Big Brother 11 Premieres Tonight – Get Ready

Update: …and we’re live! Join us in the Big Brother Chatroom now!

This is it. There’s no turning back! Big Brother 11 premieres tonight on CBS at 8pm (ET/PT) and I couldn’t be more excited.

Tonight we’ll see how the HouseGuests dealt with the “find a bed!” entrance, how the clique divisions went, who is already teaming up, and most importantly we’ll see that mysterious 13th HG in action! If it happened in the first four days of BB11 then we’ll see it tonight.

Be sure you’ve got your live & uncensored 24/7 feeds signed-up and ready too because they’ll be active immediately following the west coast premiere.

Also after the premiere, don’t forget to cast your predictions for this season’s winners in Cheri’s Diary Room contest to win some great gift cards! If you want to have your own Diary Room blog to rant and rave this summer on Big Brother, then check out all the details here and join in on the fun.

Meanwhile, be sure to grab the free Big Brother Toolbar so you can have all the latest Big Brother news and most recent discussions right in front of you.

Don’t forget to register for the Big Brother Forum, sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, and follow us on Twitter. Okay, now you can rest and wait.



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  1. Discussion Topic: Which HG are you most excited about this season?

    I’m hoping Lydia turns out to be as much fun in the house as she was in her preseason interviews.

    What about you?

  2. I really want to see what Michelle can do. with that angel face of hers, and that big brain?? IF she is tougher than she looks on the outside… she is the one i want to watch!

  3. I’m guessing Michele will be this season’s Allison (the smart female role), but let’s hope she gets along better with the social aspect. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked last season’s Allison, but she definitely had some personal conflicts in the house that greatly contributed to her early exit.

  4. I’m looking for more T & A this year. Last year was like a church retreat. Let’s face it, BB is a Voyeuristic show. Showtime needs to show the ‘good stuff’ when they find it, not switch to the backyard. I like the interaction of the players from different backgrounds, but “Skin is in”

  5. @Jim: I could go for a healthy balance. BB9 was a bit too much of the T&A, but maybe that was because I’d rather never see that of Natalie.

    Don’t forget that BB10 had the most sex ever. April & Ollie were a couple of bunnies in that house. Then there was Jen and Ryan with their bathroom sex sessions. Classy!

  6. Matt – right about the sex in BB10 but they didn’t show anything, under blankets, etc. The sites that post nude pics from the live feeds had the least of all past seasons ( I can’t get live feeds because of satellite internet. I admit to being a voyeur. The showtime ads tease then don’t deliver. (I know I can find nude pics all over the internet but that’s not the point and it’s not the BB house guests).
    I guess what bothers me the most is when Showtime shows one of the girls starting to pull off a shirt, they change feeds quickly. I know the house guests join the actors union and I don’t know what the contract says. I guess it’s just me being a pervert. I really enjoy the social interaction and conflicts and will watch & interact again this season.


  8. @Nana: That is what I love about being on the East coast. I was in San Diego for a week last summer and had to watch a live eviction in not-so-live format. It drove me nuts!

    At least you can check in here at this site during the live shows to get the spoilers so you can find out what happens when the rest of your family does too!

  9. I’m on the west coast so i still have 9 hours to go.I am so excited.We always have BB parties so my guests are invited,menu planned an beer is chilled.My friends range from coast to coast and we exchanged thoughts and gripes about the show.please include me on your discussions.

  10. why are they only giving 3days free instead of 30 days like last year? it is not worth paying for when they have all camars on the same room or half the time it is all blacked out.Guess alot of people wont be watching24/7 this year I know all of my friends wont!!

  11. @Betty: I noticed that they changed the free trial period, but it was never 30 days. Sure, the 14-day trial was nice but I think after 3 days it’s easy to see that you want to keep the feeds for the whole season.

    Plus, if you get them up front at the start of the season now you get a cheaper rate. $13/month is cheaper than I pay for Netflix each month and the live feeds make for a whole heck of a lot more entertainment than a couple of movies.

    It’s also misleading for you to say the feeds have all cameras on 1 room or are blacked out half the time. That’s just not true. Only during competitions are the feeds turned off and that’s only a couple of hours out of the whole week. I’ve never seen the cameras all on 1 thing for more than a moment.

    It’s certainly your choice to not get the feeds, but you’ll miss out this season!

  12. Im so excited about BB tonight! My daughter annd I will be watching as usual and I have the live feeds to enjoy as well. two years ago on premiere night, right as the BB music started playing my son called me to say he and his wife were on the way to the hosptial to have their baby – that summer we called him the Big Brother Baby and his pic was posted. Have a good time – east coast is saying the show will air at 8pm. 4+ hours till airtime!

  13. R U ready everyone!!
    Anyone out there from past seasons’ blog (rm 29)
    what room r we gettin on this season?
    See Ya tonite,

  14. I am so excited, this seems like a very diverse group, cant wait to see how it all goes down :)

  15. @matt, in reference to the cameras being on one feed for a while, I did see that a lot last season. It was a boring group and I remember thinking how much more boring it was that they had all the cameras on one room.

  16. OHHH I SOOO CAN’T WAIT!!!! I have been counting down the says until this..:)

    Melissa.. you can always watch it at a later time.. like I live in Ontario and its on at 8pm and I can was BC’s at 11pm.. Check out your channels :)

  17. OMG Are you all ready because here it comes! I am so excited as I am writing this I am getting goosebumps! Alright, bring it on!

  18. so extremely disappointed in the first episode of the season. I really would have loved to see Cowboy back in the game, he was awesome and should have won BB 5.

  19. I am counting down as we speak!!!! Looking forward to healthy & fun debtes & the hijinks this year!!!

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