Voting has ended for the first America’s Care Package with a special power and this week that’s to help one BBOTT HG save an ally from danger, but it doesn’t say it’ll be saving both of them. Find out who has scored the debut prize.
Julie delivered the latest twist announcement to the Houseguests on Wednesday which marked the start of our chance to get involved and impact the game. But just like last season there needs to be strategy involved for viewers as this could quickly turn tricky if a fan fav needs help farther down the line on Big Brother Over The Top.
Houseguests gathered in the backyard at 1:03 PM BBT if you’d like to go back and watch as the package drops and we discover… Kryssie won the first ACP!
She reads the rule card which says she is not safe but gets to pick one HG to be safe. Kryssie must make her selection before the first Safety Ceremony on Saturday. Kryssie thanked America. Monte suggested America doesn’t care and is just “trying to make chaos.” Not so much, Monte.
Voting was open at with the results revealed on Friday after this closes at 10AM PT on Friday.
This week’s advantage is “Save A Friend” which lets the recipient protect one other Houseguest from eviction this week. But as noted above this doesn’t suggest the week’s ACP winner will also be safe. That could change up the HoH’s nomination plans when she finds out who has the power and needs to draw it out to be used strategically to her own advantage.
Check out the full list of ACP powers this season so you can start to plan ahead and make sure you don’t use up someone’s chance at something better later.
One note from Julie Chen was that if in any week the remaining HGs have all received an ACP then they will be allowed to repeat their chance at being eligible, so that’s something else to keep in mind for later weeks.
Go here to vote in the America’s Care Package Vote and use up your 20 votes each day. Remember that you must be signed in to All Access and subscribed as well so get the Free Trial and now join the game this summer. Then be sure to vote in our poll below for you want to receive the advantage.
We need to think this thru America! Alex is HOH so if we give this to someone on the other side of the house, it will make things tricky for Alex. Which is really why this is fun, right? Maybe Krissy? She’s loyal to her group.
It’s amazing how America just has to try to screw up peoples game. As if Kristy deserves it. Must be because she’s on Jason’s side. He just as bad as the rest of the house if not worse. Wanting to screw up someone’s game because it’s fun is just as bad as some of the houseguest’s.
That’s exactly what the players in the house are doing. Screw up each others game. Now, BB decided to involved the fans in the game. Then, what do you expect the fans would do? Screw up their least fav player or help their fav player. It is what it is…so vote.
Sure as long as it’s for someone on Jason’s side. Think not.
Sure..I will screw his game up too.
I like the way you think too! I voted so that it may screw both sides of the house equally. Can’t seem to help myself.
Right Joni! ..Let’s have a good time with OTT.
I’m not trying to screw up anyone’s game. Alex is my fav player in the house. But, I want to play the game with America. It would be boring if everything went only 1 way. So we have the ability to shake it up and make it go multiple ways. Also, I don’t know what you mean by “as bad as the rest of the house”. This cast is one of the best in years!
Well, I’m saying it….’I’m trying to screw up somebody’s game’…Remember, I’m (America) a player too.
That may be so . But your not in their competing trying your best to the prize.
I’m only voting..that’s all I can do. Not much…just a subscriber.
I’m a subscriber too but I didn’t subscribe do I can mess up peoples games. Those a lot more at stake then us subscribers do.
Dude..Vote however you want.
Well said Cyril !
Not me. Maybe when one of the others is HOH I will but I love Alex and don’t want to screw up her game. She’s a good player. So far she’s my favorite.
My vote will benefit both Alex and Justin! :-)
I can’t stand Justin. He’s degrading to women. And he makes to many disgusting comments. His stories are sick. He’s not even funny he’s just a smart ass.
We’re not screwing up the game. This IS the game. The TV version is played a certain way and the online version appears to be a totally different game. Big Brother is giving us the best of both worlds.
I don’t want Krissy or Jason either. People talk about the girls (plastics) which by the way is a stupid name, but at least they’re playing the game and talk game when they’re together. The other group talks about all the girls instead of game. Calling them plastics makes them sound jealous.
give it to shelby so she can save whoever the americas nominee is
this vote is before the nominee vote so we wont know that yet.
the vote is but it doesnt mean she has to use it before the nominee vote…but yeah im not positive when they will force the winner to choose someone
I could vote for her too. I voted for Scott today because I thought he would be smart about it but it would be funny to see Shelby get it since Danielle and Justin don’t like her. And I can’t stand Justin or Danielle.
This package can blow up the house….Perfect!
Vote Shelby
Damn I forgot about David. Okay tomorrow he gets my votes.
How you doin LG..done with surg?
No I have it on the 18th. Be in the hospital for 5 days. So I probably won’t be on here after it for awhile.
vote for kryssie
No way.
Yes way. :)
Na. Think not
Vote for alex! She is a true fan who sint scared to cause paranoia in the house! And she can acctuallu win comps
but she’s hoh! save it for when she really needs it.
I agree
As long as Jason is safe. That’s all that matters.
Yeah, I like Jason too. :)
Liked him the first few days but now that he has his army around him he’s back to being the same rude ignorant Jason from 17.
I actually thought he came in pretty cocky and A know it all in the beginning. He reminds me of a mean girl.
Can the winner use it to save themselves or does it have to be another HG? It could go to Jason but then he can’t have another one, and he could still be nominated?
No. According to what CBS posted, the winner of this CP can only use it to save a friend. That does not mean they will be safe.
Oh. I guess I misread the CP..So when is the ACP that has three choices gonna be? It’s a good package…and what is the package we vote now?.
Save a friend.
Thanks LG…then I’ll save David.
Why are people voting for Jason. You people realize this package isnt very good and he can only get one. ffs
Agreed I think we should save the ACP for Jason until next week when there are a variety of veto options. That is a care package that could really benefit his game. Furthermore, I think Jason will be safe this week b/c Alex has mentioned several times that she is targeting Shane & Danielle and I don’t want to put Jason in the position to go against the HOH to save Danielle. Danielle has done pretty good so far in flipping the house to vote a certain way, I say let her do it again without putting a target on Jason’s back…
Alex could be gaming us fans saying those 2 are her targets when she really wants Jason. I bet pretty soon the cast will try to game us.
Lol I doubt it. She’s made it very clear in wanting either Shane or Danielle out
Okay, so… did anybody else read all of them though? Yeah, some of them are little whatevers, but so many of them are freakin’ HUGE! Us picking who gets the Veto in a DE? Us picking someone to advance to the F4?
Too much, way too much☹️
I enjoy the interaction but I feel we’ve been given too much power. I realize people like Jason and a few of the people on his side but America is going to make this game boring very soon imo. America gets to nominate someone every week and vote to evict. We are basically given HOH every week. Would you really want to watch one player win HOH every week? So far the first HOH had no say in what happened and it sounds like people are going to screw over Alex too. Now add in all these packages it’s going to be almost impossible for the Monte/Plastics to do anything. They are all playing the game hard, winning competitions, and trying to make big moves, but sounds like they are going to be eliminated every week until gone. I hope I’m wrong because this was one of the best casts in ages, but I’m worried America is going to ruin this season now.
I agree. I like having some power but the care packages are too much power. So the popular ones will get everything and the players that are playing a good game will go home. I don’t like it.
I agree also. While it may be fun for us to pick a nominee, it has to be extremely frustrating for the HOH because whatever plans they made can’t be controlled because of our influence. Never in 1 million years would cornbread have been voted out under Monte’s HOH without our interference. In my opinion basically America is playing and they are just our chess pieces. For those who are strategically thinking and winning comps it has to be tremendously frustrating that their power is being undermined.
These twists are a lot of fun, and I’m enjoying them. Reading all the care packages, there are some very cool ones in there.
However, it bums me out that this season is probably going to screw over players like Scott and Alex: potentially great players stuck on the side of the house America dislikes. Of course, I’m a hypocrite about this; when we can use our powers to get out Monte, I’m thrilled because I can’t stand to watch the guy. But after he goes, I like everyone left in the house, and it’s going to suck watching the fans go after the Plastics or whoever it is they set their sights on.
Still loving the season, and the optimist in me thinks that this will just force the people on the wrong side of the house to step up their game and make the twists work for them, which could bring us an exciting season and a really deserving winner. But at the same time, if America just carries someone through the game it’s going to suck.
I am not watching this version but I am enjoying reading all of the comments. I think of it as viewers having a chance to be a “houseguest” without actually being in the house.Viewers are always going to complain when their favorite gets voted out.
I agree Pelican, American’s meddling is going to really screw things up. IMO there’s WAY too much viewer voting going on here.
Giving the CP to Jason doesn’t help him at all if he’s nominated since he can’t use it himself. If Alex puts up Shane and Danielle it could be useful if fans want to save one of them. Only if we’re sure One would save the other. This is pretty cool. Fans have to really use strategy. Who ever uses this power will have a target on their back though.
I’m enjoying this season now that I finally understand how to watch and keep up with up. The TV version would be a disaster with all the casual viewers voting wrong (ie Corey got a CP), but this is great so far for live feed fans.
Does anyone have the full list of ACPs? You can’t see it on CBS if you don’t have all access
Week 1 Oct.1- Oct.7- ‘Save a Friend’ it gives the winner the power to keep one of their housemates from eviction this week.
Week 2 Oct 13- Oct. 14 Pick a Veto- The winner will get to pick which Veto they’ll be competing for this week
1. Diamond Veto- remove someone, and and name the replacement
2 Double Veto- Two Vetoes will be awarded in the comp. and in play this week.
3.Boomerang Veto- The winner of this Veto will be able to use it twice. That means, the holder can remove two people in the chopping block at the Veto meeting.
Week 3 Oct 20-Oct 21- ‘The Safety Servant’ Whoever wins will be safe from eviction this week. He/she also has to be HoH personal servant. Has to follow every command from BB.
Week 4 Oct 27- Oct 28 ‘Eliminate 3 Evictions’ The power to eliminate 3 eviction votes. It will prevent 3 HG’s of their choosing from voting in next weeks eviction.
Week 5 Nov 3 -Nov 4 Co HoH will be safe and will nominate one of the two.
Week 6 Nov 9- Nov 11 ‘Double Eviction Veto’ During this weeks double eviction, the HG will not compete in a Veto comp. instead will be awarded the POV
Week 7 Nov.17- Nov 18 ‘The Final Four Challenge’ The winner of this package will have a chance to automatically advance to F4, but they will have to complete a challenge given by BB
Fun times ahead!!!
I don’t want Krissy, Jason (rude big mouth) Shane (Danielle’s lap dog) Justin (disgusting rude big mouth) or Danielle getting this one. They’ll just save one of them and I don’t like that group. Funny how in the first few days I liked them but wow have they changed. They’re the mean group. And Danielle and Justin are the leaders. At least the girls are playing the game. And finally a girls alliance that I think can work. I voted for Scott and not because he’s my favorite but because he knows the game and think he’ll make a smart choice.
Yeah, and I honestly don’t get why we keep calling them “the Plastics.” Unless I missed it, the girls haven’t settled down to officially name this alliance, or have even come out and said that there IS an alliance.
No it was Krissie, Jason and Danielle that started it. Because they’re the pretty girls. Just jealous.
Thought it was Scott that started it.Then everyone else went along with it.
Which is stupid, because they’re not an official alliance and now it’s being branded that way by all the fan sites.
Forgot to mention Scott too. They were all discussing it when they were making an alliance that lasted all of a hot second.
Haha true. It’s amazing how fast it crumbled. It dissipated just as fast as it was created. My guess is everyone was probably drunk off of either the excitement of being there or the alcohol.
Nope, it was Scott and he wishes now he hadn’t since Alex is somewhat part of that alliance.
We will be rooting for a different team again this season.
I am for Jason and his crew of the moment.
So when are we going to get on the same page? Lol. I liked Jason the first few days but he’s very cocky now. And his group are the mean ones. You don’t like Alex? I love her. That girl is there to play.
I like Alex, but I don’t want her putting Jason up. I still like him since he hasn’t done anything that bothers me. I like that Alex seems to be playing her own game and not listening to Monte.
I think she wants to work with Jason. They could be a strong duo. And Monte has got to go. They need him for numbers right now but then I hope he goes.
I voted for Morgan, so that she could keep Monte safe, not that I particularly root for him but I don’t want the other side to get the power. They got there lick in last week getting cornbread out. Keeping it fair ?
Morgan is a good one too. I voted Scott the first time now I’m not sure who to vote for. I wish I knew who the majority is voting for. I think it would be funny if Shelby got it just to freak out the other side.
And the target is set. Shane.
I thought their target was Danielle
I thought it was either or..just as long as they’re split up for good! I hope it’s Shane and not Danielle, though, that has to leave if America’s Vote of Monte doesn’t! LOL
Is Shane with Monte or the opposite team? He seems to be playing both sides like Scott.
He’s playing both sides.
So Alex still hasn’t told anybody that she was the one that threw the hinky vote. That why I think we should give the Care Package to Danielle so that everybody know that America didn’t vote to evict Danielle. And then the paranoia would start again about the hinky vote.
Alex did tell one person – her sister.
Make sense. I just saw Alex feigning ignorance in front of Shelby and Whitney, so I knew the secret wasn’t out yet.
That’s a good thought. However, if we do so, it’s setting up Danielle to be evicted assuming she uses the power to save Shane. Then the houseguests might think we did it intentionally against Danielle. (Of course, America will probably get in the way again with their nominee).
I don’t think she should say anything and do the same thing each week. nobody will ever suspect.
Since I won’t be here tomorrow, daughter is having gallbladder surgery, I’m making sure I get all 40 of my votes in! Gotta get up early tomorrow morning to head to the hospital. Pray all goes well and good luck to you, hope your vote helps your favorite HG out!
I’ll say some prayers for her, Joni. Hope all goes well.
I hope all went well.
Everything went smoothly, thanks! She had her gallbladder removed as it was low-functioning and very inflamed. They also removed two lymph nodes which were unusually enlarged and sent them off to be biopsied, but because her labs were good, they weren’t too concerned that it would be a bad result and predicted it was due to the gallbladder being inflamed for as long as it was. I’m not worried about that outcome at all. She was very hungry today and ate a lot of food without throwing it up. Progress finally in the right direction! Hubby and I got to babysit our grandbaby all night and most of today and take her to her gymnastics class this morning before heading back to the hospital to hear they were releasing her this afternoon! After daughter was home and comfortable, hubby and I left and went to Red Lobster to treat ourselves! LOLOL Now we’re home for awhile.
It sounds more horrible than it was. I’m glad she’s ok.
I think she shouldn’t overdo the eating just yet or strain herself. I know someone who had the same surgery and it was painful when she lifted her grandchild.
My daughter can’t lift anything over 10 lbs for six weeks, including her daughter who’s at least 16lbs. She can go back to work in a week, since she doesn’t do any lifting at her job. She’s not eating heavy foods, just soup and bread. She hadn’t really been able to eat that before….just a diet of white rice and applesauce for 2 weeks…and even that irritated her stomach. I’m just glad they found the source of her problems and removed it. :-)
I am honestly upset that they brought back a veteran player with a built in fanbase to a season that is mostly fan driven. He came in with a huge advantage. With all the advantages america gets, that means that America will just keep voting for the other side of the house, not giving them any chance.
Yes, but at the same time, it makes him a bigger target. People (Alex, Whitney, Monte) were aware right away that he had the advantage. So at the same time, it’s kind of a disadvantage. I guess call it even?
Alex is the female HG this game has been missing for several years.
Totally agree…completely impressed by her grasp of the house at this point.
Justin is freakin’ disgusting. If I were Morgan, I would’ve been MORTIFIED!!!
what happened?
I have not watch anything since Wednesday?
Monte and Morgan were in the bathroom when Justin walked in. Now, the camera panned away at that point, but we got the story from Monte and Morgan later as they discussed it both in private and with Alex in the HOH shortly afterwards.
Apparently, Justin was trying to get under Monte’s skin (no surprise here) by talking himself up, saying what a competitor he is and essentially ignoring Monte completely. I don’t have a problem with this – every HG with a grudge against another HG has done similar things in other seasons. BUT!!! Here’s where things get gross because as Justin’s talking himself up, he goes ahead and completely undresses… going full frontal IN FRONT OF MORGAN!
And this is the final straw for me. It was disgusting and completely uncalled for. He very clearly has no respect for the women in this house (or at the very least, no respect for Morgan). Not cool.
Saturn, I saw the footage of this on Twitter (one of the other camera views didn’t cut away when Justin began undressing for the shower). It’s much to do about nothing.
The footage doesn’t show what Morgan (or Monte & Shelby) describe at all. Justin covered his junk immediately after he took his boxers off (right at the shower door). He didn’t do anything but quickly strip down and get into the shower (all while covering himself).
Monte blew the whole thing out of proportion in an attempt to get Justin OTB. Morgan has said that she’s more upset at Monte’s reaction to all this (“If this wasn’t a TV show I punch Justin in the mouth.”) than she is about what Justin “did.”
Thanks so much Dan for clarifying. I did think it was just a way for Monte to have a reason to put Justin up on the block (even though he isn’t in control) and I believe he is blowing things way out of proportion just for the hate he has for Justin. But I also got to admit that some of the things Justin says is quite distasteful and disappointing because I had hopes for him. I just wish he tone it down a notch with some of his disturbing stories. There’s a bold line between stories that are funny and stories that are just plan disturbing and he’s crossed that line quite a few times. Hopefully he can redeem himself soon before it’s too late.
Ugghh…just read through all the care packages. TBH, I’m pretty disappointed, but trying to stay positive. These CPs are going to provide so much viewer power to a BB season this is already so full of viewer control.
Just feel that we’ve finally got a house full of HGs that REALLY want to play the game…and many who look to be very strong & knowledgable about HOW to play. Just wish we could sit back and watch all this play out on it’s own without so much viewer involvement. Some is ok, but I just see all the voting really screwing the game up☹️??
Hopefully if they keep OTT going after this year, they just make OTT the version with all the “crazy twists”. Then they can make the summer TV version twist-less and have the houseguests have full control of their games. It’s awful watching someone get screwed over by a twist that they had no idea was coming. In BB16, Frankie won HOH and Veto. Then they pushed a button and the week was reset and Frankie was evicted. Last week Monte was HOH. One of his allies went home because America got to nominate him. It’s horrible that you can play a perfect game and then lose because of something that’s out of control to any of the houseguests.
But the house does have control. The houseguests could have just simply voted to keep him than Kryssie instead if they wanted to.
Back in BB15 when the public became MVP for three weeks, the people it nominated didn’t get evicted (it was never revealed until the finale on who was MVP but they had a strong suspicion who was).
Let me rephrase this. It minimizes the power of the HOH and gives you less incentive to win. It used to be that if you won HOH, you were safe and one of your top 3 targets would be evicted. Now there’s no such guarantee. All the HOH does now is confirms your safety.
In the first week, Monte had to nominate 3 people, and NONE of them went home. His ally went home. Now there are 3 people with reason to get him out. And I believe they didn’t tell him of the twist until after he had already won HOH. I’m no Monte fan, but he was really put in a bad spot.
There are ways around it. If you are able t manipulate such interactive gameplay, public voting will skew in your favor.
And that doesn’t mean playing to the cameras, but allowing yourself to campaign to the feed-watching public as if they are another housemate. Voters are always devoid of casuals so there won’t strong likelihood of odd pickings on the things that matter such as nominations.
Monte, knows at the very least that the live element will be something that be given stronger emphasis for OTT. But as the show’s mantra goes: Expect the unexpected. Julie can’t divulge all those twists in one serving as it is best to let them play out across the first week.
What Monte could have done as Week 1 HOH is go for safer noms as well as a strong fallback plan in case things doesn’t go his way. A number of first week HOH’s in past BBUS seasons never survive past the first half of the game because they become easy targets in succeeding weeks.
And, the old-reliable social game aspect. Build solid relationships that can help carry you as far as possible. Monte so far has yet to show any of that.
Exactly! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, it’s basically us playing the game and they are chess pieces. It’s kind of ruining this season for me already because America already has their favorites and apparently mine are in the minority.
Holy sh1t why is Jason leading the poll? Are you idiots, or are you trolling the poll? If you like Jason, you WAIT for the big care packages. You can’t be the damned stupid, America. You should give it to a Neely, who is on that side of the house, but also almost won the HoH and would show her appreciation.
Is it just me, or does Shelby with makeup, look like a different person without it?
I think that’s kind of the point of make up haha :)
Kryssie getting a care package is surprising and suspicious to me.
I love to watch when HG’s over analyzed America’s vote. Interesting definitions they come up with. I’m (fan) always included in their strategy. Ha!