It was eviction day yesterday in the Big Brother 11 house and the mood was calm. Fates were decided, votes were set, and the real pressure came down to the Head of Household competition. Let’s skip over the boring daytime events of live show prep and jump right into the post-eviction events.
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Live Feed Highlights – July 23, 2009:
6:20 PM BBT – The live feeds are back and everyone is together. Laura has been evicted, Jordan stayed, and Jessie is the new HoH.
6:30 PM BBT – Natalie is protesting too loudly that it wasn’t her who voted against Jordan. No one is really that upset about it, but Natalie is trying her hardest to make it an issue. I’m thinking someone told Natalie to do that vote, she’s just not bright enough to do this on her own and then fumble it afterward.
7:10 PM BBT – Chima talking to Russell about his manhood. This girl is starved for lovin’.
7:15 PM BBT – Jordan is very nervous that she’ll be nominated again this week. Jeff is trying to assure her that Ronnie is due for eviction. He doesn’t know about the new Rat-deal.
7:30 PM BBT – Casey, Jeff, and Russell outside discussing how to handle Ronnie this week. They agree to ignore him but are worried that he’ll get his rat claws into Jessie. Too late.
8:40 PM BBT – Lots of personal talk going on. Jordan talks about her love life and Russell contends he’s been with over 50 girls and hates the dumb ones.
10:30 PM BBT – Jessie’s HoH room has opened and the HGs explore. Jessie gets a letter from home, his mom, and reads it out to the rest of the house.
11:15 PM BBT – Jessie, Natalie, and Russell talking game and who to nominate. Russell really wants Casey to go up. Nooo! Jessie wants to wait for the Have-Not’s competition to see who will be agitated and grumpy as an easy target. Plan looks to be nominating Michele and Casey. Ronnie will be a PoV replacement nominee if needed, but he won’t be the target.
So there we have it. Jessie is holding to his deal with Ronnie and won’t let him be evicted unless it goes beyond his control. It’ll either be Michele or Casey going home. That better not be Casey!
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I am glad that Jeff can’t go home. If Jessie is smart (HA!) He will get rid of the RAT. I just don’t want Jordon or Casey going home this week!!!
I don’t think Jessie is that smart. Things could quickly change and let’s hope they do because I do not want to see Casey out of the house this week.
Just finished watching my DVR’ed AD, Natalie has already told Ronnie he is not a target this week nor will he be back-doored. So guess the RAT survived the trap again. Do not understand their fascination with him. Guess they figure they can control him now. Natalie told him to join the group and if they talk trash about him to ignore them.
Natalie is also going around telling everyone that Casey was the hold out on the vote. Lydia thinks it was Michelle. Ah HELLO, it was your own teammate!
Now the game is back where it was, Jessie and his crew in control with Ronnie, Lydia and Kevin in tow. Casey and Michelle will probably go up with Casey going home. Hope Casey wins PoV. He is the only with the balls to undermine that group. Why did his ball have to bounce off that center bucket?
Almost sounds like Jeff threw the competition. He said he did not want HOH this week. Did not want to be put in that position to make the decisions. Just wants to get Jordan to the jury house.
Hope this game turns around soon. Tired of the same people being in control. Going to play it out this week and see how it goes. Am losing interest in the show. Beginning not to care who wins. Maybe that’s why there are rumors floating around that this is BB’s last show.
what time does the nomination result come up on the website?
I really hope Casey goes home. That guy sucks a whole lot.
Okay Ronnie. Just show us your vagina already. We know you have one.
Just for fun, imagine if Jordan and Jessie got together…Can you imagine? Dumbest. Babies. Ever.
What are thay thinking
I’m with Matt, Casey SHOULD NOT be sent home, he is the smartest one there in the house. Jeff also is a smart player but I can’t see him throwing a H.O.H.competition.I have a feeling Jessie is going to keep Ronnie…THAT would be the biggest mistake ever !!! When are those idiots going to wake up and see were Ronnie intends on taking this game ??? If they don’t get him out soon he may end up WINNING the whole game !!!OMG !!! PLEASE–PLEASE someone on the GOOD side get the H.O.H. soon.
I am sooo glad Laura and her fake boobs are gone! “Why does everyone hate me just because I have huge boobs?” What an idiot! Everyone hates you because you make stupid-ass comments like that. Ya, you might have a nice rack but sooner or later a person has to look at your face.
they should get rid of ronnie hes lying to athletes
plus the othr players (jeff jordan lydia kevin chima michelle and casey) need to step it up and pick of an athlete preferably natalie or russ cuz w/o them jessie guna crumble and wont b able 2 do anything except get “handjobs” from lydia
casey might go home or michelle
so jordan or either michele or casey (whichever stays) has 2 win HOH next week and put up ronnie and russel then hopefully jeff wins he uses pov on ronnie (i knowwhat u guys r thinkn) but Hoh puts up natalie and im pretty sure natalie would go home and this would totally divide the athletes and jessies evil bulldog is gone which means jessie will be vulnerable
week after that anothr person jordan michelle or casey has to get rid of either ronnie russel
they put up russel and jessie hopefully jeff or casey wins pov and uses it on jessie and put ronnie as a replacement
this will get rid of ronnie
this will turn the house around
even though its a long shot i hope that either jeff or jordan michelle or casey wins!