Diary Room: Adam Poch Readies Week 7 Of ‘Big Brother 16’

Everyone catch their breath after the Double Eviction last night? Good cause this week is gonna be just as crazy now that there are only 9 people left. With 2 HoH’s back after a 1 night hiatus – 4 of the remaining 7 people will be on the block.

Big Brother HG - Adam Poch
Big Brother HG Adam Poch – Credit: Greg P Photo

The Battle of the Block twist has failed to create as much drama as the producers thought when it was announced. We have yet to see someone go from HoH to the block & I was kinda hoping it would be over by now – but maybe now that the numbers are diminishing, it will happen.

With the house flip that happened 24 hours before the double eviction, Nicole & Hayden were on the outs – and Caleb broke them up (were they really at Showmance level yet???). Nicole was left all alone to try and figure out how to pick up the pieces. She had the typical meltdown and of course Zach was there to poke & prod her. Even Frankie was antagonizing her a little bit after the DE – so of course what happens? Nicole wins one of the HoH’s.

The Detonators realizing at the last second that getting rid of one of their own would be dumb, despite all their distrust. They have come back together and with the help of Caleb & Victoria have the numbers to do whatever they want for now. The only thing they need is a little bit of power, and they got that with Christine being the other HoH.

This brings up a very interesting situation – because if this was week 2, Nicole & Christine would be totally working together. But now who knows. Christine has showed she really has no problem turning on anyone & Nicole is so crippled from being played so bad last week. The 2 of them seemed to come back around and appear to be on the same page. They made a promise to not put each other up this week if given the opportunity.

Zach realizing that he may be in trouble again this week went to Nicole & threw everyone under the bus. He declared he is done with Frankie for lying to him & possibly was going to vote him out last night.

Team America was given their next task, they need to get someone to offer themselves up as a pawn, and then TA will get them evicted. This task will be tough as all three of them need to work together to get this task done. So now they need to find out who to target & Donny has already shown that he is not willing to do anything that will screw up his game.

With all this uncertainty & lying & friendships / alliances breaking down It’s really anyone’s guess what will happen this week. I would love to see Nicole stay as HoH and try to backdoor Christine, but I do not think she has it in her. I can see Christine however backdooring Nicole with no problem. The Detonators have been very loyal “at the end of the day” & anyone not in their group are expendable.

Jocasta & Hayden are in the Jury house with the opportunity to get back into the game at some point. We will probably have a competition in 2 weeks to come back. If they do a similar challenge like last year – it would be great if the person coming back is one of the 2 HoH’s that week. That possibility will be the best thing to make this twist live up to the preseason hype.

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  1. good write up Adam! I was also hoping that this dual HOH would be over, too. I am also annoyed in everyone saying that production was heavy handed in that flip last week. I think that production may have just light the match for caleb, but he was on his own when It came to pouring the lighter fluid and starting the conflagration! which in that case, I don’t call a heavy hand!

    • I have no doubt that production is playing an invisible Deus ex Machina. There is too much money at stake, not to ensure a dull Jacosta leaves and an entertaining Zach stays. Of course they didnt force anyones hand. How could they. Simple reason of numbers was enough to blow the house up. BOOM!! Good for the producers–and good for us viewers!

    • Thank you. It made sense to keep Zach – just the way it happened did seem a little odd

      • What seemed odd to me was that they were willing to vote out Zach and even made up a cover story in case he exposed The Detonators. I thought, “Really? The want to keep Jocasta? She won’t help them in anyway!” I was glad that Caleb was the voice of reason here (oh the irony!!).

  2. Whatever reason, cause that Production had or did not have, to awaken the Beast Mode Cowboy, resulted in the entire House flipping upside down / inside out this week, as the fall out continue …
    Regardless, of it’s intent .. it may have actually saved the Season, as most of the floaters are now gone and all the remaining Dirty Players can feast upon one another …
    In effect, if my math is correct, there really is no Alliance remaining with more than 2 people in it??? Such the case, it should be an interesting 2nd half of the Season … whilst, leaving the door open for a possible return to the game within the next 2 weeks or so …

    • I dont have a problem with Production influencing players by pointing out the obvious.

      But, I hate the Team America manipulation. We have a game worth watching. We dont know what will happen next. It is getting better than it has all season. So, stop screwing with it, CBS.

      • Like what Donny did last week … the TA have the option to decline the challenge … they also had the option to refuse taking part of the TA when it was presented to them originally …
        And, remember, the theme of BB, Expect the Unexpected … After Season 1, Production has stuck their grubby hands into the game, in the ‘guise of increasing ratings and drama in the House, which created more drama … Ha !!!
        Again, another reason why they may be offering an opportunity for an evicted HG to re-enter the game in a week or two ….

    • So you like having the same person controlling the house every week? We know what is going to happen week after week which I think is very boring. I’d like to see the underdogs in control for once.

  3. Anyone that thinks Production wasn’t successful with their twist is nuts. Seems they’ve been trying to get strong competitors at the end for a few seasons now.Remember last years “Guaranteed No Floater Season” It backfired on them with the MVP, but this season with Battle of the block it forced the double HOHs to put up 2 weak players in hopes that their nominees would lose. Also, I’m sure they knew that if a strong player was to leave it would have to be thru the backdoor. So therefore, veto was most likely to be used (which is more entertaining on wednesdays than when it isnt used) and so far, only christine disappointed. I think the fact that the dethroned HOH could go on the block had them hopeful of drama (and would be GREAT), but wasnt necessarily the goal with this twist. The double eviction always causes drama and the house is usually more divided than ever after, so I’m hoping that they’re giving this one last shot for a dethroned HOH to be a renom. Trust me, I’m just as tired of this twist as everyone else. However, it was successful. We have one floater remaining in the game. So, the second half should be interesting!

    • The MVP twist would have worked last year if they didn’t have any players with a fan base already. America would have actually voted for somebody with a good strategy, but Elissa had no idea what to do, unlike her sister. I think they should try the MVP again with a completely unknown cast, no more relatives of past HouseGuests or celebrities. Maybe even a season with BOB and MVP after the veto would be even more twisted than this season.

  4. Oh Adam don’t you worry if Frankie comes off the block Nicole is most definitely ready to backdoor Christine. My only wish is she would stop trusting Derrick so much. Especially after Zach spilled everything to her last night.

  5. Question: what would happen to Team America should Frankie go out the door? Does BB have another vote, or do they just choose the next most popular person down the line from the original vote?

  6. The Team America challenge chosen this week would be practically impossible to achieve, and pointless to ruin their game over trying to win $5k. They should decline. Also, at the BoB comps we have the potential for 4 players to ‘throw’ the comp. As boring as that is to viewers, it is a form of strategy. And as for the 2 HoH’s, it’s the same thing: they seem to be working together and not against each other in deciding who to nominate. They’re Co-HoH’s, not Anti-HoH’s which I suspect production was hoping they’d get this season. I’ll be production HATES it when comps are thrown because you can tell that a lot of work goes into designing those and to have players just basically sit on their hands and not play must be frustrating!

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