John McGuire – 1 strip of Tofu – I am still a huge fan of his – but he had a bad week this week – hence the Tofu. I guess since he has thrown so many Battle of the Blocks – he forgot how to win one. But that’s ok, he will come back and win the Veto again right? WRONG! John finds himself having to pack his bag but he will not be leaving just yet. He said in his DR its time for him to stop playing other people’s games & start playing his own. Maybe the reality of being on the block come Thursday will be the motivation he needs to stop letting people walk all over him.
Austin Matelson – 2 strips of Tofu – is Austin turning into Beast Mode 2? His Wantmance with Liz is getting just as creepy as Caleb last season with Amber. I am glad to hear that Liz is playing him to get herself & her sister further in the game – but as long as she/they are in there, Austin’s game is gonna suffer.
Meg Maley – 2 strips of Tofu – another person I am rooting for but questioning her gameplay. Once the rumors of a 5 or 6 person alliance started going around she was so easy to dismiss it when Shelli called the house meeting minus Audrey and denied it. That should of at least got her into game mode – but she just went back to hanging out and enjoying a free summer of room & board.
Jason Roy – 3 strips of Tofu – Jason had 2 chances of keeping himself safe this week and lost both competitions. He got saved Vanessa when she used the Veto on him, and most likely he would have went home if he was still on the block with Johnny Mac. Some weeks its better to be lucky than good. This week is one of them for Jason.
Clay Honeycutt – 4 strips of Tofu – Clay’s “ride or die” Shelli won HoH again but this time instead of turning the tables and running her HoH for her – he is now her lap dog. She treats him like the young boy he is, and now it looks like she is controlling him.
Becky Burgess – 5 strips of Tofu – the floating game does help you get further in the game (just see players like Victoria BB16 and Adam BB13) but at this point you would think that Becky would be at least trying to play the game. We learned this week that she got cast through a dating app – so it’s no surprise she has no idea how the game works – but it’s been 35 days – cmon girl!!
That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week – and it’s a no brainer this week. #WhenAudreyWentIntoTheDR was trending this week on Twitter as we saw Audrey Middleton have one of the worst meltdowns in the history of the game. The “oh woe is me” act would not have been so bad if she did not put herself in that position weeks ago. She should be looking at the fact that she went this long as a positive and used this platform to show the world how far she has come. It will be sad when she leaves since she has provided plenty of excitement on the feeds & CBS show up to this point. But I lost respect for her when she did not even attend the Veto Meeting. No player is bigger than the game and she now joins the likes of Willie Hantz & Chima as ungrateful houseguests. Yes – she may have had a real mental breakdown – and if so – I hope she gets the help she needs – but outside the house, not in it!
I will give production some bacon this week since I really did enjoy the Battle of the Block challenge. But I am still disappointed they did not bring back Tori Spelling or Neil Patrick Harris who were both getting their start in the 90’s and have come into the house before. Either one of them hosting 90’s week would have been awesome. And they would have actually showed up at the BB House unlike Gronk!
Well – there we have it – week 4 is done – let me know below in the comments section what you think of this weeks rankings. Who do you think deserved bacon or tofu? Next week should be interesting as the number one target in the house will be gone – and if they do not get rid of Liz/Julia – then we will have another player in the game. Maybe this is like a real reset button – and the game will start all over with new alliances getting formed and old alliances breaking apart.
From outside the Big Brother House – I am Adam Poch… have a great day!!!
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I am also part of the wonderful Hearts of Reality fundraiser this August with several other Big Brother, Survivor, Amazing Race Alumni. Click here to make a donation & find out more about this wonderful charity that gives vacations to children with life threatening illness’ & their families
I will believe that Audrey is leaving, when I actually see it! I am not doubting that the HGs will want her gone, but there may be some twist that keeps her there, and I would not be surprised. Still aggravated over the ridiculousness of Gronk’s take over. I assumed that the HGs would be running on empty in some game that really needed them to focus. What a waste that take over was!
I just noticed Gronk has an autobiography coming out, of course. He was on celeb family feud this week too. All kinds of PR for him this week
Part of me suspects Audrey’s melt down was scripted and she’ll get saved in a twist. I hope not but I won’t be surprised.
Spot on again. I also said last week that Austin was the new Caleb. I would not be surprised if the BB take over this week is a reset and Audrey stays. I sure though that the crews working may threaten to quit if she stays.
Haha, at least Beast Mode was entertaining at some points. Austin is just creepy and annoying.
Steve told the camera when he was alone that he did not throw the HoH. He was admonishing himself for being so stupid for getting the first question wrong.
He said he was throwing it – but did not want it to look obvious
Yeah, that was before the comp. After the comp he was kicking himself for not knowing the first question and for not winning it.
Thats how I remember it too. I thought he said if he was going to throw it he’d make it look more convincing than that and at least get the first question right.
Only complaints are Clay and Steve.
Steve is having his name thrown out a lot this week as a possible target and he seems completely unaware. Also some suspect hinky vote was his. Vanessa’s alliance with him seems completely fake and john also ratted out his alliance.
Clay actually is playing a great game. He still has the trust of the otherside of the house. He has no blood on his hands. No1 is talking about nominating him. Also who knew shelli would be the meatshield comp winner in this showmance?
Clay hasn’t made anyone mad other than Da. No blood on his hands so he is only guilty by association (James mentioned before that he was running Shelli’s HoH and that Austin was running Liz’s.) But he seems to be perceived as a nice enough guy to everyone, I think. And yes, I’m surprised Shelli is the “meatshield” in that duo. Lol.
Agree. Definitely think Clay is one of the better players thus far, and in one of the better positions right now. Don’t see him being Shellis lap dog, as he tends to still do things his own way (i.e. telling John to throw BotB this week even though that wasn’t Shellis plan).
Tori Spelling? I think there’s one or two other people who got their start in the 90’s that actually have some acting talent..!! The ONLY reason she’s even known is because nepotism.
Both Tori & NPH have already visited the Big Brother house. His suggestions were based on that.
I don’t think a hack should be representative of the 90’s.
And Tori is Adam’s (dream) honeypot ;)
There’s somebody for everybody. LOL
Hey Adam, Good to see you at’re vaping like a dragon.
Say: “I nominate…Julia. No! Wait – I mean, I nominate Liz..Liz. I nominate Liz. Yeah. Hard to tell those two apart.” Lol.
Or if they don’t know Julia’s name yet, substitute “Liz’s twin”. Ha!
I get why John has had to go along with being a pawn. Unless he can cry on cue like Liz, to get them to choose someone else. But the best way to prevent that is for John to be the HoH. See if he approaches Clay and Shelli to go up as pawns to return the favor (nicely) and remind them that he trusted them and they have to trust him now. Bwa-ha-ha-ha. Better yet (for Jmac’s game) would be Jason/James to win HoH (make a deal for him to be their eyes/ears and not go up this week front or backdoor). Then Jmac has a week to not sweat it and makes no enemies by nominating anyone.
Agree about Jackie. Her denial of the twins makes me squint. I don’t see her winning the game at this point, but I do see her winning an HoH and throwing some real threats on the block, making a big move.
As Brenda Harbin pointed out–they could do a reset this week.. I personally wouldn’t be surprised as CBS/BB has disappointed this year with nothing truly “new” and using old comps throughout. For me, personally being in the TV industry for 30+ years I am well aware of how production can “push” things in to their favor, even if it is a game, the exec.producers can decide at any time, to make this week a double evict or to make it a reset. If you see someone like Audrey sticking around I would think it is because production sees nothing but numbers (ratings). The fact that they have allowed her to eat pizza when she is a have-not as well as no supposed penalty for sleeping on the floor, it should be an interesting Thursday show.. or not!
She is not as popular as she was when the show first started. Johnny Mac is the most popular player so far this year – and the stunt casting has wore off – so bid farewell for good to Audrey!
Agree Adam Johnny Mac is my favorite and yes the stunt casting has definitely run it’s course…bye bye Audrey not fun knowing ya
I don’t see how keeping Audrey is good for ratings when she’s spent three days refusing to leave the HN room. They want people who give them enough footage to make 3 shows a week.
Would it not be a hoot if, when Julia enters the game and either she and / or Liz wins HOH, andhave a fake spat over jealousy around Austin .., then they backdoor him?? Ha!!!!
Ha! You can’t see it coming when you’re looking through the eyes of love.
Too bad Zach Attack isn’t in there to hide his top hat so then he has to walk around being Austin all the time.
I hate that dumb top hat and the whole awkward Judas act
ummm, yeah-no! Wrong show.. this isn’t the Jersey Shore.. it would never happen. These HG are not that intelligent. They got rid of the one intelligent person (DA) so the rest is up to us intelligent feeders I am afraid.
Day was fun but her game play was suspect, why tell everyone about the twin twist and also she could not hold anything in…when she was angry she told everyone how pissed she was instead of quietly plotting her revenge
She was so intelligent she got evicted week 2.
Maybe to unveil the twins, they can be doing a Superhero/Supervillain themed comp and release the twin into the mix: Liz is Catwoman & Julia is Selina Kyle (Catwoman’s alter ego). Or Wonder Woman/Diana Prince, if that’s more your cup o’tea.
With twins in the game, that face mashup comp, is going to be brutal!
I am really lost on the twin twist this season, lol. Is there anyone that doesn’t at least know of the possibility of the twins now? They have been discovered and called out by several of the hg’s. What is the purpose now? It is kind of against the concept of deception of having a twin in the game if everyone knows. Why when Day told the DR that she had uncovered the twist would both of them be allowed to enter the game now? What’s the point of having a twin? lol
CBS is really blowing the twist thing this season…lame twin twist, lame BB Takeovers that have no effect on the game (other than advertising revenue for CBS and their affiliates/media partners), and the BotB that only CBS seems to care for??? CBS needs to shake up the production crew, they have gone stale!!!
I am not yet ready to throw Audrey in with Willie Hantz & Chima quite yet. If she has some illness going on then its not the same thing as what Willie and Chima did. If she is faking, acting out and blatantly ignoring the rules then yeah, she’s the same. But at this point we don’t know what happened for sure. I do agree she needs help outside the BB house. I think the rankings are pretty on point. It makes me a bit sad for Becky that she is so clueless. I am not all that convinced that Jackie will really start playing. She did well in that BOTB comp but if she can’t even see there are in fact twins playing I have little hope for her.
She was fine all day Sunday when she was trying to talk her way out of being a renom – and then when that didnt work – she all of a sudden had a meltdown. That is the same exact thing that happened to Chima & Willie – the game went against them and instead of holding their heads up and remembering “it’s just a game” & they should feel honored to play – they break down and cry how unfair it is. That’s why I include her with those 2 – she should accept her fate – and move on with her life. Not going to the Veto Meeting is messed up.
I was trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and hoping all the behavior could be attributed to a medical reason. But as time goes on it does look more and more like she is just having a tantrum which yes, is exactly like Chima and Willie.
I can’t believe it I’m finally agreeing with you Adam. Lol
isnt that one of the signs of the Apocalypse?
Pretty spot on Adam, but no tofu this week? Did you hit submit before you were finished? Lol
No tofu for Austin? No tofu for AUDREY?!? oh my… Houseguests didn’t want to evict her, you don’t want to give her tofu… I mean she would eat whatever she wanted anyway I’m just sayin
Click on “Continue Reading: Next Page.”
yeah – what RedRoses said!
Worst season ever this show is going down the tubes even with bacon , this is one season that bacon doesn’t taste good with any thing.
And yet you still watch – so… hahahah!
I have to say that I really enjoy reading your weekly take on the BB Hgs even though I was not a fan of your game play. Well done.
Just stop before you make yourself look even more stupid.
I’m not disrespecting you’re distaste for her so please be MATURE and respect my opinion…
Vanessa is not under the radar. James, Jason, Meg, Jackie, Becky have all mentioned putting her and Austin up. and Clay and Shelli are not anyone’s target. Their names never even get brought up when everyone talks about who they want to nominate if they win HOH.
#TeamAudrey for the win!
Please tell me you’re joking.
Nope I’m a fan of Audrey and if you cannot respect my opinion just as I respect yours then you should just get over yourself…
OMG! I totally have been saying the same thing as far as the Austin/Liz/Julia thing. He’s completely channelling Caleb with those twins.
Clay is playing a great social game. Not sure what you are talking about
Uh, how?
He’s way too aggressive.
He hides behind Shelli.
He’s too arrogant.