Big Brother 11: Week 2 Live Eviction and HoH Results

Tonight on Big Brother 11 the results of the season’s second live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the third HoH competition. Join us right now in the chat room for discussion of everything going on through the live show.

I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH competition results. Meanwhile, join us in the chat room as we tear apart tonight’s live episode!

Live Eviction voting:

  • Jeff: Votes to evict Laura
  • Jessie: Votes to evict Laura
  • Natalie: Votes to evict Jordan
  • Casey: Votes to evict Laura
  • Russell: Votes to evict Laura
  • Kevin: Votes to evict Laura
  • That’s it. Laura has been evicted.

  • Chima: Votes to evict Laura
  • Lydia: Votes to evict Laura
  • Michele: Votes to evict Laura

By a vote of 8 to 1, Laura has been evicted from Big Brother 11!

HoH Competition – ‘Buzz Worthy’:

  • Jessie is in the lead. Michele, Natalie, Lydia, Russell, Chima, Jordan, Casey, and Kevin eliminated…
  • Jeff ties Jessie
  • Tiebreaker round: Jessie hits a 6 and Jeff nearly gets a 7 but misses…
  • Jessie wins. I feel ill.

Jessie is HoH again. Damn. Now that Jessie has a deal with Ronnie I imagine the Rat won’t be going home this week after all. Damn again.

How did tonight’s results impact your Big Brother 11 predictions in the Amazon gift card giveaway? You can keep entering with new guesses each week, so don’t give up yet!

Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on. You can get the 24/7 uncensored feeds at a limited time $13/month discount rate. So far I’ve definitely not been disappointed with the show these HGs have been putting on!

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  1. I have been a die hard BB fan for 11 years but I really don’t know if I can watch another week of Athletes being in power and Yappy Natty on her power trip. GROAN!

  2. I am so disgusted right now. I hope he takes out Ronnie. I am disappointed though, cause know Russel can’t be put as a nominee in case Ronnie does win the PoV (if so then miraculously).

  3. IMO Bad move for Jesse to win HOH –again. I think for Jesse’s sake he should try and lay low and do what the house wants to because with his winning comps he will close is fate in the house. Jesse cant and wont win them all that is the positive side. Other people are going to win later in the game when the most damage can be done. Crossing my fingers for a better next week I guess.

  4. It’s hard to tell if Ronnie and Russell have a hidden agenda. Nothing would surprise me anymore.I sure did not want to see Jessie as H.O.H. It should be interesting to see were the game will go in this next week. I feel sorry for Jeff and Casey. I would have liked to see one of them get H.O.H. Also it would be nice to see one of the women in charge.I just hope that Ronnie is put on the block and gone next week !!! The house would be better off without him .I’m glad Laura is gone, she rubbed everyone the wrong way.Natalie should be gone also.She thinks she can rule the house and everyone in it.

  5. I’m pissed! I hate Jessie and want to see him exit the house. I really want Casey to win next week.

  6. NOT AGAIN!!!!! Jessie as HOH is the worst thing ever. Well, let’s say Jessie as Natalie’s puppet, is the worst thing ever. Jessie can’t seem to make a move without her. I am so afraid that the break-up of the Ronnie-athletes alliance was all for show. So I guess we will say goodbye to Casey or Jordan next week. I don’t think he will put up Ronnie. I hope that he reconsiders and doesn’t put them up. Natalie had already started fueling the flames to burn Casey last night on AD.

  7. Jessie as HOH is terrible viewing. He makes the dumbest moves in the whole game. Look at last year, he didd’t want Steven or Dan to come off the block so he could backdoor Libra. Libra was the one to get him out. Unfortunately, Jessie will porbably save Ronnie and send Jordan, Casey, or Michele out the door. I am betting I will hate this week.

  8. Here we go again. Another round of “Lets Make A Deal with Jesse’s Ego”.This guy gripes my butt. I can’t stand his constant need to look at himself in every mirror in the house, unless of course hes eating or sleeping. God i wish he was on slop. I hate to admit it but hes playing a decent game by getting everyone else to do the dirty work. Hes just so unappealing.

  9. I groaned when Jesse won the HOH competition, I thought “Not again”!
    I sure hope the power shifts next week, this is getting painful to watch.
    It’s hard to feel sorry for Ronnie crying alone in his room, but Russell is
    going overboard and BB needs to step in. What a group!

  10. Nat the puppet master her mouth will get her in trouble sooner or later it must be nice being on the right team. Hiding in next to jessie. It woulld be funny if Russel get sent out. Jessie did tell Ronnie to wait so maybe things can turn in the house.

  11. I am not a fan of Jessie but he is playing the game and he is making everyone do his work. He would look stupid if didn’t put up Ronnie. The house will treat him like the all did 2 Ronnie. I would like 4 Jeff,Casey,Russell to win.

  12. I was so glad to Ronnie’s hoh run be over but so sad to see jesse again terrible if he doesn’t put Ronnie up I hope the whole house turns on him.

  13. Oh My…Jessie HOH…Lets see what he has in store for us this week..I like the fact that he is chillen, listening out ansd is there to win for the 2nd time…

  14. Good thing is Jessie cant put Russell or Jeff up there on the same team or I really think that he would but so maybe them still being on teams is a good thing…So when there are no more teams Maybe Jessie want get anymore HOH’s we can hope can’t we

  15. Before the HOH Competition I wanted anybody but Chima, Michelle and (You guessed it) Jessie to win it because I wanted the rat out. Jessie isn’t going to do it though, which really sucks!

  16. this is making me sick. these people are absolutely stupid. get rid on russell, ronnie and chima in that order. ronnie needs to be thrown into a locker.

  17. I hope Jessie is smart enough (HA) to not go agianst the house and votes that RAT out of the house.

  18. Well i realy like this season ahh because shi*t the last to seasons 9,10 was boring season 8 was the best the all start season

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