Welcome Back To BBN For ‘Big Brother 20’

Big Brother 20 - Biggest Summer Ever

The start of Big Brother is nearly here as tomorrow delivers the BB20 season premiere and we’re ramping up quickly for the big event and the summer to follow. Our all-summer, all-the-time coverage kicks off and won’t stop until the glitter falls and the backyard interviews have wrapped. Let’s get going!

We’ll be returning again this season with our daily coverage of everything inside the house with spoilers, results, and updates. There will be episode recaps, polls, and strategy discussions. We want to open up every aspect of the game for the Big Brother community to follow and enjoy.

Our coverage won’t just be here on the site either. Find us on Twitter for Live Feed updates and active discussions with lots of spoilers. Join us on Facebook for a broad range of perspectives with other fans while dodging the upfront spoilers. And you’ll definitely want our free Big Brother App for iOS and Android for its instant alerts. All the latest Big Brother 20 with you on the go.

Big Brother 20 coverage from Big Brother Network will include:

  • Fast updates straight off the Feeds. As it happens I’ll be reporting it on our app, Twitter, Facebook, and here on the site so you can grab the Flashback and watch any big events you’ve missed.
  • Alert notifications on your mobile device through our new Big Brother App.
  • Daily reports with the top moments and important discussions from the Feeds.
  • Forum and Chat room for the fans who want even more conversation with other fans.
  • Email updates sent out every afternoon with all the past 24 hours’ articles

Our team this season will include me, of course, along with the excellent Branden (follow him @BrandenTweetsBB) as my co-writer, and we’ll be joined by guest writers including former HG Adam Poch and maybe a few guests along the way.

I’m really looking forward to the new season of Big Brother starting up and can’t wait to share it along with all of you. Big Brother Network is a great community of fans and your involvement is what makes it so much fun so thank you again for joining us!

Big Brother 20 premiere on All Access

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A special thanks to readers who choose to sign-up for their Feeds through our links & banners. The referral fee that earns us, at no extra cost to you, is a big part of what makes this site possible so thank you for that. We greatly appreciate your help and support.



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