The action was back again on Tuesday in the Big Brother 11 house with the first love action in the HoH room between Jessie and Lydia as JLynn detailed in the Diary Room. Jeff and Jordan don’t seem far behind though.
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Live Feed Highlights – July 14, 2009:
9:30AM BBT – Discussions on Braden’s plans to try and stay in the house. He hasn’t given up yet.
10:00AM BBT – Jessie and Russell talk their long term strategy to keep their group together.
10:30AM BBT – Jeff admits he’d kiss Jordan if he had the chance. Surprising these two weren’t the first hook up in the house this season. But they’re close.
3:45PM BBT – Jessie and Lydia cuddle up under a makeshift tent in the HoH room and get busy. It wasn’t full on sex, but there was definitely some physical activity. You’ll have to watch it to see.
4:00PM BBT – Lydia gets up and toss Jessie a clean-up towel. Yeah, so does BB provide each HoH with a new mattress…
5:45PM BBT – Jordan calls out Jessie for having his back all scratched to bits. Lydia has to cover and say he must have laid down on something. Uh huh…
6:20PM BBT – Braden is working Jessie hard to save himself. He’s proposing a huge secret alliance of 4 guys, including him, of course. Braden says it’s never been done. Apparently he doesn’t remember BB5 and the Four Horsemen!
7:00PM BBT – More talk on how Jordan doesn’t know how to read an analog clock. You know, the ones with a big hand and a little hand…
8:30PM BBT – Lydia and Kevin discuss what she did with Jessie. Kevin tries to guess and Lydia explains. Talk leads to how they want to get rid of Natalie.
9:00PM BBT – The drinks are flowing in the backyard. Jeff and Jordan are holding hands.
11:00PM BBT – Drinking games in the Big Brother House. Lots of silly ones.
11:30PM BBT – Drunk girls dancing in the backyard. Now Russell’s 4/4/40 water drinking comes back up. Not a good idea.
I’m sure there’s still lots more to come in the Big Brother 11 house tonight, but I’m gonna crash. Feel free to add on more events that I may have missed on happen later during the night.
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I know that Jessie and Casey Know each other from Gators in Treasure island Fl. Casey is a d.j there and jessie has won a push up contest and even judged one of the contests while Casey announced Jessie wasfrom big brother 10 as a judge. But they act as if they have never met before, this has to be some sort of twist comming in the show that the producers are aware of. they stay so far away from each other that it’s obvious for me somthing is up…
Jessie is so stupid. All he knows is muscles. Does he even have a brain
He is such a bore
In the beginning GOD made light… and it was good. Then God made the earth…and it was good. Then God made man…and it was good Finally, God made Russell…and it was not good.
“thank u Baby-Jesus,” – Lydia I just love it, love it I say!!!
lydia is a bisexual loooooooooser!an she wants poor jordan
lydia is a skeez. srsly, i liked her at 1st but shes a liar! i have heard her lie about a number of people in the house… about dumb sh!t. i hope she goes home next. shes got a cool sense of style and a garbage sense of self worth.
lydia is a whore, why would you sleep with jessie? that just goes to show that shw will do anything to get far in the game, next she will get in bed with russell! she needs to go next week! and jessie doesnt give a damn about her either!
What are thay thinking this is not porn house come on you have no idea who you are sleeping with
Lydia Lydia Lydia poor poor trailer park trash…I dont mean front of the trailer park either…I’m talking about the back by the sewer system!!!!
I love this “I took destiny into my own hands!” -lydia
uhhm im sorry its sounds a little like you took jessie’s ‘destiny’ into your own hands, but whatever gets you through the night.
I like Lidia, but I think she is plying this card a little bit to early in the competition. and I dont eve know what she had to do this.
Everyone keeps calling Lydia a liar. You guys do realize that this game is all about lying. Who cares if she did whatever under the covers. Its her body. If she wants to be a hooch, why do you care, shes not affecting your world. Besides most of the girls on here that are even saying that are probably mad she beat them too it hahaha
Ummm… matt you are actually thinking of the knights of the round table in BB5. just thought id tell ya
hopefully jessie can use this girl to get further in the game then just boot her out
I think Jessie needs to go and then Russell and then Lydia. They are all jerks. right now i really like Brayden, Jeff. we will see what Donnie has up his sleeve. I think he might give them a problem. He gets careless and they will chop off his head.
I didn’t like Jesse before and I don’t like him now! Get rid of Jesse, Russell and Princess Chima!
Mo, no offense but I don’t think you know very much about women. Most of the ‘girls on here’ are sickened by Jessie’s self-love and no way in hell would lower ourselves to do what Lydia did. Lydia, Jessie, Russell, and Chima need to go.
In my opinion, Chima needs to go this time, then Jessie, Ronnie, Russle, Lydia, Natalie, Casey, Kevin, Laura, Michelle, Jeff, Jordan and then have Brayden win, but thats just my wishes. We’ll see how accurate I am, but if Brayden goes home, this’ll be a complete fail lol.