Big Brother 10 Week 8: Eviction Approaches

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The next eviction is just a day away. Keesha and Renny stand poised on the edge of the end of their game with just the votes of Dan and Memphis in the way. Things looked pretty set in stone over the weekend once we knew that Memphis had secured the Big Brother 10 Power of Veto. Has that situation changed? No.

Keesha is still nervous, while Renny has all but resigned herself to head to the jury. There have been a few discussions amongst them over who would be best to keep around a few days longer, but no one seems to be budging. What I can’t believe hasn’t come up is the possibility of Dan and Memphis forcing Jerry to break a tie and get some blood smeared on his hands. Perhaps they don’t trust Jerry to keep Keesha over Renny, but would that really matter?

In other “Jerry news”, the current HoH finally came to the realization that he will not be allowed to compete in this week’s HoH. Why exactly did he think this? When there are just three HGs remaining that week is when we’ll see the outgoing HoH come back to compete again. Jerry just got his week’s mixed up. It looks like losing to Jerry in last week’s HoH was the best thing the Renegades could have done after all!

The Big Brother finale will be on September 16th so there’s not much time left for the remaining HGs to fend off one another for the half million dollar prize. Which one will come out on top? We’ll know soon!

The countdown to the final key has begun. Watch the action live and uncensored ($5 off & Free Trial) as the HGs struggle to dodge eviction.

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  1. What is clear is that the HG are confused, or have been mislead as to when the game will end. M/D still refer to 3 weeks left (there are only 2) so I wonder when they will figure out that they have less than two weeks remaining?

    I really wish they would show more of the jury house. That has to be better than what is going on in the BB house. The Enemy (with the exception of Jerrrrky) has been vanquished and its a competiton among friends for the 500k. It would be nice to see the lossers spending their miserable lives interacting with one another.

  2. BB said they’d show us the jury house on Thursday night. I’d like to see more of it too, but it seems like in recent seasons we barely see anything there outside the folks arriving.

  3. So either way Renny or Keesha will go home on Thursday, Jerry will go next week, Dan & Memphis will be final 2….I’m trying to figure out why it would be worth my time to watch the rest of the season. I hate it when you can see how it’s going to end, it’s just not fun to watch anymore. I wish BB would throw a huge wrench into things and bring back someone from the jury…like Libra! wouldn’t that stir things up….I think that is just wishful thinking on my part.

  4. The predictions about Renny going home, and Jerry next week is pretty solid, but it doesn’t mean Dan and Memphis are definitely the final 2. Keesha can get herself in there somehow, you never know how that will pan out. I think it’s kinda stupid though to be upset that things are happening the way they should, especially when a lot of us hoped for a Dan/Memphis final 2 for a long time. Keesha in there wouldn’t bother me either. So why would we want to throw someone else in that we hated, like Libra or April, just so there’s a chance that we would be pissed off at the end cause someone we hated or didn’t deserve it won BB?? I think it’s nice to have an ending where it won’t matter too much who wins because the best HG’s made it to the finals!!

  5. I couldn’t care less who goes home. I just hope Jerry and Keesha make the final three and make a deal with each other. I really hope Jerry wins the POV next week, which is one of the two things that will get him to the final two.

  6. Jerry and Keesha – that would really be an upset…a major dupe and a definite win for Keesha the screaming hyena.

    I think I would rather have BB flip over to the Jury House so we can see what is going on over there.

    Can the jury see everything? All the live feeds? I think they can only see the video that the evicted house guest brings them.

  7. There is no way in the world Jerry and Keesha will make the final 2. Keesha – maybe, but not Jerry. Not a single chance. Thank god, cause he was the biggest, most vile pervert I have ever seen in that house. I can’t wait to see him walk out the door, and hopefully Dan and Memphis chant “Judas” as he walks out!!!! Looking forward to D/M/K making the final 3.

  8. i would to see jerry win the pov next week and then put up dan . he is aback stabber and doesnt really play by the religion he so call is . i would like to see jerry and keesha final two. or maybe bring someone back into the house for more stir ups

  9. If it is D/M in the final it will be worth it just to watch the jury session when they get to question the F2. There would be 6 or the 7 who absolutely HATE the F2 and as much of a smart ass as M is it could just be classic. . .

  10. Brenda. …earth to Brenda. . .. . .Jerrky and Keesha have the same chance as being in the final 2 as OJ and the Ape.. . .

  11. brenda and david all i can say is you obviousley havent watched the show because jerry is an a$$ and should have left a long time ago and doesnt deserve to win dan has probley played the best game in bb history and very much deserves to win. this game is all about secrets backstabbing as well as physical and mental strength dan has proven himslef in this game. time for that perverted old man to go home i bet his family is extremly disapointed in him i know i would be if i saw my 75 year old grandfather grabbing some blonde skanks boobs!

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