Big Brother 11: Week 2 Monday Live Feed Highlights

The Rat has drowned! Wow, what a day on the live feeds in the Big Brother 11 house. HoH Ronnie continued on his imaginary journey as the world’s greatest Big Brother player while the HGs prepared for the day’s Power of Veto Ceremony and subsequent drama that ensued.

The fireworks exploded at the night’s end with Ronnie in tears, his lies shattered on the floor, and his emminent eviction looming overhead. Yes, my Big Brother fans, it was that awesome of a day! Grab your Live Feeds free trial now, flip on the Flashback feature, and jump in and watch this awesome BB Chaos!

Live Feed Highlights – July 20, 2009:

8:20 AM BBT – Casey, Jeff, and Michele talking game and what it’ll take for them to get back in the running. Jeff is sounding pretty defeatist here.

12:30 PM BBT – The PoV Ceremony is over and no one is surprised. Jeff is down. Jordan is up.

1:00 PM BBT – Ronnie and Kevin talking about next week. They’re worried that Jordan will come back at them with a vengeance. The plan is to evict Laura, keep Jordan. Ronnie talks more about his plan to cheat the system if it is a Majority Rules HoH competition.

2:00 PM BBT – Lydia is mirroring whatever Natalie is doing as the result of a competition and being a brat about it the whole way. Geez Lydia turned out to be a huge disappointment.

2:15 PM BBT – Ronnie pouring more lies into Michele’s ears. Saying it’s Jeff’s fault he had to put up Jordan so he could know how Jeff would vote. He tries to explain why he couldn’t backdoor Russell this week like they hoped he would. Ronnie keeps pressing Michele to tell Jeff that he didn’t want to nominated Jordan, but he had to.

3:20 PM BBT – Russell and Lydia complaining about Natalie. Well, mostly Lydia complaining about how she won’t let Natalie use her HoH luxuries if she wins.

4:30 PM BBT – Russell just filled Jeff in on Ronnie’s plan to cheat at the HoH competition.

6:30 PM BBT – Jeff lets Jordan know that Lydia and Jessie have been having sex.

7:30 PM BBT – Casey is goofing off with Jordan and Laura in the backyard. A little lighthearted fun for the day.

9:15 PM BBT – Jessie and Ronnie going over their HoH cheating plan for Thursday. They’re also becoming suspicious that Russell is leaking information to Casey. Jessie starts talking with Natalie and they agree that Russell needs to be evicted. Jessie wants to do the nomination himself.

9:30 PM BBT – Lydia joins the hate-group session and announces she thinks Kevin is going to flip on them and they should get rid of him. Wow, this bunch is as paranoid as they are nasty.

9:50 PM BBT – Laura and Ronnie having a pow-wow where Laura starts working him hard to stay and Ronnie keeps playing the victim in the situation. This is the start of where things exploded last night, so use your Live Feeds Flashback feature for this one.

11:45 PM BBTThe water is boiling! Ronnie, Jessie, and Natalie talking about how they wished they had put up Russell after all. Chima, Kevin, and Lydia decide they want to keep Laura this week and evict Jordan. Natalie tells Jeff that Laura is trying to get Jordan evicted over her. Lydia tells Russell that Ronnie wishes he had nominated Russell.

12:15 AM BBT – Russell is tearing Ronnie apart. Ronnie tries his hardest to backpedal his way out of the situation but he’s not going anywhere. Huge fight with lots of HGs. Definitely worth watching over and over.

12:40 AM BBT – Russell details out to the house all of what Ronnie has been doing. The group is all worked up and agrees that Ronnie has to go home next week. Everyone is comparing notes and realizing how many lies Ronnie has told. Their disdain for the Rat has brought them together. Awwww.

From there on through the late night the group has unified against Ronnie. Still hard to tell who will go home this week. Probably still Laura, but Ronnie should be able to share a cab home if she waits another week for him. What an awesome day in the Big Brother house!

You can catch all of these events using the Tivo-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to take advantage of the discounted rate of 13% off the monthly rate.



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  1. Yay! We KNEW this was coming, just wish it was a week ago! The question is.. How long will it hold?? Jessie wanted to ride Ron awhile longer (and Lydia as well Lol). Now that a lot of people know what Lydia and Jess are doing, how long until Natalie takes her down?? Also Ron has lain awake all night plotting how to get out of this. Please don’t let him succeed !!

  2. Finally Ronnie’s sneakiness catched up to him, this will cause a lot of tension in the house now

  3. I still dont get why Ronnie the Rat would put up the “popular” clique.. theres only 2 of them left. And they’re not threats to anyone!!

  4. i wanna see laura stay over jordan Id hate to see ANY of these 2 leave but if i had to choose
    the reason i want laura to stay is cause she has a bigger chance of winning this thing than jordan cause shes really good at this game so i really hope she stays although i’ll be crushed either way whether jordan leaves or laura i’ll be sad :(

  5. I can hardly wait to see Ronnie the RAT..get his. It is soooo sad that Jessie & Nat keep playing him for the fool that he is…of course he deserves it becuz he really thinks “he’s all that”…I don’t want Laura or Jordon to go, but if I have to choose I choose Laura…

  6. I hope, hope, HOPE Ronnie goes home next week!! Then after that, I hope the sleazy group gets picked off one by one, starting with Chima & Lydia, Russell, Jesse, Natalie…. The other group NEEDS to get HOH as much as possible in the weeks coming up, or they will get picked off.

  7. Ronnie played way too fast for this early in the game…hes just like Brian from last year, it just took the house an extra week to realize it.

  8. Like I said yesterday I hope Ronnie gets his ass handed to him next week an looks like wishes do come tru. I hav said all along he is a big mess he threw his cards on the table way to fast.. so glad cats out the bag the rats out the bag..

  9. Yesyesyesyesyesyes! Finally some good news! Everybody (Excluding Jessie and Lydia) hate Ronnie and will do their damndest to get him out, the only thing that could wrench this plan is if Michelle or Chima win HOH next week, then he’ll be safe by clique even though they hate him.

  10. Lol, about time someone confronted Ronnie in front of everyone. Lol!! I Hope RUSSEL gets HOH. That would be interesting! I admit it, I like Russ and Casey. They crack me up!!

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