Who Is Your Favorite Big Brother Winner?

Graphic Courtesy of Big Brother Junkie

There’s always a lot of debate on who is the best Big Brother USA winner. Is it Dr. Will? Dan Gheesling? Jun Song? You can always look at stats and strategies to help you decide, but when it comes down it it, there’s always going to be some subjectivity. There’s no real definitive way to say who is the best. But we can figure out who the favorite winner is based on a popular vote. So that’s what we’re going to decide here once and for all (well until BB25 when there’s a whole new winner to include).

So let us ask you, who is your favorite Big Brother winner? Maybe you like social game more than strategy. Maybe you prefer a comp beast? Or maybe you just like someone for no real reason. That’s up to you. And we want you to let us know in our poll below. And even though Big Brother season 1 was a whole other game, we went ahead and included Eddie in the poll. Eddie is always overlooked since the format was so different that first season. You’re welcome, Eddie!

This is a popularity poll, so you can only vote for one person, but feel free to come back and vote for another favorite if you wish. We just ask that you don’t saturate one person. Duplicate votes for the same person won’t be counted.ย 

Next week, we will reveal the results and include a little summary about each winner. We can’t wait to see these results!

Thanks to Big Brother Junkie (@89razorskate20 on Twitter) for the amazing winners graphic.



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