Well this should be a fun one. Big Brother 26 is back tonight for the Power of Veto events and starring the much anticipated OTEV competition… which falls completely flat because as OTEV himself announced, these HGs are “idiots.”
Six Houseguests competed for the chance to change or secure HOH Chelsie’s nominations of Angela and Kimo. Five HGs failed miserably at the task and we’ll see it all play out in tonight’s episode. Oh but the messiness doesn’t stop there.
What happens when Angela gets on the Block? She does the improbable, nah, the impossible, time after time and she’s about to do it again tonight. Whatever blackmail she carries over the Big Brother house must be some powerful stuff because much like every scary movie villain, she ain’t dead in this game just yet.
We’ll be watching for the shortest OTEV ever in tonight’s episode and really, that raises the question for me: why weren’t they all sent back to continue their search? OTEV asks for the answers and if there are more than two wrong in the round then those two race for the identified correct answer and complete out the round just as it plays like musical chairs. Maybe that’ll be a new rule moving forward to avoid an embarrassing performance like this. But for now, get ready to watch just how poorly this all went down on BB26!
Watch it all tonight on CBS at 8/7c and you can join other readers back here at 8PM ET for a live chat discussion on what happens next.