Big Brother 10 Cast Fully Revealed – Julie Chen Introduces Us

Wait no longer. The Big Brother 10 cast has now been fully revealed and you can meet them all in the video below. Julie Chen introduces and narrates as we meet our 13 houseguests, ranging from 22 to 75 years old. And wait, what’s this? Not one, but two African-Americans! I only remember that happening in seasons 1 & 7. Back to just one gay male this season and still no lesbians, unless…

The 13 contestants of “Big Brother 10” are:

โ€ข Michelle Costa, 28, real estate agent from Cumberland, R.I.

โ€ข Steven Daigle, 35, geographic consultant from Dallas

โ€ข April Dowling, 30, finance manager from Higley, Ariz.

โ€ข Robert “Memphis” Garrett, 25, mixologist and party planner from Los Angeles

โ€ข Dan Gheesling, 24, high school teacher from Dearborn, Mich.

โ€ข Jessie Godderz, 22, bodybuilder from Huntington Beach, Calif.

โ€ข Ollie, 27, marketing sales representative Minneapolis, MN

โ€ข Jerry MacDonald, 75, retired marketing executive from Magnolia, Texas

โ€ข Renny Martyn, 53, hair salon owner from Metairie, La.

โ€ข Brian Ollie, 27, marketing sales representative from Bloomington, Minn.

โ€ข Keesha Smith, 29, waitress from Burbank, Calif.

โ€ข Angie Swindell, 29, pharmaceutical sales representative from Orlando, Fla.

โ€ข Libra Thompson, 31, human resources representative from Spring, Texas

So what do you think of this new season’s cast? Will Big Brother 10 be the best BB ever? Share your thoughts below then sign up to watch them live & uncensored.

SirLinksaLot: Big Brother 10



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  1. A “mixologist”? Really, “Memphis”? What’s the shame in being a bartender?

  2. Matt, I totally agree, I was a “mixologist” for over 10 years. My guess is the guy has problems getting laid so he leads them to believe he’s a chemist of somesort!! I am dying to see what the twist is this year that would involve a 75 year old man. I think I just figured it out he’s all af their Great Great Great (could go on depending on age) Grandfather!!! ;)

  3. Haha, that’d be a great twist!

    I would also think that saying you’re a bartender would get you laid more than saying you’re a “party planner”!

  4. I guess it depends on who they are trying to lay!!! Are they sure the cowboy is the only gay houseguest??? His own words lead me to believe,,, “hmmm, maybe not!”! Which I don’t mind I’d love the whole house to be gay. That would be the best Big Brother Ever.

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6 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Big Brother 10 House Tour - Julie Chen Walks Us Through | Big Brother 10 Network
  2. Big Brother 10 Cast - First Look Video! | Big Brother 10 Network
  3. Big Brother 10 Houseguests Have Entered The House | Big Brother 10 Network
  4. Big Brother 10 Day 2 Inside The House - Spoilers | Big Brother 10 Network
  5. Big Brother 10 State Of The House - What We Know Pre-Premiere | Big Brother 10 Network
  6. Big Brother 10 Premieres Tonight On CBS 9pm ET/PT | Big Brother 10 Network

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