April’s nominations are in after less than 24 hours in her new role as the Big Brother 10 HoH. My first guess had been that we’d see Jerry and Memphis in the hot seats. I was close and that’s okay, because I like these choices even better!
Big Brother 10 Week 4 Nominations: Jessie and Memphis
The Power of Veto competition will take place Saturday late night Friday, so watch it all live and uncensored as Jessie and Memphis pout, whine, and then pout some more. Sign-up now and save with the discounted feeds ($2 off the monthly rate)!
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Yes!!! Good job April and AP(Dan)..Jesses needs to goooo
I think it might finally happen this week! See ya Jessie…
actually its better stratigicly to get memphis out now..
because jessie after libra and jerry.
we got no clue who memphis is after
This is not good while April needed to keep her word . if Jessie goes home just for the fun of it I’d like to see Michelle win. not Memphis because Keesha (the dyslexic BB who is a complete idiot) will be utterly SAFE most likely going to jury. thats PATHETIC>am i not the only one that thinks that<
If Jessie stays Dan will be furthered in this game. If memphis leaves i would Love love love if Jessie wins HOH(I hate the guy. but i love Dan. and Dan would be so safe) Jessie’s arrogant but I mean, he’s in an OK alliance. I don’t see them winning or getting too long but I do see Michelle going to jury.
I’ve never been a fan of Mich but she gave it to April in the competitioon. Good for her because April had long to go in her. I don’t see that because alot of them are more in shape and that was a difficult comp.