Big Brother 11 “Clique” Twist Confirmed – Official Details

The rumor that Big Brother 11 would present a “clique” twist has been confirmed by CBS this afternoon in a press release which states:

What group did you fit into in high school? That is the question 12 strangers will face on the season premiere of BIG BROTHER, Thursday, July 9 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

12 strangers will move into the Big Brother house and learn that they will be โ€˜kickin it old school’ this summer, high school to be exact. The House Guests will be shocked to learn that they will be playing the game in one of four familiar high school cliques โ€“ popular, athletes, brainiacs and off beats. They will compete for food, safety from eviction and luxury prizes as part of their clique.

They will also be surprised to discover that a mystery 13th Houseguest is coming to the BIG BROTHER house, to join the game and give an advantage to one of the cliques.

“You may have graduated, but the truth is we never leave high school and this summer we are going to prove it,” says Allison Grodner, Executive Producer of BIG BROTHER. “From the brains to the jocks to the off-beat, everyone will be able to identify to one of these cliques, giving the viewers a group to root for and against from the very beginning. The division will cause instant drama.”

From what we’ve seen of the HGs this morning we could probably go ahead and start grouping them. The 12 house guests split evenly into those 4 groups.

Here are my “Big Brother Network” clique predictions:

  • Brainiacs: Ronnie, Michele, and probably Casey (school teacher)
  • Athletes: Natalie, Russell, and likely Jeff
  • Populars: Laura, Jordan, and Braden
  • Off-Beats: Lydia, Kevin, and Chima

Hmm, on second thought I might swap Jeff and Braden. Grodner described Braden as the surfer dude type, so that could drop him into the athletes despite looking like something written for a John Hughes 80’s high school flick.

Okay, third (and final) thought. Jeff was a running back in college. I’m gonna stick with my original guess. Jeff with the athletes and Braden with the “pops.”

What do you think of these cliques? And maybe more importantly, who do you think the 13th houseguest might be who will give one of the groups an early edge in Big Brother 11? Let the speculation begin and the comments flow!

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Update: WLBB interviewed exec-producer Allison Grodner who broke out these details on the season’s twist along with a tidbit on the 13th HG:

  • Each player wants the perks of being in the in-crowd
  • If one member of a clique wins Head of Household, other members of that clique cannot be nominated
  • Instead of traditional Food Competitions, there are now โ€˜Have and Have Notโ€™ competitions
  • Losers of the Have and Have Not competition are subject to worst living conditions in BB history
  • Have Not’s subject to a cold room, cold showers, food restrictions, and bright lights that never turn off
  • No details regarding the 13th Mysterious Houseguest will be released until July 9th
  • Starting second week, viewers will decide the food restriction
  • The Have Nots will get slop in addition to Americaโ€™s food restriction

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  1. Hmmm, not so sure I really like the basis of this season, I mean I dislike the fact that the houseguests are pretty much put into these alliances forcibly. I prefer a season where everyone is by themselves and everyone chooses to join alliances or float by. I know that they will split up later on but I still don’t like it. As for the 13th houseguest, not sure who it will be but I feel like it will be someone who possesses all these clique traits and will have to choose which group to join.

  2. Oh it’s not forced though, at least from what I heard when the clique twist was still a rumor. The HGs will have to decide their groups and if they misjudged, well then…

    So yeah, they’re pretty much put on rails, but I think the carts can tip off if someone leans too far in the wrong direction.

    Perhaps the 13th guest will be selected from 4 options of people. Which ever clique wins the first comp may get to have their potential person join in on their team.

    Just guesses, of course.

  3. Umm guess my last post before the one above this one didn’t show but theres this video that goes more in depth to the houseguests and there lives

  4. Meh…lame. The cast is already divided this way naturally. Alison Grodney is a f’ing hack.

    [Comment moderated: no f-bombs allowed]

  5. Um for some reason i cant post the video link but type in “Big Brother 11 Houseguests” in youtube and its the first video.

  6. I agree. I think they try to hard to make each season catchy…leave it alone. When you do the cast make the season more entertaining. I know I have a lot of different “type” of friends…you never know who will pair up!

  7. They are already forced to be among eachother. Why force more groups among one large group? It really is stupid. This better work.

  8. @Victor: I get a lot of bots trying to leave spam in the comments all day, so any comments containing links are sent to the moderation queue.


  10. i hope its janelle but i dont think it will be. I think that she was probely everything but an off-beat

  11. I personally hope the 13th guest is either Janelle, Will, Dan or James. They were my favorites my all seasons past. Wouldn’t mind seeing Keesha again either but i doubt it would be her.

  12. i hope this works im going to be kinda pissed if the show isn’t as good because of the twist. They should just bring back americas player that was the best twist they have ever have.

  13. I am a huge BB fan and I will enjoy this years just as much as all the others. Kinda like any twist they put in. As for the mystery guest I would like to see any of the following: Dick, Bunky, Chicken George or Marcella. But we shall see life is full of surprises!!

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