Big Brother 10 Week 7 Expected Nominations – Downfall of Dan

Ed. note – Today is the last day to enter to win FX Networks’ giveaways: The Shield Season 6 DVDs & Sons of Anarchy autographed poster.

I like Dan. I’ve enjoyed his approach to Big Brother 10. He’s been calculating, smooth, effective, and the only one in the house to play like he’s got a plan. So after last night’s win you’d think he’d be sitting pretty, right? Sadly, I think we just met the downfall of Dan.

In the final moments of the nearly four hour endurance HoH competition Dan swung next to Ollie and made a terrible promise. First, Ollie would be safe from nomination and PoV backdoor. Second, Michelle would be safe from nomination and PoV backdoor. Third, should the PoV be used, Ollie would then select the PoV nomination. E-gad, Brain.

With only four HGs remaining to pick from Dan will have to select to nominate two of the following: Jerry, Renny, Keesha, and Memphis. I think it’s obvious what Dan will have to do. He’ll nominate Jerry and Renny but I don’t like it at all. The nominations should be Ollie and Michelle, or even out of respect for Ollie’s deal Dan could nominate Jerry and Michelle. But Renny? Why make a new enemy at this point? Renny was bitter 6 weeks after Jerry nominated her and there’s less than a month to go in Big Brother 10.

Dan’s deal was terrible. No way around that. But maybe there’s a way he can fix the situation. Dan needs to go back to Ollie and explain that he’ll be safe, but he can’t keep Michelle safe. What’s Michelle really going to do for Ollie anyway? Why’s he pushing for her safety? Has April been gone so long that he’s already looking for a new ‘undercover’ partner? Suck it up, Dan, and break the deal. Michelle is already against you, so nominating her won’t change a thing. Renny, on the other hand, is an enemy I wouldn’t want to make just yet.

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Dan’s noms will be revealed today. Sign up for the free BB10 email updates and get the results in your Inbox!



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  1. I totally agree that Dan’s deal was the worst..I hope Dan “re-nigs” on the deal and puts Ollie and Michelle up for nomination or backdoor one of them…I just can’t stand Ollie or Michelle!!!!!

  2. Ollie and Michelle will both give dan a vote if he does a great move. I pray he puts up Michelle and Jerry, if one of them comes off Ollie.

  3. He cant stick to this plan! That would definately be his downfall-Renny trusts him more than memphis right now. If he puts her up he will be top on her traitor list for next week. This is not a good deal!! Come on Dan! Put up Jerry and Michelle

  4. Dan can stay true to Ollie, but I think it is time for Dan to explain that it was an unrealistic deal and made at a time when stress etc was high. We have seen many times where people did not keep a promise under these circumstances (remember James put up Matty when he promised Natalie he wouldn’t). It’s a game. I would meet with Renny, Keesha and Memphis, explain where he is out, get their input and start a plan to get Mechelle and Jerry up and out. If one of them win POV, put up Ollie.

  5. I can’t believe he went thru with it!!..I remember @ the begining of the game when Brian, Dan and Ollie had their little alliance and Ollie went back on his word because of that “ho” April and caused the downfall of that alliance..I wonder why Dan didn’t think about that and take back his promise to save Ollie!!!! I hope he changes his mind and backdoors Ollie!!!!

  6. Memphis just said to Dan, “let me use the PoV”. Sounds more like to me that Memphis won it, not Keesha.

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