Vanessa Rousso – Big Brother 17 Finale Interview

Vanessa Rousso was ousted from the Big Brother 17 house in a major upset during the season finale last night when Steve Moses beat her out in a narrowly won competition and wisely sent her to the Jury before she had the chance to beat him there.

Vanessa Rousso exits the Big Brother house
Vanessa Rousso exits the Big Brother house – Source: CBS / Monty Brinton

Arriving in Jury Vanessa surprised Steve with a vote against him as she explained to us today in our interview. Find out why she says she voted for Liz and why that season long emotional strategy might not have been strategy after all.

Big Brother Network: You decided to vote for Liz over Steve in F2 after he evicted you. Could you tell us about your decision and your comments when casting the vote?

Vanessa Rousso: I think I misspoke. What I meant to say was who would do a good job of representing out cast essentially. I thought Liz was a better representative.

I had a deal with Liz. Obviously I was banking on being one of the final two, not being a one of the ones in Jury. I knew I was fighting an uphill battle with the Jury and I needed votes so I made a deal with Liz that if either of us found ourselves in that third place situation, we would vote to keep the other one under the guise of we really want a woman to win this year. So that was our deal and I stuck to it.

It was sort of a toss-up in my mind. Strategically, obviously Steve played the better strategic game, but the reason it’s a toss up, I sort of gauged them differently. I looked at it like if you had one barometer for what this person’s expected strategic level and then how did they perform relative to that expectation.

Steve performed pretty well in line with my expectations, but Liz on the other hand far surpassed my expectation for how she should have performed not knowing much about the game. Not knowing much about Big Brother. She honestly at times floored me with how… I think people are really underestimating the level of strategic ability that girl really had. She was definitely on it strategically and caught on to the game very quickly so for that I gave her kudos. I stuck to my word on my deal and in the end that was it for the vote.

BBN: How did you decide to keep your deal with Liz over Steve?

Vanessa: This is an easy one. This one basically comes down to forgive, not forget. From the moment on 40, 41-ish when Steve and I formalized what was previously just a working twosome with SoS in to a formal F2 and shook on it, from that moment on I went on through the game to find out bombshell after bombshell of disloyalty from Steve.

Whether it was concurrent F2 deals with John and the Rockstars, to I get put on the Block as a renom and Steve knew in advance and didn’t warn me, to I get put on the Block by Becky and Steve doesn’t even promise me his vote until he sees that’s the way the whole house is voting. To me that was tremendously disloyal from someone who was supposed to be my F2. He should have been the one guy I could count on for a vote.

Then from that he was part of the plan to target me just two weeks after that. Then he tried to essentially replace me in Scamper Squad with Johnny Mac. So it was bombshell after bombshell. Not to mention he broke his word to me when he gave me his word that he did not know there was a plan to backdoor me that week.

I can forgive and I’m a very forgiving person, but I didn’t forget. The moral to that whole storyline is I didn’t owe Steve anything in the game and that final two was just a mirage for both of us. I was very well aware that it was a mirage. I don’t feel that I owed him any loyalties.

Liz on the other hand is the only person in the game that I feel I did owe some loyalty to. She took out two people that were gunning for me in the very moment and time that I needed those people gone in Becky and James. Beyond that she had never broken a deal or her word with me. With Austin out of the game I did feel I had her number on loyalty. Not to mention that I’m a big fan of a girl doing well in the game.

All those factors adding up are why I decided to go with Liz.

BBN: You mention feeling betrayed that Steve had another F2 deal, but would you admit you had a lot of them yourself? How did you feel unhappy about his multiple F2 deals but okay with your F2 deals?

Vanessa: The other F2 deals I had were all moot. By the time I formalized my other one with Steve, that was the only one I had. I had one with Austin, but he was in a showmance with a twin which meant not only was that no longer a F2, that wasn’t even a F3. I was now number four on his totem pole. That was out the window. Beyond that I didn’t have another F2 that I’m aware of.

I had briefly spoken to Julia that if the four of us got to F4 with Austin, Liz, and I that with Austin and Liz having primary loyalties to each other, if it came down to Julia choosing between myself or Austin, I made an agreement that she would choose me over Austin and I would choose her over her sister, if it ever came down to it. That’s not really a F2, that’s kinda like a very specific deal. Beyond that, my F2 Steve was the only one I knew about.

It’s important to keep things just vague enough that you can back out of it if you need to but just promising enough that you can front slide in to it if you need to. That’s part of the way I played that game which is a necessary way to play the game. You want to protect yourself for as many possible scenarios as could turn out but while not closing off too many potential options as well.



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    • I hope she rewatches the season. Her recollection is so different from mine. And really Liz would better represent the cast?

      • Very skewed version from what we saw as viewers! Being isolated for that long tends to mess with your head where you lose all perspective to know what’s obvious and what isn’t!

      • I can imagine. It just dissapointed me that she won’t own anything. Seriously you actually manipulated phenomenally own your game, you didn’t win, but you played!

      • But she was unemotional when Steve evicted her LOL, right, she was mad as hell and you could see it was just eating at her.

      • No that would not make her a bad person and your 150% correct with that assessment. What makes her a bad person, beside’s what she did in the house to the HG’s and how went about the way’s to get them out is what makes her a bad person. She had the right to vote for who she wanted to win once she was out of the house. The fact that she DIDN’T vote for the best player is another testament to how she is a bad and very bitter person. Don’t get me wrong, Vanessa played a what could be considered as a good game but her game wasn’t that good about half way through the season. She resorted to immaturity, bullying, defamatory remarks and lying to get her where she was. Lying is part of the game, I get that but what she accused the other HG’s of was EXACTLY what she was doing. Kind of like saying do what I say to do, not what I do to get ahead of the game. I am sure you saw a different version of the game based on who you was cheering for in the game, keep in mind, I was cheering for James to win it all and look where he wound up. Vanessa should have been in the jury house long ago but I am glad she lasted as long as she did other wise she would have convinced the other HG’s to vote for who she wanted to win.

    • She said she got outplayed. How else do you want her to spin it? She lost a guessing game for $500,000 to a very lucky boy that only got into final 3 due to forgetting to write a 0 on a blackboard.

      • She only made it that far because of Shelli going psycho over a sweater thus spooking James and causing a vote flip. If not for that she would’ve been out the door a minute ago. That there were other issues to deal with afterwards like the twin twist and a showmance only delayed the inevitable in her case. Her getting evicted at F3 was fitting. Yo girl was living on borrowed time.

      • Everything in life is luck, there is no better. That is just something the ego comes up with to feel better about not having what it wants or wanted. Life = 99% luck 1% deciding to go with a or b, both choices brought to you by an infinite number of factors you had no control over…even if it may seem like you did.

      • I think they all get to the finals with skill and a bit of dumb luck. Vanessa would not have got as far without the lies, begging, manipulation, and some luck. It happens to all of them. He beat her. Would you say the same thing if she would have answered the questions the same as Steve did

  1. I bet whoever did this interview wanted to BARF. If this bitch opens her mouth atleast 75%is lies. The game is over just tell the truth. 98 days and ZERO… NOTHING!!! Oh but hey, liz took you to a concert. Yay.

    • Reading your nasty comment makes me want to barf. Geez what a bitter hater! Are you sure your name is not Austin?

      • Sandie Vanessa left her husband while dying. She uses people and adapts herself to which helps her and only her. She’s not a lesbian she’s bi. Uses LGBT when it’s convenient. She’s pretty sexist if you ask me well. I see that worse than being racist. Saves Audrey but not Jason. What a fake ass bitch you can speak truth in diary room not lie to America.

      • Everything is fake and has been since the beginning her korky actitute her fake tears she is just a liar

      • Sorry if you don’t like my comment, nor did I write it with you in mind. This is my opinion of her… I can tell you don’t share my opinion and that’s OK. I do think you could work on you approach to share your thoughts, but hay if the best you can do is be a DICK that is certainly up to you. I’ll respect that too.

    • I know !! I think people may change her perception if she just be real and stop lying and pretending

  2. The jury was bitter but so was Vanessa. She tried to pull a Derrick by saying ” I lied about my real profession” but no body cared or reacted. They were really done with her by that time. The jury looked ecstatic that she made jury with them.
    Karma baby…..All that work to get to the end and cut right before the money. LOVE IT.

    • It didn’t seem like they were bitter mostly everybody wanted Vanessa to win and were shocked to see her being part of the jury.

      • Only Austin was happy. James was shocked and didn’t know who to vote for because he was sure he would be voting for Vanessa.

      • I feel like you are going off of the round table. Vanessa would have def won if she made it to final two, but very few ppl wanted to see her there.

      • What show were you watching? Everyone was bored with her confession & it seemed awkward to me….. After their snow was done all you see her do is hug that young thing, Mel. No one seemed interested in Vanessa at all!!

    • When slick Vanessa cast her vote with the caveat that this person would best represent their season I thought she was referring to Steve. So glad Julie called her out on her bitter move.

      • Actually, Julie did call her out in the after-interview about her not giving her vote to Steve after he bested her by winning the last 2 HOH’s and securing his spot in F2.
        Read it again.

      • I agree. Julie couldn’t just slap vanessa upside the head with a comment. But everyone knew what she meant. Vanessa was bitter, everyone knows she was bitter and now she looks even more foolish.

      • Yeah where was that calling out? You mean her seeing Vanessa’s vote first? She just wanted to know, maybe she did think it was BS, but she didn’t say it.

      • I have no idea what this means. But I am glad you are aware that what you “perceived” by Julie was not actually reality.

      • I think she went backwards because she knew Austin and Julia voted for Liz. Vanessa maybe, this way the audience has some kind of suspense and not gane over before liz got a vote.

    • Yeah LoL when V turned and announced that she was a poker player who won over four million dollars, literally nobody cared! The lack of response was priceless. A collective “So?”

      • As a viewer I thought the same thing. On national TV it was ‘wtf… Who cares & why is that relevant!’
        My opinion.

      • Idiot, why is YOUR opinion relevant? She played ALL of them, and the game isn’t always about winning the money, which she clearly didn’t need.

    • I LOVED that lack of reaction to Vanessa’s “big reveal.” Nobody gave two hoots about anything she had to say at that point. She’d lost all credibility. Maybe if she had voted for Steve, she might have retained a SMALL shred of credibility but with her vote for Liz, every last iota went flying out the door.

  3. Wow, she didn’t back down at all did she? I stand by what I’ve thought/said all season: that’s really just how she is. She babbles nonsense as fast as her lips can move, and refuses to own any of her actions. Being a woman who gets a period every 28 days is NOT an excuse to act like an ass for 98+ days. I really liked how HER final 2 deals were moot, but Steve’s weren’t. I mean, of course! She reminds me of the classic narcissist: admit nothing and deny deny deny. What a relief she’s finally off my TV.

    • Thank God the pity party is over! I do not think that Steve played
      a great game but he put out the trash. Vanessa bitter is not a good
      colour on you. Austin taken to the woodshed by Dr Pill. Finally worth watching. Funny how Vanessa and Austin are so hard done
      by but everyone else seemed resolved to the situation they were
      in. The babies need a time out.

      • He played well enough to win and that’s what counts! Love your comment that he “put out the trash.” My favorite moment of the entire season!!! Second most favorite was when Austin got the boot!

  4. LMAO at nutjob Vanessa. What a disgusting and vile human, so glad she finished 3rd which is the hardest place to finish. She damaged her reputation on this show. Will always be remembered as a heel on BB.

  5. I very specifically remember Vanessa telling Austin (for her game) to get rid of Liz over Julia, because Vanessa (which she kept to herself obviously) felt stronger with Julia over Vanessa. NOW, she acts like Miss Loyalty to Liz, and Steve was “disloyal.” She is dishonest to the end. Good riddance. So glad she won ZERO. On a side note, this website is so batty — needs something done to fix the glitches!

    • Yikes — meant “Vanessa felt stronger with Julia over Liz!” Damn glitch website…hard to type on!

      • Nope…14 weeks = 14k, but they’d been in the house for a week before the show started, so another 1k added to that, which they don’t ever mention about. :-)

      • Steve said he left home on June 11 and the show didn’t start until June 21. They probably had to do press junkets and timecapsule interviews too before entering the house!

      • It is called the sequester and it is a training week, where they are taught game rules and are more deeply evaluated, interviewed and triple checked to make sure they aren’t too psychotic to actually play this game. No more knives to the throat, please. Stuff like that.

        But in short, it is a training week

      • Big whoop. THAT, for an ENTIRE summer to a millionaire?! Her and her gf would spend that in one weekend vacation over that summer!

      • Re-read the original post. I was responding to the original poster’s term. They said they were glad she won nothing. I was using their language.

  6. Vanessa do u realize u were inside the BB house, the audience saw it all.

    BooooHooooo Vanessa that’s what you deserve

  7. I can’t with this woman. She can’t be a gracious loser even a day later. She does realize we all watched the show and some of you watched the feeds….yet she continues to lie and spin things so that everything is Steve’s fault. As for her comments that her emotional outbursts were due to that time of the month…wow way to perpetuate that stereotype Vanessa. She just set women back 50 years. I wasn’t a fan of Steve or his game play but I’m happy he was able to beat Vanessa in the end. She is not one of the greats who played this game, if that were true she would have won.

    • I have to agree as a women that is a very dismissive comment, justifying her outburst due to menses really really is offensive and plain stupid from her part to say, I though she was smarter than that!!!

  8. I bet she is going to be ask to return for BB all stars
    It was obvious she was one of “their favorities” to bad we the audience have a different opinion

    • I think she will make all stars too! That will seal the deal for me to NOT watch. I look forward to big brother every year and she ruined it for me this year.

    • Problem is, EVERYONE knows shes a multi-millionaire now. People will vote her out just for that. She doesn’t need it, they will correctly decide.

    • Well it won’t be for next season…not going to be All Stars from what I heard if they’re taking applications instead of going to former contestants and asking and they’ve yet to announce they’ve been contracted for more seasons after next season. I would love for that to happen, though. Have JMac, Steve and Van as all-stars if that’s possible! :-)

      • Next year may be all stars even though they’re interviewing people. They always keep looking for people who would be suitable, so rather than cease applications for a year if they’ve decided on all stars, they keep looking and keep good people on file. Who knows if they’ll be picked up for another season after 18, so if they want to do another all stars, it had better be now.

  9. I’m amazed at how wonderful Vanessa thinks she is. She certainly was disloyal to Steve. It’s like she’s surprised that anyone would have the nerve to go against her.

  10. I was really hoping to read an honest interview. I can’t figure out if she truly believes what she is saying. It is almost as if she will just let words flow until something sounds legit and then say yes, that’s it, that’s what it was. She really did manipulate the house well and play well IMO when she needed to. I just wish she would own it.

    Enough about Van, I think Steve did great and I loved how well he did with the Jury last night. I think he was a worthy winner.

  11. OMG…More talking in circles and diarrhea of the mouth from this one. Ready for her to fade away.

  12. I’m a bit surprised there was no “Poker Face” question asked. (It felt
    like a Production shout-out to the boards when she said “Poker Face”
    during her card player reveal after the commercial break.) After reading this interview I’ve lost all respect for her. I defended her pretty strongly at times through the Season and hoped she’d exit with respect for Steve (who I am not a big fan of) for making the power move. But she didn’t. It’s fairly obvious she knows nothing about the game because anyone who watched Cody’s mistake last Season knows it was the only move Steve could make. The Liz vote was complete spite. Trying to gussy it up with “She saved me” is ridiculous rationalization. She plays chess. Strategy matters. What’s funniest is her trying to stand on the Female Power! platform then blaming her emotional outbursts on her menstrual cycle. Gotta tell you though, with the histrionics and fan reaction to her don’t be surprised to see her back someday. She’s certainly generates reactions from people.

  13. I was not a fan of Vanessa by any means. Her outbursts were annoying, she never owned up to anything she did, she was extremely manipulative, but people need to chill out a bit. These are all things that are common in BB. Plus it’s only a game. Try to keep some perspective and not attack her personally. It’s just a game.

  14. Vanessa is labelled a “bully”. If a man were to play in the same manner (minus the crying) as she did, would you still call him a bully or just playing the game?

      • Exactly. Her tactics were not favoured by many, but still, I feel that if it were a dude, then it would be acceptable.

    • I don’t think she’s a bully. I think Steve was a grown man who allowed it to happen. But out of curiosity, how can you ask about how people would respond to her as a man while allowing exceptions for emotional outbursts and crying fits? It’s one way or another. Most men wouldn’t use crying as manipulation. She did. (And credit to her for that. It worked.)

      • I said “Most”. Of the 12 Male winners give me examples of them crying continuously in the house. It never happened.

      • I’m sorry, AAI, I wasn’t clear. I was saying Dan used emotional manipulation. But not at Vanessa’s level. I wasn’t referring to the crying.

      • I point out the crying because people seem to be “crying” about how much it annoyed them. If she didn’t have those emotional outbursts, and played in the “bully” manner she is labelled as, then would she be perceived differently.
        Then again, a man being a bully and crying as much as she…well…now that would be interesting!

      • This is often discussed and there have been a few that say she is not a bully. That a bully beats people up or whatever but I completely disagree. Emotional, high energy, female against non retaliating male, is a bully tactic. You know you can get in his face. You know you can yell at him, you know you can threaten him, you know he will back off apologize or walk away. You know it’s all on camera and no guy wants to be seen laying hands on a female. It’s wrong. So go ahead, give him a panic attack (steve) make him look bad as a man (attack his male pride-James) threatening and the above are all parts of bullying someone. So I don’t get who says it isnt. It’s INTIMIDATION. Flat out.

      • She definitely used psychological warfare as one of her approaches to the game. That’s a bullying technique.

      • Steve admitted he allowed her to manipulate him however she wanted to, which was part of his strategy! So good on him for that than him just taking it and getting upset over it.

    • Evel Dick was a bully but everyone thought that was great. He was just playing the game. It’s not like most of these HGs never heard of bullying as a tactic in the Big Brother game before, not if they saw the Evel Dick season. They knew what was going on and volunteered for it.

      • High scoring NDPers: Evel Dick and Vanessa. I didn’t watch much of Dan’s season, but I would add him to the list of narcissistic personalities. ED and Vanessa both bullied and manipulated, yet I would score Vanessa more pathologically disordered than ED. While I get a sense that ED bears some self-loathing and I believe has expressed humility (that wasn’t a manipulation play), I’ve never seen evidence in Vanessa that she possesses the capacity for empathy and self-reflection. She makes a most excellent villain, however, because her anti-social personality is so palpable to most people, but you would do well to never enter into a business or romantic relationship with Vanessa.

        Evel Dick and Vanessa weren’t playing a game. They were revealing the depths of their anti-social personalities.

  15. Yeah Vanessa was really great player, I mean she out played the moron twins who don’t the difference between Siegfried and Roy and Sigmund Freud, Austin the washed up wrestler and Johnny Mac the borderline insane dentist. Tough competition.

    • Not necessarily insane, but legit empty soul. Don’t forget the tiger pelt on the wall. Ahhuhhuhhuh. POS who knew all he had to do was hide behind a blank stare for most of the game. The only HG who caught on to him actually playing the game was Van.

  16. So so happy for Steve you do have balls oups sorry lol ! Yes goodbye VANESSA ! YOU ARE SUCH A SORRRRRR LOOSERR ! And to say at the end I dont min I’m a MILLION…..FOFF !!t Tes ben chanseuse d’avoir Michelle.O. dans ta vie !

  17. My final 2 were different than Steve’s? Nice try Vanessa but we aren’t playing the game and we see a hypocrit.

  18. vanessa played the victim all summer. what a joke. Bully and a crybaby and did not win. van, i know you’re reading this comment board. a lot of BB fans were disgusted at your behavior and jump for joy when steve evicted you.

      • How do know that Mel isn’t the gold digger? You don’t know. You don’t know anything about what their relationship is. It’s none of your business to judge people like that.

      • Well, I’d say yes but not a day after the season Mel was in another hgs hotel conspiring on V’s orders about some wicked, none of her business personal stuff. I Said in my post “I don’t know, but I know some things” if you’d like to get technical, I took a wicked post game fact and did the numbers. Sorry.

      • I know it to b true. Anyway, our title for tat is over. The debate turned into too much having to prove things that aren’t game related. In closing, Vanessa played hardcore, amazing and spectacular game. People judge for the poker experience,years of high risk game strategy knowledge, then it gets personal and truly (no one is perfect) we are all in fact imperfect) happy posting. Disregard my last posts as bs or conjecture or fiction, I don’t mind. It’s aok. However I would never say something ,ever that I didn’t know was true, without prefacing it with a (I don’t know her but) or (this is speculation) go back and your will notice that on my opinion comments. Or (its my opinion) peace

  19. We need that twitter account that keeps on all of the alliance/deal in the house to be sent to the house-guests, specifically Vanessa so she can be reminded of them all.

  20. So Vanessa thinks Steve should only have a F2 with her but she can have as many as she wants and conveniently forgets all of them. Like I said weeks ago delusional.

    • Who else did she have F2s with? People keep saying that, but they fail to mention any specifics. Possibly because there are no specifics? Saying something over and over until people believe it is true, doesn’t make it the truth. It’s like people were watching a different show than I was, because I knew all along she only had final 2 deals with Austin and Steve, and it was Austin and Steve that broke apart those final 2 deals.

      • I respect that your in V’s corner. But Steve and Austin were not ahead of anything. Vanessa saw everything to her credit. She saw austin talk to John, excuse me vice versa and Austin had already told her 1 day before the offer John made. (Terrible decission to trust her) the split second John left the 2nd austin talk, that was it she snatched John and said “duh this just came to me (lol) let’s murder austin. Big game move for u and i. Didn’t mean sht for John but solidified she was crushing hopes for a John austin backup plan. She’s maniacal for 100% sure. Like 24/7 aderol pop 3 hours in someone’s face anther med speed dr break another 2 hours noT letting anyone get a word in. Then big eyed blank stare come down durring pot ball, every day. She was a master. I’ll give you that. In every single way. But she is wicked in the not good way. Good for BB, not so much for down time, upstairs.

      • Vanessa knew Austin’s final 2 was Liz long before any of that. Austin knew it. They both acknowledged it and talked about it. And Austin’s attempt at backdooring Vanessa happened before that too.

      • Yea but he didn’t start that, what I mean is, as dumb as the comments about how the hg were all clueless to her scheeming, they knew. The hgs. They all wanted her out for 2-3 weeks in a row. In fact they all kept pushing back that eviction as a slam dunk like they all did Audrys. It’s like they all thought ok, “trouble”. Well do it. The cool part of the game game is, while thays going on, both aliances were targeting eachother, numbers weaken, scales tip, Vanessa can win a comp. There are so many scenarios.

      • Yup, I’ll say the “Scales Tipped” alright!! They “tipped” in favor of Steve’s direction….at the right time and the right place!!!

      • Vanessa was the first to turn. she was going to bd Austin early in the game-after they made their F2 deal.

      • I guess you didn’t watch the feeds. Well I’ll just mention them then. She made a final two with Julia before both twins came in the house. She had a F2 with Austin. She had a F2 with Steve. She made a F2 with JMac, she made a F2 with Liz. Is that enough for you?

      • Oh my word. that girl is off. I got blasted by her too. she’s all “team Vanessa”, but definitely didn’t see what most of us saw. great come back

  21. Essentially dealing with Steve or Jmac was fools gold for her game. She should have stuck with evicting Liz and tried to get to F3 with Austin and Julia who I think either one she could have convinced to take her to final 2. Julia because she’s an airhead and Austin because he was stupid enough probably to think he could beat Vanessa with the jury.

    But alas. She thought Steve was stupid gullible sheep and it cost her big time because there was no way we found out that Steve would let her sniff F 2..

    • Finally! One who isn’t letting thier hate for super nice austin and Sweet liz, cloud the fact that that was her true aliance. They wouldn’t go against her and Austin was rt when he said “what are you doing”? The final 3 was a lock and he could get to finals either way. Only thing is, in Vanessas defense, Austin could have beaten her in jury. I don’t want to hear any hater bs, it’s a fact. He was way more liked, 34 noms no BLOCK, deff managed a showmance and twins a 3 sided monster with added math and angles and kept them safe. So V knew that much.

      • It happens every year that when it gets down to the nitty gritty alliances have to turn on each other. For Vanessa it was a game move to send Austin out. He was going to do the same thing. Steve also. In fact, Austin and Steve turned on Vanessa before she turned on them.

      • Austin talked about turning on Vanessa several times and also actively conspired to backdoor her.
        Steve did as well. Not only did Steve conspire to get her evicted, Steve evicted her.

      • When he was hoh coming off everyone else wanting that begining mid season but after thier talk in hoh when he made her confess to her lie. Thays when they said “we had a very special moment” after that nope.

      • Yes I am no he wasn’t after that HOH discussion, but that had been set in motion 2 weeks before austin. Remember everyone posting he won’t have the balls to do it? Whole house wanted her out. In fact Austin saved her that week for good. That’s a fact.

      • Eventually, yes, he did save her. My point was that he was actively conspiring with the house. And he was. He also said after Julia picked him in the Bowlerina game that he should have gone ahead and targeted Vanessa. So it wasn’t just lip service. He was actively considering the option.

      • I like u called BS. all good. So I’ll say yes it was a trigger he was aware needed to be pulled and all wanted it but word got to him James told Meg he would put up Liztin. In my opinion James scared me more at the time. And they keepT pushing the V eviction back like the Audry evicted and it warmed her up.

      • He wanted to take Van and Liz to final 3 and then let Van and Liz go to F2! That’s what he was so angry about when Van evicted him instead of JMac! Right???

      • Nooo; he didn’t want Van and Liz to go to final 2…he wanted Van and Liz to be up against one another in round 3 of the final HOH and then let the winner of round 3 be the one to choose to take him to final 2.

      • he says, but I’m wondering if he really could of stepped back and let the girls battle it out

  22. The scumbag got what she deserved. When she lied it was game play but when anyone else did they were evil.

  23. Vanessa believed she had convinced Steve to take her to F2. That’s why she made Liz swear on everything she could think of over and over again that Steve made no deal with her, which he hadn’t and that was so cool on his part. And of course she was shocked and bitter that she got played by Steve, and I couldn’t have been happier!!

  24. Vanessa can sit there in an interview and act like she was a kind and fair player, and that butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth, and she’ll probably never acknowledge what a bullying, lying manipulator she was. However, those of us who watched the show know her true colors and, of course, it doesn’t matter now because, thank all that’s good in the universe, she didn’t win. I’ve watched every season of BB and this is the first time ever that I actually had a strange sense of relief that it was over. This year’s cast was frustrating and hard to fathom at times, and I found many episodes painful to watch. There were highlights – Austin getting voted out and showing his utter lack of sportsmanship, James showing spurts of courage and a lot of personality, JMac giving it all he had (finally!), Vanessa being evicted by Steve, Liz being a very good loser, and Steve showing strength when we really didn’t think he could manage a thought without checking with Vanessa. Overall though, I won’t miss this season at all. I will, however, miss this website – the laughs, the mini-arguments, and the wonderful posts by Matt S. and his fantastic backups. Most of all, I’ll miss the brilliant commenters on this site – some of the most humorous, intelligent, strategic, analytical Internet friends a fellow commenter could ask for. Thanks to everyone and see you next year.

    • I think she’s heard all this before…after her interview with Jeff I realized, after she said “I am human, see” 5 times I realize this is old hat for her.

    • Vanessa still won this game. She didn’t have to win the money to have won it. She played the best game and everyone who isn’t all sour grapes about it knows it.

    • What a spot on message! I loved most all of your comments this season, EnglishRose. I’m also unusually glad that this season is over. I was still obsessed with BB this season, but could not bring myself to watch the live feeds too often. I read this site and Jokers obsessively though. I’d like to see the first several house guests evicted play again. Also, I thought the finale show was the best it’s been in years! The great ending from final 3 to final 2 to the vote for the winner saved the entire season, IMO.

  25. A final farewell to Matt.B (job well done) and to each of you who made this community happen this year. Wishing each and every one of you the very best of joy as you go through Fall, Winter & Spring… For those heading over to Survivor, enjoy and please be good to each other. :)

    • Survivor is tough for me because it is so slow comparatively. But yeah Matt, well met and see you next summer! Have a great year!

      • ikr. I’m new to this chatting stuff. just started a few wks ago. I might b going through withdrawls. lol. found out about survivorfandom, and went there, but I guess it’s just a weekly thing :(
        something is better than nothing tho

      • Yea, the site is very active on wednesday. More quiet the rest of the week. No live feeds to watch (obviously) and to comment.

  26. The biggest mistake v made was being vindictive, when she got rid of Meg. If Meg had been part of that final three, her odds to make it to the final two would have been guaranteed. She blew her own game with her nastiness. Yea!

    • James was her target. James won the veto. Meg wasn’t even the intended target, she was a pawn. Vanessa wasn’t being vindictive when Meg was evicted.

    • This makes no sense. Meg hated Vanessa, and Vanessa knew that. Why do you believe it would make sense for Vanessa to put her friends on the jury and keep someone whom she knows hates her who might by some freak of chance win a challenge that could Vanessa out of the game?

      • BB is a game best played with bank shots. That way, the jury might be bitter, but they won’t be as bitter at just you.

  27. all the right questions were asked. her answers i would say did not fit what i observed and read. i chuckled at the “only emotional every 28 days”. was not satisfied w the denial of F2 w so many, claiming it was a mirage and that was ok for her, but any lying or deals other hg made was “doing her wrong”. ugh. hope she does watch the show and read lots of comments. Ha! – the hat question.

    • Most of the alliances in that house were a mirage. I don’t know how you could have missed that. You must not have been very observant. Unless you have some kind of ESP or a mind reader you can’t possibly prove that this isn’t how Vanessa perceived things. If she reads all these sour grapes it’s going to demonstrate how inaccurately people can judge others. She’ll probably let it bounce right off of her.

      In 90 days a woman will have 3 periods approximately 28 days apart, pre-menstrual syndrome starts about one week before a period and lasts approximately a week and a half. The number of times she actually broke down and cried was about 3 times. Aside from the periods, people can have personalities and temperaments that make them highly emotional, obviously Vanessa is one of them. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it is a good thing we have people like this in the world.

      • I won’t comment on a female biological clock, they’ve been getting along just fine for centuries. I will say she kept saying to Jeff, “I never had a number 2” 5x naturally. Girl, you murdered your day 2 number 2 Austin, who would not have burned you. And if she’s as perceptive as you and I think, shed know that. I agree she won’t care about the statements neg, for 2 reasons
        1. She’s heard it all before, for years. Learned that just by listening. “See Jeff I am human”3x. “I have emotions” in other words, I’m not a monster. This negative bashing is old hat to her.
        2. Because of your point. Who cares what people say, hiding behind the curtain. She put herself out there.
        One more, she bad Mel ask her to marry her last night at rap party. I say had cuz she’s got the $ and I wouldn’t b suprised if this was the plan before she went in. Think about it, she’s been hated on poker tour and she told Mel ahead, I’m going to crush people so there will b backlash of the worst kind. Marriage crushes the Gay and Lezbien community bad press and cleans her image with bad Mel press. All game moves. Lol. I do not know her, this is all my best instinct thinking but I know some things. I don’t hate V.

      • Austin’s number 2 was Liz. Steve never had a true number 2 although he could have, as John stated he was the worst alliance partner ever. No one can show me where Vanessa had a strong number 2 alliance with anyone not that she didn’t try, but they think if they just say it is so that that makes it so.

      • I think you’re right that there were no real alliances in the house, only friendships. No solid alliances in the BB sense. First year ever.

      • heeheehee. really? you actually thought a PMS explanation was needed. I had no idea how that worked. the girl broke down often, not the “about 3 times” as u suggest. maybe u weren’t very observant.

        I think u misread my comment which led to ur comments about me. Kinda sound like ur judging me-the exact thing ur complaining about in ur post. hmmmm?

        read the comment again. of course bb has lies and false alliances/promises. it is Vanessa who cried disloyalty and being done wrong by hgs, but when she did the same acts to others, it was ok for her to do bc it was game or strategy.

    • Guaranteed she will read every line of this season here on BBN so watch what you say if you don’t want to upset Vanessa!

      She may even comment. Wouldn’t that be fun?

      • ha. that’d be fun. I’ll go toe to toe w her. honestly, she was reading the Bible in BB. Heb 4:12. if she keeps that up, all our comments are nothing compared to what the Bible can do

  28. Great interview questions, her answers on the other, the game is over! Ugh! Emotional every twenty-eight days, her math is off, she was all over the place everyday, every other day at minimum. I

    • In 90 days a woman will have 3 periods approximately 28 days apart, pre-menstrual syndrome starts about one week before a period and lasts approximately a week and a half. The number of times she actually broke down and cried was about 3 times. Aside from the periods, people can have personalities and temperaments that make them highly emotional, obviously Vanessa is one of them. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it is a good thing we have people like this in the world.

      • It is because comments like this and people like you there is still gender disparities in this country.

        I’m far from a feminist but still sucks To know I make 10 to 20 k less a year compared to my male counterparts when we share the same qualifications.

        The fact people thing women in general are moody or emotional is the reason why we don’t get more opportunities and we are hold to a lower standard compare with men, it is just unacceptable, everybody cope with stress differently irrespective if you are a man or a woman!!

        So she should stop blaming her ovaries and maybe start blaming her brain and her morals instead!!

      • not to mention it is a bs justification. my PMS made me do it. her PMS must be “purposeful mean strategy” that lasted so much more than the q 28days

  29. I can’t believe all the stupid responses on here. People just copped an attitude and won’t let it go, don’t like to admit they are a poor judge of people.

    • This game cannot be judged. This game is like life, you can play it exactly how you want to play it. Some ppl will agree, and others will disagree.

      The problem, yes problem this game has…is that they tout it as a place where lying cheating and stealing is okay, and how it’s PART of the game. This makes the jury RESPECT behavior that they otherwise would never respect outside the house. They vote for ppl to win, who cut whoever’s throat to get there, but if it was outside the house, they would likely never reward such a person.

      I have found juries rarely vote with their hearts. Which is why I am done with this game. I have seen every season and it has started out well, but I think it was better when America actually chose who went home. Obviously it takes away some drama, but I think if they brought that back for a season it would be better.

      You call the show big brother and Big brother plays little to no role in what goes on. Give America 70% of the eviction power, and the other 30 to the house. Mix it up.

    • you know that old saying,” don’t point fingers bc 3 more are pointing back at you. you seem very upset that people don’t agree w you. it’s ok. we can agree to disagree. it’s all good. you like Vanessa. I did not. she she was great at game play, but in my opinion, she was also very mean and nasty, so I celebrate her loss.

  30. Wow spoken like a true bully. Never sees her own deception, manipulation and contribution- Vanessa- newsflash most of America despised u and did a large happy dance when u were evicted. That’s when the game got good.i do not respect bullies.

    • Agreed, 100%. I was saying it all season, that Vanessa didn’t deserve to win or place. It is poetic justice, in my view, that she walks out on finals night but without a prize. :) I love it! A perfect ending to this frustrating season. It could not have played out any better. And that someone like LIZ placed above her? That has to sting Vanessa, BAD.

    • And Mel’s answer to Van, when she reads the comments that are all over the place, will be “They’re all just jealous of you.”

      • lol maybe – bit if she’s a good friend she will help Van see her mania for what it is and get her some real help.

  31. Now that we have had a chance to see the “real” Vanessa outside the house we can see her game play was not game play at all. It was who Vanessa is. She talks non-stop in real life – and she argues the same way she did in the house. All the credit she got for brilliantly wearing people down with her non-stop talking was just Vanessa being Vanessa and not some great strategy she figured out with the high IQ she reminded us of every 15 minutes.

    And her lying? That too is Vanessa not game play. Vanessa is lost in her own world where she is the superior being among the many minions. Some she will deal with, some she has no use for. That’s obvious now that she is outside the house too.

  32. I love how she says she had no f2 deals besides Austin, which was moot after the showmance. I remember her saying they had a deal from early on, which was the same as with steve. Then later with Johnny Mac.

    Keep your deals vague…Right. Like when she specificially told James that she would keep him and meg safe before the 7th week or something, and put both of them up the week before the deal should have been over…she wasn’t very vague, but quite forgetful.

    Why James didn’t call her on that, I have no idea. HE was already on the block, and had nothing to lose.

    I swear sometimes idk why they ppl are even in the house. I want to seriously see 17 ppl go into the house with the will to win, like vanessa, but all having different stategies.

    It WILL NOT HAPPEN. Producers pick 2 ppl like that at most…I personally think it’s just one, everyone else are support or fodder. Of course some players end up surprising producers.

    • Thanks to Common Core, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find people with the ability to think rationally. Common Core cannot teach common sense, it seems.

  33. The constructive criticism Jason offered to Vanessa to “own it” was lost on her. That he delivered it with much exasperation seemed to indicate that he knew it would be lost on her, yet he felt compelled to acknowledge the big white elephant in the room.

    Vanessa certainly didn’t own anything in this interview. She remains embittered by all the disloyalty which she aknowledges she catalogued throughout the season, yet she cannot admit she was guilty of the very same things that she holds against others. Furthermore, she took bullying to the extreme the way she demeaned others, particularly Steve. She was emotionally abusive and is able to descend to this repulsive behaviour because she is the most disordered narcissistic personality I have ever seen since the dawn of reality television.

    Vanessa is the crown jewel in her world and thus can never admit that she was beaten. Her emotional outbursts were not dictated by menstration but by a pathological need to manipulate and control. Vanessa will always find a way to make every situation about her. In the aftermath of Austin’s blindside, she cried her crocodile tears and blabbered on about how difficult it was to do such a thing. Meanwhile, shellshocked Liz, processing intense, varied emotions and forced to be submissive to Vanessa’s contrived emotional charade, was comforting the very person, an ally, who sent her closest ally out the door. That is a move that could only be pulled off by a masterful manipulator, a skilled narcissist.

    She owned nothing in her interview. She will never own anything. She can’t own anything. She lacks the capacity to feel empathy, humility and the ability to look upon herself critically. Once the jury gets a chance to watch back the season, Vanessa will be left with no one in the house that will return her call.

  34. My GAWD it is so clear now. It wasn’t a strategy at all. She really IS a sociopathic narcissist.

    • Nobody believed me when I said she wasn’t that great a strategist, but more of a problem-solver instead! Go figger. She could never look more than a week ahead ever because her personality disorder didn’t leave any room for that, strategists can! I knew something wasn’t right with her, but just couldn’t put my finger on it. Mel still wants her, though, so bad she proposed to her at the wrap party! Yep, they’re engaged! :-)

      • To be fair, she would have won the game had she guessed two more of those questions correctly. She didn’t lose the game because of strategy, she lost because she and Steve were the final 2 in that competition, and both knew the other one was their primary competitor.

  35. Another thought, if I may? I think it all comes down to this:

    Never forget that Vanessa left her husband while knowing that he was dying.

    That one fact right there tells one all they need to know about Vanessa’s extreme psychopathic narcissism.

    I mean, who does that? Who leaves a sick, dying man that they are married to, leaves them to die alone??!

    That is just SICK!

    • She has a lot of company in the political arena, such as John McCain, Newt Gingrich, and John Edwards. Not much character among those characters.

    • Incorrect. This is a very irresponsible and reprehensible comment on your part.
      Vanessa did not leave her husband when she knew he was dying. He was in remission and was allegedly cancer free. They split amicably during the remission. Does your hatred for a reality show contestant lead you to your own paranoid delusions, because nothing you said is based in reality.

      • There is plenty of documentation all over the place. Don’t attack me for stating my opinion of it. Thanks.

      • You’re not stating an opinion. You’re being a libelous and disgusting subhuman bit of garbage.
        Show me this documentation, o noble one. You won’t be able to, because you’re lying through your teeth.

      • You don’t realize your own hypocrisy with the vitriol you are spewing at me? Thems some nasty words you be calling me. It doesn’t bother me though, you go on ahead. Enjoy yourself. :)

      • Each and every article from a reputable news source corroborates what I’m saying. I don’t have to do the work for you; do it yourself. It’s called Google. And stop being such a dick. You’re a truly horrible person.

      • TBR, If you’re so sure about all of this, how are you so sure Ms Rousso’s not going to file a civil suit? Mel? Is that you, Mel? I’ve read the same info via various online articles. And thanks for the FRIENDLY advice you gave the poster. Gosh, I’d hate to be on your bad side…

      • Because typically the last thing someone wants to do to highlight a negative rumor is to bring more attention to the negative rumor. That’s typical in many if not most libel cases.
        And yes, I am obviously Mel. Anyone with a shred of human decency must the fiance of the target of a disgusting smear campaign. There’s not other possible explanation, is there?

    • sadly, in my line of work, I often see loved ones walk away during end of life times and even when just a disability hits. it is very heartbreaking.

      • It does happen. Cancer treatment ends many a marriage, but nothing this irresponsible and disgusting individual posted is actually true.

      • could be not true. idk. my experience w this person has never made me think they r a disgusting individual. that’s not a fair statement and a little below the belt.

      • Not hitting below the belt. Responding in kind to him spreading disgusting and irresponsible misinformation. It’s borderline criminal to write what he wrote with that lie.
        To be 100% clear, I can state in no uncertain terms that what he said is not true.

      • ok. it sounded like u said they r a disgusting person. I can’t say if it was purposeful lying or by mistake or what is true-don’t really care, but back to my statement, it is heartbreaking when those things happen.

      • I’m a disgusting person for calling out someone else’s disgusting lie? Interesting logic.
        Yes, it is heartbreaking when things like that happen, which is why I was so angered when I saw a lie accusing this woman of having done so when that couldn’t have been further from the case.
        Considering you yourself admit that such a situation is heartbreaking, you don’t find anything disgusting about someone lying to slander the character of someone for having committed this heartbreaking act? Please explain.

      • it’s the lying to slander part I have trouble w. Do u know this person did that? intentionally or were they just mistaken on their facts. I don’t know this person, what’s true or not. I simply stated my experience w this person on here, would not lead me to “they are disgusting”. every life is precious. lots of disgusting actions/behaviors all around us. I never called u disgusting(kinda sounds like u thought I did). so plz don’t think that. and to answer ur question, I tend to try not to label the person as a whole, but their actions instead. we are all flawed and make terrible mistakes and all have regrets.

  36. I guess I’m always a bit surprised that people rarely see themselves as they really are. Vanessa played an excellent game but certainly not a perfect one. She played hard, she played fast and she played every single housemate but she took her eye off the prize. And, unlike Derrick in season 16, Vanessa forgot to groom her hit man (Steve) and his allegiance to her drifted because of it. Once Vanessa believed that she had Steve in her back pocket (somewhere just prior to mid-game) she stopped giving him the massaging his ego needed – sure he continued to do much of her dirty work but he was also, in his own mind, building his case for not taking her to the final 2.

    And Steve really didn’t backstab or go behind Vanessa’s back as much as she would like us to believe (and so what if he did, it isn’t like Vanessa was a straight arrow). And, as a matter of fact, Vanessa’s game was far more dishonest and duplicitous than Steve’s ever was. As Jason pointed out, had Vanessa owned her gameplay she might well have made it to the big money. Vanessa’s vote was, regardless of what she says, truly an emotional one AGAINST Steve rather than FOR Liz. Vanessa DID NOT readily accept her eviction as she stormed out the door of the BB house – she needs to at least watch the finale so she can see that she, just as much as Austin, didn’t take her eviction like a champ.

  37. Good player but she was too emotional. Had she kept her emotions in check she would’ve done better

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