Big Brother 11: Clique T-Shirt Giveaway Round 3 Final Chance

Here’s your last day to enter the final giveaway for the Big Brother 11 Clique T-shirt contest! The winner will pick his or her clique and style of the T-shirt.

To enter you just need to register for the Problahgger newsletter where you’ll receive free tips and advice to help you start or improve your own blog. I’ll draw 1 name from the list of active subscribers next weekend. Visit to subscribe and register for the newsletter to be entered for the T-shirt giveaway.

This round of the Big Brother T-shirt giveaway is targeted toward bloggers and wanna-be bloggers interested in learning more about starting or improving their own blog. You’re welcome to enter either way and I encourage everyone to check out how to start blogging. It’s a lot of fun and can be quite profitable.

Restrictions: You must be 18+ years of age and a U.S. resident to be eligible to win the giveaway. (Nothing against our northern friends, just shipping reasons.)



Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.


  1. Why is everyone so anxious to give Jeff another chance? He has already had the best chance in the house, and bringing him back is STUPID. I watched BB last night, and have to say that it is the first time that I thought maybe Michelle was normal, and even Jordan, once she has a couple of drinks, appears to be not quite so “ditsy.” Natalie was very gracious in her win, except her Chima comment was WAY OUT OF LINE. I will be very upset with her if she doesn’t take Kevin to the finals. He has been loyal to her, when the other two of the final four have been downright sneaky about Natalie.
    Michelle’s hubby is about as nutz as she is. How did she ever get on this show? Does anybody know if BB is coming back next year, or is the final one? If it’s the last one, it is sure ending on a “sour note.” Worst group of contestants ever.

  2. @ Jeff Famnsā€¦. get over itā€¦. Jeff is out because he made dumb decisions the whole gameā€¦ He allligned with the losing sideā€¦. He back doored Russellā€¦. Both Jessie / Russell would deserve to come back more than jeffā€¦ Especially Russellā€¦. I hope there is a twist that will bring Russell back and screw Michelleā€¦

  3. @ Diana… Hello little lady….

    @ Diana C…. WUZ UP?

    @Jeff now flip flop Michelle fans…. For all you with short term memory like Michelle…. Lets not forget that Michelle played a huge role in Jeff believing the LML created by Kevin / Natalie which led to Russell being bac stabbed and back doored by Jeff… She was lying about Russell and throwing him under the bus to ensure J/J would take her to the final 3 while smiling in his face and making final 2 deals with Russell…. She only solidified the LML unknowingly by filling J/J’s head with a bunch of BS… Too bad Russell / Jeff / Jordan weren’t smart enough to catch Michelle in her blatant lie when she refused to answer Russell”s “did I ever tell you I was coming after Jeff” question when she replied “we talked about alot of stuff” answer!!!

    @ Dianaā€¦. Yes but she was Russellā€™s friend in his face and his enemy behind his backā€¦

    Even Jeff said he was tired of it for the one night he threw her under the bus until she won the POVā€¦.

    I think Russell deserves to win more than she-rat and would love to see Russell come back in the game and send she-rat packingā€¦ Ronnie was right about she-ratā€¦

    @ Jeff fans you are nuts if you think jeff deserves a 3rd chance more than Russell deserves a 2nd chanceā€¦

  4. @ Dianaā€¦. I think everybody will beat Natalie in the JHā€¦

    jessie is pissed that she was talking crap about him, so he is telling everyone her real age.

    Lydia said her whole friendship with nat was a lie, so she probably wonā€™t vote for Nat.

    Russell said nat will lose JH votes because of her lie (his too)

    Jeff will not because nat could have saved him (Yes jeff would choose Kevin over Nat too)

    This could be like BB3 when nat would be lucky to get one vote even though I think she would not get one single vote especially since she lied about her ageā€¦.

    In a perfect world it would have been BB11ā€™s most favorite player jeff against the most hated villian Natalie with jeff winning

    Why? Because that would have been the best of bost (good vs bad) pitted against each other in the final 2 with the good defeating the villianā€¦

    kevin is my only hope because I donā€™t want Michelle to win and I donā€™t think Jordan deserves it, but i am biased and would rather see Jordan than she-rat aka Michelle!!!

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