american idol. Jeff is a loser, Jesse is a winner. The wrong people are left in this house. Chima had a right to be pissed. This show sucks, I’m not watching anymore.

  126. @shaun
    I dont know what planet you live on. glad you wont be watching .we dont need your vote in the end

  127. @shaun
    well yes you are right chima had a right to be upset, but do you really think that gave her a reason to act like a complet child!!! Did you watch that episode? she made a fool of herself!

    And for jesse haha well….. he is not a winner not the first time he was there nor the 2nd try. he barley even made it to the jury house

  128. haha can you believe they cried for that guy… omg if i were kevin in that sitch i would have deff. told them to get a grip

  129. @shaun…ok, now I get it…you are just trying to incite response…nice work…your lack of credibility was just exposed…

  130. Once again team Kevin got screwed. Right at the start of the competition his can went in the tube and got caught. He only had one good tube to play with and was still winning. Then while the other had a chance to catch up with him before the moving obstruction started. Figures he would lose by 1 can from TUBE FREE JEFF.

  131. @bernard…didnt mean to offend you at all! Your question was why was America loving Jeff so much, was it because of his looks? My answer was meant to show you that the women of America think that Jeff embodies all that a man SHOULD be. Ronnie was a lier, Russ is unpredictable, and Kevin is unobtainable! If i were a gay man then Kevin would be what i would look for in a guy. But im not, so Jeff would be my choice! I agree Kevin has played a good game but we werent talking about gameplay. We were talking about looks.

  132. @ Ashley
    So lets take jeffs or bedridden jordans HOH from them unfairly (remember, its a game, not a popularity contest) and see how they act!

  133. amazing…now you think Kevin got cheated…nobody wins a fair competition is this game, unless it’s your favorite player…

  134. Jessie was a pompous jerk…he wasn’t going to win…he made himself a target by sending out his Angels to do his dirty work while he slept or posed in the mirror…won one HOH on his own, and, really, nothing else. Whined when he had to eat slop, like a little child…but, if he’s your hero, you can have him…

  135. @ shaun why take it away they won it fair and square… thats the game! And they know how to play it
    jesse’s leave was not unfair it was a twist to the GAME…

  136. she didnt seem like an idiot to me looks like she knew exactly what she was talking about and for you…. well

  137. I think I understand…if we make believe what happened in the game didn’t happen, then we can keep up with the posts…makes sense…

  138. you sound just like jesse always picking on girls. what are you a big over bloated egomaniac also

  139. @Dan – Seems to you that you are Mr. Know It All. I guess every break for Jeff is just so fair because he is your favorite. And anyone writing anything not in favor of Jeff is your target to attack. The bottom line is Kevin lost time by not having the same access to tubes time as everyone else including Jeff. But of course BB will not intervine to correct this because it favored Jeff. Yes Kevin got screwed and he should of been given makeup time for the time he did not have access to putting cans in the tube without the moving obstruction like all the other player.

  140. @Mike Moore…I know that no matter how much I side with the alliance I do, you will be equally allied with the other…right?

  141. @ Dan
    Exactly Dan, I was called an idiot first. Why? Because I don’t like floaters like jeff and jordan?

  142. @shaun…the argument seems to be with what you call a “floater”. Jordan was a floater before this past week. Describing what happened after Jessie left as being insignificant doesn’t make sense, because it is the game now. Jeff is anything but a floater. Kevin is playing serious game, and probably has the best head on his shoulders. Natalie really is a floater…can’t win a thing, but does have serious ability to lie well and influence people…so, the reaction is to the “what have they done?” comment…

  143. I just came in on this, and I will say that those crying about the power Jeff got are just sore losers. First of all, Jesse got the first HOH handed to him on a silver platter, which started his bullying power. So how can he now cry because someone was handed a power, and because of that, he was VOTED out (no one kicked him out, the rest of the house voted him out, just like his jerky sidekicks voted out Braden unfairly and Casey unfairly….etc.etc) And as far as HOH being taken away Shaun, what about when Michele’s HOH was taken away because big mouth pig Chima got herself kicked out? Was it fair that Michele didn’t get to follow through with her HOH? I’m sick of people whining and crying about the Coup D’tat. It was what fairly got Jeff back in the game, and he’s been competing his butt off and winning ever since!!

  144. ok well today jesse’s NOT THERE that was then this is now.. jesse had it givin to him to be back in the house anyways.. plus hoh?

  145. Was a good show tonight. Glad Jeff won. Poor Natalie is already in bed. Sore loser. She needs to go next. Kevin is growing on me deems like a nice guy.

  146. @ Dan
    Agreed, Nat is/was a floater.

    @ Lisa
    HOH is a part of the game. Crap des Tat isn’t. They’ve dropped the show into the same category as American Idol.

  147. the coup de etat was part of the game if you watch the show it was clearly a twist to the GAME. They do something different EVERY season.. so this one is more powerful so what he deserved it.. that doesnt mean we can say it shouldnt be fair

  148. Shaun – who said that the Coup D’Tat isn’t part of the show now? What about America’s Player? What about all the different twists they’ve done? And I sure don’t see you crying about the new “let’s put someone from the past back in the game, who already had a lot of knowledge of the game, and ooooh, let’s see, let’s also just hand him the HOH the first week!!” Was that part of the game? Sorry your loser players aren’t winning, but they made their own bed and thought they were in control, now their not. Too bad, so sad.

  149. @shaun
    i dont understand why you keep saying what if what if… there is no what if they have the power and there nothin anyone can do about it now until further on in the game

  150. @ Lisa
    Oooooh, they all have sufficient knowledge. So you aren’t against giving jeffs current enemies the power then, are you?

  151. yes it is a game remember that the whole thing in the BB is a set up to please America, and America is Homophobic therefore BB will not let Kevin win. noticed that Kevin has been with his Boyfriend for 9 years and BB preference to sell us a straight relationship of 4 weeks by taking the time to go to the house of Jeff and Jordan. Hey they selling us the story of Love

  152. @at shaun i know i or a lot of others would have said it wrong aswell

    @ amy
    I dont really think russel has done anthing for jeff for them to be even i think jeff has really just bent over backwards for him and is still ahead in the game and that is also shaun what makes him a great player

  153. Jeff and Russell’s deal was Jeff drops out of the endurance contest and Russell nominates Ronnie…both honored the deal…then Jeff saved Russell…what else has Russell done? He voted for Jessie when Jeff wanted him out…so, I think Jeff is a little ahead in the who has done what for whom competition…

  154. @ dan I agree I was JUst saying what russel said and feel it would be fine if he was back doored

  155. if America is not homophobic then how can you explain that Spain has Gay legal marriage and in America no more than three states have gay marriage, but it is not to federal level/?


  157. @amy…I think Russell realizes that his earlier “game” didn’t make him very popular in the house, and he has figured that they’re close to anything goes time. He sees that a backdoor could happen, as he would do it to further himself, so, I think you’re right. I’ll be surprised if they stick to their final four “promise”, though.

  158. I did not say america isn’t I said we are not all homophobic.I don’t know anyone that is in my goup of friends that is

  159. Thanks girls! :) And Shaun, I’m not really sure what you are talking about. Not sure you do either. But someone who already was in the BB house and saw how things go, watched the feeds and got to experience it before definitely has an advantage over people who have never been in it. And funny how you never acknowledged the part about being handed the HOH first week. Are you having selective memory? It’s no different than Jeff being given a power, the difference is, America wanted Jeff to have it because he’s likeable, unlike Jesse and Natalie, instead of winning his place in on someone ELSE’S competition! If it weren’t for Jeff and the other athletes, Jesse wouldn’t even BE in the game. So he should have been thanking him!

  160. I had a major issue with tonight’s show and im wondering if any of you feel the same way. At one point when the veto competition was going on, chopstick said jordan you won the HOH, she is obviously wrong, i wonder if its hormonal or just that her chopsticks got crossed.


  161. @ Lisa
    Jeffs power was above the HOH’s. He virtually chose who to send home. If your head wasn’t in the clouds, you’d realize that.

  162. No, he nominated two people, and they voted him out. Doesn’t matter, Jesse didn’t give anyone a chance in the beginning either, and he evicted many people who didn’t deserve it. As I said before, Jesse is gone, oh well, he deserved it, too bad, so sad. And I sure hope Natalie is going next!

  163. @ Lisa
    Last I checked, the HOH chooses the nominees, not some weasel that you hopeless romantics like.

  164. @1is1me
    no problem i enjoy talking with you better than arguing with someone else.and to be fair only having 1 gay person to so many straight house guests isn’t realy fair .And before shaun says anything rude I am happily married to a wonderfull man and enjoy spending time with my frinds gay or straight

  165. Last I checked, BB picks a certain amount of people to go in the house, and they compete for HOH. They don’t give some loser from the past a free ticket in on someone else’s competition, then hand him the HOH. Get over it.

  166. gosh with russell ACTALLY after jeff, regardless of a lie started, he is, I think Jordan shouldve taken out Russ, it wouldve been the first blood on her hands, and would leave michelle alone. Big mistake, Lydia is no threat.

  167. I have an idea! Let’s all make believe that Jessie got the power that he deserved, even though he wasn’t in the game (the first HOH), then we’ll make believe Jeff doesn’t deserve the coup d’etat, even though he had been in the game for four weeks…yeah! That makes sense!!

  168. I would like Jeff to win because I think he’s playing the best game, and he’s not a complete idiot. And if you think that I only root for the nice guys to win – I LOVED the season Dr. Will won, he was my favorite, and he certainly wasn’t a nice player. And I loved Evel Dick. Because he played a great game, and was more honest than most players. For those same reasons, I like Jeff and I think he deserves to win. He’s not floating along like Lydia was, or Natalie or Kevin.

  169. thank you Alex do you know how many times during the weak I made that comment, but Jeff did not listen to us. ;{

  170. love this game finally the bottom feeders are getting voted off yea go jeff and AMERICA VOTED FOR HIM to have the special power

  171. What the heck does Chima have to do with any of this? As far as Chima goes, she was a rule breaking, whining, big-mouthed idiot, and I could care less what happened to her in this game because she didn’t deserve a thing. I’m talking about Jesse and his given “power” of the HOH and that BB always does twists, and just because the twist didn’t go the way of your favorites doesn’t mean it’s not fair. Why can’t you get over it?

  172. @ Lisa
    Remember, its Chima’s HOH that was unfairly stolen here. Again, get out of the clouds.

  173. Lisa floating is a way to play the game to. now if you do not like the floaters in the game, that is different

  174. Shawn, remember, it’s MICHELE’S HOH that was unfairly stolen because stupid Chima decided to get herself kicked out for breaking rules. So get YOUR head out of the clouds! Again, selective memory.

  175. @ Lisa
    Chima was fine until they took her HOH from her. Go back a few comments before you start shooting your juvenile mouth off.

  176. Jeff’s power is over get over it most of you need to keep up to date. Nothing is unfair about the game they have played the game over the years

  177. today Kevin could easily have had won HOH but there were not enough cans for him does it tell you any thing

  178. I’m talking about floaters because everyone seems to think that it’s not fair they are there. I don’t really care how people play, but I do care what people do. And I think Natalie, Chima & Jesse were jerks who played by bullying, and now that the shoe is on the other foot, certain people complain. Jeff was right, when their friends were voted out one after another, they just had to take it quietly, but when Jesse and that group was voted out, people cried and whined that it’s not fair. Awww, poor Natalie and Chima and Lydia. NOT!!

  179. oh shaun looks like your heads in the cloud during the show because you abviously have not the slightest clue whats going on

  180. @ Lisa
    Michelle herself said “I’m glad Chima is gone because that was the goal”. Her HOH wasn’t revoked like Chimas was. Hey Lisa, who did Chima want out? Is he gone? Thats what I thought.

  181. Shaun – Chima was fine???? In what world do you live in? She’s always been an idiot shooting off her mouth, from day one when she lied about Braden being a racist. She is such a hypocrite. But no sense talking about her, cause she’s OUT from her own doing, and you just need to stop crying when things don’t go your way on a TV show. Do you remember it’s a show??? Stop crying and get over it. There was a power, the right person won, he used it, and the bad side of the house doesn’t have power anymore. Whah.

  182. you are right Amy is a game, but not a regular game a BB game so please do not call the players a name.

  183. It doesn’t matter the result. Michele’s HOH was taken away just like Chima’s. The difference is Chima caused it. Cause she couldn’t keep her big mouth shut. Are you going to keep crying that BB decides how to run their own show? Are you Chima’s manager or something? I’m going to laugh when Jeff or Jordan wins this whole thing.

  184. @ Lisa
    I haven’t whined about anything yet. So you are all for jeffs enemies getting the secret power this week right?

  185. Yes Shaun, the second one of the good people in the house get brought back in on someone else’s competition and are given HOH, I’ll be all for one of the other jerks getting the power. Happy? Nothing more to say to you.

  186. @ Lisa
    Win what whole thing? The popularity contest? American Idol is for losers, let them have it.

  187. Yea, they are winning HOH and POV’s and all the competitions left and right because they are popular. Sounds good to me. And Natalie hasn’t one a single dang thing cause she’s unpopular. Right??????

  188. @lisa you are so right it’s about time power has shifted I love the twist every year so chima showed bad sportsmanship no class and spoiled because she didn;t get her way give her a tissue

  189. Jeff will dump Jordan faster than he can cash the cheque he is going to be winning. Hopeless romantics ye all are!

  190. @amy…probably not! It seems that people think it’s there God-given right to have their favorite player win. I have been an LA Kings fan since their inception, and I know what it’s like to support a loser. Still, even though I root for them, I admit when they get beat, even if the ref makes a bad call, or somebody gets away with something that makes a difference in the game. I still go back and watch them play. My favorite BB player rarely wins…it’s a fun game…look at all the commentary. As “Mr. Know It All”, I just wish that the angry commentary would subside…

  191. I think it’s ridiculous to argue also, I just hate when people cry about things being unfair as soon as things turn against their players. Especially when their players aren’t such nice people in the BB house. I never came on here and cried about how unfair it was when all of Jeff’s side was being voted off. I never complained once. And it has nothing to do with being romantic. I just think Jeff is a great player, he has integrity and seems to be a really nice guy. What’s wrong with someone like that winning? Why does it have to be a “villain”?

  192. @shaun get over yourself what are you a teacher or shareholder for hooked on phonics its a game chima’s a joke and jesse thinks he’s a player there power was overthrown finally a GAME YEA GO

  193. Are you serious? Now you’re calling me a retard? I’m not a BB character in a house, I’m a real person. So if you want to resort to actually calling names, it just shows your intelligence level too.

  194. @ Lisa true it’s the same way in the house as soon as the other side started loosing the were some how the good guys and Jeffs side was bad . oh please

  195. Yep Amy, I completely agree. People like that aren’t too smart. I’ll just continue to root on the good guys that I’ve liked from the beginning and just hope they win like they should.

  196. @ Lisa
    I know, they are no more retarded than me. Just had to end the silence, ya know? And I had no favorite player, I just liked having two equally numbered alliances, which is where we were heading. Now……?

  197. Sorry for stumbling into reta….er, I mean enemy territory. Could you imagine if the BB house were full of jeffs and jordans? Boring!

  198. @ Amy
    Right. So for three weeks in a row, we knew who was going home, thanks to the mystery power. Is that what we are looking for in a TV show?

  199. OMG – this mystery power just travels and follows Jeff throughout the whole game!! What is your problem? One small twist changed up the game a bit, but now it’s all about fair play and competition, and certain players can’t measure up. You are the only one who seems to be complaining.

  200. Complaining? Maybe. There is nothing good about knowing the outcome of 4 consecutive evictions. Without the secret power, the alliances would have actually had to win something to evict somebody.

  201. @ shaun The Mystery Power was just another twist in the game. Just like bringing Jesse back was a twist in the game. Jesse coming into the game with HOH and having one more person in the athlete alliance was a HUGE advantage. Just another twist in the game though. Chima had every right to be upset that her HOH was basically useless, but it was part of the game. She could have handled it differently and maybe even gotten some sympathy from the other HG. Instead she opted for the hissy fit. Big Brother is always full of twists… some fair, some not so fair. It’s all part of the game. Just my two cents though…

  202. Uhhhhhhh – the power only caused Jeff to change the nominations. He did not stand up and evict someone himself. And the power did not change any future evictions. You are not making a whole lot of sense, but not surprising. Jeff is winning plenty of HOH’s and/or POV’s now, as is Jordan. Sour grapes anyone?

  203. Jeff will not put Jordan on the block.If Jeff finds out that Natalie told Kevin about Russell then she will put on the block. I Jordan ask a lot of questions to Russell then the truth will come out. I think Jeff will ask Russell and then Kevin will put on the block that is why Natalie had Kavin do the duty work. If she does not get caught she might be the last three.As for Chima She knew that there are twist in the game she caused trouble in the house so she would not be voted out she is a spoil brat. Shuan,I do not think you watch Big Brother because you would know that there are twist in the game all the time.

  204. …….in the end, if you follow BB, you should always expect the unexpected. Chima did not want to understand that so she pouted her way out of the game. Who cares how POVs and HOHs are won – you are an idiot to believe that BB is setting it up for any one player to win. Watch the show and enjoy all of the twist and turns. Remember that the players cannot see and hear what is shown on tv. THIS IS A GAME OF LIES AND WHO ARE YOU WILLING TO TRUST!!!

  205. i miss lydia!<3
    can’t wait to see her give jessie a piece of her mind.

    now about this Jeff winning HOH;
    that just sucks.
    america seems to love jeff, yet no one calls him out on being sooo cocky.
    he has one of the filthiest mouths in the house.
    which isn’t an issue with me, i’m just saying.
    he thinks he knows more than any other houseguest and when he gets confrontational he treats them like children!
    he’s sweet and goodlooking, but c’mon!
    you can’t ignore the facts.
    jeff is one cocky, pottymouthed s.o.b.

    and now he has HOH.
    this week will be so boring..
    no one getting expelled..
    the entertainment (chima & lydia) is gone.
    and if the J/J/R/M continues to win, so will i be.

  206. WOO HOO jeff won HOH what he needs to do is back door russel nom nat and kevin and back door him thats what jordan should of done russel is just so damn paranoid his lucky jeff saved him the 1st time and for chima liked as a person but didnt play the game right it took control of her CBS BIG BROTHER PUT ME ON NEXT SEASON BIG BROTHER 12 ILL GIVE AMERICA WHAT THEY WANNA SEE… ACTION

  207. People keep saying that if Chima didn’t quit the game would’ve been totally different. But I don’t think so. Don’t quote me on this but I believe that if she had stayed it would’ve been a double eviction anyway. The Natalie alliance still probably would’ve lost two players.

  208. Shaun- “Sorry for stumbling into reta….er, I mean enemy territory. Could you imagine if the BB house were full of jeffs and jordans? Boring!”

    Really? Jeff is the only one that makes me laugh. On Showtime tonight he was bagging on how Russel played the can stacking HOH competition and I was cracking up big time. Apparently Jeff was getting pissed at the way Russel was stomping around and shaking the whole stage ruining his concentration. He called him a wild baboon bashing around and a bull in a China shop. Russel himself couldn’t stop laughing. Jeff even did an impersonation of his wild behavior as he ran back and forth to collect the cans.

  209. Shaun- “There is nothing good about knowing the outcome of 4 consecutive evictions.”

    I saw it differently. While the viewers may have known, none of the house guests besides Jeff knew what was coming. That to me made it most intriguing when all of their jaws dropped as Jeff stood up and explained that the other side had to feel the pain. Personally I think that before the wizard power was introduced the game was quite predictable. The Chima crew would have evicted Russel at that point. Everyone knew that.

  210. I get very immersed in the show I must admit but I can’t imagine getting upset over it. Disappointed yes, bitter and angry, no.

  211. People that are handed power and always has the power get’s used to it…take that power away and nothing is fair to them and they forget all that they have done in the game. This is BB and how everyone is playing is the game…if you think it’s fair or not that’s the game.
    Jeff needs to backdoor Russell and get him out of there before he takes Jeff out.

  212. GO JEFF,I’m so excited that Jeff got the HOH !!!!! I really want Jeff in the final two.I know that he is playing the best game, there for he SHOULD WIN THE WHOLE GAME !!!! He has been my pick since week 1…

  213. this isnt even the first time Coup Detat has been in the game. boogie got it in all stars so they just didnt make it up this season.

  214. I find it impossible to not genuinely like Jeff. Last night when they all went into his new HOH room, he was being genuinely sincere about trying to make everyone else feel comfortable, and not feel awkward or obligated to stay and put in face time or suck up to him, and he encouraged everyone, you don’t have to laugh at my jokes, or stick around, let’s go have some beers. It is my sincere hope that Jeff is able to parlay this experience into perhaps something more on television, the Bachelor perhaps? If Jordan does not win BB 11 I can easily see her going on to do something more, she is truly pretty and sweet and fresh of face, and yes naive, but aren’t there enough bitter, cynical, and angry people on t.v. and off?

  215. Yay!! I’m super excited Jeff won! I love how the under dogs are dominating the game!!

  216. good morning. i slept on thinking about how i feel about jeff and jordan and to be honest nothing has changed. i have had a few nice response to questions i have asked but to be fair jeff really was floater in the beginning of the game becuase he had no power until america gave him that power and let’s be honest after that the game shifted. all the arguing and name calling does not change the fact the game changed in that instant. and let’s also understand that in the first year of big brother america voted for who they should evict and they keep the three nicest looking guys to finish the show. so truly this is the show of the hot guy and not the no so hot guy. go kevin!

  217. @bernard: Don’t forget that Jeff won the PoV when he was nominated and saved himself from eviction. The next week he went on to place 2nd in the endurance comp after making a deal with Russell to drop out. Jeff could have easily beaten out Jordan for last week’s HoH, but threw it to her. Then this week Jeff won HoH. That’s a PoV win, 2x HoH runner-ups, and 1x HoH winner. I’d say Jeff is crushing competitions and doing as well, or better, than any of the other HGs (Kevin has won 1 PoV & Natalie has won nothing on her own).

    In season 1 the cute girl, Brittany, was voted out early. So was the stripper, Jordan. In the end America voted for the scruffy, one-legged guy to win it all over the more typical, handsome guy (he got 2nd). I think America is more giving to the underdog than anything else when it comes to voting for their “favorite”.

  218. I hope Jeff is smart and puts up Russ cause Russ is now playing the game and if he dont then look out Jeff! and i am so glade that Lydia is gone and i do want to see in the Jery house Lydia on Jessies but yaaa you go Big Brother.

  219. Bernard… Jeff let Russ win when they were on that swing thing and Jeff let Jorden win also so like Matt said he could have won twice but now he is in geer because he has to win to stay in the Big Brother house even if he has to put up Russ and Jorden he will.

  220. BBfan2009… Dont they always and they wait untill they can put in there bite and let the fist ones bite first then when they think that they are safe the bad group? Then bam the underdogs slip in AND TAKE OVER HAHAHAHA! Go Jeff Team!

  221. OK, so this is my first post. And early on in BB11 I felt that with the exception of a very few players, this season contained the most unlikeable contestants of any BB season to date. As time went on, my commitment to this feeling was confirmed even more, with the ridiculous “wake” for Jessie and the whining Chima (the true racist in this game) showing her immaturity. Never liked Jessie the first time around … way too much of an egomaniac to deserve a second chance. Lydia is a psycho that really needs professional help. “The Gnat” is disgusting and needs a lesson in hygiene. Paranoid Russell just has a Napoleon complex, so is easy to figure out. The only players that I can even stomach are Jeff, Jordan, Michelle and Kevin. I would be happy to see any of those players in the finals. Jeff and Jordan have the most integrity. I like Kevin, and although he made an early error siding with complete morons, but he’s doing the best he can given his circumstances and hopefully will make a move to secure additional time in the house. I think the best move for Jeff (my fave) is to remove paranoid Russell however he can, and hopefully have clear sailing into the finals. Go J & J!!!!

  222. Did you see Jordan win that POV? Those were pretty hard questions and she won it. She’s not dumb. She did seem uncomfortable in power so maybe she’s just too nice. That’s fine. Enough of the yelling and pity parties. On with the game.

  223. you go J/JFanToo i agree 100% Oh did you see when Lydia threw Michelles beer in the sink if that was me i would have took her little stuffed animal and toor its head off and through it in the garbage disposal! But thats just me HAHAHAHA!

  224. June, that was a good idea. Wouldn’t that have been funny if Michelle tore off the head of that unicorn.

  225. so Lydia did sleep with Jesse hahahah i hope Nat kicks his behind too. Jeff vote Nat out i want to see the two Cats fight with Jessie LOL!

  226. @June — sounds like we are like-minded. Lydia is just whacked out — the whole stupid story of the stuffed animal was just too much! Funny how they only think the game is unfair when their side loses a player.

  227. Ya im bad and i want to get on Big Brother but my big sister Debbie said they would tear me apart but no i dont think so i am like Jorden very shy but then again maybe not?

  228. Yes i agree J/JFanToo. They are like worms when they are in control they devore you up but when in the other hand when they get put up on the block they squrm and hide cause they have no back bone oh i cant spell so sorry.

  229. There is another Ashley on this site. This is the one who has been on here all season and like Russ. I didn’t think you could use the same sign on as someone else. I would love to be on bb but my husband flipped out when I told him I wanted to apply.

  230. Well got to go my son has to go too colladge and i have to feed him before he goes. GO JEFF!!!

  231. @June — I’d love to participate as well, but this “old lady” would be voted out early (probably in a banana suit), like Casey!

  232. J/JFanToo i am 49 years old and remember RENE She was on there she faught with Jessie and i adore her so lets do it!

  233. Okay, I’ve been reading all these comments for a while now, and there’s on thing that’s really been bugging me: the Coup de Tat isn’t a new thing. It’s been used as a twist before. I’m new to Big Brother this season, but a few friends of mine, who got me into the show, were really excited to see it back because it keeps things interesting. So basically, it isn’t like Big Brother made up this superpower because they wanted Jeff to have it, they just threw it back in the game, and they were probably planning to do so from day 1. And, just so you know, I’m not saying that because I’m a big Jeff fan. I’ve wanted Russ to win from the beginning.

  234. …it’s a GAME … and that’s why we watch it … and for those people who keep threatening to quit watching the show if things don’t go their way … QUIT WATCHING THE SHOW … I’m sure that CBS will not go broke because you choose to miss out on the fun.

    Also, I AM a school teacher, and outside of an educational setting it is extremely rude to cricize other’s grammar or spelling — this is a comment exchange, not an English assignment.


  236. @June — I’m 49, too! Maybe next season they should have 20 somethings vs. 40 somethings!!! See who outwits who!

  237. Oh you know we would beat them because we are smarter and know the streets well Big brother and life more then them right? we would teach them a thing or two am i right?

  238. Jeff finally wins something and wasn’t handed anything.Jeff’s a lock for the final two.Kevin or Russell is gone this week.

  239. @June — And, we would not be stupid enough to hero worship some muscle-bound egomaniac moron!

  240. Hey Ashley, from Alabama that like Russ like I do please change your name because this other Ashley is so not you.

  241. NOOOO i dont like men like that i like my man to be sweet but manly and protective of his family not like wuzz Jessie and no we wont go for any one but any ways i am married to my wonderful Husband Bill for 25 years and still love him he is strong minded and loving too. Are you Married J/JFan Too?

  242. @June — Not married, but committed for many years. My man is wonderful also, very supportive.

  243. YAY! Im happy that Jeff won HOH. I think that Jeff is pretty funny, and nice. (sometimes I question that he is too trustworthy: ie-Natalie/Kevin)Did anyone else notice that Jordan isnt as dumb as we thought? She still isnt the sharpest tack in the box… LOL She pretends to not have a good memory, then she pulls out the POV win! You could not have guessed your way through those questions. I really hope that Natalie is evicted this week, then Russell. Although Kevin is sneaky I think that J & J, Kevin & Michelle are a good final four. Just my opinion

  244. @June: In a few more weeks CBS will release the new application form for Big Brother 12. Then in the March/April/May timeframe there will be audition events. You’ve got some time, so keep working on perfecting your audition tape.

  245. Jessie got screwed, go Russel! I agree with shaun from last nights argument. They should have avoided the popularity contest.

  246. OK now, lets straighten out things.

    1)Big Brother is a game and “WE” are not playing it, so we should limit our comments to how we think “THEY” should play. (remembering that “they” can’t see or hear what we are telling them, what a shame, look at all the help they’re missing out on.
    2)Floaters: most of the players are floaters at the beginning of the game since they only have 1 HOH a week, I just feel iys harder to float if you aren’t in the alliance with the HOH. You probably have better odds if your playing dodge ball in gym class.
    3)Twists: Big Brother has them and all players shoud expect them wether you think they are fair or not. Both, Jesse’s first HOH and the CDT seemed unfair, BUT, they were part of the game and there isn’t anything we can do about it.
    4)Poor sportmanship, it happens in all games, and when you go to far you get tossed out of the game, baseball, football, Big Brother. I didn’t like Chima, but thought she had achance to win if she could have just controlled her temper and played her game, “not Jesse’s”.
    5)Backstabbing: Another p[art of the game, just have to take it with a grain of salt and try to survive and then make your comeback.
    6)Live Feeds: doesn’t it just make you mad when they cut away just when something exciting seems like it’s going to happen.
    7)Good luck to the HG’s and may the luckiest man/woman win. Be sure someone has your back and they don’t have a knife!!
    8)Now lets have fun and quit bashing each other, we don’t have $500,000 at stake here in the blogs!!!!


  248. @LoveRuss: If you don’t like game twists like Jeff’s “Popularity Contest”, your beloved Jessie would never have made it in the game to start with. Nobody cares if you like Russell — he’s just a paranoid little man with Napoleon complex. I have no problem with Russell — he’s a game player and I’ll be just fine if he moves on to the finals.

  249. Why do people think Jordan will beat Jeff in the finale two… I think Jeff would win he did play the game I wouldn;t think Jordan earned it.

  250. @LoveRuss
    we were not bashing suan last night he was attacking us and refused to admit jesse was Handed just as much power ass Jeff in the game. and we were up late so we slept late

  251. I think if it came down to jeff and jordan then jordan would probley win because more people like her in the jury house over jeff if it was a tie and we got to pick then hand down jeff

  252. I think jordan would win over jeff cause more people like her in the jury house if it was a tie then jeff woould win hands down

  253. @loveruss
    we were not bashing saun he was attaking us we were up late so we slept in jesse was handed power also jeff didnt earn his power of the back of his group like jesse did her got them by being nice

  254. @Gani: Because all the jury house members that drank the Jessie kool-aid hate Jeff (and will not vote for him) for making such an excellent move getting him out.

  255. @Gani: Because all the Jury House Members who drank the Jessie Kool-Aid hate Jeff for making such a great game move by getting Jessie kicked out. They will not vote for Jeff. They wanted to all play for Jessie and give him the $500K.

  256. hey i am having trouble joining in i would like to answer love russ we were being bullied by shaun last night not bashing him

  257. Yeah right, looks like you guys jumped on shaun first, all because you didn’t agree with his OPINION!

  258. @love russ we were not attacking russ he is a bully jesse was handed HOH the first week we didnt complain about that why is everyone coplaining about us giving jesse power at least he did something to earn it from us by being nice

  259. @love russ
    go back and read again he jumped in on a conversation and would not stop being mean

  260. @blackgirl, I got on here this morning and started reading what this other ashley wrote and hoped all would know that this was not me!! You know I love Russ!! Hope they don’t back door him this week. At least he can play for the veto. Notice I had to change my name because I definately did not want to be mistaken.

  261. Jeff deserved to get the CDT as much as Jesse getted the gift of an HOH for doing nothing but looking like beetle Jesse

  262. Jeff should stick to his f4 deal If if this is just a game, Jeff gave his word and he is the one that insisted on swearing on parents and dogs. I will have no respect for him and I hope he loses if he doesnt keep his word

  263. @Blackgirl, I wrote a comment earlier but I guess it didn’t make it. I have changed my name so things won’t get confusing with one Ashley (me) pulling for Russ and the other being nothing like me.

  264. Same as every other site with open comments……People bashing………..Keyboard tough guys………..and people trying to tell me why their opinion is the right one…
    Let people say what they want to say and stfu

  265. @LoveRuss
    I guess for your benefit, since you took it literally, I should of said:

    My thoughts on a few issues. Is that better?

    Have a good day LR. Hope your HG well.

  266. @Snakebit: The spam filter is misbehaving and catching too many comments that are not spam. People are repeating their comments over and over when they don’t immediately appear (due to the spam filter misbehaving) and so when I release all the comments we are getting all of them including the duplicates.

  267. @J/J Fan Too: How can you say that Chima was the “real racist” this season? Braden takes that title. BB did not air Braeden shouting at Lydia and Kevin. First Braden calls Lydia a “bitch” and a “skank,” and when Kevin says it was his suggestion that Braden be nominated post-veto, Braden says, “you can put [a tattoo] on your cock.” Kevin calls Braden a “fucking asshole.” Braden’s intelligent retort is to tell Kevin to “just stick a banana up your ass,” and then Braden says, “What the fuck are you? You’re a fucking Mexican from San Diego,” and then says, “I don’t fucking care, you’re a fucking beaner. Go home.”

    Lydia yells at him, so Braden says, “I don’t fucking care. I’m fucking white and American,” and he adds, “Yeah, you’re all beaners.” Oh…but Chima was the RACIST! Yeah right!

  268. To be honest, I hope Jeff is stupid enough to back-door Russell. Then he’ll see that

    1) Russell never betrayed him and all he’s been told has been lies

    2) Jordan is an idiot for believing everything she heard and can’t play the game to save her life

    3) Jeff will soon follow Russell out the door along with Jordan the following week (actually the order wouldn’t matter much to me)…

    That would actually make my day. J/J in HOH has totally ruined the game for me, as they are too dumb to play the game and I’m sick of hearing about Jordan’s “boobs” and period. The game has gotten dumb and boring.

    If Russell can’t pull a rabbit out of his hat and stay in the house, then I hope Michelle wins and J/J are never heard from again. It’s an embarrassment that folks are so obsessed with these two idiots.

  269. Russell said that at F4 it will be every man for himself and that back-stabbing would be a necessity. How is that betraying Jeff? Everyone in the house is trying to win, so I don’t see why Russell is suddenly a bad guy for being honest with Jeff by saying, while he likes him as a person and wants them all to make it to F4, he’s not handing $500K to him and Jordan. HELLOOOOOO! I don’t see J/J making strides to hand anyone any money, and they have become some of the worst and DUMBEST schemers in the house.

  270. I want Natalie then Kevin to be evicted.
    Kevin has not played the game one bit.
    He is boring and definitely not a player.
    I also think it is terrible that he lied to
    Jeff big time, saying that Russell was going
    to nominate Jeff if he wins. That is such BS.
    And as usual, Kevin does what the girls tell him.

  271. Shaun from last night reminds me of someone but I can’t put my finger on it. Oh yeah Chima!He has to whine and degrade people when he doesn’t get his way. What an a$$!

  272. @ Allie and chima said all the same things said hopes Russ goes to prison and gets raped. And hopes Jeff gets him up the tail and he was a racist because of his race. If you knew all about Braden the if you were such a Chima fan you ahd to have heard all the things she said. Chima is a evil person and a racist. Also I chose not to use the language you did. And Lydia was do sexual favors for Jesse she is a skank and a ho

  273. @ Allie: lydia is a bitch and akank.

    And even though kevin didn’t know it when he told jeff, weren’t michelle and russel talking about how they want to be the final two?

  274. @ Budman
    WRONG! The people who jumped all over him because of his OPINION were the whiners. I love the whole American Idol comparison. The game was better off without the twist. As he put it, the GAME was going to be good with two equally numbered alliances. Now we’ve seen two predictable evictions (including Jesse, who I was not a fan of by the way) and two more to come (Natalie and Kevin). Shaun also said this isn’t, so get over it “WHINERS”, not everyone has to like the two most boring people the show has ever seen.

  275. My Favorit is all thats left in the house but NAT…CHIMA… Jessie… Lydia.. AND The RAT FACE RONNIE I did not like but they did make me want to watch to see what happend next.

  276. Jordan is such a loser. Weak, slutty, pathetic, but more than anything else, dumber than a pair of shoes. I pity Jeff for putting up with that whore. I liked Lydia as much as I liked Big Brother 6’s Ivette. Both are strong, outspoken, intelligent women. I don’t understand how anyone could like an airhead like Jordan. Worst part is, she actually tries to pretend she has a brain and any kind of control in this house, and only makes herself sound stupider in the process. I can’t even believe she could stand to have someone hand her the HOH like some dumb bimbo who can’t accomplish anything by herself. Jordan has no pride and absolutely no worth in this game. Thank you Lydia for calling her out on being a whore.

  277. Ronnie was an amazing player, as was Russell, but Russell got a bit too cocky and became more of a bully recently. I’d love to see Michelle out of the game because she is nearly as useless as Jordan, and about as reliable, so she and Jordan getting out of this game would be the best possible scenario for the next two weeks.

    I would absolutely love to see someone like Lydia, in the jury house, pull off something like refusing to vote if dumb sluts like Jordan and Michelle are the finalists. I know I would do it.

  278. Oh yes, forgot to mention this, but if Jeff grows a pair of balls, I might root for him to win, since he’s an interesting guy when he’s not slobbering all over Jordan. Aside from that, the one I really want to see win is Kevin. He’s cute, smart, and way too good for most of the remaining members of the household.

  279. Cynthia – Thank you SO much for that post. I’ve always been totally perplexed as to why Lydia and Natalie are whores, yet Jordan, who does nothing but squeeze her “boobs” all day, talk about sex, and fool around with Jeff to advance herself in the game due to being a useless idiot and tart is somehow sweet, wholesome, and innocent. It’s a bloody joke. If she wasn’t a white blonde with implants she’d have no fans at all.

  280. …And somebody PULLEEZ make that idiot stop talking about her period! This is not the monumental event she makes it out to be!

  281. Hey Cynthia Who is the one that had sex with all the men not only in bed but in her mind oh i wander who? LYDIA maybe so who is the slute?

  282. With out Ronnie and Jessie; NAT AND LYDIA WERE NO PLAYERS BUT CRY BABYS AND Chima couldnt take it with out Jessie She went crazy so who is the losers not Jorden hahahahaha!!!

  283. Ronnie was Jessies Biatch he couldnt do any thing with out Jessie telling him what to do like when he wanted to put up Russ and before he did he had to ask his mama Jessie first even though he realy wanted Russ out he had to ask wuzzy boy Jessie. So he wasnt that smart was he!

  284. June: Being a slut is in her attitude more than her actions. Jordan is a weak bimbo who sucks up to Jeff not sometimes, but every single day.

    Ronnie was the best player, and the most deserving to win after Kevin.

    Sounds to me like you’re just jealous of Chima. :P

  285. No i am not jealous of Chima oh god no that woman is crazy and she need help and i dont hate her because she has problems and she need to get it out but she let it out in the wrong place she needs to let it go to Jesus not big brother and yes i do love Lydia but man she weny crazy when Jorden was in the HOH and cense Jorden is to week and shy she couldnt fight back so i think Lydia is a cowerd becuse she took on a weeklin like Jroden,

  286. Oh i think your JEALOUS OF Jorden thats why you keep talking bad about her cause you hate pepole that are week i dont know why but you do.

  287. Cynthia i am moving on to the spoiler because i am not a web warrier fighting behind a computer so good luck to your group of Big Brother choices cause we all have favorits and dislikes so bless your little heart sweetie and have a nice day.

  288. Chima doesn’t have problems, she’s just a strong woman. Compared to whiny little Jordan, everyone in this house is strong. Jordan is a loser, she never deserved the HOH. She got it handed to her like she was Jeff’s plaything. She has no worth of her own in this house. As someone else previously mentioned, if she wasn’t blonde, no one would like her so much.

    Ronnie never sucked up to anyone, he played everyone. He was strong, smart, and the best player in the house.

    No one would be jealous of weak, stupid Jordan who can’t do anything by herself. Had I been in her position with Jeff, I never would have begged him to hand her the HOH the way she did. She is pathetic, and moreover, her breasts are far too large. Anyone who has an enhancing breast surgery is a fool, Jordan all the more so because she truly is an airhead.

  289. WOOW NOW CYNTHIA CALM DOWN GIRL I CAN SEE YOU HATE JORDEN BUT DAMM DONT PUT IT ON ME. Its just a game sweeti who ever wins win girl just be good and thats great you love the ones you love every body has favorits ok sweetie.

  290. June: Put what on you? I don’t blame you for Jordan being the weakest player this house has ever seen, lol.

  291. Cynthia i just thought you put the blame that i like Jorden and maybe you didnt like me for that but any ways you have a wonderful blessd day and i hope you get the one you love to win back in the BBHouse woudnt that be awsome sweetie to get one of them back and yes they did make the BBHouse alive and now it is kind of boring dont you think sweeti?

  292. June: Big Brother as a whole has been less fascinating to me since Big Brother 6. They apparently haven’t been able to find someone as cool as Ivette was. And Big Brother 11 has been boring for me ever since Ronnie left. Unfortunately, it always seems as though the most interesting personalities get booted first. :(

  293. Good Point Cynthia that does make cense and ya i cant remember Ivette maybe because i am gettin old i am 49 years old but they never talk about the first people that were on big brother i wonder why??

  294. Cynthia i checked it out and ya i like her she was sweet and didnt she like girls but any ways my mom did i was rased by two mamas but i am marreid too my husband Bill for 25 years and he just loves my two mamas.LOL!

  295. lisa mccall who do you want to be the finale two i want Russ and Jeff to be at the finale and who ever wins its fine with me Russ 500.and Jeff 50. or visafersa Jeff 500. and Russ 50. Go Russ and Jeff kick butt!! :)

  296. Cynthia :) I like you your sweet but did you see Jeff man he is so slick when he put up Nat and Kevin but i hope Russ doesnt go home but if he doese oh well let game go on and may the best man or woman win. :)

  297. jordan said way back when to let her go and do what he had to do. he said to her no your going with me!!!

  298. June: Whether Jeff wins or not is of no consequence to me as long as neither Michelle nor Jordan do. If Jeff ever gets over dumb Jordan and gives her the big fat boot, I wish him all the best. Otherwise, let him go down with his plaything.

  299. I dont know if Jordon knows where she was in this game at one time. Jordon could have went home more than once and she has the nerve to act like she is. The last few day of J/J are been so bad my addictive self has been shutting the feeds off. She is treating M/R bad. For Jordon and Jeff to be talking in the Redroom and M/R outside by themselves is just rude and JJ are using it against M/R. All disgusting!!!

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