Big Brother 26: Women Dominating The Houseguest Count

Houseguest Chelsie Baham on BB26 - CBS
Houseguest Chelsie Baham on BB26 – CBS

There are just nine Houseguests left in the game on Big Brother 26 and tomorrow night that count drops to eight and when that happens the women of the season will hold a sizeable lead over the dwindling number of men remaining.

Out of the nine remaing there are just three guys left and two of them are on the Block this week thanks to Angela working her Veto magic for the THIRD time this season. And yeah, we believe that # to be a Big Brother record. So with no Arena in the mix this week after phasing out that twist that means on Friday morning there will be eight Houseguests with a 3:1 lead for the women over the mean.

Last night on the Feeds the ladies were discussing their accomplishment in eliminating so many of the men when Makensy commented that there had never been a F2 of both women. Ehh, that’s not remotely accurate.

Season 3 was the first time we saw an all-female finale with Lisa and Danielle (Danielle was robbed!), Alison and Jun in BB4, Maggie and Ivette made it to F2 in BB6 (Heck, the BB6 F3 was Janelle, Maggie, and Ivette – I still haven’t gotten over Janelle’s eviction that night), and there was Rachel and Porsche on BB13. So yeah, it’s been done, not to diminish any accomplishments if it happens on BB26, but that trail has been blazed, even if it’s been a while. Maybe it’s high time we saw that again and with these sort of odds, well there’s a good chance for it this season.

To be fair to Makensy, she was born the same year as Big Brother 3 (I feel so old), so she might not have the legacy Big Brother seasons in her mind compared to the modern years.

If things continue on this week as it looks to be going then Quinn will be out and Kimo will stay along with Cam as the last two men. Kimo and Cam both have a solid chance at winning comps, but if the women make their elimination a priority then that’s a long road requiring winning out week after week. That won’t be easy, even if it is possible.

What do you think of the possibilities here? Would the women do better to knock out Cam and Kimo next or turn their eyes to other targets that might be as loyal to them as the guys would?



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