Big Brother 10 ‘Together Again’ With New CBS Commercial

Today marks the ’30 Day Countdown’ until the premiere of Big Brother 10 on CBS! Oh yes, loyal fans, the return of BB is almost upon us and CBS is here to light the way with a new commercial celebrating the highlights of past seasons.

Right now we’ve got a clean slate, a wide open opportunity for the arrival of a new Dr. Evil or Evel Dick or… wait! Does a player have to be ‘evil’ to entertain us? Perhaps there’s a connection. What do you think?

After you finish enjoying that video, check out James Rhine from BB6 in the new music video from the Pussycat Dolls. No kidding, he’s really in there!

[flv:/videos/bb10/BB10_commercial_2.flv 425 355]

Check out lots of great Big Brother 10 articles from all over on the front page.

Source: BB Insider



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  1. I Would like to see more African Americans on the show, or more minorities. I am not the only one that feels this way. I have even considered not watching at all. There was only one African American on the last two seasons and I was not pleased at all!!!!

  2. I’m surprised by this as well. Diversifying the crowd in the BB house in the past has provided some great characters. Hopefully they’ll get a clue this season.

  3. About peeps there I think they do a good job with the people they pick. Reasons for all and maybe not that many apply. If it ends up alot of threats etc wouldnt be fun no more. So good job. Thank-u

  4. @Dawn: No cast reveals yet. You can expect those in early July, per past season’s records.

  5. @Peggy: Still no word yet on the cast. You can expect that info in about 2 weeks, would be my guess.

  6. last season was the worst of them all. i hope they do a better job this season, its my favortie show and i never miss it!

  7. the show is best when they find a diverse group of people . young and old to every type of american culture .

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  1. Big Brother 10 Has 13 Guests, 1 New Commercial, & 0 Amber | Big Brother 10 Network
  2. Big Brother 10 Countdown To New Season Cast And Theme Reveals | Big Brother 10 Network

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