Big Brother 11: Week 6 HoH Round 2 Results

Big Brother 11 has shifted into overdrive with last night’s expulsion of Chima from the game. Despite having planned a double eviction and having the first default eviction last night, Big Brother decided to scuttle Michele’s reign as HoH and held a second Head of Household competition.

This afternoon, after a three hour HoH competition, the live feeds are back and a new HoH has been crowned.

Big Brother 11’s Jordan is now HoH. Congratulations on her first big win!

The drama doesn’t stop there though. Since the live feeds returned a few minutes ago the house has been on fire as Lydia, Natalie, and Michele have exploded into fights. The entertainment factor is cranked up to 11 here folks, so test out the uncensored feeds with the Free Trial and see what’s happening right now.

Jordan will announce her nominations on Monday, so Sunday will have plenty of time for scheming and fighting in the Big Brother house.

Side note to the competition: Natalie may have won a phone call to home while Lydia is stuck wearing Jen’s infamous red unitard from Big Brother 8. Take a guess who is pissed off and letting it be known…

I’ve never seen so much action in this house! You can get the 24/7 uncensored feeds with the Free Trial so why are you waiting?!.

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  1. aww yay for jordan winning hoh finally ! ha must suck to be michele, not really getting to feel herself being hoh a full week lol. but atleast the good side won. i really hope jordan puts natalie and lydia up, at this point their just past annoying.

  2. I don’t think Michele will be too upset about this. The target was Chima anyway, so this just saved everyone the stress of POV and having to vote, as well as having to put up with her loud mouth. Michele also won’t be too upset since Jordan (her alliance member) won HOH, so they can get out two of their enemies in one week.

  3. YES!!! im so excited about Jordan. she’s been my favorite and pick to win since the first episode. I just want Natalie out of there.

  4. @Matt – Do you think they will do nominations ceremony tonight or tomorrow? And if tomorrow, will they do pov and pov ceremony both Monday? I love the site and enjoy getting up everyday and checking it!

  5. I belive Jordan will nominate Russell because she thinks he is a bigger threat physically and she was talking to Jeff about needing to get Russell out the hose ASAP because he is such a competitor….. I think it will either be Russell / Lydia or Russell / Michelle…. This is why…. Jorda would not have to worry about Michelle taking Russell of the block if she won the POV…. Jordan / Jeff were talking last night about Russell / Michelle having a final 2 deal… Jordan would just have Michelle mad at her, but michelle wouldn’t go against Jeff and nominate Jorda if Michelle wins the next HOH… If she does because she got lucky the first time…. Also she would have Lydia / Kevin / Natalie all gunning for Michelle next wee and not her (Jordan)…. I want anyone to win but Michelle…. Jordan is cool now because she has won a HOH…. Michele is the female version of Ronnie aka the sherat!!!

  6. I can now breathe a sigh of relief. Rite on Jordan. LoLo (Hawaiian slang for dumb) Lydia fails to realize if she is evicted like Chima, she will not be w/her fake Lover boy..BB 11 is filled with drama, tension, weird HG’s such as Nat/Lydia/booted Chima. Can hardly wait for BB after dark tonite. Thanks to all for ur updates.

  7. Well,oh,,,CBS, did not get anything from this stunt, now did they? They (CBS) has handed everything to those three NASTY girls & gave-in to there ever beck-in-call, so now MAYBE WE CAN WATCH SOME GOOD CLEAN FUN !!! Once one of the two goes out the door,, I pray it,s NASTY, but then she,love being along with the jerk JESSIE. Then again so will the other one too !!

  8. I have never seen so many women in one house able to make total fools of themselves and prove that a sore loser is a total loser!


  10. Everything turned out great. Chima’s gone and Jordan is running things which means Lydia and Natalie should be scared. I love it. Congrats Jordan.

  11. I gotta see this!! I can’t imagine what kind of comp Jordan would have won? Except one of those like last Thur where eveyone takes out each other and when the dust settles….. there stands Jordan. Good for her though, and I’m sure she’ll more than share it w/Michele since Michele got screwed out of her week.

  12. uhm anyone see vanilla ice on VH1 sureal house?? He was a complete physcho too! Nat and Lydia are not displaying uncommon behavior. Reember chelsea season 10? Went crazy

  13. I hope Jordan gets soooo royally screwed by michelle and russ since they made a final two deal with each other.

  14. I don’t think you can compare these people to any other BB houseguests. They are a different breed and are not even close to being like any other houseguests. All they’ve done is proven over and over how ignorant they are. They give Americans a bad name. I would not want to show the footage of most of these people to anyone coming to this country from overseas.

  15. F Team,,,, man you need to stop… Your as bad as the three girls,,, BOO-HOO-HOO So you hate a nice girl , & ya like the bad ones,,so guess you must be scum.,,, RIGHT ?

  16. REAlLy??? No one remembers that one gay guy from tx, Chelsea’s season that yelled and screamed and made fun of that one girls father who hung himself??? I think that’s the worst.

  17. oh please Jordan is operating on a IQ of 80…. Sorry I don’t love the “all American girl”

  18. Jordan just told Jeff and Michele that shes putting up Nat and Lydia. She wants them to vote Nat off. She thinks Nat is more of a competitor and she just wants to bug Lydia by not sending her to the jury house to be with Jessie. I LOVE this girl!

  19. I love that Jordon won this HOH! This one is huge. They can take out yet another member from the Jesse cult!

  20. Yeah, his name was Joshua and that was a really horrible thing for him to say, but if I remember correctly he apologized for the things he said. I know you can’t take words back, but at least he was somewhat remorseful. These people have no concept of right and wrong. I haven’t heard one single apology come out their mouths for the awful things they’ve said about one another. Especially Chima. She truly thought she was justified in saying everything she did. And she was offending entire populations of people, not just one person.

  21. Becoming disappointed in this game. The coup really made this game unfair. They should just give jeff the money. Go russell take them all down.

  22. F TEAM ,,, You are such a low life,,maybe you need to talk with someone along with Chima too !!Or , Your IQ, must be less then a second grader, & your hopeless, & helpless.

  23. It would be so funny if the houseguests convinced Jordan that the only way to get her desired target out of the house is to put Jeff up as the pawn. She thinks so highly of Jeff that she’d just assume that hardly anyone could possibly vote to evict Jeff.

    Then, Jeff gets evicted and Jordan is left with egg on her face.

    Even though it’s in Jordan’s (and Jeff’s) best interests to get a strong player like Russell out of the house, she’ll probably put up weaker players like Natalie and Lydia, because she seems to lack the strategic vision to look ahead in the game.

    I dislike Russell for lying to Ronnie, but I’d rather see him win than Dumb and Dumber, or unstable Michelle.

  24. F Team, I have a wonderful life, married 46 years, two children, & 4 grandchildren,a Yorki, & all is great,, HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY, & I know what it dose to you winning big MONEY. My FATHER WON,1 million in the lottery in 1976.

  25. Judy u r judging people on who they like in a relality tv show get real

    Jeff has no game and needs to go

  26. i just love jorden and how she has endured the three crime masters in there i’ll never know go jorden please put lydia up with nat get them both out.

  27. Jordan just said that she wanted to nominate Lydia and Natalie to just shut Lydia up, but to vote out Natalie, then just deal with Lydia after that. I do not believe she would even consider putting Russell up at this point when they have to get through the other three first.

  28. @Matt do you think any of the drama will be on flashback? Will it all be fish tank so CBS can show use their edited version?

  29. jordan needs to put up kevin and natalie so lydia doesn’t get what she wants…to go be with jesse. by the time the voting takes place, she will have accumulated penalty points due to not wearing unitard. no way will she stay. send telepathic messages to jordan to keep lydia off the block!!!

  30. Also Nat has to go because after the whole “agreeing too be civil” crap.. Natalie goes into the br and tells Lydia to go after Jeff because he will lose his temper. He told them that it takes a lot to lose it, but when he does, it is really bad. She wants Lydia to cause Jeff to lose it and get himself evicted. Jeff is SOOOO not that stupid.. and she is STILL lying about Mich and the “green room lie”I think she has convinced herself that it is true!! WOW!

  31. why isn’t russ considered a threat? He’s shown he’s a liar over and over. Lydia and nat are koo koo and hevnt won anything. I really wish russ will be the evil D of season 11 where. He’s handed money coz no one saw him as a huge threat

  32. This is the best thing, in my opinion, that could have happened in this game. Jordan proved herself to not be just a dumb blonde who floats through the game on Jeff’s arm. Chima proved herself to be a thirty-some year old with a three year olds sense of need. Lydia proved that she couldn’t handle what was being dished out and truly can’t compete without another person to hide behind. Natalie proved the same. Kevin proved to be loyal to the end, no matter how harsh a person’s behavior. Michelle proved last week that she’s probably one of the toughest competitors in this game and Russle proved that he is hot headed, yet, loyal when his or his alliance is backed against the wall. Jeff proved that he dosen’t have to drag Jordan through the show. Lots of proof going around this week.

  33. well then Russell is a better person that Natalie, Lydia and Chima. Sorry about that. I don’t just go by the feeds, since I can’t watch them all the time so I might miss something. I’m only human. And at least Russell didn’t make generalizations about entire populations of people. Not saying things he said were right, but hey he at least apologized.

  34. TO, I HATE JEFF. You can like who ya want, he is the one that said her IQ was 80, I don,t care who ya,all like, no rain on my back, but he said he hated her, WHY? what she do to him? Just asking ! No big deal to me, he is the fool running his mouth like that about a person that is very sweet & has a kind HEART, That,s all.

  35. **Lydia’s hair is officially bright pink. I was under the impression from what Michele said that the unitard this year is different. Michele wanted to wear the unitard … she said she doesnt want to wear this one. So we will see.

    Jeff won a trip to Hawaii too as another side note.

  36. UMM, comment #27 you just might want to learn how to spell stupid before you go accusing someone else of being stupid.

  37. To all of you who are attacking Jordan’s intelligence: Have you ever heard of multiple intelligences?

    So she doesn’t display what most would consider “smarts”, she has Interpersonal Intelligence – the capacity to relate to others.

    If you remember correctly, she befriended Jeff when he was basically shunned by everyone else. In retrospect, that was smart!

    If you remember correctly, she seemed to really accept Michelle, when most including Jeff was rude to her. Looking back, that was a smart move!

    There are many forms of intelligence, just ghtthou you’d like to know that Jordan has MAD socal skills!!!!!!!!

  38. drama this season is great but game play was kinda lame. It got to personally ESP coz eveyone paired into couples

  39. Fteam JJ- This is a game-not a contest to be nominated for sainthood. The contestants are going to lie and backstab. But the operative question is whether the houseguest can balance the lies w/ words of actions when the alliance is counting on it. Russ has proven he can juggle both and maintain his cool while being subjected to Chima’s tyranny. Russ is a rational kid who uses emotion to move the game. And yes he is loud and brash, but he has the guts to play the villian for 500K. That’s balls.

  40. Gosh I love it when people call Jordan stupid, but they themselves can’t even spell the word. Pot meet kettle.

  41. @ judy ever heard of spell check? Can’t seem to read your incoherent babble. Jordan befriended jeff coz she wanted to f&@k him LOL like most Americans that voted for him

  42. Jordan is fu<king dumb as shet!!!!! How many of you could actually stand her inept,incompetent, imbecilic a$$ for 24 hours?!?!?! I don’t get the appeal…. maybe if she didn’t open her mouth…. All I read is Jeff and Jordan this….. and that…. News Flash: They won’t last!!!!! Jeff isn’t that dumb.. he just wants a shot at the coochie… and she’s the only one he can get in the house (at this point).

  43. Oh the blonde girl pretending to be dumb cliché please…

    And since russ is known to lie very well and is very smart and is a great competitor, so why keep him? Logic doesn’t seem to be common amongst these people

  44. My favs are Michelle, Russ and Kevin. That being said, I will be satisfied if Mich, Russ, Jordan, Kevin, or Russ wins. At this point, Its all Good:)

  45. @JordanisFU lmao!!! Couldn’t have said it better myself..her voice ismlike nails on chalkboard

  46. F TEAM,, You know this is my first time on a computer, so PLEASE,PLEASE FORGIVE ME, if I made you feel like I have nothing up-stairs. My son got this for me & I have a lot to learn & I,m proud of what I have done so far. I,m 66 years old & I,m now retired.My son works for Roger Penski,& all the Nascar car drivers,& he is gone most of the summer doing the Nascar races,& my Daughter is a teacher,& ny husband has a very bad heart, & he wanted me to keep in touch with him when he is gone, other then by phone. So I,m sorry if I made you unable to read my message. No one else seem too, & I,m not the only one who makes these mistakes as you can see , again please forgive me,,,,!!!!

  47. On another site (Joker’s updates), Jordan is quoted as saying that they need to get rid of Russell soon. She remembers Russ saying he wouldn’t be afraid to backstab anyone.

    So maybe she is going after Russ. Who knows, maybe she isn’t so dumb afterall.

  48. @ Judy
    Don’t worry…I believe that some are angry about what’s happening in the BB house, and they are just trying to take their frustrations out on somebody. Tonight that just happens to be you. So don’t take it personal.

  49. F Team… why are you hating on Jordan? if she’s soooo dumb then how come she made it this far?? OBVIOUSLY everyone fell for her dumb-blonde thing… if she is faking it. it shouldn’t matter if she’s dumb anyways because fortunately for her she’s got Jeff to carry her throughout this game… she realizes she has resources and she knows how to use them, she befriended Jeff when no one wanted him, so she’s been playing it smart ever since. GO JORDAN!

  50. Lydia is losing it! She supposedly flipped a table over and broke some glass. She has dyed her hair bright pink and wants to be voted out.

    Probably to have one week with Jesse all to

  51. I don’t understand why people are saying Jeff isn’t playing the game. Why because he isn’t running his mouth 24/7? Because America gave him a power? So what! Anyone could of won the power, BB didn’t hand it to him, America voted! Kevin is keeping low so does that mean he isn’t playing the game? You don’t have to be loud, mean, in everyones face to be “playing” the game.

  52. I agree with Muna..Jordan is not a dumb girl at all. she has an innocense about her that is normal and natural for her age and she is a nice person, I hope she goes far in this game.

  53. I can’t say Jordan is my favorite but she is probly not as dumb as she seems but I will say she is byfar the dumbest in the house


  55. @Judy
    Do not let other other people on this message board influence what you post on here! All opinions on here are valid. even if some people don’t like them.

  56. Jordan wants to get rid of Russ but Jeff told her last night to wait atleast one more week. Jeff isn’t dumb. He knows he won’t win againist anyone in the house(final 2) but maybe Russ. So he is going to try to keep him around. But he also knows that Russ told him that Russ thinks the final two will be him(Jeff) and Michelle, so it’s hard to say what his game play will be. As long as Nat and Lydia go I don’t care which of the 5 win the game.

  57. @Judy

    I agree with Lee. Please do not feel the need to apologize to the ignorance of people who try to use their draconian ways to bully people like you to their way of thinking!!

  58. This is rediculous. regardless of the outcome. It makes no sense to have another HOH comp. They are so lucky that Jordan won, but it could have gone another way, and they would have lost alot of viewers. They just lost my interest with this decision

  59. I don’t agree with the “Jeff’s not playing the game” comments. Just because he’s not loud and in everyone’s face doesn’t mean he’s not playing a smart game. When he was on the block, he won PoV and saved himself. When he got the mystery power, he made the smartest move he could. He doesn’t talk game with a lot of people. He keeps his allies to a minimum – unlike Ronnie, Michelle and Russell who will jump on every bandwagon that passes by. I think he’s smart to lay low and keep quiet. — just my two cents :)

  60. @Mary
    Again…I agree with you completely. I am sure that she won’t nom. Russ (atleast I hope that she doesn’t.)

    As far as who wins, it will be be a relief when Nat and Lydia are gone!!!

  61. i am so glad jordan won now it’s time to get out kevin,he is a sneak.if i was jor, i would put up russell and nat

  62. Folks we need to step it up Lydia Kevin and Nat are now doing things to food or not telling others Lydia is doing it. I emailed cbs and told them I hope they get sued and that I want L?N out of the house. I will find out how to get in touch with J/J/M/R and let them know what cbs is allowing them to do. I am so mad right now

  63. Thanks Lee, in fact the draconian word is better suited for Chima, but since she has gone and her fanfare groupies want to continue to berate good people, they can now wear this crown!!!

  64. How are they getting way with messing with food? Lydia better watch or she will be with Chima……Out of the game altogether with a possible lawsuit at her doorstep when she gets home.

  65. JUDY; you don`t need to apologize to anonymous people online. I too have very limited typing/computer skills and i am only 48. No excuse for me.

    F TEAM; chill out on the attacks on people you don`t know. Today`s the 40th anniversary of woodstock. Let`s have some peace and love atleast online!!

  66. @Rand P.

    I agree with you, but sadly it is difficult to reason with people who feel inept and therefore have the need to try to put decent people like Judy down by attacking them verbally. These people show how inhumane they are by their antics and they have only embarrassed themselves by displaying their true selves and character in this forum.

  67. ok let me just say this to all you jeff/jordan haters … remember this is a GAME … chima ruined big brother by acting like an immature idiot .. big brother tells u to expect the unexpected .. we all knowt this .. there is a twist every year on this show that flips the house, which i enjoy … so explain to me how the coup de tat was unfair??? was it fair that jessie got to come back into the house again this year? some of you forget that this is a GAME .. and i stress a GAME .. you are competing to win half a million dollars so of course ur gonna screw ppl to make it to the end … natalie rode jessie’s butt the whole game and can’t win a competition to save her own neck … lydia is really dumb for believing jessie likes her .. he voted her out and do you honestly think he would be crying and acting like a baby is she was evicted??? she is playing a horrible game .. and as for chima she is a disgrace to the bb fans … never in all my years have i seen a show cater to someone … they couldn’t tape a live eviction last thursday b/c of her threats of violence … she should’ve been kicked off the show week one for calling braden a racist .. when she made racist comments herself .. she is seriously hurt b/c russell didn’t like her and want to hook up with her …. she got what she deserved … jeff is playing an awesome game he deserved to get the power america voted so there are a lot of jeff/jordan fans out there .. props to jordan for winning … remember this is a GAME ppl and i hope to never see chima on tv again … i’m sure her family is real proud of her !!!! go jeff/jordan

  68. Been watching the feeds, it looks like Michelle is trying to take Kevin to the Final Four. Jordan wants to take Russell to the Final Four and take Kevin out but when Russell and Jordan bring Kevin up as a target Michelle keeps trying to redirect them.

  69. I am so glad to FINALLY see the good over come all of that evil in the house. Jessie and his puppets were running the show. Now that the house has flipped they are showing poor sportsmanship and their true colors. Rock on Jordan and Jeff.

  70. I don’t blame Michele for getting upset. When Chima left Omit the POV and have Michele put up another nominee, preferably Russell. As for Jordan being HOH proves my point that Jeff is riding yet another coat tail not getting his hands dirty. Oh well, I know Russell is going up this time.

  71. dude seriously judy was just as harsh with her comments ^_^ but since she said she’s like 66 and just learned to use the pc I take what I said back.

    GO Kevin!

  72. Thinking about it, I don’t see why the producers felt the need to hold another HOH comp when Chima left.

    I’m no Michelle fan, but they could have allowed her to pick a replacement nominee and then gone with single elimination followed by the usual end-of-show HOH comp on Thursday. It seems unfair to rob her of the HOH power and perks for the week just because Chima got booted.

  73. you want to know why fteam jj is rooting for all the loosers oh ya cause he only watches bbad and thinks he gets all the scoop, sorry to break it to you but you miss everything and bbad isnt even worth watching, get the feeds then give input.(character comes out alot more on the feeds) and good luck with your team too out of 3 people they have a total of 1 win a pointless pov that wouldnt have even mattered anyways and you want to know why people like jordan its because she is sweet and nice people like nice people. from the way you have been to some people on here i can tell why your rooting for that side, sorry just my opinion and i am entitled to it, oh and judy good luck with your husband sorry to hear he is sick. and one more thing no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes dont ever apologize for it. who cares.

  74. Jeff not getting his hands dirty? What show are you watching? If he didn’t want dirty hands he should of just kept his butt in his seat last Thursday. If I was playing I too would want to get HOH as close to the end as possible. With Jordan as HOH Jeff might as well be HOH. Jeff has carried Jordan for the entire game about time she returns the favor.

  75. @f team jj- Yeah, they just “sealed” it last night I believe. I think Michelle is very savvy…telling each person just enough…very savvy-if it works:)

  76. Chrissy(post 116) you are absolutely correct on all points…it is a game with new rules each year and new twists, but the coup de tat was also on a previous season, but I do not think it was used then….Does anyone else remember that.

  77. comment 59 oh and i am married i am 26 and i have been with my husband for 11 years and have 2 kids with him i would never even think of f….ing jeff so to say people voted for him cause of that is crazy oh my husband likes him too what my husband wants to do him too or what

  78. thanks Kimber..was that the all-star one or his original season….I have such a bad memory. But nonetheless I just wanted to make it clear for all the people that think it was created just to give Jeff the upper hand….so ridiculous.

  79. Ew Kimber, first I’m agirl. Second I’m not going tospend all day everyday checking feeds. I only felt compeled todAy because of the chima drama. If you love 24/7 voyuerism good for you. Bb isn’t about whose a seemingly sweet person, morals
    Etc. These people want 500000 it’s a horrible economy right now. Ialready said I take back whAt I said to judy though she wasn’t so kind with words either. Get off your invisible high horse. And I was rooting for team jeff until they kept complaining about being at the bottom so much

  80. Russ is acting weird, according to j/j/m. They are discussing taking him out, but jordan says no. She wants Nat out this week, and then they can worry about Russ next week.

  81. thank you stella … yes i do remember that they had it on another season .. i also forgot to say a few other things here … did they seriously think that jeff would just lay down and die .. jessie, natalie, ronnie, chima, and russell (back when he was with them) took out most of jeff’s alliance braden, laura, and then casey .. although i did respect russell for voting to keep casey and keeping his word to jeff and giving ronnie the boot … jeff did what he had to do … and lydia/nat/chima are sore losers .. did jeff ever destroy any of their belongings/clothes or put anything into their food … some people in that house need to grow up and take a look at themselves .. i can’t believe some of the wack jobs that they cast for this season .. wow

  82. I’m
    happy Jordan won hoh..I didn’t think she was capable..I like Jeff too..Don’t care for anyone else.There was so much Drama this season..Still I’m disappointed about BB this year..I don’t think they selected Good competitive Hg’s this year..It was BS from day one by putting Jesse back in the house..He killed the game and made bad game play for everyone else..I could care less about them airing their dirty laundry on TV..I rather see good game play..I have not seen that this year..Whatever..It’s just an opinion..

  83. lol chrissy…its like we are the same person…you took the words right out of my mouth. People think I am nuts for watching BB, but I love it.

  84. sorry to break it to you but on computer world if people dont know your sex they call you he so oh well sucks for you and you asked why people liked her and that is why, you did ask that right ok then and as far as me watching 24/7 uhmm no what i said was this you see more of there character and how they act as human beings hello nasty nat didnt shower for a week sick come on. i dont have to be at a computer watching all the time to be able to see the kind of people they are and how they act better then you when i can tune in whenever i want and sorry to break this to you too you must not now the feeds come with flashfoward now too so you can go to any day and time and see anything or any action you missed whenever. let me guess you were a chima fan too and look at her character wow

  85. @ jennifer areed. The fact that Lydia and nat are solo non competitive makes it kinda boring. There also haven’t ben many endurance comps yet

  86. and i already did say i do have 2 kids to take care of all day so i flash foward at night durring bedtime

  87. Lydia will probably beg to get booted so she can be with jessie. If she quits she won’t be in the JH where she really wants to be. She is so needy it’s painful to watch.

  88. @ kimber

    I’m not going to have a lame Internet Convo with you over tripe. I don’t watch bb to see everyone get along and pretend to act civil. I don’t give sh&t if nat and Lydia act foolish makes good tv. Hmm but so did jeff and Jordan who where trying to get it on with creepo ron in the same room with them. ICk

  89. Update 4: CBS released this press statement today semi-clarifying Chima’s eviction though they note the full details will not be released until a future episode. I’m guessing we’ll see it on Tuesday night’s Big Brother show.

    “Chima has been evicted by the producers from the Big Brother house for violating the rules. She will not be part of the show’s jury. Her eviction will be addressed on an upcoming broadcast of the show.”

    Did producers truly evict Chima or did they allow her to leave but and then decide to say it was their choice? With Chima’s blockade from media interviews I doubt we’ll ever know for sure.

  90. i guess you just like to talk and not here others opinions then why are you here oh and personally i would rather get it on with anyone infront of ronnie then not take a shower for a week and announce it to millions of people to me that is more gross and its not like they ever had *** sorry never happened just kissing and fooling so who care about that

  91. I hope Lydiot wears the black makeup mask with her new red spandex jumpsuit she has to wear all week. She’ll look like Elastigirl!

  92. they are showing jordans hoh room and i think lydia is sleeping how rude, that group is full of crybabies and sore loosers gee, the only half decent one is kevin

  93. i am shocked first of all by chima’s removal. i think it was deserved consider she called herself “the two towers” and russell “the terrorist”. that makes me happy but i can not get over the comments on here and the lack of respect by not only the bloggers but the contestants as well. we areall adults how come we are not acting like adults. this person is better then that person and that person is stupid not this person it sounds fourth grade and childish. it is a game and it should be treated as a game not a whine feast. i am disappointe not only by the houseguests i am dissapointed in the bloggers as well.

  94. seeaw i know it was funny she reminded me of the like racoon bandit robber in cartoons last week

  95. bernard people are just stating there opinions and sometimes disagree we all make ammese after its not a big deal so if you cant handle it go no ones begging you to stay we are all diffrent and have diffrent thoughts and opinions and we like to have a challenge sometimes and in the end we always respect eachother for that. its not second grade some people just like to debate and who are you to tell others how to be and what to do that sounds childish to me sounds alot like my 6 year old

  96. i dont know about the others on here but nothing i say is ment personally so i hope no one takes it that way cause i mean no harm

  97. Has anyone heard that Lydia spit in the salad that was made for all the hgs?

    If true, that is so disgusting, and health concerns YUCK!!!

  98. I watched BBAD last night and didn’t check the blog until just now. CBS finally took charge! I will not miss Chima.

  99. I agree with you Bernard. The people on here are stating their opinions though. However, I think it is too far when you go calling them a slut, skank, etc. People are judging the contestant on their opinions. Bloggers on here need to voice their opinions in a nicer way and not attacking them on a personal level. if you are gonna say something say it about the way they play the game and not about personal information or appearance. I think Chima was a very good player and i think it was too much for her. Jordan will hopefully do the right thing and put up nat and lydia. Then hopefully natalie will be sent out the door. I actually like everyone in the house equally. Just please remember to judge people on how they are playing the game.

  100. And im not trying to tell people what to do, but it’s just try to remember they are people too. Not everything done by one person is bad and everything done by another person is good. I am not complaining. Kimber, you say people are just voicing their opinions, well i am voicing my opinion now. Sorry for making anyone mad, but i just think we need to focus on the game rather than personalities.

  101. personally… I thought this season was doomed from the beginging, but it’s turn out to be a little more interested since the CDT and Chima’s eviction

  102. in response to kimber i make my case for what i said in the previous blog. i was stating my opinion on what i feel when i read and see on here and i do watch the show and the after dark show so i know what i am talking about but beyond that who are you to say that i am acting like a six year old. you said what you had to say now it is my turn. you are acting like a child if i said that i am disappointed about how people are acting on here i have every right to do so and so does everyone else. i never judged on anyone and i never pointed anyone out until you made that comment about me being a six year old. i am going to continue to say my opinion and if you do not like it amber you do not have to read it either.

  103. Ding-dong the witch is dead…well, Chima is gone…by throwing a fit & being thrown out she blew it for her “alliance.” Oh well, all the more likely Jeff will win.

  104. With all the arguing here, this site could have a web based big brother show. Get 12 comment posters and watch how they tare each other apart and then nominate and vote one out each week. :)

  105. I hope Jordan plays smart. I’m not a fan of hers but congrats on her win. My top three would be Russ, Michele and Kevin. Let’s see who survives this week…

  106. Was that golf game the HOH competition? If Not, who won that and what was the HOH competition?

  107. Wow Jordon just got her room and anyone that doesnt like her–you will and should like her after you see her get her HOH room. She is sooo real, charming and just has a way about herself. If there is anyone in the house that needs 500Gs it is Jordon and I think she is one of the deserving house guests that would put the money to great use to the money. There is people in the house that come from money and have great jobs and are getting employement after the show and then there are people in the house that are just not nice people and this season there is alot of those. Jordon was crying(hard) about her family back home and taking care of her bills and just a very real person. Hope you all see what the feeds did and CBS doesnt do a bad edit on the whole HOH room …. I think everyone will like.

  108. Jordan is soo nice to let Michele stay up in HOH with. And BB bet not squawk about that. They screwed Michele out of the Power. The girl didn’t even get to Tweet or Blog. Still hopes she takes down Russell. My final two dream Michele and Kevin.

  109. Wow! I’m so glad Chima is gone. She is ignorant and certainly does NOT represent the “strong black women” of America … or anywhere else for that matter! I’m sure she is not, but she SHOULD be ASHAMED of herself, her words, her actions! I feel sorry for her family who has to claim her as a family member! She is a pathetic excuse!! So glad she’s gone! I’m rooting for Jeff or Jordan! It will be great to see either of them win the big money and either one of them to come in second!

  110. eliza actually dont comment on what i say unless you read everything she was the one saying bad things about jordan calling her dumb and ect and she asked everyone in here why people like jordan huh well that would be her personality am i right or am i wrong 80%of viewers on here and look through all the forums yourself like jordan cause she is sweet not cause of her game play. personally i think her game play has not been stupid at all and i came in here seeing fteam jj ragging on others so i was just challenging her back, and if you look into it its others who started the judging them on there personality and others calling her names not me
    and bernard no one is acting like anything in here and that is my point no one takes things personally in here and if they did sorry if i offended anyone that was not what i was trying to do and you must not have understood cause all i was saying is no one is even arguing we are just debating which is what you are supposed to do here it even says that on the comment rules we are here debating and if i am not correct then you please tell me what debate means cause i thought it ment challenging what someone thinks and then challenge you back i guess i will look it up in the dictionary real quick cause according to you im wrong. no one is even arguing how come i am the only one who is not allowed to have an opinion then

  111. so whats up with Lydia and the houseguests food?? What is she doing??? WOOHOOO Chimas gooone…thank the lord finally I couldn’t stand looking at the monkey look-alike..

  112. People are forgetting that this is a GAME! It’s not about good vs. bad, it’s about who plays the best. I don’t care that Jordan was nice to Michele, this is a game! It’s about sportsmanship! So what if Russ and Michele “schemed,” it’s a strategic GAME! You can’t expect people to all play nice… what I like about Russ and Michele is the fact that they play for themselves and that they are serious competitors.

  113. * Main Entry: 1de·bate
    * Pronunciation: \di-ˈbāt, dē-\
    * Function: noun
    * Date: 13th century

    : a contention by words or arguments: as a : the formal discussion of a motion before a deliberative body according to the rules of parliamentary procedure b : a regulated discussion of a proposition between two matched sides

  114. I hate Michelle aka sherat, but if she gets to the final 2 against Jeff she will probably win because Jessie / Natalie / Jordan hate Jeff and that means Jeff screwed Russell…… I hope like hell Michellee doesn’t get to thefinal 4…… Michelle is trying to get Jordan to taake Kevin instead of Russell…… I hopee either Jeff / Russell / Kevin wins BB 11!!!

  115. i know smiliez so immature isnt it i just saw on another forum too how they said she was wanting to go and drug other hg food with meds there allergic to. crazy and crazy someone would root for someone like that to win too

  116. @Dero #178
    Count me in! These blogs/bloggers are just as intersting (and sometimes as cut throat) as the hgs. I love this site!

    There are certainly lines drawn in the sand…aka-Alliances, personal attacks, and more drama than you can shake a stick at. It’s fun to see everyone’s opinion, and then see everyone else’s reaction to that opinion. VERY INTERESTING IDEA, indeed!!!

  117. can anyone tell me how has nat the rat played a good game she hasnt done anything diffrent in my book then jordan at least jordan now has won an hoh more then anyone can say for nat who has won nothing at all and hid behind jessie wow what better gameplay she has

  118. Kimber…where is she getting the meds? or was she just talking smack?? I think Nat the rat is awful….she rode jessie for all he had…boohoo cant wait to see what rat does now..

  119. doris that would be fun i agree and seriously i never mean to offend anyone im just trying to have a little fun im a mom of 2 kids and thats all i do is kids kids kids so its nice to do something else for a change when everyone is nighty night! i wonder who jordan will nominate this week, to me michelle is not to be trusted she is trouble and can never remember anything she says

  120. @kimber
    True. Obviously jesse was the brains of that outfit.(scary thought). But I do actually think that he kept them girlz in check. They were his “security votes” and nothing more. We all seen that when he voted to evict lydia.

    As for Nat, her logic is illogical. Her strategy is non-strategic. She is doomed…but then again…who knows in this house!

  121. hold on ill look to see if they said anything else about it someone was writing it in another forum brb

  122. sorry it says they were going to give them something they were allergic to not meds. i thought these people had to go through mental evaluations first before being allowed in the house where is the saftey expecially crazy people who want to possibly kill someone man not sure if i want to ever try out knowing there could be people like that in the house
    here it is# marilyn
    August 15th, 2009 at 9:15 pm

    how imature these three girls are!!!! saying your going to soil beds and trying to give another person something they are allergic to is insane. I thought I liked Lydia a little bit but she has fullen for a creep Jessie and he has admited he was not attracted to her he used her. And she is lower herself to acting like a mental patient along with the other two who we already knew were. Big Brother Monitor a little more before we get a bunch like these again please.

  123. The plot thickens!
    Kevin and Nat are scheming that Russ has told them that he wants to get Jeff out asap. Nat tells kevin that once they tell the lie they can NEVER admit that it was a lie. She even stresses that is what she did about the green room lie.

  124. ya i here them saying they are going to tell them that to turn them against him so they put him up instead of one of them but it would kinda be smart cause russ will backstab them and jordan found out lydia was calling her a ho

  125. the girls are pretty nuts…they driving me crazzzy…nat the rat needs to learn to chew with her mouth closed!!! basic manners…anyone ever noticed she walks like there is a corn cob up her rear end…lol and she needs to brush her nappy hair….i cant wait till shes gone…I hope jordan sends her out!!

  126. jordan thinks thats funny concidering her play date with jessie which is more then jeff and jordan have done together, jordans worried about what her grandparents are going to think for her kissing jeff oh what a ho that is lol lydia is crazy

  127. im pretty sure we get to pick who takes chimas place for the 7th jury member that will be intresting i hope they pick casey or braden or laura

  128. My husband just said that smilez. She will sit there not talking then as soon as she has something to say she takes a bite of something and talks with her mouth full. GROSS

  129. god I hope Casey comes back!! Thats bulls**t that they took the alcohol away because Lydia can’t handle herself and had to get drunk knocking over the table…and shes taking meds while shes drinking she desearves to go to!!

    are you guys hearing that Lydia gave jessie a bl**job in Natalies bed!!! then wiped the crap off on her sweatshirt!!! hahahahaaha

  130. that is really unfair for the other hgs she is really immature to act like that i bet once shes gone theyll get it back, none of the mental patients shouldnt have been allowed in the house. and the lydia and jessie thing with nats bed so gross so gross to think they did anything period she is trashy

  131. I’m new to this show. Could someone explain to me how the jury deal works? If it’s anything like Survivor then I already know.

  132. Jordan is a sweet girl but that has nothing to do with the game.

    Love listening to her family stories and stuff but still.

    The idea that Kevin, Natalie, Lyida can make a lie up or basically do anthing to stay in the house sadly in comcical.

    Natalie for sure will get evicted <:'(

    I mean they have no way of convincing anyone on this pity alliance (Jeff, Jordan, Michelle Russell) to do anything different, nominaton wise, or vote wise.

    If bb had any fair to them after what happened thurs. They bring back Jessie. Yea i said it.

    But anyway, she doesnt have a prayer to stay in this house.

    the only person who at a stretch will vote for her is Russell. Tehn its a tie going up to Jordan.

    If she wants to stay this week, she has to bank on winning veto.

    Or Jessie coming back eviction night.

    Then Kevin. Kevin has no chance of winning either.

    Then we will see i mean have too see the pity allicna break up.

  133. Yes Jacob, I think Kevin should win because there have been not one gay guy ever win, and also because Kevin has been super nice with everybody and tries to play a friendly game.

  134. It’s pretty dumb for Natalie to go along with Kevin’s plan. Kevin is going to pretend that he’s helping Jeff/Jordan/Michelle when he lies about Russel. That’s going to put Kevin in a position of power (assuming that they actually believe they lie) because he will be seen as the good guy. Natalie is stupid.

  135. Wow!,

    BB juries work basically like Survivor. The jury members are (usually) 7 in number and are sequestered until the end of BB. Each week, the producers send them a DVD of what’s been happening in the house so they can make an informed decision as to who wins the big prize at the end. They all live in the nice jury house together, and BB actually shows us scenes from inside the jury house towards the end of the season (something Survivor never does). Hope this helps.

  136. the houseguests go to a jury house until the end and then they come back and yes, like survivor, they vote for the winner. but the houseguests in the house dont come back to watch the evictions, they get a short summary of the week.

  137. Go Jordo Go! I love you your so sweet and pretty!!!! I just hope you and Jeff are the final 2 it will be a close call…..

  138. @Marcus

    I understand you dont like Jordon, but dont you understand it is not JUST a game it is an opportunity for someone to get a reward of a half million dollars. I personally in todays economy want to see that kind of money go to someone that deserves it and most of all NEEDS it. Jordon and her family are nice people and NEEDS it. Jordon just got her HOH room and you will see a different side of her when it is shown on the show if you didnt see the feeds. But it isnt JUST a game it is a show with real people with real feelings. People really need to get a grip sometimes and think outside of the box.

  139. @Tracy You said it right… I think Jordo and her family really need it and I think she is playing the game good… She is great inside and out what a gal…..

  140. uhh this season of BB is horrible, the clique idea was horrible, it got horrible people to fit into “nerd” or “off beat”. now look where we are, we’re having 2 HOHs in one week blah blah

  141. Jordan told Russell & Michele about Lydia giving JessHe oral favors late at night. Once, they took Nastylie’s ASU jersey to clean up with. And then she wore it after wondering what was on her jersey? OMG!
    Jordan said she wouldn’t confront Nastylie or Lydia with it, so as not to “stoop to their level”. Russell was loving the scoop. Look for him to bring it up at the most crucial time. You think they’ll be fighting over JessHe now? Ha, ha!

  142. This is exactly what I have been waiting for. Its a pity that I dont have Livefeeds :D

  143. Just a side comment here. Why is no one thinking about Kevin. He is good as competitions (the non-physical ones). Think about it, he has never dirtied his hands and him in the final two will make it clear that he wins on nice factor and he did no dirt to anyone. So They can’t win against him. So I say Kevin and Lydia should be up on the block. My opinion.

  144. Kevin is going to get caught with his pants down around his ankles if he goes through with his plan to LIE about Russell to try to break up Jeff’s alliance. My Opinion

  145. If the news is true that Jesse is comming back ,I Will ditch this BS show tomorrow..They should send someone back that didn’t get a chance, Like Casey!!I had enough of this Damn show this year..I’m Discussed!!!Uh!!!

  146. @Jennifer

    Mike made this claim yesterday as well, but couldn’t or wouldn’t validate the confirmation, so I don’t believe this statement!

  147. Jesse coming back doesn’t solve the problem of the Jury being one short. Where is the info stated that Jesse is coming back?

  148. Hey you all the Big brother on here said that America gets to vote who comes back if they do bring some one back ok if you dont belive me then look your self on when Michelle won and under the topic Chima has been removed so go there and look for Matt and yhere it said ok dont worry be happy. ps do you notest that even in here its so calm now.

  149. They wouldn’t of bothered having another HOH so early if Jessie was coming back. They were having a double eviction this week anyway. Jessie is staying in the jury house.

  150. Can’t believe some of the venom being thrown. I get everyone have their favorites ,,,but some of the nastyness, is well a tad ove the top.

    The “widows” have made themselves look, well more than a bit silly and will likely be pretty embaressed when viewing this afterword.

    As to best game play – Michelle – yeah she has fibed when it suited her; thus making it hard to figure out where she stood. I think she had made up her mind a bit of time ago but, after Russ’s reveil of her game play when he was HoH, understood, best to keep her cards close to her chest. Her telling Jordon, to avoid talking game with Russ – brilliant – keeps him from another opps monment and gives her maximum freedom to adjust to new situations.

    Second best game – Kevin – stay below the radar and not anger anyone. Not sure what he is doing right now, as he starts to become involved with the widow’s schemes. If he can control and direct it, then it he gains power and others to throw under the bus as needed, an 3 or more votes for him wrapped up if he makes it to the endgame.

    worst game play – the widows – let emotion overtake everything – I doubt that they are even aware how they have turned this for themselves from a game into a faux reality. They made it way to personal — that is their error.

  151. If I understand correctly, “America Votes” will be polled and if a tie-breaking vote is needed to decide the winner, it will be used.

    If it between Kevin and almost anyone in the JJRM group, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is used. Jessie might vote for either Jeff or Russ due to gameplay factors

    I would be more surprised if it is needed for any other combo.

  152. Jennifer,
    Keep in mind, that anyone else that has left ahs been able to watch TV and will know what has been said and done on BB.

  153. Why is Lydia so upset about Jesse he didnt want her he likes Natbug so get over it Lydia and get a life and you go Jorden and Michelle sorry you didnt get to stay in HOH but look at the good side of it you made Chima pisssed off and she is GONE HALUAH! And you opend up to sweet Jorden and now you have a best friend good for you Michelle and bouya chima you dead and gone yes dead and gone!!!

  154. @Marcus
    I am not a Jesse fan, but if someone were to come back into the game…the only fair choice is Jesse. He is the only hg that has not seen ALL the real goings-on in the BB house. I would hate to see that happen, but its only a game, right?

    I like the America’s choice tie-breaker sen

  155. Thank god Chima is gone. She’s a total bitch and clearly a sore loser. Chima, go put on some more lip gloss.

  156. @Ken totally agree with you! He will lose the little trust that he has built with Jeff. I wanted to like Kevin, but if he pulls this stupid move, I am done with him..

  157. Mike:
    It has been confirmed! JESSIE IS COMING BACK TO THE SHOW!!

    Please! I think if this were true MATT would know it before YOU!

  158. Lydia, Natalie and Kevin decided to use the BIG LIE and tell Jeff that Russ and Michele are conspiring against him and Jordan. Natalie said it worked against Michele concerning the green room so it could work again. Kevin will be the one to tell the lie to Jeff. As much as I dislike N/L it is not bad strategy.

  159. Natalie should be the next to go as she causes a lot of friction in the BBH. She is flying under the radar. She can join her friend Jessie on the jury. Looks good on him being OUT.

  160. its a great strategy, must do something…and there is already issues in that “final 4”

    I must say…

    Poor Jeff, Michelle will never leave he and Jordan alone in the HoH room…what a BLOCK

  161. I think russ wants to take michelle and jordan in the final 3 so he can easily beaT them in the 3 comps they have and then pick michelle to go to the final 2

  162. Honestly I think Russell’s best bet would be Michele or Jeff… I don’t see him winning against anyone else, too many from Jesse Cult will be in the Jury house.

  163. yeah Chima lydia and Nat all said even though they HATE russ they would spite Jeff and Michelle and vote for rUSS

  164. I think it was pure luck that Jordan won HOH but if she gets smart and uses her head she will evict Russell and Michelle – them two are truly out for themselves. Jordan would be an excellent winner, god knows it sounds like she and her mother both need the money but I don’t think Jeff should be a winner….he has done nothing to prove himself except for winning on HOH one time. Kevin is another worthy component because he has played this game with caution and seems to get by each week.
    I just don’t want Russell to win, I think he is a user and is using the top three right now.

  165. Even though Jeff has only won Veto and used the “wizard” power wisely, he has most definately played the game. He was a target from the first week. He managed to not only keep himself off the block, but to keep Jordan in the house even when she was on the block. That does take some strategic skill. He has gone from the bottom to the top. He may not stay there, but he has played a good game.

  166. jeff won hoh? When? Russ is so working Jordan saying he’s only won hoh once and talking down how good he is and saying final 4 is my bday

  167. @f team jj-Natalie, Lydia and Kevin don’t know about Michele and Russ’s agreement concerning the F2. So they think they are making up the Big Lie.

  168. Well i dont think Jorden is that dumb not to put up Natbug and Lydia and if one gets the veto she will surly put up Keven Dua.. AND she likes Michelle too so she will not be put up on the block and Jeff is with russ so buy buy natbug or lydia and maybe keven.

  169. Jordan was never gonna go when she was on the block she was a pawn. I wonder what wouldve happened if there was no CDT given this yr.

  170. From what I gather, Jeff and Jordan were the final 2 in the HOH competition. Jeff let Jordan win and she thanked him. It was a smart move on Jeff’s part because Jordan will listen to Jeff on the nominees and then Jeff can play for HOH next week. J/J decided to go after N/L first and then go after Russell.

  171. i’m so glad CBS threw out Chima, not what she is saying but she is just trying to make herself look good please she is such a spoiled Biotch.i got so tired of listening to her big mouth.good job Big Brother for finally getting her out.

  172. it was so cute for jeff to give jordan the HOH she was telling him she wanted a letter from her mom so bad. so sweet i think he really cares for her.hope the hook up after the show

  173. Kevin should go……he’s the xtra vote needed by Nathalie and Lydia…worry about the girls later

  174. Who knows what exactly went down in the HoH, er’ll find out likely tonight.

    I think that looking back the real game turning moment was not the Coup, but when Russ and Jeff made their deal. At that moment things started to turn, the coup just sealed the deal.

    Kevin has made one very valid point (and it fits for all players) they MUST win at this point. If they don’t they could be at risk. Options are running out, and therefor hard choices will soon be upon us. That is what the Project Bosley is all about. If it works it was brilliant – if not Kevin forever branded.

    Just wish more here would appreciate the gameplay moves and their risks – not just on the grade school clique battles.

    Oddly within both groups the core has crossed cliques, long before they were disbanded…

    Think about it

  175. the fact that jj think they can easily beat michelle and russ is strange. I would think they’d want m/r in jury houuse for votes plus Americas votes which is 3. So if j or j keep one of team nlk in final 2 they’d have majority votes to win

  176. Judging people by their perceived intelligence is no different than judging someone by the color of their skin. Its wrong. Jordan and Jeff aren’t the sharpest crayons in the box by any means, but I’d rather spend time with them than the other HG. Can you imagine stranded on a deserted island with.. Chima? Lydia? Michelle? Who cares about intelligence? Give me Jeff and Jordan any day; they’re unpretentious, transparent and loyal…kind of like my Golden Retriever.

  177. The HG’s were told Jessie was NOT coming back. I think it was Kevin that said it at the begining of BBAD last night. All hell would break loose if Jessie came back yet AGAIN. They have different little kickers on each show. Thinking CDT is cheating is just dumb. Expect the unexpected don’t ya know.

  178. @Kimber – Please use end punctuation. I have difficulty reading your input because I cannot easily determine when one sentence ends and another one begins.

  179. did ronnie go back to Ohio? maybe he is held up somewhere by BB to be in the jury in case of only 6 others getting there. Just a thought

  180. Ronnie may not even know that c-ma is gone.
    If he is sequester somewhere….that would be fair. Any thoughts????

  181. For all the haters remember that with $500,000 anyone can buy plenty of books or get an education to improve upon their intelligence. I have never heard of anyone that can buy compassion for others. Watching Jordan remain nice in spite of the backstabbing that has gone on around her makes the nice people want to see good win out over nastiness and I hope it does in the case of Jeff and Jordan. I like Russell and think his only fault was with trusting someone who was self centered (Jesse)from the beginning. I lost respect for Michele when she out and out lied to him when he confronted Chima about what she had said to Michele.

    On a side note kudos to you Judy for learning how to do something new…do not let other people ruin your day by spewing forth negative views about this game or the players. Some people do this to gain attention; I prefer ignoring this type of ignorance (root word being ignore could be a good indicator of how it should be treated).

  182. @ cathy why are you bringing up stuff that happened a day ago? Seriously uneccessary because if you’re refering to me in that long ass post maybe reread how the convo went.

  183. kevin goes first
    then Natalie
    then Russell
    then Lydia

    Jeff , Jordan , Michelle final three with Michelle winning it and Jeff second plus Jordan wins america’s choice for the $25,000.

  184. why do they give away money to second and third place? Kinda takes the competitiveness out of it IMO. People become complacent and will settle

  185. Cammy, Ronnie IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE A RAT–at least in our book. He lied to everyone–look where it got him.

    Jeff has played this game fair and hasn’t lied to anyone. We want him to win because of that.

    As far as Jesse returning–we will quit watching BB–we hated Jesse last season and he is even more full of himself this season.

    Let the good people win this season–bring Casey back. He didn’t do anything to anyone.

    I can’t wait for NAT and Lydia to go–they are scheming bitches.

  186. My bet the final four will be Jeff & Jordan and Russell & Michelle. I think the final three will be Jeff, Russell & Michelle, with Jeff and Russ in the final 2 most likely; however, Michelle, has a good chance, all depend on who wins HOH & VETOS.

  187. This whole game is about Lying backstabbing and schemeing..hello what show are younwatching? I’d love to watch some ofnthese holier than thou people on this site compete in BB. Seriously self righteous

  188. F team JJ–all the schemers so far are gone, except for Casey. You can’t lie to everyone and expect not to get caught. Better to be more careful, especially at the beginning and not take sides, that’s how Michelle has lasted so long–only now she has to choose. Playing it smart does not have to mean you have to be a physco or a lier to everyone. I knew as soon as Ronnie was trying to take control and was lying to everyone he was done–and I was happy about that–he got exactly what he deserved, as did Chima! Hooray they are gone.

  189. russ and michelle are liars and schemers. He fabricated a convo abdout ron that never happened. I feel russ is not playing his hardest on purpose to show jj he’s not that smart/strong


  191. I feel sorry for Michele that she didn’t get to spend a week in the HOH room.The competition she won fair and square. She should have been able to put another person on the block.After all SHE was the one to get rid of Chima.Since BB played another competition and Jordan WON !!! I am REALLY GLAD for that. If she puts NASTY NATALIE and CRAZY LYDIA up, I really hope that NASTY NATALIE goes out. I am sue those two BOTH want to be the 1st. in the jury house with PEA BRAIN JESSIE !!!!That would be fun too watch.. Anyway GO JORDAN !!!!!!

  192. Glad Chima is gone, never liked her, thought she was so much better than anyone else. Typical black girl has to be right and spends all her time screeming and even if she was right no one listens. Love the shake-up, Natalie is such an idiot, Jesses’s slave girl and not winning anything but like Chima likes to run her mouth. Chima “freelance writer” usually means no job living off famlily…..

  193. F team JJ–this morning I checked the polls to bring someone back. Casey had more votes to come back then anyone. I don’t think he was a schemer though, that was a typo–so sorry. The polls also are glad Chima is gone. In the poll it asks you to vote for which evicted houseguest you want to return to the show. However, someone on one of the posts said Jesse was coming back–last time I looked he was way down in the poll. I think with Casey coming back, it will definitely change the game up.

  194. If I was Michelle, I would want to take Russell with me to make my chances better @ winning the PRIZE. I love Jeff, he’s great, but anyone up against him or Jordan are going to loose this game and loose big.

  195. I think what mary wa saying f teamm jj is all the schemers are gone but casey he was not a schemer

  196. Kevin, has been riding on EVERYONE’S coat tails. He will be going home–and has not taken any chances in the game for anyone, not even his supposed friend, Lydia. He is only covering is own butt.

  197. Randie Loman: Michelle’s reign was cut short due to Chima’s poor sportmanship. When Chima left it was as if Michelle had gotten her evicted as she had put Chima & Natalie on the block. Therefore BB decided to have another HOH & Jordon won. Jordon is such a nice person she is basically sharing HOH with Michelle. She truly is America’s sweetheart or should be!

  198. @ Mary

    And russ and mich?? Never were truly loyal except themselves that’s why no one knows where they’re heads are at. Given the chance they’ll backstab jor coz they won’t win against her.

    Anyone read chinas email about her leaving?

  199. That how the game is play to mess with people mines as long as they do it game wise and not personally then i guess thats a good way to play

  200. @ Mary…. Yes ROnnie lied to everyone… Michelle aka She-Rat has lied to everyone too…. Last Wednesday when she thought Russell was going to be evicted she threw him under the bus…. her and Jordan said they were tired of Russell’s paranoia…. The next day he was safe and Michelle won the HOH Michelle and Jordan were all buddy buddy with him…. As of yesterday Michelle told Jordan to not talk game with him even though she has a final 2 deal with Russell, and she had the nerve to bold face lie to Jordan’s face and say she never made a final 2 deal with Russell…. Michelle has lied just as much as Ronnie if not more…. Examples…. 1) She never made a final2 deal with Russell…. 2) She said she heard Lydia tell Jessie she was targeting Jeff and said she miss heard the conversation…. 3) She said she was neve apart of Jessie’s alliance when the feeds clearly showed her trying to make deals to save her but…. 4) She is trying to say Russell will flip when she has clearly been flipping back and forth playing both sides…. This week she did the same thing as Ronnie who played both sides except unlike Ronnie she put up Jessie’s allies….. These are only a few lies Michelle has told….. Jeff will not evict Russell….. He will honor his word and bring Russell to the final 4 if not the final 2 because him and Russell made a final 2 deal…. Also Russell has a final 2 deal with Michelle & Jeff….. Jordan tells Michelle she wants to see Russell gone before the Final 4, but she hasn;t told Jeff the plan to nominate Russell / Kevin and then vote out Russell instead o Kevin….. I hope either Jeff / Russell / Kevin win…. Let the survivor of this week win the HOH on Thursday, and Jeff / Jordan will see Michelle’s true colors when she throws them under the bus… Do any of you doubt that Mary / JJ2 / Bluezey60 or other BB Fans?

  201. Michelle’s not even going to take Russell to the Final Four. She’ll backstab him as soon as she wins HoH and try to save Kevin who can focus on splitting Jeff and Jordan so she can then backstab Kevin and take Jordan to the Final Two. Just watch. You can tell from the way she casually dismissed her promise to Chima that her word means nothing. Also, Jeff still seems a little suspicious of her and knows she’s only loyal to “her team” which can just as easily be “herself.”

  202. thank u @ Leo for not being pro jjm, thought. I wasbthe only one. I can’t believe jeff made a final 2 that didn’t inlude j!!!!!! I don’t belive it?!

  203. tis game kinda eminds me of playing clue,its a who did what where they do that kinda thing

  204. @ Eamon…. You are absolutely right…. I hope Jordan tells Jeff everything Michelle is telling im about getting rid of Russell before Kevin, so Jeff can persuade Jordan that they need to get rid of Michelle

  205. Now really F team JJ,
    who would you pick to go up against that Jury House;Jordon? I think not she’d blow anyone out of the water;) When you get right down to it, it’s every man/woman for their-selves. If the JH did right the person you voted to win would be the one who played the best game but when you have a bunch of seriously messed up people playing all bets are off. They only want REVENGE. E D won because they did the right thing, he out played all of the rest & his daughter got to the end because of her dad.

  206. Russell can’t afford to backstab his Final Four. If he wins HoH next week and puts Jeff up with anyone there’s a 50/50 chance that Jeff is saved by POV and 100% chance that Russell loses all of his alliances and Kevin puts him up next week if he survives. If he puts Jeff up two weeks from now it’s a 60/40 chance that Jeff is saved by POV, a 60/40 chance that Jeff will have the votes, and a 100% chance Russell loses his alliance. Three weeks from now Jeff, Jordan, and Michelle are all fair game. So why would Russell, who has so far made nothing but smart, honorable game moves to this point, suddenly violate his word on a longshot? To win, he HAS to get rid of the Cultists and keep Jeff and Michelle around as long as possible.

  207. There have been alot of Crazy Psychos in the Big Brother House, the Likes of Evil Dick, the Likes of Crazy James cycling around to the USA, and stopping here and there to make a few bucks doing Gay Porn, Seem like most of players need to see Dr. Phil, and Not Big Brother, We Love drama, But Things sometimes seem to get pretty sick,

  208. i like jeff and jordan. I think who play the game the best should get the money and I don,t think its going to be natile or lydia.I think it might be russ or michele All because they know how to lie and get people to beleave things.I would like jeff o jordan to win. But I don,t know we,ll have to wait in see.

  209. @ JJ2….. You are forgetting who will be in the Jury house….. Jessie / will vote for Jordan or anyone else over Jeff because Jeff is the reason he was evicted…. Natalie / Lydia will vote emitionally and not logically and therefor would not vote for Jeff against anyone even if her deserves it and they will not vote for Michelle for any reason unless she was in the finl 2 against Jeff…. Even then it would be to screw Jeff for using the CDT…. Russell wouldn’t vote for Jeff because he would blamwe Jeff even though it is Jordan / Michelle who wants him out….. What do you think about this post so far JJ2….

    @ Melanie…. I do agree it was a good move for Jeff to use the CDT…. Hell even Jessie admitted that…. Do you not agree that Jordan / Michelle won’t say to jessie, we were ready to evict Russell, and Jeff is th reason you were evicted to win his and Natalie’s vote for $500,000….. Russell will say I voted Nalatie out to keep you and that will havea influence on Jessie… Niether Jessie’ / Natalie / Lydia will vote to give Jeff the $500,000 over Jordan / Michelle / Russell even thought Natalie / Lydia hate Michelle because they play with their emotions and not logic…. Am I right? Also….. If Russell is evicted before the final 4 before Kevin, he will clearly blame it on Jeff (even though the girls Jordan / ichelle are responsible) Furthermore…. If Jeff gets to the final 4 with Kevin…. Lydia / Natalie / Jessie will vote for Kevin because they hate Jeff… Yes I said Jessie for Kevin because he loaths Jeff even more even thought he said it was a good game play…. Russellwill vote for Kevin because he was crewed by Jeff / Jordan / Michelle and that is how Kevin could have made it to the final 2…. Jeff did the dirty work, but his alliance will reap the benefits because the blod is on Jeff’s hands…. Am I right or wrong melanie / Bluezey60 / F teamJJ / Eamon / JJ2 & other BB fans?

    I have to work out at the gym…. Yes I lift weights, so i admit that is why I like Jessie (Body builder) / I love MMA so that is why I like Russell (MMA fighter) & Natalie (Tae Kwan Do Champion)…. I will chat / blog with you all later…. I like Jeff too because he plays sports in high school and cllege…. that is why I have always pulled for the athletes and not the popular click / off beats / brains… The brains (Ronnie & Chima) got along with Jessie & Natalie, so I liked them…. The offbeats (Lydia & Kevin) joined NBK, so I like them…. Jeff was his own man and never was in NBK, but like I said he is an athlete, so I would like to see him win even though I think the other finalist with him will use the CDT use and the jury members emotions against Jeff to win the $500,000…. I hope Jeff / Russell or Jeff / Kevin or Russell / Kevin make the final two… I would even be happy to see Jeff / Jordan with Jeff winnining… I just don’t want to see She-Rat aka Michelle get to the final 2….. What do you all think about this post Bluezey60 /Melani / Cheri / Ashley / F TeamJJ / Eamon / JJ2
    and other BB fans?

  210. @ Leo

    Yep, you are right I guess, but for some reason, at least to me, the others seem SO MUCH MORE DEVIATE or should I say loud and abnoxious. I could not stand listening to Lydia (aka–the flower child is what my husband and I call her) and Nat talking. They are like hound dogs, pick pick pick, keep repeating and trying to hypnotize people into what is best for only them.

    I realize everyone is going to lie, but I guess it is all in how it is perceived, and let’s face it–we all have our favorites.

    I like the fair tale endings and when something good happens to a good person who really needs it. Anyone else out there?

  211. @ Eamon…. Here is why he might break from Team Jeff….. The same reason he left team Jessie…. He even told Jeff last night he doesn’t want to play for 4th place….. If he finds out Michelle is trying to screw him and keep Kevin, he will be done with Michelle…. I honestly believe Jeff will be told by Jordan what Michelle wants to do and Jeff is a man of his words will try to warn Russell the same way he warned Casey…… Jeff is already sceptical aout Michelle….

  212. @ libby

    why would you even want to read Chima’s emails–don’t even give her the benefit. She could have been a better person when people were trying to get her going and ignore it like Jeff does–she had to make a scene–why for the attention–I say don’t give it to her. She’ll probably end up with her own talk show–outrageous divas!

  213. @ Leo,

    You are good–do you live this show???? Jeff’s best bet is against Russell. I think he would have a problem if he was going against Jordan.

  214. Does anyone even think Jeff is taking Jordan to the end or vice versa? I don’t think so.

  215. @Kelly post 320

    I posted the site, but it is waiting on moderation, so you can go to and you will find it there!

  216. Leo: I think you just made my argument for me. IF Jordon were up with either Jeff, Russell or Michelle Jordon would win. No matter who is in JH Jordon would still win even if she was up with Natalie, Kevin or Lydia (these last three could make it a tighter call due to the revenge factor) but Jordon would still win! So thanks for seeing it as I do. Remember this is just a thought, who knows right now who will be the final two.

  217. Okay, just a question – has any hate filled rant by an other poster caused you to change your attitude in the manner that they hope?

    Point – why the total slamming and extream use of hate talk against various HG? Fun? Really, why? Because you can hide behind a screen name? Lame.

  218. @F team JJ
    I did read the statement Chima released. She said that she had been wanting to leave, and basically SHE decided to go. She says that CBS did NOT kick her out.

    Late last night, kevin, lydia, and nat were talking about it. They talked about the microphone, but also stated that Chima said that she wanted to go home.

    Others have said that the incident was all recorded…so I wonder when/if we will get to see it?

  219. Here is Chima’s interview which I copied from another site:

    “Hi Thomas. Yes, I did in fact quit the show, although there are reports on EW from CBS to the contrary. Big Brother would like everyone to believe I was kicked off for not following the rules, but I went to the producers repeatedly over the past couple of days wanting to leave….wanting out of that house!

    As crazy as that house is, the producers NEVER want the world to think or know that we houseguests DO LEAVE when it becomes futile to stay. I lost faith in the show & my ability to remain committed to this game. All of the remaining housemates know I wanted to leave and that is why any conversation concerning me is cut in the live feed because they don’t want America to hear the truth about my voluntary departure.

    Do you really believe that I would be expelled for tossing my microphone when past houseguests have only been kicked off for violence & threats of violence? You know better, as do I.

    It’s better that I left. I did what was best for me in this game and that was to leave. When I chose to play & play hard the power I did earn was completely usurped by a game piece never used before in this game and my HOH reign was rendered useless. I have no regrets. As cliche’ as it sounds, until the public is a part of a human pressure cooker, then the judgements should cease.

    I find it interesting that my personal attacks on Russell have been highlighted, but his attacks on me pushed under a rug. Selective portrayals? I think so. Russell did terrorize the house, especially the women in the house. Why America constantly finds men attacking women okay, yet vilifies the woman defending herself, will always confound me. But what’s done is done, now BB fans can find a new woman to hate. I didn’t sign up for what I was exposed to & I left gladly. It was the principle of the matter, the $500,000 prize be damned. That’s all for now! Take Care…’

  220. So, the real question is, did Chima’s prior attacker PIITB? Maybe she would not be so angry if so. So happy to see the racist, WEAK-MINDED/ barely literate unemployed “journalist” get the boot. Let me guess she was educated at some low-grade HBCU racist boot camp.

  221. hahahah If Chima wanted to be kicked out–why didn’t she just loose the HOH instead of trying to get it. She is a poor looser and knew she was getting the boot in the butt–which, by the way, was well deserved

  222. @jrm

    I agree–I feel no pitty for her at all–she was dishing it out too. Remember when her group had the power–she was all pompus THEN when they didn’t have the power, she knew she was going to be a target. She gives a bad name to women, that is why we get the name “bitches.” Not true to all of us. She had a CHOICE to act like a lady, but CHOSE not to. All choices in life have consequences and you have to be ready to accept those consequences with dignity in my opinion.

    Anyone agree?

  223. Re: chima posting

    I doubt Chima can see how she came across – hopefully upon reflection she will be in shock.

    In some parts about CBS spinning things it is more than likely more correct than it should be.

    However, I do believe she assessed things that she could not win, and chose in the end to stay due seeing no point. Logical to a degree perhaps, but clearly done due for emotional reasons. However, she just comes across in the end as a sore loser. She made it easy for CBS to spin things, and this post just adds to it.

  224. @Robin #227

    Kevin is definately a game player, and could win. His game is that he is trying very hard to NOT piss ANYONE off. He is playing a social game, and has even won the POV.

    Also, I believe that most like kevin in the house. The only negative thing that I’ve read lately is that Russ is really pushing to get kev out.

  225. diana thank you for that I,ve been look for what chima had to say all moring.And I have to say i,m happy she is know gone she is a real poor sport

  226. I want my children and grandchildren to have the qualities that Jeff and Jordan have displayed as compared to the others.

  227. I think Jeff and Jordan may believe this lie coming from Kevin. Jordon really likes him, and they are already doubting Russell. I hope they don’t because I want Gnat gone.

  228. Chima went from THE DIVA PRINCESS WITH POWER to the diva princess with no power within less than 48 hours. She kept the diva princess attitude, but without the power.
    I believe that she knew that she would go home and her ego just couldn’t handle the humiliation of an eviction.

  229. @ Doris

    You are right!! People need to remember, that after the house there is the whole world out there to perceive you AFTER BB!! You can get more with sugar anyday!!!

  230. Lydia talking to Kev: says that she thinks the DR will help them w/their plan to lie about russ and mich. bcuz they are fun & if they leave what else will they have?

  231. I know I hope not either, the only thing that may help is Michele and Russell really did have a conversation saying that they would go to the final two, and Michele told Jordan about it. She said she was solid with her and Jeff, she just told Russell what he wanted to hear.

  232. @haze
    I didn’t realize that mich told jordan about it. Kinda takes the sting out of the “GREAT LIE”, doesn’t it?

  233. Who here is wacthing the live feeds I thought I heard natile telling lydia that kevin going to tell jordan some thing that michelle said I know kevin is trying to get jordan on there side I don,t think she going to do that with the way they behave the last couple of days

  234. Regarding chimas email, hg get to leave? I’m so over chima and chimA hate rants it kinda made me annoyed with the site coz I tend to feel for the under dog/picked on person^_^

    I still can’t believe jeff doesn’t have a final 2 with j, he’s really playingnto be #1. I feel he can only win with michelle coz it will be a toss up.

    Russ can take m or jeff coz Nlk will pick russ as winner.
    He’ll lose against jor.

    Jor is sitting pretty against anyone minus NLK

    If Jj want to be in final 2 they need to keep one of NLk againstbthem for vote majority

  235. I really doubt that Jeff would believe much of what Kevin tells them, if only because he is in alliance with Lydia & Natalie. “FYI” comment is very suspect!

  236. @ Doris, I does take the sting out slightly, but Michele told Jordan that Russ wants to get Jeff out eventually. Jordan told Jeff and he said he wasn’t opposed to taking him out this week, but Jordan said she wants out Natalie.
    I don’t know how the lie will pan out, but they will probably believe it.

  237. You people hate Chima Natalie Lydia because they have black in them or are black. I have been reading this blog since the game started and noticed that you have never had anything good to say about those three girls. Now I realize that Chima has thrown herself out of the game but that is her choice. As far as Jorden and Jeff goes they dont have enough intelligence to win this game. I can guarantee you if given the chance on the of the HG will nominate them evicted.

  238. Looks as though Lydia is up to no good again!

    She has just told Kevin that she thinks the DR will help them with their plan because they are fun & if they leave what else will they have?

    Go figure!!

  239. shelia chima was acting like a bitch so she was thrown out no ones fault but her’s.nat and lydia act just like her so they are is not because of their skin color. we want them out because the way they are acting. they wouldn’t know how to tell the truth if they had to.jeff ,jordan,mich,Russ and even kev, are the ones who are acting like grown ups and playing the game,on the other hand Gnat lydia and Chima all they knew how to do is cut people down and do child like games with other people shit

  240. Noooooooo! I want the non lie lie to work! Stir up the house a bit.^_^ jor seems adament about nat -_- are they thinking about votes? JessNLK that’s 4 votes they need to keep one of nlk out ofbthe JH!

    Anyone agree? They seem to want all of nlk out Not so smart

  241. she isn’t out yet, I do have the live feed…It looks like Jordon is putting her on the block with Lydia. However in post # 367, I was correcting something I wrote in #366

  242. I for one am glad Chima is gone. Lydia needs to watch back. The stunts she is pulling with drinking all the champange and trashing the beers, may get her thrown out too.
    I would like to see Jordan put up Natalie and Lydia. I think Nat needs to go. She is an instigater and gets Kevin and Lydia to do whatever dirty work needs done. If Natalie goes to the jury house first, it will really tick Lydia off.
    Jordan may be thought of as an airhead, but she has a kind heart. She did invite Michelle to share the HOH room with her. Even asked her to put some of her pictures back in the frames. I love her kindness. May not get her to the final two, but at least she is a breath of fresh air in all the tension in the house this season.
    Don’t think the others will take her to the final two, feel too many may vote for her.

  243. @F team JJ

    Well you do live up to your name, but logic seems to dictate that the chances of the lie being believed is slim. It’s kevin’s only hope now, but it will likely mark him once and for all.

    Right now, even if it wasn’t game in ones best interest, getting the extreme drama down to a livable level is likely going to be a big part of the decision on who leaves. I doubt any here would not do this if they were in that madhouse.

    This might have been plausable if they for this crime they had a plausable opportuity. But more importantly, the fact (that they don’t know about) this “meeting” did happen, but and this is important, Michelle told Jordon, and that she was mostly just humouring Russ.

    Michelle is playing a very careful game now, likely one of the most truly crafty ever in BB history. She has learned to cover her bases. That and a fact she has found 4 others that she can relax and have some down time with.

  244. ugh if any of this true then I’m pissed. Fine I hope JJMR get rid of nlk. Now guess what whovhas majority hj votes??hahahaha biggest mistake ever! Jeff will be screwed by that unless k has a heart for him…doubt it.

  245. @jjrm

    Haha cute name. If they only want nlk out coz of drama that’s not smart game play. I hope jeff or michelle screw keV sealing their fates for not getting his vote

  246. @sheila
    I do not hate anyone = THIS IS A GAME!!!
    We are all just spectators, rooting for our fav. team. Much like those who root for their fav baseball team.

    ALL of my observations were based on gameplay only.

    Chima was a spoiled brat, her demands were outragous! Her attacks on Russ were totally uncalled for. She believed that she was indispensable to the BB game. Haven’t you seen pro-ball players act this way. NOBODY likes a poor sport or someone who makes the game personal. Glad she left!

    Lydia’s game was weak and has been since day one. enough said.

    Nat had a good stategy in the beginning- to stick with her alliance. It really was looking like they were a force to be reconned with. Unfortunately, as sometimes happens in BB, when the leader of the alliance goes down…the rest follow suit.

    I am not counting lydia or nat out just yet. As with previous seasons, sometimes the most unlikely wins. I love BB!!!!


  247. I think CBS will let us be the final jury house vote (aka tiebreaker) because they make mad money on text votes, like the crazy have/have-not food additions each week. That will pay for all the stuff that Sheman, Nasty and Lysteria have destroyed for not getting their way.

  248. I don’t think it’s fair if america gets a tie breaker vote. How do you know it can’t/won’t be rigged??? Just bring in previous hg as a vote. Coz if USA gets a vote we all know who will get it if they make it. Man I thought they’d bring someone back they did before pink hair James.

  249. You may be right, but it’s all about the money! Plus it might increase ratings with people tuning in to see if their vote won.

  250. Sheila: Everytime someone fails at something someone plays the race card. Do you have any idea how sickening that is? I don’t even think Lydia ia black, (I think she’s Latina). When someone has a crappy personality people don’t like them for THAT reason. I like and admire many people it doesn’t matter what color, race. creed or sexual persuasion. If however, they can’t seem to get along with others most of the time, I’m turned off by them. With stress your true self comes out. A racist comes in many colors not just white or black. Yes, there have been some racist comments but mostly it’s just there are unlikeable people in this BB game & it is after all, a game.

    All the players with the exception of Jessie can’t come back as they have seen the game played out much as we have. James was brought back as a deal & the HG chose him sight unseen.

  251. This may have been on an earlier post, but does anyone know if Chima went to the jury house?


  253. Chima has been banned from anything to do with anything related to CBS. (not in the jury house!) She could have just let them evict her and she would have had a nice vacation all expenses paid and could have propably gotten a job with them or one of their affiliates as well as possibly giving someone in her alliance a vote for the money.

  254. @kimber
    I didn’t mean to make it sound like you started it. I know you didn’t but i was just voicing my opinion. People could be a little nicer and just not call people names and not judge them. The main thing i mean is how people are calling Lydia for being a little promiscuous. She is not a whore or a slut just because she had a tent session with jessie. If that is her strategy then it’s working cuz she is still there. No one besides their friends and family no what they have been through and what they have done, and i don’t think that should be a factor.

  255. @ Budman

    Thanks for the info, and I believe she should be banned..her actions sure don’t do her intelligence any justic, eh?

  256. Russell…Michele…Best strategical players. who else has actually played the game on their own and still made it deep? jeff?? please, he was nobody and doing nothing until russell decided to align with him to get ronnie out. Perfect move for russell in the long run since the coup d’etat was handed on a platter to jeff. only good move in the entire game by jeff is putting up Natalie vs. jesse and getting Jesse out. Took him six weeks to do anything considered actual game play. and even he didnt earn the power in the house.

  257. Jacob, the way Ronnie played the game he might have made a secret passage to get back into the house. He may heave been hiding behind the walls these last two weeks! Just like the rat that he is,

  258. Just a question. Why do people think its unfair Jeff got the CDT and hate him for it. It was a twist BB provided and even though it has never been used before BB is always changing things up and say “Expect the unexpected”…Yes Michele’s HOH was cut short but isn’t that part of the game?

    This is a game, actually as test to see who changes with the game and the punches. I love the way BB changes things up and not they are always fair. Would there be as many Jeff haters if someone else had won?

    I love Jordan. I think she has such a sweet nature about her, or at least that is the way she comes across. She may be “stupid as a fox”…I guess we will see….Paula

  259. 24/7 people. It’s a 24/7 game. When in your entire life have you been watched 24/7 other than when you were a baby? Yes, if you put the time in, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out how people really are. Do you really think they are that monumentally different in real life? There are some TRULY bad souls in that house and some good ones and some idiots. If you have EVER bothered to follow up on previous HG’s, most regret alot. How they were portrayed. They weren’t PROTRAYED…people like me watched you suck for 12 weeks 24/7. I don’t need to be “TEAM ANYONE” to tell you that. Oh, the CDT was unfair? Oh, America might break the winning vote? The argument of “unfair” is futile. Can’t change the past and can’t control the future. Roll with the punches. Except the blahblahspected. Enjoy the show. It’s not nuclear peace talks. Man!!

  260. I think some ppl see the cdt as cheating not fair or w/e coz they didn’t get to fight for a pov after being nom. Idk that’s just a guess plus when boogie got it he had competed for it. I think if jess won it majority of ppl on here would be just as livid.

  261. i don,t see that cdt as cheating its not like jeff told the producer here lets use this cdt and make sure it goes to me

  262. @ Cheri

    I see baby Jacob is still sticking his immature comments into adult conversations. That’s okay, Jacob is beginning to be a comic foil to these discussions, since he has quick, nonsensical, child-like comments. Almost like a dog under the bed that sticks its head out just to bark and then hides again.

    I don’t even acknowledge him anymore. Poor kid.

  263. I find it funny that during her speech in the first eviction show Chima called Braden a racist. Yet she continued to parade around the house last week calling Russell a terrorist. Making comparisons to the WTC. Chima was on a major power trip. She knew going into the week that there was a mystery power. This was all part of the game. You have to take what BB throws at you and adjust your game to work with the new obstacles. She was a brat. I am glad she is gone. Bye, Bye to the princess.

  264. @F team JJ

    Well, Jess was GIVEN the first HOH. That helped dictate much of what followed. How is that fair?

  265. i think lydia is and total psycho and will never get a nanny job again… saw pic of her in background of paparazzi pic of heather mills… she totally effed up her life now… LOL

  266. at steely Ross

    I never said I agree I’m just guessing. I truly feel BB does many unfair things that we don’t get to see. As I understood it athletes won jessie? Don’t agree he shoulda been hoh 1st though.

  267. I hope BB leaarns its lesson…. Let the players decide the outcome…. No more CDT’s or America- players….. the viewers caan be involved with misc prizes and that is it….. Problem solved!!j!

  268. @ Stelllyross….. Llets not forget that every click had the chance to bring back a former houseguest….. Either Jessie / Cowboy / Brian or the young llady from seson 8 would have won the HOH because their cllick won the HOH….. Meaning the winning cllick earned n extra member and the power…… Would you be complaining if another click won? Let’s not have double standards bro!!!

  269. @Fteam JJ – No, you are not the only one who feels that way. My husband was a huge Jessie fan and I love Russell. Not everyone thinks Jeff and Jordan hung the moon but I don’t have anything against them either so I try not to antagonize the others.

  270. Jeff just said that if he didnt get the power Jesse was gonna go straight to the final. That is why he got the handout because the viewers were mad and BB change the game.

  271. @LEO

    LOL I wasn’t complaining then, and I’m not complaining now.
    I was pulling for Casey, he’s gone. Doesn’t matter much to me.
    Chima walked out on her alliance, so they are doing it to themselves. Its funny watching people who are full of anger, implode.

  272. They shouldn’t mess up my TIVO like that. Don’t they know the Chima fans might freak out on them.

  273. @blackgirl, I’ve loved Russ since day 1. He has got to win HOH next week! Shows finally on!

  274. why? don,t you like jeff cause he might win, why hate on someone its a game and things are add into the game like the cdt.should people not like natile cause she got a phone call and no one esle did she won that and desevre it just like jeff won the cdt he got the most votes so i don,t see why no one like jeff he a human playing a game that what it is a game

  275. @ JJ2…….. That is why Michelle will be glad to use Kevin / Lydia / Natalie and whoever else she can to break up Jeff / Jordan…… She won’t beat Jordan and she knows it….. she says she wants Russel out but she also knows he might bethe only other person she can beat than Jeff….. Michelle willl backstab whover can beat her….. She said my husband knows this is a game so he won’t be mad at me llying on his head…. Michelle isa very smart woman, does anyone reallly believeshe willl settlle for 3rd place?.

  276. @ Ashley…… If Russell doesn’t win the HOH next week, he will be evicted…… Jeff told Jordan he wouldn’t mind seeing Russel go this week, but Jordan wants Natalie gone first!!!

  277. Michelle is the smartest player in the game. She tells J&J what they want to hear so that she will be safe next week if jeff wins HOH. She will rather go to the final with Russell.

  278. ugh mixhlle was sooo up chimas arse and whining about mean ol russie and pro team girl power.. She’s good -_- but she can only win against jeff.

  279. As a “older”watcher (my kids got me hooked on BB last year) and mother I have to say, if I were Jordan’s mother I would be a very proud mama, shes a very sincere, down to earth, big hearted girl! What a contrast to the scuzzy Lydia and Chema- Lyda calling Jordan , Jeffs whore was quite humorous, since the little tramp herself seemed to throw herself on first Russ then Jess.
    Sad love starved little lost girl

  280. So, for everyone that feels as though Jeff recieved a handout when he won the Coup d’etat do you also think that Russel and Lydia also got a handout since they were saved at the last minute?

    It’s a game, Jeff won the power because majority of America wanted him to have it and USE it…

    Just because you lay low in this game doesn’t mean that you aren’t playing– obviously it works better than screaming, bitching, and playing everyone in the house.

  281. Tonight’s show was the best ever. I laughed out loud at the “Jesse-the legend” montage, Lydia’s unicorn montage, and of course, Kevin’s comments! I now have a new respect for Kevin. ON BBAD last night, Jeff’s pure pleasure at Jordan’s HOH win was so refreshing. He showed true emotion, as did Jordan, which was quite a change for the house.

  282. actually if you remember back when the first season was on true bb fans would know actually america used to vote who was nominated so i dont see why people are complaining and still get over it already that jeff won the cdt from americas vote. america used to be the hoh

  283. I love the people who want the dorky bullies to win, it’s classic. There have been years where people who actually played the game, and happened to be mean, but at least were honest and they won (Evel Dick). Nat doesn’t play the game, she’s a total moron, and I CAN’T WAIT for her to go!!! I would LOVE to see her face when Jesse got kicked out – whoo-hoo!! And as far as the others, Jordan & Jeff ARE competitors, because they are still there. And they survived a lot of crap from the bullies of the house. Floaters don’t get nominated, they don’t do anything at all. Jordan has been on the block 2 or 3 times and stayed. I actually like Russell now too. I will be perfectly happy to see Nat go first, then Lydia, than after that it can be Michelle, then Kevin. Oh, and I won’t even say anything at all about Chima, cause she was the biggest P.O.S. I’ve ever seen on any BB season!! I’m SO happy the house turned!! What a total burn.

  284. I was actually prolly 11 when bb1 came out so forgive me for not being a true fanatic, but I STill think america shouldn’t get too much say. Coz they might vote for whose nicest, underdog or sexy-_- do you think ED would get CDT? No even though he played a great game. If America gets to control so much what’s the point of playing? I guess next group of hg should pretend to be nice ppl if they aren’t so Usa will give em Cdt…since jeff did win the popularity contest coz he’s nice and good looking^_^

  285. Are you all watching the live feeds? Kevin & Jeff are talking and Jeff tol him that if one of the girls can save themselves with the Veto they could back door Russel…..

  286. Jeff trusts Kevin…. You have to give natalie credit….. It was her idea to have Kevin say natalie / Lydia hear Michelle / Russell talking about splitting up Jeff / Jordan and act like he wasn’t supposed to tell Jeff or Jordan….. This is going to work well with the final two comment Michelle told Jordan about earlier which makes it that more plausible that Natalie / Lydia heard Russell / Michelle make a final 2 deal…. Kevin told Jeff that Natalie / Lydia are going after Michelle next week…. Natalie may not have won any comps after the first HOH, but she is brilliant and her lie she started just may save N/L/K!!! We will see….

  287. I loved kevin’s facial expressions when the girls were worshipping Jesse. Also, his comments were freakin’ hilarious!!!! If only he could show more of his personality to the hg.

  288. Okay, check out Natalie with dat hair due! straight outa compton, u feel me though?

    anyway, i wasnt please how the diting was on the cbs show. thought it was a little over the top and painted a picture that wasnt factual.

    Same thing hey did with Chima. Paint a different picture. Painting Jeff as they did, and then painting Lydia, and Natalie how they did, it now seems as though the producers are trying to build more steam behind Jeff.

    Lydia i think never truly grew up. Her playing with that bear or w/e was a little disturbing.

    Bring back Jessie!

  289. Lydia seems so fragile emotionally. and she seems so needy-jesse, the blanky, the unicorn.

    How funny was it when kev said let me see it. lydia said don’t hurt him…and then kev preceeded to punch and flick the toy. It was something that I did to my sis when I was about 9 years old. so so funny!

  290. I also remember Ronnie, Jessie and Natalie trying to get people to vote for them in the After Dark (the only ones I saw campaigning for it). You can’t begin to tell me that if one of them had won the CDT they would not have used it…please! The CDT was not rigged, I know all of my fellow BB fans voted for Jeff and some voted for Jordan…no one voted for Jessie. We are from the Tampa area and wanted him to quit disgracing USF (our alma matter) and take off those clothes.
    If Jessie and Chima want to blame America I agree aboutbeing a true BB fan and Season 1 was all about Americas Vote. Also, Jessie knowing America had a hand in his eviction last year for the way he played and that it didn’t work, well maybe he should have played differently (not lie so much)….but he did not….so bye-bye!
    It has been nice to see Jordan, Michelle, Jeff and Russell just be nice to each other. I think Kevin regrets what side he is on but seems like a loyal guy in general. He cracked me up in the DR.
    I am a hug Jeff did take big ones to use the CDT…he knew there was going to be consequences but had to do it to save him. Chima and the crew even said after Russell, Jeff was next….
    Anyways—BB was losing many fans this year due to return of Jessie but even more so CHIMA! Thank you for her departure!

  291. I believe that they really can’t bring ronnie or any other house guest back, b/c they have all seen the live feeds and shows. I think that they will have america’s vote–but only use it if there is a tie.

  292. No not Jessie. That muscle-headed dim-wit. Besides Lydia was playing with a unicorn. Nat needs to go. She is the strongest manipulator there. Lydia and Kevin will follow her to the ends of earth and back.
    It is not up to Jeff who Jordan puts up if the one of the girls wins the veto. Jeff may not have as much influence on Jordan as he thinks. If Jeff talks her into backdooring Russell, do you think the engagement will be over? Russell will hate them both. They have strong ally at this point. I know Kevin is tired of the diva attitudes of Natalie and Lydia, but he is playing both sides right now. I do not trust him.
    Russell knows that eventually, it is every man for himself. Strategicly, it is not a good idea to keep Natalie or Lydia in the house. They could build their power base again with Michelle. Don’t trust her either.
    Getting out Natalie is the best move at this point.

  293. Jeff is gullible. If he and Jordan backdoor Russell then how are they any different from any of the other liars you all have been hating on all season.

  294. I am so glad Chima is gone. I was hoping they would show what happened with her on the show tonight. Go Jeff/Jordan!

  295. IF j OR J KEEP one of the NLK people in final 2 with them then J or J will have russ mich Amer vote and a jeff or J vote. Which is 4 to WIN! its smart to keep one of NLK with either of them coz whoever they pick wont have enough votes.

  296. I am so glad that they painted a picture of Jeff that is so different than it seems. Looks like he was egging the ladies on and was acting shocked that they reacted to Jesse’s departure like they did. Hello, they are silly of course they were going to be upset. (the crying was way over the top) I knew he was a dummy. A coat riding dummy. But hey Jordan seems to want to backdoor Russell and as long he is out of there I am fine. I did not like him ever since he screamed at Ronnie then crept to his HOH room to make a deal. Screw game that is way to shady. Hope it works. Might Bring a tench of unity in the house.

  297. Do you think BB will show Chima flipping out? They did say that “a houseguest self-destructed” at the end of tonights show.

  298. It sounds to me as if Jeff/Jordan/Michelle might fall for one of Kevin’s tricks? I think he’s been filling Jeff’s head up about Russel.

    isn’t there a double eviction coming up though? That could really screw things up. Don’t be surprised if Russel ends up on the chopping block though.

  299. “Do you think BB will show Chima flipping out? They did say that “a houseguest self-destructed” at the end of tonights show.”

    I think they said that it would be explained Thursday?

  300. I hope the lie is working ^_^ then paranoia russ will show his true self once again. Jeff was acting like he was shocked that they would act that way. Hello its been a JNL love triangle the whole time! and they were drinking red wine which makes u emotional.

  301. Did you hear Chima crying in the DR room and comparing Jesse leaving to a “family member dying?” OMG she’s nuts!!!

  302. BB seemed to have helped them with this senario. I’m changing my mind and thinking they wanted Jeff to win all along. I’m going to bed.

  303. Melissa please explain how exactly Chima is nuts for being upset over somebody she liked leaving?

    I am so upset that the villains are taking over this game. But good thing Kevin, Natalie, and Lydia are making deals and stuff, I hope Jordan falls for the plan and backdoors Russell.

  304. @fteamJJ I have been reading your garbage. This is a game, which you have fun trying to out wit someone. You say Jeff thinks he is tough, well he is. He was the only one to stand up to Jessie,Gnat,Chima-pet, & Lydia. Now that would be borring game. p.s. think about it

  305. lol…Jordans implants must be new she is massaging….I hope they get nat the rat out!!

  306. I’m getting a kick out of Lydias costume…I love how BB does little things like that…especially when it annoys

  307. @ #472 villians are beig removed, Jessie,Chima. And next Nat,Lydia, & Kevin. Villians out.

  308. I can’t stand the emotionally unstable Lydia or lapdog Natalie. As far as “the lie” goes, Jeff/Jordan are still tossing ideas around. I think they’re leaning towards removing Natalie next and then Russel afterwards. I hope they follow that course of action. A lot can change between now and then though. I’m just not so sure about Kevin. I almost feel like he’s playing both sides. Even though he’s lying to Jeff/Jordan He did also vote to get Jessie out.

  309. Chima put out a letter stating that she wasn’t kicked off the show, rather she quit. She’s having sour grapes and revisionist history.

    Here’s what she said:

    “…Hi Thomas. Yes, I did in fact quit the show, although there are reports on EW from CBS to the contrary. Big Brother would like everyone to believe I was kicked off for not following the rules, but I went to the producers repeatedly over the past couple of days wanting to leave….wanting out of that house!

    As crazy as that house is, the producers NEVER want the world to think or know that we houseguests DO LEAVE when it becomes futile to stay. I lost faith in the show & my ability to remain committed to this game. All of the remaining housemates know I wanted to leave and that is why any conversation concerning me is cut in the live feed because they don’t want America to hear the truth about my voluntary departure.

    Do you really believe that I would be expelled for tossing my microphone when past houseguests have only been kicked off for violence & threats of violence? You know better, as do I.

    It’s better that I left. I did what was best for me in this game and that was to leave. When I chose to play & play hard the power I did earn was completely usurped by a game piece never used before in this game and my HOH reign was rendered useless. I have no regrets. As cliche’ as it sounds, until the public is a part of a human pressure cooker, then the judgements should cease.

    I find it interesting that my personal attacks on Russell have been highlighted, but his attacks on me pushed under a rug. Selective portrayals? I think so. Russell did terrorize the house, especially the women in the house. Why America constantly finds men attacking women okay, yet vilifies the woman defending herself, will always confound me. But what’s done is done, now BB fans can find a new woman to hate. I didn’t sign up for what I was exposed to & I left gladly. It was the principle of the matter, the $500,000 prize be damned. That’s all for now! Take Care…”

  310. I think Kevin is playing both sides….but whats new there? I loved how upset the trio was tonight on BB…in their face. I’m glad Chima “left on her own”…one less episode to see her face..

  311. thank you #476, it’s good to see a game, played well. And people can laugh. thanks again

  312. this weeks gonna be exciting…i wonder if they will still have the double eviction….that would be awesome if nat the rat and lydia were sent packing one after another!!

  313. okay, i am going to give my honest opinion on the going on’s in this house. I agree with pudpounder.
    Chima-has done what most people fear from the african-american’s. She pulled her race card any chance she could; next she will say the reason she was removed is because she is black. Why do black people feel the need to intimidate white people or other races. The house seemed to be fearful of her. Kevin listened to what she said probably because he was scared she would yell at him. Everyone listened and followed this bitch around because she acted like she owned the place. Who the hell does she think she is? She is just another out of work journalist looking for a job. Maybe the Enquirer will hire her, doubtful though; maybe she should try to get a job at “O” Magazine or BET. As far as her being raped, very sorry to hear that but it still is no excuse for her to act the way she did. I am a former rape survivor and would never act that way to anyone.
    Lydia-She is just plain crazy. Let the Ho go to the Jury house so she can finally get laid by Jesse. She gave him the blowjob then they used Ratalie’s shirt to clean the mess up. Ewww, no class. She is a loose cannon also. Oh, let me cut myself because muscle head can’t talk to me.
    Ratalie-UGH! She can’t shower or wash her hair. Who is the girl’s boyfriend. Does he really enjoy her dirtiness? Maybe when she gets her phone call someone will tell her to bathe. I think she wants to go to the jury house so she can be with Jesse so her boyfriend doesn’t find out.
    Kevin-I think he is a sweetheart. He seems nice and down to earth. I think he is getting tired of the two ninny’s and is ready to try and play the game.
    Jordo-I like her. She isn’t to bright, well her teeth are but she isn’t but she is a sweetie. She seems to be honest and is very caring. I think her and Jeff would be great together and wish them luck when they leave. I am glad she has enough respect for herself and her family not to do anything to be a disgrace.
    Jeff-I like him also. He is a man of his word. He seems pretty sincere and I think he can be a good competitor. I believe he threw the last two HOH’s so that Michelle and Jordo could get a chance at it and see their families. He is very respectful and I hope he wins.
    Michelle-I didn’t like her at first but she seems to be turning out to be quite the competitor. I would like to see her go to the final 2.
    Russell-Russell, Russell, Russell. He had to endure most of Chima’s wrath. poor guy. I give him credit for not going over board the way Chima did and being man enough to walk away. I would also like to see him go to the end, but fear that he will be in jury house with Jesse.

    I think I covered everyone. If I missed someone I guess they are not playing the game well. I know some of you may disagree with the things I have said but I had to post.

  314. I’m very disappointed to see Jordan and Jeff wanting to get rid of Russell. I like Russell, and though he’s done his fair share of dirty work, I believe he is loyal to Jeff and Jordan. They’re idiots for not seeing that Russell is the only one in that house that’s got their backs. I think Russell would be devastated if they back doored him or voted him out, and I hope he catches on and saves himself.

    I was initially hoping Russell or Jeff should win. Now I think Russell or Michele should win. Michele – the snake is definitely not one of my favourite persons, but at least she’s played the game well. Jordan has got a lot of nerve talking strategy after doing basically nothing the whole game with the exception of winning HOH. She’s gotten this far on pure luck and relying on her stories of pity and Jeff like she can’t stand on her own 2 feet.

    Chima should’ve kept her mouth shut. She now looks even worse than she did in the house… something I didn’t even think was possible.

  315. I realize this is just a game. I have my favs
    and so does everyone else! I really like nat
    and lydia. My opinion

  316. F Team JJ……. I finally get to disagree with you…. If Jeff / Jordan / Michelle take either Natalie / Kevin / Llydia to the finl 2 they will lose….. Why? If Russell is bck doored this week, he will vote against Jeff / Jordan / Michelle outof spite just like Jessie / And whichever 2 N/L/K members don’t make it to the final 2…. So the NLlK member will hve Jessie / the 2 who don’t mke it and Russell….. Which leave 3 votes at best which would be America’s vote / and two of the three (J/J/M)

  317. Jordan’s an idiot. She’s falling for everyone’s lies and turning Jeff against Russell… unbelievable. She’s going to lead to Jeff’s downfall – if he falls for it he deserves everything he gets. Common sense is truly lost on Jordan, and I seriously fail to see what the appeal is with her at all. I wouldn’t touch her with a 10-foot pole.

    These idiots seem to think that anyone who doesn’t just hand them the money on a silver platter is somehow a back-stabber or evil. The fact that this is a competition seems to have escaped all of them except Russell, Kevin, and Michelle. Personally, I think BB could have done a better job of selecting contestants.

  318. F Team JJ

    Did you attend and graduate from the College of Hard Knocks? Damn you truly appear to be totally uneducated. Stupidity will get YOU everywhere!

  319. I will say this, in a way Jeff is playing a very good game in regards to Jordan. Regardless of their feelings, she’s pretty much his puppet and will do whatever he wants. He also knows that if it came down to the 2 of them, he would win (depending on how he plays the rest of his hand) because Jordan has been a floater for the most part with the exception of her winning HOH, which was a total fluke.

    If Kevin’s evil scheme works, it would make Jeff and Jordan 2 of the most gullible people I’ve ever seen and it would be painful to watch it play out.

  320. F Team JJ

    Did you attend and graduate from the College of Hard Knocks? Damn you truly appear to be totally uneducated. Stupidity will get YOU everywhere!
    WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PRIOR COMMENT????????????????????

  321. I think it would be interesting if Kevin won HOH because he would finally be forced to show his hand on who he nominates. Also, if Russel won HOH/POV he would have to show his hand as well.

  322. I would like to take the time to give kuddos to Jordon, awesome job!!!

    I feel as if Chima was a sore loser. I feel as if she did not want to have to interview once evicted from the show. I believe her decision was one she believed would advance her 15 mins of fame to a whole new level.

    As for the rest of the houseguest I will some them up in one word.

    Braden- out there
    Laura- Smart
    Casey- Funny
    Ronnie- (he needs more than a word) He is a sad sad person who would sell his sister if he believed he would gain from it.
    Jesse- Full of himself
    Chima- see above…..I will say one thing about Chima I admire, she is a survivor and I admire her strength to not let her attack define her.
    Michelle- Smart and unsure
    Kevin- Sneaky
    Natalie- No Shame
    Russell- Scarey
    Jordon- Sweet and Wholesome (she lives with her brother and mother in a one bedroom)
    Jeff- honorable

  323. I would like to see Jordan nominate Kevin and Lydia. Hopefully someone from Team Jeff will win the POV. Remove Kevin and backdoor Natalie. Get Natalie out. Then next week I would like to see either Russell or Lydia go.

  324. @FteamJJ

    Umm it took me a while to figure out the name comment – umm – sorry no meaning, just my initals as simple as that. Not everyone is showing their partisanship about an individual or a group in their name.

    I’d rather analyize than slam, as simple as that. Sorry.

  325. @ Sheila

    Umm, turn off the visuals, I think most will see that there is a huge tonel difference. It is how, by in large, each individual and grouping are handling the stress that is causing NL(K) grouping to produce such a negitive reaction.

    Personality, I’m still hoping that Kevin jumps, but I think it is too late. He needed to walk fully away during the great pitty party on Thursday. I give him full credit for loyality. But unless he can pull of the big lie, low marks for gameplay. If he pulls it off, then this move likely pushes the Coup or the hanging deal off top spot game move of the season.

  326. Serena – I would have to disagree with you that Chima is a survivor. As soon as times got tough, she wigged out. As much as I don’t like Natalie, she is a survivor. Despite terrible odds, her mind keeps going. I still hope J/J win, but are not happy with the latest lie stuff with Russell. But, in reality, is it really a lie? Didn’t Russell really have a final 2 conversation with Michelle?

  327. @justme

    Dont make it seem as though all black people use “the race card” Chima was kicked out for breaking house rules. You sound just as stupid and racist as she did. This house has people with different backgrounds, beliefs and cultures. What goes on in that house does not and should not reflect anyone in the real world. Its a game! Dont let your racist card continue to show.

  328. justme
    I`m not a racist, but Chima`s comment on the hairspray being some kind of “white trash” thing reall annoyed me.

  329. So glad that Chima is gone! Nat is next, can’t stand her. Jeff and Jordan will go all the way! So long Jess and Chima, and maybe Chima will see that she really is a loser.

  330. Jordan is NOT stupid – naive, yes – not stupid – big difference.
    One LAST word about Chima – did anyone on the feeds ever see her wash her hair??? I watch the show and BBAD and never saw her with a wet head, as I did all the others.

  331. hey pat you are thinking the same way as i am i never seen chima wash her hair or brush it.all i ever saw was her putting some water on it and wiped it down, i bet that hair is nisty full of knots. how nasty

  332. I think that Jordan should put Michelle on the block. I’m not a big Michelle fan, and I would hate to see her win the game.

    I’m rooting for Kevin or Russell to win. I like those two.:)

  333. Re: Chima’s hair

    I did a quick search and some people on one of the BB message boards are saying that Chima has a full, sewn-in weave. Others are claiming that she is wearing a half-wig. That would explain why we didn’t see her with wet hair.

    Honestly, I don’t know what Chima wears on her head, but that hair doesn’t look natural to me.

  334. Ive watched the live feeds and saw the show last night. chima totally shut down and got very angry after her master plan was imploded by Jeff (yeah Jeff!) chima yelled during the food comeptition ‘dont touch me’ and was out of control later on throwing her mic into the pool. after that it was all downhill for her. She cracked and needed to go and the house if better for it.

  335. This season is certainly different, but it has lived up to the ‘high school’ theme. Let’s think back to those days…we were mean to each other, flip flopping between friends, finding ourselves wanting to be loved by all and some were bullies. Not much different in this house. I am disappointed that some of the houseguests are so verbally abusive and I would have liked to see them called on it sooner.

    Chima I am sure is not a bad person,but likes control, there was no option to go against what she wanted, the modern day bully? maybe,but I don’t think she realized she was doing that. She is just used to getting her own way. I hope she personally grows from this experience. I don’t think she deserves to be humiliated any futher.

  336. @rocco
    I don’t have to like who u like, and just coz I don’t doesn’t mean I’m uneducated, how you equate the two is beyond me.

    I agree with you, I just didn’t mention j or j screwing russ and not giving a vote. Maybe if michelle did it

  337. Chima should have left the first week when she was telling Julie about someone being racist. I think you are correct that she is use to controlling. she wanted Russ gone because he didn’t follow through on her advances. She thought she could manipulate Russel and went after him after it didn’t work. the same thing about her HOH. she really thought she was controlling everyone and when her plan didn’t work, she acted like a 2 year old. I am glad and I am sure the house is glad she is now gone.

  338. regarding #511…I think you are so right…Chimas hair is a hot mess…I only saw her wet it down too and it looked like her fingers got But Nat the rat doesnt brush hers either and theres no wig there…eeeew whats wrong with these gross girls??

  339. just to ask what is fteam jj’s obsession with compairing big brother to survivor? hello we are watching big brother this is not survivor. totally different shows! if this were the same as survivor it would be called survivor 2 not big brother. and come on lydia and the unicorn seriously how old is she? most people get over that at like 7. really childish. and her meltdowns over jessie with the way he belittled her can you say desperate? i think in the end we will find jeff and jordan played a pretty smart game after all, not getting involved with all the drama. the only thing is the jury votes and who gets to the final 2 will all depend on who wins cause there will be some grudges held.
    oh and nat has not played a better game then jordan the only thing nat has done different then jordan is lie, nat hid behind jessie the whole time he was here, and out of 3 people nat, lydia and kevin have won 1 pov. nat has won nothing at all. either has lydia. jordan has won hoh. jeff has won pov and cdt. that is 3 wins alone for just 2 people.

  340. i love how on the show last night they showed jeff sticking up for himself telling all the other hg’s that they would have used it if they got it too. they know they would have. and i didnt vote for jeff cause he looks good personally, i voted for him cause i knew he would use it to get out jessie and i dont like jessie, i never did. america gave it to the right person. oh and my point being from earlier post is that since bb1 america has always had an influence in what happened in the bb house . period

  341. Chima is gone…yes!I couldn’t stand her. I’m an African American female and Chima really embarassed the h%ll out of me. It’s sad how she don’t see how evil and how angry she is. She’s trying to make Russell out to be liar, when we caught her in numerous of lies. What she fell to realize Russell was telling her the truth about Michelle. Michelle admitted she said those things, not in her face. She ‘s just trying to play the game. Nobody’s your friend when it comes to winning money.YOU SUPPOSE TO FAKE IT TIL YOU MAKE IT!!!!!Chima so childish she don’t realize that. I swear i thought she was still in middle school the way she acted on the show.Don’t she dare try to pull the race card, cause that was definitely not the case, she needs to watch herself on tv, and see what we all saw.Good job Jeff, Michelle and Jordon,You all are playing the game the way it suppose to be played. That’s what the game is all about scheming, lying to one another, etc. Chima seen the past shows, everybody is a RAT incuding her,Smiling in Lydia’s when told Russell to put her up,smiling in Kevin’s face when she knows that her,Natalie and Jessie just said they didn’t trust him, and Chima again agreed with Jessie and Natalie they were going to put up Jeff and Jordon after they got Russell out. I’m glad she’s out, she started all the trouble that went on in the house.

  342. bbfan11

    I agree with you about Natalie. I think she should be the last to be kicked off to the Jury house, she is a great influencer – I don’t care for her at all, she lied right off the bat about her age thinking that it would get her somewhere, and hasn’t stopped lying or manipulating since. She would be dangerous in the jury house too soon.

  343. I liked Jeff until he started listening to that retard Jordan. She will be his downfall. She’s falling for every lie in the house and is now breaking up the alliance of Jeff and Russell… does she not get this is the ONLY reason they’ve been safe and made it this far??? If he listens to her and gets rid of Russell he’ll be out of that house quicker than he can say boo, and he’ll have that idiot Jordan to thank.

  344. I really wish certain people here would cease with the racist Chima comments. It’s getting old.

    And I do wish to point out that the term “white trash” is not racist, it’s classist. And if I had a dime for everytime I heard a person (whites especially) use this term, I’d be a rich woman today.

  345. does anyone know where i can find where cbs is asking which house guest we want to come back? i am not finding anything at all of that nature.

  346. @bbfan11: I don’t believe that is happening. I have heard nothing in regards to CBS bringing anyone back. Instead, the expectation is that there will be 6 jury members and America will cast the 7th vote.

  347. nicola i agree with you about how they should keep russ for now, to keep the numbers on there side at least. and i like russ and dont want him to go, but please spare the jordan is a retard part cause that is very offensive to alot of people and no one should be talked about like that it is disrespectful. she might not be the brightest crayon in the box but retard is way too harsh.

  348. thanks matt
    i was trying to clarify from other posts i see from fteam jj she keeps saying cbs has on the web site who do you want to come back. im not seeing it.she keeps saying its there though so thanks

  349. Matt ,Why did CBS did not show Chima leaving the house and make a statement that she is gone?

  350. I agree it would be fun, just out of curiosity who would you like to see come back? My pick would be Laura, she was the first to see through Ronnie, she was smart, and I think would have played the game really well.

  351. jeanette i know you werent talking to me but they are going to show it on tuesdays episode with the hoh that jordan won

  352. i would like to see laura or casey back. i dont know casey but he lives like 30 minutes from me so that would be cool. and he was funny

  353. That is so cool, Yeah Casey was good too. I would like to an episode with the the strong players, strategic thinkers, without the sneaky manipulation that we have this year. I would like to see an all out strategic game, let the best player win. I guess ratings would suffer though???

  354. BBfan (#525), I use the term “retard” loosly so please don’t jump to conclusions and take my words literally. I think there’s being politically correct, and then there’s being ridiculous.

    Jeannette (#526), white trash, ghetto trash (or fab), and similar terms are classist not racist. I did not use the terms, I was referencing another post.

  355. Who could possible dislike Jordan, she is the sweetest kid ever on the show. How rude that people are writing she has a low IQ. Perhaps acting nieve is her statergy. Jeff is a gentleman and would have been a fool not to play the coup de tate and get rid of annoying Jessie; Russell is a character and adds action to the show; and Michelle is playing a very smart game. Natalie and Lydia are boy crazy fools. They were solely playing to impress and please Jessie — they need to get a life. They both need to grow up and stop annoying all of us.

  356. i know ms people keep saying that being sweet is not playing the game but it kind of is. if she would be in the final 2 with anyone else at all in the house i bet she would win the money, and why is that cause she was sweet and everyone likes her, they have nothing against her, everyone gets along with her. especially seeing everyone in this bb holds personal grudges. being sweet got her this far hasnt it?

  357. i think nat put a target on kevin making him do her dirty work. if they find out he lied for her gee what is that going to show about him

  358. Good point! I like the fact that Jeff looks out for her, I don’t think he is being fooled by her, he listens and that makes him smart. I like Jordan, she is young and confident, she is who she is.