On tonight’s episode of Big Brother 10 Jessie, the new HoH, will have to announce his two nominations. After having won a tight HoH competition last week where the balance of the house could have dramatically shifted in the other direction, Jessie and his new partner in crime, Memphis, will have control.
The obvious expectation from most would be for Jessie to nominate Renny, because as he told Julie Chen, their feud isn’t over yet. If you can’t wait for tonight and want those spoilers, click here to find out who Jessie nominated.
If you’re following the live feedBig Brother 10 spoilers then keep an eye out for the PoV ceremony results which should happen today. Sign up for the free Big Brother 10 updates and you’ll get the spoilers emailed to you as they happen.
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I wasn’t aware this show was still on.