Big Brother 10 Week 8 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Spoilers

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Power of Veto

This week’s Big Brother 10 Power of Veto ceremony is over and it went just as I expected.

Memphis, the winner of this week’s PoV, used the veto, forcing Jerry to select the one and only HG available for replacement nomination: Renny.

As the plan sits now Renny will be evicted Thursday. Can she talk her way out of it?

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  1. Memphis is the biggest idiot in this house. I’ll bet that a lot of people wanted Dan gone and now Memphis is added to the list. I really hope one of them does not win. Keesha or Jerry to win.

  2. Dave, maybe you haven’t been watching. .. . Dan and Memphis are in the “Renegade Alliance”. . and have been since almost the begining of the show.

    So your bet is wasted and a loser.

    Keesha may win. . . but Jerry has no chance. . ..the last of his nine lives was used in last weeks HOH when Dan’s ball mysteriously went from 32 to 19. . ..thus costing Dan the HOH. . . Jerry is evicted man walking this week. . .

    I think its funny that so many of you are jealous of people (D) who actually play the game.

  3. THe old pervert just found out from the BB producers that he CAN’T be in this weeks HOH. . . too bad, so not sad. . .

  4. Totally agree – no one wanted Dan gone or added Memphis to the list. Most of us want them in the final 2!!! And it looks like a great possibility for that to happen. Renny this week and Jerry next week. Good riddance to that jerk, I hated him the week he started calling Dan names for absolutely no reason. Dan has played the best game, Memphis has been the most straight up player. They deserve to be there. Keesha would be my third choice, so if something happens and she’s in the final 2, so be it. As long as it’s the 3 of them at the end, all is right with the BB world!!

  5. David or you an idiot? Dan has played just about the best game in BB history. He certainly deserves to win this. But with all the idiots on the jury panel there is just no telling how this will play out. At least Jerry is heading home soon!!!!!!!

  6. I love Dan dry sense of humor, he is not as naive as you all think. Menphis is not a cruel person at all. When Jerry called Dan Judas he was the first to say shut the hell up,Keesha i really like but she is a liile naive. Has anyone told Renny about the Hurricane, I bet she would be worried stiff about her family. I pray for her and that all goes well.I would have like to see Renny and Menphis for finale two. But I’m ok the way it is, because i think Renny would be happier with her family right now. Hope Renny win $25k as America choice. Jerry is a pervert and very dirty for a 75 year old.

  7. Frankly, I hope Renny gets nothing. I don’t disagree that she will most likely get AC, if there is one, but I hope she doesn’t. Her deal this week with the perverted old man has soured me on her. Renny is only out for herself. Maybe if she had been straight up she would have lasted longer.

    The two best players are still remaining and I hope they get to the final two.

    Renegrades all the way, baby!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Jerry has really had a bad couple of days (boo hoo) – First Memphis takes Dan off the block essentially making a mockery of the “deal” he had with Jerry for F2 – then….Poor Jerry finds out he cannot play for HOH.
    I hope Dan and Memphis make it to the end…
    and am dying to see what the jury will do

  9. Unless the jury gets to vote for 3rd place, there will be no vote between Jerrrky and Keesha. The other two are just mentally stronger. Jerry is one of the more unlikeable creatures I have ever seen on TV. Heโ€™s been time warped from the 1960โ€™s. Heโ€™s sexist, racist and heโ€™s a narcissist. You can just see the other HG cringe when he comes around.
    Wait until the HG see the rants of Jerrrrky,(Michelle, OJ and the Ape). . . they wonโ€™t have any friends outside the house. I doubt that Jerrrrky will have any friends left at home. He has not only humiliated himself, the Marines, and his former company, but more importantly, his family. I have never heard an 75 year old man talk the way he has about other people. Jerrrrrky is a POS. . . .

  10. i know this is a long shot, but the renegades need to keep jerry and get rid of kessha (assuming renny gets evicted this week). because the alliance should be done their is no more alliances to get rid of. and jerry is stronger then kesha. if i were memphis, if it were dan vs memphis memphis would win, dan betrayed to many people, michelle, ollie, jerry, and i dont think april will be to happy with him

  11. Everyone, please. If you wish to comment on this web site, why not use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation? What are you, first graders?

  12. Since they’re always playing fast forward, why not try a rewind for a change??? I want Renny to win!

  13. According to my predictions, Renny will be evicted from the compound this Thursday night.
    Kevin Silvestris
    Worcester, Mass.

  14. Hey everyone, meet Kevin from Worcester, he makes weekly predictions like, “I predict the sun will rise in the east tomorrow morning” and “June will be much warmer than December this year”. . . . . what an idiot. . ..

    FYI, Kevin, “predicting” a certainty is NOT a prediction, its a reality. . . what an idiot.

  15. @Nastia: Play nice. Unfortunately, this season has been easier than most to predict outcomes.

    @Kevin: You’re welcome to post your expectations here.

  16. Tom: Are you an English teacher or just a bit anal retentive. This is a blog not an essay contest….Lighten up!

  17. Nan – A rewind! What a great idea! I wonder how much those producers are paid to come up with such a boring ending to this show….

    Kevin: Another fine prediction. Rock on!

  18. I totally support Memphis’ decision to use the POV on Dan. I can’t wait to see Jerry’s reaction when we watch Thursday’s episode. I feel bad for Renny, but it is her time to go. I hope America does vote for her to win $25K, if they have that again this year. As long as Jerry doesn’t win POV next week, he is toast. I am absolutely content with the final 3. I would like to see Dan go all the way, but I’m not sure he’ll get the votes from the jury house. We’ll have to wait and see! Great job BB10 Network on keeping us updated! :) :) :)

  19. Excuse me Tom – but that would be ONE deadly hurricane and then just a dud – only the democrats were hoping it turned into a full-fledged disaster…

  20. Oh gawd! Can we not keep politics off this site? I hope Dan & Memphis are the final 2 but Dan has made more enemies than Memphis. If they vote for who played the best game it would be Dan. Just as Evel Dick played his game best. There are more sore losers on 10 than ED had though. Getting pretty exciting. hoping tonight takes out Renny & Jerry follows right behind.

  21. Does anyone know whose eye is shown with the BB logo each time? Just curious as it’s the same each season.

  22. I hope its Keesha, Jerry, And Dan since I cant stand Memphis I think America will be shocked this week when Memphis walks out the door.

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