Big Brother 10 Episode Recap – Week 2 Power of Veto Results

Just to make things official, especially after last week’s PoV spoiler blunder, here are the confirmed broadcast results for Big Brother 10 Week 2 Power of Veto.

As originally reported, Michelle won the Power of Veto. At the PoV ceremony she had the option to save either Steven or Dan. She announced her decision to not use the Veto and so Jessie’s nominations remained intact.

Wednesday night, either Steven or Dan or Steven will be going home. Subtle, aren’t I? Who do you think is going home?

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  1. i missed the episode on tuesday the 15 th and don’t know how to find it could by any chance you email it to me i do not have a credit card thank you

  2. @Tenesha: Go to to watch the PoV episode from Tuesday, July 14th. They have the full episodes available online there.

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