Couple of quick Big Brother 11 reminders for you. First up is our exclusive chat session with Express Lunch hosts Chelsia Hart (BB9) and Missy this Thursday night at 9PM EST here on the site right after the first live eviction of the season.
The Big Brother Diary Room is open for your confessions. Join the other Big Brother fans who have opened their own free blog where you can share your thoughts and opinions on what’s going on in the house all season long. Think of it as your own opinion column for Big Brother. Find all the sign-up details here.
Lastly, the live feeds are still available at the $13/month discount rate. They’re burning up faster than any other season with the HGs acting like they’ve been trapped in there for months already. It’s only been days! With the Flashback feature you can watch all the biggest events for the season including Jordan’s preference to flash the camera and Lydia and Jessie’s not-so-private events.
Vote in the poll below and voice who you want to go home on Thursday. If you had a vote to cast in the Diary Room, who would you evict? Then tell us why.
I don’t even know if I going to continue to watch this show. You have to have somebody to like. And more than one would help. Michele?
I don’t like Jeff anymore if he is hooking up with Jordan. So, Braden? A house full of guests and I don’t like anybody. Not the way to run BB. JMHO
I feel that Chima should go because she joined in on that unprovoked attack on Mark, I personally think that Jesse should go because he threatened Mark with bodily harm!!!! But Chima must go because she’s in with him and he’s a total butthead.
For me. It us not a vote against Chima or even for Braden but against the russ/Jess/nat alliance.
@carol: It’s tough to have a favorite this early on. I thought, preseason, that I’d really like Lydia but so far she’s been disappointing in action. As my wife said last night, she’s no Nakomis, which is what I had hoped we were getting with her. Ah well.
I’m thinking I’ll have a favorite in a few more weeks’ time.
she seems bitchy
I tell you, if I could get rid of Nat, I think her name is, I would gladly show her the door. If i have to hear about her big boobs one more time I think I’ll scream. I mean give me a break.
Brayden’s vote is still up for grabs as he has not aligned him self with any person or team.
OMG you are all retarded, jesse and russ are the smartest ppl in the house and they will be the final two, at first i thought ok thats going to be tough against the brains or whatever but after tuesdays episode and watching ronnie spill everything to braden, i realized how stupid he actually is, GO ATHLETES!!!!!!!!!
I like but I think Braden needs to stay and stick it to Jessie & Russell. Can’t stand those two macho idiots.
send the lady home being that the game-er dude put her as a pawn and is playing “tattling” both sides badly and just to soon.
I’d love to see jessie go BUT if they’re all gonna sit around & talk about the disgusting things they’re talking about on BBAD than frankly I’d rather watch Jessie sleep than listen to that crap. As bad as it is, even watching Jessie sleep at least he’s not talking or bragging about himself. He makes me ill!! Guess right now my favorite is Jeff. All subject to change that is.
jesses will get back door-ed after being put up twice,russell will go out before him cause he is just to up in your face for this type of game but thats good tv so go athletes
You guys are all judging jesse from how he was on the last one, if you havent noticed, he hasnt talkeds about his looks once, he is only talking strategy, i dont see any of the other players doing this?? except the brains and they are just kissing his ass and ruining their reps by telling everyone everything they says in their so called alliance, i hope to god chima goes she is whiney and annoying
She is a complainer and he didn’t do anything to anybody!
I like to see the girls get together and send home Jessie and Russel out.Athletes are to much into themself
I really don’t think I’ll watch the show if Brayden goes home. I think he will though, unfortunately because Russle and Natalie are going to vote him out, Ronnie will too because he wants “in” with the Athletes, so will (probably) Laura because she thinks she’s allied to them too, also, earlier, Casey was thinking that Brayden could be a threat. Plus, Michelle probably won’t vote out Chima in order to keep the safety in numbers aspect of the cliques. Also, Lydia seems to have turned on Brayden and Kevin will vote however Lydia wants to, so Brayden has Jordan and Jeff unless he can really flip the votes and quick.
who’s Mark?
Send Chima home. She adds nothing to the action, drama, excitment of the house like the other guests, imo. She’s boring. I prefer Braden to stay over Chima. Plus she wanted to leave anyway. So send her home BB!
I think it was stupid the way she was yelling at Michele for having to clean the bathroom cause nobody else would. I think Chima should go! I think Braeden is kind of funny. I like him and Jeff except, I agree I don’t like him getting close with Jordan. All she did at first was slept all the time and now all she wants to do is show her bunns!!! I think Michele is a little wierd also. Alot different than I thought at first!!!!!! Jessie & Russel need to get out especially the way russel threw that fit at Jeff!!
I CANNOT BELIEVE that Braden had the balls to say what he did about Julie Chen while they were playing “Julie Says”. Calling Julie a “ho” in my eyes would be grounds for IMMEDIATE expulsion from the big brother house. You should NOT be allowed to call the president and CEO of CBS’ wife a “ho”. My jaw Dropped when i heard it. dropped even more when he was not even called into the DR room and penalized him like they did Jen in season 8! what is their problem! are the people in the back sleeping or is that how they feel about Julie also??? If I were her husband I’d be looking and reviewing the tapes from last night!!!! and do something about it!!!!!!!
Chima is a crybaby. Truely am sorry she had to endure the tragedy in her life, and I will pray for her, but if I have to look at those LIPS another week I may have to scream!!!
As far as I’m concerned, this year BB let everyone down. There is not one likable person. I hated Jessie last BB as much as I do this time. Laura thinks everyone hates her because of her big boobs….they hate her because she is stupid! Natalie has a big mouth. I’m sure she thinks before she speaks but unfortunately her brain can’t keep up to her mouth. For such a “brain” Ronnie is dumb as a post. I think if Lydia plays smart she could go far in this BB. I loved BB1 & BB9 casts!!!!
Oh ya, and Julie looks so cute with the baby bump!! Congrats Julie!!
well i hope chima goes and brayden stays and would be nice if he did become a mastermind and shows jessie and russ the ropes. those to give me the creeps with their we are so pretty lines with our big muscles …. lol wonder if lydia found out how big the muscle really is lol
K, Braden is awesome…an besides Jeff he is the hottest guy in the house….he is pretty well liked…by everyone except the athletes..he has an awesome personalty…did i mention he’s HOT!!! plus chima juts bugs me…shes soo annoying…and anyone stupid enough to be a pawn deserves to go home…one rule in bb is to not be a pawn..i mean come on!!! StUPID much
yes, i agree with robinkay….i hate to be..well actually i dont but still…(base my opinion so much on looks)…but her friggin lips bug the Sh*t out of me!!!!!!
He has a potty mouth and should go home.
As a fan from day one I am disappointed. I would love to see Chima go than Russell ,and Jessie. At this moment I really don’t like any one. I have no idea whom to even hope for.
I want Chimo to go cause she is too much of a diva…. as she would say…. to be in this house… I’d like to see Braden charm the women and see how far he gets in the game.
I think that even thought it’s been a drama filled week, it still IS only the first week for us and we really shouldn’t be in love with any of the houseguests just yet. It’s still way to early. I think we just need to get over this first week and hopefully the meatheads won’t be in power after tomorrow and we’ll see some real game play in action.
I do not like Chima at all. I also don’t like Braden very much either, however, someone has to go and I think Chima needs to be first. Then they need to take out the meatheads, i.e. Jessie and the jocks. As for little Ms. Jock who never lies…..she is not 18 or 19 dumbasses she needs to go.
I agree with Carol. There is no one to root for. Hot, young and sexy along with trashy behavior seems to be what BB PRIMARILY looks for. Doesn’t say much for the audience.
At the time I voted 84% want Chima gone. Her behavior after losing the have/have not comp was just totally unacceptable. I missed the “casting” talk I’ve seen people mention but if she was casted into the house instead of competing to be there then she needs to get out.
I agree it is early yet but right now a lot of it is who do I dislike the least instead of who do I like the most.
Every time I try to go to the chat room my explorer just freezes and I have to cntrl-alt-del because it’s not responding. That sucks. I want to participate tomorrow night!
@Sweetbabe: Try using a different browser. If you’re in IE now, try Firefox, or vice versa. We want you to be able to join us tonight too!