Big Brother 10 Week 6 Live Eviction and Endurance HoH Results

Update: The endurance competition is over! Scroll down to see who won!

Week 6 of Big Brother 10 is over, so it’s time for a live eviction and a new HoH. Rumor has it there will be an endurance competition tonight. If it is then I’ll be here all night recapping it live. Watch it all live with the discount and Free Trial.

I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH competition results.

Live Eviction voting:

  • Keesha: Evict April
  • Memphis: Evict April
  • Ollie: Evict Jerry
  • Dan: Evict April
  • Dan, the constant joker, says, “I vote to evict Jer… April.” Haha.
    It’s official, April has been evicted.

  • Michelle: Evict April

By a vote of 4 – 1, April has been evicted from the Big Brother 10 house!

Just got a glimpse of the HoH competition set. Definitely an endurance. They’ll be sitting on rope swings. That’s all I know so far. Stay tuned for the results.

Watch the HoH Endurance Competition – Free Trial!

HoH Competition – “King of the Jungle” – Endurance style:
5:50PM BBT – Julie explains the object is to be the last HG remaining on their rope swing. That HG will become the new HoH. Dan wisely came equipped with a rain coat and gloves. Big Brother is pouring ‘rain’ on them and swinging the HGs.

5:55PM BBT – Julie informs us that next Thursday will be a Double Eviction night! Back to the competition we see all HGs remain. The swing just threw all the HGs into the wall! Wow! They did it again and they are swinging them into that wall HARD! Dan makes a joke about his ‘nuts’ getting hit hard.

6:00PM BBT – Waiting for the live feeds to turn back on post-show.

6:05PM BBT – Still waiting on the feeds

6:10PM BBT – This delay is normal as it usually takes about 10-15 minutes.

6:15PM BBT – Any minute now… Come on live feeds!

6:20PM BBT – And we’re live!! All 6 are still in.

6:25PM BBT – Dan is doing lines from “Old School”, “you’re my boy, Blue!”

6:30PM BBTJerry just dropped! He can’t move his legs well, he says. They’re just asleep. He’ll be okay. 5 others remain.

6:35PM BBT – Jerry is on the sidelines calling out to them. He tells Memphis he’s doing well. Memphis says everyone still up there is doing well. 5 remain.

6:40PM BBT – Memphis, Keesha, and Dan are whispering. Too quiet to tell for sure. Perhaps an agreement to drop?

6:45PM BBT – The rain and wall slamming has returned. This is one brutal HoH comp to watch! There are water balloons attached to the wall. The HGs are grabbing them as they slam into the wall and then throw them at each other. Michelle got hit in the eye. Dan was hit in the lip.

6:50PM BBT – 5 remain: Memphis, Dan, Keesha, Michelle, and Ollie. Jerry can’t believe no one else has dropped after an hour.

6:53PM BBTKeesha dropped!

6:55PM BBT – More wall slamming. The swing drops several feet and then swings HARD to the side and into the wall. I think that would easily jar most folks loose. Not me though, I’m tough, tough like Jessie! Muahaha!

7:00PM BBT – 4 remain: Memphis, Michelle, Dan, & Ollie.

7:05PM BBT – HGs quiet on the ropes. Jerry and Keesha share “war stories” about their aches and pains from the swing.

7:10PM BBT – Jerry is throwing water balloons up to the swingers to play with. There is no way I’d let an arm loose to grab that! BB should swing them right when they take a hand off. Hah! They just swung them. No one fell.

7:11PM BBT – “Memphis’ got a big butt,” says Renny.

7:20PM BBT – Feeds on a temp ‘break’. Perhaps a rule change?

7:21PM BBT – Feeds are back! 4 remain: Ollie, Michelle, Memphis, & Dan. More wall-slamming. I hope you get to see this. I’m really impressed with all of them for hanging on through this. It’s rough!

7:25PM BBT – All is quiet from our 4 swinging HGs.

7:30PM BBT – 4 remain: Ollie, Michelle, Memphis & Dan. Jerry is on the sidelines talking about how hungry he is. I’m surprised they’re not heading back inside.

7:35PM BBT – Rain returns with more wall-slams. Dan says, “that was the hardest one yet.” Michelle groans from the hit.

7:38PM BBT – Big Brother is really turning up the juice and appears to be swinging them harder into the walls. Lots of grunts from the 4 swingers left.

7:40PM BBT – Rain stops. 4 remain: Ollie, Michelle, Memphis, & Dan.

7:45PM BBT – Swinging HGs sit quietly as they’re repeatedly slammed into the wall. You’ve gotta watch this to believe how rough they’re getting hit.

7:56PM BBT – Michelle and Keesha inside showering (ohh la la!). Michelle complaining about Dan getting a rain coat.

7:47PM BBTMichelle just dropped! Michelle says her leg got caught in “that f’ing net” and she was pulled off. She says she did not drop out of weakness.

7:50PM BBT – Big Brother is opening the house back up. 3 remain: Ollie, Memphis, & Dan.

7:55PM BBT – Wall-slams return. Still 3 men swinging away.

8:00PM BBT – None of the 3 guys are talking. I think they should take this chance (everyone else is inside) to work a deal. Michelle still complaining about Dan’s coat.

8:05PM BBT – Renny returns outside with Jerry to watch the remaining 3 HGs compete. Keesha and Michelle stay inside and make out in the shower… just kidding!

8:10PM BBT – Michelle comes back outside to watch. Ollie, Memphis, & Dan are still hanging out and getting the crap beat out of them by that wall. They’ll be able to spend the day tomorrow counting their bruises!

8:20PM BBT – All 3 guys still swinging!

8:25PM BBT – The guys swing quietly while Jerry tosses them water balloons to play with. The ladies sit on the sidelines and comment on who is getting tired (all of them?).

8:30PM BBT – Feeds go to Trivia. While we wait, anyone going to watch the 90210 remake?

8:35PM BBT – Feeds are back. Phew! For the first moment I thought Dan was walking around, but it was just an optical illusion. Ollie, Memphis, & Dan remain on the swings.

8:40PM BBT – Michelle promises the boys chicken nuggets later. Memphis responds, “yah!” and breaks the silence. These guys must be in serious deep thought!

8:42PM BBT – Michelle comments on Dan shaking. She says, “he’s going, he’s going.” BB immediately drops the swings into the wall… Dan doesn’t fall! All 3 remain.

8:50PM BBT – All quiet on the Big Brother 10 front. Ollie, Memphis, & Dan sit quietly on their swings.

8:55PM BBT – The three sit quietly. No changes to report.

9:00PM BBT – Michelle providing the guys encouragement. All remain quiet. Still no “wheelin’ and dealin'” amongst them.

9:05PM BBTMemphis just dropped! Memphis lays there on the ground for awhile trying to collect himself. Only Ollie and Dan remain! One of these two will be the new BB10 HoH!

9:10PM BBT – Ollie starts to talk to Dan, possibly to make a deal and BB cuts the feeds! Arrgh!

9:15PM BBT – The feeds are still on trivia.

9:20PM BBT – Hmm… 10 mins of trivia? Is BB changing the rules and having a little talk with the two remaining HGs, Ollie and Dan?

9:25PM BBT – 15 mins of trivia…

9:30PM BBT – Still trivia. If we don’t return to someone with a broken bone I’m gonna really wonder what was going on during all this cut-away time! Any guesses?

9:35PM BBT – Trivia still rolling, but word is the cameras are still rolling for Showtime’s “BB After Dark”. Ollie and Dan are both still up.

9:38PM BBT – Feeds are finally back!! Ollie just dropped! After 3 hours and 48 minutes, the competition is over.

Dan is the new Head of Household!

Watch the HoH competition live and uncensored right now – Free Trial!

Don’t want to stay up all night? Sign up for the free BB10 email updates and get the HoH results in your Inbox!



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  1. If Dan doesn’t win this, then half likely his butt will be on the block. ANd….. if Ollie wins than the alliance is TOAST.

    if april was here she would have taken this competition, no problem. I want to see Keesha and Memphis go up. Memphis is so cocky. I can’t stand him.

  3. Manchelle has the advantage of her manlike shoulders to absorb the impact against the walls. Man.

  4. @ts: I was thinking the same thing. I’m so relieved the constant hump sessions are over. Hmm, I didn’t think I’d ever say that…

  5. I thought april gave a great interview. I really hated the way those other girls did her. It is a game, but that wasn’t needed.
    I hope Ollie gets it.

  6. Michelle doesn’t seem to be too tightly aligned with anyone. I’d say “not really” for those two.

  7. another board im following says Keesha got knocked off.. ahhh I hate that we cant see it tonight on tv.. grrrr

  8. At one point after Jessie got evicted, Memphis told Michelle that he would never turn his back on her and that he wanted it to be them at the final two. He said that he wanted to stay in his original lalliance with her.

  9. Memphis has said he can’t see going to finally three with her and Dan now. I think that was yesterday. It was an update and not something that I personally heard.

  10. 6:50pm BBT
    BB pulls another surprise slam against the wall, and Keesha is OUT!

    Renny: I thought you fell off cuz you got hit.
    Keesha: I slipped. Your legs go completely numb. See how Michelle has her legs wrapped around?

    Ollie, Michelle, Dan & Memphis remain in the comp.

  11. I am sooooo glad that april is gone.. I dont think I could of lived in a house with that girl for longer than a day without punching her in the face. I have loved dan and keesha from day one..So FALL OLLIE AND MICHELLE!!!

  12. He came prepared for anything! It’s not like a rubber rain coat, but more like a windbreaker rain coat.

  13. I agree with me….glad Keesha dropped she is def crazy…I think Ollie or Memphis will win this one…although I would like to see Dan take it

  14. I hope Memphis gets it this week I think he would turn that house upside down and drama would hit the fan.. I think it would be priceless hahaha

  15. GOOOOOOOOOO Dan and Good Bye April couldn’t have been a better night!!! Let’s hope Dan wins and Ollie is reunited with his darling April and they can continue their humping off our TV screens.

  16. I definately DONT want Ollie to get it…I want Dan or Memphis to get it cuz I think they will take out the crazy old man..I have watched all of the Big Brothers and I have to say that this is the first time that I have disliked the older person in the house

  17. Did u guys see what Dan was wearing, i think he’s gonna try to win this one.
    i’m rooting for michelle and ollie.
    i just want the power to switch sides

  18. I’d like to see Memphis get it too. He’s grown on me a lot this season. Plus, it’d keep Dan safe while maintaining a low profile.

  19. has anyone noticed now that April is gone Ollie is actually trying to win a competition.. Every other indurance comp, he totally bailed in the begining. I think he played that girl to the hill, and let her call the shots so he could let her take the fall. She was an idiot, but hes just as much of a moron as she was.. I hope hes sitting next to her next week with Libra.. gag

  20. They should of kept April till finally 2. Everyone had the best ablilty to win the money against her. She was silly not to point that out.

  21. I loved Jerry the first day I saw him, and couldnt stand Renny. But I shifted after seeing his true sides and hers, I have grown to love her and I cant stand Jerry anymore. Hes such a freakin wackadoo.. Seriously, Judas!! HELLOOO POT ITS ME KETTLE!! WTF LOL

  22. I couldn’t have stood another week of that showmance it was time for it to end. I truly hope it’s Dan to shake things up or Memphis to see where is loyalty truly is.

  23. the point of how to win the money is who was the best player. Seriously, shes a wicked player. I think she would have taken the whole thing had they not gotten rid of her..

  24. You know for all you people who are making fun michelle and saying she looks like a man, please show me your pictures becasue i would love to see how attractive you all must be.

  25. Renny is my absolute favorite. I hope she is final two. She is the only one that truly has shown us her true self and should be rewarded for that.

  26. yeah….i think jerry should have gone tonite…it would have def helped in Dan and Michelle to alliance with ollie and april…but oh well…i think they are silly to not realize that….also…no split votes on eviction night yet (except for jessie) they are all toooooo loyal

  27. I dont think Michelle is ugly. She has some hairstyles that are unflattering on her face, and when she walked around with that uni and gold high heels I questioned whether or not she had looked in the mirror, but She is not an ugly girl.. I agree with you me.

  28. The point is alot of things..but don’t they vote at the end? She would of only had Jerry and Ollies vote in most cases….

    ps I think Michelle is pretty..

  29. I am so with u on the whole jerry thing wildflower..He is up there preachin about goin back on your word to Dan when he freakin did it in the first week with Brian!!!(who I absolutely LOOOOVVVEED but he was tryin to play to much of the game in one week)

  30. yes they all vote, but if they are voting for game play she had some good game play.. honestly I think the best game play in the house is being done by Renny, Keesha, and Memphis, they have managed to out wit and smart them and turn stuff on people unexpectedly

  31. so glad April left with class. Who could forget Chelsea’s departing vile. Pathetic much?

  32. rofl She was such a joke… she made herself look even dumber then America thought she was..

  33. I agree with Renny and Memphis’s game play, but not Keesha’s. She has been very nasty. I don’t think it has been smart, just lucky.

  34. Well you guys. As exciting as this is, the winds are getting bad outside, and the rain is pounding.. Im going to check the weather updates on Tropical Storm Fay and try to get some sleep before it gets so bad that I cant sleep… Ni Ni TO all.. Enjoy the competition.. GO MEMPHIS!!!!

  35. Guess her Mama never told her that the minute you show someone they’ve upset you, they’ve already won!

  36. Yep wildflower I agree…I really like Dan but I don’t think he has played the game the best yet…maybe we will see a different Dan if he wins this…but Keesha and Memphis have played the best in my opinion….they have been in the middle of all the drama but are still playin the game…i just really hope Keesha does not win

  37. Chelsea and James were my two favorite people in that house and I think if I would of had to deal with people like Natalie I prob would of snapped 2..

  38. James was totally aweseome. He would have won that game hands down if he wasn’t hooked up with that bitter, angry twit. HUGE mistake.

  39. I hope Dan or Renny gets it they are the only ones who don’t front. I hope Ollie or Jerry goes this week they are weak and just “floating” on through!!!

  40. I think it would be totally fantastic if Ollie AND Jerry are both evicted in the double eviction next week!!!

  41. Double Eviction week is big!! Wait till they find that out. This is the biggest HOH they’ve played and don’t even know it yet. Interesting week coming up!

  42. I wonder how much longer they will be hanging on….I can’t go to sleep until i know HOH!

  43. GO OLLIE AND MICHELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dan n Memphis remind me of Adam n Ryan of BB9.
    they can go far together, but who cares? they both suck

  44. @me: Agreed. Michelle should be safe this week. I think she’d be better off taking a dive. That’d be a hard thing to do if I was there though.

  45. They soooooo dont remind me of Adam and Ryan because I despised those two and I absolutely adore Memphis and Dan

  46. or go lay under his rope for when he has to fall I hope isnt ne time soon however

  47. Jessie reminded me of the Jolly Green Giant with that little head and big body totally gross!!

  48. I know…his (jessie) head was way to small for his body and he wasnt good looking AT ALL

  49. Let go Michelle I hope she goes all the way.I hate DAN and i hope he goes home. So lets go Michelle or Ollie. Still wish Jessie was there

  50. i thought he (jessie) was hysterical in the sound proff room …. he usually made absolutely no sense at all….but it made me laugh….and some how..the conversation would always lead to his muscles or someone being scared of them….LMAO

  51. OMG I HATED HATED HATED JESSIE!!! He was to full of himself and way to freakin cocky..I am soooo glad he is gone!! FALLLLL MICHELLE!! FALLLL OLLIE! GOOOOOOOO DAN AND MEMPHIS!!!

  52. Which season was it that had the fire captain whom they called “Cappy”. Maggie won. That group drove me insane.

  53. ya…I voted like 500 times for Kaysar to come back in the house only to have him take his finger off that damn button in the HOH competition and get totally screwed over

  54. WOW!!! I have to see that…was he hot? I might be in to that too if he looked like Memphis..only I want to hold the knife…(j/j) (I think)

  55. LOL….well Keesha is the most aggravating now…but LIBRA…omg…she got on my nerves!!!

  56. @me: lol….how could you…omg…her and keesha need to go off together somewhere farrr awayyy and aggravate each other

  57. I pretty much like all the others so far….I don’t think I want Ollie to win either because he played lazy by hiding behind April and letting her do all the dirty work

  58. I totally agree! Ollie FALL!!! I agree with Bets-where are the birds!!?? haha and I absolutely lovvveeedd janelle howie and kaysar!! I voted a lot for kaysar to come back too hehe ;)

  59. he kept saying how he won even though he was “supposely the youngest even if it was 3 years”…what did that mean?…

  60. Idk what that means me he def wasnt the youngest-danielle wasnt even 21 when she entered the house

  61. Ollie needs to go now and Dan needs to win HOH.

    I’m so glad APEril is gone because she is the most clueless person in the world. I can’t believe she didn’t think it was her that Dan was referring to as offering the money…geez, you were the one that told him outside that whatever you can do for him than you will. That you will keep him safe and throw him some money…yeah you didn’t say a specific amount but you still offered it. I can’t wait till that stupid bitch reads about herself, and obviously her idiot family/friends have not yet seen some of videos of your stupidity or they are so blind by you bleach blond hair that they missed it all.

  62. Do u think april was lying when she told them that she didnt offer him the money or that she forgot? haha the latter is more april…haha

  63. me, she offered it to him before…I believe it was even on the last show on Tuesday. She talked to him when he was in the pool…it was the first time and then the second time was in the sauna room. I’m pretty sure she’s just the biggest idiot ditz on the planet because she believes every thing she is shoveling.

  64. We saw her offer it to him in last show-which was before the meeting-then again in tonights show which was after

  65. I would have too…or just pointed out to everyone seperatly that they had a better chance to win with her next to them.

  66. Anyone here have showtime after dark?! Do you think they will be swinging for more then 40 minutes so we can see the ending on tv?!

  67. Omg come on Ollie just fall already! i cant stand it haha Either memphis or dan getting it im good with but ollie just cant win!

  68. No sandy!!! just a little longer! haha come on! You are gonna be curious and not able to fall asleep! haha

  69. i am dying here — need sleep
    cant sleep – putting all intentions for Dan to win, Ollie — GET DOWN!!!!!!!!

  70. well ollie has been kinda…i think dan and mixer boy lost other competitions on purpose. did you guys happen to see the ol photo of Ollie on the show tonight?

  71. @christy…i think so …or memphis and keesha…I remember renny saying that she really liked ollie

  72. I know bree that is odd-I thought michelle had this comp in the bag b/c she’s so good at endurance-i was sooo sad when i saw endurance b/c i didnt want her to win again

  73. Oh yeah your right bree and april absolutely HATED memphis-will he play her game for her? hahaha he can join her! haha

  74. I never watched it, but my wife still watches the reruns on SOAP. Kinda surprised to see it back after all these years.

  75. Bree…funny how Manchelle is supposedly now telling Keesha that she fell because she go her period one hour before the show so that’s excuse #2. I wonder if she’ll add more excuses like APEril was constantly increasing the value of Memphis’ car.

  76. No I won’t be watching the new 90210. The “kids” look like their 35 years old and I think it will be a poor mans 90210.

  77. Yeah me i totally agree-no one will put her up thats what sucks-shes gonna make it to final 2 :(

  78. that was kind-of funny about that car…it might be worth 25,000-30,000 because it was a BB car but, she kept paying that same card…

  79. lol….@stupididiots….I know right!!!
    maybe we can keep a tally…I bet its five more by the end of the HOH

  80. @Heather: haha! But didn’t the previous cast look about 20 years too old for high school too?

  81. GEEEZ..I was hopin someone would of fallin while I was gone…Ollie just needs to fall already cuz Dan or Memphis can have it

  82. lol…I think high school students now look 10 years to old for high school…come to think of it so do Jr. high kids…

  83. noo he wouldnt put up keesha-memphis dan renny and keesha are 4 against the world right now

  84. really!! I must have missed that … gosh i have always thought dan was a floater and memphis has kind of been too…guess not

  85. Michelle is starting to grow on me, I just had how she complains alot. But it is funny to watch her come up with some of the shit she says. I also think it is very werid that the three ppl who havent won HOH and who always drop early are the last ones standing. I think it is funny how dan is the only one who brought a rain coat to the BB10 house .. yea right. And Ollie and Dan are the only wons who can wear gloves. I think it is rigged .. not to mention the other day when Rennie asked Keesha who she thought was gonna be HOH Keesha said “I think they said it was gonna be Dan this week” and then she just looked at Renny knowing she said something wrong. I really hope Renny or Michelle wins the game .. Renny deserves to cuz she is a good player and Michelle is tough and needs it the most. I would like to see ne one win out of those 3. And I hope Keesha goes home this week . . and Renny wins HOH again next week and sends Memphis out in the double eviction. Or Michelle wins and sends Keesha home in double eviction,
    My story book is done lol

  86. All I get is this red unitard…Oh I got my period…Oh I got tangled in the net…Dan has a jacket Not Fair….booooooo freakin hoooooo woman…shut up already

  87. If Dan get it the wise thing would be to put up Ollie and Manshelle…that way he keeps on the downlow with everyone else and avoid getting selected next week.

  88. dose keesha and renny know that they are the “final four” they talked about not telling them

  89. Wow ella great theory-They have even talked in the house about how they think the veto is rigged-like when they pull names from the bag-its always the person playing that can cause trouble (i cant remember which week they said it) but anyway like this week: I would have bet anything that ollie was gonna play and he did

  90. I think they have talked about the final four thing-but i dont think its that tight-but its definately keesha and renny together and dan and memphis together

  91. Christy, the only thing about it being rigged is that to do it they would need extra Ollie coins (for example) so that he gets picked…but if they do that then there is the possibility that Ollie gets picked out twice and then the gig is up…so I doubt it can be rigged.

  92. I know in the house they were talking about the veto rigging thing…haha sounds not logical but you never know lol

  93. . . And have you notice, in most cases that I can remember, de-seleting a few, everytime someones “showmance” goes home, they win HOH.
    BB8 – Nick goes home, Dani wins HOH.
    BB9 Matt goes home, Nat wins HOH.
    BB10 Jessie goes home, Michelle wins HOH.

    . . Just a thought!

  94. well, i looked back…i had said 1 hour ago that they would have an HOH in 1/2 and hour….I stand corrected…

  95. Final 4 – Jerry, Ollie, Renny, Michelle

    Renny will beat them all . .Michelle and Oliie will beat Jerry, Michelle will beat Ollie and Ollie will beat Jerry.
    Dream on me haha
    I actually think Dan is a good player.. there is just something about him that doesnt click with me.

  96. me….not even Osama/Obama or how ever you spell that.

    [sits back and waits for the flames to start]

  97. from day 1 I wanted Dan and Brian to go all the I only have Dan left and along the way I started liking Keesha, Renny and Memphis, but I still want my boy Dan to win

  98. lol…no, not even them…though I am a big war supporter…(watching the flames with you)(marshmellows anyone?)

  99. No ..we only have like So you think you can dance canada, MTV Canada, Canadian Idol and thats about it . .Oh, and we can audition for Nashville star and the bachelor series . . we have also had a few games shoes do a couple episodes for canadians, like Deal or no deal

  100. My best friend is in LOVE with all things Canadian…I watch 1 show 2 years ago at the airport about some people on a train commute…it was kind-of strange

  101. Ya, I think it just another one of those talent shows. You have to be really good to even get ne where.

  102. Me – I no wut show ur talking about, ahah. Althought it was probably a really bad show to rep. Canada lol . .Are talent here is amazing, we also have some of the best festivals.

  103. lol..ya..well I think I am goin to go watch some tv for a bit and then come back later and c if ollie has fallen yet..God I hope he does!

  104. @ me…you couldnt do that cuz I am an American and so are my family and friends and we like Keesha so it would be total false advertisement

  105. haha Well, I had Keesha, not hate but dislike. I think I kinda had a bad conception of her when she first came in the house, cuz she was alot like Danielle, but Dani is one of a kind. and Keesha has just showed me her evil side, she is a very jealous person and you can tell she always gets what she wants in her own life, I think she uses guys, or it seems that way. I think Renny is better off without her, most of the ppl gone are not from Libra, even thou I didnt like her either. But they are cuz Keesha is jealous of one thing or another.

  106. lol…my bad Lyndsey…I guess we can reword it..Lyndsey and 3 dozen other people are the only ones that love Keesha…:)

  107. YESSS!!! Very happy Memphis fell, I hope Ollie wins this…Since it is a double elimination though it may send whoever wins packing next week also

  108. Are and Our who cares.. im getting an education, I will understand one day haha
    Anyway isnt this about Big Brother not who can spell or define a word in its proper context.
    Cuz im offically here to talk about Big Brother, cuz I obviously dont have the other thing down pat.

  109. lol..its all good me..we all cant route for the same person cuz then what would we all have to talk

  110. That would be a good twist, Brian. Well, maybe its not really a twist. But still a good idea. Shake things up.

  111. I hope whoever wins gets Memphis out of the house, it would be hard to do unless they nominate Keesha and Memphis together, that way Reeny would vote out Mem, Jerry would vote out Mem, then the other vote wouldn’t matter. Memphis is too damn good at the game and needs to go…

  112. @Brian: Tonight’s winner could only compete in the second competition of the Double Eviction night, not the first one. It’s going to be just like 2 nights crammed into one. Crazy exciting!

  113. Final 4…Dan, Memphis, Keesha, and Renny…Thats the way I want it at least and then Dan and whoever in final 2 and Dan to win it alllllll

  114. Of corse you did…:)
    I can’t wait for game day…I am afraid we lost too many good players though

  115. I want Memphis too..cuz he is just gonna sit around let everyone go at it, do basically nothing and then win.
    I also liked Jessie . . I go for the underdoggs!

  116. Ollie & Dan are telling each other they will not put the other one up, neither want to drop

  117. i liked jessie too!
    i thought he was funny.
    he just MEGA loved himself, all the time. and didn’t even try to hide it. his goodbye speech to steven? unreal!


  119. Ollie and Dan are talking deals but neither are giving in. Can see this live on BB After Dark on Showtime. Memphis was shaking and hunched over, but he is now wrapped in blanket and drinking something hot. Seems to be okay.


  121. yeah…that is the way football goes…It really sucked being here for the game against the hogs too…

  122. I love BR, but after they started that work on I-10 it got so bad..and Sherwood forest was ALWAYS crappy! I think I want to go back to New Orleans.

  123. Ollie does not want to drop, Dan wont drop, they have both promised each other safety. Dan wants a 2 for 1 deal meaning he wants to ensure Memphis too. Ollie wont go for that deal. They are still hang’n

  124. i actually work as a teacher in br … but had to go down sherwood to get to my apartment…i hated going down there…I love New Orleans too…its so lively and beautiful

  125. is it just strange that almost all the HOH ends with the “best friend” of the just evicted houseguest winning?

  126. It is…the strangest thing about this town is there are no flowers…you see flowers everywhere in BR and NO but they don’t plant them is so strange..

  127. lost the love of his life, and the competition… at least he didn’t find out that she’s a demon yet. that would really be the worst day ever for him.

  128. that is strange….bring them some magnolia trees and azalea bushes for cryin out loud…lol *i think that is how you spell azalea..?

  129. if he promised ollie safety maybe he’ll take his cross off again and do what he needs to do!

  130. ahh yes, i assume he’ll catch on when she shows him her underground lair surrounded by flames.

  131. Damn it Dan…I hope you are smart enough to know that when you said that you would not put up Ollie OR Manshelle you realize that it means you just can’t put up one of them but the other is fair game!!!! Gosh I hope that was the agreement because otherwise Dan is an idiot.

  132. he should just tuck that cross away somewhere safe…
    everyone knows that shady decisions you make on vacation don’t count..

  133. or maybe he’ll just forge his own confessional out of cash… and think about how worth it it was.

  134. Why do people think that anyone’s religious beliefs need to remain intact during this game…this is a GAME. Lies in the context of a game are just part of a game and I’m pretty sure the Catholic religion won’t throw you out for lying in a game. Heck, that would mean that Catholics could never bluff in Poker, etc.

  135. I think he should put up Jerry and Renny…those 2 are getting on my nerves..I like Renny but she’s scary with the “god mother” attitude and told Dan that if he used the POV that she would see him as a traitor…crazy

  136. I agree Stupididiots….leave the religion at the door as long as you’re not really hurting someone just play the game.

  137. renny is pretty badass.
    i’m down with her godmother shit, adds a lil flava.

    jerry on the other hand…. needs to go be 80 somewhere else.

  138. I like Renny….but she’s a little out Dan knows she’s out for Memphis…so i’m thinking he’ll put her up.

  139. as long as dan and memphis hold it down.. i’m happy.
    i wouldn’t mind ollie joining forces with them either. i think i would rather like him without Demon holding his reigns.

  140. ya…he played a really good game tonight considering he hasn’t thought for himself all season with demon up his butt.

  141. exactly!
    combined they would be a trifecta of victory.

    if only they could read our master plan..

  142. maybe we should send them a banner. gonna go now…it was great here…you guys are really fun….i can sleep in peace now knowing that dan is night all!

  143. Anyone who thinks Dan is anything but a nice, straight forward guy, is an idiot. Dan and Memphis are the only ones in the house that have been playing a normal, honest game without switching sides every 2 minutes and talking crap about everyone else in the house. Everyone there are a bunch of psycho weirdos except Dan and Memphis – I hope they go to the end together!! I want Jerry out, and thank goodness Dan won HOH. GO DAN!!!!!!!!!!

  144. OMG…Lisa it is very creepy how you are SO passionate about these people like you know them and would call people names that don’t agree…CREEPY. Memphis lies ALL the time. Dan has switched alliances. A piece of advice…go get a hobby, go to the gym, take that vacation you always dreamed off…basically get a life. This is JUST a game!!!

  145. Lisa is totally right, Dan and Memphis are the only things close to nice people in this house. Keesha is great too, but screams alot for no reason (and gets boozed up, too).
    Ollie and Manchelle are probably the only people who’s word is dirt (especially Ollie, I wanna see what plans Dan and Ollie have come up with. Don’t believe him AGAIN, Dan. You know what happened to Brian.

  146. Not yet. Still on trivia feeds waiting for the results to come back. Everyone but Ollie is playing.

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