Tonight On ‘Celebrity Big Brother’: Live Eviction & Endurance HoH Comp

Julie Chen hosts Celebrity Big Brother

Big night tonight on Celebrity Big Brother as the celeb Houseguests prepare for not just the next eviction vote but also our first Live Feed Endurance Comp of the season! It all kicks off at 8/7c on CBS and CBS All Access for the two-hour live event.

We last saw Ari send James and Shannon to the Block with the big target on Shannon but she wasn’t done and gone just yet. Instead, the Veto was up for grabs and with the challenging Black Box PoV battle ahead she still had a chance to change her game and shake off those tears. Can’t wait for tonight to find out what happened with the PoV? Check our spoilers page for the latest results.

Once the Veto events play out we’ll get to the live eviction vote and prepare for the first Feed-featured endurance competition of the season. If you’re new to how those work it’ll be just like the first week’s battle in the sense that the last player hanging in there will be crowned the winner but this time we’ll get to watch it all live as it happens. These are often really exciting competitions to watch so you won’t want to miss it. The comp will kick off at the end of the show then we’ll flip to our Feeds to see it play out.

Endurance HoH on Celebrity Big Brother Live Feeds

This will be a two-hour episode starting at 8/7c and we’ll be back here at 8PM ET so be sure to join us then for a live chat on this post with other Big Brother fans.

The game is moving fast this season so be sure to keep watching because there’s no downtime in this game of Celebrity Big Brother! Check the Big Brother schedule for all of the remaining episode.

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  1. No showmances, no uncomfortable living conditions, like cold rooms, bumpy beds, etc., no slop, seems they can sleep where ever they want to, they get booze, they tweet, they got some outside news(which is unheard of in past BB seasons), they get paid more, less people to deal with, shorter time span, they go home when evicted, yet they are on the jury….I know I’m missing some things. There are probably lots of perks we’ll never know about and many changes had to be made to make things easier for these “celebrities” to get them to agree to show up to work, and still some already have wanted to go home. It’s ridiculous. Can’t blame them for getting all they can out of it, but it would be so much more entertaining to see celebrities in the house who are willing to abide by the same rules as normal players. But it would also be nice if production let the game play out, just once let us watch a real game without them messing with the outcome. Tsk, tsk, tsk!!

    • BB missed a huuuuge opportunity here. They could’ve built the house so that it would shake as if it were in an earthquake, like that Universal Studios ride.

      As HGs start to panic, BB would tell them that those who wanted to leave could. When they exited the house they would find out it was all part of the game and they wouldn’t be able to reenter.

      • I doubt that’s one shakeup that is in their contracts. I bet Rose would be capable of producing some high-pitched screams and hilarious reactions, though.

    • yup.This is the most ‘scripted, unscripted BB ever. It doesn’t feel like I’m watching BB. TV viewers are probably loving it. For BB Purists/Feedsters, its a dud

      • Yep as always the ones playing the game gets sent home and the ones that can’t win end up staying til the end

      • That is the perfect way to say it. “It doesn’t feel like I’m watching BB.” Trump needs to walk in and say, “You’re fired”.

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