Tonight On Celebrity Big Brother 2019: Power of Veto & Live Eviction

Julie Chen on Celebrity Big Brother 2019

Update: Results are in! Find out who was voted off…

Buckle up for a busy night tonight on Celebrity Big Brother 2019 as the Houseguests prepare for the third live eviction vote after we catch up on the latest Power of Veto events. It all happens tonight, live on Big Brother at 8/7c!

It’s been a bumpy few days after the Power of the Publicist hit the house and sunk Tom’s game with a self-inflicted wound driven by his paranoia. He couldn’t stop questioning HGs until it was too late and several of his allies left his side.

As for the vote, this could be very interesting. We’ve got a hinge voter in the mix and it depends on just how unhinged she lets her game go. We could end up with a tied vote and Tom will have to bring down the tiebreaker hammer if that happens. This is gonna be good!

Think you know what will happen? Share your predictions below and get ready to join us tonight for the fun back here on our site with all the results and spoilers as it happens.

This will be a one-hour episode starting at 8/7c so we’ll be back here at 8PM ET so be sure to join us then for a live chat on this post with other Big Brother fans.

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