Big Brother 11: Week 2 Live Eviction Episode Tonight

Tonight on Big Brother 11 we’ll have our second live eviction for the season as either Laura or Jordan will be evicted. Ronnie’s week as Head of Household will be a memorable one, but definitely not for what he achieved. He may have succeeded in snuffing out the one player that caught on to him the fastest, Laura, but he pushed the limits and now faces his own imminent eviction.

I’ll be sorry to see either of these two players leave tonight though I think it’s definitely going to be Laura. Either way, I think the real losers here tonight will be the Big Brother 11 live feed viewing public. At least if Jordan stays we’ll have lots more of her proud naked moments. Okay, I feel better now.

Here’s your chance to vote for who you would want to evict if you were a HG this season. Cast your vote in the poll below and then leave your comment to tell us why you want to see either Laura or Jordan go home. Don’t forget to join us tonight in the Chat Room during the live eviction show at 8PM EST.

Meanwhile, get your Big Brother 11 live feeds ready so you can watch the house react uncensored to who is evicted and who becomes the new Head of Household. If you don’t have the live feeds yet you can still get the $13/month discount rate. That along with your monthly $10 in free mp3s with your subscription and you’re getting a really good deal. Try it for free. Keep it for fun!

If you’ve got a question for tonight’s evicted HG then send it on to Ross Mathews at “Inside Dish” by email: Be sure to include your phone number and question and you might get called to talk with the evicted HG. Ross will have the ex-HG live in his studio right around 9:30PM EST so don’t miss it!

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  1. who do you think will win hoh tonight? i hope the person who stays out of jordan or laura should get it as revenge to what ronnie did to them this week. its gunna be a very sad eviction tonight. shame

  2. I personaly don’t care who wins HOH as long as it isn’t Michelle or Chima because if they win, Ronnie won’t be able to go up. And I think this week is going to be my absolute favorite because Ronnie will go home, there is no doubt in my mind. I’m also very excited for when Ronnie gets home and searches himself online and realizes that nobody liked him and everybody called him Ronnie the Rat! I wish we could see it, he’ll cry himself to sleep that night, lovingly clutching his Light Sabor and Modeling Clay while his wife packs her bags and sneaks away with her boyfriend lmao.

  3. I’m hoping for Casey. He’s practiced and ready for the comp. Hopefully this means we won’t have a “Majority Rules” comp since Ronnie told everyone how to cheat at it.

  4. with ya Matt……..Bb should DEF switch up the challenge now that RatBoi spilled all!

  5. I would like to see Casey win also. Hopefully he would put up Jesse and Nat and backdoor trhe Rat or send one of them home. They wont be so cocky then

  6. Hope Casey wins. Want to see him turn the tables on this house. Backdoor Ronnie. Play the strongest players and keep Ronnie from getting the PoV. Hopefully Ronnie will not even compete. What really happened with Ronnie and Russell? Me thinks Russell is trying to hard to antagonize Ronnie! What is Ronnie existing on,candy and rootbeer?
    Jessie and Natalie still trying too hard to control the game. They continue to talk trash about Casey. They are way more dangerous than Casey! And all this talk of throwing the HOH. Why would anyone of them decide to do that. BB said they can’t do that, but how can they really control that? With the way things flip in this house, I wouldn’t throw any competition.


  8. I didn’t see the problem with Ronnie’s strategy… people keep calling him a rat, when it truth he did what most of us would have done in his position, he lied in order to ensure that he was safe. He just didn’t calculate the repercussions, he bet on the fact that each person(s) would not confront the other. And one other thing is Laura’s breast real? She’s a twig in need of a freaking cheeseburger and yesterday was talking about her losing wait ‘cuz of the slop… she weighed half a buck b4!!!! If she loses anymore weight BB will need to bring the EMS…

  9. IMo…the only problem with Ronnies strategy is that HE TOLD EVERYONE! LMAO ronnie!

  10. Can Canadian viewers not register for the free BB email updates? I tried. It tells me to type in what I see in the “box above” but I don’t have a box above! As for HOH, I hope Casey wins too, or Jeff. I can’t stand Ronnie, he’s too cock-sure of himself and is going to get his comuppence soon and rightfully so. It’s fine to play both sides, but don’t be so blatant about it! I don’t have the live feed so am just going on what I see on the television. As for tonite’s eviction, I suspect it will be Laura because she’s figured Ronnie out and isn’t your dark haired bimbo, she’s smart. It won’t bother me if either one go home, but Jordan doesn’t seem to have caught on to anything nor has she had any major outbreaks with anyone. As for who wins the $million…..I hope Casey does. And as far as Russell and Jessie are concerned, I can’t stand either of them, but especially Russell. What a loose cannon, he actually scares me. I didn’t like Jessie last season and don’t like him any better this season. He does seem to be playing the game well, but this old chick can’t stand the muscles, it’s ugleeeeeeee!

  11. I like Laura and Jordan both but I’d like to see Jordan go home. She’s nice but naive and not really playing the game at all. Laura is smart and is playing the game. She deserves to continue playing.

  12. You did not see the problem with Ronnieโ€™s strategy well he talked to many people people that is his problem but I can understand why he did he used his strategy to keeep safe ,but should know that talking on bothe sides does not help. He lied to his own team that does not help him become safe.He should know that people will talk.There is a time to talk and a time to shut your mouth.

    Lauraโ€™s breast looks like she had them done looks to big for her body(LOL)

  13. i dont want ot see the brians win HOH tonight because the rat will be saved and nbo one wants that. i dont want a jock to wn either cuz htey sided with the brains and theyd keep the rat if they could. id like to see an offbeat or the last popular clique member win the HOH tonight so russel and ronnie can finally know what its like to walk out the door and sit with julie…

  14. just for laughs what if kevin got HOH? thatd suck cuz he might save the rat and russel. lets hope jeff or (who ever stays out of the two popular girls) wins it tonight. id want casey to but he might aim for chima ad i like her.

  15. Laura’s breasts look like huge snoopy nose shaped balloons ! They definitely aren’t real………are they?

  16. hello
    can someone please tell me why it looked like most hose guest were in the hoh room today?

  17. @caffy: They’re real only in the sense that someone could reach out and touch them. Beyond that, nope.

  18. Go home Jordan, or join the playboy channel… I feel like i know u intimately, as does all of America… You didn’t even get paid for it:(

  19. Was Jordan really naked? If so, that might change my opinion of her. I couldn’t believe she doesn’t know how to tell time!

  20. @caffy: Jordan is constantly naked. Full frontal for those interested with the live feeds flashback feature.

  21. Unbelievable, Matt. Glad now I don’t have the 24 hour feed and I think maybe I’ve changed my mind about who I want to leave tonite. Jordan IS a bimbo, or she’s a great actress. Laura seems to know the game and has definitely caught on to Ronnie. Hope she stays tonite. How quickly we women can change our minds!

  22. What a week and its only week 2. Laura vs Jordon IMO Laura is my favorite game playa she knows BB and that is what scared “king of the house” Jesse. Laura studied all season and educated herself on how people were play and how to play them herself. Guess it is smart for the house to get rid of her but really Laura never once used her sex appeal to persuade anyone or to further herself in the game and she has a great body and so could have taken that route. Now Jordon on the other hand is cute yes and does her and Jeff make a cute pair oh yes BUT Jordon has shown her whole body nude for everyone to see and did make a dime from it not to mention where is her standards. Jordon doesnt know how to tell time. Ummm Laura who will play the game and play well or a Jordon that is unable to tell time and gets nude on a drop of a dime at anytime. Guess the house is making a good choice but at least Laura is going out with the fact that she got called Ronnie out and got the ball rolling.

    Wish list for HOH this week- Casey!

  23. FYI–

    For people with out feeds and saw everyone in the HOH room the house guest have to go in HOH for production to get ready for Live show. No body talked to him. Russ has went to visit him under the down low the other night. Nat and Lydia visted Ron last night and while in the room Jesse joined them taking about how they want to save Ronnie and for Ronnie not to trust Russel.

  24. It appears Jordan’s nudity has been expunged from the live feed flashback. It wasn’t there when I checked. But now I can’t get the flashback to work at all. Just says Bad Request. As a game player, Laura really deserves to stay. She would have a shot of winning. No way sweet, naive Jordan could win.

  25. I agree Sweet. Jordon’s nudity was so bad that Laura would at times cover her and close the door when she was going to the bathroom. Just not very tastful on Jordons part. I would think maybe they took the nude part out of Jordon for her safety. She is going to be having alot and Im thinking alot of male fans. She is going to need her own security. What a shame. He poor parents LOL

  26. With Jessie as HOH, Ronnie won’t be going home. That sucks.
    I’m not sure I can watch another ego filled week with Jessie and Natalie. They make the show hard to keep watching.

  27. Very disappointing that Jessie won HOH again. Maybe he’ll be swayed to put Ronnie up, I sure hope so. Was so hoping that Jeff or Casey would win HOH, maybe next week. What a great show this is…the best reality show ever and I love Survivor too, but BB is by far the best.

  28. jesse is a bigger threat than russ. i see casey and jeff going up and maybe jorden as a pawn.i hope after thurs. eviction something drastic happens.i see the athletes winning all and nat,lydia and the rest of the crew can say byebye because jesse will back stab them i think if it gets that far he will take ronnie not to hard to beat,no physical game.

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