Tonight On Big Brother 26: HOH Comp & Noms Episode

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Big Brother is back tonight at 9/8c on CBS with the latest Head of Household competition and ending with our Nominations and yes, there are again three Noms and an Arena battle this week. Not sure when the AI Arena will end and maybe that’ll be when the Jury phase arrives, but for Week 7 it’s still part of the game.

Tucker is out and back home so he isn’t coming back, but hopefully some of these other HGs step up to fill the chaos role left empty with his eviction. His allies need some wins and it won’t be as easy without him around to pad their numbers. Boy, that’s some strategy, huh? Nominate your strong ally on your own HOH. Ah well.

The week has taken off and we’ve got all your spoilers if you can’t wait to see this week play out. Find out who won HOH and the next Veto comp result. It’ll start speeding up here as we’re not on the downslope and back half of the season. Not much longer and we’ll be readying for the season finale on October 13th! “But First” we’ve still got to get through a few more weeks of Big Brother 26!

We’ll be back here in this spot for the HOH & Noms episode so join us starting at 9PM ET and we’ll see what Big Brother delivers for us.

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