Big Brother 11: Week 2 PoV Ceremony Results – Spoilers

The Power of Veto Ceremony is over in the Big Brother 11 house. To find out if the PoV was used click “continue reading” for the spoilers

Jeff, the winner of this week’s PoV, did exactly as was expected. He used the Veto to save himself and forced Ronnie to make a replacement nominee.

Ronnie has nominated Jordan as the replacement to Jeff.

Ronnie says Jordan is just a pawn with the plan to evict Laura, but with three days to go anything could happen.

What do you think? Which of these two should be sent home on Thursday’s live eviction night? Share your thoughts below.

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  1. I know its just a game but I feel bad for both of them. I don’t like Ronnie.

  2. nooooooooo :'(
    i dont want ANY of those 2 to leave :'( :'( im cryin here
    laura is an AMAZING player and jordan and jeffs relationship is makin this season bearable
    without those guys + michelle this season of big brothers gonna be HORRIBLE
    filled with losers like ronnie the f-ing rat, chima-sweet sixteen bi*ch, Lydia-superficial hypocritical slut, kevin “lydias bitch”, Russel and natalie
    it says alot if out of all these idiots mentioned in the end the one i have the least to say about is jesse wow just wow

  3. Michelle is stuck up ronnie,s tail now. She is telling ronnie that Laura was telling her stuff he said

  4. that really sucks i like both of them but i would rather see laura leave jordan is my favorite i hope they dont vote her out!!!!!!!

  5. Are you KIDDING ME?? Ronnie is such a PUPPET!! At the beginning of the week he was so proud of how he was going to back door Russell. He had the perfect opportunity and he got manhandled by Jessie and Natalie. Jessie and Natalie only want to keep Russell because he is an athlete and he can’t put them up. GOD WHAT IS WRONG WITH RONNIE??? Congrats you idiot. You are the latest in a long line of BB puppets and you WILL be out of the house VERY soon.

  6. I think it’s total crap. Ronnie is such a weasel. I hate most everyone in the house, but the worst is the list that T.T. named. I HATE Chima, and Russell, and Lydia is a back-stabbing POC, and Natalie is a moron. Kevin – I can’t even begin to say what an idiot he is. I can’t believe he nominated Jordan with Laura. He should have back-doored Russell or Jesse. I hope Ronnie goes next week!!

  7. You know what’s funny.. When I was watching Showtime After Dark, Chima asked Ronnie if he was still going to put up Russel even if Jessie didn’t like the idea, and he said yes. he said he was going to persuade Jessie to like the idea. It was sooo funny that as soon as Jessie said not to put up Russel, it was like a dang domino effect. First ronnie was like oh yea, you are so right Jessie, then down went Lydia, and so on and so on. the only person that still wanted Russ was Chima, but that all changed later too. Ronnie really thinks he has all this power in the house, but he lets Jessie play him like a puppet. He is so dang desperate to have Jessie on his side.
    Didn’t Ronnie see that he want’s Russel there because Russel is apart of his Athlete team. Jessie wants to take 1 team out at a time… Ronnie is a Dummy.. not a brain if you ask me..

  8. This is the worst cast of people BB has ever had. I am usually a die hard fanatic…and I am struggling with this crowd of people. I also think the whole premise is stupid. I am so disappointed this season…

  9. I put off for all the other seasons to get the superpass, with this group I want my money back.

  10. I agree neither should go. I dont like really anyone this season except casey and jeff.

    My list of evictions


    but ofcourse we all know that nothing is gonna happen like that

  11. Ronnie is such a GEEK, his picture should be in the dictionary after the word GEEK. He is so stupid he is ruining this season, by his stupidity

  12. Ronnie is sooo stupid. It’s just like high school. He wants to be accepted so bad by the athletes that he is doing anything and everything they say. My guess is next time one of them is HOH Ronnie is going up!

  13. That is so sh!ty. Can we please get rid of Ronnie and Chima for God sake’s. Can’t wait til thta happens. Hope Ronnie is not surprised when the athletes pick on him and bully him out of the house, just like high school!

  14. I believe the whole thing is scripted. They always leave the people you don’t like.

    I can’t stand that Chima and I definitely don’t like that “Rat” Ronnie. No amount of money is further your self respect. But you can’t play both ends against the middle for long.

  15. How many of you think that one reason Ronnie is siding with Jesse is because he truly is stupid and thinks that since Jesse has played the game before he knows what he is doing and that Jesse will do well in the game? Therefore, if Ronnie does what Jesse says to do then Jesse will take him all the way to the end which WE all know will not happen since we are the brains and not Ronnie. Jesse truly is all steroids and no brain. Do you see how he acts like he is still in high school and rolls his eyes at everything everyone does that he disapproves of? Go Casey and Jeff. They are the only two this season that I enjoy watching. Jeff doesn’t seem to be very intelligent but I feel is a genuinely good person and Casey just cracks me up!

  16. If I had to choose one of the two girls to go, it would be Laura. I think it frustrates her too much that so many people are so multifaced in the house and willingly accept the same behavior from others. Unfortunately, a sense of ethics does not belong in the house, and I sense it bothers Laura that people don’t play “fairer”.

    Jordan is a bit naive and not very good at being a bad girl in the house, but I like her and hope she stays longer. I know anything can happen in the next few days, but I do hope the others don’t decide to go after Jordan. It hasn’t been far enough in the game yet for them to believe it will hobble Jeff, like with Eric and Jessica or Chelsia and James or Dick and Danielle. So, no real effect if they evict Jordan, because Laura is the better player.

    I think it is funny and sad at the same time that Russell quickly flipped again. You know, I cannot imagine how stupid I might feel if I were a houseguest watching the episodes after the fact and seeing all the underhandedness I didn’t know was happening. How many times could I count myself an idiot? Probably hundreds.

    Jordan had it right when she said it seemed to be “a lot easier watching it on television than being in the house.”

  17. @ mommy from macomb, mi

    I don’t think Ronnie is stupid, I think he is caught up in believing he is liked and fits in with a group he probably admired and longed to belong to when in high school. He is probably caught up in the drama and feeling of importance he has around the “meathead” group.

    Russell even talked about it last night (I think). He said that Ronnie admires Jesse and probably sees him as his ideal and someone he would like to be like if given the opportunity. We all knew people like that in high school and sometimes in life. They want so badly to belong to a particular group, they sacrifice aspects of their true personalities to fit in.

    I don’t like what Ronnie is doing, but it is part of the game. His game play, doublespeak, and influence will die out in time. It always does to the player who are the most careless.

  18. Ronnie isn’t an idiot, but he isn’t as smart as he think she is. He thinks he is smarter than anyone else in the house, when in truth, he isn’t any smarter than the dumb jocks.

    He screwed up royally in his vote to evict Braden, and he will pay for that in the end.

    I am not watching this year….I just come here to find out what is going on. This is the least interesting group yet. Allison Grodner needs to figure out that these aggressive jocks don’t make for good TV.

  19. Ronnie, is a dummy, he can’t think for himself. I’m all most ready to stop watching as there are some really dumb players. Too much to soon if you ask me. I like the unexpected and these people showed their cards way to soon. If the program doesn’t put me to sleep, I can’t wait for them to kick dummy Ronnie out. He deserves to go, he is not a good player, poor guy he really believes he is the master player.

  20. Ronnie is a rat,Jesse is a snake in the grass. We know what snakes like to eats ‘rats’. Jesse will used the rat and then spit him out of the house, when he will become HOH, he is using Ronnie to do his dirty work. I think Laura is a better player than Jordon.Ronnie is afraid of Laura so he wants her to leave. i hope the house will keep Laura than Jordon, though I like them both.

  21. Well this sucks.. big time. When i saw last night episode i thought Ronnie was going to backdoor Russell for sure. But.. wth is he doing?? I really thought he was the masterming (Ronnie) but he aint! He is been played by a puppet and he seems to enjoy it..

    I just hope Laura doesnt go home.. but she is going home which sucks :(

    This season is going to suck as soon as Casey/Michelle/Jeff/Laura or Jordan are gone.. THIS SUCKS!

  22. How can Ronnie be so delusional that he thinks he’s running the show right now. Seems the only one with power is Jessie, and Ronnie is his little puppy. This is definitely one of the worst groups, and I’m struggling just to keep watching. UGH!

  23. wow, is all i can say. ronnie that rat thinks hes controlling the game when he’s really not. he is totally being controlled by Jessie and that sucks for him. last year i wasn’t for the ‘underdog’ side but i am for them this year. i dont want to see laura or jordan go. i want jeff and casey to the end as well. go casey! too bad kevin is lydia’s bish and he gets sucked into that hell hole of a team.


  25. I really hope there is an America’s player twist or something like it soon or else this could be the worst show ever. If Jeff and Casey go off I am done watching it. The rest are losers. Please BB force Jessie to become America’s player and vote out Natalie, Chima, or Russ.

  26. what the heck??
    yea hope there will
    be another twist soon…
    Ronnie is such an loser.. why would he put up Jordan?
    Jordan, Jeff, Laura, and Casey are my favorite and i like Braden! Russel is kinda ignorant but he’s smart…. a lot of us don’t like him now but maybe we might like him later.. who knows? i hate Jessie and i hate how Lydia is part of their team? what the heckkk? i liked her the first two episode….Laura is smarter than i thought..CHIMA! I HATE HER!!!! GET HER OUT AND REPLACE HER WITH SOME ONE ELSE!!! PLEASE!!! UGHHHH!!lets seee what happens.. i hope there will be a twist comming in soon … all of my favorite players are begin attacked and looks like all the losers are gonna stay and go to the jury house..:(

  27. Oh please. They both deserve to go. Big Brother is about surprises and power. Laura was in the house because she’s tiny with huge boobs. She said she didn’t have to audition or anything. Whatever money she gets from being on the show should be used to fix her huge teeth. Let the game unfold as it goes. I wasn’t thrilled when Dan won last year but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

  28. I like Marilyn’s comment, is pretty smart and it makes a lot of sense.. its just that i cant really stand when the villians get their way. First sucky twist was the allow Jessie coming back (Or whoever it would have been) because that, basically, was the trigger of this mess. But i guess we’ll just have to suck this up :(

    Ronnie wont win.

  29. This group acts so young.
    Where are the characters?
    I am struggling to find someone I want to pull for. Casey? Jeff?
    And please boys put your shirts on!
    I can’t wait until Ronnie starts taking his shirt off too when he works out with the ‘big’ boys
    To many young people!
    What has happened to the BB I love to watch?

  30. Listen everyone, I truly don’t understand the lovefest with Jeff, Laura and Jordan. Jeff and Jordan are horrible players in this game. Jeff just whines and complains and Jordan is dumb as a rock. I don’t necessarily care for the “meatheads” but at least they have some heart and are trying to play the game. Ronnie, I do agree is a fool and should put up Jessie or Russell. But you have to admit he is at least trying to play the game even though he is making pathetic decision. Sayanora Jordan/Laura and on to week 3.

  31. Marylin and Oscar, I am on your team.

    All the complaining and asking Big Brother to change things isn’t going to help. The audience has very little say in what goes on in the house; aside from voting what the have not’s can eat next week, we are powerless. But isn’t that how it is each year? So for those of you who keep posting and saying you have quit watching, like futuresuperstar17, we heard you – more than once. No one forces you to watch or continue posting.

    The rest of us will just moan and groan together. This is a very immature group, which is wearing on Casey, Jeff, Russell, and a few of the others I really like. As it stands right now, the couch consortium of Jordan, Jeff, Casey, and Laura – and sometimes Russell – stand to be the first to go. BUT, remember it is only Week 2! Soooo much can change on a dime. This much drama this early may maintain for the entire season.

    I hope it backs off a little, though, because this much volatility only stands to burn out early or lead to major rule breaking.
    (Ahhhh…. Shades of Eval vs. Jen!!!! Wasn’t that something!)

  32. Hey, Matt! Are you out there? I have a question for you.

    I was thinking about how much this BB cast acts LIKE high school cliques, from the wanna be’s to the bullies to the I’m-above-that’s, and a thought floated across my mind.

    Do you know if Big Brother production decided on the theme BEFORE casting and perhaps selected the houseguests based on the theme? Or did they realize the kind of cast they had and develop the theme AFTER casting?

    Either way, Back To School seems to be falling into place. In my opinion,
    * Michelle needs to be like for things other than her smarts;
    * Ronnie needs to be respected for his knowledge.
    * Natalie is the pee wee bully girl athlete who acts like she has something to prove;
    * Lydia is the tag along that changes her stripes based on who she’s around;
    * Casey is the held back, laid back, older than the rest student…
    * Jordan is the airheaded cheerleader
    * Jeff is the star quarterback
    * And on and on and on….

  33. I’m in the minority here, I guess.
    My list of evictions


    I like both of them! lol.

  34. omgggg =[
    jordan and laura are both so damm deservingg .
    Like ugh , all the goood ppl are going home and all the fake lil bitches are stayingg.
    i don`t know wtf michelle is doingg , shes acting kinda retarded noww . ugh this fucking sucks =[

  35. The feeds really suck this year. Glad I am on free trial. I will cancel b4 time to pay

  36. BBHappy64 i know you asked Mat but im going to give my answer to your questions. I think that production is actually editing the show so that it can look as Highschools. There’s a lot of stuffs that happens that could change the context of the show we are watching so i think that editing has a big say on how we percieved the show right now.

    Still, Ronnie sucks!

  37. The only thing berable about this show is 3 things;

    1)Jordan and Jeff getting closer
    2)Jessie and natalie’s relationshop or am i the only one seeing something with jessie and lydia on the after dark series?
    3)ronnies next stupid move.

    if hes so good at playing the game and is pointing out what he knows about the game then why keep him there. and besides its making him look like the fool.

    “its been my knowledge from watching big brother in past seasons the person who goes around accusing others of being the rat then they’re really the ones whos the rat”
    – and what was ronnies first move? calling out michelle as the rat and then turned right back onto casey as being the rat.. hes playing into it and attracting more attention to himself….


  39. I don’t know what is so great about Jeff and Casey. But only about 50 out of the large majority of BB fans feel that way so anyway…. I just want to say that as a true BB fan I love it no matter what. A lot of things happen that I don’t like but that is apart of the game and why I love it so much. Everything that goes on is all the fault of the players in the house and should stay that way. No Americas Player or stupid crap like that, let them play the game, its just like survivor there fate is their own. GO CHIMA AND NATALIE Kevin is cool too.

  40. Whatever people!!! Why are you crying just because things are not going your way. This is not Big Brother Burger King style you can not have it your way so get over it and enjoy the show. I Love it!!! They are competing for half a million dollars so they need to start playing or go home. I didn’t like Dan last year but who cares he got his money and someone this season will too whether you like them or not LOL people are funny on this thing so judgemental about people they don’t even know.

  41. Does Ronnie, aka rat, even know who he wants to send home? I mean come on he has changed his mind as to whom he was going to backdoor so many times. This season is giving me a freakin headache. I want Ronnie to go home so bad next week.

  42. Damn! I can’t believe Laura is throwing her friends under the bus now! What people will do and say to stay in the house!

  43. What a disappointing season. Looks like Ronnie the Rat’s “Big Move” has doomed the only interesting people in the house. Lydia, Chima, Natalie, and Kevin are virtually unwatchable….annoying and irritating. Jesse is an idiot and if I have to see him and Russell admire themselves in the mirror one more time…..and Ronnie? What a joke. The “Puppet Master” is the puppet.

  44. Ronnie is so stupid JESSIE and NAT played him like a fine bottle of wine. Who was suppose to be head of house… Did some one forget they were suppose to be teams… the only ones playing as a team even if I can’t stand them are Jessie and Nat and Russell…The rest are just sitting ducks… Sure hope Casey gets to stay a while… He’s and Laura are about the only two with any sense…

  45. Ronnie is such a idiot, for one second I had a little respect for his game. When he said he was going to backdoor Russell, I thought okay thats the right move, Russell is a big bully, and he needs to go., But as soon as he told Jessie and Natalie, he was back to being there bitch ready to bend over and kiss thier ass. I feel bad that Laura is going home. I just hope that Casey whens HOH this week so he can put up Ronnie and Chima with her phony laugh.

  46. OMG! Laura is throwing everyone under the bus to save her a**! What happen to her alliance with Jordan and Jeff? All Ronnie has to do is bend over and everyone puckers up. You all talk about whining, because it does not go the why we want, but this is getting old. Get on the block and kiss Ronnie’s or Jessie’s a**. Jessie hot for Natalie???? Does the meathead have no taste? All they do is talk game. Do they never relax and have fun? Bring on a good game of charades, quarters, or ‘four-up’. Entertain us a little. I am now rooting for Laura to go home. At least Jeff and Jordan would team up to kick some butt! Just going to delete the rest of the Dvr recording. CAN’T TAKE ANYMORE A** KISSING.

  47. Laura is a snake. Hopefully Jordan will turn on her now. I hope someone tells Jordan what she did to her.

  48. this is the worst show EVER..I am a big fan of past shows, but this cast Is sooo bad. the couple of people I like are soon on their way out because of all the bullies in the house.evil is winning over goodness this season. A game yes, boring, more so.

  49. Ronnie is a wuss i knew he would not have the guts to back door Russell, well next week he will go for sure. Everyone knows how hard he is playing the game and all sides want him out

  50. Personally I feel that Ronnie made a big mistake when he chose Laura and Jeff for eviction. Ronnies nerd a** made a bigger mistake when he chose Jordan as the replacement. Jesse, Natalie and Russell clique is toooooooooo strong. If Ronnie aka NERDBOI was smart enough, he would have chosen 2 athletes to go home this week. Jesse, Natalie nor Russell would save his silly a**..They would quickly throw him under the bus and I hope he pays for that stupid move…..Especially if Laura goes home

  51. ohhh and one more thing..It will be exciting to see Jesse, Natalie or Russell on the block. They will not be able to handle the pressure, they will have a nervous breakdown LOL

    Any of those 3 would be great to have on the block, then the world will be able to see who they really are.

  52. LAura was not throwing Jordan under the bus. Ronnie called her up and asked her if she wanted to stay. T Of course she said yes, but that she would not campain against jordan. She told Jeff and Jordan about it as soon as she came down.. Ronnie twisted and lied about everything she said, and he is paying for all of that and everything else he lied about now..

  53. WOW!!!! i missed yesterday BBAD. Had Dodger tix and saw Manny hit one out. But it sounds likie i missed the best day yet. Everybody ratting everybody else out. Now the house is supposedly united against Ronnie. Unfortunately the damage is done and either Jordan or Laura is leaving us. I picked Laura in my final 4, but Jordan is better eye candy for late nite TV.

  54. I heard her saying things about Jordan she was throwing people under the bus. She was wanting to go to Jessie and tell him she was sorry and it was J/J turning her against that side of the house and that is why she voted the way she did. I now think Laura is a snake. I dont see Jordan throwing her under the bus

  55. Why does every year of big brother get worse and worse, they need to interview the candidates a little better.
    Seriously Ronnie you are the biggest idiot I have ever seen on this game.

  56. if i had the choice keep laura and jordan and have ronnie evict himself

  57. Thanks Oscar. There are no villians in this game. One side is not any better than the other. I felt the same way when Evil Dick was on the show. I don’t think it’s right to say who deserves what. Some people felt like James was good and some thought he was evil. You just never know. I think Laura is a very simple person. Did you see her try to cook the slop on BBAD? I’ve never seen anyone so stupid. She said she wouldn’t campaign against Jordan but of course she did. I do think some scenarios are scripted. I don’t think it’s right just to want someone to win based on their looks. That said I think Ronnie has played too hard too soon. He will go home soon.

  58. Mike & Beth – not sure where you’re coming from, unless you’re just the type of people who like villains and stupid people to stir things up on the show. I LOVED Evel Dick, but that’s because he was a smart player, and even though he pissed people off, he was honest and not a back stabber. We like Jeff & Casey & Jordan & Laura because they are nice people. Where do you get the idea they’re dumb? Maybe because they weren’t given any opportunities right from the beginning because they didn’t win HOH or have any chances to do any harm to anyone does not mean they aren’t good players. I really hope they get to inflict major damage to the total idiots of the house. The biggest piece of crap in there is Ronnie, with a very close second going to Chima! She’s the epitomy of psycho loud mouth moron! And Lydia, who I liked in the beginning is just a total idiot, and I will laugh my ass off when she leaves!! Pick off those idiots one by one – start with Ronnie, then Chima, then Jesse, Natalie and Kevin!!!

  59. NICE!!! Ronnie is soooo scared now. And he SHOULD be. Ronnie got his ASS handed to him by Russell and the entire house is against him now. What did his dumb shirt say? “Yes I’m Perfect.” Yeah, good luck with that, let me know how that turns out for you Rat Boy! Go Jeff and Casey!!

  60. The power is up for grabs Thursday. Has any person or group held power for the whole show. (NO) Ronnie will have no power next week and they all know it. There will be no need to get rid of him. They know he will go along with who ever is in power. So one vote for their side. Which ever side is in power. There are much bigger fish to FRY on either side than Ronnie. You may all hate him but the way the game goes I bet he will be around for a few more weeks, as the free vote for who ever is in power.

  61. Guess “Ronnie the Great Debater” is toast…. What a weasel….

  62. shi*t i know some atheleths that was smart also in my highschool shi*t but no side this season in big brothers are good boths sides have people on them that are villians are neutral (netural) the type that go with either of the groups that will make them safe netural peoople ahhh shit like when a person just hangs out with people that they dont know and dont have conversation with just hang out

  63. LOL!! Now everyone is happy that things seem to be going their way LOL people are funny. I just think that it is interesting the way that people in the house change over time that is why I will watch it regardless of what happens. Still for the plan to go right they need to make sure Chima and Michelle throw the HOH competition or get eliminated….and they need to make sure Jessie and Natalie don’t win either because they may waiver and save Ronnie….the houseguests still need to work out the plan a little more but if it goes through that would be very interesting indeed LOL!!!! GO CHIMA AND KEVIN!!!!
    Also I hope that Laura stays over Jordan because she is actually trying to play the game and has a better chance of winning HOH then Jordan…that poor girl had trouble with understanding how many quarters their are in a hour when dealing with time….yes Laura over Jordan LOL!!!

  64. Hopefully there is a twist coming on live eviction night to really get things going. Something needs to happen to spice things up on BB. Hopefully BB is looking @ this comments.

  65. I cannot stand that DORK Ronnie..What a player! I thought for sure he would put up Russell , they would send that loud mouth hot head home. I cannot believe he put Jordan up! I was so mad! I hope Ronnie gets his ass up there next week and they send that DORK home. He makes me sick. Liar to everyone. Also can someone refresh my memory when Laura turned on Jordan? I do not recall that? Ronnie must leave……My opinion for this week..guess Laura needs to go….

  66. after watching BB last night I realized Ronnie the dork is not as brave a he proclaims. I let out a gasp when he replaced Jordan after Jeff won the POV but think about it…He wants Laura out of the house and is well aware Jordan is well liked. Ronnie was afraid to make that final step of putting up Russ bc he didnt want to face his wrath all week. I hope his a_ss i booted out the door next week!

  67. Does anyone think there is even a slight chance that Ron is begging BB to go home and they r encouraging him to wait till Thursday ?

  68. NO Janet. He wants to win and thinks he`s smart, but is overplaying the game. The problem with this cast of characters is that they are not creative in coming up with games to play to take their minds off the actual BB game, therefore way too much time is spent chatting and plotting amongst each other. Good drama, but bad on the nerves. I`ve missed the last 2 nites completely due to other obligations, but you guys and this website have kept me up to speed. Thanks, and looking forward to 2nites BBAD and tomorrow`s eviction.
    Oh, everyone keeps saying that certain HG`s have figured out how to cheat tomorrows HOH comp. How is that possible when they don`t know what game they`ll play?

  69. Randy, I do agree with you on the lack of creativity. A big part of the problem was the almost immediate division that happened due to our little cockroach friend. I just have a gut feeling that he is really wanting to go.. seriously.. and BB has asked him to just stick till Thursday. He would not be the first, and I really think he has some psychological issues (i.e the OCD behavior) This has got to be bringing back his high school days like tenfold. If he was going to be able to deal with it, he would come out of his room at least every once in awhile. He has not come out in over 36 hrs.. I think.. he bails…

  70. randy/janet I agree….ronnie played too hard too fast & showed his in-depth BB knowledge waaaay too early! The guy has games memorized & which week they’re played!!
    He’s too BB for his own good!!

  71. Randy, Ronnie had predicted they would play Majority Rules based on previous patterns. I had to ask Matt, to explain how they could cheat. Ron told his alliance to guess A on every one, then A would always be the “majority”. They would know that, but the other side would not. Therefore someone from Ron’s alliance would win.. Not anymore.

  72. I totally agree with the majority in believing Ronnie is a RAT! But when did everything change? I watch the after dark until I fall asleep and the last I saw was Jordan being put up on the regular show and then went to the feeds last night and Ronnie has barricaded himself in the HOH room reading the BIBLE!

  73. I loved it when Ronnies HEAD was so INFLATED and thought that he was “safe” the entire game because he was ín’ with Jesse and Natalie and NO-ONE would ever go against them. Plus he had is own clique that would always protect him. He NEVER realized that all of those people were friendly to him because he was HOH!!

  74. What the heck is Russell up to, sneaking up to HOH telling Ronnie he is not after him and that he wants Casey out? Right before that he and Casey were whispering at the table…

  75. I think it’s time for Laura to be going. I just don’t like her. These BB HG’s need to get more exciting last night was very boring

  76. I don`t think we can trust Russell. He may be playing both sides. Michelle is a sneaky little witch too. However, she`s one of my final 4 picks, so GO MICHELLE!!! everyone watching should know that kissing the HOH`s butt is a weekly BB club policy. Jeff, laura and Jordan were all nominated this week and stayed outside while the “bad guys” hung out upstairs and even Michelle quietly snuck up there. She`s not pissing anybody off, so she`s not a target, just like ……Dan.

  77. I think do not want Jordan or Laura to go home I want ronnie to go home but I think Laura is going home I could be wrong but who really really knows.

  78. Why don’t they have Jordan pretend likes she a twin and,america could tell her what to do!Jordan if you win head of house for example put up Jessie and Russ. PLay the game or go home!!!!!!!

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