Tonight On Big Brother 25: Power of Veto Events

New Big Brother episode on Tuesday
New BB25 episode on Tuesday – CBS

Keeping it simple this week as the remaining seven Big Brother 25 Houseguests have faced off for the single Power of Veto and now we’re set to see it all playout. No double Vetoes or multiplicity twists going on this round like we saw this week. Just one Power and one target.

Jag Bains beat out the competition in the Demented Dentist speed driven HOH comp which makes him the first back to back HOH in as long as I can recall (I’m sure someone can tell us if/when that’s happened before) and how he’s decided to take a second swing at Blue Kim.

Big Brother 25 Week 12 Noms & Target:

We just watched as Jag sent Blue and America to the Block with the tale that he needed a strong competitor in the Veto battle to hold back America from escaping her eviction. Little does Blue know, it’s not that simple.

Big Brother Houseguests Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane - CBS
Big Brother Houseguests Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane – CBS

So now with America knowingly playing the role of pawn we’ll watch tonight as Blue has to decide between trusting Jag and fighting for her game. She might end up wishing she had done a little more with one than the other.

Big Brother 25 Week 12 Veto Spoilers:

Can’t wait for all of these spoilers and results in tonight’s Big Brother episode? Then check out the Veto Comp and Veto Ceremony results to find out who will be our final Noms of the week. On Thursday, we’ll get the vote and live eviction at 9/8c.

Big Brother 25 Live Feeds Power of Veto Plans for Week 12
Blue Kim and America Lopez on Big Brother Feeds – CBS

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8 PM ET to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App and join us on Facebook & Twitter!

Reminder! The Big Brother schedule has changed yet again. Big Brother 25 has new episodes on Sunday (10/9c), Tuesday (8/7c), and live Thursdays (9/8c) on CBS.



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