Big Brother 11 Post-Premiere Reaction: What Did You Think?

Update: The live feeds are exactly that: LIVE! Click here to start watching now and see what’s going on inside the Big Brother House! What might you be missing? And I quote, sayeth the half-naked girl, “everyone needs to party in their panties.” I kid you not. It’s going to be a good season on the live feeds. Have you signed up?

Update 2: Oh. My. Gawd. Jordan just announced “we’re going to run around naked tonight.” Lydia is following her around during this. Is this Lydia’s plan to make out with another girl like she said? I may stay up a little late tonight…

Big Brother has returned like that old friend we were all anxious to see again. Best of all it started out with a bang as we met our new household of wonderful favorites and boo-hiss villains who we will follow for the next few months.

My villain might just have to be the mysterious HG who is not so mysterious anymore, is he?? That whole twist did not turn out as I had hoped. Ugh, another season of Jessie (BB10)? Yes, that’s right Jessie is our 13th HG!

So far I’m digging Lydia and Casey. She seems cool and he’s busy making funny jokes. Both are in the “Offbeats” group so hopefully they’ll team up well.

I’ve got my live feeds set up and ready with the clock counting down to 9PM PST when Big Brother 11 will flip the switch and turn it all on. Are you ready to watch it all? There’s still time to get the 3-month, $13/month discount rate.

Now I want to hear your reaction to tonight’s premiere. Who’s your favorite now that we’ve had to chance to see them in action? Which HG will be your love-to-hate this summer? Share your thoughts and discuss in the comments.

If you missed tonight’s season premiere you can watch the whole episode online here at

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  1. I think it would have been much better to let all 4 mystery guests come in as part of that clique.

    Kind of a ho-hum start…

  2. This season is ruined for me.. I HATE Jesse the douche. I won’t be rearranging my schedule to watch BB… What a dumb move BB.

  3. We all know there’s a possibility of very little brain under the brawn of Jessie…let’s just see how it pans out..

  4. So far Casey is the one I hope will win the 500k. I was really hoping Jessica or Cowboy could have entered the house. I CAN’T STAND JESSIE!!!!!! Jeffro you are not alone, I would have loved it if all 4 of them could have entered the house to.

  5. i HATE Jessie. I was happy when he left season 10. He may have ruined Big Brother 11 For me now. I hope he goes home soon.

  6. Boo on Jessie!!! I don’t like him either – I was so hoping Cowboy would be the 13th houseguest. Oh well, hopefully Jessie will go soon. Otherwise, I am just glad BB is back!

  7. I love Jessie, he plays the game and causes drama what more could i ask for, and so far i also like jeff and casey, not a fan of chima or lydia

  8. OMG I HATE JESSE! NO!!!! My favorites are now Michele (even if she was the 1st out) and Lydia. Like i thought it would be.

  9. Ah, what are you guys talking about? Jessie brings the fun in Big Brother, I was so happy when the Athletes won. But it is for sure that he will be one of the first house-guests to leave, since no one really likes him, what a pity.

  10. laura seems to be the one to watch out for, she could possibly win this thing.

  11. Anyone think the competition was a little slanted to the Athletes? It was a physical endurance competition.

    What if it had been a quiz styled game? Would the “Brainiacs” have done better?

    To be fair, as far back as I can remember the first competition is always an Endurance one. But then maybe Big Brother should have made this 13th HG comp a second round event.

    Your thoughts?

  12. Wow… Jessie…. That was the worst person they possible could have picked.

    I will not be watching this season

  13. I think your right Matt. BB probably wanted Jessie to come back to start drama or something. Maybe in a twist the other 3 (or just Jessica) can come back!

  14. Not Jessie! Ugh! I can’t stand him with his huge ego. I hope he leaves SOON!

  15. Jessie = Arrogant loser. However he will add a lot of drama to the house (hopefully) or else this will be quite the crappy season.

  16. Oh god let Jessie please be evicted quickly! I hope all the other cliques band together and say this isnt a Big Brother 10 re-do

  17. I think the game for head of household was unfair and made it alot easier for the athletes to win. I hope there is a chance that one of the other big brother allstars could be voted in by the fans.

  18. I think that Jessie will be the 2nd one to go cause he is not liked. cowboy shouldve went back in. the people i like the most r athletes i think that dey shouldve did sumthing every1 couldve do

  19. I am dissappointed too!! I like Jessica, but it seems like the BRains NEEDED Brian more than the pops needed Jessica.. Chima???? ok?? Cowboy is ok for a third choice, but I think it is quite obvious that we the loyal fans were not..wel…Thrilled.. about Jessie coming back. I can see him and Russell becoming BfF’s and they both turn my stomach a little..My hope is that this does not follow the usual high school cannibalism that sometimes occurs.. HANG IN THERE OFFS AND BRAINS!!!

  20. Don’t like Jessie either but any competition that was played out would not have been fair for one group or another. You will never find a comp that will fit all 4 groups. Jessie GO HOME!!

  21. Does anyone else think that Natalie was setting herself up to be evicted in week 2 by lying to everybody about stupid s#%t?

  22. JESSEEEEE! yessss!
    so he’s a bit of a douche… it’s absolutely hilarious. i hope he sticks around for a while, if for no other reason than to clock how many times he flexes. loveee it.

  23. I give Jesse two weeks top in the house! I was hoping Jessica was going inside. oh well Ive heard the live feeds will not be available until after the show airs on the west coast. have fun all!

  24. and yes andy, i SUPER agree.
    really really dumb move with the whole 18 thing… at least pick something reasonable, like 21, if you wanna pretend you’re young.

  25. I need help please. With the real player, can you have it on Quad, can you mute 3 and listen to one, or will you have to hear all at once?

  26. funniest moment of episode 1: Casey’s “Air Jordan” in the wedgie sling. lmao

  27. @Chris: It’s a new feature, so we’ll know for sure in another hour.

    There’s a new viewing style with one main, large window and all 4 camera views in live motion down below it. So it’s a quad-style view but without the quadrant divison.

  28. You go Jessie G… Alison G, I am loving you right now!!! Great ideas of how to twist things up, I knew I had faith in you for a reason… ha ha ha. I love Jessie, I hope he kicks some serious a@% and teaches the newbe’s some old Big Brother 10 Action!!!

    GOD BLESS, Love

  29. It sucks that Jesse is back…I think 99.9% of the big brother fans are pissed so lets just all cross our fingers that he gets evicted by some miracle. They should have brought James back from season 9. Overall, just an okay season.

  30. I think it will be a contest between who has the biggest air space between the ears…Jessie or Russell who will be the biggest airhead??

  31. SO PISSED that Jessie is back in the house. WTF?!?!?! My anger is directly towards Laura, for even saying that she “could’ve held on longer”, but didn’t want a target on her back.. Like really? Are you THAT dumb? The target would’ve been on the HoH, aka Jessica, and you would be safe for a week.. I guess Laura’s gonna try and sleep with Jesse to be safe this week.

    I LOVE the cast this season, especially JORDAN (I WANT TO HUG HER AND CHERISH HER!! Yes, I’m a bit weird), Lydia (super cool and fly chick), and Michele (Digging the neuroscientist, but not digging the fact that she’s married and told America she would have a showmance with Jeff if she weren’t married..)

  32. I would have a Showmance, and I AM married. I’m a Generation X-er, so I would have no problem making out with Jeff, Lydia, Russel or any other pretty person for a half million dollars. Oh! and my husband? Perfectly fine with it. Half million dollars, kids. Let’s go on vay-cay!

  33. …and yes, Mattman. The competition was a bit one-sided. The lighter houseguests should still be hanging up there. Can we get a time on the whole competition? Anyone?…Bueller?

  34. I totally agree with lance…….For the love of God……NOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT Jessie!!!!! I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand hearing and watching him LOVE himself again. Jessie has GOTTA GO!!!!!!!!!! Buh-bye!

  35. Ok, Just watching the playback on DVR and I can I say I already don’t like Sheena or whatever her name is … OMG how much plastic surgery did she have … she looks like a fake lil Kim! Sorry, I’m on the wrong foot already.

  36. I hate Jessie! This blows! Last season I just kept waiting for people to get rid of him. He’s annoying not mention so in love with himself.

  37. I need help…. I can access the live feeds but can’t find my little chat box that used to be on the right side of the screen. Did Real player get rid of it or do I have a problem?

  38. I’m *done* watching BB. I hate Jessie. I hated him the first time they had him on. I will not watch another second of this ill-conceived show.

  39. I’m rooting for Lydia! I like Kevin too, so hopefully they team up, they already look like they get along.
    Jessie, boooooo!!!!

  40. Holy crap! My cable got rid of my east coast feed! I can’t see after dark unless I stay up all night!

  41. if anybody has time warner in the OC and wants this channel back (560), e-mail, chat or call timw warner! they said if they get enough requests for it, they will get it back.

  42. wtf – I pay for the channels already!!!! I can’t make it to stay up from 12-3 every night.

  43. My live feeds are not so live. The little 4 boxes on the bottom are live but the big screen isn’t. It’s a few secs. slow. Still no BB chat :(

  44. Jessie sucks but -ok – let’s give him a chance and hope he gets voted off early if he hasn’t changed why would you stopwatching because of one person. I am thrilled BB started finally!!

  45. @BBfan: Really? My live feeds are running great. Try clicking between the Low and High quality settings, maybe that’ll jar it loose.


  47. Hey, Kevin is the most funniest one. I think it was a set up to get Jessie in the house. but lets everybody ask big brother to kick him out of the house and let the new people play their own game.

  48. Like him or not, Jessie is eliciting a major reaction from fans and house guests. Mission accomplished for CBS. I’m just going to wait and see beyond Week 1. On BBAD, Jessie and Lydia forming a boooond! We never knoooow!

  49. I can’t believe Jesse is back in…of all the other past BB player’s out there to choose from they pick these four. “bummer”.

  50. My house would have been happy with any of the four hopefuls except Jesse!! It’s not the drama he causes (we live for BB drama). We just can’t stand how full of himself he is.

  51. Big Brother = HOUSE OF HATE

    Notice how CBS always casts gay people who are NOT athletic. It’s not enough for the casting directors and CBS that the gay contestants are the only ones in the house and are instantly marginalized because they are gay.

    It’s a foregone conclusion that a heterosexual male will win. The women fragment and go along with the heterosexual males in eliminating the other women and gay person.

  52. Rob, I respectfully disagree! What about Steven? He was a championship bullrider, and an amazing competitor. He just was too nice. He is anything but a stereotype.. I think Kevin is darling, and don’t count him out, i think he will do well with the guys and the girls…

  53. Jessie was my last choice for going back in. I would have taken Brian, Jessica, no one, Cowboy then Jessie in that order. I hope he leaves soon!!!

  54. Jessie, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is so hot. Jessica would have been fun but Jessie will be fun to watch half naked.

  55. i am so pissed that the athletes won i was really rooting 4 jessica 2 come back she is so awesome but instead they bring back jessie wtf on that bs they could have picked a way better athlete like um howie r some1 not so annoying bc the dumbass put up lydia and chima like seriously they r threatening 2 you wtf but chima is pretty annoying so hopefully it will be her going home and not lydia bc i like all the offbeats

  56. i liked the show but also think it would be a good idea to put all 4 in. Personally, i love jessica. she was the highlight of season 8 and i think she would have gone far in the competion now that eric isnt there. not to mention shes HOT! of all of them…jesse……really?

  57. Okay, the majority of fans are not happy with Jessie’s return. But who are we liking?

    So far among the guys, I like Casey; he’s funny. I also like Kevin and his quirky sweetness, and Jeff seems to be a good old boy. Not enough of Russell yet, but I think he is an ultra-competitive guy and shows a bit too much of his suspicious side. Ronnie seems naive. Braiden is just an airhead.

    Don’t care for Chima, she seems fake; and while I thought I’d like Lydia and Jordan, but I’m a bit put off by their “anything goes” personas. But time will tell – they will make for good television. With Laura…all I see are boobs, Michelle seems as naive as Ronnie; and with Natalie, all I see is…well, I’m not sure what I see.

    As far as Jessie goes, his brain has not grown one inch. In fact, I think his muscles continue to restrict blood flow to the brain. Is he really believing Lydia is “into” him? He’s trying to be nice and smart, but I don’t think it will take him too far.

  58. JESSE??? SERIOUSLY???? UGH!!!
    I can’t stand him. Why the hell would they put his ass back in the house!
    I don’t know if I can watch now. lol

    I’m a loyal BB viewer but I kinna thought this season had a lame start. Nothing was overly exciting. *sigh*

    The ‘Couples’ season (9?) started out as one of my least favs and ended up as one of the best, I thought. So who knows what is yet to come.

  59. Did ANYONE else see the video on CBS website that showed houseguests entering THIS NEW HOUSE… (PRIOR to airing)???
    I don’t get it. It IS the new house, but the houseguests are different. and JEN… ‘Miss, I wear the uni-tard with perfection’ was on there!
    What up with that????
    Do they do this just to mess with our heads????

  60. 1 wished all 4 could have joined their clicks,i do hope these players have more game than they exhibited last night,or bb is in take on jesse is the hg were disappointed to see him but ,they will get rid of him as soon as they can.i can only hope.the brains depends on the quiz-what are the brain functions?=how do you win donkey kong?=how to conduct your self during an interview? that the only way i see them winning. just an oppinion tho.


  62. Don’t like the theme of this season at all! Have truly enjoyed watching BB in the past and so far after just one episode, I am already disappointed! Cowboy should have been the one to come back. I’ll give it a chance but I don’t feel good about this season. BB needs to have some more mature house guests like in the past. Not a bunch of kids! The only good person this year to keep the kids in line is Casey. I’m sure that he is wild but he is the true adult in the house. Also, how about getting some average sized woman on that show?
    The only thing that has impressed me on the first show this season is that they actually included people with some intelligence! They’ll be a quick group to target!
    Oh, and is Jesse on some major steroids or what? Go brains and offbeats!

  63. Well, I have never really watched Big Brother before this season, but am now hooked and am really enjoying it so far… I will say that I am 100% rooting for Casey! He wants to give money back to his school when he wins, and I think that’s great since education in Florida definitely doesn’t get enough funding! I also like Lydia and Jeff. I like the people who are honest and truthful (I especially like how Casey made fun of Chima’s extremely ANNOYING laugh..)

  64. I will not be watching this season I turned it off when Jesse was let back in the house. It ruined the whole thing for me and I may never come back. What a ridiculous move!

  65. pansy,please dont let jesse ruin it for you.his arrogance will get him out will be great to see his face when hes ousted again.

  66. @Pansy: I’m with Bluezey60 on this one. I think Jessie will bring his BB11 journey to a quick end. The new players will turn on him soon.

  67. well I see a lot of you do not like Jessie but I think he just did not how to play a game. He just open his mouth to much. He likes to show off. This time he might shut his mouth.I think the player can use him like they do not like him and the other team will not know what to expect. Well I should be there to keep them in place an Average women

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