Big Brother 10 Final HoH Part 2 Spoilers Results

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The live feeds are back on Big Brother 10 and with it comes news of who won part 2 in the final HoH competition. Memphis and Jerry faced off this afternoon after Dan won in part 1 last night. No surprise here:

Memphis is the winner of Part 2!

Part 3 will play out live on Thursday night between Dan and Memphis. Who do you think will win?

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  1. If Dan is really smart, he will allow Memphis to win pt 3 and then it will be Memphis who has to PUNK Jerry on National TV and humiliate him. . . .it will be Memphis who Jerry would hate and I would be Dan who Jerry would vote for. . ..big stakes. . .HUGE risk, but that’s Dan. . .

    Renegades, baby. . .

  2. from the feeds JUST NOW, it looks like Memphis wants to win so he can vote out jerry.

    i’m really, really scared that memphis will back out in the end and take jerry with him. i dont know, a gut feeling i have.

    am i crazy to think this will happen?

  3. i am scared of the same thing. i want memphis in the F2 but i want dan to win part 3 because i definitely dont trust memphis to take dan.

  4. I’m afraid DAN might “throw” the 3rd part, so that Memphis has to do the dirty work and get the “blood” on his hands. And I’m afraid if Memphis DOES win part 3, he’ll choose Jerry. I hope Dan makes a smart move and plays the 3rd part with all he’s got. I believe it will be a mental one, and he’s very good at those. GO DAN! :)

  5. I think Dan has played too smart to throw such an important competition when it counts most. You would think that Memphis and Dan would be able to trust each other completely at this point, they have been loyal to each other, and kinda resemble the Dr. Will/Mike alliance, and they never turned on each other (just everyone else! :) I don’t think Dan would care if Memphis got the blood on his hands, cause in all honesty, I don’t think there’s any way Jerry will vote for Dan in the end even if Memphis evicts him. He has hated Dan, undeservedly, for a long time, calling him names, and being completely irrational. Dan has never done anything to him personally, and never did anything that others hadn’t done before him, or since. But Jerry doesn’t strike me as a rational, intelligent person with common sense!

  6. The reason Memphis WON’t backstab Dan if he wins the 3rd comp is because he thinks there is A LOT of money to be made outside of this game as part of the RENEGADES. . . . and there can be no Renegades of Memphis backstabs Dan and doesn’t take him to the F2.

    The F2 is a 99% certainty,. . .. its the Renegades.

  7. I don’t think Dan will throw Part 3. This is too important and he already knows that Jerry won’t vote for him so he’s got nothing to lose but his chance at a half million dollars.

    Being the one to vote out Jerry won’t hurt Dan.

  8. i also am very, very afraid that if menphis wins final hoh that because of keishas final speech he will be afraid that he wont be able to beat dan in the end. i personally feel that dan is the only one that has really played the game.

  9. According to my predictions, Dan will become the final and most powerful Head-Of-Household winner tomorrow night. I have a feeling that 75-year-old grandfather Jerry will be the last contestant to be evicted from the Big Brother House tomorrow night, leaving Dan and Memphis in the final two.
    Kevin Silvestris
    Worcester, MA

  10. Does anyone think Dan will actually throw the competition tomorrow like he told Memphis he would? Or do you think he will try his best to win it?

  11. I think Dan is a shrewd player and knows what he’s doing. I really think he will try his best to win Part 3 and not chance Memphis taking Jerry. I think Dan will enjoy evicting Jerry knowing he won’t have his vote anyway. Has anyone thought there could be a chance that Dan thinks he could win if he takes Jerry and not Memphis? I hope not- but it’s a thought.

  12. I think that Dan should go all the way, although Memphis may have other plans. I still feel bad for Keesha. I think that her and Dan would have been a better match…Man against Woman.

  13. I hope that Dan does not risk taking Jerry. I really dont think that he can win against Jerry,. I really hope that Dan thinks about all the factors.

  14. Omg…what the hell is wrong with you people?? Jerry is an amazing player…hes 75 years old, while most his age are sitting in a nursing home watching this game, he is playing it, and aparently doing a good job..Memphis does not deserve to win bc he is a snake…and Dan too…I really liked Dan until the whole thing with Keisha went down, he played it up like he didnt want her to go, when he really did! Any man of Jerrys age and his history deserves to win…so I hope Memphis wins and takes Jerry to the end…

  15. Mrs. W. . . jerry is a effing jerk. Maybe you missed his vile and contemptable language he used earlier in the game. Everyone gets mad and upset in this game, but the hateful crapola he was tossing out there should not be forgotten or forgiven. He’s a pig and should be treated that way. 75? By a person’s 75th year, he should know better. . . apparently he doesn’t. He needs to be shunned and forgotten.

    These HG are very lucky I am not in this house. . .if I was, those spiders would be dead. . . . dead. . . . dead. . .

    Jerry has less than 20 hours left in the BB house. . . .thank goodness. . . the intelligence of the house will go up 75 points. . .

  16. What the hell is wrong with Mrs. W? Jerry isn’t amazing – player OR person. Just because he’s 75 doesn’t make him a nice person. He’s a disgusting pig who got mad at Dan when America had him vote out Jessie, and has made insane rants and called everyone names ever since. He’s a total jerk, and I can’t wait for him to go!! Dan and Memphis deserve to win, and it’s going to happen.

  17. Here’s my thoughts.I.have no doubt in my mind that memphis will take dan to the final 2 if he wins hoh. Not too long ago when dan was on the block, memphis used the pov on him to save him, exposing their alliance. Memphis will remain loyal.

    Dan I feel may throw it so that memphis will have to vote out jerry. And jerry thinks him and memphis have a pact for the final 2. That is exactly what happened with keesha. Dan would once again get to sit back and let memphis take the blame.

    I hope they both make it to the end though.I like them both b/c they’re good players.

  18. I don’t think, after watching the feeds last night, think Dan trusts Memphis 100%. . .99%?, maybe, but not 100%. . . and because of this, look for Dan to win the final HoH comp . . .

    Renegades all the way, baby. . .

  19. Mrs. W, ok, let’s talk about that old racist’s “history”. He clearly believe black people are inferior. . .nice, history; Since he has in his “history” bought, rented, owned a Korean woman for a month, it is clear he does not hold women in high regard, . . .nice, history; During the first week he was HoH (you know, the position of POWER), yet he wilted and backstabbed his own alliance (Brian), . . .nice, history;

    And oh, by the way, when he was renting, owning or whatever with this Korean girl, he was at least on the verge of getting married to Joanne, his wife, who he later married while he was still in the USMC. Jerry is, was, and always will be a low-life POS. . .no more no less. .. .we don’t need him winning any money so he can make a pit stop in Nevada at some brothel.

    Jerry is scum. . . . and Mrs. W, shame on you for posting that nonsense you did.

  20. I hope Dan thinks this through & comes to the conclusion (most of us will agree on)that he can’t trust Memphis to not go against him & take Jerry.OMG Mrs.W did you not read Pedro’s message about the way Jerry talked @ Keesha’s vagina? He’s a bottom feeder & just because he’s made it to 75 doesn’t make him deserving to win. I’ve heard of people being active & all into their 90’s but that only proves longevity.The only reason he’s stayed this long is luck & others needing to get out over his weak play. On anything that matters he can’t get it done. He uses the Marines to look at least half way respectable. Dan all the way!

  21. Well, Henry you said it all my friend, Jerry is a PIG and I think Dan deserves to win since Keesha is not there anymore. My first pick was Renny and Keesha but hey can’t have it my way all the time. I don’t want Memphis to win because I think he doesn’t need the money either. I want Dan to win the money because he has played the game. I hope Dan isn’t that stupid to throw the final HOH because he can’t trust Memphis to take him. I hope taking Michelle on the outing helped Dan get votes in the Jury House, but I don’t know.

  22. Given the make-up of the jury house (low-life societal scum. . for the most part), I doubt that Dan will win. The jury members don’t value superior game play, they have warped value and grudge systems that will most likely cast their votes against Dan, and not for Memphis.

    Its the world that we live in, and this group is just a reflection of that sad fact. .

    Hoping for Dan, but expecting Memphis to win the game.

    As for tonight’s final HoH comp. . . .Dan is so superior in every way, there is no doubt he will win it. . ..the only comp all season he has lost, that he really tried was the skeetball game, and only a bizarre bounce left him in second place. . . Dan in a waltz in toinights comp.

  23. There’s no way to tell what Memphis will do, although he really hasn’t done anything to show he would go against the Renegade alliance, he has had Dan’s back all through. Talking to Jerry about a deal doesn’t make it so – I think he’s only saying that to cover his butt, in the small chance that Jerry wins, so that Jerry will take him to the finals. He’s just covering all angles. But I think in the end, he’s loyal to Dan. But I don’t think when you’re trying for $500K that you should take anything for granted and take a risk like that by easing up, so Dan’s best bet is to just win and decide himself who goes to the finals. It’s more of an insurance policy. I really don’t see anything shaking the game up, so hopefully Dan wins it all, with Memphis in second. That’s if Dan can get Keesha, Renny, Michelle and Libra, which I think there’s a chance. April and Ollie are just bitter morons. And Jerry…don’t know if he has the intelligence to vote by game play, even with Memphis betraying him recently, he still is on this kick about Dan. Which is so unfounded!

  24. I think Dan will win by mutual agreement, since he don’t have Jerry’s vote anyway. They both know, if they take Jerry, neither one of them will win. It’s a coin toss if they take each other.

  25. I think Dan is counting votes, and he would win without Jerry’s vote anyway. If anyone is going to throw it, it’s going to be Memphis. He knows it’s going to be close and needs every vote he can get.

  26. Jerry is a low life weirdo and a trash mouth, I can only wonder how proud his family is of him the way he talked about Keesha’s private parts and how he trashed others behind their backs as he kisses butt now to Memphis. If he were my husband, Father or friend I would be beside myself with embarassment for the way he talks and back stabs not to mention how he doesn’t wash his hands after he uses the bathroom. 75 doesn’t give him the right to trash people. Ick on Jerry and ICK April and Ollie, two other families that have to be proud (NOT) of being totally embarrassed by April/Ollie their behaviors and how they acted toward others, what shame. And April thinks she can hold her head up high, wait till she reads how people feel toward her game play and her UN-respectable self under the covers with Ollie on Nat’l TV, ICKS….

  27. Dan isn’t going to throw it. They are talking about what they are going to do with the money, Dan even gave Memphis his cross to hold on to, there is no way the two of them are going to turn on each other. Memphis was even the one saying to Dan that he better not screw him over. They made it this far as the Renegades, I don’t think anyone would think too highly of either one if they turned. The thing is, Jerry may possibly win against either of them, so they would be dumb to take him. They will just take each other and see where it all plays out. Either way, they both get money, Dan already has $20K and Memphis has the car, so they will both walk out big winners!

  28. Funny thing about Memphis’ car. Brian and Steven were talking last night on the live feeds and pointed out that the car Memphis won was actually pretty junky and not worth much. The outside had a Maaco quality paint job, but the inside was torn to hell. They thought he should have picked the convertible Mustang because the interior was much, much better.

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