Love was in the Big Brother 11 house again on Wednesday after Monday’s hate fest. Everyone was getting along better with one another, but behind the scenes the gears were turning as Jordan worked to save Braden. When she wasn’t doing that she was busy losing her clothes to show off her new toys…
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Live Feed Highlights – July 15, 2009:
7:00AM BBT – Ronnie, Chima, Natalie, and Jessie all talking game/gossip (one and the same most times in this game). Ronnie details how he is really smart and already has everything in the house memorized.
10:45AM BBT – Braden is talking about his modeling career and doing a lot of name dropping.
1:50PM BBT – Jordan and Laura talk strategy and numbers. Trying to plot the rest of the house against the Athletes. Laura doesn’t trust Ronnie, but Laura does. Looks like an attempt to save Braden on Thursday night. They’ll need 6 of the 10 to prevent a tiebreaker by Jessie.
2:00PM BBT – HoH picture time. Jessie has the HoH camera and is going around getting everyone to pose.
2:50PM BBT – Braden finally apologizes to Kevin for the slur. I’m thinking it’s too little, too late.
6:30PM BBT – Jordan, Jeff, and Laura keep working on the votes to save Braden. Ronnie says he’s in if Laura is. They’re off to see if Casey would consider it.
8:30PM BBT – Jordan and Laura in the HoH tub. Laura wears a bikini, Jordan says she doesn’t care if people see her naked, so she goes without one.
8:55PM BBT – Jordan drying off after her bath is very revealing as her lady bits are fully exposed and she says she doesn’t care. Wow.
11:00PM BBT – Ronnie and Jessie talking game. Ronnie tells Jessie that Russell offered him to go to the Final 3 with him. Jessie is stunned since he hadn’t received the same offer.
11:40PM BBT – Casey folds and agrees to vote out Chima. He was the 6th vote needed. If they can hold this together then Braden will be safe from eviction.
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Cant wait to see who is gone tonight and how ever one tacks it
@Brezz27: I can’t believe it after the past few days, but it really seems like Braden will be safe. Not what I expected after Monday’s fight.
Is it just me or is Jordan a tramp? She is coming across as a little whore and if that’s what she was hoping to accomplish then kudos to her. If not, sorry honey too late! I can’t stand her. I can’t wait to see her go!
I like Jordan. Liedia is the one that has already hooked up
I like Jordan cuz shes hot and sweet but shes a dumbass, My fav houseguests that i want to go all the way are Jessie/Casey/ and Jeff a little
I personally like Jordan too–Lydia on the other hand not so much. Ronnie is getting on my last nerve–Its like commit to one side Dude. Hes a real snake. My vote would be to keep Braden. But with ronnie being such a snake who knows what will happen. But surely after tonights vote, people will know what side hes on –but i am sure the snake will try to slether out of something.
i am starting to think that for a brain guy Ronnie is stupid………….i cant wait to see him and laura go and somebody please tell her to chew with her mouth closed it is disgusting……….
I bet you anything that ronnie will keep chima that way he is still good with the Jessie group and he can lie and say he voted to keep braden to jeff nd jordan and blame his vote on casey–i’am telling you big time snakeism.. I really can’t wait till they all boot him out.
If you think Laura’s so ugly. Why don’t you show us a picture of you and see if we can find a flaw in your “perfect” features.
i didnt say she was ugly i said she chews with her mouth open………..i never said i was perfect but if i was on national tv i would have better table manners
Julies, that’s how she chews, her top jaw has an overbite that’s why her front teeth are always showing. Would it be right of me to not let someone play on my baseball team because they only had one arm and couldn’t hold the bat right? No. She can’t help it.
really of all the things said up here this is the one you guys want to pick apart give me a brake
@BB12houseguest: Jordan may be an exhibitionist, but it’s Lydia who’s said that she’ll do anything to anyone to stay in the house, and so far she’s done Jessie. Even if it’s just a hand job. I don’t remember Jordan doing anything like that. I don’t think Jeff would do that either and they look like they’re a couple for now. I really like Jeff and hope he goes far, if not all the way to the end.
ronnie you are a awesome!!!! NOT !!!! You will be evicted becasue you are a lying two faced backstabber!! Oh by the way, can you help me with some homework, you nerd
I just wanted to say im a huge bb fan but this season the cast of HGs & the editing / censorship really turned me off so Tuesday I watched the premier of HELLS KITCHEN take that CBS !