Big Brother 10 Final HoH Part 3 & Eviction Results

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Welcome, Big Brother 10 fans! Tonight will be the second most exciting night of the season as we’ll watch the Final Two of BB10 lock-in their winnings of at least $50,000.

Who will win tonight in part 3 of the final HoH competition when Dan, the winner of part 1, and Memphis, the winner of part 2, face off? Let’s find out!

Meanwhile, don’t miss your chance to win one of Dan’s “TAKEN” t-shirts!

Just like BB9, we’ll have the chance to vote on America’s Choice for which jury member will win an extra $25,000. I’m voting for Renny!

Final HoH Competition: “What did the HG say?”

  • Question 1: Dan gets a point
  • Question 2: Memphis gets a point
  • Question 3: Both get a point
  • Question 4: Neither get a point
  • Question 5: Dan gets a point
  • Question 6: Dan gets a point

Dan is the final HoH!

Live Eviction:

  • Dan : Evict Jerry

Jerry has been evicted from the Big Brother 10 house.

Dan and Memphis, The Renegades, are the Final Two for BB10! Sunday’s episode will be a clip show from the season. Tuesday will be the big finale.

Watch the Renegades live and uncensored in the final days – Free Trial

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  1. Although Jerry might be going tonight, people have to admit that he’s been a real lucky old man to make it this far. You got to give him credit for that.

  2. Damn, I can’t watch tonights show! I live in Southeast Texas and CBS has been covering Hurricane IKE all day. So I will be keeping a close watch on this AWESOME site. THANKS BB NETWORK! :) GO DAN… ALL THE WAY! :)

  3. Lulu…. i live in the same area as wel… its frustrating not be able to watch!! do we really need 4 channels covering the same forecast???? damn!

  4. Leelah, I know right??? it’s ridiculous! all this coverage has been on since this morning. i think we get the idea. anyways, i’m just sitting here waiting for something to get posted! :/

  5. Rock on Renegades! I am so thrilled. Just what I wanted to see happen. I hope Dan takes the #1 slot!!

  6. I love how Memphis already had his bandana on and how he worked the word renegade into his speech. Classic!!! Can’t believe Dan didn’t bust out laughing. Loved the celebration after Jerry close dthe door as well. The two most deserving players are right where they need to be. Oh and April can suck it!!! They aren’t cocky. They’re just smart. She’s jealous. Oh well. Hope Dan wins it all. Go Team Renegades!!!

  7. i am in the houston area as well. i am pissed i dont get to see tonights show. the updates rock….did they show the jury house and the last few to leave to enter? i want details i hope renny ripped april’s ass if she talk shit about keesha.

  8. DAN IS not a nice man, he all of sudden forgot about his religion. He is morbit, perverted and fake. I hope memphis win at least he has been consistent. Dan is driking and in the beginning he tryed to pretend that he was holier that thou. I hope he looses his job. He does not deserve to work with young boys.

  9. Dan is awesome. I am sure he is an outstanding teacher and role model for the boys at his school. He’s just being a guy. And he has played the game extremely well.

  10. seeCee… your comment doesn not make sense.. when did he forget about his religion??.. you just jealous cos u not as smart as him.. ahahahaaaa!!!

  11. SeeCee – I’m not sure why you think Dan is “morbit”, and what exactly “driking” is, but you are nuts. Dan never used his religion for anything, Jerry used his military honor for more than Dan used his religion. He’s playing a GAME for goodness sake!!! A GAME!! ON TV!! For $500K! I shudder to think what you would do for $500K. But playing the game perfectly is exactly what Dan did. I sure hope he wins!!!!

  12. I think Dan played well and it has nothing to do with his religion. If you play poker, are you a sinner if you don’t show your hand or if you bluff? NO! This is a game. he didn’t show his hand. He bluffed. He didn’t make personal attacks at all like calling names (i.e. “Womanizer” and “Judas”). He played the game as he should have. Good for him! I hope he takes the #1 slot!

  13. seeCee, that’s CRAP. . . “dan is not a nice man”. . .what kind of screwed up thinking is that? What kind of rat hole did you come from to post such garbage? Is this game about being a “nice man”. . ?

    Then why bring it up? Dan has been the only consistent player in this game. Dan behavior has been superior, and IMO, you are jealous. Do you consider Jerry a “nice man”. . .. .or “OJ”. . . you just posted nonsensical human waste and it makes me want to puke. I feel sorry for you screwed up system of morality. I am glad you are just an internet wacko.. . . go away. . ..

  14. Dan has played a brilliant game. Memphis while somewhat clever has done nothing but follow Dan’s motives and means being carried along. While both guys are deserving, I think Dan’s gameplay definitely earned him 500K. He’s taken every route to assure himself a place in the final two. GO DAN!

  15. seeCee…you have issues. What the hell is “morbit”?? Dan never did anything that is worth him being fired. He played the game. And even the most Holy people (including Pastor’s) get excited enough to slip out a curse word or celebrate with a drink. FYI idiot: people drank wine in the Bible all the time. So, STFU.

  16. Seecee, apparently coming on this page and commenting was a mistake. You must be a new bb viewer because no one wins this game being “nice and honest”. That’s why they keep emphasizing that fact on the show all the time. Or don’t you pay attention to the details? Just that Dan is “not a nice man.” Get a life Seecee. Go Team Renegades!!!

  17. Memphis won the car and I think he makes more money than Dan. Should the winner need the money the most or have played the best?

  18. I don’t think needing the money has anything to do with who should win. Everyone needs money, who has $500K lying around?? Memphis got a car (that’s probably only worth about $25K from what they say) and Dan won $20K being America’s Player. Memphis is a bartender, and Dan is a school teacher. I think the only thing that matters at this point is who played the game best. I like Memphis, and I will be happy to see him win $50K, but I think Dan played the best game. Hopefully the jury sees that and votes the right way.

  19. Dan played the best game. Memphis won POV when he needed it but he got carried early in the game. Both of them had some luck and they owe Keesha, big time. Dan should win, but the Jury is a bunch of idiots for the most part. I think Keesha, Renny and Michelle will vote for who they think played the best game. The rest of them will vote against the person they dislike the most.

    Renny will probably win America’s choice, although I wouldn’t vote for her. I’d vote for Keesha. Renny is weird and I think Keesha deserves something out of this game.

  20. Hey hey ho ho. . . where did all the Dan haters go. . ..hey hey ho ho. . .where did all the haters go. . . ?

    You Dan haters slay me. . . . . you hate success and superior play. . . .you hate people who earn status. . ..and cheer for leeches(OJ), perverts(Jerrrky), nutballs (Michelle) and ignorant loud mouths (Hillary. . . .errrr, wrong topic, the Ape). .

    Keep hating. . ..but Next Tuesday Dan is going to be much wealthier and you will still jealous gits. . . .


  21. I hope Dan wins. Not only is he a teacher, he is a Catholic school teacher. I know from personal experience that they make much less than the already sad salaries public school teachers make.

  22. Seecee r u related to April,Michelle,or Olley? Because anyone thats watched BB in the past & loyal fans know the game!And those sore losers didn’t know how to play the game! You must have missed the episode w/the kidsfromSt.Mary’swho Dan also coaches,they’re not exactly small kids!Never has anyone NOT even EVIL DICK stooped lower&he wasn’t even POND SCUM! And you darlin join the rest of them that have no sportsmanship exept THEY were on NATIONAL TV & Jesses 1 BIG BABY! GO RENEGADES!

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